Information, 31.7.2020 - 18.11.2021

Urgend Call for donations

Since I started my blog on July 31, 2020, I have not received a single donation. I run this blog out of idealism. Due to the compulsory vaccination announced for Austria as of February 1, 2022, I am now threatened in my existence because I will certainly not get vaccinated and thus lose my job, will not find a job and will not be entitled to unemployment benefits. Therefore, as of now, I am more dependent than ever on donations. This situation will only change for the better when enough Austrians rise up against this fascist tyranny and build a real democracy in the country.

Whoever wants to support me and the work on my blog can transfer a donation to my bank account below:

Kurt Gostentschnigg
Raiffeisenlandesbank Steiermark
IBAN: AT97 3800 0000 0772 7464

Many thanks in advance to all donors!
Your Kurti

Buy gold and silver as long as the price is low, in order to have a life insurance and save or maybe even increase your saved money. Gold and Silver are God's money.

Stock up on food and medicine for several weeks.

At any time will very probably happen the worldwide financial and economic crash with the hyperinflation, wave of company bankruptcies and mass unemployment. Then our paper money will no longer be worth anything and we will perhaps be in a state of civil war.
All this is simultaneously connected with a historical chance for the total system change. Who will win the Third or Fourth World War: the Great Reset of the satanic Deep State or the NESARA/GESARA of the patriotic White Hats Alliance?

The Art of War: "Appear strong when you are weak. Appear weak when you are strong."

Don't shoot the messenger! I bring only the message. I don't know always, if it is true or not. I have my own opinion, which changes depending on my information and interpretation of information. Do your own research. Check everything. Build your own opinion.

Daily Information:
See on Kurtis Blog under the section "Sources of Information about World Affairs"!
Intel Dinar Chronicles: Judy Byington Report, Restored Republic via a GCR here
We The People News here

Alok Pandey: The Avatar: The Divine Advent here


“GESARA-NESARA-TRUMPSARA was coming within days. Get ready for the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and QFS. ALL Banks worldwide were moving to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs) right now.”…Trump + Q Great Awakening World

“Never touch the children, or we'll come for you! You can run, but can't hide. We are everywhere!”…Trump + Q Great Awakening World

“The Future does not belong to the Globalists. The Future belongs to Patriots – We the People.” … Donald J. Trump


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/18/21 here

Petition: Planetary Liberation NOW! here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 18.11.2021:    here

Restored Republic:
Lindell and State Attorney Generals taking evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud to Supreme Court on Tues. 23 Nov; Effective Cure for Covid found; Antidote for Vaccine Toxin found; Banking, Hollywood, Media, Big Tech, Pharma, international corporations, political and global elites all implicated in Child Sex Trafficking; Global EBS Test Thurs. 18 Nov; Fauci breeding, torturing and killing 600 monkeys a year using US taxpayer dollars; Tesla Towers to power the world for free and Gates was funding the false MSM narrative.
While Mass Arrests of political and global elites continued, a Sunspot was said to likely knock out the Internet on Wed. 24 Nov – the same date as 5-11 year olds were set to begin receiving the “Death Jab” despite OSHA, under court order, suspending implementation and enforcement of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate, while on that same Wed. 24 Nov. the Alliance was said to be releasing liquidity for a Global Currency Reset – which could possibly be in conjunction with a Military takeover of Mass Media globally putting the world into Martial Law.
Whiplash347: It’s interesting that the jab doses for 5-11 year olds were being made available on their Wed. 24 Nov, Julian Calendar 11/11.

BQQQQQQQM!!! OSHA Announced it will Comply with 5th Circuit Court Order to Suspend Implementation and Enforcement of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Said by Doctors to be a “Death Jab.”

BQQQQQQQM!!! Effective Cure for Covid, Antidote for Vaccine Toxin; 
Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine Dioxide is a 100% effective cure for covid | EU | Before It's News (
Exclusive: Dr. Judy Mikovits: Antidote for Vaccine Toxin and Warns Against Dangerous Fake One (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
Dr. Pablo Campra / El Toro TV (GRAPHENE oxide in COVID-19 'Vaccines') - WorldNews (

BQQQQQQQM!!! MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) DROPPED!!! Crimes Against Children will unite humanity: Banking, Hollywood, Media, Big Tech, Pharma, international corporations, political and global elites were all implicated in the human trafficking of 5.5 million babies, children and teens a year in a $150 billion/year industry that included torture, rape, child sacrifice and harvesting human organs and blood through Satanic worship in a quest for youth, money and power. General Flynn & Lin Wood Drop [MOAB] The Mother Of All Bombs! Q: Crimes Against Children Will Unite Humanity! | Alternative | Before It's News (

Other Headlines of the Day:
Sickening Evidence In Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Shows She ‘Set Up VIP Elites’ With Kids To Rape. According to the court filing, emails show Maxwell made arrangements to set up powerful elites, including politicians and world leaders, with underage sex trafficking victims “they would like” to rape. Prosecutors have urged the judge to allow the identification of the elite pedophiles to be revealed during the trial.
The Alliance’s mandate to Save the Children might be coming to fruition. On Wed. 24 Nov. 5-11year olds were set to begin receiving the “Death Jab,” as some doctors have defined it, while on that same date the Alliance was said to be releasing liquidity for Global Currency Reset – which could possibly be in conjunction with a Military takeover of Mass Media globally putting us into Martial Law. 
Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna were discovered to be making combined profits of $65,000 every minute, while OSHA has suspended implementation of Biden’s vaccine mandate after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction. Any employer who enforced the vaccine mandate would be doing it outside of the law and risked being sued.
On Thurs. 18 Nov. there was scheduled a worldwide test of the Emergency Broadcast System – the same day as the Cabal’s Central Banks were set to fail – with official default by Wed. 15 Dec. 
Coronal Hole 20 will be rotating into an Earth-facing position in about two days. We might be able to anticipate that a coronal hole high speed stream (CHHSS) from CH20 may also bring some KP4 activity about 3 days after facing Earth (Nov 21 +/-72 hours = Wed. 24 Nov.) In other words, expect disruption of the Internet around Wed. 24 Nov.
This next Tues. 23 Nov. Mike Lindell and different US State’s Attorney Generals were taking 2020 Voting Fraud evidence to the Supreme Court, evidence that was expected to overthrow the 2020 Election. Meanwhile there has been US and international Military troop movement across the globe.
"Hell No!" US Trucking Association CEO Warns of Supply Chain CATASTROPHE - if vaccine mandates pushed. “37% of our drivers not only said ’no,’ but “hell no,” to Biden’s vaccine mandate Chris Spear said. He went on to suggest that if 3.7%, hypothetically, not 37% were affected by the mandates and left the workforce, the trucking industry would be short 250,000 truck drivers amid the supply chain crisis.
Dr. Anthony Fauci and the NIH were discovered to be using an island off the coast of South Carolina to breed monkeys for use in horrific “maximum pain” animal experimentation. Around 600 monkeys a year are being tortured and killed in the taxpayer funded and possibly illegal experiments.
New Durham Indictments! Obama, Biden, Hillary, Brennan & Schiff! Breaking Intel! Justice Is Coming! - Must Video | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (
Gates Foundation was found to grant millions to Newsrooms globally, while MSM “fact checks” Bill Gates Vaccine Comments.

Mass Arrests:
Klaus Schwab Arrested | Operation Disclosure Official
Klaus Schwab arrested at his home in Switzerland by Switzerland police Klaus Schwab arrested at his home in Switzerland as #GreatReset trends – Conservative Beaver
Who Is Klaus Schwab | Why WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Arrested | Reason
Military Arrests Former President George W. Bush
Military Arrests Former President George W. Bush – Michael Baxter
RealRawNews11-15-21 & Tom Youngjohn

Whiplash347: Tesla Towers can power the whole world for free:
What was Tesla's Plans? Free Energy for all and 6000 cures to be released.
Who stopped him? Big Pharma. 
Who had Teslas Secrets? John G Trump.
Who did he pass them too? Donald J Trump.
Ooo Big Pharma were Child Traffickers, 3GD, Wuhan Labs - Kaboooom.
Pharmacies or 6000 cures? Your choice.

Whiplash347: Castle Rock:
All Govts removed by military.
So many of them are gone or body doubles/CGI etc now 
We then have Blockchain Gesara Elections to put in a group of people 10% the size of what they are now.
No more 2 Party Politics.
It is evil. Just divides everyone.
No more Democrat, no more Republican.
No more Liberal/Labour.
No more MSM or Newspapers like you know em. 
Will be like 1 main news station/newspaper per country.
For all that lose jobs due to Cabal companies, there will be millions of new technologies released at once.
See Brad Parscale interview talking about Suppressed Technologies.

Whiplash347: Show / Movie for the public:
Many are playing Awakening Roles for Q. In Feb/March 2019 Royal Powers were Stripped. In November 2019 - Royal Assets were seized by U.S.  - This includes Commonwealth etc. POTUS is controlling it all.

Whiplash347: Take note of all the bombings & fires recently:
What is really being hit? Vaccine & Medical Labs, Oil & Gas etc..
All stuff that is going to be the past. No need for medical drugs when being given 6000 cures/med beds/Suppressed Technologies & the like.

Whiplash347: 7 New Kingdoms:
Russia announces it will deploy additional troops belonging to the Airborne Regiment in occupied Crimea. Russia is taking back all Soviet states. Turkey becomes Turan which are states like Uzbekistan, Kazak, Turkmenistan etc. Australia & Pacific Islands go to the USA. I do know UK, Netherlands, Germany & France will no longer have control due to the Rothschild, Bilderberg, 13 family history etc. Crown is dissolving. 7 new Kingdoms coming.


Patriot Underground Episode 125 here
Rittenhouse Shooting a False Flag?
Bannon Is The Bull, Now They Get the Horns
Ghislane Maxwell's Terramar Project
Jab Insanity Analysis

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/17/21 here


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/16/21 here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 16.11.2021:    here

WhipLash347 on Nov 5, 2021:
You must understand that there is a Military Operation liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years. 
Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom.
Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage.
Understand that this operation is all about cleaning up an evil matrix of corruption, human trafficking and toxic mind body pollution that has hijacked our planet.
The scenarios that play out and come together will collapse that matrix that has been imploding for years.
It will all come crushing down:
The financial market system
The political law enforcement system
The main social media system
The pharmaceutical drug system
The world as you know it will come to an end. It is only like this that we can start the new when we flip the switch:
From Swift > QFS
From Maritime > Military > Natural law
From MSM / Mossad > Project Odin
From Toxic Drugs > Medbeds
From federal energy > Tesla
From € backed by nul > XRP fam backed by ISO metals
Understand the connection of all scenarios playing out in front of your eyes:
– Election Fraud audits
– Crypto Sec Fraud & regulation
– Suez Canal obstruction of Silk Road
– Europe Defender 2021 Russia Ukraine
– Myanmar Military take over
– Iran deal & Biden
Etc…It’s all connected.
Q – The Plan to Save the World…and just think, you helped.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 16.11.2021:    here

All of Earth needs to be Switched Off, Programs Removed, Books Burnt History Re-written, Re-wired then Rebooted. SHUTDOWN = SHUTDOWN. U.S Space Force Guardians Of The Galaxy. This is the Part 2 of the 1700's Renaissance. They burnt all the books in the streets then too. We have all been under Project Mockingbird & Paperclip our whole lives. Everything is wrong. The Music Is About To Stop.

Top Real News Stories for Mon. 15 Nov. 2021:
Explosive Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are: “The Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity” (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
Evidence of Children Being Mass Murdered by COVID Jab Can End Emergency Mandate:
Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccine technology), “Pfizer is a corrupt criminal enterprise and their product has killed tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. We live in an authoritarian pharmaceutical war game developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins University and the CIA. They are implementing it in a single impulse, moving, in their opinion towards the inevitable completion of what they believe is a necessary process for compulsory vaccination."
Dr Vladimir Zelenko, “A lethal vaccine is being pushed on the public - this is the worst crime in the history of humanity. Protect your children.”
19 times MORE CASES of Myocarditis in children since the ‘vaccine’ rollout. And the peer reviewed study suddenly vanished???

Covid and Vaxx Hoax:
Doctor exposes the truth: Marburg, Ebola, Aids – all Hidden Inside The Vaxx!

Welcome to the Revolution in Melbourne Rally. Patriotism is the way to fight back against tyranny. Never stop fighting. Never throw away your freedoms and your liberty. The people of Melbourne are on the right side of history, fighting against the authoritarian policies of communist dictator Dan Andrews and his Labor Party. Protest against draconian Covid-19 measures in Melbourne, Australia.

Austrians are protesting the lockdown of unvaccinated citizens. Wake up calls continue to echo across the world.

Caribbean Island of Martinique:
General strike on the French Caribbean Island of Martinique against covid passports, mandates and restrictions. The local residents decided to start a huge blockade of the infrastructure on the island. Schools closed. Port blocked and closed. Key roads blocked.



We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/15/21 here

Benjamin Fulford Report: Khazarian mafia hide in bunkers as war is declared here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 15.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
They say that in order for Disclosure and the Global Currency Reset to happen the Military would take over the Internet and Mass Media by activating the Quantum Internet.

Fantastic News

Every Structure We Use as a Society Will Move to Quantum:
Quantum Internet = Transparent and Unhackable
Quantum Voting = No More Voter Fraud
Quantum Financial System = No More Financial Fraud 
Quantum Educational System = No More Mind Controlled Education

On 11 Nov. there was documented worldwide US and international Military (air, sea, ground) extraordinary movement across the globe. See 36:40:

Recently so-called “experts” have put out that a massive Solar Storm could soon cause Global Internet Outages (planted misinformation?). After all, Congress has already passed H.R.6227 – the National Quantum Initiative Act, an "unhackable" national quantum internet: and made a deal with the UK on the new global Internet.



We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/14/21 here


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 14.11.2021:    here

Fourteen Kids Dead After the Jab:

Moderna Therapeutics has officially begun testing its experimental COVID-19 vaccine on the youngest children in America:
At the end of October, the Moderna clinical trials, dubbed KidCOVE, began phase III, during which the controversial mRNA vaccine technology is being tested on children aged 6 months to 5 years. The experiment will be conducted at 79 locations in 13 states and about 13,250 children will take part in it. Phases I and II of the trial, which involved children aged 12-17 and 5-11, respectively, were completed within the last few months. Now researchers are turning to toddlers and infants to conduct their experiments. It is important to note that the mortality rate from Covid-19 for children of any age is virtually zero. "The main goal of the KidCOVE study is to test the safety and efficacy of the vaccine under study, called mRNA-1273, which can protect children aged 6 months to 12 years from the disease if they come into contact with SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19," the official press release says. A lot of people are still convinced that Covid is extremely deadly because they completely bought into the propaganda of fake news. In addition, parents are offered some cash, so it's not surprising that so many adults are willing to make guinea pigs out of their children.

Durham connects everything Snow White:
Trump and Military Intelligence gave Durham all the classified files – HRC – Obama – Vatican – Five Eyes – etc. The Bannon fiasco is just the confusion the Deep State are in and trying all they can to figure out what the Military Intelligence Battalion and 45 are up to.
Snow White goes deep into CIA Honey Pots (Using women to intrap elites since the days of funding Hugh Hefner, Walt Disney. Controlling Hollywood and stretching back to JFK-Monroe, MK Ultra/human trafficking, Snow White Britney Spears.

The introduction of experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccines into plants:
Researchers from the University of California have received a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a technology that allows the introduction of experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccines into spinach, lettuce and other edible plants. A team of nanobiotechnology experts is currently working on the successful delivery of BioNTech's DNA-containing mRNA technology to chloroplasts - the part of plants that instructs the DNA of their cells to reproduce the vaccine material. The researchers are tasked with showing that genetically modified plants can produce enough mRNA to replace Covid injections, and inject the right dose into plants needed for consumption in order to replace vaccines. "Experimental mRNA vaccines will be edible," said Juan Pablo Giraldo, associate professor of botany and plants at UCR, who is leading the study. "Ideally, one plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate one person," Giraldo noted. "We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and setting long-term goals for people to grow it in their own gardens, and farmers can occupy entire fields with such plants." Millions of people who refused an experimental mRNA vaccine may soon be forced to use gene therapy with food, without knowing it.

The Death of Hollywood:
Hollywood is dying a slow death. The adrenochrome drip has stopped & so has the production budgets. CCP & fake fiat Fed money are cut off too. The only ones cutting checks are the tech streamers (Apple, Amazon, Netflix & a few of the major studios). The rest are working with crumbs. 
Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. Lots of the celebs are compromised. I don’t know if everyone in the list below are compromised, but I do know LOTS of them are. This is a BIG list. 
You are witnessing the death of the Pedo Elites and their twisted lifestyles. The false idols of the world are falling. It’s finally happening.
Celebrity homes for sale:
Ellen Degeneres, Johnny Depp, Mathew Perry, Eli Manning, Kat Von D, Shia Lebeouf, The Hemsworth brothers, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Brittany Snow, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Cindy Crawford and Rand Gerber, Gene Simmons, Bella Thorne, Tom Cruise, George Strait, Emily Blunt, Alonzo Mourning, Jemima Kirke, Kevin Jonas, Chelsea Handler, John McEnroe, Tommy Lee, Jason Derulo, Alicia Keys, Frankie Muniz, Keith Richards, Lil Wayne, Peter Thiel, Pharrell Williams, Loris Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, Rosie O’Donnell, Kellie Clarkson, Cheryl Tieg, Joe Pesci, Suzanne Somers, Adam Lambert, Meghan Markle, Sean Diddy Combs, Billy Joel, Gary Levinsohn, Dr Phil, Barry Manilow, Mel Gibson, Diane Keaton, 50 Cent, Heidi Klum, Ryan Seacrest, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jennifer Aniston, Katharine Hepburn, Christie Brinkley, Nicholas Cage, Ricky Martin, Angelica Huston, Charlie Sheen, Burt Reynolds, Emilia Clarke, J.Lo & Alex Rodriguez, Simon Cowell, Kris Jenner, Jeffree Star, Gordon Ramsay, Jason Aldean, Pamela Anderson, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimmy Fallon, Dave Ramsey, Jon Bon Jovi, LeBron James, Matt Damon, J.J. Abrams, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ellen Degeneres, Sylvester Stallone, David Bowie, Clay Mathews, Michelle Pfiefer, David E Kelley, Shonda Rhimes, Rihanna, Pete Townshend, Britney Spears, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Robert Redford, Steve McQueen, Shaquille ONeil, Glen Frey, Sammy Hagar, Stockard Channing, Michael Chiklis, Tom Petty, Serena Williams, Bill Russell, Kathryn Bigelow, Don Rickles, Bruce Kovner, Adam Neumann, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barb Ellison, Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz, Kate Beckinsale, Robert Herjavic, Josh and Heather Altman , Soleil Moon Frye, Jim Harbaugh, Anthony Kiedis, Fredrik Eklund, Meghan Trainor, Gideon Yu, Hellen Miren, Taylor Hackford, Bette Midler, Todd Phillips, Mitt Romney, Dianne Feinstein, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, A-Rod, Bobby Patton-LA dodgers co owner, Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union, Michael Amini, B-52 Kate Pierson, Bill Guthy, Victoria Jackson, Will Arnett, Zac Efron, Wayne Gretzky, Katy Perry, Derek Jeter, Mike Piazza, Shane Smith, Bryon Cranston, DJ Khaled, Leonard Ross, Ted Sarandos- Netflix co Ceo, Dustin Johnson, John Fogerty, Melissa Rivers, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Lena Dunham, Lyndsey Vonn, PK Subban, Robyne Moore
Cara and Poppy Delevingne, Big Sean, Steph Curry, Chris Bosh, Phil Collins, Liam Payne, Bryan Singer, Tom Ford, Robby Naish, Tom Brady & Giselle Bundchen, Anthony Davis, Emilia Clarke, Clare Bronfmsn-Seagrams heiress with ties to Nxivm, Jane Fonda, Carmen Electra, Morgan Moses, Bobby Cox, Danny Masterson, Evander Kane, Kate Winslet, Mark Teixeira, Jonah Hill, Judd Hirsch, Carlos Santana, Kennet Chesney, Brooke Shields.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/13/21 here

China Forcing Citizens into Quarantine Camps - Killing Their Pets (videos) here and here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
When will the Global Currency Reset occur? Likely right after release of the Emergency Broadcast System, takeover by the Military of the Mass Media and announcement of Martial Law across the globe. When would that be? No one knows as it was dependent upon certain global Events happening. 

Bitcoin has direct ties to Human Trafficking:
Follow the Bitcoin to Find Victims of Human Trafficking. New Machine Learning Algorithms Will Trace Authors of Exploitative Advertising. A team of university researchers has devised the first automated techniques to identify ads potentially tied to human trafficking rings and link them to public information from Bitcoin — the primary payment method for online sex ads.

Global Population Reduction!
China Confirms There Is No Virus...How Do You Have A Test And A Vaccine If There Is No Virus? We're Facing An Extinction Event But Humanity Can Still Be Saved! Squalene - Global Population Reduction! This Is A Bio-Weapon They Are Shooting Into You! | Christian News | Before It's News (

Trump's Attorney Lin Wood on Q, Anons and Conspiracy Theorists:
"I know that this is the actual truth - Q exists. I know there are drops posted by Q. I know that, among other things, Q openly opposes pedophilia, child trafficking and satanic rituals involving children. I certainly agree with these positions published by Q. They affect our humanity. I want ALL those who have committed crimes against humanity to be identified and brought to justice quickly. I do not know who Q is. And you? 
“I know that Anons exist. I understand that Anons are people who, especially on the Internet and in digital format, research the information contained in drops (drops, messages) of Q. Many of them legitimately express their conclusions from their research. Sounds legit to me. Do you agree?
“Let's face it. The term "conspiracy theorist" was a propaganda phrase created by the CIA (an integral part of the Deep State) in the 1950s to denigrate people who conducted research and analysis of known facts, and then legitimately expressed their conclusions. Their conclusions may be correct, they may be wrong. To me, this sounds like an active exchange of ideas, permitted and encouraged by the First Amendment. And for you?
“The CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theorist" to falsely slander people and humiliate the TRUTH that many people revealed to the public. I hope this will help you better understand why the CIA and Deep State propagandists coined the phrase "QAnon conspiracy theorists". Don't give in to the enemy game. Reject enemy propaganda. Our enemy is a liar and a deceiver. 
“Keep doing research. Keep connecting the dots. Draw your own conclusions and use your right to express these conclusions in accordance. Keep fighting."

Part One “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening
"Those who do not fully know the situation felt it or know that there was an evil part of humanity that kept us in the dark. They have been using all possible means for centuries, it really has been for thousands of years. This enemy, a secret Satanic society called the Illuminati, has existed since the 17th century. And before that, it was the Roman Empire, an extension of which today is the Catholic Church. Today, many call it the Deep State or Cabal because they have bribed, threatened, killed or usurped people, churches and governments in order to maintain control over everyone on the planet. Of course, all people understand that this was done for the sake of power, money and control over everyone and everything on the planet.
In many published articles about the unbalanced financial statistics of the world, public articles say that the 1% controls 60% of the world's wealth. I have to enlighten everyone that 0.1% of the super-rich control 99.9% of wealth, and most of it is hidden in tunnels and deep underground military bases (DUMB) underground, about three, five and ten kilometers under our feet around the world. These places hidden from the world were used to hide their main "crimes against humanity" from the public eye, so that they could do their evil, almost without seeing it. This was done in order to keep the ordinary population in ignorance and ignorance.
Please understand that this "Greatest War in History" is a war completely different from the storming of the country's lands and its return. This is a war of information and penetration. This war is kept secret from the general population. They used behind-the-scenes deals, money, blackmail, threats and murders to support the evil will. But good people all over the world took a firm stand, and God's Will to free this planet from all evil was planned for millions of years. Darkness will turn into Light, as God's Will will forever stand for humanity. For one of the greatest laws of God is to have freedom of choice. For most of humanity, we were told lies from all sources to keep us in slavery, and even made us think that we have freedom in many countries, but we didn't have it, even in America. For even our great Constitution was usurped in 1871 and turned into a corporation owned by the Vatican, like all countries on the planet.
Two great documents have become truly precious: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Of course, God or the Creator - the First Creator sent his son, Jesus or Yeshua (real name), to PREVENT the Earth from becoming too dark or evil and to help save it before the time of the "Great Awakening". This time is now and in the near future. The beginning of the "Great Transition in the history of mankind".
Understand, the real story is that the Roman Empire was transformed into the Catholic Church because the leaders of the fading Roman Empire needed a way to maintain control and used the Council of Nicaea, the real Son of God, to use the name of Jesus and the history of the dark side to maintain control of the planet. 
Understand that people who do NOT have consciousness and still have a two-dimensional mind cannot think independently and need guidance. 
The conscious mind thinks for itself, explores, guides itself.
The decisions taken at the Council of Nicaea in 321 AD were supposed to allow "to betray Jesus and begin to worship him." They decided which chapters or books should be allowed in the Bible and which should not. This led to a totalitarian Catholic Church that decided most things in Europe at that time; who was good and evil, who was supposed to be king or queen, until by the 1500s many groups separated as Protestant churches, as did many governments."

Part Two: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening
"The Catholic Church really ruled during the "Dark Ages" and committed many "crimes against humanity," including leading a 199-year war with crusades for its truth about who is right — Muslims or Catholics, about how they should worship the same God. It's the same in our time: shame on the pedophile priest who still commits the same crimes, and most of them are not prosecuted. Many priests had children born to nuns who were killed at birth, and there are many graves around some churches. This is part of the unholy true agenda of the Catholic Churches. In the highest layers of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, they worshipped Satan. The Romans learned about this from a small group they conquered many years ago. It was in order to get power and money. They really worship Satan. Plain and simple, if you do your own investigation.
Let's go back in time to the American Revolution. The war was won by farmers against the English Crown in 1776. Then the great Founding Fathers of America created two of the greatest documents for government in history, and everyone knows what they are. But the Crown of England was not going to release a large monetary income or land without further hostilities, hence the "war of 1812", when they burned the White House and one of the greatest documents in history. People should "wake up" from the fact that the European elite and the monarchy were NOT going to let America go, the next step was penetration. Therefore, in 1871, President Grant transfers power to the Illuminati and the Republic of the United States becomes a Corporation owned by the Vatican and governed by the Queen of England. See what B.A.R. is. It means "British Accreditation Register". He should tell you all about the "Maritime Law" in the American judicial system, independent of the Crown of England.
Next comes the "Federal Reserve System", which belongs to the Rothschilds and is not part of the American government at all. The federal government was bribed and usurped in 1913 to gain control of America's money by the Illuminati. 
The Titanic was sunk to destroy the opposition to the Fed. Consequently, the Rothschilds and the Illuminati controlled the printing of the US currency, as well as how it was created and used.
All wars, including the Civil War, were created by the Illuminati. It is said that one member of the Illuminati predicted three world wars. Albert Pike showed in 1871 that a world led by the Illuminati would have three world wars in the future. We really had two. They made a big profit because their banking system supplied money to both sides. They got the desired results: they created great grief and harm in order to maintain control over the world's population. We can call the tragedy of 9/11 a false flag created by both Presidents Bush, the CIA, the Mossad of Israel and the owners of the twin towers themselves. More than six trillion dollars have been spent on fake terrorists who were hired to carry out tasks by the CIA and the Illuminati to go around the world and find a few people with bombs or weapons that could harm a few people. This war was to go on forever; that was their plan. So, the Third World War that Albert Pike was talking about was supposed to be a fake alien invasion with real anti-gravity ships with robotic Gray aliens inside the ships, and Special Forces were really operating on the ships that controlled the ships. The powerful Alliance has completely stopped this plan."

Part Three: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening
"Now we will talk about things that are difficult for many people to perceive - human trafficking, pedophilia and the production of Adrenochrome, as well as where it all came from. There was a great evil on this planet; the sacrifice of children by the Catholic Church and Satanic cults, as well as the murder of children for the sake of a chemical that prolongs their life, called Adrenochrome. Do you still think that these are stories from the Internet, born from scratch? In that case, you are wrong. It is here that they get the maximum profit, and the sale of drugs on planet Earth and beyond is an Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is produced from the blood of a child, and the younger the child, the better. To get Adrenochrome, children are electrocuted to increase the quality of adrenaline, and then they kill toddlers to extract blood with more stem cells. Blood with a high content of adrenaline and human stem cells will preserve the youth of the blood drinker.
What is Adrenochrome? From a scientific point of view, it is a chemical substance that is produced in the human body during the oxidation of adrenaline. How is the chemical extracted? The potential victim is terrorized, thereby increasing the amount of adrenaline flowing through his body. Then she is killed, and the Adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe at the base of the back of the neck and spine. After collection, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices. Bring it to your consciousness; these are hidden REAL events on this planet. This is pure evil. They really existed out of sight on the planet all this time. The powerful Alliance stopped all this by September 2021.
The rescue of children from Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) over the past five years, which were used to make Adrenochrome, child sacrifice to the satanic cult of the Illuminati and for sex, was led by Special Forces of the Alliance. Pedophilia is the norm for many criminals of the Deep State - Hollywood celebrities, politicians around the world and even many royal families. Epstein's Island is proof of this, although there are still many places and islands where this happened.
Let's go back to the chronology of history, in the 1960s, President Kennedy was assassinated trying to dissolve the Federal Reserve System, and the Deep State killed him for it. Control over money and the media is their main weapon. There are thick notebooks: the Alliance has an exact scenario for the destruction of the Cabal. But it has been in full swing since the fake 9/11 terrorist attack. During this time, a Plan was developed. The alliance dates back to Howard Hughes and Nikola Tesla in the 1920s. The Q Team was formed by John F. Kennedy in the 1960s, and after his assassination, 200 US generals and admirals joined the Alliance and began implementing a Plan to destroy the Cabal of the Deep State. It has been in development for six decades, and the current Plan was created and modified with the help of the military and using quantum computers for future timeline scenarios. 
The QAnon group of 200 loyal generals was concerned that Americans would be swept up in socialism.
After September 11, Group Q is plotting to win, no matter what the Deep State does to counter it. Understand, with Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s, created by the CIA, the Deep State controlled 90% of the mainstream media and major Internet companies. Know that they have been slowly destroying the image, reputation, and heart of conservative Republicans in the fake news media. 
The Mafia media of the Deep State did the same with the QAnon group, which followed the drops (messages) of "Q" published on 4 Chan or 8 Chan from October 2017 to December 2020. People need to understand that this was a way to circumvent fake news, and to convey truthful information to the military and the public. President Trump was the first to announce "FAKE NEWS" to the public, which is just one of his main achievements."

Part Four: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening 
"Trump's election in 2016 was a big victory for the good side. Trump's loyalty to the real people of the United States has dealt a serious blow to the Deep State. Hillary should have won. When the Dominion computer was launched, the Deep State believed that if 20% of the vote switched to Hillary, she would win the election. They just didn't understand how to wake up the American people to the same old shit that Hillary was offering. I've never seen so much dirt in an election, and Hillary paid for it, the American people were finally able to see through it.
Military action was necessary to cut off the snake's head as soon as possible, which happened even before Trump's inauguration, when 13 selected Illuminati families were destroyed. 
Let me tell you about the first major measures taken by the Alliance, and these were multiple raids conducted simultaneously on December 24, 2016. Understand, President Trump was first elected on November 8, 2016. Trump met with military generals and admirals on November 9, 2016 to discuss the liquidation of the thirteen largest families of the world's most powerful mafia called the Illuminati. Know that President Trump was chosen by our great military, and Admiral Rogers met with him in 2014 to convince him to run. Since Admiral Rogers was the head of the NSA (National Security Agency), he knew that Trump was clean and without corruption. 
Let's go back to the first raid, which determined the direction of the planet - to Light (Good) or darkness (evil). All members of these families lived in Venice, Italy. Why it was the perfect time to destroy the best families? It was the last day of the three-day Satanic festival, and the Alliance knew that they would all be at home. The military knew that the culmination of the ritual was the sacrifice of a child; then the criminals were vulnerable. 
The Alliance has assembled the best Special Operations teams, Delta Forces and Navy Seals. 
All the leading criminal clans were to be liquidated that night, and no operation could fail. The fate of the whole world depended on these operations that night. All operations were successful in a miraculous way. Many thanks to the military who participated in this wonderful operation. I hope that they will be honored and the world will eventually see a film about this most important part of human history.
You should also learn about the evil underground shelters for Illuminati operations. Worldwide, there are more than 3,500 Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) with 10,000 miles of Mag-LEV trains in tunnels built by the Illuminati connecting most of the major DUMBs for the trafficking of children, people, drugs and the production of Adrenochrome. The mighty Alliance has been destroying tunnels and DUMBs really since the 1980s, but the real push has been given since President Trump first took office. 
Gene Decode (blogger-decoder of encoded intelligence — approx.trans.) for many years informed all of us about the progress of the destruction of tunnels and DUMBs around the world, by the nature of earthquakes that occurred at a depth of about 3, 5 and 10 kilometers around the world. His "transcripts" were perfect to keep up with the secret war with the Illuminati. What is the proof? 
Well, an ordinary earthquake has P&S waves in the signal; a tactical nuclear bomb used to blow up tunnels wouldn't do that. The bomb blast has only one wave, so you can notice the difference. When they are exactly at these depths, it is clearly not a fake. In addition, we would get earthquakes at negative depth, which means that the explosions occurred in the Earth's atmosphere, these were disguised anti-gravity Illuminati ships that were destroyed by Alliance weapons as soon as they tried to escape. Recently, geysers with salt water started working in the center of Greece, because there used to be a Mag-Lev railway tunnel destroyed by the Alliance forces."

Part Five: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening
"At some point, during the dismantling of tunnels and DUMBs, the Alliance lost about 200 commandos in an underground tunnel near Iceland. They thought that the agents of the Deep State were going to surrender, but as soon as the Alliance forces got there, they detonated bombs and everyone who was there, including themselves. We need to pay tribute to their great sacrifice.
The real reason for the Notre Dame fire was to stop the child sacrifices that were supposed to happen over the Easter weekend. The Alliance warned the people inside to take valuables out of it, and five days before Easter Sunday, the Alliance hit it with DEW (Directed Energy Weapons - Laser Weapons) from a space satellite or a USAF TR3B anti-gravity ship. This happened on April 15, 2019 and was a major victory in the secret war with the Illuminati. It was a warning to the Vatican to stop all child sacrifices. Later I found out that about 600 children were planned to be sacrificed that weekend to try to resurrect Lucifer himself in the body. Don't you think this could happen in reality? Ask yourself again and explore the question."

Part Six: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening
"Biden didn't win the election in 2020, it was a major fraud that Trump and the Alliance allowed to happen, not only to arrest people who had been doing this for decades, but also to never let it happen again. This should be revealed to the American people and the world, because it has been going on for hundreds of years in every country. 
President Trump actually won with 80.4% of the real votes, also tracked by QVS (Quantum Voting System). This will soon become known in the near future, and President Trump will take office again, and in a solemn atmosphere. As soon as the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) is activated.
We know that Biden has indeed just sworn in the old American corporations that Ulysses S. Grant allowed the Illuminati to create in 1871. 
The original Constitution was changed by these traitors. Currently, the fake corporation has gone bankrupt and ceased to exist, many patriots do not know this. 
The fake Biden is president of absolutely nothing but 10 square miles of the District of Columbia, which is not really part of America. 
About 80% of members of Congress were arrested and charged, as were all members of the Supreme Court. The military determined that the two organizations (Congress and the Supreme Court) that allowed Biden to take office without due process of law were "hijacked organizations."
The Deep State threatens tactical nuclear weapons in the form of 6 suitcases if Biden is not allowed to take office. The Alliance did not allow Biden to have a Nuclear Football (a suitcase for controlling nuclear weapons) and any access to the Pentagon or the intelligence data of the NSA (National Security Agency) or the Department of Defense."

Part Seven: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening
"In early September 2021, Gene Decode reports that the Alliance controls the Cabal's tactical nuclear weapons. On September 21, the Ministry of Defense reports that it "discovered and neutralized 11 nuclear warheads of the Cabal, which they used as leverage to prevent their arrests." 
It's over for the rats of the Deep State, do justice and arrest them, let the special forces descend on these bastards! 
Understand, in our Constitution there is a way to make sure that the change of the so-called newly elected president is legal and lawful, the military had to seize power in the country, and by March 6, 2021, it was established that there was massive voter fraud, and the Ministry of Defense reinstated President Trump as commander-in-chief on March 11, 2021.
The Illuminati are behind the American seizure of power, and the CCP is infiltrating our government and seizing power. This has been in their plans for decades, because the US military is "aware" that the Illuminati are financing both sides of the war in order to benefit and cause enormous suffering to the population. The US military is no longer playing these games.
In the period from January to February 2021, the CPC allegedly had troops on the Canadian and Mexican border that were supposed to move to America after Biden took office, numbering from 250,000 to 300,000 troops. The CCP bought real estate in Oklahoma to deploy troops there. The Alliance fulfilled its threat to the Deep State to "destroy them" when the CCP troops passed through underground tunnels into New York State, and as we think to Pennsylvania, from the intelligence received. The first 25,000 Chinese soldiers were destroyed in an underground DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) by an F-16 bomber that dropped a bomb to destroy bunkers.
The F-16 was hit by counterstrikes and after release flew over Michigan, where the pilot ejected to safety somewhere in upper Michigan. 
DUMB, which housed 50,000 soldiers, was a deeper tunnel, and the Alliance military used "God Rods" launched from a satellite, representing "shells in the form of tungsten steel telephone poles" that can penetrate to a depth of up to ten kilometers without using any explosive devices, the impact is enough to destroy at great depth. 
According to sources, the Alliance forces took care of the Chinese troops on the border of Mexico and Canada many months ago. 
The destruction of these underground DUMBs has been confirmed by several military sources."

Part Eight: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening
"The exact time of the battle of the Taiwanese and American troops with the CPC in mainland China is not known, but according to information received from a source from the government of Taiwan, it was in early February 2021. 
We know that an American carrier group was operating in the South China Sea, and an air-to-air battle really took place, and on that day the Red Air Forces of China suffered many losses. We know that three US Navy carrier groups (about 100 ships) were off the Western Pacific Coast and two US Navy carrier groups off the eastern Atlantic coast at some point in time to protect our borders.
The Alliance forces had clearly destroyed tunnels and DUMBs under mainland China months before; the information is taken from reports and updates on so-called earthquakes that occurred at a depth of ten kilometers, and Gene Decode knows that the destruction of underground evil shelters took place during decades of major criminal activity by Deep State operatives. The leader of the Alliance of Canada (Romana Didulo — approx.trans.) confirmed that the CPC is kaput, as she says. That was two months ago. She also stated on 09/22/2021 that if you report that there are Chinese troops in Canada now, you will be arrested so that you go there, which she calls a spa. (SPA = Military Firing Squad/Hanging)".

Part Nine: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening
"The container ship Evergiven, stuck in the Suez Canal in March 2021, was a major victory for the Alliance. 
The powerful Alliance stopped many things on the way to their destination, including: weapons of mass destruction (nuclear and biological weapons), adrenochrome, aborted fetal tissue of infants for use in vaccines, and live babies in ship containers. All containers were searched on the ship by Alliance Special Forces. The Evergreen ship stuck in the Suez Canal is stuck there to uncover many things, including child trafficking. More than 1,245 children were rescued in containers on this ship. About 1,200 children were also found dead in the containers. This is the Illuminati's worldwide human trafficking system. 
The navigator of the ship was a member of the Alliance, and the "holes" in the Microsoft software allowed the Space Forces to hack the ship's software, take control and run it aground. He also transported WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Many other ships that were blocked were carrying weapons to start a war in the Middle East, the weapons had to be handed over to Muslims by the Israeli Mossad. 
The plan is to reveal everything in the news. The Deep State is losing 400 million an hour due to stuck ships, have you heard? With this and 10 days of truth on TV, as soon as EBS is activated, everyone will know about child trafficking and crimes against humanity, evil and real. 
The Alliance's special forces were used to search for and prevent any Deep State cargo, as the Clintons were co-owners of the Evergreen shipping lines.
From about April to September 2021, Myanmar and Afghanistan are now under the control of the Alliance, they burned the entire "Poppy Field" there, which was the main source not only of the illegal drug trade. Gene Decode also revealed a 50% content of all Big Pharma drugs using opium and oil derivatives in their tablets. How sick are these rats of the Deep State. 
Afghanistan is currently the first country in the world free of the Deep State. The reason why America had to leave Afghanistan was to comply with the NESARA/GESARA laws prohibiting the presence of foreign troops on the territory of someone's country. Remember, the peace agreement is all over the world."

Part Ten: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening
"The last major push for the Illuminati was to create a fake Covid-19 crisis and vaccinate everyone with the aim of reducing the world population to 500 million worldwide for their final control push. It will tear them to pieces. EBS will tell you everything about Covid-19, many doctors, nurses and real researchers have a lot of information on the Internet in the form of articles or videos. Simply put, Covid-19 is a bacterium, and it can be easily cured with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. 
In addition, vaccines are a poison with a lot of harmful chemicals inside, they slowly kill you, the more injections you get, the closer you are to death! 
Be aware that medical professionals promoting this "experimental chemical mixture", which is NOT a vaccine, will be prosecuted in the international judicial system "Nuremberg 2.0" in the future. 
Understand, the patient NEEDS to be informed that any medication or injection is EXPERIMENTAL, otherwise the caregiver may be charged with this crime and he will be held accountable. 
Understand, arrests have been going on for the last five years, and military tribunals are continuing all over the world. By September 2021, 2.7 million Cabal members had been executed.
With regard to the security of money and every person's finances, there will be a complete takeover of the Planet's finances — this is QFS (A Quantum Financial System that cannot be hacked. Everyone in the world will have an account in this system. To reset, GCR (Global Currency Reset) and RV (Currency Revaluation) will be reset, countries that have been completely unfairly devalued, such as Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. More countries will be involved, but these are just examples."

Part Eleven: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told – the final one.” World Awakening
"What awaits us in the near future?
EBS will be included in the coming months, none of us knows the exact date.
From this moment, the final destruction of the Deep State rats around the world will begin. 
That's why Lin Wood announced that everyone should stock up on food for three to four weeks for their family. The Alliance will use the weapons of the Space Forces to completely cut off electricity, cell phones, and the Internet. In large cities, Alliance forces will use a complete shutdown, perhaps even for two weeks, to get rid of them and capture them, or to stay in the shadows and track them inside the military quarantine zone to their hideouts. The Alliance already knows who they are. Understand that in most areas with a very small number of Cabal members, for example, in rural areas or small towns, there will probably be no interruptions in services. 
Gene Decode used Melbourne, Australia, as a city with a strong power of the Deep State. Expect tougher ways to corner these rats on these strengths. In America, we know Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and New York as possible strongholds. The alliance will be there to impose martial law around the world and surround the rats of the Deep State, as Roman Didulo says, "Unmarked planes (without the flag of the country) are our/allied forces."
For the New Earth, humanitarians will pave the way to restore the planet with the help of technologies that have been hidden, and stop hunger, poverty, so that no one is left homeless and so that children will never suffer again. 
We will do it with zero-point energy; a way to get free energy, hydrogen or electricity, food replicators, anti-gravity technology and medical beds or sky capsules to heal all human diseases. No one will be left out on the planet, and everyone will share the wealth and abundance of this great planet. 
The first major transition of the planet will occur in the next three to six weeks (obtained from various sources), but the exact time is unknown. We know that this is an important transition period for humanity.
In the statement of the first Creator of "Crimes Against Humanity and Children" there is the phrase "Enough is enough." For God will always prevail over Darkness, because the "Greatest War in History" on planet Earth is the victory of Light over Darkness. EBS will reveal the crimes of the Deep State against humanity, humanity will weep. 
This is the "Great Awakening." 
But with this information, we will understand that humanity has reached the next stage of evolution in order to become closer to God, and to learn the truth about what happened, to learn more about hidden technologies and the truth about the Galaxy and other worlds. For humanity is the beginning, a big step towards what is really real and true. For in this way God will illuminate humanity with Light and allow the truth to be told. The war against darkness has been won! May Freedom reign throughout the cosmos, and may the light of God shine for everyone!
God bless you!" 


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/12/21 here

Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne Rebellion has begun here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 12.11.2021:    here

Thurs. 11 Nov. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce:
The Quantum Financial System could determine who was a White Hat, Gray Hat or Black Hat. Only White Hats would be involved in the financial system.

"How did it all start? Military intelligence intercepted a 16-year-old Deep State plan to destroy America. 8 years of Obama, then 8 years of Hillary. The White Hats needed someone loyal to the role of president during this whole operation. After approving certain admissions, the military introduced Trump to the RNC (Republican Party). Think about it for a second: the military chose Trump. 
The 2016 elections were rigged in favor of Hillary. The media are complicit. The fraudulent algorithms of the voting machines were not successful enough to give her the coveted victory. From that moment on, everything fell apart for them. Trump knew that they would rig the elections in 2020 as well. Does anyone really think that he lost unintentionally? He managed to outwit them in 2016 and in 2020 he did it again - he gave them the victory, and this was one of the main moves.
The White Hats controlled the elections to give people a fair vote in 2016. That's why they were shocked when Hillary lost. That's why they didn't even cover their tracks. They never thought she would lose. 
Obama used the FISA courts to secretly spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. It was the worst decision in history. He literally opened the door for EVERYTHING by giving Trump's guide to action for the next four years.
FISA is the beginning. The US military has everything. That's why it seems that "nothing happened," although in fact a lot of things happened. Everything was in the dark, in that invisible spectrum. It looks like these people will get away with all their crimes, but that's not the case. Trump and the military are eliminating this web of criminals in the dark. The highest levels of corruption are under control. We had to allow them to complete their crimes in order to convict them to the fullest extent of the law in the tribunal.
The election was a trap. Trump ran without a fight. The selective Monitoring (surveillance) system is installed by the US Cyber Command, Space Forces and Shadow Warriors of Cyber Groups. Soon we will see the real numbers.
Every part of this operation is strategically planned. Not everything will be clean, but there is no getting away from it. That's why Congress did everything possible to remove Trump even before his inauguration, but with zero success. It's not a coincidence. He's untouchable. It may seem that he has disappeared from public view, but in reality, it should have happened exactly like this. Now that Trump has disappeared from view and the public thinks that Biden has completely taken control of the country, the military can announce a seizure of power and it will happen soon.
The stories about 10 days of darkness are not fiction, it's all much more real than it seems. The media remained in the dark. They are just trying to prevent the military from taking every next step. All television is fake, and it has no legal force. The enemy was left in the dark during all this, which explains all their blatant lies and despair. They are in a panic and it can be seen with the naked eye. In part, it was possible to confuse the enemy so successfully thanks to the planned info-stuffing of White Hats. The enemy is trying to make the Trump administration look weak, but are they succeeding? You see everything for yourself.
Don't forget that William Barr (the former US Attorney General who allegedly betrayed Trump) is a patriot working behind the scenes. Everyone who claims the opposite is lying. Durham is another patriot working in the dark. He's doing his job along with hundreds of other patriots working behind the scenes to destroy America's corrupt, criminal establishment and beyond. There are more good ones than bad ones, to put it simply. The shadow war is in full swing. From dark to light. We have a lot of work to fix what is happening on our timeline and save humanity, no matter how pathetic it may sound."


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/11/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 11.11.2021:    here

The Ally Carter Story of being born into a sophisticated international child sex trafficking ring that involved Barak Obama and other global elites:
The latest to tell all about the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children was on Wed. 10 Nov. when Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Ally Carter reported what it was like being born into the sophisticated international child sex trafficking ring.
She claimed that as a child and later in foster care she was raped and trafficked by celebrities and politicians such as Joe Biden, Barack Obama, the man Michelle Obama, John Travolta, Beyonce and many more. She discussed how Child Protective Services trafficked her in underground tunnels to Buckingham Palace and under the Getty Museum. Child Services, FBI, schools and law enforcement were involved in the cover up of the abuse of her and other children – and it was still going on throughout the nation:

According to Simon Parkes
By Christmas we would know some disclosure of what was going on, but it would be Feb.-March 2022 before everything was released and April 2022 before GESARA/ NESARA fully kicked in. Simon Parkes - 9th Nov 2021 Major Intel Drop and Updates (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (

Global Financial Crisis:
The German Market Screening Agency, in a Research Report “Evergrande and the Final Meltdown of the Global Financial System” published on 10.24.2021 describes the ramifications of Evergrande’s bankruptcy. “This could have devastating consequences for the global economy. Supply chains could be put under even greater strain than they already are today - if they don't break completely. This, in turn, would then inevitably lead to galloping inflation in the USA and Europe. A bankruptcy of Evergrande has the potential to lead to extreme distortions of the global financial system - with bankruptcies of players that are still considered rock solid today.”
U.S. consumer price inflation jumps 6.2% year over year in October, the largest increase since 1990.

COVID/Vax Hoax:
WARNING: The Deep State goal to reduce the population and rule the world was being carried out via CV-19 and Covid Vaccinations:
COVID-19 vaccinations have caused neurological issues, blood clotting and a large amount of unreported deaths due to heart problems. 
Luciferase and Biochips have been found in CV-19 Vaccines.
WARNING: the PCR Covid Tests were a form of nasal vaccine. 
Over 13,000 doctors have signed a declaration against vaccine mandates. 
The Corona PCR "test" implanted a microchip Nanobot called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvested DNA. 
A Combination of drugs called Remdesivir, Dexamethasone & Vancomycin were being used in hospitals to treat the fake virus and caused massive kidney failure and thus a filling of the lungs with liquid.  
Graphene Oxide has been confirmed to be found in vax vials, in masks, in swabs and now in hand sanitizer. 
The NHS has been accused of 'lying' about Covid stats to promote vaccination. 
Big Pharma, which has refused to submit the vaccines to independent analysis, has gone to considerable trouble to hide the ingredients.
Big Pharma companies have no liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines. 
Big Pharma was not even standing behind these vaccines that were totally experimental and untested. 
The U.S. military's technology arm DARPA was fighting with Moderna over the ownership of the COVID vaccine. DARPA has "funded an implantable biochip" that could be used "to deploy" it. 
Under the cover of vaccinating, they were preparing to tag and track people. 
The vaccine was being forced on the public and now on school children, because the vaccine and passport were the essential tools of a global surveillance system that would end everyone's basic human freedom.
Florida now has the lowest Covid death rates in the nation – and has always had the least restrictions including a ban on Covid passports, masks and vaccines: 
Iceland has joined Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Finland in stopping vaccination due to it causing blood clotting and heart problems.
Pfizer's Long Shady History: Racketeering, Bribes, Buying Approvals, Children As Human Guinea Pigs:
Open Letter to US Special Forces:  As you know, our country is under attack and the unconventional warfare tactics being executed against us have escalated to a breaking point. As we have made clear in our previous statements and videos, we know that the proven ineffective and harmful mRNA nanotech injection mandate is the greatest failure of military leadership in United States history, at best.  At worst, it is the most treasonous and devastating attack against the U.S. military and American people ever. To be 100 percent clear, from this point forward, anyone who continues to be involved in enforcing this unscientific, unconstitutional and fascist mandate will be held personally accountable for Treason and Crimes Against Humanity. The Supreme Court has made it very clear that it is up to the individual to know which orders and laws are unconstitutional and unlawful.


Patriot Underground Episode 122 here
Iraqi PM Assassination Attempt
Has Awakening Reached a Plateau?
White Hats Going Overt in Coming Days
QFS Analysis
Q History
Red November?
London Bridge is Falling Down

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/10/21 here

Charlie Ward Exposed by Cirsten W here
Kurt's comment:
The new culmination of the information war inside the Truther Community ... Who is really projecting on the other? Who is really on the evil's side? I don't know for sure, because the Asura/Satan is a perfect liar, My heart prefers Charlie Ward to CirstenW, but it may be wrong. Time will show it.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 10.11.2021:    here

Open Letter to US Special Forces: Operators, Brothers and Sisters,
As you know, our country is under attack and the unconventional warfare tactics being executed against us have escalated to a breaking point. As we have made clear in our previous statements and videos, we know that the proven ineffective and harmful mRNA nanotech injection mandate is the greatest failure of military leadership in United States history, at best.  At worst, it is the most treasonous and devastating attack against the U.S. military and American people ever.
To be 100 percent clear, from this point forward, anyone who continues to be involved in enforcing this unscientific, unconstitutional and fascist mandate will be held personally accountable for treason and Crimes Against Humanity. The Supreme Court has made it very clear that it is up to the individual to know which orders and laws are unconstitutional and unlawful.
All of us have sworn an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, if you are still complying, you are now derelict in your duties. Incompetence can no longer be a legitimate excuse.
If you serve in Special Forces, SOCOM or the Intel Community and you are still somehow unsure about what is happening, please contact us and we will brief you on a mountain of evidence proving systemic Crimes Against Humanity that have already resulted in over 500,000 unnecessary American deaths and well over a million people suffering serious health issues.
Over 12,000 doctors and scientists have now officially signed an evidence-based Physicians Declaration accusing COVID policy-makers of “Crimes Against Humanity.”
The imminent approval of proven harmful immune system degrading mRNA nanotech injections for OUR CHILDREN is a red line that we will not allow to be crossed, by any means necessary.
This must stop now.

Many immigrants will return home to their lands to build and rebuild under newly Blockchain Elected Non Tyrant Governments 10% the size of what they are now. 
3rd World Nations under GESARA receive massive money to Build & Rebuild from years of Rape, Pillage, Genocide, War & Destruction. 
Think Africa, Mid East, Asia & South America. They will be building these Continents & Nations up to being 1st World. To have what we have. 
I am pretty sure the plan is to populate the entire world and one day in near future we become Inter-Planetary. See Elon & Mars.
So instead of Oil backed Currencies we move to using Precious Metals. I have always Mentioned Gold, Silver, Platinum, Paladium. Iridium & Copper. Add Rhodium too.

The Global Currency Reset – Restored Republic Operation was multi-faceted:

The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.
In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all of the US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That was the system changed with the Global Currency Reset.

The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Cabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas and his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and in cooperation with the Freemasons have infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.

The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn; Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, US Marine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown,  Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M. Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr, who is Q. JFK Sr. was believed to be Q+, although some say Q+ is Donald Trump), the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while being in bankruptcy and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.

Charlie Ward has worked and been friends with the Chinese Elders for over 15 years. He is head of the Global Currency Reset Team. He was highly trusted in the financial world and moved money around the globe for private clients ranging from the super-rich to different global governments. His team moved 650 planeloads of gold out of the Vatican tunnels and placed it back to the rightful owners at the US Treasury and other countries’ treasuries around the globe. He was presently moving monies, gold and valuables for countries and individuals in the Global Currency Reset. A lot of Ward’s info came from what he called the Four Walls of Power, which included the Chinese Elders, Alliance, Trump White House and Trump Redemption Team. He has been under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the last several months and told what he could and could not reveal.

Nic Fleming received Intel from a Military Intel Contact who was part of the Trump Redemption Team. That team received Intel and orders for the GCR/ RV from President Trump, the Alliance and five top Chinese Elders.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 9.11.2021:    here

What We Think We Know as of Tues. 9 Nov. 2021
We were subject to disinformation from both the Cabal’s and Alliance’s Chess Game – all of which needed your own discernment and to be taken with a grain of salt. 
Release of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) was Event driven.
It was very unlikely that the GCR would be released before the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) took over Mass Media.
These next few weeks would be filled with massive disclosures that could easily activate that EBS, so brace yourself and have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.

Much is happening behind the scenes, (Q, The Storm Rider):
Panic has begun in the Deep State in all countries and they will play their final moves. The news is the war and is real. Since the demise of U.S. military in Afghanistan the world heroin trafficking in the streets across the world have been in ruins and chaos. The hardest part of the Plan was happening now: Panic, Pain, Collapse, Fear, confusion, misinformation, information wars, lost hope, deaths, suicides. 

During The Event, Whiplash347:
Gesara = 1000 yrs of peace, no more wars. This is why the tunnels are being bombed too apart from rescuing children & killing Chimera's. This is why all private intelligence companies are being removed from existence. Ie Mossad/ CIA & 5 Eyes. Only intelligence staying is military.  This is why we are moving away from Oil, Gas & Fuel to Tesla Wireless Technology. This is going to be dramatic. No more George of the Jungle styles, Tesla Wireless Technology. 
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.
34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.
Bitcoin Servers turned off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event.
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law.
CASTLE ROCK - Scenario
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts
Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)

Saudi Arabia Connection, (Q, The Storm Rider):
The Marker I was told was to watch Saudi Arabia Bin Salman sweeping arrests. Those arrests were connected to the Obama/Vatican Cabal and the dominos needed to fall as they connected the world. The Obama/Vatican Cabal were blocking many chain events that needed to happen in order to move the White Hats to take control over the Middle East Deep State operations: The Money/ Human Trafficking/ Drug Trafficking of the Chinese Communist Party.
Now last Saturday Saudi Arabia’s Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) reportedly arrested 172 govt employees on corruption, bribery and abuse of power charges - including staff from the Ministries of Defense, National Guard and Foreign Affairs. Nazaha announced that it had conducted over 6,000 oversight visits which led to 512 investigations and the arrests of 172 people in just one month. The agency has also set up an electronic service for anyone to report alleged misdemeanors.
It all began when the U.S. Military Intel Battalion + 45 saved the Saudi Crown Prince during the Last Vegas shooting. The Las Vegas shooting was a cover to kill the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (who owns and controls over 2000 of the largest investors in the social media world/ Facebook/ Google/ Twitter/ YouTube and the oil industry). After Trump saved his life from the Obama/ CIA/ Mossad/ Cabal/ Vatican group assassination attempt (his own royal family was involved), the Crown Prince dedicated his life and loyalty to Trump. 
After Bin Salman was saved by 45 and U.S. Military he began a purge of his country and child trafficking. He arrested his own family for the assassination plot. This world military operation involves over 30 countries that will take apart it’s Deep State Cabal ruined governments. The Deep State knew the Alliance operations were coming so they released the Bio-weapons and started to stress the world into Deep State control and Mockingbird operations. 
Bin Salman gave Trump the Leader's sword during the Saudi Sword dance (no other outside person has touched the royal sword within the Royal family). 35 Saudi Princes and 300 officials were arrested directly after the Sword Ceremony. This is the most important Flip in history, gaining the Balance of Power. It had been worked on since 2012 behind the scenes. Flipped in 2017. It applies to the Internet. +++ = Saudi Arabia ++ = Rothschilds + = Soros. Trump is waiting for a perfect moment to use this power.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/9/21 here

Simon Parkes: 9th November 2021 Update Current News here and here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 9.11.2021:    here

Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Mon. 8 Nov. 2021
A Tier4B Notification At Any Time was true – just as it was true that this could go into next year. As long as the Emergency Broadcast System didn’t go off to broadcast truth and we continued to be fed digitally alive dead celebrities and public figures, we were subject to disinformation that needed to be taken with a grain of salt. 
As release of the Global Currency Reset was Event driven, I would advise to watch for the EBS release. It was very unlikely that the Global Currency Reset would go before the EBS.
The one thing we do know was that these next few weeks would be filled with massive disclosures that could activate that EBS. 
Brace yourself. It was recommended that you have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.

On Mon. Morning 8 Nov. the below GCR Schedule was received:
Tier 1: Sunday Midnight 7 Nov. 2021
Tier 2: Thurs. 11 Nov. 2021
Tier 3:  Sat. 13 Nov. 2021
Tier 4:  Wed. 24 Nov. 2021
All of Nov: Tier 5, Disclosure, Planet will be liberated, No Fee, No More, Earth Free.

On 23 Oct. 2021 Charlie Ward reported:
John Durham has released 320,000 unsealed indictments (37,000 for California alone). Each indictment can contain the names of up to 99 defendants.
Mass Arrests are occurring, especially in California, Texas and DC.
Reports are that Social Security payments will jump to $5,000 a month maximum, or three times whatever is being received now.
The world will revert to 1955-1970 prices due to death of inflation.
Steve Jobs is alive and is the one behind the coming Q Phones.
Everything the Mainstream Media tells you is a lie. They are rapidly being brought down as we speak.
The EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) is coming and will be shocking.
Do not be obsessed with dates as is the Cabal, for this is all Event-Driven and includes the degree of public awakening. The White Hats do not want this terrorism to ever happen again, so are exercising the extreme caution.

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Navy Seals Raid Cargo Ship of Over 200 Smuggled, Emaciated Children, 200 Rescued, 12 Dead: On Tues. 2 Nov. 2021 Navy Seals launched a predawn raid on one of the hundreds of cargo vessels, a Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier called the Morning Star, anchored off Long Beach, California, and rescued 200 foreign children who had been imprisoned in a decrepit cargo hold, said a military adjunct under promise of anonymity. The SEALs also recovered the bodies of 12 dead children, our source added.

Covid- and Vaccine-Hoax - Luciferase, Mikrochip, Total Surveillance:
Biochips implanted via vaccines: As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them. Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies want to disclose all the ingredients? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies have any liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines? They do not. 
We have a leaked copy ( of the legal agreement that Big Pharma companies (allegedly) have forced nation-states to sign in order to get the new COVID vaccines. These contracts include indemnification clauses that no sane human being would ever sign. This copy leaked ( from Albania:  (,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ 
One thing is certain: Big Pharma is not standing behind these products. They're totally experimental and untested and so forth — so why are the world's governments so hellbent on injecting their citizens with this stuff? 
I received a tip regarding some of these ingredients, and so I did what nobody in American corporate journalism does anymore: I checked the primary sources. Allow me to share my secret and very profound methodology: 
1) I went to the MODERNA website. 
2) I clicked to the PATENTS page. 
3) I found PATENT US 10,703,789 
4) I conducted a keyword search for something called: Luciferase. 
Such are the complex technical skills which have been lost by corporate journalists. So what did I find there? Well, sitting on page 46 in table 4, you will see that I found something called Luciferase: 
What's Luciferase? Luciferase is an enzyme that can produce bioluminescence. (It can make things glow, basically.) That's why Luciferase is commonly used in the biomedical industry. It's used to tag very tiny things like cells or proteins so that you can track them. It tags things so you can track them. 
Was Luciferase listed as an ingredient in the COVID vaccines by Big Pharma? No it was not. (You can check here ( at the CDC website.) So the next question becomes: why would Big Pharma not disclose that Luciferase is an ingredient in the vaccines - since it's clearly listed (in at least one patent from one company) as being used? 
The reason is rather ominous: Big Pharma has big plans for Luciferase and Big Government has big plans for it too. The U.S. military's technology arm DARPA is currently fighting with Moderna ( over the ownership of the COVID vaccine because DARPA has "funded an implantable biochip" that could be used "to deploy" it: 
Despite this, however, one obstacle to the deployment of Moderna's vaccine is the method of delivery. While Moderna is developing its own system, it's unlikely to get Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval any time soon. Enter Profusa, which is developing a nanoscale biochip that can detect symptoms of an infection. 
Profusa's biochip is made using a technology called "hydrogels" that were a product of the "In Vivo Nanoplatforms" (IVN) program that DARPA's Biological Technologies Office (BTO) launched in 2014 to develop implantable nanotechnologies. 
These hydrogels are soft, flexible nanomachines that are injected beneath the skin to perform monitoring. This hydrogel includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside the body when it begins to fight infection. This signal can then be detected by a sensor attached to the skin that can then be sent to an app or even to a doctor's website. 
Why is the U.S. military working with vaccine companies to create micro-chips (that's "hydrogels" or "nanotech"!) that will send a "fluorescent signal" (that's Luciferase!) detectable by an app on your smartphone? When did DARPA get involved in public health policy exactly? That strange question leads to other strange questions like: why did the Pentagon fund the Wuhan Lab of Virology to "study" weaponizing bat coronaviruses ( Neither DARPA nor the Pentagon are well known for being leaders in health care, to say the very least. 
In fact, Big Pharma and Big Government have big plans for future vaccine shots that have "dissolvable needles" and quantum dot tattoos ( along with other amazing technology like embedding vaccine records beneath the skin of your children with invisible ink ( According to one article: "Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin." That article was written in 2019: that's just before the COVID crisis. That leads me to another thought: COVID-19 seems to be a very convenient "accidental lab leak" from China for introducing new technology ( 
Under the cover of vaccinating people, we are really preparing to tag and track people. The once free nations of the West are testing a new authoritarian system of total control under the guise of public health. Just look at Australia or New Zealand or Canada or Italy to see how basic civil rights have been suspended indefinitely and a pseudo-medical tyranny has been installed. The Great Reset is being implemented with the lie that it's all about "protecting your health." Our military and intelligence agencies are not confronting China — they're copying China. A totalitarian nightmare is being imported into free countries through surveillance technologies. 
You don't have to be a Christian to understand that such technology will be used to build a global surveillance state. The vaccine mandates have already led to vaccine passports. The vaccine passports are basically QR codes to track you by connecting to your smartphone. This will inevitably lead very soon to biometric ID embedded into your body. You won't be able to enter restaurants or buy groceries or go to work without it. As the Bible says: no one will be able to buy or sell anything except those that have the mark. You will know the mark by its name, which is the name of the beast: the enemy of all mankind who, before he fell, was an angel of light named Lucifer. That's why "Luciferase" should send a chill down your spine. 
So I sent out the following tweet to my followers (with a video showing the Luciferase patent information) earlier this week: 
(,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ one tweet was sufficient, apparently, to get the word "Luciferase" trending on Twitter. (I didn't notice at the time because I was busy covering the Glenn Youngkin victory on election night.) It was not until the next day that it became clear this one tweet had stirred up all the Big Pharma bots working remotely from Beijing. 
The largest producer of misinformation in America, The Washington Post, ran a piece ( on my tweet where I was branded a "COVID conspiracy theorist." The Daily Beast ran a piece ( and then ran a second piece ( Something called The Hill ( ran a piece. The forgotten boomer finance magazine Forbes got involved ( Vanity Fair, the perfume ad magazine, did a little column ( on it. Then it became an international thing ( with The Independent and The Daily Mail chiming in ( 
(,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ you have to ask yourself: are my tweets about vaccine ingredients really making headline news around the world? I checked with my husband first to see if I was indeed that famous. His response was disappointing. He told me: "At best, you're semi-famous." When corporate media outlets around the English-speaking world all start to scream in such coordinated fashion, you know you've hit a nerve. Why would they suddenly go crazy over the COVID vaccine ingredients? 
It's because Big Journalism is being paid by Big Pharma to not disclose the truth. In fact, Big Pharma is paying Big Journalism to actively hide the truth around the world. Why do you think the COVID journalist Alex Berenson got kicked off Twitter? Why did the corporate media unleash a hate campaign against feminist icon Naomi Wolf? Why isn't ex-Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon allowed to speak? How is it possible that the inventor of mRNA vaccines himself, Dr. Robert Malone, is not a household name around the world? You know the answer: they have all warned us about the dangers of the new COVID vaccines. They have been silenced by Big Tech and Big Pharma because they have all dared to tell the truth. 
They are not alone. How many thousands have been banned or suspended already by Big Tech for questioning the COVID vaccines in our supposedly free nation? How many of your civil rights, your constitutional rights, can they trample before your very eyes? America is no longer a constitutional republic: it's more like a corporate oligarchy where Big Pharma and Big Tech and Big Government tell you every day what you're allowed to do on Zoom calls from the CDC with Dr. Fauci. They're not even pretending anymore. This is something like Day 575 of "15 days to slow the spread." Our so-called civil servants and elected officials are never going to give up their new "emergency powers" on their own. They mean to rule over us, and everybody knows it. 
That's why the COVID-19 pandemic is being used to force everyone to get the new vaccines. That's why natural immunity doesn't count to anyone in the medical community. That's why religious exemptions have disappeared at your work, along with medical exemptions. That's why Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (and every other therapeutic drug) were swiftly outlawed. That's why your 5 year old child will be "encouraged" and then coerced and then forced to take the jab, just as you were "encouraged" and then coerced and then forced to take the jab. That's why the global vaccination campaign never stops when the already vaccinated start to get sick with COVID, or young boys suddenly die from heart inflammation, or world famous soccer players collapse on TV in the middle of games. That's why health data (whether from Israel or Sweden or Florida or your local hospital) is totally irrelevant. The vaccine is being forced on everyone because the vaccine and the vaccine passport are the essential tools of a global surveillance system that will end everyone's basic human freedom. You have been warned. 



Patriot Underground Episode 121 here
Analysis of Devolution: Patel Patriot’s Article 13

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/8/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 8.11.2021:    here

Judy Note: London Bridge is Falling Down. Queen Elizabeth has passed. Evidently the Global Currency Reset started in London at 12:00 am GMT on Mon. 8 Nov.

Global Currency Reset: “According to a certain Intelligence source, the Reset starts at 12:00 am Mon. 8 Nov, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in Greenwich, London, UK and goes throughout the day (traveling through each time zone around the globe).” …Bernd Scheffler

BBC to announce Queen Elizabeth has passed. This afternoon they believed she had passed and were just waiting word from the family. We are there at the tipping point for kick off: London Bridge is falling down. This is what Princess Diana said we are all waiting for. They are on standby.

Whiplash347: China was going to a Republican Govt too if they weren’t already.  Bit like we know the Queen has been dead almost 2 yrs. I believe there was an Air war US, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, India vs China. Remember Space Force. War for Space Control. Xi then let ground forces in to extract CCP. Hence Xi making this announcement about leading forever under 1776. You have read those write ups. King Xi perhaps 1 of 7.  Chongqing Northern Dams + 3GD + Wuhan Pharma Labs + Red Castle, Tiananmen Square (Humpty Dumpty) Russia is interesting a recent Romanov wedding after a century + Melania factor.

The largest investigation in journalism history exposes a shadow financial system that benefits the world’s most rich and powerful. "We're not looking at a couple million dollars here, we're looking at TRILLIONS of dollars. The financial centers of the world -- like the US, Europe -- the leaders of the world are able to FUNNEL AND SIPHON MONEY away and hide it in these jurisdictions, through the use of ANONYMOUS COMPANIES. Unmasking 29,000 owners of shell companies in tax havens. These are not just politicians and powerful people. We're talking about rock stars, including a lot of celebrities, and people who have been convicted of crimes all over the world." -PANDORA PAPERS

Human Trafficking is the #1 Crime on the planet. Two plus children are forced into sex slavery every minute. Their average age is 12 to 14 years old. The average price is $90 per victim with endless profit.

Dark Winter:
The Deep State is making major moves coming after Doctors/ Politicians/Major Podcaster and many people who have major following into the Millions who are sharing REAL INFORMATION AGAINST THE VACCINES/EFFECTS AND PLANDEMIC. BILL GATES is TALKING about a Smallpox terror ATTACK. It's all PLANNED. The FINAL stages of the DEEP STATE PLAN is getting ready to hit ..... Final Chess MOVES (more lockdowns, more Bioweapon release /controlled COLLAPSE/ food/gas/, supply chain, Weather WEAPONS).


Kat: Gene Decode and Ron Giles on the RV/GCR here
We have only to remember what Gene Decode reported in a video with cirstenw.
6-11-21 Gene Decode:
“The Vatican D.U.M.B. is 1500 miles long.
It goes from Rome to Jerusalem.
When they first went into it,
they discovered the first 150 miles were crammed
floor to ceiling with solid gold bullion.
Now they’re  further into Vatican D.U.M.B., underneath Albania,
& they found MORE Gold.
It’s not 34.7 QUINTILLION
that’s what they’ve already removed
now they’re talking in the SEPTILLIAN.
It’s like, why don’t we just say Googolplex?
It’s like we’re getting numbers I don’t even comprehend.
This is The Alliance gold.
It’s going all over the world 
because they have meticulous records. 
For EVERY D.U.M.B. they find stuff in, 
of where the Gold in that D.U.M.B. came from. 
This part now is from Singapore, Thailand & Philippines 
Taken [stolen] to the Vatican long long ago. 
They’re repatriating it to those countries."
(from whom it was stolen.)
10-19-20 Gene Decode, SpirituallyRAW video:
“Did I mention [the bad guys] have meticulous records 
of every person, not just you, but your parents, 
your grandparents, your great grandparents… etc. etc. 
all the way back
for thousands of years
of how much they’ve looted from you and your family 
that you are owed
and not only that, it’s exactly to the penny
and that also goes to the cities, the states, the provinces, the countries
ALL of that is reappropriated…
It is a world that there are very few people that I know 
who can visualize it completely
it’s going to be so different.”

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/7/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.11.2021:    here

Help Save the Children
Dec. 22 Feast Day Winter Solstice and Dec. 24 High Grand Climax Da Meur Demon Revels were the next major Satanic Holidays. They were celebrated with sexual orgies and blood sacrifice of male and/or female victims of any age, though Dec. 24 was always an additional torture and Satanic sacrifice of a male baby and his mother in a Nativity Scene.
Please help children and teens forced into this mind bending worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you observed, especially around your neighborhood.

Judy Note on Trump speaking from the White House on Wed. 3 Nov, which didn’t appear to happen:
I checked it out with Charlie Ward, who was told it was another False Flag information release to catch the Cabal in whatever. However, we weren’t lied to. On that same Wed. 3 Nov. Trump actually DID SPEAK at the White House Historical Association. It was the 60th anniversary of it’s formation by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy on Nov. 3 1961. 

The Real News of Sat. 6 Nov. 2021:
Judge Orders Release of Jan. 6 Detainee Because of Problems at DC Jail:
As a child Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley wrote in her diary: “Was I molested? I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma.” She remembered being “somewhat sexualized” alongside her cousin Caroline. She recalls “showers with my dad” that were “probably not appropriate” The Justice Department has confirmed the Russian dossier was fake and confirmed Ashley Biden's diary was real.
CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla was arrested at his home and charged with fraud, complete media blackout.
Canada: Elders of ten indigenous nations have endorsed an international court's arrest order against Pope Francis and have issued their own order barring him from entering their territories, which span all of Canada.
Hawaii: The island of Hawaii was no longer considered a state under the rule of US Inc. The island has been declared the Hawaiian Kingdom as a Sovereign Nation recognized by Malta and 108 Sovereign Nations on the Global Sovereign Council of Nations – which was separate from the former 193 Members of the United Nations. “As of October 1, 2021, we are GESARA NESARA compliant,” stated Sir Donald Kauli, who represented the Kingdom of Hawaii. “International Law requires the illegal occupier (US INC) to assist with the Transition (US Military Manual) back to the 1864 Constitutional Monarch of the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands.”
Australia: MASSIVE Melbourne Protest Against Mandates, Segregation & Terribly EVIL Proposed Bill
Italy: The streets of Trieste packed to the rafters against covid mandates and passports. Chants of "people like us never give up" in Genoa tonight as Italy rises as one against Corona virus passports.
Germany: Merkel's minions spraying tear gas and using batons on the elderly who were out protesting against covid passports and mandates today in the city of Leipzig.
Iraq: JUST IN - Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Kadhim survives an assassination attempt after a rocket/drone hits his home in Baghdad's Green Zone. At least 6 security guards reportedly wounded following the attack. UPDATE - Iraqi PM just tweeted he is unharmed and calls for "calm and restraint from everyone."
The 5th Circuit Court has halted the enforcement of OSHA's new vaccine mandate pending a full review of arguments in the case. “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate ...”
NYC Firetruck Availability Down To 55%, Manpower Shortages Due To Vaccine Mandate: NY Firefighters
The US government canceled a contract with Emergent BioSolutions, a vaccine manufacturer after it was blamed for a bad batch of 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Food prices have surged to a new global peak, hitting their highest level since July 2011 and extending the 30% increase recorded last year, according to the latest United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report.
Evacuations and rescue operations have been taking place in the capital Sarajevo, after torrential rain has left parts of the city under water.
Inside the Storm the Deep State was playing their last cards. More lockdowns. More fear and Panic. Create shortages. Break Supply Chains.

International Child Kidnapping, Sacrifice and Sex Ring:
Whiplash347: Cemex, Heinz, TerraMar - Red Ruby Rings they wear. Can find the process of how they do it. McDonald's, Those Red Shoes. All used for disposing of dead bodies.


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/6/21 here


Michael Salla: Contact with the Council of Nine & Roddenberry’s Star Trek Future here
One of the most intriguing aspects of Gene Roddenberry’s creation of the Star Trek franchise was his relationship with a mysterious extraterrestrial group calling itself the Council of Nine that were being channeled by the psychic Phyllis Schlemmer in the 1970s. Roddenberry sat in on channeling sessions from 1974 to 1975, and participated in Q & A’s that were recorded in Schlemmer’s 1993 book, the Only Planet of Choice. 
What lent credibility to the Council of Nine was that their existence was confirmed in the famous Law of One channeling sessions held from 1981 to 1984, which are widely regarded as the most authoritative channelings ever conducted due to the strict scientific protocols used by a retired applied physics professor, Don Elkins. 
These historical events provide important context for Elena Danaan’s most recent contact experiences where she claims to have been taken to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where she met with the Council of Nine, and was told why Rodenberry was chosen to prepare humanity for a Star Trek future. 

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 6.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
Something’s up. The Alliance has been touting “Remember, Remember the 5th of November” for months. Today Fri. 5 Nov. there were huge riots in London that were still going on as of this writing. Then, they came out with “The Great Global Reset starts in London, UK, 2021 and everything is connected. The day the switch will turn on a New World.” JFK Jr. ended the day by showing a sign that suddenly appeared on his hand at age 15: V, and then posted, “V For Vendetta. Happy Vendetta Day to Patriots.” 

5 Nov. 2021 Fox Tucker Carlsen:
“How did the New York Times know that Project Veritas reporters’ homes would be raided by the FBI this morning? The DOJ targeted parents. The IRS targeted conservatives. The FBI targeted Trump. OSHA targeted employers. Fauci targeted freedom. Remember when 4 swing states stopped counting votes at the same time on election night? Lou Dobbs was fired from Fox for reporting on election fraud.”

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 5.11.2021:    here

Kat on Charlie Ward:
“The Vatican D.U.M.B. is 1500 miles long and goes from Rome to Jerusalem. The first 150 miles of the Vatican D.U.M.B. was solid gold. Now they’re under Albania and they’ve found more gold. They’re talking in the Septillion. Why don’t we just say Googlplex? In every D.U.M.B. they find stuff in they find meticulous records of where that Gold came from. The gold they’re finding now is from Asian countries other than China & they’re repatriating it to those countries & people from whom it was stolen…The Cabal kept meticulous records of every person. You, parents, grandparents, going back thousands of years of how much they’ve looted from you & your family that you are owed. All of that is re-appropriated.” 3 Thrilling Mr Pool Posts and Date Correction to Restored Republic Nov. 4th from Kat | Operation Disclosure Official 

Whiplash347: Unplugging from the Matrix Starts Here:
How do you dismantle the matrix? Think of the earth grid ley lines. Back in ancient times like Lemurian and Egytian, these grides where used to create healing magnetic fields via temples. Ancient technology that was common knowledge back then used in combination with astrology and numerology under universal laws. Stonehedge, Macha pichu and the other eart chakra,s all still there. But we forgot how to use them.
The ley lines were hacked centuries ago by the Masonic and Satanic elite via the Catholic churches, palaces and government buildings. Mason technology that was once used to alter the frequency of the earth grid into the field of humans on that area, then turned dark and evil. This technology was abused to create the 3D matrix around this planet. With buildings on the grid and later satellites in the sky a low frequency field was created. A field that interferes and effects the human field connected to it.
A field of vibration that keeps you stuck in the loop of reincarnation in fear, shame, guilt and pain. Dependend on outside systems like religion, government, education, pharmaceutical and entertainment. The same systems that feed you the low vibration of fear, shame, guilt via Mind Body and Spirit manipulation we were prisoners living the free life illusion. Dumb down like sheep living a 9-5 linear life. Unaware of our true divine highly evolved spiritual self. If we get our earth grid back, our frequency on the planet rises. We can transmute and ascend from dark to light. We can evolve as human beings. We can reintegrate ancient technology with inate quantum abilities to prosper this planet to heaven on earth. So, how do you dismantle the matrix?

The Righteous Way Patty Baker Smith:
You must understand that there is a Military Operation liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years.
Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom.
Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage.
Understand that this operation is all about cleaning up a evil matrix of corruption, human trafficking and toxic mind body pollution that has hijacked our planet.
The scenarios that play out and come together will collapse that matrix will it has been imploding for years.
It will all come crushing down:
The financial market system
The political law enforcement system
The main social media system
The pharmaceutical drug system
The world as you know it will come to an end. It is only like this that we can start the new.lllllllll
When we flip the switch
From Swift > QFS
From Maritime > Military > Natural law
From MSM / Mossad > Project Odin
From Toxic Drugs > Medbeds
From federal energy > Tesla
From € backed by nul > XRP fam backed by ISO metals
Understand the connection of all scenarios playing out in front of your eyes:
– election fraud audits
– crypto Sec fraud & regulation
– Suez Canal obstruction of Silk road
– Europe Defender 2021 Russia Ukraine
– Myanmar military take over
– Iran deal & Biden
It is all connected. And just think, you helped. …Q, The Plan to Save the World


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/5/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
The implementation of GESARA around the globe, all nations functioning on concepts of the original Constitution and the return of President Trump was dependent upon certain Events happening. 

On the Global Currency Reset
Thurs. 4 Nov. MarkZ: Church groups had funding by late evening yesterday. German Bonds were done and they have moved on to paying out the Dragon Bonds. They don’t have to be finished with the bonds in order for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to start.
Thurs. 4 Nov. Bruce: Bonds were continuing to pay out since they started again last Mon. 1 Nov. 
On Thurs. morning 4 Nov. the green light was turned on out of Zurich for the remaining bonds to be paid out. 
The Zimbabwe Sheet Bonds (the highest in denomination) would be paid out on Sat. 6 Nov. 
Iraq has revalued in-country some time ago and will revalue their international rate on Sat. or Sun. 6, 7 Nov. 
The Iraqi Dinar will be trading internationally on Sun. night 7 Nov. 
Over a week ago there were 147 countries which were GESARA compliant so as to be asset-backed and there were likely a whole lot more by today. 
Bruce’s Banker Contacts guessed that Tier 4B could be notified over the weekend, but more likely on Mon. 8 Nov.
Two weeks ago Head of the Global Currency Reset Task Force Charlie Ward predicted that Tier 4B would go by Mon. 8 Nov. 

On the Restored Republic
One Event was the breakup of the Cabal’s International Child Sex trafficking ring that took a major step yesterday when Navy Seals raided a cargo ship full of smuggled children:
Another Event was the end to war on the planet with implementation of GESARA. We have been expecting NESARA/GESARA to be implemented by today or tomorrow, Thurs.-Fri. 4, 5 Nov. NESARA/GESARA has been slowly rolling out, although it called for ending all military aggression for nations wishing to participate. The Cabal has caused some aggression, though the problem has now been resolved. 
The Event of Trump’s Return was multifaceted: It would happen through the Military taking over globally to protect The People’s Freedom. The audits, Supreme Court rulings and lawsuits were only to show the public that there was Election Fraud. 
False Flag Event of Wed. 3 Nov.: Head of the GCR Task Force Charlie Ward reported on the False Flag notification that Trump would talk from the White House last night at 9pm EST, which didn’t happen: “I understand the announcement was pulled yesterday – A Chess move.” 
Military Takeover Event: A Military Takeover of the US has actually been in effect since President Trump declared a State of Emergency on 11 Jan. 2021. Trump’s signing of the Stafford Act on that date not only kept him in as US President, but also activated the FEMA and DHS (DoD Law of War Manual) Stafford Act Executive Order 13848: “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
We were told that after or during the Events there would be Seven Presidential Messages to everyone’s phone and TV sets worldwide through use of the Emergency Broadcast System. From there, all Militaries via the US Military, would shut down all Mass Media, Internet, phones and TV programming, although Emergency Services would still function normally. By that point we would be in worldwide Martial Law as we went into ten days of Darkness while the Mass Media went down in order for 8 hour documentaries to play three times a day that explained what was going on.
As Whiplash347 said, “The Storm is here. Make sure you have the necessities – two to three weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law, changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776.”

False Flag Events: Scare events necessary. Here's all false flag events ready to launch:
La Palma Volcano Mega Tsunami fake scare event. La Palma warning: Volcano landslide 'could kill millions of people' with megatsunami.
Queen final days after health problems.
Earthquake warning as US and Canada 'due for major event': 'It's matter of when':
Solar storm warning as 'CANNIBAL' turns skies blood-red after 'swallowing' second CME:
Sun continues firing significant solar flares, Earth’s GPS signals disruption and power grid fluctuations expected. More:
Supply chain stopped/broken.
Global energy shortages.
Black Swan event financial market bubble major crash.
2020 Election frauds.
Durham report.
Clintons health deteriorates.
SEC vs Ripple settlement for new Quantum Financial System.
The Great Reset / Global Reset / GESARA NESARA.
Cyber Plandemic.
Vaccines mandates for adults and kids. And more …

Real News Highlights for Thurs. 4 Nov:
My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Announced a 3-day “Marathon” Broadcast to prepare the country for the 2020 Presidential Election to be overturned.
When NESARA becomes in force Crypto Currency and Bitcoin will not be accepted for payment because they are not gold/asset-backed.
Med Beds are a collection of cures for diseases previously not known to the masses.
With Cern the Elites were trying to open another dimension where Lucifer was king. Now the White Hats have taken over Cern and now have the technology to cure diseases and inhabit other lands.
When NESARA hits there will be a very volatile Stock Market and confusion on Wall Street resulting in an economy that will likely crash.
Igor Danchenko, the main researcher of the Steele dossier, was arrested by federal authorities as part of the inquiry led by John Durham (NYT)
Spygate – Obama, Biden, Clinton Crimes:

Ben Fulford Report:
The “leaders” of the G20 group of nations have been gathering in Rome and next Scotland to pose for pictures and pretend they run the planet. However, the so-called $150 trillion COP26 plan they have been gathering for is dead in the water. The masters who ordered them to follow this plan are being hunted down and will soon lose power, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and Asian secret society sources agree. “The G-20 becomes the showpiece for a dysfunctional global order,” is even how the establishment mouthpiece, the Washington Post, describes the situation. The fact is the families that own the so-called “global” architecture such as the UN, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the Chinese Communist Party, the United States Corporation etc. are bankrupt.

A sign of the continuing arrests taking place in Washington DC is the weekly flights from the nearby Baltimore Airport to the Thule airbase in Greenland. “This is a weekly run for many months now. Each run holds up to 280 passengers. Add this up for at least 6 months [26 weeks times 280=7,280]. That’s a lot of prisoners,” a Pentagon source says. 

What is still not being widely talked about is the imminent collapse of the financial system in Communist China. When that goes, it will be the domino that really does cause the current system to implode.


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/4/21 here


Patriot Underground Episode 117 here
Unmasking Evil
Why Can't Brandon Close Gitmo?
Juan O Savin: Why All The Biblical References?
Power Outages Continue
Pope Arrest Warrant Issued
NY In Rapid Decline
Nesara/Gesara Intel
Getty Museum DUMB
Dr. Salla Exopolitics Analysis

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 4.11.2021:   here

Judy Note:
I don’t know why President Trump didn’t give his speech from the White House last night as we were told would happen. Certain sources were trying to find out why. Frustrated? Yes, we all are, though have to remember that we’re in a high stakes Chess Game where both sides were seasoned players.
We were told that when this happened there would be Seven Presidential Messages to everyone’s phone and TV sets worldwide through use of the Emergency Broadcast System. From there, all Militaries via the US Military, would shut down all Mass Media, Internet, phones and TV programming, although Emergency Services would still function normally.


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/3/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 3.11.2021:    here

“Trust the Plan” …Q
World Wide Walkouts – a Global Protest Wed. 3 Nov.
Trump Announcement from the White House Wed. 3 Nov. 9 pm EST
Where We Go One, We Go All!!!

What’s going on at the COP26 Summit of world leaders in Glasgow?
China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian Putin didn’t show up, though Putin did a video broadcast of his speech, while French President Macron left the Summit in a huff a day before other leaders. US “President” Biden was evacuated right before he was about to speak. The crowd was ordered to disperse and Biden didn’t return to this last day of meetings on Tues. 2 Nov:
It was later learned that Protocol 18 hadn’t been voted on at the Summit. The Protocol enabled anyone in the world to transfer money for fractions of a penny, instantly, and in any currency – sounding like the new Global Financial System.
Meanwhile in Washington DC and around the same time of Biden’s exit, a presidential motorcade complete with police sirens traveled to the Eisenhower Building – which, along with other federal buildings including the White House and US Capitol, was surrounded in a brand new barbed wire fencing guarded on the inside by the National Guard. 
Soon afterward it was let out that, with the QFS and NESARA in place, Trump would make a major announcement from the White House on Wed. evening at 9pm EST.

Trump + Q Great Awakening World:
Worldwide Mass Protest and Nationwide Shutdown all across America on Wed. 3 Nov. Everyone will be participating: Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Paramedics, Doctors, Warehouse Workers, Truckers, Retail, Students, Teachers, Airline Workers: Do not go to work on November 3rd.  Do not go to school on November 3rd. Call out sick. Stock up on supplies before November 3rd as supply chains will further deteriorate. The system needs us more than we need the system. The nationwide shutdown for November 3rd is already circulating on many big Telegram accounts and is spreading like wildfire. Please share this everywhere. Let the system know we will never accept their tyrannical mandates! God Bless America! JOIN US FOR AWAKENING NEWS: Globalist/Q/Trump Secrets:


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/2/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 2.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
The latest rumor was that on Wed. 3 Nov. at 9:30 am in the East Room of the White House Trump would be making an announcement, the QFS would be put into place. Nesara would kick in somewhere around Wed. 3 Nov. or Thurs. 4 Nov. and the EBS would go off somewhere in there and by Thurs. 11 Nov. The Alliance has promised us Christmas in November and remember, “The Military is the Only Way.” ...Q

The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities. 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law, changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776.

U.S. faces engineered famine as COVID lockdowns and vax mandates could lead to widespread hunger and unrest this winter.
Arrest Order issued against Pope Francis; Reward and Amnesty offered as trial set to begin:
Jill Biden Reportedly Inquiring How to Remove Sitting Vice President
Dr. Kary Mullis, the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry & inventor of PCR test, “The PCR test which the entire world is now using to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 was NOT designed to find a virus. Dr. Fauci doesn't mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary... and lie directly into the camera.”
New York workers warned that lives could be lost with emergency response times likely to grow as a result of staff being forced out over Covid-19 vaccines. It's reported more than 24,000 city workers have been placed on unpaid leave including 8,000 cops, 3,700 fire dept. employees and nearly 2,000 sanitation workers. Over 26 fire stations were shuttered over the weekend.
FACEBOOK new name META. In Hebrew, Meta means Dead.
We are going to gold/asset-backed standard, not gold standard. Big difference between those two. Gold standard can still have exchange rates manipulated via manipulation of gold price.
Beneath the Getty Museum thousands of children were found in tunnels. The Military Alliance has said it was the worst most disgusting & horrific tunnel system yet.
Supply Chain issues could last as long as the Pandemic. You were advised to store food and supplies for you and others.



Bo Polny: GREATEST WEALTH TRANSFER in Human History! You PREPARED or Sitting on the Fence? END of the WORLD!! here

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/1/21 here


Arrest Order issued against Pope Francis; Reward and Amnesty offered as trial set to begin here
The court that forced the resignation of Pope Benedict in 2013 has issued an Arrest Order and Warrant against Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) for Crimes against Humanity, along with a $10,000 reward for his capture.
The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued the Order and reward today, November 1, 2021, along with an offer of amnesty from prosecution to any Catholic official or clergy who assists in the detaining of Bergoglio.
A copy of the Order and Warrant fcan be found at under ITCCS Updates.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 1.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
The Global Currency Reset to gold backed currency worldwide, plus NESARA/ GESARA was rolling out, with announcement of Tier 4B redemption appointment setting expected at any time. Tsunamis, Solar Flares threatening worldwide destruction and power grid failure – or such news could be a cover for the GCR and switchover to Tesla Free Energy. 

Global Currency Reset:
Simon Parkes: “All currency test-runs done. HSBC will lead the process. [Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp.] U.S. on full alert for the Redemption process. Temple Texas—NOT Reno—sets it off. DOD & Military is pushing everything out tomorrow (Fri. 29 Oct. 2021). Heavy roundup happening of remaining Deep State Cabal as NESARA is fully installed. United States Navy ready to go. Gold-backed currency locked in. Lots of it (_?) funded. Advanced healing technologies making its rounds. Humanitarians worldwide will be funded.”

Current Events:
Emergency Alert: La Palma Volcano About to Cause Tsunami: Emergency Alert For La Palma!!!! Extremely Important!!!! This Video Could Save Millions Of Lives.
Arrest Order and Warrant issued against Pope Francis by International Court - $10,000 Reward and Amnesty offered to detain Jorge Bergoglio for Crimes against Humanity.
“Satan has left the White House.” …El Donaldo Trumpo on Sun. 31 Oct.
Big Intel drops expected next week on the Royals Child Trafficking Ring, Human Hunting Parties, Child Sacrifice, Pedophilia as exposed by Epstein and Co.
Ten Day Blackout Expected upon announcement of Queen Elizabeth’s death (the role has been played by a double. She actually died 5 Dec. 2019)
Shortage of Energy Will Cause Social Unrest, Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page:
Blackout Expected after exposure of Durham Report, Voter Fraud, CV-19 Hoax
My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Announces 3-day “Marathon” Broadcast to PREPARE THE COUNTRY for the 2020 Presidential Election to be Overturned
Geomagnetic Storm Watch Halloween Solar Flare, Fox News:
Solar Storm on Halloween NASA warns 'significant' flare set to batter Earth: 'Direct hit on Halloween'
Worldwide Rally for Freedom Wed. 3 Nov. …Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.
Veterans Covid-19 Class Action Lawsuit: Whistleblowers were spearheading a VA EEOC class action complaint that will end up in court. Every VA Federal employee who has had his or her civil rights violated because of COVID-19 were encouraged to join in and help us take our country back!
Graphene Oxide has now been confirmed to be found in vax vials, in masks, in swabs and now in hand sanitizer! They want to drown us in graphene oxide! 
What on earth is the purpose of this highly conductive material to be present in all aspects of this scamdemic?!!! I dare not think of the answer...
Biden secretly flying underage migrants into NY in the dead of night – 37,805 caught entering the US from Mexico in July and August 2021.
iOS 15, Windows 10, Google Chrome Hacked During Huge Cyber Onslaught:
Happy Halloween! Satan has left the White House. We won’t Telegraph our moves to the enemy. We will however, light a fire to flush them out. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. Deep Cover Agents jailed. Nothing can stop what is coming. Rig for Red. Dark to Light. Join us @QSRDECODES @QWO17

Operation London Bridge Queen's Final Days:
They all report en mass about the Queen’s health problems. They really want you to know that it's her final days, so get ready. They are preparing the Queen’s death narrative – predictive programming for the masses. Get ready for Operation London Bridge. Blackout is coming. All other events got pushed cause of this event. The best is yet to come.
Whiplash347: Just before I started on Facebook January 1 2020 I told them that the Queen was dead & the Royal Family was dissolved but they didn’t know it just yet.  [OPERATION LONDON BRIDGE] November 28 2019 - December 5 2019. [D5] Attack on Bridge. Narwhal Tusk (Narwhal Tusk translates to Prince Of Wales). Here we are. It's like Home & Away waiting for the tape to roll out. 
November 28 2019 Queen went to hospital. November 29: Was the Terror Attack on the bridge Operation London Bridge? 7 to 9 Operation planned for the Queen's death. A prisoner on Day Release. 3 Separate Weapons used. A Narwhal Tusk = Prince Of Wales December 5: Released from Hospital. Photos taken looked very much like a body double/CGI in the back of the Car.

Whiplash347 on the Solar Flash:
The Solar Flash warning was just a test for areas – Beta Test – but they are preparing for the real blackout once the Durham Report intensifies, voting fraud intensifies, and exposure of the CDC, NIH, World Health, WEF hits the fan. It's easy to control humans with an invisible enemy. The virus was fake in the beginning: Chemtrails sprayed frozen protein spikes/ bioweapon, then the re-release of SARS 2021. I have said for months it would be a fake Solar Storm. Once the first test is done, panic starts and MSM starts a fear campaign, then they plan the real blackout.

About the History of Q:
Charlie Ward: “Q was created 1 April 1860 when 20 generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to fight the Khazarian Rothschild Mafia who created the slave trade and owned 99% of the US slaves. To this day the battle is coming to an end.” …Trump 
Charlie Ward: “But now I found that out that all you have to do is put in the Book Of Q and you will find the lost Gospel of Q: the Gospel of Thomas. It’s there in B&W. The history of it is there for anybody with an ounce of integrity who’s done their own research. Q goes back to Jesus Christ.”
Q The Storm Rider: Christmas Eve 1963 was the day 77 US Generals came together and The Plan was born to Save the World. Three months later 133 Generals became part of _Op.FreedomEagles35. You are witness to a 58 year Military Delta.
“One day after I am long gone you will remember me and say we should have stopped the nuclear program of Israel, abolished the Federal Reserve and kicked all secret societies, occultists, usurpers, and Zionists out of our wonderful country to keep it that way, but it is never too late.” …John F. Kennedy

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Charlie Ward: The two main things they’re trying to stop is Drugs & Child Trafficking. They’re two huge businesses which this is all about stopping, putting an end to forever. Child Trafficking is BIGGER than drugs. It overtook it two years ago.
Prince Charles Dines on Human Flesh at Cannibal Restaurant in Los Angeles:
Whiplash347: Your Govts, 3 Letter Intel Agencies, Elites, Hollywood, Vatican, Royals are responsible. ALL Islands, Epstein, Biden, Depp, Winfrey, Nygard, Branson etc.  The children are taken in Planes, Subs, Containers & down to the Tunnels. Even the Black Forest in Germany. They are tortured, raped, murdered & had experiments done on them with animals & ETs. It had to be this way. When this drops it is going to be Head Exploding stuff. It is going to take 6 months to recover from.
Whiplash347: Do you know about the Human Hunting Parties done by the European Royals? This dates back a very long time. Did you see the raids done at the [BLACK FOREST]? There was a raid of black forest at the beginning of covid.  It was my a-ha moment.  Haven't stopped researching since.  I had no idea. 'Black Forest Rambo' arrested after five-day manhunt in Germany. A man nicknamed "Black Forest Rambo" has been arrested in Germany's southwest Black Forest region after five days on the run. Black Forrest = Human Hunting Parties. Cannibalism All the World's Elite go there chase people, then eat them. The size of the “search party” was incredible. Many children died in those forests (Rothschild estate).

Mon. 1 Nov. 2021 Breaking Global News: Arrest Order and Warrant issued against Pope Francis by International Court:
$10,000 Reward and Amnesty offered to detain Jorge Bergoglio for Crimes against Humanity.
Brussels, New York, Vancouver: The court that forced the resignation of Pope Benedict in 2013 has issued an Arrest Order and Warrant against Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) for Crimes against Humanity, along with a $10,000 reward for his capture. The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued the Order and reward today, along with an offer of amnesty from prosecution to any Catholic official or clergy who assists in the detaining of Bergoglio.
According to the Court statement that accompanied its Order, "Our Prosecutor has in his possession documented evidence and eyewitness affidavits that attest to Jorge Bergoglio's personal complicity in child rape, torture and trafficking, ritual killing, medical genocide, obstruction of justice, and a general command responsibility for mass murder and other crimes perpetrated by the Church of Rome. Bergoglio is subject to prosecution as an indictable individual under common and international law, and he will be prosecuted by our Court. We are offering a reward and immunity from prosecution to anyone and especially to any of Bergoglio's church associates who assist us in detaining and prosecuting him."
For information and ongoing news of this case see under ITCCS Updates. Issued Monday, November 1, 2021, by the Information Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice (Brussels, New York, Vancouver)
The ICLCJ is a lawful court of record established on January 1, 2012, by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

Charlie Ward on Quantum Financial System
Very very simply, what I can tell you is, the Quantum Financial System was fully operational in August 2020. Well over a year ago. And it’s been tested, tested, tested to make sure there’s no infiltration from the dark side. It was interfaced with STARLINK & Space Force
about 4 → 6 weeks ago to allow it to be able to come into the current banking system as we transition. It will take a couple of years for us to transition fully from one system to another without causing too much damage.
The money will come off the Quantum System through STARLINK into what’s known as a Legacy Fund. The Legacy Fund then pays out the paymasters, the mega files & the sovereigns.
So far there have been a couple that have already been paid & it has worked perfectly.
But what they’re doing is they’re making sure that there is no contamination, no theft of the money & no money is going ‘missing.’ And they’re not in any hurry.
There was supposed to be 25 transfers to mega files last week. It didn’t happen because there were concerns about the algorithm for detecting fraud.
They’re hoping that this week the algorithm is accurate & picks up on anything that is not right but they’re not in a hurry. They’ll make sure they’ll get it right & that there is no contamination. What we don’t want to do is have contaminated money in the system.

2020 Election Fraud:
Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin & Michigan all getting prepared to run election forensic audits. Arizona + these 4 other states are 71 electoral college votes! Joe Biden: 306 - 71 = 235 Donald Trump: 232 + 71 = 303 We have our true President. This is not including all of the other states that may run their own. The red wave is STILL coming.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/31/21 here


Charlie Ward: The Lost Gospel of Q, a QFS Update and a Little Bit of Juan here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 31.10.2021:    here

COVID-19/Vax Hoax:
379 deaths from Ivermectin in 25 years compared to 16,766 deaths from the vaccine in 10 months. Bartiromo says that when it comes to vaccination, it's about a lot of money. Is this the reason for the suppression of Ivermectin? In fact, everything is simple and everyone understands it. If the media and false doctors broadcast the truth about Ivermectin, vaccination around the world will instantly and automatically fail.
Official data from the US Centers for Disease Control show a shockingly large increase in the number of deaths from abnormal mysterious causes since the beginning of vaccination against Covid-19. Data from the US Centers for Disease Control show that after the start of the Covid-19 vaccination program in the US, the number of deaths from "abnormal clinical manifestations not classified elsewhere" increased exponentially compared to the level before vaccination.
Science Files: "Until now, the development of vaccines against Corona viruses has regularly failed because RNA viruses mutate too quickly and often, which means that vaccines also "mutate", which ultimately leads to the fact that they not only become ineffective, but also contribute to infection with Corona viruses. There are already mutations that are no longer recognized by the vaccines currently on the market. Booster vaccination, which is currently already being carried out in the USA, is most likely not only ineffective, but also harmful: it not only does not prevent any infection / disease / death from / from SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19, but also contributes to their popularization. Another study provides evidence of antibody-dependent enhancement occurring after vaccination. Ultimately, a result is achieved that is the opposite of the result that the vaccines were supposed to achieve."
European Union: As of October 20, the Covid pass and vaccination will be abolished throughout the EU. A European Commission decree makes five effective drugs available, and the vaccines are said to have been "experimental and provisional." All vaccines will no longer be justified from 20.10.2021:
The European Union has approved 5 therapies that will be available in all hospitals in the Member States for the treatment of Covid. These therapies have been approved by a decree of the European Council (European Parliament) and will be in force from 1/10, so they will be distributed little by little around 20/10. Vaccines were approved on a “temporary experimental basis”. But since the decree will oblige to prescribe these 5 new drugs, the use of the vaccine will cease. So we understand why all the states said "between September it is necessary that ...". They already knew everything. You have to have patience. Do not accept any blackmail. Be patient. Now that Ivermectin has been re-approved, there is no need for a vaccine. Great news. The Pasteur Institute recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. One intake could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. Read and share well.
The good news: Ivermectin is now scientifically recognized as an effective drug, in the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19 by researchers at the Pasteur Institute in France. The results of their studies were published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine on July 12, 2021, so that’s recently. Analysis of the results of other research published in the American Journal of Therapeutics strongly calls, with supporting evidence, to bridge the guidelines of health agencies and include Ivermectin as a standard of care. Macron's government knew about it. Be good and don’t hesitate to cheer up people who don’t want to get vaccinated:

Trump said the DOJ is corrupt. Not Sessions. Not Barr
Trump said the FBI is corrupt. Not Wray
Hell. We all know CIA is cabal. Who served as the Director of the CIA in 2017 to 2018? Pompeo. Is he corrupt? 
Who was on the External Advisory Board of the CIA when Pompeo was in charge? Bill Barr
U think Wray, Sessions, Barr, Pompeo etc all have A LOT of Crucial Information on just about everything? Of Course.
The Public (Trump supporters) hated Sessions, Barr, and Wray. Which immediately told me they were good guys (or At least playing for Team Trump).
How do u win in Vegas? U bet against the public.
This has nothing to do with what we see. It’s all about what we don’t see.



Med Beds Covert Technology Roll Out - James Rink , Ileana the Star Traveler, Dr. Johnny Delirious here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/30/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 30.10.2021:    here

Judy Note: Fri. 29 Oct. email from a High Up Contact: “The Alliance is ready! Anons are ready. The good side of our Military is ready. There are Life Changing Days ahead. Be encouraged. We have been uniquely and graciously prepared. Gonna be a doozey!”

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter.
Whiplash347 predicted that those in the Federal Witness Program would be coming out on Halloween to guide us through the Ten Days of Darkness.
A big arrest was scheduled for Sat. 30 Oct. The Military Alliance recently reported that they have completed more than 100,000 arrests.
House Intelligence Committee has called for the ARREST and PROSECUTION of Dr. Anthony Fauci. See: Fauci, Big Pharma Tortuous Experiments on Foster Children – Over 200 Died | Politics | Before It's News (
Sun Burst to hit earth and may cause power outage, or it could be a reason for switchover to Tesla Free Energy – which has already been installed in the Power Grid System.
Canadian Government, Vatican involved in well over 60,000 Native Women, Child Kidnapping, Torture and Murders: Catholics, Government, Elites Kidnapped, Tortured, Killed Native Women, Children – well over 60,000 | Canada | Before It's News (

The countdown has begun. A World Changing Event was about to happen – that would turn into a BQQM Week to Remember, complete with a Blackout and release of the Emergency Broadcast System across the world to support the Global Currency Reset.

Fri. 29 Oct. WhipLash347: Why did Joe Biden Block the CLASSIFIED documents of JFK ASSASSINATION coming out??? 
Answer: INSIDE the files not released in 2017 is the Truth: who created the CIA and why then the Director of CIA Allen Dulles and CIA operative George Bush took orders from UK Majesty, Israel$, China CCP (ROTHSCHILDs/Rockefeller's BANKS).
INSIDE the CLASSIFIED files connects CIA OPERATIONS and FULL EXTANT of how to Use Mockingbird operations to control the news. The use psychological trauma was intentional to kill JFK and see the response of the Nation and test Mockingbird OPERATIONS. >And to test the military response and weed out the White Hat operates that were part of the Q Clearance OPERATIONS and SLEEPERS that were connected to the HIGHEST INTEL CLASSIFIED documents/ Operations, and Military Special Forces.
There are several reasons for JFK ASSASSINATION and the ongoing WARS created by the CIA and implementation of Central World Banks in every country around the world. THE MOST DISTURBING OF THE CLASSIFIED JFK DOCUMENTS that are updated in 1999 are the relations the CIA, CENTRAL BANKS, FEDERAL RESERVE controlled the Mockingbird media and medical health Industries and indoctrination of the education system. All these branches of CIA controlled system created DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) who went on to create MICROSOFT, GOOGLE, GOOGLE MAPS, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE and the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, NIH, WEF, GPMB, ECT ECT. ECT. AND ALL BIG PHARMA. BIG TECH INDUSTRY AND THE VACCINE INDUSTRY.
The Long CLASSIFIED report comes from Q Clearance officials who have been documenting the INTELLIGENCE REPORTS SINCE THE DAYS OF LINCOLN and his creation of the SECRET SERVICE.


Benjamin Fulford: Friday Interview Q&A 10/29/2021 here
This interview is part of Ben’s new weekly Friday interview series where he answers questions submitted by subscribers via the comment section.

Max Igan Had To Leave Australia | They Wanted To SILENCE Him here
Max Igan was about to be silenced by Australian authorities when his intuition kicked in and guided him to leave the country. Leaving all his things behind Max is more inspired than ever to speak even louder and fight the battle and he's in it to WIN!


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 29.10.2021:    here

Thurs. 28 Oct. Moscow shut down for ten days to get ready for GESARA. On that same date Whiplash347 posted that he was getting ready for The Event and that the Cover Story for the Storm was a 11-Class Solar Flare that was to likely hit the earth.
Thurs. 28 Oct: German newspapers warned there would soon be a two week Blackout all over Europe. Let's go! ...Trump + Q The Great Awakening

JUST IN - Vatican abruptly cancels planned live broadcast of Biden meeting Pope without explanation (AP). Pope Francis to meet Biden at the Vatican on Oct. 29, soon after Biden arrives in Italy to participate in the G-20 Summit.

Mass Arrests
A series of arrests, executions and resignations worldwide signal that a major offensive against the Khazarian mafia is underway, multiple sources confirm. The head of Germany’s central bank, the Dalai Lama, Klaus Schwab and many others are among those being removed, the sources say. In addition, the secret governments of England, Germany, Ireland and Japan have been replaced. Here is intel received from multiple sources, including some at the top of the G7 Western political structure: “The militaries worldwide have been given the green light to move. They will be active in every country. It’s the good guys taking out the last of the bad guys. It started this weekend and will roll out for the next 2-3 weeks…there may be intermittent outages in power, water, internet and phones –be ready.” Simon Parkes, who has his own sources, says EU hotels are booked with soldiers. He also says New Zealand citizens have been told to stay indoors and expect to hear “explosions, shooting and children screaming.”

Can't help but think Gas & Oil are going to be a thing of the past. Moving to Precious Metals & Free Energy. Tesla Electric Cars don't need fuel. Houses with Free Energy won't need Gas. Solar Panels not needed either. I once asked John if he had driven the 2020 Dodge Demon. His response: "That is old technology."
Take note of all the bombings & Fires recently. What is really being hit? Vaccine & Medical Labs, Oil & Gas etc. All stuff that is going to be the past. No need for medical drugs when being given 6000 cures/med beds/Suppressed Technologies & the like.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 28.10.2021:    here

Judy Note:
“President” Biden cancelled tomorrow’s Fri. 29 Oct. meeting with the Pope; MarkZ cancelled today’s Thurs. 28 Oct. daily GCR Update; today Thurs. 28 Oct. Whiplash347 posted on Telegram: “Getting Ready for THE EVENT” and over last weekend “First Lady” Jill Biden inquired how she could remove “Vice President” Kamala Harris from Office by using the 25th Amendment: 
Think Something’s Up?
Welcome to the End Game. The countdown has started. A World Changing Event to happen – that would turn into a BQQM Week to Remember, complete with a Blackout and release of the Emergency Broadcast System to support the Global Currency Reset.

The Patriot Telegram Channel:
This channel operates directly from the President Trump's office. Join and read Uncensored posts from the office of Donald J. Trump. Stay tuned for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. Join and Share This Channel:


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/28/21 BOOM WEEK here

Elena Danaan: Testimony of a Fighter in the Storm - 02/21/2021 here
This ultimate war for the liberation of Mankind is fought on many fronts, realms and densities at the same time. We are living through the prophetic times of the ancient traditions, and we all came to play a part in it. 
This is the testimony of a Shaman who joined combat with the US soldiers and the forces of the Earth-Extraterrestrial Alliance, as part of the clearing of the Deep Underground Military Bases. This man fought in the depth under Montauk and found himself face to face with creatures beyond frightening, but he encountered as well the soldiers from the contingents of the Galactic Federation. All begun when an elegant metallic Pleiadean scout ship physically landed behind his house. After the pilot made contact with him, this man embraced his duty at heart. His story is breathtaking. Fasten your seatbelts... 

Gene decode reveals just keep getting better. Above ground Quakes, DUMB Quakes, UFO's & much more here

Elena Danaan: Q&A - UPDATES & GALACTIC FAMILY II - Oct 27 2021 here

Elena Danaan: ARDAANA's message to Humans of Earth - Oct 27/2021 here
High Commander Ardaana, from the head battleship of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, invites Humans of Earth to embrace their part on the front stage of Victory. The Galactic Federation of Worlds has completed their part of the job, and they cannot play the final act for us. It is our planet, our species, our future, our victory.
This is a recorded message of my own voice, Elena Danaan, reading the message transmitted by High Commander Ardaana, with sound effects added. I wished to reproduce the sound of her real voice the best I could, synthetically, that you get her amazing personality. I hope you enjoy this transmission.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 28.10.2021:    here

Wed. 27 Oct. JFK Jr. Telegram Channel:
THE COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED. Welcome to the end game, PATRIOTS. BOOM. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. They are not PREPARED. Now buckle up and listen to what I have to say, Patriots. BLACKOUT is necessary. The hour is upon us. Largest DECLAS yet. MAIN EVENT ON IT'S WAY. BOOM SO LOUD IT WILL BLOW THEIR MASKS OFF. 1 WEEK REMAINING. After that a lot of things will change. SHARE this channel with your family and friends. PREPARE BACKUPS. ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. FINAL TRIP CODE IS HERE - SPREAD THE WORD. They will do everything they can to stop us, but will they succeed? NO, THEY WONT. PATRIOTS IN CONTROL. WE WILL WIN!!!

The Great Reset vs. The Global Reset:
COVID was just a distraction for The Great Reset. They wanted the people to watch over there so they can change everything over here without you seeing anything. They didn't want the people to take advantage of it. They wanted only the elites to profit from the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. Good that we knew it all and changed their evil plan. GESARA NESARA is ready to launch! See you all on the other side. ….Trump + Q, Great Awakening World.

Q The Storm Rider:
RISE OF THE PEOPLE. It's HAPPENING and been HAPPENING!!!! POLICE, Sheriff's rise against the vaccines and mandates/// many have quit because of forced vaccines mandates and are banding together. MORE AND MORE DOCTORS are coming out out the vaccines and starting to defy the mandates/hundreds of thousands of Doctors across the World are speaking up. Nurses are coming together and creating Forces to sue the government for vaccines mandates. These awakenings in the health sector was minimal last year.. But this year.. The tides are turning. SOLDIERS/VETERANS are coming together and getting ready to form front lines against the TYRANNY and vaccines and passports. Some videos floating around with over 6 hours of SOLDIERS saying fuck NO! to vaccines. These soldiers are banding together with those who been discharged from the military over declining vaccines. Pilots worldwide are defying the MANDATES and banding together. Several sectors of shipping and delivery services workers are banding together to defy the MANDATES and vaccine passports. In many countries Media stars, CELEBRITIES are coming out more and more everyday against vaccines and using their platforms to speak up against the TYRANNY, ect. Law suits into the hundreds of millions have been filed against the governments and health care organizations across the world against illegal firings, forced mandates, emotional distress.

Vaxx Hoax:
In addition to not causing immunity to CV-19, Covid Vaccines were found to have graphic particles with live cells and caused blood clotting, heart attacks, changed the DNA and depleted the immune system. 

John Durham has interviewed the Clinton Foundation whistleblowers who have testified before Congress and blew the whistle on multiple decades of malfeasance, corruption, tax evasion and more. They have all the evidence. In detailed, chronological order. Murray 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "CONFIRMED: John Durham has interviewed the Clinton Foundation whistleblowers who have testified before Congress and blew the whistle on multiple decades of malfeasance, corruption, tax evasion and more. They have all the evidence. In detailed, chronological order. @LWDoyleUSA" / Twitter
U1 Deal Orgin
37 Missing Phones from SC Robert Mueller Team 
Election Fraud


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/27/21 here

Michael Salla: Secret Underground War Reaches It's Final Countdown: audio here and article here
According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on coordinated military campaigns conducted by special forces belonging to an Earth Alliance working alongside their peers from the Galactic Federation aiming to remove the last remnants of a Deep State extraterrestrial alliance ensconced in multiple underground facilities.
On October 14, Megan relayed the following update from Val Nek [VN]:
VN: The end of the war is near. The Federation and the Earth Alliance have made ample preparation for the communications systems on Terra to be completely secure. The radio frequencies, which were hacked by the Orion greys, three letter agencies and the Dark Fleet, are now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. As I spoke previously, the Earth Alliance has been fighting alongside the Federation to take back the planet. The last part of this war, the final countdown, is the war underground. The war underground is one of the bloodiest and most horrific wars we have ever fought. I am sure that the Terran military can also say the same.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 27.10.2021:    here

Mon. 26 Oct. Major Disclosures
US government agencies have been in collusion with Dr. Fauci and large pharmaceutical companies in the kidnap of orphans and foster children who were then used in experiments for drugs and vaccinations.
Covid vaccinations were found to contain living organisms and graphine particle, causing blood clots leading to death and major health problems. In some nations more deaths have resulted from the vaccine than from Covid-19. 
The meat of major hamburger brands including McDonalds was found to contain human DNA.
Mass arrests were occurring on 320,000 sealed indictments.
Multi thousands of illegal immigrants funded by the Mexican Drug Cartel, were breaching the southern border.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the Cabal (with Bush Sr. helping to carry out the CIA role in the murder) because he had made a deal with the Chinese Elders to back a new US Note with gold and get rid of US Inc. Cabal’s privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS.
China's Economy was on the brink of collapse and could bring down the US and World with it. Thus, an immediate need for a Global Currency Reset.

Restored Republic:
Beginning on Thurs. 28 Oct. Moscow was shutting down for ten days to get ready for implementation of the GESARA Law – a return of most nations to independent democracies governed by concepts of the original US Constitution. Powers now held by Cabal-controlled governments including tax monies, would be returned to The People with a mandate to govern themselves.
At some point soon the Emergency Broadcast System would activate worldwide and then seven messages would be sent to phones and TV sets throughout the Globe. 
Due to Mass Arrests on over 380,000 indictments filed in federal courts across the nation, there was expected to be Ten Days of Darkness while the world went into full Martial Law. Media, Internet, phones and TV programming could be shut down and people asked to remain indoors so the US Military could broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and Evidence of Scandals. During this critical time Military across the globe would remove certain governments, while making arrests on another over 200,000 indictments.
Because of the expected unrest it was advised to have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.

War at the Border Crisis:
On Sat. evening 23 Oct. after Biden withdrew all US law enforcement from the area, a White Hat volunteers US Militia formed at the Texas Border to confront drug cartels and 380,000 illegal immigrants breaching US territory.
What's happening at the border and COMING could be a great catastrophic EVENT. There is no telling what could happen with desperate humans, hungry, tired, cornered, and some with WEAPONS. This large Caravan of migrants coming to TEXAS border is coming to building EVENT. Texas has deployed the National Guard and preparing. The deepest fear to happen among the INTEL /LAW ENFORCEMENT/MILITARY is the [DS] +CARTELS have armed some the migrants with deadlier WEAPONS +BIDEN & [DS] HAVE PLANS TO HAVE MAJOR BLOODBATH AND MAKE WORLD NEWS AND CREATE NEW AGENDA AND LAWS if the Deep State planned migration event (war at the border) takes PLACE. Pray for all the humans involved in this EVENT. May a peaceful outcome be reached.

Mass Arrests Crisis:
The whole world will be shocked at the 1st Arrest because the whole world has been under the English Justice System. (MARITIME LAW, CROWN, GOLD FRINGE ON US FLAG). The removal/arrest of the 9 Supreme Court Justices will trigger the Event….Whiplash347

Global Financial Collapse Crisis:
China's Economy May Collapse, and Bring Down US and World With It: If China's economy keeps stumbling, it won't just take down Beijing — the whole world will collapse with it. Crushed by decades of debt, China is undergoing a radical transition under President Xi Jinping.
What is going to happen with Bitcoin? Well there has been an Operation against it shutting the BTC Mining down Worldwide. I have big lists of the Mine shutdowns/seizures on the channel. Prices have continued to climb due to less supply=higher demand. Bitcoin uses too much Electricity (Wired) and we are moving to Wireless Free Energy. Bitcoin has also been using for Trafficking & many other Nefarious activities. It will not pass Regulation. It is tied to Tether which is tied to the US Rothschild's Dollar. There is a DATA CENTER that will be taken out in China (Three Gorges Dam) and the Collapse will be dramatic….Whiplash347
So take down Tether in Court. Tether is backed by Chinese debt, which is crumbling day by day. This is why they’re rushing to pump Bitcoin to new highs. It’s a ticking time bomb. Take Down BTC Mining worldwide and Hydro Power Plants. Leave the Data Center/Server to last. Take down ETH with the Dead Man Switch. Hello QFS …Mr. Whale, Whiplash347
Is Evergrande about to kill Bitcoin? Tether + the next few weeks will be very telling.
Think Logically. Tether goes down. D.C Defaults BTC Data Center. Internet Switched off was the only to kill BTC they said. What is gonna happen to get New Internet on? The other must go off right? Remember they disconnected and shutdown BTC Mining because of Electricity Usage. We are going to Free Energy. Environmentally Better. Think EMF causing Cancer.
Global financial crisis warning: More Chinese companies on brink after Evergrande. CHINA might be on the verge of a financial crisis as several property developers are inundated with debts.

US intelligence agencies predict many "climate wars" no later than 2040. The CIA fears that changing water flows and accelerating climate change will trigger “wars of survival” in Asia, Africa, Central and South America. (THIS EVENT IS ALREADY HAPPENING).
On Sun. evening 24 Oct. a cyclone-like “Storm of the Century” hit the US Northwest, with a possibility that at any time Tsunamis would plunge into Europe and the US Eastern and Southern coasts. The Tsunamis could result from the tip of La Palma Island off the coast of Africa collapsing into the ocean – from what was believed to be deliberate set off of volcanic eruptions over the past weeks.


Mel K With Acclaimed Investigative Journalist & Warrior Benjamin Fulford, Booms Incoming 10-26-21 here
Mel is thrilled to bring back renowned journalist Benjamin Fulford known for many things including his no nonsense geopolitical insights, understanding of the global cabal and fearless investigative work uncovering truth.
Kurt's notes:
According to Fulford, 1.) Julian Assange is dead; 2.) Jeffrey Epstein is alive and was working for the good guys.


Patriot Underground Episode 112 here
Lin Wood- Trump Will Reveal He Never Left
Patel Patriot COG Research
How Trump Set The Devolution Trap
Role of Special Forces
Patriots In Key Chokepoints
PEADS Documents
Russian/Chinese Naval Patrols
Baldwin Story Analysis

SITUATION UPDATE 10/26/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 26.10.2021:    here

 “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us. God Bless”…President Trump
Trust the Plan …Q
It’s happening! The Truth Social Platform is here. Yes, we did it! We told you! If you’re smart enough, you’ll see that everything is part of The Plan. Just Trust The Plan! The last month is here. Our time has come! Everything we said earlier will start to happen in the next 24 hours! We started to reveal the whole truth, but someone didn’t like it. We’re into the Storm. Blackout Necessary! Fasten your seatbelts! …Trump Office

Call for a Nationwide Shutdown on Nov. 3 2021
“Attention All Americans - Law Enforcement, Paramedics, Doctors, Firemen, Nurses, Truckers, Retail, Warehouses, etc… No masks, No vaccines, No testing. 
“It’s time for our voices to be heard. 
“God Bless America!” 
…Senator Rand Paul

If you have taken the death jab and are in line for the booster, then let’s just face it, it’s time to admit that you have been fully conned, by the government….Dr. Adam Aneevit

“Carry out a random Act of Kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that someday someone will do the same for you.”…Princess Diana 

Judy Note:
The meat in major hamburger brands including McDonalds was found to contain human DNA; Mass arrests were occurring on 320,000 sealed indictments; the Federal Reserve and IRS were no longer under control of the Cabal due to bankruptcy that opened the door for a Global Currency Reset of 209 countries; Tesla Free Energy was now connected to the US Power Grid; Senator Rand Paul has called for a Nationwide Shutdown on Nov. 3 2021 over the vaccination mandate; Europe and the US Eastern and Southern coasts could be hit with Tsunamis since for the past few weeks the Cabal has been setting off volcanic eruptions that was causing the tip of La Palma Island off the coast of Africa to collapse into the ocean, plus Dr. Fauci was found to be experimenting not only on innocent puppies, but foster children and aborted fetal tissue to develop an HIV Vaccine. 
Nothing to report here, folks, at least as far as the Mass Media was concerned.
A return to concepts of the original US Constitution for 209 nations, along with completion of the Global Currency Reset was Event Driven and dependent upon the degree to which the public was awakened, so we had some work to do to alert the general public as to what was going on.

COVID/Vax Hoax:

If you are participating in promoting vaccines for Covid-19 you will be held accountable, worldwide, for violating the Nuremberg Code. Danielle

1. Variants of a virus are spreading amongst vaccinated people
2. A vaccine cannot protect you from anything outside the body only the immune system can. The only reason for this vaccine is to produce antibodies.
3. The antibodies that are produced by the injection of the vaccine can no longer neutralize variants of a virus.
4. Because the vaccine lowers the ability of your immune system to keep viruses out by 60% and with the booster even more the rate of sick and ill people will go up.
Now there are two things you can do right now:
Raise the ability of your immune system right now! Or alter when you feel it is necessary 
- vitamine C 1000 mg daily
- vitamine D3 500/ or 1000 mg daily
- zinc 50/or 100 mg daily
- Q10 500/ or 3x daily

Be Prepared for BIG Lockdowns NOW. WorldWide yes. This is for THE EVENT on PLANET EARTH. Lots of Eastern Europe started last week.


Kurt's comment: A speech from the heart, from the Soul - the best speech I have ever heard.

Benjamin Fulford Report: Worldwide arrests, executions as Khazarian mafia takedown accelerates here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/25/21 here


Michael Salla, 17.10.21: Update on Earth Alliance meetings on Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation: audio here and article here
On October 15, I received an update on the recent meetings on Ganymede between representatives of the Earth Alliance with several extraterrestrial organizations and a new group entering our solar system—the Intergalactic Confederation. The update from Val Nek, relayed through Megan Rose, makes for a total of four independent sources reporting on Ganymede being the site of meetings with a highly evolved new group of extraterrestrial visitors to our solar system.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 25.10.2021:    here

Judy Note: As US President obviously-in-Dementia Biden un-Constitutionally mandated untested vaccines, the Plandemic showed a 5,000 % increase in death rate for the vaccinated – far too many of the deaths a result of heart attacks from blood clots caused by the vaccine. Also, fully vaccinated people were now suffering from what looked like acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, better known as AIDS. Their immune system was fading.

To add to world citizen’s woes, on Sat. evening 23 Oct. after Biden withdrew all US law enforcement from the area, a White Hat volunteers US Militia formed at the Texas Border to confront drug cartels and 380,000 illegals breaching US territory. 

Meanwhile on Sun. evening 24 Oct. a cyclone-like “Storm of the Century” was set to hit the US Northwest and there was a possibility that at any time Tsunamis would plunge into Europe and the US Eastern and Southern coasts. The Tsunamis could result from the tip of La Palma Island off the coast of Africa collapsing into the ocean – from what was believed to be deliberate set off of volcanic eruptions over the past weeks.

At some point soon President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.

Sometime in the near future the Global Currency Reset would complete, GESARA/NESARA would be announced and Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group who held foreign currencies and Zim Bonds) would receive a Secured Website to set our redemption/ exchange appointments at special rates. The General Public would follow in about three days.

WARNING: At some point soon there was expected to be Ten Days of Darkness while the world went into full Martial Law. It was advised to have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand. Media, Internet, phones and TV programming could be shut down and people asked to remain indoors so the US Military could broadcast 10 days of 3x8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and Evidence of Scandals as Military across the globe removed certain governments and made arrests on 500,000 indictments.

Sun. 24 Oct. Charlie Ward, head of the Global Currency Reset Team:

Mass Arrests were occurring right now: John Durham has released 320,000 unsealed indictments, including 37,000 for California alone. Each indictment could carry charges of up to 99 people. 

Big arrests were ongoing in California, Texas and Washington DC. The first big arrest would shock the world (of the fake Biden or Obama?).

Beginning this Thurs. 28 Oct. Moscow was shutting down for ten days to get ready for GESARA.

By Wed.-Thurs. 3-4 Nov. NESARA/GESARA would have full rollout according to sources.

On Fri. 5 Nov. we revert back to the Julian Calendar (Remember, Remember the 5th of November).

By Thurs. 11 Nov. (11-11) a large part, though not all, of the changeover should be completed.

Do not be obsessed with dates as was the Cabal, for this was Event Driven and dependent upon the degree to which the public was awakened.

Steve Jobs was alive and behind the coming Q Phones.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was coming and would be shocking.
The White Hats do not want this to ever happen again so are exercising extreme caution.

Everything the Mainstream Media tells you is a lie. This Mass Media was rapidly being brought down as we speak.

Due to death of inflation the world will be reverting to 1955-1970 prices.

Social Security payments will jump up to $5,000 a month maximum, or three times whatever was being received right now.

We must maintain compassion, empathy and kindness, especially toward those who were finally facing justice. Forgive them, Father, for they know now what they do.

Wed. 3 Nov: Senator Rand Paul has called for a Nationwide Shutdown Nov. 3 2021:
Attention All Americans - Law Enforcement, Paramedics, Doctors, Firemen, Nurses, Truckers, Retail, Warehouses, etc, No masks, No vaccines, No testing. It’s time our voices are heard. God Bless America!

American Patriot News: The Starlink Quantum Internet has been up and running for well over a year now. The United States Military specifically Space Force and the White Hats are and have been using the Starlink Quantum Internet for many months now. It is actually what they used to capture all of the fraud before, during and after the 2020 election. The Starlink Quantum Internet is currently giving the United States Military state-of-the-art high quality and high speed encrypted, dedicated and secure internet like never seen before. In the very near future "We The People" will be able to utilize the Starlink Quantum Internet.

Global Economic Crisis:

EVERGRANDE Avoids Default but REMAINS ON BRINK OF COLLAPSE as Property Sales fall 97% in Key Season:

Evergrande Crisis: Here Are the Other Chinese Developers in Trouble

Russia’s gold & foreign currency reserves rise by almost $5 BILLION in just one week.

Billions of dollars worth of gold is being unearthed below the displaced Oroville dam spill:

Sat. 23 Oct. Border Crisis:
Michael Jaco Breaking News US Militia at Texas Border?? (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( Border War: US Militia at Texas Border Sat. evening 23 Oct. for Border invasion of drug cartels entering into US territory. Cartel has taken over a small town. All US law enforcement have left the area. In less than 72 hours 380,000 + illegals to breach border entrance. 150,000 will enter another entrance.

COVID/Vax Hoax Crisis:
The Vaccinated: “People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of the capabilities of their immune system and are losing them gradually, at a rate of 3.3% to 6.4% per week,” writes The Exposé. Interestingly, people aged 40-49 are in the worst situation, who can completely lose their immune system in about nine weeks. The most prosperous group are young people aged 18-29 years, for whom this period lasts about 44 weeks. Elderly people over 80 years old last about 20 weeks, and the age category of 50-59 years – only 15 weeks. “All people over the age of 30 will lose 100% of all immunity (against viruses and certain cancers) within 6 months,” warns The Exposé. “30-50-year-olds will lose it by Christmas. Then these people will actually get acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and destroy the NHS (National Health Service).” Getting a “booster” vaccination will only speed up the process.

Surviving the Plandemic/Scamdemic:
How many politicians, governmental agencies, social and mainstream media, including school boards have been bribed to perpetuate the deception that lockdowns, mask and vax mandates work and are safe? They have censored safe, effective, inexpensive treatments over other extremely expensive therapies. Therapies studies have shown to have extremely high mortality rates. Remdesivir and ventilators are a death sentence according to major studies but they are used as the preferred treatment with major kickbacks to Hospitals and doctors that prescribe it. Pneumonia and kidney failure are due to Remdesivir according to major case studies and they knew it. Hospitals have become the new killing fields.
Ivermectin has not killed anyone, it has 60 years of safe proven efficacy. It is authorized by the NIH and the FDA, always has been despite the pathological liars in the mainstream and social media. Hydroxychloroquine has also been used for decades safely and outperforms Remdesivir and the jabs. Jabs which are now proven to seriously injure and kill the recipients the scale of which is extremely censored.


YouTube-Channel "Restored Republic" here

Juan O' Savin Revealed!! Updated: Part 1 and 2 (Videos) here

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/24/21 here


Documentation Website about: Out of the Shadows, Fall of the Cabal, Pizzagate, Child Abuse, Hollyweird, Slavery, Human Trafficking here

'Crime Against Humanity' - Putin on 'Wokeness' and Western PC Culture here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 24.10.2021:    here

Event: Tsunami warning for London: WW2 shipwreck packed with explosives is 'ticking time bomb'. AN AMERICAN World War Two shipwreck packed with 1,400 tons of explosives poses a tsunami threat to London.
EVENT Queen’s death: Operation London Bridge would commence with the Queen’s death, along with a planned social media blackout security operation.
Event: The United States was preparing for the strongest storm in the history of the Northwest. There was also a possibility of Tsunamis hitting the US eastern and southern coasts, plus Europe as a result of a La Palma island collapse resulting from volcano eruption. 
Event: M4.9 earthquake hits La Palma. La Palma was an island off the coast of Spain. Earlier, part of the volcano's main cone collapsed on the island. Lava has started to overflow from a secondary opening. Hal Turner Warns La Palma Island Volcano Under Attack With Energy Weapons to Cause Mega-Tsunami. Earthquakes Repeated Over and Over at Exact Same Locations | Terrorism | Before It's News ( 
Hal Turner claimed there was evidence that the LaPalma island volcano eruption and earthquakes were artificially produced. “It looks as though LaPalma is being attacked.  It appears some type of technology is being used to specifically target the island and CAUSE earthquakes, and the attack pattern indicates it is intended to deliberately weaken the same southwest flank where the unstable land mass is located.
THERE ARE EVEN PRECISE SECONDARY EARTHQUAKES IN THE PRECISE LOCATION OF EARLIER EARTHQUAKES! This appears to be a deliberate effort to CAUSE the flank to slide into the ocean and generate a tsunami to wipe out the US east coast. Whoever is doing this, appears to be TRYING to cause the destruction of the US east coast. This may be an actual act of war! Whatever is going on La Palma, may have begun naturally, but as of 11:45 PM eastern US time on Friday, October 22, 2021, it now clearly looks as though some type of man-made attack is taking place. It LOOKS like somebody wants a lot of Americans dead.
Q has said to “Watch the Water.” Another Event that has already happened, was collapse of the Three Gorges Dam on Wed. 20 Oct. There were 40,000 houses destroyed; 5 million people displaced, 700,000 acres of crops destroyed, and 600,000 Chinese people in immediate need of care, with a $5.7 billion dollar loss to the Chinese Communist Party. The human, physical and economic disaster had yet to make headlines in the Mainstream Media, though the floods and expected typhoon heading toward the US certainly would. 3 gorges dam collapse : No Warning Again in china; Severe Flooding Up To 2 Meters Deep, china flood - YouTube
What would never make headlines was the destruction of the CCPs main line of funding that lay beneath Three Gorges: the CCPs child sex trafficking, Adrenochrome production, organ harvesting, gun and drug running headquarters complete with tunnels leading to Wuhan and the infamous Wuhan Lab that produced the COVID Plandemic. 
Add the Three Gorges Dam collapse to hundreds of ships filled with Chinese goods stalled in the Eastern and Western US harbors – that weren’t allowed to unload because of an Executive Order prohibiting trade with any country that interfered with the US Elections (And, the CCP did, big time) – and you have the makings of a Worldwide Economic Disaster.
The Chinese Communist Party Military was highly infiltrated by White Hats in China who want to free their fellow country people from Communist rule. They were in the midst of pulling a coup in China.

International Child Sex Trafficking Crisis:
New Dark Outpost: Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse | Prophecy | Before It's News ( Delta Force operators have raided an Adrenochrome storage facility and seized 600 liters of a substance that Deep State despots believe extends life, prevents illness, and enhances the libido, according to a high-ranking official in the Office of Military Commissions under condition of anonymity. Adrenochrome was obtained by terrorizing, killing young children and then taking their blood.
Moscow investigators have charged Ilya Belostotsky, the director of the children's humorous newsreel Yeralash, with corrupting minors. He is currently in jail. Belostotsky was detained for indecent acts against minors, but later the charge was tightened to Part 3 of Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under the age of sixteen"), which provides for a penalty of up to 10 years in prison. In addition, a collection of child porn was found at the director's house.
The news spread all over social networks and TV channels. Many people are shocked, they say, how so, a mess, children, a famous director and ... a pedophile. Gradual disclosure of information is what happens. The arrests of pedophiles began immediately after Trump won the 2016 election and signed the relevant law. Many channels of human traffic were destroyed, thousands of people accused of pedophilia were caught and arrested (representatives of various professions, employees of companies with big names, civil servants) - there were many publications about this on the channel.
And these monsters live not only in the USA or Europe, they are everywhere, in every country. And for the most part, these are not suspicious-looking types with the faces of maniacs walking around in parks with sweets as bait. Pedophiles are among priests, teachers, world music and film stars, politicians, businessmen, oligarchs. Indictments for many of them are ready and waiting in the wings. Epstein is alive and continues to cooperate with the investigation, as well as his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell (that's why the process was delayed - many participants, many testimonies, testimony). A pedophile may be your neighbor, colleague, friend... These people seem nice and nice at first glance, none of them, of course, gives themselves away. The problem is much broader, more global than it seems.


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/23/21 here

SOMEWHERE IN A NOT SO DISTANT PAST, the Cabal started their journey towards the MASSIVE DEPOPULATION and CONTROL over Planet Earth, and THEY JUST WARNED US WHAT THEIR EVIL, DEMONIC PLANS ARE! In this NEWEST release by Janet Ossegaard, the producer of the ‘FALL OF THE CABAL’ series (watched by TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD), the entire SORDID and DASTARDLY PLAN to RID THE EARTH of BILLIONS OF HUMANS becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR! The terrifying part about this plan is that the CABAL has, recently, OPENLY & EXPRESSLY DIVULGED THIS PLAN TO US, and most people do not even realize it! After watching this MESMERIZING DOCU-PRESENTATION by Janet Ossegard, JAM-PACKED WITH UNDENIABLE FACTS, you will know without ANY DOUBT that “You do NOT want this SH*T in your body!” I do not know it all, but I DO KNOW that WHATEVER is left over of mankind after the GREAT HUMAN PURGE, disclosed in THIS EARTH-SHAKING VIDEO, will be summarily TRANSFORMED into some NOT-SO-HUMAN, CONTROLLED MANNEQUINS whose only goal will be to DO THE BIDDING OF THEIR DEMONIC MASTERS! If you thought the ‘FALL OF THE CABAL’ series was scary, then ‘…YOU HAVEN’T SEEN NOTHING YET…!” Herein this presentation are the KEYS TO THE TRUTH of what the Cabal’s END GAME truly is and HOW THEY PLAN ON GETTING THERE! If you miss ANY of my videos, Patriots, please….DO NOT LET IT BE THIS ONE! And after you’re done watching it, SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE FOR ALL TO SEE! The lives you save may very well be YOUR OWN FAMILY’S, FRIENDS & LOVED ONES! Get ready for a FANTASTICALLY INFORMATIVE & WILD RIDE in this EPIC Take-Down of Satan’s Army!

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 23.10.2021:    here

The Storm of the Century: The Great Awakening. The White Hats Military were getting ready for the coming war – the Storm of the Century. The Chinese Communist Party Military was highly infiltrated by White Hats in China who want to free their fellow country people from Communist rule. When sh… hit the fan China would pull a coup. In fact, all major countries were planning coups on their Deep State governments. The People had to be in charge of the country in order to participate in the Global Currency Reset: The Great Awakening – a near death game theory. According to Q, “Military was the only way.”

It’s Happening Oct. 28 2021: Oct 28 It's Happening! 500k arrests- Militaries to Remove Governments Worldwide! People asked to stay indoors- all media, internet, phones shut down | Beyond Science | Before It's News (

Possible Schedule of Events:
Whiplash347 on Fri. 22 Oct. 2021:
Queen’s death: Operation London Bridge would commence with the Queen’s death, along with a planned social media blackout security operation.
Storm Tweet next 24hrs
Watch those new profiles perhaps
Think Bomb Cyclone
Think all of those Ships being held up from US Ports (EO13848) 
Shutdown of Earth Sunday 24 Oct.
10 Days Of Darkness 
Military EBS
DECLAS Monday 25 Oct. NIH 
JFK Tuesday 26 Oct. 
1st Q Drop 28th - Russia 10 Day Shutdown
Hillary Arrest 30th
Halloween - JFK Jr Plane Landing? Registration Expires
Declas to bring Indictments/Arrests before UN meeting.
10 days Start Sun. 24 Oct. Ends Tues. Nov 2
Military to explain the 3 day Event
[34] Bombings of Satanic Buildings Nov 3, Nov 4, 
Remember, Remember the Fifth Of November: Calendar will flip back to Julian Calendar.
We will live this twice.

Judy Note: Add to the above possible Calendar Events the below compilation of Intel from Charlie Ward, Bruce, MarkZ and two separate High Up Sources and you could better understand planned Alliance happenings for October and November:
Last week two monetary systems from the Legacy Fund downloaded into the bank and from there were successfully placed into the proper accounts. 
This week twenty-five other accounts would be moved.
On Sun. 17 Oct. the Cabal defaulted: the Federal Reserve and IRS were no longer under their control. This opened the door for the Global Currency Reset.
Sun. night 17 Oct. Tesla Free Energy connected to the US power grid system, plus the new rates of all currencies in the first basket to revalue appeared on bank screens.
On Mon. 18 Tesla Free Energy was hooked up to the national power grid.
On Wed. 20 Oct. Funding of the 26 Master Accounts began.
Starting Thurs. 21 Oct. and ending sometime on Sun. 24 Oct. was the final countdown for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to receive the Secured Website and obtain 800s to make exchange/ redemption appointments.
The General Public Tier 5 would follow about three days after Tier 4B began.
On Fri. night 22 Oct. President Trump was expected to board Air Force One in preparation for the Global Currency Reset and return of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.
Sat. 23 Oct. would be an important date: the Emergency Broadcast System could come out.
Sat. 23 Oct. Tesla Free Energy would kick in and go through the present power lines. Cost of your former electrical bill should drop by at least 75%. The Military was already using Tesla Free Energy. 
Also on Sat. 23 Oct. Bond Holders (handled out of Reno, Zurich, New York, Texas and Hong Kong) would receive a percentage of their accounts.
Sun./Mon. 24. 25 Oct: President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.
Mon. 24 Oct to Tues. 2 Nov. Ten Days of Darkness was slated to begin while the world went into full Martial Law – which may not be the window since Moscow indicated everything would happen between:
Thurs. 28 Oct to Sun. 7 Nov: Moscow announced was a 10-day closure of non-essential services.
Mon. 1 Nov. Predicted Stock Market Crash.
Tues. 2 Nov. Possible revelation that JFK Jr. was alive and behind the Q movement – that his father President Kennedy, began as he was trying to get rid of the Federal Reserve (even had new US Notes printed). The announcement was rumored set to take place in Dallas Texas at what was known as the “Grassy Knoll” where Kennedy was “killed?” 57 years ago on 22 Nov. 1963.
Sat. 6 Nov. Trump Presidency made public!
Tues. 9 Nov. Early Christmas
Thurs. 11 Nov. Celebration/Inauguration/Victory Day (the World is united).
Wed. 24 Nov. rumored to be a new Election Day.
Somewhere along the line GESARA/ NESARA would be activated.

Researchers Announced Creation of Human-Monkey Hybrid:
The Salk Institute for Biological Research in La Jolla, California, said it participated in an experiment with a Chinese research group to inject human stem cells into monkey embryos. They allowed the resulting creature to live and grow for 19 days, and then killed it. The researchers responsible for the technology used in the experiment stated that their work contributed to the study of embryonic development. This happened six months ago. The scientific community is concerned that such experiments may lead to the creation of new species of creatures in the style of Frankenstein. 
When asked whether such hybrids should be considered human, the authors of the experiment answer that they are not sure. They are also currently discussing the creation of a creature with human neurons, thereby generating further "ethical dilemmas". And that's just what happens in the visible spectrum. Think about what experiments and developments they conduct under the heading "Top secret"? Some sources reported that most of the hybrids of humans and animals are being worked on in Zone 51. One of the informants, who once worked there, came forward a few years ago and told that monstrous experiments on crossing people and animals have been carried out in Area 51 for many decades (including), in particular, he mentioned a hybrid of a man and a shark, which he allegedly saw with his own eyes.


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/22/21 here

David Zublick: Dark Outpost 10-22-2021 Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse! here
Delta Force operators have raided an Adrenochrome storage facility and seized 600 liters of a substance that Deep State despots believe extends life, prevents illness, and enhances the libido, according to a high-ranking official in the Office of Military Commissions under condition of anonymity. John Carman will provide his take on the latest headlines. Chris Wilson presents evidence the United States is still a British colony.

How to Protect Your Wealth Against Runaway Inflation! Clay Clark & Bo Polny here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 22.10.2021:    here

“Trump to move to a secure location before the weekend.”…Simon Parks
“We passed the point of no return, and there’s no stopping this rollout from rolling out.” ……Nick Fleming
“Today is the day that they fear so much.
Today everything changes.
Many will be punished for what they’ve done.”
…Diana Frances Spencer

In the coming days the Alliance will release Crimes Against Humanity – the largest Military Operation in the history of humanity. This invisible war is much bigger than WW11. The days ahead will change the world….CodeZV11

Ten Days of Darkness while the world goes into full Martial Law.
Have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.
Media, Internet, phones and TV programming shut down and people asked to remain indoors so the US Military could broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hours sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and Evidence of Scandals as Military across the globe removed certain governments and made arrests on 500,000 indictments.
Chinese Communist Party pushing war on Taiwan
Social Media including Facebook to disappear from the Web
A New and Transparent Web would appear on the Quantum Internet System
Veritas released on Pfizer
Soros Exposed

Judy Note: Sorry about not getting out today’s newsletter. The Bad Guys have been at it again, as they have since I first published Twenty Two Faces. They whacked my email account good. No worry. Now All is Well. Though, speaking about what the Bad Guys have been up to:

The invention of the Corona Virus and subsequent vaccines appeared to be part of the Illuminati plan to Rule the World. US taxpayer dollars were used to invent CV-19. So far Dr. Fauci, the pharmaceutical companies and other global elites have made billions off this worldwide Plandemic.
CV-19 was considered no more than a common flu in the official Medical Manual. In many parts of the world more people have died from the vaccine than from Covid. There were known natural cures and very successful protocols such as the use of Ivermectin to cure Covid symptoms.
Be aware that in spite of illegal mandates to be vaccinated, Covid Vaccines were considered experimental and have not yet been approved for use of the general public. Vaccines were known to cause Neurological Disorders, Cancer, Vomiting, Nausea, Autism, Auto-immune Disease, Paralysis, plus a number of other disorders. They contained MRC-5, WI-38, Formaldehyde, Vero Cells, MDCK, Aluminum, MSG, Embroy Cell Culture, Aborted Fetal Cells, Carcinogens, Monkey Kidney Cells, Dog Kidney Cells, Neurotoxins and cells from Baby Chickens.
Under the Constitution the government has no right to inject anything into your body. Your rights come from God. 

Juan O Savin on Thurs. 21 Oct: “A specific dark, precise Event will shortly go down, triggering other events – all showing that we were on the winning side of a war. The war will go through March 2022, and then on for a couple of years.” Situation Update: It's Begun! First Domino About To Fall! EBS & Military Event!! MSM Takedown! Juan O Savin Clip! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (

Possible Schedule of Events:

Judy Note: The below was a compilation of Intel from two separate High Up Sources, Charlie Ward, Bruce and MarkZ:

On Fri. night 22 Oct. President Trump was expected to board Air Force One in preparation for the Global Currency Reset and return of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.
Sat. 23 Oct. would be an important date: the Emergency Broadcast System could come out.
Sat. 23 Oct. Tesla Free Energy would kick in and go through the present power lines. Cost of your former electrical bill should drop by 75%. The Military was already using Tesla Free Energy. 
Also on Sat. 23 Oct. Bond Holders (handled out of Reno, Zurich, New York, Texas and Hong Kong) would receive a percentage of their accounts.
Sun./Mon. 24. 25 Oct: President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.
Mon. 24 Oct to Tues. 2 Nov. Ten Days of Darkness was slated to begin while the world went into full Martial Law.
Thurs. 28 Oct to Sun. 7 Nov: Moscow announced was a 10-day closure of non-essential services.
During this Ten Days of Darkness all militaries of the globe and via the US Military, would shut down all media, Internet, phones and TV programming.
For ten days 100% of The People would be asked to remain indoors so the Military could make Mass Arrests and broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and evidence of scandals.
While this was happening the Military would be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests on 500 thousand indictments filed in federal courts across the nation and globe.
GESARA/ NESARA would be activated.

After the exchange/ redemption no one, including those in the bank, would see your bank balance except you, unless you gave them specific permission.

QFS Update, Charlie Ward:
Charlie Ward was the official spokesperson for the Quantum Financial Team. It was Ward’s team that moved 650 plane loads of gold from a 150 mile tunnel (that ran from Switzerland to Israel) beneath the Vatican to the proper owners – the US Treasury and treasuries of other countries. He said, “They’re not in any hurry. They’re making sure there are no mistakes.”
The White Dragon Family Elders have cut off giving credit, or monies, to the Cabal.
The backup of ships in the US ports has everything to do with Trump’s EO that there would be no foreign interference in an election. If they did, the US would not trade with that country. The Chinese Communist Party was behind 2020 Election fraud, as were other countries.
3,300 Star Link Satellites have been launched for the new Quantum Systems to allow the Military to take over and insure transparency in Mass Media and the Global Monetary System.

Trump launches Social Platform 1 Nov. 2021:
"I formed Truth Social and the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) to counter the tyranny of the tech giants," Trump said in a statement, adding that his platform would be launched in the first quarter of 2022. The big companies in Silicon Valley have used their one-sided power to silence dissent in America, Trump added. He was ousted from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube following the January 6 attack on the US Congress. Before he was ousted, Trump had almost 89 million followers on Twitter, when he announced a number of presidential decisions, he had 35 million followers on Facebook and 24 million on Instagram. The Truth Social platform will be available in beta on call from November 2021, the statement said, while Trump's new media group TMTG will also have an on-demand video service with entertainment programs and podcasts.
Trump's new company is a SPAC: A Special Purpose Acquisition Company. It's chartered (and flush with $293Mil cash) with the express intent of acquiring and operating media assets. That could be social apps, but also cable channels, or other things. It is NOT just a social app. It will raise more money and begin announcing acquisitions soon. Initial valuation posted at $1.7B.

International Child Sex Trafficking Crisis:
Human Trafficking Operation Yields 115 Arrests in Texas: TARRANT COUNTY, TX - A multi-agency human trafficking investigation has resulted in 115 arrests, police said. In operation "Buyer Beware," police focused
Former employee who worked at Epstein's Zorro ranch: "All of Epstein's residences had these mechanical rooms and tunnel systems. I know this because Epstein told me. These rooms were enormous - bigger than houses. I have no idea why anyone needs so many computers in one room. There were pinhole cameras to record everything on every estate. The cameras were ubiquitous. You couldn't see them unless they were pointed out to you."
The Italian Mafia Ndrangheta ran the Vatican’s International Child Sex Trafficking Ring connected to Bush, Hollywood, the CIA, European Royals and Epstein Island according to Kevin Annett whose ITCCS prosecuted the Pope and others back in 2014: Bush, Clintons, Vatican, Royals, Hollywood, CIA, UK PM, Baptists into Pedophilia | Celebrities | Before It's News (  Child Sacrifice Rite to Remove Pope Francis prior to Feb. 23 | Celebrities | Before It's News (
Reuters: Police in Germany, Italy and Bulgaria raided 46 residential and commercial buildings on Wednesday as part of a European probe into the Italian mafia, German police said. They said they would release more information after the raids had been completed. The synchronized raids were the result of a European investigation into a group, some of whom belong to the "Ndrangheta", the most powerful mafia group in Italy. They are accused of forming a criminal organization and of tax evasion worth millions of euros. Police in Bavaria said in a statement that police and tax investigators in Augsburg had been investigating the case for more than a year, under the leadership of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.“ –Reuters

The Quantum Financial System, Whiplash347:
Rothschild's Central Bank Oil/War Backed Notes are being changed out with RAINBOW Treasury Department Notes in Every country. USTN etc. You can see Australian Central Bank Deal on Notes. (Look it up)
In the Global Currency Reset we Revaluate all Currencies on Earth so they are EVEN. You Remember Trump saying "EVEN PLAYING FIELD & Talking about the Road Trip in the RV"
I gave you those 3 Foreign Currencies that will have big worth.  Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong & The 2008 AA 100 Trillion Dollar Note from Zimbabwe.
So Remember I said many immigrants will return home to their lands to build and rebuild under newly Blockchain Elected Non Tyrant Governments 10% the size of what they are now. 3rd World Nations under GESARA receive massive money to Build & Rebuild from years of Rape, Pillage, Genocide, War & Destruction. Think Africa, Mid East, Asia & South America. They will be building these Continents & Nations up to being 1st World. To have what we have. I am pretty sure the plan is to populate the entire world and one day in near future we become Inter-Planetary. See Elon & Mars.
So instead of Oil backed Currencies we move to using Precious Metals. I have always Mentioned Gold, Silver, Platinum, Paladium. Iridium & Copper. Add Rhodium too.
1.  If Trump has repeatedly mentioned crypto isn't good, why should we risk buying it? 
Well the answer was he doesn't like 'UNREGULATED" Crypto and not backed by anything. So there is a International Regulation IS020022 they will need to come under. Follow the XRP - SEC case to know which ones that have been brought up as they are the ones that will fail. Ie BTC, Tether, ETH, Monero etc. You have the Hi Resolution QFS Chart i provided showing Regulation, Certificates, Metal/Stock/Asset backing. You may back your ISO20022 Digital Currency by Chilli Powder or Coffee Beans. - i almost said Mungbeans.
2. Is crypto part of cabal? Except for certain ones? 
Crypto is an Old term. The new way is Asset backed Digital Currency. The White Hats have taken it all over. To get on to the QFS it must be Regulated & backed. The United States SpaceForce are the guardians of the galaxy and the Quantum Internet & systems. All protected above by Secret Space Programs. Out of Cabal's reach. This is why Donald J Trump created the Space Force.
3. Can you explain Rainbow treasury notes?
Yes we have been living a Rothschild's Central Banking System where they loan money to Govts at a high interest rate that they never ever were getting back. Every 4 yrs you have stupid no good for nothing rigged elections always about paying debts back. So USA used to have Treasury Gold backed notes years ago. Every Country will be changing notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes as in Treasury Department's that will be backed by ALL precious metals rather than just Gold. In todays day & age Mining Metals is a lot more established than it was back then
4. What is going to happen with Bitcoin?
Well there has been an Operation against it shutting the BTC Mining down Worldwide. I have big lists of the Mine shutdowns/seizures on the channel. Prices have continued to climb due to less supply=higher demand. Bitcoin uses too much Electricity (Wired) and we are moving to Wireless Free Energy. Bitcoin has also been using for Trafficking & many other Nefarious activities. It will not pass Regulation It is tied to Tether which is tied to the US Rothschild's Dollar. There is a DATA CENTER that will be taken out in China and the Collapse will be dramatic. 
5. and 6. Is XRP going to be the new currency for the good people and not the corrupt? XRP= Banks XLM= For the people. Can you explain?
XRP = Banking Institutions used for Instant Payments. Will be a buy back no doubt. XLM = For Business,  for the people. Will be used as a method of payment along with other ways. Think why Akon sold his BTC for XLM. The whole point of the Regulation and Metal/Stock/Asset backing is to stop Corruption. It must pass hoops to get on Quantum Financial System.
12. How will people's mortgages be affected if they own a condo or apt since it's multiple residences in one building?
Mortgage's Wiped. The Old Corrupt Diseased Temple is getting Humpty Dumptied.
13. Is the IRS gone and will we get our funds back from it? 
Yes plus much more. Don't get me started on Birth Certificates. They get sold by the Vatican 20,000 times.
14. We cashed out of our stocks in case of market crash.  Most funds are in IRA retirement accounts.  What should we do about cash?  Re invest, if so, in what?  Or keep in cash for now?
Yes I recommend you invest in at least Silver - XRP & XLM. But Cash will transfer as mentioned
15. Will all our debt be wiped out when Nesara/Gesara is implemented?
Yes 50th Debt Jubilee year too. It is biblical.
"We are the creators of our own reality. We are powerful divine beings with infinite creative abilities. But to create this reality requires the energy of action. So, let's act now - do something today that will mark the beginning of this wonderful future for you, your loved ones and all of humanity."…


Patriot Underground Episode 108 here
QFS Update
Are Doctor's Being Blackmailed?
2nd Phase Military Buildups Worldwide
Trump's "Truth Social" Will Replace Fakebook
China Vs. Taiwan Analysis
Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons
Days Away From The 1st Domino
Vindication Is Coming


Truth Social here
TRUTH Social is America’s “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology.
Donald Trump's new social media platform.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/21/21 here

Simon Parkes: 20TH OCTOBER 2021 UPDATE CURRENT NEWS here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 20.10.2021:    here

Judy Note: The below Intel given by Bruce Tues. evening 19 Oct, has been verified by a reliable High Up Source:

Tues. 19 Oct. The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#:
Sun. night 17 Oct. Tesla Free Energy connected to the US power grid system and all currencies in the first basket to revalue were on bank screens.
On Mon. 18 Oct. Tesla Free Energy was ready to deliver power across the nation. Cost of your former electrical bill should drop by 75%. The Military was already using the Tesla Free Energy.
On Wed. 20 Oct. Bond Holders should receive their 1-2% payout.
On Wed. or Thurs. 20, 21 Oct. Tier 4B was expected to be notified to set appointments – that could start the afternoon of notification.
The Emergency Broadcast System was set to take over Mainstream Media on Sat. 23 Oct., though that date was said to have been changed to either Wed, Thurs, or Fri. 20, 21, 22 Oct.
The General Public Tier 5 would follow in about three days, or around Wed. 20 Oct. 

WARNING from Whiplash347: The Storm is Almost Here – be sure to have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.

Wed. 20 Oct. News from Coach Jerry:

• The looming Durham Report: Rumor is its release involving actual indictments will surface. (Very aggressive rumors this time around).

• The US vaccine mandates have reached critical mass with hundreds of thousands of parents of public school students electing to keep their kids home. Millions of employees quiting their jobs in protest, refusing to be vaccinated, etc.

• The China Evergrande debacle will finalize October 23rd... causing a devastating financial ripple, eventually turning into a worldwide cascade or financial collapse. Perhaps this was "the water" Q referenced? "Watch The Water!"
• As a result of Evergrande demise, many reliable fund managers & investment advisors, I have followed for years, are predicting a major market crash very soon.  And they are using the word "crash", NOT correction. 

• Rumor is D1 & D2 may have been released.  Unconfirmed. But if true, this is it! 

• I'm predicting everything breaks loose on or before Oct 29th. Why?

1. Still Red October month and BEFORE the satanic activity kicks into high gear October 31th.

2. The 1929 Market Crash ushering in the Great Depression happened on Oct 29th.

3. Oct 29th, 2021 is on a Friday and also a "Q" date. (10.29.2021) (Eliminating i.e. not counting zeros) 1 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 17!

Summary of Real News for Wed. 20 Oct. 2021:

They’re killing us via vaccination mandates!!! FDA and CDC both know, but won’t admit, that 90% of Covid patient hospitalizations are the fully vaccinated.
Google Hiding Vaccine Death Info, such as Dr. Zev Zelenko who says there could easily be 250,000 dead vaxxed Americans.
US Taxpayers Funded Development of Corona Virus through Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories researching novel Coronaviruses in bats: Project G-2101.
14 People to Blame for Nationwide Product Shortages to be named Mon. 9 pm EDT, Hal Turner Show.
They are deliberately creating food, goods, fuel shortages: 100 ships made to remain frozen at sea outside the Chinese Communist Party-run ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Is the Supply Chain Being Sabotaged?
UN behind vaccine passports to up cost of travel. UN plan to use worldwide “vaccine passports” to enforce global carbon taxes, would make the cost of travel even more expensive.
Italian Mafia Ndrangheta, which ran the Vatican’s International Child Sex Trafficking Ring connected to Bush, Hollywood, the CIA, European Royals and Epstein Island, were being arrested by the Alliance international police force.
Nurses were smuggling in Ivermectin (barred from use in hospitals) to dying patient to save their lives.
Clintons, Colin Powell, Hunter Biden have already undergone Military Tribunals, hangings at GITMO. What you see in public was a well crafted show designed by the Alliance to catch members of the Illuminati.
Large protests against Corona Virus Vaccine Mandates continued across the globe.
Whiplash347 reminded us to back up our data in Social Media as something was about to go down.
17 State Attorneys Generals write to Biden, DOJ to rebuke their actions against parents.
Seattle firefighters and police officers that were fired for not complying with the vaccine mandate out feeding the homeless.

Romania Shuts Down Government Vaccines: This is absolutely EPIC. Romanian government has closed all vaccine centers because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work. 

Med Beds:
Portable MedBeds units are being developed which put injured subjects into stasis sleep in order to slow down bodily degradation and conserve life force energy so that patients do not die on their way for medical attention. These portable units are designed for basic wound repair on the go and small scale organ regeneration.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 20.10.2021:    here

The Hidden War, Nick Fleming:
“We here in the United States, have been involved in a hidden war for control of God’s Country. What the Communists/Nazi’s/Satanists, etc., don’t understand was that God always won. For every harm committed there would be an even greater correction. For every theft committed there would be/has been an even greater correction. This went for every innocent ever harmed, enslaved, or oppressed. An even greater correction was in the queue ready to fly into action. This time the correction would be a Clean Sweep, eliminating every bad actor, bringing (suppressed) new quantum technologies to the fore."
“Traitors were going to disappear. Corrupt politicians were disappearing. Treasonous world leaders were “dying of Covid” and evaporating from the world stage…All underway right now.” “BOOM!”

Red Pilling the Fake Plandemic,Laura Matsue:
“It’s a virus so deadly you need to test to see if you have it???
It’s a pandemic so serious that hospitals fire hundreds of thousands of nurses during it ???
It’s a vaccine so effective that it doesn’t work unless everyone takes it???”

What to Expect in the Upcoming Perfect Storm:

Between now and Thurs. 11 Nov. expect a Market Crash, Blackouts, Revelations, a Military Takeover, Lockdown and Mass Arrests.

Nuclear Reactors hacked by rogue states such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Iran and Israel. 

World internet will be shut down, including MSM, big tech, some power etc. 

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will be activated.

Bitcoin CIA Server under the Three Gorges Dam will be removed.

The event China Dam, Tiananmen Square & Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded. This will surely make the Stock Market Collapse.

Summary of Tues. 19 Oct. Update:

May 16, 2020 POTUS said 2021 will be amazing; that we would transition in 4th Quarter.
• 4th Quarter: 10/01 - 12/31
• 4th Quarters were when games were finished and won.
Whiplash347 Tues. 19 Oct. 10:00 am EDT: “My sources say Durham will be holding a Press Conference on an arrest within 24 hours. I can say no more.”
“We are at War”: The Cabal appeared to be using CV-19 and Covid Vaccinations as bio weapons to fulfill their Depopulation Agenda for a New World Order.
The Deep State has had control of the US Taxpayer Dollar since inception of the IRS and Federal Reserve in the early 1800’s. This Illuminati-controlled Cabal has used up all the monies to where a fiat dollar has existed since the 2008 “Mortgage Crisis” when they were unable to even pay interest owed on their original loan of gold from the Chinese Elders.
As of Sun. 17 Oct. 2021 the Deep State faced their bankruptcy that had been finalized. Now this Cabal was trying to save it’s neck by activating a new monetary system that no one wanted, through digital currency (Bitcoin) that had no real backing, plus their invention of the CV-19 Plandemic was in full swing in an attempt to control The People:
Global Currency Reset: Meanwhile, with backing of the Chinese Elder’s gold, there were 209 countries of the world which were implementing a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset so as to return each country’s tax monies back to The People. 
By Mon. 25 Oct. the world stock markets, (owned by the Cabal) were set to crash. Evergrande, China's indebted giant property developer, has $300 billion in debt and has missed a series in bond payments. The Real Estate giant will be officially in default if the company does not make good after a 30-day grace period for a missed coupon payment that was due on Sept. 23 and in default on Oct 23 when the grace period for payment ended.
Because of it’s negative effect on the world economy the Chinese Communist Party’s Bitcoin, which has 0 backing, was set to be destroyed in a global military operation of the Alliance.
Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg Two (Military Tribunals on the Cabal’s global and political elites) has already begun in five or six countries including GITMO and all would conclude by Thurs. 11 Nov.
CV-19 is referred to in the Medical Manual as a common flu. CV-19 was a man-made infection invented in the Chinese Communist Party’s Wuhan Lab in connection with the Cabal. Hal Turner Radio Show - How Did Mr. Rothschild Apply for a COVID-19 Test Method Patent in 2015 When "COVID-19" Didn't exist?
The CV-19 Plandemic was being used to create food, fuel and goods shortages throughout the world. US Treasury deputy sec warned unvaxxed Americans that shortages would continue until EVERYONE was jabbed US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed — RT USA News
The latest data from the United Kingdom's PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report suggested that people who have been "fully vaccinated" for the Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19) were losing about five percent of their immune systems per week. "If this continued then 30-50 year-olds would have 100% immune system degradation, or zero viral defense by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 would have lost their immune systems by March next year."
The Covid Vaccinations Killed People: There was an 80% chance of losing the fetus of pregnant women after a Covid vaccination. The Vaccinated have frequently showed blood clots leading to heart attacks.
The Vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get Covid than people with Natural Immunity:
Vaccinations Simply Didn’t Work: The Rate of Infection among Vaccinated Exceeded Unvaccinated: Other reports showed that vaccination did not prevent CV-19 infection and might even increase the chances of catching the Covid so-called “virus.”
Scientists have found live organisms growing in those vaccinated. Radiation poisoning carried the same symptoms as Covid vaccination side effects. The Graphene oxide in the jabs boosted the electromagnetic frequencies throughout the body, causing adverse reactions, heart attacks and neurological disorders.
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi shows proof virus is not novel:,-M.D.:d
Those who have experienced CV-19 vaccinations want to be heard and researched: (VIDEO) “We Want To Be Heard” - A Plea By COVID-19 Vaccinated People Who Are Suffering From Side-Effects | PART 3 : The COVID World
Liberty Counsel has filed a class action lawsuit against the Biden administration on behalf of members of five branches of the military to halt the federal vaccine mandate.
HISTORY déjà vu:  Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a "FLU" at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental 'bacterial meningitis vaccine', which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a "killing field".  Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.
Judy Note: A study done by none other than Dr. Fauci showed that in the 1918 “flu” epidemic of the people who died, it was not from the flue, but from bacterial infections caused by, you guessed it, …wearing a mask.

Food, Fuel and Goods Crisis:

Judy Note: In general US ports were owned by private entities, and not necessarily US citizens had control. For instance, the Port of Los Angeles was owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Hundreds of cargo ships have been stranded for weeks off of both US coasts. Truckers claim it was because the big corporations wanted to create shortages so they could up the price of goods. Some cargo won’t make it. Rotting food was said to be on some of the ships.

Nick Fleming: To all of Tier 4, know this: there is no lack -- of food, or energy, or of the money to buy these things. There is only the Systemic correction taking place. This Systemic correction is global in scope and lawful for One and all. The protocols chronicled and organized decades ago, refined and maintained by White Hats, champions of many nationalities, all unified with a common goal, are being followed to the letter. The proof of this (WIN/WIN) is being delivered right here on the www, and through the many channels we’ve laid over the years. There’s no holding this back. There’s no keeping the facts hidden, no matter what the CIA shills report. The world as you know it is shifting. It had to be managed this way to stop the WEF/UN/BIS/EU Nazi-Khazarian take over with their One World Order event. It had to be done this way to guarantee 100% safety for Tier 4 massive generational correction to take place. 

Covid/ Vax Hoax:

World Awakening: Now even the leading media admit that the official story does not make sense, and that the Chinese virus was created intentionally, and did not suddenly appear as a product of nature. We know that Fauci (the chief infectious disease specialist of the USA) sent millions of dollars of American taxpayers to China to conduct illegal research on bat Corona viruses - this is an indisputable fact. A year and a half ago, anyone who suggested any of this was called a crazy "conspiracy theorist." Now the conspiracy theory is the belief that bat soup caused the pandemic.

"It is impossible to deny, based on the data, that fully vaccinated people are now suffering from what looks like acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, better known as AIDS. Their immune system is fading, as many have warned.

Nadhim Zahawi, British Parliment: "As for the UK, they are considered fully vaccinated regardless of whether they received the placebo or the vaccine. These people receive a "GREEN PASS" as unvaccinated people with placebos. And the others will be poisoned. So far it could only be read and heard in the free media. Now it is even being said publicly in the UK Parliament. So if you get your green pass even with a placebo and not the vaccine then they should give green card to everyone not vaccinated as well. If everyone can get green cards with or without vaccine or placebo, then why the green card? Why not everybody free! Liberty for all! This can be proven in court that their mandates doesn't make any sense.’

Save America, President Donald J. Trump Oct. 18, 2021:
MEMO: Lawsuit Filed to Defend Executive Privilege, U.S. Constitution
Today, President Donald J. Trump filed a lawsuit in defense of the Constitution, the Office of the President, and the future of our nation, all of which the sham Unselect Committee is trying to destroy. The fact is America is under assault by Pelosi’s Communist-style attempt to silence and destroy America First patriots through this hyper-partisan and illegitimate investigation.
* The January 6th Committee is a partisan sham to distract Americans from the Democrats’ policies that are killing and robbing Americans. For example:
* The Border crisis is flooding our communities with drugs and gangs, while costing taxpayers billions.
* The Democrats’ mismanagement of COVID exposed America’s elderly to a deadly disease and then in many cases, forced them to die alone.
* By defunding the police and embracing criminals, Democrats have made our cities less safe.
* The unconstitutional mandates are destroying the economy.
* The media is complicit in advancing the Committee’s unconstitutionally flawed request.
* This committee exposed itself as a sham by requesting documents which serve no legitimate legislative purpose — what does President Trump’s campaign polling data from Florida have to do with an investigation into January 6th?


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/20/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.10.2021:    here

Q Statement release 10.9.18:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow]. Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?

Highlights of this Tues. 19 Oct. 2021 Update. Did you know?
Donald Trump commands over 50,000 Secret Troops deputized as Federal Marshals.
A mysterious fence has recently been completed around the US Capitol Building: Mystery Fence placed around US Capitol
Gold pricing was being artificially suppressed to allow Banks to buy on the cheap before the expected Global Financial Collapse (that was due to the fiat dollar). 
President Biden has admitted to having caused our Supply Chain crisis and has threatened that food and supply shortages would not clear up until everyone was jabbed: Situation Update: Biden Regime Admits Causing Supply Chain Crisis! Says Only When Everyone Is Jabbed Will It Return To Normal! Military & Veterans Preparing Worldwide For Final Event! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (
Wuhan Institute of Virology Had Plans for Developing Covid-Like Virus, Truth Over News:
Fauci, Wuhan, Pharmaceuticals have made billions via the Plandemic and Vaccinations.
It has been proven that there was no relationship between a person’s vaccine status and their ability to be infected, or not infected with Covid according to a new NIH Study.
Your chances of having Covid was higher if you had been fully vaccinated than if you didn’t have the jab.
Some felt that unvaccinated people were safe, while the vaccinated (because they could spread CV-19) were harmful to others and needed to quarantine all winter.
Fully vaccinated people have been found to suffer from what appears to be acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Vaccinated people have been found to suffer blood clots that were directly related to their injection. 
Covid vaccines have been found to contain Mercury, Therminsol, or Fetus Baby Tissue, SM-102 and/or Formaldehyde; “living organisms” found in Moderna, J&J shots; graphene oxide and Merck’s new anti-viral pills. Dr. Franc Zalewski, Polish Scientist, discovers alumininum parasites in Pfizer Vaccine:
Of 127 women who were vaccinated in the first 20 weeks, 82% resulted in miscarriage.
Blood tests before and after CV-19 jab prove shot obliterated the immune system:
Because of inadequate studies done on Covid Vaccines there is not a Covid Vaccine that has FDA approval for use of the general population. They are only FDA approved for emergency use.
Millions have died from the Covid injections. In some countries more have died from the Covid injection than from having Covid itself. Dr. Robert Young: Millions Have Died From The COVID Injections | U. S. Politics | Before It's News (
If an employer forces you to have a Covid injection in order to keep your job you have solid grounds for a lawsuit because of the factors listed above.

Excerpt from the interview with Archbishop Vigano:
"Now it seems obvious to me that we are under siege on both the social and religious front. The so-called emergency pandemic has been used as a false pretext for the simultaneous and coordinated imposition of vaccination and green pass in many countries of the world... They support them in this unholy plan and go so far as to condemn those who do not agree to be vaccinated with an experimental gene serum with unknown side effects, which does not give any immunity against the virus, not to mention the moral consequences associated with the presence of genetic material obtained from aborted fetuses, which for a Catholic is more than enough reason to refuse the vaccine. We are at war, a war that has not been openly declared, which is not being waged with conventional weapons, but still a war ... The alliance is not between the state and the church. But this is an alliance between the deep state and the deep church. Those who die from the vaccine are sacrificed on the altar of Moloch ...
They pretend to be representatives of the people, but in fact they are acting against the people. Without any restrictions, without restrictions, neither from above, since they have abolished the divine origin of the power of those who govern, nor from below, since they do not allow citizens to elect their own representatives unless they are sure that they can manipulate the vote in their own interests."

Underground War:
Only 2% of the DUMB’s left to do in America and 12% of the DUMB’s in Canada left: Priority is the DUMB’s and the Children for the Alliance. List of DUMBs by State – Complete List of Military Underground Bases in USA | Alternative | Before It's News (

Med Beds Incoming:
There will be 3 Types of Med Beds. I know one of them reverses Vaccine Damage. If you have any Children on the Spectrum they will reverse this too. Everything will be cured: Cancer, Motor Neuron Diseases like MND, MS, Cerebral Palsy etc. 6000 Cures are coming in 1 big hit.
See a Pattern with Hospitals, Elective Surgeries, Elekta - Cancer Treatments etc. If You Know, You Know. Med Beds incoming. See as a start. Believe there is 3 Types of Med Beds. Will also be Celestial Chambers eventually too.

Gold and Silver Price Suppression:
The theme is that all the Central Banks globally are buying gold and that gold and silver unlike all other commodities are not rising in dollar price per ounce.
Why. Because the gold price is being artificially suppressed. Allowing the Banks to buy on the cheap before the collapse. This will be the last time gold will be suppressed. A tip. If the gangster Central Banks are hoarding gold and silver maybe you should get some!
Do not listen to the talking head economists of the financial world. Most of them are clueless and the ones that are aware are dumping their stock portfolio's like the regional chair of the Fed and Powell the Chair. They like their cabal controlled Central Banks are buying gold and silver. They are the puppets of the Cabal and lie and deceive the public. This next collapse will be the end of their murderous reign over the planet. They will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. The future is ours patriots.
Central Bank Gold Demand Keeps Increasing! Poland & India Stepping Up Gold Tonnage Orders. Polish central bank to buy 100 tons of gold in 2022 to boost nation's 'financial security'

Not 40% but 60% of Pilots are against vaccinations. Police walkouts. Military discharges. Teachers against vaccines urging students to walk out. Millions walk off jobs because of mandates. Vaccines. Shipping ports coming into chaos.

“So just after April last yr Melbourne went into its first major lockdown. Those same white tents were put up that they had in New York City at the same time as Comfort & Mercy were there.  There were people driving at night taking videos of the explosions/booms they were hearing (Tunnels getting hit with Tesla Rods Of God). They discovered a 1500km tunnel system used for trafficking. Australia has major DUMBS aka Deep Underground Military Bases that Intelligence Operatives use for Trafficking. A Victorian MP shared the truth on her Instagram. She showed an Entry to one of the tunnels and said something else is really going on.” … Whiplash347:

Whiplash347 on Mon. 18 Oct:
The Global Military Operation to shutdown Bitcoin Mining, which was invented by CIA, UK Royals, Rothschilds, Guthrie Castle & put mainly in the hands of CCP for Nefarious Activities. 
Q Saves The World shows you US vs China Tech War & shows a Nuke being launched out of a Large Water Body. Saving Israel for Last has multiple meanings. 
The Khazarian/Bolshevics own Big Pharma, but it is in Wuhan. Just like Gates & Soros have the 2 Labs in Wuhan.  Rods of God will be whacking Big Pharma. That will certainly hammer the market. This is how we get given 6000 cures, med beds etc. This is why POTUS told us all hospital equipment will be obsolete.
Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg 2. Already began. 5 or 6 countries. Will be Done In 30 (by Thurs. 11 Nov.). Remember Q Storm Rider showed The Greatest Military Intelligence Sting in Planet Earth’s history. Will take at least six months to get over this.  It had to be this way. Humanity will never allow such Deep State Criminals to run the world again.
The Scare Event is all the nuclear reactors, which will be hacked by rogue states such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Iran and Israel. The world internet will be shut down, including MSM, big tech, some power etc. Then they will initiate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). It’s the perfect storm!!!!
Put your thinking caps on and think deeply. This is the STING of the CENTURY. You are the ones who need to stand tall and helped your loved ones when this drops. Like I said when this drops it’s gonna hurt for 6 months #1776. This covers the Internet/Social Media. Look up CEO Resignations especially in 2019 and 20. Go Watch Report where ABC Anchor outs Disney & All Major CEO's aboard the Lolita Express. Not to mention on Private Planes & Submarines owned by Maxwell & Biden.
Just like they hit the CIA Server at the AT & T building in Nashville, is the same way Bitcoin CIA Server under the Three Gorges Dam will be removed – Saving the Best for Last.
Big Pharma Labs is owned by? The 2 Wuhan Labs are owned by? Really Simple.
Who started Big Pharma in 1870? The Act Of England 1871? Balfour Declaration 1917?
The Same People are behind Bitcoin. The Same People who are Big Pharma. The Same People who have the Wuhan Labs. The labs where Viruses are Man Made just like AIDS & many others 
ISRAEL IS LAST: The Bolshevic/Khazarian/Zionist Rothschilds put Israel on the Map. Rothschilds artificially inseminated the UK Royals. 
Future Proves Past. You must understand the past. The Reversal of The Act of 1871 has major ramifications for PLANET EARTH. No more Crown, Commonwealth, Constitutions, Balfour Declaration, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc. The World As You Know it is leaving.
The CIA Servers under the 3GD controlling BTC get turned off, or hit like the CIA Snow White Computers at Nashville. Then it is LIGHTS OUT & Goodbye for the Deep State Child Trafficking Coin.
Save The Best For Last: The price goes up because of all the seizures across the world last year making it rarer. Supply & Demand. But when the Head DATA CENTER is switched off that is it for BTC. BTC going to 0 along with 99% of other China & Khazarian cryptos going to 0 is a big part of THE EVENT. Just type BITCOIN in search bar to see all the seizures and shut down of Mines across all parts of the world. ISO20022 Coins stay. Again you have the base coins. Then anything on FLARE & STELLAR stay.
The USACE has just validated that all Nuke Reactors/Power Plants all need to be shutdown. And where are they? Major Dams right. Saving the Best for Last. And the QFS etc. Quantum Voting System too.
Seen DEW hit the Volcano? Will be used on frying the Data Center. Rods of God for the tunnels below the Dams.
Major Dams contain Nuke Reactors. What happened in Superman 1? All Dams Failed right? 3 Gorges Dam, Hoover Dam, Nile Dam, Lake Geneva. Others work it out.
Water. All Major Dams. 3GD, Nile, Hoover etc. Think Superman 1. See Ivanka's Hello Hoover Dam tweet. Ripple XRP. Liquidity Stock Market. Watermark Ballots.
NESARA Law Ceases All aggressive U.S Govt Military Actions Worldwide. Establishes Peace Throughout The World. How do you stop wars? By taking away the Capacity of having them. Tunnels/Dumbs/Nuclear Reactors/Major Dams. Removing the ability to traffick. Majority of any form of Trafficking happens below the ground. Earthquakes - Rods Of God. Oil & Gas Fields/ Refineries etc being blown up.
Who has the video of the guy at book store who found an old book with the msg in it about Q? These are my 2 copies of the Lost Gospel. There were 777 books not 66 in the Bible. I do know they were seized/ uncovered from underneath the Vatican and have and are being assembled to be released.
NK & Iran Nuke Facilities have long ago been hit with Rods of God. Remember Earthquakes near Nuke Facilities in Iran?  Rods of God cause Earthquakes. It’s all for show.
Wars are made up by intelligence agencies. This Russia vs Turkey, USA & vs Iran & NK is all bullshit. Media is operated by Mossad/CIA. All by designed to keep people scared & in fear. It was the CIA who formed the Iranian & NK nuclear programs. Why did Kim Jong Un ride white horses at the end of 2019? Kim was showing the World he had been freed of the New World Order. Think Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper. Go back to NK drops & the sequence of nations SA-NK--Armenia-Iran-Israel.
ALERT - Iran’s sole nuclear power plant Bushehr has undergone an emergency shutdown that will last for "three to four days," according to Iranian state TV. First time since the power plant began operating in 2011 that such an incident is reported. All Nuclear Plants must be shutdown for GESARA.
The Nuke plants at 3GD was a 5 yr project designed to install 5 to 8 Reactors per yr from 2014. You can find this in articles. I had seen reactors have already been shutdown. 24 was the number I remember. For those new check out the Earthquakes at Iranian Nuclear Facilities December 2019 & January 2020. Yea its all complete. Rods of God more than a year ago. Also follow up with all the Iranian Officials getting Rona'd in early to mid 2020
The Choice To Know Is Yours. The event China Dam, Tiananmen Square & Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded. This will surely make the Stock Market Collapse.
The London Bridge is located below the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. Watch the Water.

Military Members from All 5 Branches File Class Action Lawsuit Against the Pentagon for Vaccine Mandates:

Why were people not treated?  They were not treated because the absence of any known treatment is the sole legal basis for the use of an untested, unapproved, experimental "vaccine."  The law is clear: Unapproved vaccines cannot be used if there is a cure. Both known cures and preventatives — HCQ and Ivermectin — were blocked by the protocol established to guarantee mass inoculation with the "vax".


Patriot Underground Episode 107 here
Colin Powell's Death Is Cover: Flown to Gitmo
Testimony Will Implicate Military Brass
November Reversal Seems Imminent
Intel On Cuomo's Tribunal
Hunter Biden Executed
Climate Change Agenda
Ghislane Maxwell Co-Conspirators To Be Unsealed
Hollywood To Be Reborn
Trump's EO Caused The Shipping Crisis By Design


David Zublick:Dark Outpost 10-18-2021 Powell Arrested, Death Faked! here
Dark Outpost has learned exclusively that former Secretary of State Colin Powell has been arrested and taken to Guantanamo Bay, and that his death was faked. Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Hunter Biden have been convicted in separate military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay and executed. Airman Jim DeFrancisco discusses the latest UFO/UAP news and recent sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. Cirsten W. and cyber security expert George Nasif reveal explosive intel on the Deep State. Pastor Bill MacGregor joins us with Biblically based prophecy bombshells.

The Vigano Tapes: The Complete Interview here

A special message to Digital Warriors, Light Workers and Anons Everywhere, Judy Byington Report, 6.10.2021:

While our contributions in this battle to save humanity cannot be compared to the physical combat and sacrifice of our brave international military, it has nonetheless been an honor to have "served" alongside you. Thank you for your sacrifice. You did so without compulsion, and willingly. Amazing!

I believe we are at the precipice. It stands to reason that before stadiums fill up again this weekend with professional and college sporting events, or before the holidays are in full swing, the proverbial "Military Hammer" worldwide will strike the final blow against evil and corruption.

The world at-large will soon discover what we have known for years, and life as we know it, will never be the same.

Buckle up indeed Patriots. It's going be a wild finish. Thank God it will be worth the price! Be encouraged. Much better days are ahead.

Where We Go One We Go All,

Coach Jerry


Benjamin Fulford Report: Asian elders reject Khazarian mafia $150 trillion survival boondoggle here

Patriot Underground Episode 106 here
Red October May Lead to November Reversal
Book of Esther Comparisons
US Treasury Dept. Secretary: Supply Chain is the Fault of Unvaxxed
50k Deputized Under Trump for Mass Arrests
Space Force Assumes Sat Communications for Navy and Army
Analyzing Trumps COMM's: Grassley In-Line for Presidency?
Clinton's Health: Justice is Coming Indicator?
Dr. Zev Zelenko Jab Analysis

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/18/21 here

Judy Byington Extra Special Report, excerpt, 18.10.2021:    here

White Hats were organizing hundreds of thousands veterans and discharged Military to prepare for war against the Cabal. The Military has been organized across the globe. Troops had been called up and were in place ready for action.

The World Doctor Alliance announced that COVID was a seasonal flue that was active from Dec. to April for which there was effective treatments. There was no need for lockdowns, masks or isolation. The group, representing hundreds of medical doctors across the globe, called for citizens to remove politicians who were taking away our freedom of speech and right to have control over our own health.

After a vaccine injection scientists have discovered hatching eggs, parasites birthing and blood clotting that caused death. Some countries reported more deaths from the vaccine than from Covid.

Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Jeanette Archer has gone public about her severe childhood abuse at Windsor Castle. As a small child she was made to witness and participate in Satanic rites presided over by Queen Elizabeth and other members of the Royal Family. Countless children were molested and murdered during Freemasonic Rituals worshiping Satan.

Trust the Plan, the Military was the only way, Q
Eventually worldwide Military Coups will begin, but first: Martial law. The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots, food shortage, gas shortage, Vaccine mandates, forced lockdowns. Citizens of the World will rise against the Deep State Plandemic. The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in Military in all major countries. In those days when people are under Martial Law the Deep State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the Pandemic, Bank, pharmaceutical companies and Deep State affair will be arrested. ZERO HOUR + the FALL OF THE CABAL IN ALL COUNTRIES.

POTUS post about turning off the Christmas Lights and celebrating Halloween At Mar A Lago tells me its all gonna blow up this week. As you know we are also flipping the Calendar back to the Julian Calendar. We would have these days of darkness then flip the Calendar. So October will be a 40 day Month. We were told Christmas is coming early. This also makes me feel that we will then be celebrating Christmas on November 9. Mirror 9/11 - 11/9.
This way of writing the date will be changed too. Day/Month/Year. Jesus was born on September 11. Darkness ends & we will have 4 weeks to get prepared for Christmas & the Victory Celebration/Inauguration/Concert Event on 11.11
In the 10 Days of Darkness God Sends down his Angels to help us. Those in the Federal Witness Protection Program will be walking out to guide and Unite us all. Many will be performing 11.11

Military Arrests in Germany:
Troop movements throughout Germany. American and Alliance units are in position. There has been a report that the army is occupying hospitals throughout Germany for a short time, along with firefighters and police. People who ordered vaccinations, and those who gave people the lethal injection are being arrested en masse. Cologne nurse reports arrests via army of doctors and nurses.... Corona is over dear ones:  The arrests are confirmed, from t hospital in Cologne Red October in full swing. Military is the only way. Q

Italy is blocked from north to south:
"Remember Solidarity: the protests of the Gdansk dockers led to the fall of the communist regime in Poland. Is history repeating itself? The regime of banker Mario Draghi, the neo-communist dictatorship of capitalist financiers, of which he is a worthy representative, is facing mass protests from the north to the south of the peninsula. The port of Trieste launched an attack on the Green Pass, the port of Ancona responded, in addition, it was joined by the ports of Liguria, including the great port of Genoa and others, such as Gioia Tauro and Civitavecchia at the gates of Rome: the blockade of ports, of course, causes failures in logistics, trucks can neither enter nor leave, nor load or unload. Dockers aren't the only ones on the warpath. Powerful protests are also taking place in Turin near factories. Truck drivers, other employees, ordinary citizens and many students joined the demonstrations everywhere: in Florence, in Turin, in Milan in front of the courthouse, the university and the headquarters of the state TV channel RAI, in small towns and in the capital Rome at the Circus Maximus."

South Africa:
The International Constitutional Tribunal for World Peace have embarked on a legal process to charge and bring to Justice the illegitimate government entity that is running South Africa, namely the Corporation called the Republic of South Africa which is registered with CIK number. The ongoing process had led to the President his Cabinet, SARS, SARB and their affiliates receiving a notice to vacate their offices within 10 days as of the 4th October 2021. This notice has expired on the 15th October 2021 and imminent arrests will be carried out as of the 18th October 2021. We invite all South Africans to witness the fulfillment of these warrants. Join us on the 18th October at Union Buildings at 11 am. 
This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflected by the Globalist's Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.  

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Storm Rider: A Chimera is Human × Alien × Animal & also can be robotic. These are Hybrids that can stand 12 feet tall or higher. There is footage out there of US soldiers taking some of these out. Do you understand Children have been down in these Tunnels Miles/Kilometres deep for years held in Cages etc. Rods Of God Earthquakes 10km deep. DUMBS being destroyed once they have removed whatever needs to be.
I believe the med beds are already in use, helping those they bring up from the tunnels Dark To Light. As you know too those MedBed companies POTUS announced are being loaded on Lobst[R]. All part of the new QUANTUM World.
Vincent Fuska: Some of the 40,000 children brought out of the tunnels actually had malformed eyes and ears from being isolated in the dark so long.
Scotland Tunnel Children: Claire: They were using these tents to bring up victims some of which had never seen the light of day. Worldwide rescue by DJT and the white hats. God Bless them all. I aligned with the cries of pain and tears of those trapped here in Scotland dumbs. I continue to pray for them all. The so called Coronavirus pop up tent hospitals had nothing to do with overflow and everything to do with the soldiers who had been training since 2015 to rescue those trapped souls and no not all human either. So when people mock these amazing warrior angels from God and dismiss this actually happened, it is beyond evil to do that.
Australia Tunnel Children: Alice’s Floor, Tunnels below Tunnels. Australia Pine Gap - Northern Territory- South Australia - Victoria. CIA Human-Alien- Animal Experiments - Chimera's Some Twelve Feet Tall. All the missing children.
New York, California Coasts USNS Comfort and Mercy: POTUS says. "We converted the USNS Comfort for Car Accidents because we thought there would be, but in the end there were no Car Accidents because there was no Cars on the Road" Interpretation: Car Accidents = CHILD ABDUCTEES. They found no live children in the tunnels to treat on the USNS Comfort, although the ships Comfort & Mercy were loaded with Bassinets, Cots, all children things. Army Medic tells you about the Operation that meant a lot to her, made her very emotional. April 4, 2020: Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Alexandria Agudelo checks in from aboard the Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort Hospital:
Tunnels in Australia:‘COVID’ found in the sewerage in Shepparton, Victoria. So when they say the Covid Positive in the Sewerage it means Children Dead or Alive are coming up. Remember 8million Children Worldwide per year go missing.
Australia: Covid found in Sewers in Sydney. So just after April last yr Melbourne went into its first major lockdown. Those same white tents were put up that they had in New York City at the same time as Comfort & Mercy were there.  There were people driving at night taking videos of the explosions/booms they were hearing (Tunnels getting hit with Tesla Rods Of God). They discovered a 1500km tunnel system used for trafficking. Australia has major DUMBS aka Deep Underground Military Bases that Intelligence Operatives use for Trafficking. A Victorian MP shared the truth on her Instagram. She showed an Entry to one of the tunnels and said something else is really going on.
Covid just found in Sewers in Ireland. Ireland Investigates Alleged Discovery of 800 Babies in Sewer Tank. The alleged discovery by a local historian of 800 dead babies has prompted condemnation by officials and religious leaders.
Judy Note: What the news didn’t report about the Ireland babies was that it was nuns from a Catholic orphanage who buried the babies and they were decapitated with organs missing – signs of Satanic child sacrifice ceremonies according to Kevin Annette of the ITCCS.
A Rabbi telling you they sell Human/Children Meat to Fast Food outlets & McDonalds is the number 1 Buyer. The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean.All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. Thats right Childrens Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too.

Kurt Gostentschnigg, 27.4.2021: Will we all wake up to the same world?

    After my 830-page monograph published in 2018 by Springer VS, „Wissenschaft im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Militär. Die österreichisch-ungarische Albanologie 1867-1918“ ("Science in the Tension Field of Politics and Military. Austro-Hungarian Albanology 1867-1918"), I did not want to write another book of similar scope. But now that we are living in a time of total upheaval, after which nothing will ever be the same again, I have broken my own resolution. For more than two years, I have been following the current events of our transition period on a daily basis. Several articles, all published in "Dielli Demokristian", have so far been the result of my observations. What is happening right before our eyes, although many still do not realize it, is so tremendous and unique that I have decided to summarize the essence of the most important issues of the transformation of our lives and place them in a higher spiritual context.
    The title of my book of at least 500 pages, which I will be writing for a few more months, is „Unseren Kindern. Auf dem Weg zum Göttlichen Leben auf Erden“ ("To Our Children. On the Way to Divine Life on Earth"), The table of contents is already set:

Introduction: It's all about our children;
Mother's Creation Story;
The Many-One Sun of Love;
The Levels of Consciousness;
The Gods;
The Hostile Beings;
The Being Parts of Man;
The Nation or the People as Collective Soul;
Sri Aurobindo's Five Dreams or India's Role for Humanity;
Sri Aurobindo's Message to the United States of America;
Sri Aurobindo on Germany's Role and Destiny;
Sri Aurobindo on Individualism versus Totalitarianism; 
The Cabal of the Deep State or the Old World Order;
Q, the White Hats and the Alliance or the Final Struggle between Good and Evil;
The Tetrapolar Force or the New World Order;
The Supramental Manifestation on Earth;
Outlook - The Divine Life on Earth;
The Frog in Boiling Water or When Conspiracy Theories Come True;
The National Theater as a Trojan Horse? The Soul of the Nation against the Demon of the Deep State;
Knowledge is a Fetching Debt or the Greatest Election Fraud Ever;
Excerpts from "Kurti's Blog";
Correspondence with A and H;
Correspondence with B;
Correspondence with circular mail addressees;
Correspondence with media editors;
Sources of information.

    The correspondence published in this book is, of course, in anonymous form, so that personal rights are preserved, and is intended to serve our future generations as historical testimony about the current turnaround period.
    Broadly speaking, it is about the competition between two main narratives - the narrative of the mainstream media and the narrative of the truth seekers. Either there is no deep state cabal against humanity, no Q, no God, no soul, no angels, no demons, and no aliens, or they all exist. Can it be then that everything is only a coincidence from the nothing? Are we just perishable biorobots or are we immortal souls who wander from one life to another until the Divine Life is realized on earth? Which of the two narratives will ultimately prove to be true? Will there already be a publicly announced answer to this question when my book is published? Or will we have to continue to trust in our common sense and our hearts? And most importantly, will we all wake up to the same world?

My correspondence with the parent representative and the elementary school teacher of my child, 8.10.2021:

Dear Ms. M.,
Why did you remove me from the 4A school class WhatsApp group?
As a parent, I am a part of it, regardless of whether my child is being taught in class or at home. I hereby request that you add me back to the group.
Dr. Kurt Gostentschnigg

Dear Mr. Gostentschnigg,
since your mail, several parents have contacted me and complained. I would therefore like to ask you to use the parent-whatsapp group ONLY for school-related exchanges!!!
Everything else has NOTHING to lose there! 
Many kind regards 
J. B. 

Dear Ms. B.,

    I understand your point of view, but still cannot agree with you because there is simply too much at stake, namely the life and death of everyone who is exposed to these Corona vaccines because they are deliberately misinformed and blindly trust the government and pharmaceutical industry. Every human being with conscience and heart, who has information off the mainstream, which is suppressed by very powerful circles, who are now finally getting it, will try everything in his power to warn his fellow human beings, especially the children !!!, about this life-threatening danger, which comes from this vaccination.
    The mass death from Corona vaccination has already started all over the world. The mainstream media is trying to blame it on so-called "new variants" of Corona. These new variants are actually caused by these vaccinations themselves, into which all the poison in the world has been put. Anyone who promotes these experimental vaccinations or even coerces or forces others to do so can be court-martialed for crimes against humanity according to the Nuremberg Code (see file attached!). Pfizer has applied in the U.S. to vaccinate children as young as 5. The Biden administration will surely approve it. Sooner or later this will also be the case in Austria. It is therefore literally a matter of life and death for our children. It doesn't matter whether one dies immediately during the vaccination or slowly and agonizingly only after days, weeks, months or years. In the meantime, there are hundreds, even thousands of reports from affected people worldwide and countless studies by experts that testify and prove all this. Of course, such reports and studies are censored and deleted by BigTech and BigMedia. If you had this explosive information, would you keep quiet and just watch the people and children around you run to their doom?
    Whether or not I am in the Whatsapp group of my child's class is not important to me, given the deadly seriousness of the situation. What matters to me is the principle: democracy or dictatorship, truth or lies, life or death. I know what I want and have made up my mind. Anyone who is informed and does not open his mouth now is complicit in the greatest crime in human history. All those who knowingly or unknowingly contribute to this genocide endanger not only themselves, but also all those who are aware of this immense danger and are fighting against it.
    Think about this for a moment. I have already made you and your colleagues aware of your duty to remonstrate several times in my circulars. So if it turns out that it really is that unimaginably bad - and I am convinced of that, although in view of the enormity of the crime taking place before our eyes I would of course wish to be wrong -, then you will no longer be able to say afterwards that you were not warned or that you knew nothing about it.
    Each of us must now finally decide which side of history we want to be on. The first step towards truth and awakening would be to inform yourself away from the lying press by simply following the trail of money that leads to the few deranged background powers that are trying to control and ruin our entire lives through their immense wealth, which by the way they have stolen from all of us. It is an infinite abyss of horror that one then faces when one has made this effort of research and awakening. The good news is: these psychopaths have already lost. The bad news is: they still want to drag as many as possible into the abyss with them. Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to be complicit in their crime against humanity, unless you feel like going down with them.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Kurt Gostentschnigg


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/17/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 17.10.2021:    here

International Child Sex Trafficking:

Child Victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse Returns to Windsor Castle to Call Out the Pedophile Queen: Jeanette Archer is bravely going back to the scene of the crime at Windsor Castle, where she witnessed countless children being molested and murdered during Freemasonic Rituals worshiping Satan. Archer claims the nightmare ceremonies were presided over by Queen Elizabeth in order to harvest Adrenochrome to satisfy the addictions of the “Power Elite”:

Judy Note: The Satanic Child Sacrifice rape and torture rites Jeanette discussed in the UK with the Queen and Royal Family were also going on in the Vatican, in Washington DC, and according to hundreds of Ritual Abuse Survivors I have talked to and studied, were taking place across the US, around the globe and right next door to you. October was one of their major holidays where children were kidnapped, or bred for Oct. 31-Nov.1 Satan worship celebrations. Please be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and report any suspicious activities to the proper legal entities, though be aware that even such police, FBI and other legal entities were embedded with Satan worshippers.

Trump + Q The Great Awakening: Halloween is a Satanic Ritual Event. Do NOT encourage it, nor celebrate it. It's time to wake up to the satanic rituals and end them once and for all. They use this day for harvesting bad "fear" energy. They are also using your kids for this ritual. Why do you think schools are celebrating with your kids? They own the schools so they do this satanic ritual with your kids worldwide without people even knowing.
These people are sick. Disguising is a de-personalization satanic ritual. It signifies submission, having control and power over people. Means owning people. Disguising and celebrating Halloween symbolizes giving yourself and your kids to the devil "Satan".
The satanic elites are laughing at us following and celebrating their biggest evil ritual.
Do not play any satanic roles disguising or encouraging Halloween anymore. Stop giving them more energy. Better wake up once and for all and help other wake up by informing others about this satanic ritual event. It needs to be stopped NOW.
Everything horrific is bad and evil. Halloween is all about evil, blood, horror, spiders, reptiles, gargoyles, witches, skulls, deaths, etc.
Why you think it's the day that there's the most kidnapping, murders and crimes? They call it "The Harvest". The worst satanic day of the year is 31st October.
This is Good vs Evil! Wake up everyone! Halloween and Satanics are OVER!

Italy: A protest by workers at the port of Trieste in Italy against compulsory vaccination
It threatens to cause a major oil crisis in Europe. 75% of cargo traffic in the port of Trieste is oil. There is a connection of the oil pipeline to the lands of Germany in addition to the railway connection. Trieste is located in a strategically important location, and it is no coincidence that it has been contested for many years. When they write all sorts of nonsense on the web that goods can be redirected to other ports, to be honest, such ignorance confuses me. Until they move the railways and oil pipelines overnight, this issue will put half of Europe in a crisis situation. And the dockers know it perfectly well. The willingness of Italians involved in the supply chain/logistics to hold the line against vaccination passports is proving to be a successful strategy. If this continues, the government will be forced to concede in order to avoid a continental oil crisis.
Milan: Protesters in Milan are chanting “Trieste calls, Milan answers”. Police are trying to stop the protest but the protesters are figuring out ways to keep going.


Patriot Underground Episode 103 here
Audits Update
Red October, Jab Blood
Gitmo Construction Continues
Durham Indictments
Evidence Will Be Used in Military Tribunals
Will Fake Biden Try To Cut Durham's Funding?
Remembering How We Got Here
Devolution Accelerating
Sussman Case Analysis
Grassroots Awakening Cannot Be Stopped by MSM
Coherency Will Unify the People
Sound of Freedom as a Red Pill
Gematria Commentary
Shipping Crisis Continues

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/16/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 16.10.2021:    here

Judy Note: “The Storm is Upon Us” Summary of Events:
Mon. 4 Oct: Mass Media Satellites destroyed, world switched over to the Starlink Satellite System that would eventually support a new Internet.
Mon. 11 Oct. to Thurs. 11 Nov. Red Wave. Events expected to occur during the 30 days: Market Crash/ Blackouts/ Revelations/ Military Takeover/ Final Lockdown/ Mass Arrests. 
Fri. 15 Oct: Canada’s Main Stream Media arrested, rest of world Mass Media to soon follow.
Sat. 16 Oct: Australia would declare their freedom from the UK.
Sun. 17 Oct: Deadline for Cabal Bankruptcy, allowing NESARA/ GESARA Law to be in force. Announcement of the Gold Standard?
Mon. 18 Oct: Global Currency Reset Bonds liquid, allowing a green light for 26 Master Accounts to release funds to Paymasters.
Tues. 19 Oct. or Wed. 20 Oct. funds available for lower tiers. (Possible Tier 4B notification and exchanges begin?)
There was rumor that possibly Zim redemption might not begin until November.

From a second High Up Source: “Today, Fri. 15 Oct. all MSM (Main Stream Media) will be arrested in Canada. See "arrest.jpg". Queen Romana said whatever happens in Canada will soon happen everywhere else. So there, it will happen in the USA, soon? All media satellites have been destroyed. The Alliance did that the day Facebook went down. 

“Freakin' open border to ALL. See "one_country.jpg", on 11/8, Southern Border wide open. People from any country that is "fully vaccinated" can come. That is Trump's joke about fully vaccinated (with the quotation marks). Three weeks ago, Queen Romana invited all the "armed" USA brothers and sisters to enter Canada for a "duck hunt." Apparently they are already there with their 4x4 trucks, loaded with AMMO. She did that so the Canadian "citizens" will have the "second amendment" enforced.

“Don't worry about an invasion of foreigners. By that time all their countries will be fantastic. GESARA will probably happen on Sunday 10/17. Get it? 17? People worldwide who followed the Q movement are dying to come to celebrate in the USA. I would say at least 80 million of them. Queen Romana Didulo actually showed a video of her dancing, pretty good, actually.

ABC Anchor Amy Robach has exposed Epstein, Disney, ABC and the world’s big CEO’s aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express private jets, Oprah Winfrey’s and Biden’s submarines and Disney ships traveling to Epstein Island to worship Satan in child sex orgies and Satanic Child Sacrifice rites. NSA caught Oprah & Epstein ordering cement trucks to fill in all the evidence. Who owns ABC? DISNEY. See all the DISNEY Arrests made.

Cargo ships full of goods are stuck outside the East and West harbors as far as the eye can see. A US sailor on a ship: "They still do not allow ships to dock in order to raise prices for consumer goods and create the illusion of a crisis. The government is a criminal organization, a predatory mafia.”

The Israeli Health Minister did not know that his microphone was on. Addressing the Minister of Internal Affairs of the country he said, "There is no medical or epidemiological justification for vaccination passports, they are intended only to put pressure on unvaccinated citizens for their subsequent vaccination."

It’s All About the Children, Whiplash347:
Use Google/DuckDuckGo and see how many CEO's resigned or stood down in 2018, 19 & 20. We were told to track resignations. Many of those eight million children that go missing per year worldwide were trafficked to these islands - Epstein, Branson, Depp, Winfrey, Nygard etc. to be raped, murdered, Satanic sacrificed, and/or have their Adrenochrome and organs harvested to be eaten and used in potions. This was a Mossad/ CIA Honey Pot Operation. Hugh Hefner also conducted this CIA Operation from the Playboy Mansion. That is why tunnels were dug up out the front. 
There was an interview with ABC Anchor Amy Robach talking about Epstein, Disney, ABC & CEOs of the World aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express private plane. They also used private jets & submarines. Oprah Winfrey sent her jets out, while Biden used submarines. Disney uses their own ships.
In a leaked video ABC News anchor Amy Robach says she had the story three years ago ABC’s Amy Robach on Project Veritas. ABC targets leaker of hot mic video, reigniting questions about Epstein media coverage. Robach tells you about all the big CEOs worldwide.
NSA Has it All. They took their phones out to the Islands. NSA caught Oprah & Epstein ordering cement trucks to fill in all the evidence. Who owns ABC? Disney. See all the arrests of Disney executives. Did Disney cover up the Epstein story?

Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum: Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites:

Germany: VAX OR STARVE: First German State Allows Grocery Stores to Ban Unvaccinated:

Italy: Mass Strikes across the Italian ports of Trieste & Genoa called that are now CRIPPLING the country as workers walk out in solidarity with those discriminated against by the apartheid 'Green Pass' system. AP: Protests erupted in Italy as one of the most stringent anti-coronavirus measures in Europe went into effect, requiring all workers, from magistrates to maids, to show a health pass to get into their place of employment.

San Juan is Bill Gate's Getty: San Juan connects Epstein to the CIA, the NSA, and Bill Gates, and organized use of child sex slaves to develop Vril. There are 3 untouched DUMBs on these islands. There is a Submarine entrance, and tubes leading into the Pacific. There is also a major portal in operation off the coast that has been there for 30 years.

Med Beds:
One of the three available MedBeds will be the Rejuvenation & Regression Bed, which rejuvenates cells; offers age and memory regression therapy; and heals all the senses, especially sight, sound, and taste, that have become dull through trauma or age; this therapy bed also eliminates unwanted suppressed memory; which will support and heal so many victims who have endured mental and emotional anguish. PTSD and traumatic memory sufferers will benefit from the use of this Med Bed as it heals the heart-mind connection ridding disparity. This is also considered the foundation of youth. It will return the appearance of yesteryear, returning muscle tone, tightened skin, working with our individual DNA templates, and multiple refractory lenses and body’s internal clock; these procedures are performed pain-free.

Fleming Report Fri. 15 Oct., about NESARA/GESARA:
NESARA is real and has been enacted for a while now. It’s just not seen for reasons as yet unexplained. NESARA will require everyone holding a government position, to step down. The very people that have been blocking our Blessing, step down, never to be heard from again. 
The Shift is real and with Blessings that arrive like a wave of joy carried across the world, lighting every dark corner and bringing health and healing to One and all, people everywhere will be on their knees giving Thanks. Can you feel it?
The news that the US government is passing further Draconian laws, requiring banks to send details to UST IRS, on all US account holder’s monies over $600 – or over any amount, will never happen. IRS is dead. It will only exist as an entity to collect money on NEW goods sold. Nothing more. Lawfulness returns under the Restored Original US Constitution. This Constitution becomes the Standard for every nation in the world. We Give Thanks with every breath.
Nothing can stop this Shift. Nobody can stop this Shift. No “mandate” can stop this Shift. No “code” can stop this Shift. No suit can stop this Shift. All details will be shared to enlighten and restore trust.
Here’s a perfect example of this premise. Philip Argillier, a billionaire developer in France, is a Shadow Government whistle-blower, blowing the whistle all about the (38) Shadow Controllers - Gates, Buffett, are both named here for their crimes against humanity. NUREMBERG 2.0. Thank you, to this White Knight stepping forward for the benefit of humanity, the end of evil corruption and terrorism.
To all government representatives, deep state Military Industrial Complex and Shadow Government, Executive Branch oligarchs, their mafia and minions: whoever you are, wherever you reside, be aware of the fact that all of your actions are known. The Quantum Computer knows all about everyone on this planet and beyond. We the People will prevail over any of your attempts to stop this Shift. In Fact, We the People Have Already Won.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/15/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 15.10.2021:    here

In this Thurs. 14 Oct. Update:
Antony Fauci indicted!
There were food, goods, gas shortages, an energy crisis, plus Cyber Attacks on hospitals across the globe.
The Queen’s Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children at Windsor Castle has been uncovered. 
Biden’s illegal federal vaccine mandate was expected to have an immediate and catastrophic effect on US transportation systems as pilots and airline personnel refuse the deadly vaccination.
Due to the COVID Plandemic and shutdown of Chinese factories a shortage of just about everything was looming ahead of the holiday season as more than 150 container ships wait off the coast of California and rail yards clog up due to a shortage of port workers and truckers. The commercial pipeline that each year brings $1 trillion worth of toys, clothing, electronics and furniture from Asia to the United States is clogged and no one knows how to unclog it.
Walmart, Costco and Target were chartering their own cargo ships to import goods, paying about $100,000 day, or four times more than last year – the cost of which will be paid by the consumer.
During this Red October Andrew Cuomo, Bill Gates and Chelsea Clinton were said to have been arrested and undergone Military Tribunals.
Cryptocurrencies such as #Bitcoin were expected to trigger a global financial meltdown.
Deadly Typhoon Kompasu has battered Hong Kong, grips southern China.
On the brighter side flying electric cars and electric autopilot airplanes were coming soon, along with Med Beds, plus scientists at the National Institute of Dental Research have invented a powerful sour liquid that can re-grow teeth and gums almost overnight.
Blackout: The Power to whole entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet.

NESARA/ GESARA Ceases all aggressive U.S Govt Military Actions Worldwide and establishes Peace throughout the World. How do you stop wars? By taking away the Capacity of having them. Tunnels/Dumbs/Nuclear Reactors/Major Dams. Removing the ability to traffick. Majority of any form of Trafficking happens below the ground. Earthquakes - Rods Of God Oil & Gas Fields/Refineries etc being blown up.

The Global Military Operation to shutdown Bitcoin Mining, which was invented by CIA, UK Royals, Rothschilds, Guthrie Castle & put mainly in the hands of CCP for nefarious activities. Q Save The World shows you US vs China Tech War & shows a Nuke being launched out of a Large Water Body. Saving Israel for Last has multiple meanings. The Khazarian/Bolshevics own Big Pharma but it is in Wuhan. Just like Gates & Soros have the 2 Labs in Wuhan.  Rods of God will be whacking Big Pharma. That will certainly hammer the market. This is how we get given 6000 cures, med beds etc. This is why POTUS told us all hospital equipment will be obsolete.

Trump appealed to the corrupt and fake House Committee investigating the "collusion" on January 6: "Why does the biased committee on the cancellation of the January 6 elections not study the massive falsification of the presidential elections that took place on November 3 and caused hundreds of thousands of people to go to Washington to protest on January 6? Look at the numbers that are now reporting fraud, and we are now calling it a "really big lie." You can't study January 6th without understanding the reason why it happened. But the Democrats don't want to do that because they know what happened on election day. If we had an honest media, these elections would have been canceled many months ago, but our media is almost as corrupt as our political system!"

Earth Alliance and Patriot News November 4, 2020: Biden did not win the Election against Trump, the Real President won by 80.4% but the Dominion computer and blank mail-in ballot over threw the election, the Trump Team and the Alliance ALLOWED this to happen, for all elections worldwide have been rigged.

January 6, 2021 Trump Gives Famous Speech Outside in D.C. near the Congress Building.  He told of the Massive Voter Fraud and Congress needs to investigate. Paid fake Trump supporters raid Congress Building with aid from the security team of the building. THEY LET THEM IN, and Fake News Media says Trump is to blame.

Pilot: Federal Vaccine Mandate Could Have ‘Catastrophic Effect’ on Transportation System:

It Appears That an American Airlines Uprising Against the Vaccine Mandate Is Now Beginning, Becker News. In the aftermath of a reported Southwest “sick out,” American Airlines workers appear to be carrying out their own act of vaccine mandate resistance. There are now 251 flight cancellations and 616 flight delays for American Airlines, the majority of them at the airport in Dallas-Fort Worth. The unusual surge in American Airlines flight cancellations and delays comes less than one week after an organized protest at the company’s headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas on Thursday. “Hundreds of AA workers and allies protested outside the company’s Fort Worth, Texas headquarters on Thursday,” Newsweek reported. “The protesters told The Dallas Morning News that they are skeptical of the vaccines’ effectiveness and their unreported side effects.”

Trump-appointed federal judge halts United Airlines' vaccine mandate in response to a class-action lawsuit. US District Judge Mark Pittman from Texas ordered a temporary restraining order (expires Oct. 26) on United Airlines, preventing the company from enforcing its vaccine mandate, to hear the relevant arguments of the employees and airline.

Putin: US is killing dollar as reserve currency by weaponizing sanctions & uncontrolled money printing:
“It seems to me that the United States is making a very big mistake by using the dollar as a sanctions instrument... by preventing payment in dollars for the sanctioned products,” Putin told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble during Russian Energy Week. Countries facing US penalties, like Russia, “have no other choice, we are simply forced to switch to settlements in other currencies,” he added. Gamble had asked about the possibility of using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin to sell oil and gas, something Putin welcomed in principle but said it was “too early,” citing crypto’s volatility. Russia is happy to use dollars in energy trade – for now – and has plans to ditch the US dollar entirely, Putin noted, but “if the policy of the American authorities continues… then we will not have to do anything, the US will itself undermine confidence in the dollar.”

Whiplash347 Future Financial System: Do Your Own Research. Moving from Oil, Gas & Traditional Electricity to Metals, Green Technology, Wireless Electric. On the news right now. Petrol & Diesel vehicles will be banned by 2025. They are saying Australia will be the dumping ground for petrol and diesel cars. Now learn how the Bitcoin/Crypto Mining it is going and moving to Green Technology. USA vs CHINA Technology WAR. Q Save The World tells you. Not just about CRYPTO and the New Quantum Financial System. The Whole Lot is connected.

Quantum Systems, Whiplash347: QUANTUM Financial System, Voting System, Healing, Physics etc. Everything is going QUANTUM. Hence why POTUS all hospital equipment will be obsolete. Blow me down Hospitals & Cancer Treatments are being Cyber Attacked World Wide and being shutdown. They are shutting down Elective Surgeries because we have Med Beds coming.

Join the dots. New Quantum Financial System. ISO20022 Regulation. Only Coins that pass International Regulation stay. 99.5% Of them do not survive including Bitcoin when the Servers get turned off under the Three Gorges Dam. Then New Elections using this Technology WorldWide. Electing Governments 10% the size of what they are after military has made them all stand down. How this all goes together is amazing.

The Economy, Whiplash347: 1950's prices after the economy crashes. 1776 Common Law for All 1955 Prices, Suppressed & Quantum Technologies. Last year I asked John if he had driven the 2020 Dodge Demon. His answer was that is old technology. Once the Storm is done. Go Stations. We are going back to 1950s prices – the years of the GREAT AMERICAN. So any prices you see on current Tesla models disregard.

Med Beds
Whiplash347: The Cyber World is having their last hoooraaah. Quantum Internet protected above by Secret Space Programs is virtually UNHACKABLE. I guess like all hospital equipment they become obsolete. POTUS did say that all hospital equipment to become obsolete. No more Chemo & Radiation. Israel is last right. Big Pharma. No more medical research. 6000 cures.
Med Beds, Whiplash347: There will be 3 Types of Med Beds. I know one of them reverses Vaccine Damage. If you have any Children on the Spectrum they will reverse this too. Everything will be cured. Cancer, Motor Neuron Diseases like MND, MS, Cerebral Palsy etc. 6000 Cures are coming in 1 big hit.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/14/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 14.10.2021:    here

“The Storm is Upon Us” …John F. Kennedy
“BREAKING: The main question is: Did you trust the plan? YES! We did it! We told you! JUST TRUST THE PLAN! The last month is here. Our time has come! Everything we said earlier will start to happen in the next 24 hours!”...John F. Kennedy Jr.
“God created the United States but remember, He also created the world. The world, like the United States, is broken and needs to be fixed. God is going to fix it….On His terms… On His schedule.” ….Donald Trump
"COVID is raging out of control, our supply chains are crashing with little product in our stores, we were humiliated in Afghanistan, our Border is a complete disaster, gas prices and inflation are zooming upward—how’s Biden doing? Do you miss me yet?"                   … President Trump 

BQQQQQQQM The indictment of that demonrat Antony Fauci! Make this video viral! I woke you up with some great news! After four Grand Juries Fauci was indicted on working with the Chinese Communist Party and using US taxpayer monies to develop and release the CV-19 “virus.”

Leaked Documents Reveal the Biden Administration’s Mass Release of Illegal Immigrants Into the US.

White Hats in Control:
If White hats would not be in control, the Deep State / Cabal under Biden would have removed Executive Orders. Trump and White hats are letting the pyramid implode from the inside out. Breaking the structure to collapse the entire matrix. Slowly but surely. The House of Cabal Cards is falling down.
EO 13818: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
EO 13848: Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
EO 13959: Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies.

Scripture, Book of Revelation:
Wisdom: Let him/her who has innerstanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is 666."
DNA is composed of
➡️6 protons,
➡️6 electrons and
➡️6 neutrons, which equates to 666.
666 = Holy/Divine numbers bastardized by the Pissositos!
What we have is a war over DNA, the vaccines are to change our DNA. The contents of the vaccine are to change humans into zombies. It will remove our DNA as we are the children of God and that is what Satan 666 is trying to do.

Our economy is going to see a mass decrease in jobs especially, in our emergency health department, paramedics, police and other essential services. Now what happens to our clients and those needing medical help. Main Stream Media now shedding light on the truth about the amount of people against this vaccination.


Read the below and become one of the few who were truly AWAKE:

John F. Kennedy, the one who was assassinated in 1963, never died from the gunshot. He finally died of natural causes 2 years ago. He was "Q" all along, he knew how to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the wind" (his famous quote). Trump always knew who that old man (the "veteran") was.

Michael Jackson the great singer, was never killed. The White Hats hid him. He is now going to expose Hollywood. I joined his Telegram account.

Marilyn Monroe: The "freeway Lady" who died recently was a famous actress. Patriots worldwide saw her twitter posts of her putting up banners on a freeway bridge in Chicago. She did them in the snowstorms, rains, she brought so much to our cause.

John F. Kennedy Jr. was confirmed as the new Vice President to Trump, as a replacement to the now executed Mike Pence. He was to be murder in 1998 in a fake plane crash near Martha's Vineyard. But that was a military operation to save him from being murdered by the Clinton clan. JFK Jr and Hillary Clinton were both running for the Senate seat from New York. That was supposed to be the time when the Q operation began to kick into gear. Recently, Q has been JFK Jr.

Now, all the big operations are conducted by a 34 year-old genius, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, he has respect from EVERYONE, including Trump.

Kayleigh McEnany was the last White House press secretary and the granddaughter of John and Jacqueline Kennedy, the daughter of JFK Jr and Jacqueline Bassett Kennedy (our Second Lady).

Elvis Presley is still alive too. He is now a pastor in a Southern church. I think he is still being protected for now. 

Princess Diana is also alive. The White Hats saved her from the assassination attempt. I joined her Telegram account. If you look carefully, she is always sitting in "Marine One" or "Air Force One", travelling with President Trump. When Trump walked away from those vehicles, you can see her in them.

The other Telegram accounts I joined are Snowden, McAfee and Romana Didulo. There is a lot to read. 


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/13/21 here

Michael Salla: Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors & inaugurate a Star Trek Future here (audio) and here (article)
A fleet of spacecraft from a highly evolved group of friendly extraterrestrial visitors has arrived in our solar system and established a presence on Jupiter's moon Ganymede, according to three independent sources familiar with unfolding events in deep space. This latest intel coincides with William Shatner, globally revered for his role as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, being launched into space on October 13, a likely cover for him playing a significant role in unfolding events on Ganymede.
My first source, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, revealed to me that an international space coalition has been secretly sending personnel and ships to Jupiter's moon Ganymede, to meet with a powerful new group of extraterrestrial visitors regarded as friendly.
My second source on what is currently happening on Ganymede is the extraterrestrial contactee Elena Danaan, who has passed on the most recent intel from her Galactic Federation source, Thor Han Eredyon, about the visitors who are establishing an outpost on Ganymede to coordinate with the Earth Alliance until humanity is ready for open contact.
My third source is long-time Andromedan contactee Alex Collier who confirmed that there has been much recent activity on Ganymede, which possesses a number of large extraterrestrial facilities that have been present there for thousands of years.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.10.2021:    here

 “The Storm is Upon Us.” 
A Great Red Wave Started on Mon. 11 Oct. and Ends Thurs. 11 Nov. 
Done in 30 Days.
Soon a Trump Twitter should be activated – THE most awaited tweet in history posted, Trump's 17,000 Tweet. 
A lot of Events will happen within those 30 days: 
Market Crash/ Blackouts/ Revelations/ Military Takeover/ Final Lockdown/ Mass Arrests 
The most EPIC 30 days of our lives. 
The very end of the movie will be 11/11, when finally everyone will be unified, 
All Criminals Exposed and Arrested. 
Stay Calm…Trust the Plan…Enjoy the Show 
You'll Love How this Movie Ends.
…Trump + Q The Great Awakening

Judy Note:
11-11-2021 is Default Day, where the Cabal no longer has control over US taxpayer monies.

Mon. 11 Oct. New Starlink Alternative Internet System went into effect – 45 days from Aug. 27th, 2021. The Secretary of the Air Force, in consultation with the Chief of Space Operations, begin implementation of “Operation Starfall” (Source: H.R.5123: Alternative Global Internet Access).

Food, Goods, Gas Shortages Crisis:
Biggest U.S. Retailers Charter Private Cargo Ships to Sail Around Port Delays - Home Depot, Costco and Walmart resort to private charters in push to stock shelves for holiday shoppers.
East Coast Port Volumes Surge as Intl. Shipping Routes Seek Alternatives. Import volumes at US East Coast ports have rocketed, according to recent data, as backlogs at Long Beach have peaked interest from importers looking to mitigate delays. Judah Levine, the head of Freightos, said congestion and business at West Coast alternatives like Seattle and Vancouver, plus East Coast ports like NY/NJ and Savannah has been steadily increasing. The situation is so bad at the port of Savannah, around 80,000 containers are stacked up - 50% more than normal.
German energy firm E.ON has temporarily suspended new natural gas supply contracts for residential customers, the company said on Tuesday, as suppliers across Europe struggle with a steep post lockdown rise in demand:
Truck drivers in Genoa block Italian port to protest Covid mandates. Truck drivers appear to paralyze traffic on roads around the PSA Voltri Terminal reportedly in protest against mandatory vaccine passports that are set to be required from October 15. It’s the latest in a series of protests against Italy’s health pass that has been mandated to all public and private workers in the country.

Planes Grounded:
Numerous sources reported that one of the Delta Airlines pilots, who was vaccinated, died in flight shortly after receiving a second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
American Airlines, Delta, United, Jet Blue and Southwest Airline personnel and Air Traffic Control refuse vaccine mandate, causing flight cancellations. ATTENTION: Do you work inside the air travel industry? Do you know the truth about the flight cancellations? Contact us now at
On Mon. 11 Oct. Southwest Airlines shares tumble after mass flight cancellations; carrier weighs more cuts. Tens of thousands of people stranded across the U.S. in airports as 2,000 more flights cancelled. Southwest Airlines blames weather. Truth: mass walkouts. Patriots pilots/staff/workers who will not take the vaccines/mandates. Masses are quitting and the media isn't reporting. 
On Tues. 12 Oct. Southwest Slips Again as Flight Cancellations Mar Operations. Earlier it was reported that Southwest Airlines, one of the largest airlines in the United States, forces its employees to be vaccinated, otherwise they will lose their jobs. As a result, obviously, a large number of people refused to be vaccinated, which led to significant delays and the cancellation of more than 1,000 flights. The Southwest Pilots' Union in the United States has announced that it will file a lawsuit against the vaccination requirements announced by the airline.

CV-19, Vax Hoax:
Dana Loesch Says There’s No Actual “Vax Mandate” And Companies Who’ve Enacted One, Could Be In Big Legal Trouble!
FDA Issues Statement After Nordic Countries Suspend Moderna COVID Vaccine Usage Over Unwanted Side Effects. Health officials in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland suspended the use of the Moderna vaccine in their countries.
Creepy Joe Busted As Pfizer Admits There's No "Vaccine" Approved By FDA In The U.S. In Recorded Call.
17 Health Care Workers Win as Judge Temporarily Stops New York’s Vaccine Mandate – Report. Citing the US Constitution, a NY state judge has blocked the mandate that could have seen around 75,000 staff made unemployed for refusing a vaccine.
Christopher Chope, Member of the UK Parliament: "There are a large number of patients in our hospitals who are there only because they have taken the vaccine (against Covid-19). There is a causal relationship between vaccination (against Covid-19) and the damage caused by these vaccines, however the government seems to deny this."
A federal judge in New York has issued a preliminary injunction for all health care workers against the state’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Judge finds the state’s mandate conflicts with workers’ religious rights under federal law and the First Amendment.
Dr. Manuel Aparicio Alonso, M.D. President and Medical Director of COMUSAV Worldwide presents results of intense clinical studies on use of Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) as a therapeutic agent to treat Covid-19:
Trilogy of CDS: the Use of Aqueous Solutions of Chlorine Dioxide (CDS).
1) CV-19 like symptoms Prophylaxis Agent:
2) Therapeutic Agent to treat Covid-19:
3) CV-19 long term effects in patients treated with CDS:
"The effectiveness of vaccination is becoming more and more doubtful, the number of so-called breakthroughs in vaccination is increasing exponentially, a lot of people indicate that only vaccinated people are infected in their environment. The pathology conference says that most vaccinated people have no idea how sick they are now, and the American pathologist notes a 20-fold increase in the number of cancers among vaccinated people. In an open letter, a family doctor calls vaccination a fraud, the WHO database reports more than 2 million potential injuries from the COVID vaccine in 2021, and new evidence of the harmfulness of vaccinations has been presented to the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. In Bavaria, parents oppose mass testing in schools, calling it "harmful and disproportionate," in the United States, many have finally taken up arms against masks in schools and stupid vaccination requirements. Vaccination of children is a textbook example of scientific nonsense.
Until now, asking critical questions has been considered proof of an alert mind and intact judgments. Anyone who did not question this or that with the help of common critical sense was called naive and gullible. Since March 2020, everything has changed: anyone who questions the benefits of vaccination or the measures introduced is disparagingly branded by the state media and some fellow citizens as a stupid "esotericist" or "conspiracy theorist". Each of us can observe these unique events. And exactly the same way absolutely everyone is involved in this. A check on the right to be considered and be a person, if you want. No matter how loud it sounds. There is still time to wake up on your own, but it is very short."

Spain becomes the first Western country to officially admit the use of chemical aero-spraying on the population. Under the Emergency declaration they admitted that the Military Emergency Unit and Biochemical Military Unit have the know-how and capabilities in place. They claim to be using it for Covid reasons but back in 2015 a Spanish Congressman uncovered in the European parliament that 4 workers of the Spanish Weather Agency had confessed that Spain was being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.‼

Russia: Putin Puts Facebook on Notice: Stop Promoting Pedophilia or I’ll crush you. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to punish Facebook if they don't remove pedophilia from the platform immediately.

Australian children as young as five can receive COVID vaccinations by December 2021.

Flying Cars In Near Future:
Whiplash347: Remember I said Airlines will be going? We are going to Supersonic Electric Jets, Autonomous Cars, Flying Cars etc. Think Tesla. Nothing is going to be the same people.   Remember I said many will lose jobs.  - Hence Gesara. Why do you think I have gotten this planet ready early and trying to get you all in early? I don’t think we are going to be flying around on the Airlines that we know now. Something tells me they will be new and much much faster. Flying Cars & some form of Supersonic Electric Jets. Flying Cars, Autonomous Cars, Flying Car Airports being built. Wireless Technology all this year. 
I think flying cars in 3 years not 10. They are preparing us. Also I expect replicators in 5 years.
The world's first flying race car has taken flight in South Australia reaching speeds of up to 250km/h. There plans for a ‘Formula 1 in the sky’ event later this year. 
The UK is building the world’s first flying cars airport:
“Bugatti-Cessna lovechild!” FLYING CAR completes 35-min test flight: The BMW-powered AirCar has completed a 35-minute test flight between two airports in Slovakia. Its creator claims it could fly two passengers up to 200kg for 1,000km at 2,500 meters with a cruising speed of 170km/h - and has cost less than $2.5mn to develop. Morgan Stanley predict the sector could explode to $1.5TN in value by 2040, while Hyundai have already declared the concept forms “a part of their future." Screw you traffic jams!
Bit like Autonomous Cars. Panasonic created a fridge that drives to you when called:

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 12.10.2021:    here

Schedule of Events:
Sometime between Fri. Oct. 8 and Sat. 16 Oct. Martial Law would be initiated in Canada and Australia and then be implemented across the globe according to an official Canadian Document.
On Fri. 15 Oct. funds would be released for the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/ GESARA announced and the general public would be able to exchange foreign currency at the new international rates.
Sun. Oct. 17 to Wed. Oct. 20 we would see a Three Day Event.
On Sat. 23 Oct. the Ten Days of Darkness would begin. 
Thurs. 11 Nov. Cabal Default on Global Monetary System.

Judy Note:
As Red October continued on Sunday Trump announced, “The Storm is Upon Us,” while a massive solar flare was expected to interfere with the Eastern seaboard electrical grid. Hundreds of Cargo ships, oil/fuel tankers sat at sea unable to unload cargo, while the only “shortage” was the amount of ships being allowed to offload their goods onshore as shipping boats stagnated on both East and West coasts. 
The Stock Market went into and stayed in the red today – again – as all Hell broke loose in China’s Bond Market and Crypto Currencies tanked. 
Studies came out proving you had 900% more chance of dying from the vaccines than of COVID. Why are they mandating the vaccines and passports again? This all doesn't make any sense. People need to think for just 1 sec.
All commercial flights were cancelled in and out of Washington DC as air traffic controllers and pilots walked out in Florida with thousands of flights cancelled.
All of which found stores see their shelves gradually emptying, especially at Walmart – a store so dependent on the China trade which was no more.
According to several well informed sources as named below: 
On Sat. 9 Oct it appeared that China’s Three Gorges Dam broke, taking down the Chinese Communist Party’s Bitcoin headquarters and other main sources of funding of their international Child Trafficking, drug and gun running and human organ harvesting Rings. 
On Sun. 10 Oct. Trump announced, “The Storm is Upon Us.”
On that same Sun. 10 Oct. a partial collapse of the cone wall of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma saw huge boulders being swept away in lava - some as big as three-story buildings. If the section of the island broke off as has been threatened, it could create a tsunami that would devastate the US’s Southern and Eastern Coast.
Today at 5 pm EDT Mon. 11 Oct. a massive solar flare was due to hit Earth that could take out the electrical grid along the East Coast.

Monkey Werks on Chemtrails:
"THE MILITARY IS BEGINNING TO TRACK AND COLLECT DATA ON WHERE AND HOW SPIKE PROTEIN CRYSTALS ARE BEING SPRAYED ACROSS THE CITIES. INSIDE INTEL ARE WATCHING NEW CHEMTRAILS. BOSTON SPRAYED WITH SPIKE PROTEIN CRYSTALS the last 32 hours. ALSO TOUCHES CLOSE TO THIS SUBJECT of something major happening in Bedford Massachusetts. I told you all.. Last year in Italy, NY, UK. These major places were Sprayed with a bioweapon that mimic sickness and cause the same affiliation of a weekend immune system that attacks the lungs and BLOOD. It's my understanding that we were attacked with the re-release of SARS, and Sprayed frozen Protein Spike CRYSTALS. The introduction of 5g that was first rolled out in Wuhan. The very same place COVID-19 was released.

COVID-19, Vax Hoax:
Biden Caught! Pfizer Confessed FDA Hasn’t Approved The Vaccine In The US In Recorded Call! - The True Defender. Biden Regime that pushes the vaccine mandates is a lie!
FDA NEVER APPROVED PFIZER C-19 SHOT! Sen. Ron Johnson On Tucker Carlson’s Show:
Vaccine mandate: Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not complied as Pentagon deadlines near - The Washington Post:
War Underway:

Durham Report:
Cybersecurity experts who had lucrative contracts with the Pentagon and Homeland Security, as well as having a high level of clearance, are under investigation for possibly abusing their government privileges to help the 2016 Clinton campaign plot to falsely link Donald Trump to Russia and initiate an FBI investigation into him and his campaign, according to several sources familiar with the work of Special Counsel John Durham.

Archbishop Vigano’s Letter to Trump a year ago: The challenge of our day is in riding the fine line between the Great Awakening and the Great Reset. If we do not go low enough into the precipice then future generations will suffer and fall into the same pitfalls that humanity has in days past yet if we go too low our world will spiral out of control. We are experiencing the necessary birth pains that lead to a new era. The Cabal was never meant to last. They were never destined to stay in power. Humanity has to wake up before we take the seats of authority that the Cabal once held. We the people have the power. Empowered by God and love of our fellow man. 



We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/12/21 here

Patriot Underground Episode 102 here
Galactic War Update
White Hats Demonstrate Tech Prowess (FB Outage)
Uploading Humanities' Consciousness on the Dark Web
Analyzing Fog of War
DUMBs under National & State Parks
Satanic Ritual Intel

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 11.10.2021:    here

October – a Month of Upheaval:

 “October will be a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. The current president is disgusting to people not only in the United States but all over the world. In a few days we will send something that will destroy and expose these Kabbalahs. Information will be only among the people who want good for this country, and not the manipulators.”   …Edward Snowden

“The main question is: Did you trust the plan? YES! We did it! We told you! JUST TRUST THE PLAN! The last month is here. Our time has come! Everything we said earlier will start to happen in the next 24 hours!” ...Carolyn Bessette Kennedy

“The last day is here. The countdown has started. It’s all part of the show, a show that will leave everyone speechless. Today is the last day - After this a lot of things will change.” …Melania Trump

“It started to happen! Red October is here! Dan Scavino confirmed the Red October with his post on Twitter! We started to reveal the whole truth, but someone didn’t like it. We’re into the storm. Blackout necessary! Fasten your seatbelts! Be ready, 1 week ahead and we will see the rainbow! The Democrats got furious after my previous post because they thought we will hide it from you for a long time!” ...QAnon, QWay

Judy Note:
We were in the middle of The Storm and no one Contact had all the answers as to when Tier 4B would be able to exchange/redeem as shown in the below. However, it appeared that we wouldn’t exchange or redeem until after implementation of the Gold Standard, and that wouldn’t happen until Biden/Harris were out of office. When they go, we go – as the Global Currency Reset would be right around the corner.

According to a Canadian Document between Fri. Oct. 8 and Sat. 16 Oct. Martial Law would be initiated in Canada and Australia and then go across the globe: PDF:

As per Intel from the US Treasury, on Fri. 15 Oct. the general public would be able to exchange foreign currency at the new international rates, all GCR Tiers would gain liquidity and NESARA/ GESARA Law would be implemented.

Whiplash347 claimed that on Sun. Oct. 17 to Wed. Oct. 20 we would see a Three Day Event, and on Sat. Oct. 23 Ten Days of Darkness would begin.

Q hinted that Sat. Oct. 23 to Thurs. Nov. 11 was the schedule for an unnamed Event.

A source connected to POTUS and the Rodriquez Trust said the window was between Oct 14 and November 14.

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Strange holes have appeared in the Nevada desert. Under the desert, besides DUMBS AND TUNNEL SYSTEMS, there is ALSO A SUBMARINE PORT...MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY. DARK TO LIGHT WG1WGA Q @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND in Alliance with @SpaceForceGalacticFederation

Global Financial Crisis:
In a nutshell, they’re trying to crash the economy to offer us a solution: “we the world government will make up for your losses by providing you with a universal basic income and cancel all your debt. In return, you must submit to all vaccination, digital passport, contact tracing, and cataloging measures while renouncing private property.” When they present us with this choice we are, in my opinion, at the precipice.

COVID-19 Vax Hoax:

In some countries, the use of the Moderna vaccine is restricted due to side effects, while Pfizer gives exactly the same side effects, but is not subject to bans. Someone really needs a Pfizer monopoly.

Insane jumps in deaths from CV-19 after vaccination: An astute British quantitative data analyst named Joel Smalley recently posted a video showing data from Johns Hopkins University showing insane jumps in deaths from Covid-19 after countries introduced vaccination. These data prove once again that vaccinations are the cause of most diseases and deaths.

Sweden is now down to 50th in the ranking of total "Covid deaths" per capita since the pandemic began. Almost every other country ranked above Sweden had lockdowns, mask mandates and draconian restrictions. Sweden meanwhile, largely kept its society open and freedoms intact.

Med Beds:
Each of our 5 trillion cells are like batteries with a store of energy. When we were born all our cells were fully charged to the optimal 70 to 90 millivolts. As we age, or when there is illness or stress, or toxins in the body, our cells become depleted in energy. What do we say when a battery loses its charge? We say the battery is dead. The same with cells. When their energy is low the cells are weak and when they lose their charge, they die. A cancer cell has very low energy but instead of dying they multiply mutated cells exponentially in an effort to stay alive. When you return cancer cells to the optimal 70 to 90 millivolts, they can stop multiplying! Once cells are restored to their full energetic vitality, they go to work, doing what they do best, repairing DNA, producing ATP, the body’s energy molecule, and reproducing healthy copies of themselves. It may be said that old age, sickness, and death is caused by cells dying faster than the body can reproduce healthy vital cells. Anti-aging, then, is simply when vibrant cells reproduce faster than unhealthy cells are dying. Energy permeates our world, our universe, and all people, down to our cells, our molecules, and all atoms. Our energy field is the collective sum of the energy of each of our trillions of cells.
MedBed BioHealing Devices are a breakthrough technology, with the capability of harnessing a field of pure Life Force Energy. Nikola Tesla created technology that proved the existence of Life Force Energy and discovered how to harness the energy that is naturally occurring in the environment. The MedBeds act as amplifiers to create a concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy. Essentially these devices are creating their own environment, and as long as you are within this environment your cells will be able to uptake this vital force of nature as needed, utilizing as much as Life Force as necessary for optimal cellular support and functioning.
Life Force Energy is what we are made of and what nourishes our body at a cellular level. The more Life Force Energy our cellular structures have available, the more they are able to recharge themselves and activate their own self-repair mechanisms. The body is incredibly intelligent.


Map Of Ships Stuck Out At Sea here
Listen fam, for all those who bash us for telling you to stock up, and say “we’re tired of hearing to stock up, weve been hearing that for months now.”
Here’s your proof. If you need it in plain sight, Here you go.
Green arrows are cargo ships, red are oil/fuel tankers. There is no shortage of anything. The only “shortage” is the amount of ships being allowed to offload their goods onshore.
I’m sure anyone who lives near the coast can verify the number of cargo ships sitting on the shoreline.
Stocking up means buy it, and don’t touch it until you NEED IT. Whether that means freezing it, and/or buying non perishables.
The supply [fake] crisis will hit hard this winter. Globally. Have enough food, toiletries, hygiene products, and water to take care of your family for a few weeks at minimum.
Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/11/21 here

Darkness Coming Dollar Falls – Bo Polny here
Kurt's notes:
According to Polny, Gold an Silver will only rise AFTER the Hand of God moment !!!


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 10.10.2021:    here

Welcome to Red October
 “We Enter the Storm.” …JFK Jr. wrote on Sat. 9 Oct.
Emergency Broadcast – Martial Law To Be Implemented Between Oct. 8-16 In Canada! Australia, USA, World To Soon Follow
Global Currency Reset
A Black Swan event (Global Market Crash) was in the process, opening the door for GESARA/NESARA Law, while Banks worldwide were moving to Digital Currency.

Q hinted that a schedule for an unnamed something ran from Oct. 23 to Nov. 11.

Events Schedules:

“The October New Moon began Sat. 9 Oct. and in 11 days on Wed. 20 Oct. we will have a Full Moon, or what is specifically called the Hunters Become the Hunted. The More You Know.”…Q

“Remember, Remember the 5th of November. Our Time has come.” …Truth Warrior

Whiplash347: “Sun. 17 Oct. to Thurs. 11 Nov…We R all Unified”

Three Day Event Sun. Oct. 17 to Wed. Oct. 20: November 4 2020 + 347 days #V for Vendetta = October 17 (US DC DEFAULT) 1, 2, 3 Oct 20 Full Moon - HUNTER's MOON The Hunter's become the Hunted. [3 Day Event] Based on Queen Death & Bay Of Pigs. (34) 3, 2, 1

Ten Days of Darkness Begins Oct. 23: 10/23 (10 Days of Darkness/PAIN BEGINS) Daniel 10 2-3 At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.

Q Says 21 Days, 2 Days ahead of schedule Oct. 23 to Nov. 11: 3 WEEKS = 21 DAYS 10/23 + 21 days = [11/13] Think Mr Pool (Comex 589 post) (Remember SEC will be Analyzed Dark [10] Regulation, Liquidity, Stock/Asset/Metal backing. Protocol 18/AMM = 11.3) This is in the 10 Days Of Darkness.) 2 days ahead of schedule = 11.11 [BOOKMARK] IT

Goods Shortages:
A microchip shortage was affecting manufacturing of everything from cars to government weapon systems, making production come to a standstill as layoffs began. Millions of companies were cancelling orders because of the chip shortages. 
The vaccine mandates has seen a loss of workers, drivers and goods delivery in various countries. Cargo Ships across the globe were halted with goods backed up and warehouse storage full on both US coasts. Goods were sitting on boats waiting to unload cargo. Companies were unable to ship goods around the world. Empty containers couldn’t get to docks that had no room anyway because the boat hadn’t unloaded. All of which would have a significant impact on a failing Stock Market.

“Be afraid of your government which is retaliating against your Free Speech,” Rand Paul:
Jesuit Pope Francis and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met this morning Sat. 9 Oct. at the Vatican.

A Spanish High Court has ruled that the CV-19 “virus” does not exist as a virus: (Reader: timjoebob) CV-19 does Not Exist… as a Virus  Breaking News! Spanish High Court Confirms That Covid 19 Does Not Exist! With Charlie Ward


We The People News: BIG SITUATION UPDATE 10/10/21 here


IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR ALL CANADIANS! This won't be up for long here

Patriot Underground Episode 100 here
Supply Chain Issues
Cultural Shift in Values
Different Perspectives on Devolution
Divisions in Our Culture Being Reversed
Nonterrestrial Disclosure and Analysis

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 9.10.2021:    here

Wolverine Latest Intel:
“I’m going to be as honest with you as I can. First is we’ve being instructed to be quiet as too many times we mentioned dates something wrong happened as they have caught these criminals appearing and trying to steal money.
“The RV is definitely happening 10000% this month but it’s not tomorrow, or the following day.
“The German bonds will get released on early next week and then the Dragon bonds will follow and then the 4B group and it’s all happening this month. Zim holders will have to wait but it’s happening and to have patience.
“The people that are in Zurich are having direct meetings with the source like HSBC, UTS, Biggest Paymasters in Europe, Super Whales and have had meetings with the Chinese Elders and more closer contacts you cannot get. These people did not fly all the way to Zurich for a cup of coffee as it cost money to fly over there and paying hotels and food. 
“The people in Zurich have been shown how the QFS is going to work and will have the codes by next week and they’ll let me know when that happens.
“In relation to D1 and 2 they are going to talk to Michael R (huge paymaster in Reno) to confirm what is the case with that. Now I want you all to have faith and be patient as this is definitely happening and keep your vibrations high. This is a military operation and there is a war going on which we cannot see.” 
Love you guys, God bless. Wolverine

George Soros' fund owns Bitcoin, CEO confirms. Soros Fund Management, the asset management company founded by billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros, has revealed that it owns the cryptocurrency.

How A Centuries Old Crime ACTUALLY Starts & Never Ends : This is the Real Life Story of Marc Dutroux aka ‘The Monster of Belgium‘ who was a professional child trafficker. Marc confessed to kidnapping, raping, drugging, torturing and filming children for many years. He also claimed he was doing it at the behest of political elite who financed his career as a professional trafficker. 
Not only did this political elite finance his efforts – they made specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were called “party favors” and he was asked to deliver kids of certain age, sex, race). Sometimes they requested specific means of torturing the children to fulfill their desires (orgies, satanic rituals involving sacrifices, torture games). And sometimes they requested he film certain influential people engaged in these acts, for later use as blackmail. 
He claimed many of his customers and financiers were world leaders. This was not a stretch of the imagination because he lived in Belgium, where the EU and NATO headquarters were located. Did this fire have anything to do with the United Nations covering its tracks!? This statement was also corroborated by victims who were able to identify specific politicians.
Anneke Lucas was one of his victims who testified against him. She claimed she was 6 years old when the cleaning lady hired by her mother sold her to the pedophile network in 1969. Her claims were extraordinary: She was raped over seventeen hundred hours before turning 12 years old. She was 6 years old when she was forced to participate in her first orgy, which included wearing an iron dog collar and eating human excrement. She would actually be delivered back to her parents from time to time. However, her parents themselves were complicit in the crimes and always sent her back to her abusers.
Torture included being strapped to a butchers block used to execute other children. Other victims were forced to torture her for hours as part of their initiation. She was considered attractive and that made her preferred by her abusers. She claimed that she tried to use that to her survival advantage to the best of her ability, but by the age of eleven, she had become so broken that she was slated to be executed and disposed of. She said she was saved when one of her abusers negotiated for her freedom. That abuser would later sit as a defendant in the trial.
Other witnesses and victims would soon come forward, describing such things as “Black Masses,” with child and adult sacrifices taking place in front of observers and participants, which included prominent politicians and figures. This would be corroborated by a note found by police at the house belonging to Bernard Weinstein—a man who previously worked with Dutroux, but whom Dutroux had murdered. The letter contained very specific requests for certain types of victims for satanic sacrifices. The letter was signed by a man who called himself ‘Anubis’. It turned out ‘Anubis’ was the high priest of a satanic cult called ‘Abrasax’ whose real name was Francis Desmet. Police obtained a warrant and seized computers, documents, mail, actual human skulls, jars of blood, and all sorts of Satanic items – but none of this was enough to make an arrest.
As the Dutroux trial went public, other victims stepped forward and confirmed the testimony, offering up descriptions of sexual abuse and human sacrifice. They also described “hunting parties” where elites would release naked children into the woods to hide, so that the elites themselves could hunt them down and slaughter them. Many of the stories from victims contained so many similarities, they were impossible to deny. For example, the hunting parties were often held at castles, where victims could not escape and were hidden from the public eye. Those not killed in the hunt were usually chased down and mauled/killed by Dobermans. All of these victims echoed the testimonies of other, older survivors of ritual Satanic abuse from around the world.
Before his removal, Judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was on the verge of publicly disclosing the names of high level government officials who had been recognized on video-tapes of sexual torture that took place in Dutroux’s dungeon. There were 20 potential witnesses for this case who died without explanation. 
We all know Jeffrey Epstein was a sicko who had friends in high places – the same friends that hang out with Tony Podesta, friends involved in trafficking, Satanism, pedophilia, human sacrifices and harvesting organs and Adrenochrome. World leaders and governments were involved in this satanic horror show.
President Trump fired federal prosecutor Geoffrey Berman who was in charge of the Epstein case. AG Barr requested Berman step down, and Berman refused. So Trump fired him and Berman was replaced with prosecutor Audrey Strauss. And then suddenly BAM! Maxwell is in custody. 
Marc Dutroux aka ‘The Monster of Belgium’ owned 10 homes valued at 6 million dollars, was not employed and received $1,200 per month in public assistance. Documents released by Wikileaks show large sums of money in various currencies were deposited into his wife’s bank account. Those deposits coincided with reported kidnappings and missing children reports.
Dutroux was born in Belgium in 1956 and twice convicted of kidnapping and raping underage children (1989 and 1996). He was convicted and served only 3 and a half years of his 13 year sentence because he was released for good behavior. Less than 10 years later, he was arrested again on the same charges (different victims). In the second round of charges, he was convicted of kidnapping, torturing and abusing victims, some of them to the point of death.

New data from the "Project Salus" of the Ministry of Defense show a decrease in immunity from the COVID-19 vaccine in 5.6 million vaccinated beneficiaries under the Medicare program. Alarming data published as part of a government-funded project showed that the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19 from Pfizer and Moderna has significantly decreased over time. This new discovery revealed that most of the 5.6 million Medicare participants aged 65+ who were fully vaccinated were infected with COVID-19. 
***This means that transmission can come primarily from vaccinated individuals.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/9/21 here

A Warrior Calls here


New Benjamin Fulford Report: Biden Regime Defaults; Is Given Until October 18th Before all Hell Breaks Loose here

Maria Zack as promised two weeks ago has come back with bombshell information.
There is a huge action going on world wide... that the people do not know about....
Now the world will start to learn the efforts and actions to save it.
This is a fast paced video with Maria who is one of the brightest light in our world right now.
Share this TRUTH far and wide for our world must wake now as evidence is being revealed Globally.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 9.10.2021:    here

“Tomorrow you will find out the truth!” ...Melania Trump on Fri. 8 Oct. 2021
”The Last Day is Here! The Countdown Has Started. After this, a lot of things will change. It’s all part of the show, a show that will leave everyone speechless. Prepare Backups. Archive Everything.” …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Fri. 8 Oct. 2021
"What Storm Mr. President?"…Reporter 
"You'll find out"…President Trump
It’s Going to be Biblical!!! 
Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming!!! 

Restored Republic:
Michael Flynn Warns of 'Two Separate Governments’ That America Has
Troops will be deployed in every country, and then comes shutting down of the Internet and Ten days of Darkness. In that time the Military will arrest all who colluded with the New World Order and creation of the virus and vaccines. 
The Deep State Cabal will fall in those days and nights. The pain happens now. Must happen, and the sleeping sheep must experience the pain. 
Civilization will never be the same after the Great Fall. Inside the Storm: the Great Awakening. The world is connected. Buckle Up, Buttercups. …Q
Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Chinese Military Companies and Evergrande. Ladies & Gentlemen, The Storm is Upon Us. ...Whiplash347
Here We Go! It’s All Starting to Make Sense. Big Pharma Has Done the Unthinkable Crimes Against Humanity – An Evil That Has No Bounds.   …Q The Storm Rider

Scare Event: Wars and Rumors of Wars:
A Declaration of War Against the US: BREAKING Chinese State media Global Times: We must resolutely define the US troops deployment in Taiwan as an “invasion.” The mainland has the right to carry out military strikes against them at any time. The US is playing a dangerous game that is destined to draw fire.
JUST IN - China: US forces must withdraw from Taiwan 

Scare Event: Trump-led Global Special Forces Preparing Australia for Martial Law?
Whiplash 347: Over the last two weeks Australia has been loaded up with Foreign Special Forces: US, Russian Spetznaz, German GSG 9 etc. Monday night 4 Oct. many Foreign Warships etc pulled in to Fleetbase West under cover of darkness all lights off.
For the last three days Mainstream news has revealed that TRUMP was running a SHADOW Govt, emulating Abraham Lincoln, but we all knew this. Chapter 11, right? Remember TRUMP EO13818. He has seized NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Pfizer is listed on the NYSE, as is Australia. So they have been seized. Remember they do 33, we do 34. ALWAYS 1 BETTER.
Australian Naval Base Seized:
Whiplash347: Foreign Special Forces being dropped off in Australia for Scare Event. When the Lights Go Out Know White Hats are In Control.
Pfizer & UN Lima Agreement: 
In 1975 Gough Whitlam signed the LIMA Agreement. He sold Australia to the United Nations - but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE.
Donald J Trump's Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE. Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia. Chapter 11 - City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted (Filed & Actioned) 
The Act Of England 1871 has been reversed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer.  This also overturns the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.
The Whole World goes to 1776 in law – to a level playing field. Think Revaluation of All Currencies. The Whole World goes to 1950's Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year Post Crash.
The 3 Most Important Executive Orders of our lifetimes: 13818, 13848, 13959. Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Think Chinese Military Companies, Think EVERGRANDE.
Ladies & Gentlemen, The Storm is Upon Us. 

Australia Scare Event, Fulford Report:
New Benjamin Fulford: Biden Regime Defaults; Is Given Until October 18th Before all Hell Breaks Loose | Prophecy | Before It's News ( The fake “Biden” regime in the US defaulted on September 30th and has been given until October 18th before the plug is finally pulled on that evil regime, Asian secret society sources promise. The funding was cut off because the Rockefeller/Rothschild etc. crime families behind the “Biden” regime failed to meet their promise to hand Australia over to the communist Chinese, the sources say.
That is the real reason why “The bad relations between China and Australia took an unbelievable turn this week when China fired a ‘Long March 3B’ nuclear-capable missile, directly over Sydney, Australia.”
The change in Australia is reflected by the fact Premier of Gladys Berejiklian resigned as New South Wales Premier “after an investigation found she & others in the govt. were receiving millions of $ from Pfizer to push draconian vax laws,” according to Australian intelligence sources.
The fact it refused to hand itself over to communist China is also why the EU has entered the fray by cutting off trade talks with Australia, the sources say.
In any case, the cut-off of Asian funding is what prompted the fake Biden to say “We’re gonna get this done,…It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks. We’re gonna get it done.”
By openly flouting the Satanic 666 number the criminals using rubber mask “Biden” as a front have fully come out of the closet.
Since these criminals have carried out horrendous acts of mass murder every time they faced default in the past, you can be sure this statement by Biden was meant to be taken as a threat.
This time, with little doubt, they plan to surpass 911, Fukushima and the fake pandemic of 2020. The obvious candidate this time is La Palma. The volcano there is erupting with increasing intensity and is doing so in a manner that is increasing the chances of a massive tsunami hitting the East coast of the US etc.

Scare Event Global Foods, Goods, Gas Crises:
Juan O Savin: Red Everywhere, Cargo Ships, the Bunny Jet, Marilyn Monroe, and News Bulletins from Kat | Operation Disclosure Official Kat quotes Juan O Savin (13:15): “In the manufacturing lines they have rows & rows & rows of goods that are sitting there waiting for one tiny component. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW. Our inventories are backing up waiting for stuff that’s backed up sitting on boats on both coasts, at sea, waiting to unload cargo. Companies here that are trying to ship stuff around the world. The trailers aren’t available, not enough drivers. If they do have drivers they haven’t got an empty container. If they do have an empty container they can’t get it to dock & they don’t have any room at the dock to put it to wait cuz the boat hasn’t unloaded yet, to be open to load other goods on. That is going to have a significant impact on the markets that isn’t going to resolve itself quickly.
The microchip shortage is more than you could fathom. Car companies, phone companies, computer, Smart TVs, Smart Appliances, Government weapon systems, and other productions were all coming to a standstill.
Cargo ships across the world were halting. Millions of companies were cancelling orders because of chip shortages. They could not finish production and had to cancel their next projects and cease production.
Layoffs have begun. Vaccine mandates in other countries were losing workers, drivers, delivery. The Cargo Ships were backed up, warehouse storage full.
Europe’s Energy Crisis Due to EU Climate Change Actions. Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has BLAMED EU action to combat climate change for the surge in energy prices and stated Poland, Czechia and Hungary would present a united front at the next bloc summit. Orban told state radio on Friday that “bureaucrats in Brussels” are countering climate change by continuously raising the price of energy from coal and gas leading to a spike in household energy bills across Europe.

Shadow Government is Being Taken Down:

Whiplash347: And we are down to 1 Supreme Court Justice (Clarence Thomas). 1 out of 9 – the rest are corrupt.

Scare Event: Ten Days of Darkness:
John Durham on Fri. 8 Oct.: One week left. THE COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED. Welcome to the end game, PATRIOTS. BOOM. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. They are not PREPARED. Now buckle up and listen to what I have to say, Patriots. BLACKOUT is necessary. The hour is upon us. Largest DECLAS yet. MAIN EVENT ON IT'S WAY. BOOM SO LOUD IT WILL BLOW THEIR MASKS OFF.

Scare Event: International Child Sex Trafficking Crisis:
The Media isn’t silent on Child Sex Trafficking because of the children, it’s because of who the customers are. Read that again, please.
Mel Gibson: “I was introduced to the dark practices of Hollywood in early 2000s and was threatened with serious repercussions should I ever speak out. And I don't just mean my career I mean my life was threatened, my family's life would be in danger. I can only talk about it now as those people, those industry executives, they're all dead now.
“This isn't anything new and has been taking place since before Hollywood was even founded. If you research this phenomenon, you will find lurking in the shadows of every dark era in history. These dark, multidimensional occult practices have been used in secret societies for hundreds of years. Hollywood is being used for social programming and mind control and their message is being projected into the psyche of the American people... People everywhere.”

Scare Event: Global Financial Crises:
Q) The Storm Rider: CHINA is buying up everything they could before the collapse. CHINA is gearing up for WAR. Biden weakened the American people through Divide and Conquer, weakened the Military through mandates that stopped certain Special Forces from doing their jobs because of taking vaccines (sickness). We were coming to ZERO HOUR.
Third Quarter Reports for the U.S. economy were coming out. The MASS corruption of the FAKE market reporting and False market apps was being exposed. This quarter’s report is very important. It will show China pulling their money and collapsing U.S. money. 
Eventually countries were heading to war. The COVID-19 was the first attack. The US Military is patiently waiting and dropping leaks. The perfect time to strike was when all Military in major countries started to install Martial Law. This has always been the Plan – to arrest the Deep State in all countries. 
Black is necessary. The collapse of the Internet (controlled Deep State Internet) must happen to create a Golden Era. Russian was slowly turning off gas. In the end the Chinese Military would pull a Military Coup on the Chinese Communist Party. We were heading to a critical moment. ZERO HOUR. Shipping across the World was silently backing up and chaos would begin. 

Bitcoin Crash: Cryptocurrencies most at risk of an Evergrande collapse:

Whiplash347: Internet Collapses. BTC goes to zer0. Remember they told you only way BTC goes to 0 is Internet being cut off – even though the Main DATA CENTER is under 3GD. How would they FRY that? See that Volcano being hit with DEW. Same as Nashville AT & T NSA hit on CIA SNOW WHITE COMPUTER. RODS OF GOD are for Tunnels which are below the DAM.


Patriot Underground Episode 99, 7.10.2021    here
Awakening Continues
Facebook Outage Was a WH Operation
Warning Shot to the Cabal in Rome
Military Buildup Analysis
Will WW4 be a Cover for Global Reset?
Tesla Free Energy, QFS, Free Internet on the Horizon
Preparation For the Storm.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/8/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 8.10.2021:    here

Watch For 777
7 Trumpets – 7 Kingdoms
7 Presidential Msgs to everyone's phones on Planet Earth.

On Thurs. 7 Oct. European, US Treasury and Chinese dignitaries met in Reno.

Just after 1:00 am on Thurs. 7 Oct. interior lights at the White House came on. Police escorted out what was suspected to be medical staff. Black SUVs were seen entering and exiting.

New Declaration of Independence:
A "New Declaration of Independence" drafted by Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has now been signed by 92 legislators in 31 states. The new founding fathers seek to form a more perfect union by securing elections and taking state sovereignty away from an increasingly massive federal government.
Less than two weeks ago, Senator Rogers announced that 41 signatures from 15 states had been placed under this letter, immediately after the final presentation of the audit in Arizona. These figures have more than doubled.
The new letter, signed by 31 states, calls for a nationwide full forensic examination of elections, the cancellation of certification where necessary, and a possible meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives to address the problem of election fraud.
92 legislators from several states are writing a letter to the American people calling for an audit of 50 states, the cancellation of certification, where necessary, and the possible convocation of the US House of Representatives.
Fragment: "... We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need judicial review. The voter rolls should be cleared through a voter survey to ensure the integrity of our elections in the future (...)
We call on each state to revoke the certification of its voters if it has been proven that the election was witnessed prematurely and inaccurately.
If it is shown that either Joe Biden will receive less than 270 electoral votes counted, or Donald Trump will receive more than 270 electoral votes, we call on the US House of Representatives to meet and vote in accordance with the US Constitution to determine the legitimate winner of the election in accordance with the constitutional electoral selection process."

All Countries on High Alert with tensions increasing and Civil Unrest:

Largest MILITARY buildup in the world taking place with over 162 exercises in the past 6 months. Not reported in the news.

_A US special operations unit and a Marine contingent have been secretly operating in Taiwan to train the army there for at least a year 
_China’s military has deployed its new J-16D fighter jet designed for electronic warfare to an eastern airbase near Taiwan. - SCMP
_ Erdogan hold talks with Putin on the border crisis in northern Iran, caused by Israel and Azerbaijan, the Russian Navy in the bordering Caspian Sea 
_ Israel warns all its embassies around the world for fear of Iran
_Over 40 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Killed
YDF ambushed a military convoy of 50 vehicles with 14 landmines on the Gangaw-Pale Highway. 
_Tensions at the India-China border continue to grow. With China increasing troop build up
_SYRIA – Battlefield Report: Russian Aerospace Forces warplanes launched an air strike on the Basankul village in the west of Idlib
_Serbia forces build along west and south borders, EU worried about Serbias major build up
_Iranian state TV: Revolutionary Guard boats intercepted a US Navy ship
_Russian Forces heading to Belarus border build up continues. Reports of Russian military moving through villages to the west.
_China real imminent threat Taiwan diplomat warns
_WUHAN Global Energy Crisis [SWAN]
Xi Jinping will deliver an important speech this Saturday emphasizing reunification and resolutely opposing external forces' interference in Taiwan. 

South Africa Free from Central Banks and New World Order: This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflected by the Globalist's Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.

The Three Pillars Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filed and Actioned Upon
1 – Finance: City Of London/UK Royals Bankrupted
2 – Religion: Vatican/Rome Bankrupted = Hologram Pope has been telling you for Months. Iron Bridge collapse on the day Julius Caesar claimed victory. Pope’s Swiss Guards quit.
3 – Military Washington D.C - Bankrupted.

Global Financial Crisis:
Goldman Sachs warns of a 'real risk' that America could default on its debt:
Oct. 16: From these Comms we determined that the Global Reset may occur on or around 10/16/21. Crash before Declass…The Real Kim Shady, Whiplash347.
Oct. 18: The Debt Ceiling on October 18th is a 2 year Delta with Event 201!!! Luke 10:18 “I saw Satan fall like Lightning.”
Why October 19 could be a 'catastrophic' day for the US economy. The United States could be just weeks away from defaulting on its debt for the first time ever:
IRS is Closed. Phone number is shut down!!! Changing of the Guard is happening!! History in the making!!! HELLO TRUMPSARA!!! …Santa Surfing, Whiplash347.

Edward Snowden:
I used to work for the government, now I will expose the government. The countdown has started. I have documents to BLACKMAIL the Democrats and I will post them here on my channel. The file will be encrypted and the PASSWORD will be PUBLISHED after the FINAL COUNTDOWN. In the meantime SHARE this with everyone you know! PREPARE BACKUPS. ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. THE END IS NEAR! Join my official Telegram channel:

Med Beds:
The AI-Computer program of MedBeds would create healing within the body, renewing it systemically through a painless atomization process, unaffecting the (memory, wisdom, knowledge, qualities, etc.) where the patient lies in the MedBed and goes into a deep sleep. It is hard to wrap our heads around a concept, so science could recreate a missing body part or a complete rejuvenation of reversing decades and layers of age.


David Morgan, Bo Polny discuss $2000 Silver possibility, Gold, 50-Year Nixon Dollar, Saudis & Russia here

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/7/21 #2    here

Mike Maloney: The Truth About The Debt Ceiling and TRILLION Dollar Coin here

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 10/7/21    here

Michale Salla: Were Facebook & Social Media Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens? here (video) and here (article)
On October 3, I reported on the sensational news that nine Tall Gray (Eban) extraterrestrials had been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds only four days earlier, which has sparked quite a bit of online interest and debate. These Grays were allegedly the same leadership group that had reached agreements with the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950s, and were subsequently key players in the New World Order that had been secretly set up by their Deep State partners. Only five days after the reported capture, Facebook, Instagram and Whatapp all experienced blackouts on October 4. A coincidence? Not so according to the latest updates from two Galactic Federation representatives, Val Nek and Thor Han, as relayed through independent sources.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.10.2021:    here

“The movie is about to end. You will see A LOT OF ARRESTS!”
...Trump +Q GreatAwakening.World
JFK Jr. to be announced at Dallas Rally Oct. 17 as Pres. Trump’s 2020 Running Mate. …dated Sept. 20 2020
“It’s Coming! JFK Jr. Oct. 17”
…Trump + Q GreatAwakening.World on Wed. 6 Oct. 2021
“Where there are no storms there are no rainbows. If you love rainbows, you have to love storms too. Winners never quit. Losers never win. Enjoy the Storm! Grand finale: Salvation.”
…John F. Kennedy Jr. on Wed. 6 Oct. 2021

Martial Law coming:
According to an official Manitoba Providence document Martial Law was to be implemented in Canada, Australia and certain parts of the US such as in New York and Wyoming from Fri. 8 to Sat. 16 Oct. (Ten Days of Darkness?), with the rest of the World to soon follow.

The Event should be about 3 days based on Bay Of Pigs. Then 10 day shutdown of Earth and Activation of Military EBS to TVs & Radio's WorldWide. At the same time all Governments Worldwide will be stood down as well as further arrests. We will then be having GESARA Blockchain Elections. We will be having govts 10% the size of what they are currently. All new people.

Covid/Vax Hoax:
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Bioweapon For Massive Destruction Capable To Wipe Out Human Race!
String of Attached Clots Inside Vaccinated People’s Lungs: Here’s What’s Inside Vaccinated People’s Lungs: “String Of Attached Clots… Still Think Those Jabs Are Harmless?”
SHOCKING: Blood Doctor With Terrible Findings After Examining Vials!:

Call to Action Soldiers, Service Members, Sailors, Marines, Airman, Coast Guard, Health Service and Federal Employees:
You have the right to refuse vaccination under the mandate if they are not offering you FDA Approved COMIRNATY which is the only vaccine the FDA has approved and is "legally distinct" from Pfizer BioNTech. COMIRNATY is not even available in the United States, and may not be available until October at the earliest.   
I am a physician in the Army. I am not representing the DOD or Army and I am only speaking as a concerned citizen. There is a FDA BLA (Biologics License Application) approval letter outlining what Pfizer needs to do before manufacturing the approved version of COMIRNATY.  
BOTTOM LINE:  The current mandate by the DOD is not enforceable under the law with the currently available vaccinations.  A Service Member is authorized to refuse any non-FDA approved COVID vaccination.  This is a black and white issue, which is also why no enforcement operating procedures have been released.  They legally cannot enforce this mandate with the currently available vaccines. Service members have the right to refuse an EUA vaccine.

Vax Mandate Protests:
President of Croatia: We will not be vaccinated anymore. The media spread panic and nonsense. We will not be vaccinated anymore.
NYC: Tyrannical Vaccine Mandates Have NYC Teachers Taking To The Streets:
London: Protestors chanting “Arrest Bill Gates” outside of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Slovenia: Water cannon used at anti-COVID restrict protest in Ljubljana.
Trieste, Italy is rising up against vaccine passports. Italy is set to implement the most strict passport system in Europe on October 15th. Keep fighting Patriots.
France: Is anyone surprised? The French make it 12 Saturdays in a row of passport protests.
Polish MPs protest for Australia’s human rights outside the Australian embassy. "The whole world sees what is happening in Australia. Australia has contracted Covid madness."

Governor DeSantis of Florida: "Attorney General Garland is arming the Justice Department by using the FBI to harass concerned parents and silence them through intimidation. Florida will protect the rights of its citizens to freedom of speech and will not allow federal agents to suppress dissent." Earlier, Biden's Attorney General Garland instructed his political and corrupt FBI to deal with concerned American parents opposing critical racial (racist) theory or deadly COVID demands in schools.

Our history is not what we have been told - in the ancient times AND in the more recent times. Everything we have been told is carefully planned and orchestrated, to keep us ignorant, confused and obedient - subservient to the authority. Anyone who challenges or threatens the global elite control, is attacked, targeted, discredited, bribed, tortured, eliminated, silenced, or simply killed. 
They have started many wars to naturalize potentially explosive situations. BUT, if the targeted person is famous and popular, they have to either discredit them, or vilify them. 
One of the most effective ways is to assassinate the target and then to praise them and turn them into heroes posthumously, build statues in their honour, name cities, streets and airports after them. JFK and Martin Luther King Jr, are just two such examples. 
The world mourns the great loss of their darling leader, ignorant of the treasonous act that led to his/her death. The one common denominator behind all the conflict and suffering, is always the money.  The royal political elite banking families that run the world as their playground. This series will make this very clear in ways that you least expected.,sc,elem
They Want You DIVIDED.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/6/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 6.10.2021:    here

Forwarded from Special Q Forces
First wave of blackouts started - Social Media
2nd wave- Internet, Phone
3rd wave- MSM
45 is insulated and safe
Over 100k arrests has taken place so far today
EBS imminent, maybe tomorrow, not confirmed yet
God bless us all!

Tues. 5 Oct. Fleming Report:
Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse – for all of us, even the 1%ers. Even for those lucky few that exchanged their currency/dinar, bonds, etc., early and got their 1% advance. It’s going to get even worse for them. They will live with the constant fear of losing everything. Wouldn’t want to be them. For all our challenges, we live in the safe knowledge that once we, Tier 4 exchange, it’s clear sailing. 
The skies are falling today… Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp are down all over the world. Google has planned to turn off phones unless you have the Proof-of-Vax to scan as confirmation. This application is now down in some parts of the world. This is something we have been warned about for years – the end of social media. Signal still works and has promised to stay, no guarantees though. Likewise, Telegram is still going strong. If servers and internet are down, none of these applications will work. This is the reality. 
The evil MIC (Military Industrial Complex) wants war. They’ve planned for this time - the “depopulation event” - for decades and this is what we’ve been warned about for years. The MIC includes millions of people, employees, contractors, working for corporations run by former military people. These companies are in every nation of the world. It’s no secret that they have an agenda to control everything. UK and Australia are examples of what’s planned for the US by these same MIC leadership. The toe is in the water. The pressure is being applied and the leadership here, those following MIC’s orders for control and destruction, knowingly, violently, arrogantly, face the guillotine, promised death and imprisonment, ala Nuremburg. 
To those sociopaths delivering the vax, without a cringe, even calling anti-vaxxers “murderers”, you face the worst correction. The echo of the hatred you carried for your fellow Man, will return to you for an eternity. What a mirror this has shown to us all.
The Military aren’t talking. No one is really talking, other than to be encouraging. Words like, “Stay strong, know that we won,” are carried every day. The Military aren’t talking because they are busy following orders, both from the White Hats side, and from the Brown Hats – those taking orders from the evil overlords. We can only hope that when the time arrives for the battle to start, the war will already be over. Just like our temperature shift occurred. One day, suddenly, we’ll recognize that it happened. We will see the evidence. We will take the evidence as just another day, no big deal. But, some of us will see and know and record these events. 
To those of us with eyes to see, and ears to hear, congratulations. The Big Show Has Begun.

Judy Note: On Fri. 1 Oct. 2021 at 12:01 am EDT the US Republic was Restored to concepts of the Original Constitution. Now as part of the Global Currency Reset, a Bankrupt Cabal no longer had control over US Taxpayer Dollars.

With introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in 1582 the 10 Days of Darkness – Oct. 5 through Oct. 14 – were erased from time. Are there any coincidences?

Since Mon. 4 Oct. over 100K mass arrests have taken place.
On that same Mon. 4 Oct around 10:40 am EDT preparation for the Ten Days of Darkness appeared to have began with a partial shutdown of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Gmail, Twitter, T-Mobile / TMBLE Metro, Spectrum, Verizon, AT&T, Google, Cricket Wireless, Amazon, Apple, TikTok, Snapchat, Amazon, intermittent Internet outages and BOOM – YouTube crashed!
The next phase would be permanent shutdown of Facebook and other Social Media, plus Phone and Internet outages.

On Fri. 15 of Oct. they would announce implementation of the NESARA Law, which included no more Federal Reserve. No more IRS. The US would function on a flat tax system levied on new items only, with none on food, or medicine.

From Trump Office: What a week for Events, Red October is Happening
- Social media shutdowns
- China pushing war on Taiwan
- Facebook disappears from web
- Veritas released on Pfizer
- Trump highlights Durham again
- Garland goes after the parents 
- Tucker Carlson exposing Soros

Whiplash347, Telegram, So there will be a Trigger:
For Instance Poseidon on Japan. They Blame China. Also a Middle Eastern front Taliban/Iran. You will end up with all the Masked/Body Double Leaders threatening to bomb SATANIC LANDMARKS in the world. You know the Bankrupted & Empty Ones. Chapter 11: Vatican, Buckingham Palace, White House, Royal Castles etc. Global Targets.
Things that we await: WW3 [Fake] Trigger, Queen Death, Justice Thomas, Trump Twitter, 3 Day Event
Remember the Deltas today? How do you start a war? Russia announces drills in Sea of Japan Oct 4 to Oct 9. [TRIGGER] [POSEIDON] [TSUNAMI]
JUST IN – South China Sea Naval Standoff with China. U.S. Navy USS Carl Vinson and Royal Navy HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier strike groups in the South China Sea today.
Trust your senses. It's not over while we are still PATRIOTS Q will always protect the Truth. Wait for information. You will understand it all....Q Anon Q Way
On Mon. 4 Oct. the U.S. European Command published a cryptic statement about the USAF Bomber Task Force: “MOAB Loaded, Ready to Drop – an Electro-magnetic pulse would cause blackout soon. Welcome Back Tesla…Trump + Q The Great Awakening World.

2020 Election Fraud:
ICYMI AFPI: The Case Against Mass-Mail In Ballots. Read the full research paper from AFPI’s Center for Election Integrity:
High Noon for Biden and Democrats in Arizona. AG Brnovich portrays himself as an old time gunslinger fighting modern day communists. Challenges to President Joe Biden’s agenda are coming in from all corners.
Sept. 27 2021: An in depth discussion of the Maricopa County audit. Greg Harvey and Praying Medic discuss the results of the Maricopa County election audit. 
93 Legislators From Multiple States Call For 50-State Audit & Decertification Where Appropriate:
#AZAudit: "There were odd patterns" "That was an anomaly that was repeated" "7 for Biden, 1 for Trump [over and over and over]...that's not statistically possible" "There were 17,000 duplicate ballots" "Possibly well over 60,000 of these counted ballots are illegal ballots".

Africa: They want to get rid of the federal banks out of Africa and start again with banking for the people, with zero interest and backed by metals!!

So far, since the BIG TECH BLACKOUT, the censor-free Telegram has registered over 50 MILLION NEW users. Telegram
Senator Ed Markey to Mark Zuckerberg: “Your time of invading privacy, promoting toxic content, and preying on children and teens is over. Congress will be taking action.”
Facebook employees are reportedly unable to enter buildings to assess Internet outages because their access tokens are not working.

International Child Sex Trafficking:
French Catholic Church inquiry finds 216,000 pedophilia cases between 1950-2020. 'Veil of silence' protected French clergy accused of sex abuse - report.
Catholic Church: At least 330,000 children were sexually abused in France's Catholic Church over last 70 years, report finds - Daily Mail

COVID/Vax Hoax:
The head of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is stepping down amid lingering questions. Dr. Francis Collins Stepping Down as Head of NIH:
Canada: This is YUGE CANADA!!! WORLD!!! The President of the WORLD DOCTOR's Association announces COVID is a seasonal infection and all of the LOCKDOWNS and Masks and Vaccines are OVER!!!
Cambodia is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world: 81.3% of its population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. And there are now more COVID-19 "cases" in Cambodia than ever before. According to official government data, before the advent of vaccines against Covid, there were no problems with morbidity in the country.
According To Public Health Data, Vaccinated People Accounted For 80% Of COVID-19 Deaths In August!
JUST IN - Pfizer scientists say on camera: "Your [Covid] antibodies are probably better than the [Pfizer] vaccination. We’re like bred and taught to be like vaccine is safer than actually getting Covid. I work for an evil corporation... Our organization is run on Covid money now."


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #2 for October 5, 2021 here


Patriot Underground Episode 98 here
Facebook Outage
October Invasion
White Hats on the Offensive
World's Militaries on High Alert
Pantomime Intensifies
We're Close--Hold The Line.

We The People News: WW3 MILITARY UPDATE 10/5/21 here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/5/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.10.2021:    here

Global Military "Exercises" were now in place for the largest Global Military Operation in Planet Earth’s History – a transition to Gesara Greatness.
The Storm is Almost Here
“POTUS will tweet, “My fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us” and then we will go to full Global Martial Law, and change from Crown Maritime Law to 1776. …Whiplash347
“Fake pic push by MSM. Videos/backup. Google kill, You Tube kill, FB kill, Twitter kill, Yahoo kill, Bing kill, Instagram kill, Net will be paused. Hammer on the Clock.”…Q
BREAKING! WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook have all gone down in a major outage beginning at 10:40 am EDT Mon. 4 Oct.
The final BQQM is here. 
The question is: Are you ready?! 
We Enter The Storm!

The Blackout:
Trump +Q Great Awakening World: Urgent! CYBER PLANDEMIC Everything is shutting down! Global Internet Servers Outages. It’s a warm up to get ready for complete shutdown.
CBK: The Swamp was making moves in the dark. Stay vigilant. Everything is going down. Social media blackout happening now. Watch here: 
Facebook $FB stock crashed after services including Instagram and WhatsApp went down. Military just entered Facebook Headquarters!!! Bank of America and other banks were experiencing issues. Users worldwide were reporting issues with services of Facebook, Instagram, GMail, Twitter, WhatsApp and partial Internet outages. 
GOOD BOMB: It may be worse than we think: a multitude of tech experts suspect Facebook’s entire DNS record, the digital address book that directs users to Facebook websites and services (including Instagram and WhatsApp), may have not only gone offline, but been wiped from servers. A source at Facebook told a AP reporter: "It's mayhem over here, all internal systems are down too." So, someone deleted large sections of the routing....that doesn't mean Facebook is just down, from the looks of it....that means Facebook is GONE.
BREAKING – The Pentagon: We are studying the possibility of a security threat due to what happens to social media. WWIII HAS BEGUN.
Edward Snowden arranged a poll on what will happen if the Internet giants do not resume work: collapse, or the beginning of a Golden Age.
Signal app may stay online:

Q: The Storm has arrived:
Just because the 'public' is unaware of something, does not mean 'nothing' is happening. MUELLER hearing a tactic meant to delay (H) report? (H) report release necessary prior to [C]omey release? (H) + [C] = D D = the start of the mass awakening (WH, ABCs, State, Foreign, ……) Post D comes many I's. When BLACKMAIL no longer holds due to LOSS OF SENIOR LEVEL KEY GOV POSITIONS AND 11th HOUR TESTIMONY, those previously protected become prey. HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED. GOD WINS….Q

Q. History about the Deep State Cabal and the White Hats Intervention:
Find the first 2 Raids in 2019 on the Vatican. You can Google this. Find all the deaths from there. This is why Rome had the most deaths at the start. Black Pope, Bishops/Cardinals. The White Pope is a Hologram. 50,000 + Troops descending on Rome March 17 2020 when Rona kicked off. Army vehicles in the streets, coffins. They shot all the Vatican Mafia. They chased the snakes away. The Spetznaz has also raided.
The Vatican Raids that started in Mid 2019 were a pre cursor to Operation Defender Europe March 17 2020. Where 50k troops descended on Rome & a shootout began with Vatican Mafia's. That is why the El Rona Count was kinda high in Italy at the start. Remember when Q said the Pope will have a Bad May. Was referring to the Black Pope was announced dead in May 2020. Find that Q Post it was way before death. The Jesuit Superior General, the leader of the Illuminati.
The Biggest Drug Trafficker in The World (Queen Elizabeth 2) would supply the Vatican Mafia with Heroin/Opium from her little CIA foot soldiers. Vatican Mafia supplies the World with Heroin from the Golden Crescent. Meth from the Golden Triangle.
What you see in the Military Coup in Myanmar/Golden Triangle/Tsi Chi Lop/Sam Gor/The Company. All the very large Drug Busts of late would able to be done if it was not for the rest above. CIA, Mossad, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, CCP, Burma, Thailand & the Myanmar Government's all had their hands in the Largest Drug & Child Trafficking Operation in the World that is the GOLDEN TRIANGLE. Project TerraMar involved too.
See Myanmar - TerraMar. Myanmar the largest Drug & Child Trafficking country in the World. The Golden Triangle is being shutdown. You know the Ruby Red Rings the Elites wear. See Qassam Soleimani. TerraMar Project. Maxwell's etc use old Submarines with new Tech to collect Jewells from the bottom of the Ocean Floors in International Waters. They use the remains of children, put them through a whole heap of processes & they end up in the Ruby Red Rings they wear. Same goes for The RED SHOE CLUB. It goes in their shoes.
Now you tell me why they banned this? A Rabbi telling you they sell Human/Children Meat to Fast Food outlets & McDonalds is the number 1 Buyer. The Khazarians are the ones behind McDonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean. All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. That’s right Children’s Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too.
Watch the Waters Undersea charities. Connect them. TerraMar is not unique. Blue Prosperity – Waitt Oceans 5:- Rockefeller LDF – DiCaprio Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded by the Clinton Foundation? For 2 million to "Oceans 5"?
Why did billionaire Ted Waitt donate 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation around the same time he was helping Ghilsaine Maxwell learn to pilot submarines and helicopters on board their private yacht? Blue Prosperity. Ghislaine Maxwell founded Terramar Project, a nonprofit, and was Principal Officer. Steven Haft was on the board at Terramar, before it closed just after Epstein got arrested. Steven Haft was a big Hollywood block chain producer. Why did James Biden get a loan from Scott Green whom the Biden family sold a parcel of land on Water Island (just a short distance from Epstein Island) to, instead of going through a bank? Not much saving oceans. Very much laundering money Providing kids for the 'network' 
This goes so much deeper......Watch this video where Gislain invites the UN to support TerraMar. Listen to the video at 3.28 1/3 of fish harvested are used to feed livestock. Chicken tastes like fish. Fish is code for Andrenochrome. Albert Fish was a child rapist and cannibal. The under seas charities are trafficking Cartels run by the Elite. International waterways fall under no jurisdiction. Anyone can do anything under water.
Terra-Mar=> Ghilsaine Maxwell
Terra-Mar=> Clinton Foundation.
Ghislaine Maxwell => Ted Waitt.
Ted Waitt=> Waitt Foundation.
Waitt Found.=> Clint. Found.
Waitt Found=> Gates Found.
Ted Waitt+ G.M.=> Water Island.
Water Island => Biden Family.
Bridges, Bridges everywhere.
As you can see The Black Eye Club, Red Shoe Club & TerraMar Project all go back to ISRAEL/Maxwell/Mossad, Khazarian/Bolshevic Mafia & the Vatican who control the Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma & have infiltrated the whole Justice System on Earth. It is all compromised.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 4.10.2021:    here

The Storm is Almost Here
“Sun/Mon (Oct. 3, 4) POTUS will tweet, “My fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us” We will then go to full Global Martial Law and change over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776.” …Whiplash347
“Fake pic push by MSM. Videos/backup. Google kill, You Tube kill, FB kill, Twitter kill, Yahoo kill, Bing kill, Instagram kill, Net will be paused. Hammer on the Clock.”…Q

“Around Sun/Mon (Oct. 3, 4) POTUS will tweet, “My fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us.” 
“We will go to full Global Martial Law and change over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776.
“It will be a transition. CASTLE ROCK. Just about go time you will see my write ups from January 2020.
“We need 100% of people indoors to see what the US Military is going to broadcast on everyone’s TV sets worldwide. It is going to be very painful, but we can no longer have people divided.
“POTUS will most likely be on board AF1 when he sends out on the Emergency Broadcast System, Seven Presidential Messages to everyone’s phone and TV sets worldwide.
“From there all Global Militaries via the US Military, will shut down all Media, Internet, Phones and all TV programming (Emergency Services will still have theirs) so the Military can broadcast 10 days of 3x8 hour sessions of video confessions, military Tribunals, lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the STORM article.
“While this is happening they will be removing Governments worldwide and making global arrests (500,000 indictments).
“GESARA/NESARA will be activated (Fri. 15 Oct), which will be a re-wiring of Planet Earth.”
“Make sure you have the necessities, 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies.”

World Events Crises:
BREAKING – A possible invasion of Taiwan is coming closer as China's PLA air force continues to increase pressure on Taiwan: today 52 (!) Combat aircraft were sent to it, including 12 H-6 bombers.  

Global Economy Crisis:
I think this Pandora Papers is gonna expose them all:
Shares in China property giant Evergrande suspended pending ‘major transaction’ | China | The Guardian:
It’s not just Evergrande. Dozens of Chinese firms being halted from trading in Hong Kong.
The Soros-funded group releases the Pandora Papers (Pandora's Dossier), revealing offshore financial data and secrets of many politicians and other celebrities. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has published information about the involvement of a number of world leaders and public figures in offshore schemes. They included President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, singer Shakira, model Claudia Schiffer, Julio Iglesias and many others.

Nick Fleming Update:
All currencies will revalue simultaneously as the New Financial System is launched. This might as well be written in stone. It is going to happen. Exactly when it will happen is the only unknown.
Today was a benchmark day for Venezuela though. CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — A new currency with six fewer zeros debuted Friday in Venezuela, whose currency has been made nearly worthless by years of the world’s worst inflation.
Hard to imagine how one of the most wealthy, prosperous Nation’s in the world, Venezuela, has fallen so far. Hard to imagine how US could follow in these same footsteps, to instability, crime and corruption. Venezuelans are using the USD right now, because their currency is recognized as “unstable” and experiencing severe hyperinflation. 
This will all change once the IQD is validated and Military all over the world step up and take charge to end the Socialist/Communist/Nazi takeover that has plagued so many prosperous Nations for decades. Simultaneously, all currencies in all of the several hundred nation’s now participating in Global Trade, will together benefit with their announcement of the formation of a new (Sovereign, Republic) government and a new currency. Including in China, which today is suffering the same death throes the US Gov. We shouldn’t have much longer to wait…..

Here Comes the BQQQQMS: In 1975 Gough Whitlam signed the LIMA Agreement. He sold Australia to the United Nations - but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE. Donald J Trump's Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE. Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia. Chapter 11 - City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted.
This leads into Chapter 11 & EO13848 & EO13818 which I will show again.
But first ask yourself why is Australia being mentioned so much?
Think Wall Street/New York Stock Exchange Child Trafficking.
Trump EO has seized it. 
Australia is listed on NYSE.
Australia is the most important Commonwealth country for many reasons. 
Who is Evergrande? Why are they defaulting?
Have they been paying/funding rigged elections worldwide for a long time? YES.
Who controls them and the CCP?
Israeli Mossad & UK Royals.
Chapter 11 - Why is it in the news that Washington D.C is defaulting?
Why is Buckingham Palace Empty?
Why is the Vatican Empty?

Investigation estimates up THOUSANDS of pedophile priests in French Catholic Church since 1950. Up to 3,200 Catholic priests have sexually abused children in France, the head of an independent inquiry has said, days before publishing a report on the scope of crimes against minors inside the church. The independent commission was set up by the French Catholic Church in 2018 to study sexual crimes against minors within its ranks. After going through church archives across the country and conducting interviews, the commission, known by its acronym CIASE, will deliver a 2,500-page report on Tuesday.

How do you cover up vaccine deaths & ALL the [EXPOSURE] coming out. And how vaccines are a failure????? You INVENT another [FAKE] mutated VIRUS called the MARBURG.. That supposedly has a 88% death rate<<< This MARBURG VIRUS will cover all the coming DEATHs that are happening and will happen from the current vaccines and boosters.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #2 OCTOBER 4, 2021 here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/4/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 4.10.2021:    here

Judy Note:
The time for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/currency exchange appointments was a Military decision dependent upon a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the status of International Crises Events going on right now, including an apparent collapse of the Global Monetary System.

We have however, been given some hints about what was going on:
Fri. 1 Oct. Red October. First day of fiscal year. Mass arrests and resignations….Trump +Q, Great Awakening World.
Sat. 2 Oct. “Two days only and going pretty well. Let's gooo! Mass arrests and resignations. It's just starting.”…Trump + Q Great Awakening World.
Sun. 3 Oct. Last day of Mass arrests and resignations Dark to Light. …Trump + Q Great Awakening World.
“The final BQQM is here. The question is: Are you ready?! We enter the Storm!”...The Punisher Q17
“Those awake can ride The Storm.” …Q, The Storm Rider
“The Last Day is here. Dark to Light. Blackout Necessary. The countdown has started. It’s all part of the show, a show that will leave everyone speechless. Today is the last day - after this a lot of things will change.”…JF Kennedy Jr. 
Mon. 4 Oct. “First day of Ten Days of Darkness. Darkness Necessary. Our most expansive exposé of financial secrecy yet is coming.”…Q 
Mon. 4 Oct. at 12:30 p.m. EDT. The #PandoraPapers is based on a leaked dataset of more than 11.9 million files.
Fri. 15 Oct. NESARA implementation.

Truckers Strike Iran, Armenia Russia: Military exercise is a response to arrest of several Iranian truck drivers by Azerbaijan Army over carrying commercial goods such as Milk to Armenia. Iran has given an ultimatum to Azerbaijan Republic to quickly release the drivers and their vehicles.

Arizonans came out to the State Capitol requesting that Attorney General Mark Bronovich prosecute those responsible for rigging the November 3rd, 2020 Presidential Election after the Audit results proved massive fraud has taken place in Arizona.

Sidney Powell claims Dominion has patents to alter votes in real time and flip votes in batches.

The Storm is upon us:

>Germany. On brink of natural gas shortage
>UK In the red zone [CRASH] gas shortage
>U.S. on the brink of second gas Shortage/stock markets 
>China system collapsing stock market [CRASH] not enough electric for production of world goods/not enough coal.
>U S. Politicians. Congress is turning on reach other _ U S. Soldiers Exodus of Military began.
>Doctors, SOLDIERS, POLICE, scientist, health care workers mass Exodus from government and start to ban together against the System
>MAJOR conflict inside the PENTAGON and Intel agencies<>>Soldiers are beginning to see the chain of command is in CHAOS
>FBI caught in a lie on the FAKE insurrection jan.6 report and starts DEMOCRATIC inside war<<
>RAND PAUL>> [EXPOSURE] of FAUCI and gain of function in the Congressional hearings reach's the ears of Democratic Leaders<<<Tom Cotton Report (Mil INTEL} on the creation of the virus to hit FALL <>>> many governors and senators are becoming aware of Gain-of function and 900 page FAUCI report in collusion with Gates CDC NIH
>MASS stock dumps began in big tech and consumer goods//Transfer of $$€£ to Energy
As World wide shortages begin
>China buying U S. EU >Goods and meat with cash surplus and causing mass INFLATION/
>China lower class demanding more meat and goods brings CCP into brink of full collapse [CRASH]>
>CHINA 2 months flooding in 12 province cause huge disruption In World wide chain of production, goods and aluminum >> World INFLATION in construction industry destroying small companies<
>South American agriculture industry hit by high temperatures and Exports of seasonal foods in chaos>corn, soy beans, coffee
>Coffee shortage expected as Vietnam slows exports/South America drought and frost effects coffee production/
>Many countries see the Market [CRASH] incoming and start to reduce exports and start reserve and storing<>>this effects the Market 
>L A port and New York ports have back up shipping CARGOS with millions of U.S. goods, produce, and supplies drifting afloat with no time of delivery in sight and insurance companies began PANIC<
>Nearing 30 billion loss and jobs in the U.S. auto industry due to china and with holding micro chips/ chip shortage
>China EXPECTED to devalue the currency which will effect the World wide stock market at over 22% and destroy over quarter billion small and large business's in the first 4 months
>Military reserves/Army Expected to be Activated in the U.S. Canada. UK EU. ICELAND South American. Mexico, African regions. Malaysia.
And over 80 countries
>Forced Vaccinations/Vaccines pass mandates and Government threats among its citizens is reaching an all time high rebellion across several nations with PROTESTS turning to violence and riots

Then Troops will be deployed in every country.
Then comes the shutting down of internet (10 days of darkness) In that time The MILITARY will ARREST ALL WHO COLLUDED WITH THE NWO and the creation of the virus and VACCINES. The Deep State CABAL will FALL in those days and nights. The PAIN happens now. Must happen. The sleeping sheep must experience the PAIN. CIVILIZATION will never be the same after the Great FALL. 

COVID/ Vax Hoax:    

WHO Concedes: COVID-19 Is Like The Ordinary FLU! 500,000 Dead Americans From The Vaccines! [WATCH]

Mortality among adolescents aged 15-19 has increased by 56% since the introduction of vaccination in the UK, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The Total number of American Citizens that died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is 48,465 according to hard data revealed in the Medicare Tracking System. Data from the Medicare Tracking System reveals that 19,400 people less than 80 years old have died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. In addition, 28,065 people have died that are over the age of 80 within 14 days of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

Sen. Ron Johnson Drops Truth-Bomb on Senate Floor - 63% of UK Delta Deaths in Last 7.5 Months Were Fully Vaccinated (VIDEO)

Australia: 1,200 police officers in Australia suspended without pay for refusing vaccination against Covid-19 

Canadian protesters staged a big picnic at restaurants that started demanding vaccination passports from customers.

Indonesia: Residents of the village of Aceh in Indonesia amicably refused experimental vaccinations and destroyed the vaccination center.

Nurses in Staten Island New York burn their scrubs to protest vaccine mandates and terminations.

Washington State: Thousands gathered outside the Washington State Capitol today to protest against vaccine mandates. Many federal, state, and city workers in Washington face termination on October 18th if they do not take the vaccine.


_Members of the Swiss Guard resign over mandatory vaccinations imposed by the Vatican.
_Data From a UK Hospital Astounded The World: Vaccinated People Account For 80% of COVID Mortality… Deaths From COVID Have Increased by 3,000% Since The Vaccination Campaign Began
_Red Alert: J&J Vaccine May Be Linked To Another Blood Clotting Condition, EU War
_French protest against the vaccines mandates and passports for the 12th week with millions in several regions
_Sen. Ron Johnson Drops Truth-Bomb on Senate Floor - 63% of UK Delta Deaths in Last 7.5 Months Were Fully Vaccinated 
_Deaths among teenagers up 56% since vaccine rollout began
_‘Freedom without certificates!’ Thousands protest Covid passports & planned vaccine mandate in Romania 
_More than 100 protesters arrested as police in Melbourne, Australia crack down on vaccine mandate demonstrators
_San Diego Healthcare Workers Protest After Vaccine Exemptions Denied
_Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
_19-year-old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest in training on 9/16-21 after taking vaccines
_Coach Dirk Splitsteser of SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines of the game after receiving vaccine
_Rune Coghe (18) of Eendracht Hoglede (Belgium) suffers heart attack during match. He also took the vaccines
_During the women's World Cup qualifier Germany-Serbia in Chemnitz, an English lineswoman has to be carried off the field with heart problems due to vaccines
_16-year-old unnamed soccer player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest (9/6/2021)
_Team manager Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers fatal heart attack before game after taking vaccine
_53-year-old soccer coach Antonello Campus collapses dead in Sicily while training with his youth team, it's reported he took vaccine
_Anil Usta of VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapses on the pitch with heart problems after receiving vaccines
_Based Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro exposing the globalist "vaccine passports" plan: "If you accept this vaccination passport, soon there will be another requirement, and another one... and you know where it will stop then... Population control!"
_For people who already caught Covid and beat it, there are ZERO reasons to get a Covid vaccine
_BLM leader says NYC vaccine mandate is racist, likens it to "modern-day freedom papers"
_Johnson & Johnson officials caught on video admitting children DON’T need coronavirus vaccines
_Felicity Jackson: 29-year-old British model suffering continual convulsions, seizures after second Pfizer mRNA injection
_Arkansas Lawmakers Put the Brakes on Vaccine Mandates, Introduce Bill Gutting the Policies.


We The People News: SIMON PARKES Q & A here
This is the second part of the Connecting Consciousness Update on 10/1. Topics include La Palma Volcano, Dark Knight Satellites, Mind Control, CCP AND MORE. GREAT INTEL!

Simon Parkes: 2021 10 01 CONNECTING CONSCIOUSNESS here
Kurt's notes:
According to Simon Parkes,
1.)  the "Red October" - is here, the collapse of the global financial system is imminent;
2.) the Quantum Financial System (QFS), NESARA/GESARA, is the most important change for humanity. As long as we live in 3D, it's all about the money. Therefore NESARA/GESARA as the spiritual side of the fundamental change of the global financial system is so important to be established first. Only good deeds must be rewarded financially, otherwise the evil will just come back;
3.) it is very unlikely that more people will awaken. Therefore, there is no point in waiting any longer for the White Hats to intervene militarily. The refusal of the mainstream media to report the truth about the outcome of the Arizona audit was the final proof that there is only the military option left.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #2. 10/2/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 3.10.2021:    here

All MILITARY around the world were on High Alert: The Deep State Cabal in every country was working hard to stop the 32 Nation Alliance Military from stepping in and stopping their depopulation agenda that was connected to resetting the financial system.

Long term planning in the Cabal agenda to rule all peoples of the earth included food and energy shortages, along with a Covid-19 and vaccination Plandemic Hoax. Inspired by Satan worshipping pedophilia and Human Sacrifice, and led by the Chinese Communist Party in collusion with various Mafias, Queen Elizabeth, the Vatican, Democrat and other political and Hollywood elites, the Deep State was also heavily into Election Fraud, International Child Sex Trafficking, a Global Economic collapse and nations against nations in war for monetary gain.

Poll: A majority of Trump voters and 41% of Biden fans want to SECEDE from union, see ‘other’ party as totalitarian. More than half of Americans who voted for Trump are in favor of ‘red’ states seceding from the union, according to a recent poll which found nearly half of Biden voters feel the same way. Is the nation en route to Civil War 2.0?

Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to berth and trains in Chicago are backed up 25 miles with global supply chain on the brink of collapse: Americans face shortages of cars, shoes and exercise gear as holiday season looms. Dozens of cargo ships anchored off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the US face unprecedented wait times:

Border Crisis:
“As many as 400,000 migrants" are heading to the U.S. border, NBC News reports that, "An unprecedented number...nearly doubling the stunning numbers we've seen the last two months, which were a 21-year high."

Vaccination against Covid-19 contributes to the development of cancer:
Dr. Cole was contacted by a doctor from Ireland who has been living there for more than 40 years. He knows all his patients, among them there are both vaccinated and unvaccinated. The doctor noticed the following: in a six-week period of time, he saw such a number of cancers that he had not seen in his entire career. Dr. Cole sent him his observations about the potential mechanism of what is happening. The fact is that our body is constantly mutating at the cellular level. And as part of the protection, immune cells have protection against cancer cells (including receptor No. 4). Apparently, the injection suppresses one of these receptors, as a result of which cancer develops rapidly.

Italian Police Stand Down in Solidarity With Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protestors, Crowd Erupts in Cheer:

List of possible Covid vaccination consequences in athletes:
1) 19-year-old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest in training on 9/16-21.
2) Coach Dirk Splitsteser of SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines of the game.
3) Rune Coghe (18) of Eendracht Hoglede (Belgium) suffers heart attack during match.
4) During the women's World Cup qualifier Germany-Serbia in Chemnitz, an English lineswoman has to be carried off the field with heart problems:
5) 16-year-old unnamed soccer player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest (9/6/2021)
6) Team manager Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers fatal heart attack before game:
7) 53-year-old soccer coach Antonello Campus collapses dead in Sicily while training with his youth team:
8) Anil Usta of VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapses on the pitch with heart problems:
9) Dimitri Liénard of FC Strasbourg collapses with heart problems in a Ligue 1 match:
10) Diego Ferchaud (16 years old) of ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest in an under-18 league match in Saint-Lô.:
11) Ain/France: Frédéric Lartillot succumbs to a heart attack in the locker room after a friendly match:
12) Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten (25) suffers a cardiac arrest in the early stages of a cup match.:
13) Belgian amateur footballer Jens De Smet (27) from Maldegem suffers heart attack during match and dies in hospital.
14) 13-year-old soccer player of Janus Nova club from Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the pitch with cardiac arrest.
15) Andrea Astolfi, sporting director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffers a fulminant heart attack after returning from training and dies without previous illness at the age of 45
16) Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-league match in Denmark
17) Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu collapses with cardiac arrest during a Ligue 1 match:
18) Besiktas Istanbul's Fabrice N'Sakala (31) collapses on the field without opposition intervention and has to be taken to hospital

Edward Snowden is not a traitor, but a legitimate whistleblower:
Yesterday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit made an unexpected decision, ruling that the CIA program, which secretly collected phone records of millions of Americans, violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Law and could well be unconstitutional.
This happened seven years after the former contractor of the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, disclosed information about mass surveillance of Americans' telephone conversations. Snowden revealed details of a large-scale NSA program that used the fear of terrorism to trample on the constitutional rights of American citizens. The US government follows the same perverse plan in persecuting American citizens who entered the Capitol on January 6.
Snowden was somewhat shocked by the result. He tweeted the following: "I never thought that I would live to see the moment when our courts would condemn the activities of the NSA as illegal and in the same decision would give me credit for exposing it. The Supreme Court once said, "It is difficult for people to accept what they are forbidden to observe." That's why I immediately raised a fuss: the public has a right to know about decisions that redefine the territory of their rights." (

The German elections marked the end of Merkel's globalist government:
with Democrats falling to historic lows at the end of her failed reign. The German political landscape is now split into five major parties. It will take months to form a coalition government. Election fraud in Germany was so widespread that even the mainstream media cannot deny it. YouTube has cautiously threatened to ban any talk about speculation and election violations. The local government elections in left-wing Berlin have been marred by so many disasters that legal experts have called for the resignation of election commissioner Petra Michaelis.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 2.10.2021:    here

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Storm is Upon Us:
In 1975 Gough Whitlam signed the LIMA Agreement. He sold Australia to the United Nations - but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE.
Donald J Trump's Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE.
Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia.  Chapter 11 - City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted (Filed & Actioned) 
The Act Of England 1871 has been reversed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer.  This also overturns the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.
The Whole World goes to 1776 in law.
The Whole World goes to A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD - Think Revaluation of All Currencies. 
The Whole World goes to 1950's Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. Post [CRASH]
The 3 Most Important Executive Orders of our lifetimes: 13818, 13848, 13959.
Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Think Chinese Military Companies, Think EVERGRANDE.

Global Food, Goods, Fuel Crisis:
Global Supply Chain at risk of collapse: It has begun...MAJOR STOCK brokers are betting against the Market (selling Short) They know the crash is imminent. The Big Squeeze is in. So much disinformation in the market reports are happening and with [DS] market apps.
Thousands of Cargo ships on holding pattern offshore on both coasts: America is under attack from the inside. To those with ears to comprehend what I say, rule of thumb: it’s better to have it, and not need it, than to need it and not have it. This weekend: Stock up on food, water, toiletries and hygiene products. Keep your gas tank full. Go buy a gun, or two, or ten.
JUST IN - Britain deploys army to supply petrol amid fuel crisis, starting Monday (AFP)
Shocking photos of cargo ships anchored off NYC and LA forecast global supply chain 'collapse' and a MORE expensive Thanksgiving and Christmas. New footage obtained by shows the scale of the problem facing the United States' supply chains.
America faces supply-chain disruption and shortages. There’s a quiet panic happening in the US economy. Medical labs are running out of supplies like pipettes and petri dishes, summer camps and restaurants are having trouble getting food, and automobile, paint and electronics firms are curtailing production because they can’t get semiconductors.

1.4 Billion humans will die from the vaccines (Bioweapon attack) and the death counts chaos has already started. These important Chess moves happening had to happen. White HATS took a step back as the enemy used up their final moves and energy. Then the STRIKE HAPPENS. THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE WAR IS REAL.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/2/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 2.10.2021:    here

Restored Republic: World War 3 Is Now! This is an attack against our country. Cutting supplies of countries is an act of war creating massive shortages. Time for militaries to take over now. Are you ready to take back your country? Ready to take back your freedom? Time is now! We're at the end of World War 3 where the good ones "The People" wins! Let's get rid of the globalist satanic enemies once and for all. 

Fri. 1 Oct. Fleming Report
We've got good news and no news to share on this day, the first day of a New Year for a destructive, bankrupt, US Gov. 
The Good News first since it’s all that matters, every attempt at destroying our livelihood and our spirit - sense of Freedom, (CV 19, lock down, mandates that are acted on as if law), our resolve remains intact. We're all proving amazingly resilient in the face of adversity. We, in Tier 4, know that in every way, our every thought is manifesting. Collectively we’ve anchored the belief that right here, right now, Love will prevail. God is pitching for Our Team. Nothing can deter us from our vision of a beautiful turn-around, coming right now.
Today was to be the fulcrum, the tipping point, bringing the end to US Gov, instead the Congress, the US Gov. Inc., and their evil Agenda 2021/2022, got a 2 month reprieve. Doesn’t mean that they’re let off the hook, no Sir.  The System is broke and no amount of delay will deter this eventual tumble. They are going down.
With the start of the new Fiscal Year comes pressing demands for immediate action both legal and lawful. There are multiple actions from well-meaning individuals, leading national efforts, both in United States of America and internationally; to coalesce the Grand Finale to bring about the Grand New Start. We’ve heard all about the scope and scale of this endeavor, what we’ve not heard about (for obvious good reason), is the minutiae leading to the Big Reveal. 
1.  Will this include a New Financial System? YES, but not one lead by Rothschild/Rockefeller, and their fiat schemes. No matter how they try and hide their constant fake-paper-capers (ala Green New Deal), it’s known, recognized even with camouflage, and won’t be happening in our timeline. 
2.  Will this include a New System of Government? YES, and immediately, as we return to the Law of the Land, departing from our birth at sea and forever subjects of the Crown. Admiralty/Maritime Law will be walking the plank, disappearing with the fishes, where it belongs. We’re returning to the 1776 version – a Constitutional Republic as Sovereign Nationals. How we make this leap is still fuzzy, but there are a few possible likely events leading us (especially those of us in Tier 4), up to this. 
3.  Will this include the opportunity to exchange our currencies/redeem our ZIM Government Bond Notes? YES, this is the plan. Reason being, WE are the Ones that will fund the resurrection of this Beautiful Planet rising from the onslaught of the present criminal Agenda. 
There has been a concerted effort to launch the Green New Deal, a gravy train of Ponzi money for those involved in the scheme of Carbon Credit trade. This along with the further enslavement of the US Nationals, the reduction in Freedom; all evil Agendas are going to fail. The Military is in Control now. They are keeping quiet because something BIG is coming. This global Military effort will quell all Nazi/mafia acts, setting right our world, leading to the Rule of Law, by the People, as each Nation’s individual Rights and Privileges are restored.  
The New System of Government for US, the restored Republic, a Federation of States, honoring each State’s Rights; safeguarded by a National coalition led by (newly, lawfully) elected individuals, will be created once the Signal is given – like Paul Revere, “The Redcoats are Coming!” For Tier 4, it might be the EBS – the Emergency Broadcast System.  With President Trump stating, “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us........,” we will begin our Transition of from onlookers, bystanders, to activists, taking back this nation. Leading the way for People in every Nation, to follow suit. The process for creating this “Safe World” is Ready. There are a few (verified, known) steps to take and in one fell swoop the monolith will fall to be reborn anew, Rightfully.
The ability to exchange our fiat currencies, for solid, asset-backed currency, has been in process already for years. Many have moved forward with privately/bank facilitated exchange, with a window-time established, showing a solid rate for currency and leaving these lucky souls with assets ‘on account’, spendable with a lien against the asset. This is especially true with those who have exchanged their Dinar, easily valued as discussed and demonstrated by Iraqi Nationals living here in the US, with their Qui (pronounced “Key”) Card, which this week is showing 1 IQD = $3.95 USD. There have been thousands that have already benefitted from this exchange through privately facilitated deals. These thousands won’t benefit either, not unless/until Tier 4 has their exchange. This is written in the contract – the Global Treaty, negotiated just for this Grand Event. 
Once this is “internationally recognized” and launched, we here, in US, and all over the world, will be able to exchange our Dinars, just the same. It’s not international yet. There were no announcements in the mosques – which is what we were absolutely expecting. What’s the holdup? Iraq is still following the US Treasury’s lead. That’s our best guess. We’re waiting for the Grand Event to take us to the Next Level. 
All currencies will revalue simultaneously as the New Financial System is launched. This might as well be written in stone. It is going to happen. Exactly when it will happen is the only unknown.

X22 Report:
The government will now stay open until Dec. The debt limit was not raised and gap bill was put into place to fund the government. The [CB] tax proposal is the same scam we have seen, the mega wealthy corps will use the same loop holes. The [CB] fake infrastructure bill includes tax on the number of miles you drive. The people are waking up and asking questions about the banking system. The patriots have strategically pre-planned everything we are seeing. This is about taking back the country and exposing the [DS] system, and the only to expose it to the people is for the people to see it. As we the people see the [DS] plan the people are waking up, they are engaged, this is part of Trump National Security Strategy, the counterinsurgency which will be used to destroy the [DS]. Buckle up we told it was going to be rough, but the best is yet to come.

Dr. Christina Parks: Soldiers and service members across the country need to be made aware of their rights:  THIS IS FOR ALL UNVACCINATED SOLDIERS, SAILORS, MARINES, AIRMAN, COAST GUARD, HEALTH SERVICE, and ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES:  You have the right to refuse vaccination under the mandate if they are not offering you FDA Approved COMIRNATY which is the only vaccine the FDA has approved.
BOTTOM LINE:  The current mandate by the DOD is not enforceable under the law with the currently available vaccinations.  Under EUA authority, until the actual FDA approved COMIRNATY has been manufactured, and that version verified by the FDA for release and is then available for distribution and use, and also accessible to the service member, a service member is authorized to refuse any non-FDA approved COVID vaccination.  This is a black and white issue.  Which is also why no enforcement operating procedures have been released.  They legally cannot enforce this mandate with the currently available vaccines.   Service members have the right to refuse an EUA vaccine.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 1.10.2021:    here

Trust the Plan
Right Now 140+ Militaries from over 100 countries across the globe were on High Alert.
The Bank Panic of 1907 occurred in October.
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 occurred in October.
Black Monday in 1987 occurred in October.
President Trump asked for 21 days of Prayer from Sat. 11 Sep. to Sat. 2 Oct. 2021.
US Inc. Government would be officially broke and shut down on Fri. 1 Oct.
Since a beginning post Q has published a Mickey Mouse Clock with hands pointing to 10 and 2 (representing Sat. 2 Oct. 2021?)
“Red October Started Already! It's harvest time. McAffee is declassifying everything. It's massive b0mbs. First arrest Biden, Clinton, Obama, Gates?”
 “This weekend will be remembered in human history.”
“Watch and Stay Calm!” 
“You will love how this Movie Ends.” 
“Enjoy the Show!”
... Trump + Q, The Great Awakening

Important Historic Events and dates coming NOW:
- Reconciliation day - Canada banks closed (30 sept.)
- 3 days darkness (2-3-4 Oct. 8am) Mickey Mouse Q clock.
- 10 days darkness. Gregorian to Julian Calendar. 10 days missing. (5-14 Oct.)
- Trump Rally (9 Oct.) Party Witness Protection
- GCR/QFS/Global Reset/GESARA/NESARA/Dept Jubilee (October 15th)
-US Gov. Bankrupt Shutdown Sept. 30th.
- 10/2, Oct 2nd, end of Trump 21 days of prayer. Mickey Mouse Q Clock.
- Solar "Superstorm" Internet Apocalypse - False Flag (Fake News Narrative)
- La Palma Canary Island Volcano / Mega Tsunami / Red Wave  - False Flag (Fake News Narrative)
- Hurricanes XYZ Storm - False Flag (Fake News Narrative)
- Cyber Attacks Plandemic
- Black Swan / Evergrande China Event Stock Market Crash.
- Tether/Bitcoin/ETH Corruption Crypto crash
- SEC vs Ripple/coinbase Lawsuits and ISO20022 regulations.
- Maricopa Audit - Proof Trump Win!
- Gaz/oil Shortage and price rise.
- Mass Inflation rising.
- Big Tech Fb, Twitter, etc. Frauds, regulations, lawsuits.
- USA/Canada Kids/adults vaccines mandates
- USA/Canada lockdown mandates
- USA/Canada climate lockdowns
- USA/Canada Mass Protests
- 3 Gorge Dams China Collapse
- Assange bailout freedom
- Rods of Gods 34 Satanic Building collapse
- Tesla Free Energy Activation (Purple Lightning)
- Star Fall Project Free Satellite blockchain Internet 3.0 /Starlink/Odin/ICP/dfinity
- Hello George / JFK Jr. Alive
- 589 (22) Gold Basel 3 XRP GCR.
- XRP to the moon, Pheonix rises from ashes.
- First Arrest will shock the world
World War 3 - False Flag Scare event (Fake News Narrative)
- Mass arrests criminals
- Revelations 3x8h video 24h/7 during 10 days.
- Program Declass Diana, Michael Jackson, etc.
- 7 Trumpets, EBS alert shutdown
- Trump Twitter "The storm is upon us".
- Jesus Christ Resurrection.
- Global Martial law.
Wishing you all a Great Awakening Everyone!

Judy Note: The one and only question everyone wants to know: "Hey Google: When does GESARA start?" Google: "Friday 15th October, 2021" Could it be any more clear than that? Now count 10 Days of Darkness before to move back from Gregorian to Julian calendar + 3 days darkness Scare Event before that 10 days. You arrive at October 2nd (Mickey Mouse Q clock).

Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System and the time for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/currency exchange appointments were Military decisions dependent upon a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the status of International Crises Events going on right now, including an apparent upcoming collapse of the Global Monetary System after the Fri. 1 Oct shutdown of the Cabal’s US Inc. Corporation government – while it’s President Joe Biden had disappeared. 

On Thurs. 30 Sept, without the US Senate agreeing to up the US National Debt Ceiling, the US government would be officially broke and shut down.

The IMF asked that the Kingpin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – International Rate would go public on Sat. 2 Oct, while Iraq had already given their word that their Dinar International Rate Release would happen this week that ended on Sat. 2 Oct.

Trump +Q The Great Awakening:
Fri. 1 Oct. 2021 Restored Republic: The Republic would be Restored to concepts of the Original Constitution and the Bankrupt Cabal no longer has control over US Taxpayer dollars. No more Federal Reserve. No more IRS. Shutdown of the Cabal’s US Inc. Corporation government – while it’s President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
Sat. 2 Oct. Beginning of Three Day Scare Event, False Flag Scenario
Tues. 5 Oct. Beginning of Ten Days of Darkness where with the Cabal Mass Media Satellite System taken down, eight hour information videos giving new revelations would be broadcast 24/7 on TV, radio and phones using the new Starlight Satellite System.
Fri. 15 Oct. End of Ten Days of Darkness, Announcement of implementation of NESARA/ GESARA.
17 days! Boom! GESARA October 15th….Trump +Q, The Great Awakening

Restored Republic:
All MILITARY around the world was on High Alert: The Deep State Cabal in every country was working hard to stop the 32 Nation Alliance Military from stepping in and stopping the depopulation agenda that is connected to resetting the financial system (every time the Deep State money goes into major debt they create wars. Their financial institutions cannot sustain growing societies. That's why WAR is created every time their financial system starts to crash.
They are starting to withhold energy resources, yet this will bring the collapse. The Deep State Plan was crumbling at many levels. Exposure was leaking and time was ticking.

The new Space Force Program will consist of the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marine, Coast Guard and all Banks. All would be connected by Sat. 2 Oct. Tracking of financial information would now be done by Space Force.

80% of the banks would be Basel Compliant by Fri. 1 Oct. That is, they could move forward with the exchanges.

The sudden flurry of shallow earthquakes in Australia:
Pentagon sources say the earthquakes are all related to the destruction of underground bases there. An Australian agency source explains “Australia contains the major underground facilities in the world, which are built like underground hotels where the Global Elite planned to take shelter after they implemented their original global extermination plan and then only come out once the dust settles.” No more.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/1/21 here
Kurt's notes:
Teaching pornography and pedophelia in US schools !!! from minute 43:30 to minute 51:15.

Benjamin Fulford Report: “Secret East/West Agreement” — September 27, 2021 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 30.9.2021:    here

Trust the Plan
DELTAs for Thurs. 30 Sept & Fri. 1 Oct.
Red October 
Stay Tuned & Watch
Marathon END
Suicide Weekend
Operators Standing By
Hunters Become the Hunted
We are at War fighting for Life, fighting for Good. Not everything would be clean cut – a Scare Event was necessary. Do you trust the Military? Have Faith. You were chosen for a Reason. You were being provided the highest of Intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the World. Use it to protect and comfort those around you. 
Where We Go One, We Go All. …Q

BOOOM!!! Deaths via Covid Vaccination CRISIS:
There are far more people dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” than the authorities are admitting. A new scientific report explains that there are now millions of people all around the world who have either died or become seriously and permanently injured or disabled from the jabs – with no end in sight. As of Aug. 28, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had logged more than 16,000 deaths and more than 450,000 adverse events caused by Fauci Flu shots. A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fraud expert says the true figures for each of these categories is at least five times higher. This means that well over 80,000 people may have died and more than 2,250,000 people have suffered an injury due to getting jabbed for Chinese Germs – but wait, there is more! It is said that about 150,000 reports of injuries and deaths have been scrubbed from the VAERS system in recent days. Add that to the tally and we quickly approach 2.5 million adverse events, including death, caused by Wuhan Flu injections. Another factor to consider is that if a vaccinated person dies within two weeks of injection, that death is not logged into the system as a vaccine-related death. Only those deaths that occur after 14 days are categorized as vaccine deaths. We also know that the true number of incidents involving anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) from the shots is up to 120 times higher than the CDC claims. This adds even more numbers to the tally.
Australia: 6 out of 7 or 86% of people who "died from COVID-19" yesterday in New South Wales, Australia, were fully or partially vaccinated.
Nanochips were found in the bodies of those who died from vaccination - a conference of German pathologists from the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany) on 09/20/2021. On Monday, 09/20/2021, a conference of pathologists was held where the results of autopsies of eight deceased after vaccination against COVID19 were presented. 
CBK: Let me be as clear as I can be. If the vaccine protects the person who is vaccinated from serious illness, but they can still get COVID and they can still transmit COVID. Then the ONLY point of a Vaccine Freedom Passport is control.
Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines (2021-09-20) A Panel of German doctors find contaminates in the vax. You can see the distress in their faces during a video of the conference. This is easily the most in depth look at the contents of the shots. A panel of medical experts in Germany did an emergency broadcast to alert the public about what they have found. 52:45 - Autoimmune Reactions. 1:19:00 - Blood samples of vaccinated (Important), 1:27:00 - Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
YouTube will ban any video that claims "vaccines are ineffective or dangerous" from now on and has suspended the accounts of prominent vaccination opponents, including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (WSJ).

BOOOM!!! 2020 Election Fraud CRISIS:
Your votes have been stolen with algorithms and computers since 2000.
Sidney Powell was on Brannon Howse Live tonight and discussed the government patents that she recently discovered, which allow the government to rig and manipulate our elections via algorithms in the voting machines. We’ve suspected this since they stole the 2020 election, but she found PATENTS that were filed in 2006.

Italy: Italian truckers keep their promise. Blocking highways in protest against green passports and tyrannical mandates. Farmers join the protest by blocking local roads. It began today with truckers, tomorrow bickers and farmers, and so on every day each category will be added until 1st october date on which everything must be blocked until the abolition of the green-pass.



Bo Polny Interview: What Began in 2020, ENDS NOVEMBER 2021!! here

Robert Kiyosaki: ‘The biggest crash in world history’ hits this October here
The whole market, including Bitcoin, gold, stocks, is about to face a serious crash in October, said Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.
Speaking to Michelle Makori, editor-in-chief of Kitco News, Kiyosaki explained the factors in the economy that have been leading up to this upcoming crash, and highlighted the severity of the market downturn that’s to come.
“It’s going to be the biggest crash in world history. We have never had this much debt pumped up. Debt is the biggest problem of all…the debt to GDP ratio is out of sync. So when it comes down, and it’s going to bring everything down with it, that’s when I’m going to be buying more gold, silver, and Bitcoin,” Kiyosaki said. 

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 29.9.2021:    here

Trust the Plan
If  you were born in a world where you don't fit in, it's because you were born to help create a new one.
For 16 (Lincoln), For 35 (JFK) For 45 (TRUMP)
What will happen next will shock the world! 
Phase 1: The Audits (We are in the Audit process right now)
Phase 2: The Storm (We are in The Storm right now)
Phase 3: The Rapture.
Grand Finale: Salvation.

Q The Storm Rider, Telegram, 29.9.2021: BOOM!!! World War III CRISIS:
You are inside a Near Death Civilization Event, inside the Storm. Pain Coming. Dark Winter: Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22–23, 2001.
China was preparing for WAR. INSIDE sources say China knows the IMMINENT moment is coming when the U.S. MILITARY will respond against the COVID-19 BIOWEAPON ATTACK (inside the PENTAGON Top GENERALS are waiting for the perfect moment to STRIKE. Arrest Treasonous [DS] SPIES in their Military ranks) and government. China is currently positioning Through the WORLD their MILITARY Warships in over 60 countries and plan to take Taiwan soon.
Biden’s effort to weaken the Military soldiers by enforcing the vaccines, knowingly well soldiers and military will be divided and a perfect time for China to STRIKE and cause chaos through a shipping stoppage, energy crises, shortage of essential supplies.
All MILITARY is on High ALERT. DEEP STATE CABAL In every country is Working hard together to stop the 32 NATION ALLIANCE MILITARY from stepping in and stopping the Depopulation agenda that is connected to resetting the financial system (every time the Deep State money goes into major debt they create wars. Their financial institutions cannot sustain growing societies. That's why WAR is created every time their financial system starts to crash. They are starting to with hold energy resources. This will bring the collapse, or crash. 
THE DEEP STATE plan is crumbling at many LEVELS and[EXPOSURE] is leaking and time is ticking. There is only one chance for all MILITARY ALLIANCE to STRIKE together on their own deep state governments and [DS] MILITARY. CCP CHINA KNOWS THIS MOMENT IS COMING. WITHIN CHINA IS A SILENT COUP HAPPENING ALSO. 
Many of you are very unaware that 1.4 Billion humans will die from the vaccines (Bioweapon attack) and the death counts chaos has already started. These important Chess moves happening had to happen. White HATS took a step back as the enemy used up their final moves and energy. Then the STRIKE HAPPENS. THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE WAR IS REAL. When I say Fake War I mean the DEEP STATE is planning these WARS across the world for confusion. To have the sheep look away from the Truth of exposure of the Plandemic, the Bioweapon vaccines. This fake war is never the less a WAR. The WHITE HATS MILITARY will step in before MAJOR Nuclear conflict erupts into a holocaust. It's always important to have your 30 to 60 days of food, water and supplies ready.

Judy Note: Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) timing to set redemption/currency exchange appointments, along with the Emergency Broadcast activation, was a decision of the Military and dependent upon the Quantum Computer’s analysis of the status of at least 14 International Event Crises going on right now as explained below.
Some of those Events were removal of Biden as US President – an election he won through fraud, while other Events were the global financial collapse and bankruptcy of US Inc.

In 2017 the 13 Illuminati Families were bombed in a Venice Bunker. The three pillars, aka City of London, Rome/Vatican and Washington DC, were all bankrupt under Chapter 11. Since then you have been watching a movie – the Systematic Destruction of the Old Guard.

BOOM!!! CRISIS International Child Sex Trafficking Blackmail Network, Whiplash347, EWillHelpYou
I will expose a highly sophisticated global child trafficking operation born out of Southeast Asia with deep-seated political connections to both the Open Society Foundation, the DNC and a host of Globalist Liberal think-tanks and NGO's that are funding it and using it as a blackmail network against foreign politicians, business leaders and domestic entities. It has been an investigation that spanned several months, several countries and required cooperation of multiple officers in multiple agencies worldwide. In the days ahead, we will tear into them like never before, and along the way; we will expose the hands that made the evil possible. In doing so we will shut them down permanently.

Earth Alliance and Patriot News, Mark Baughman:
-Gene Decode:  10,000 tunnels and up to 4,000 D.U.M.B.’s taken out worldwide in the last 5 years or more. 
-Real Executions worldwide of Deep State people and politicians.
-Recovery of 34 septillion dollars-worth of Gold Bars in tunnels underground by the illuminati. (One was 150 miles long with 90-meter high and 120 meters high of Gold Bars, with perfect records of where it was stolen).
-Arrests of 80% of Congress and all of the Supreme Court: Clones, Doublegangers, Mission Impossible Masks replacements in about all Deep State Government positions. This includes, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Janet Yellen. 
-The Alliance is in total control, the Fake MSM is one of the last take downs. They want the public to realize themselves that most news is fake, and the criminal polices and laws enacted are “against the American People”. Just Wake-Up People with these silly laws, statements, restrictions and Covid-19 jabs that are killing people.
-Biden and his son have been executed a long time ago. The current Joe Biden is just an actor with a mask. (See Pictures)
-The White House is NOT being used. Just about all of Washington D.C. buildings are empty. Please go check.
-Special Forces have gone “plain clothes” to arrest the Deep State Rats at Night. 
-Any Covid-19 and the “shedding of the vaccinated now, can be cured with ivermectin, HCQ, Liquid Gold or iHerQles, High Doses of Vitamin C (35,000 mg) Gene Decode has protocols, if requested on reversing the affects of the poison jabs.
- One can AVOID the jab by stating that “You want the safety Data Sheets” for the ingredients of any of the poison jabs or so-called vaccines. They are NOT a vaccine, they are an experimental chemical mix, that they have to DISCLOSE THE INGREDENTS BY LAW. This is real. They cannot provide the Safety Data Sheets, because they do NOT have them.



We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/29/21 THE STORM IS UPON US    here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 29.9.2021:    here

Trust the Plan
“Trump has posted that The Storm was Upon Us. We are finally there. Everyone knows and nobody can stop it: Black Swan Blackout Shutdown is upon us. GAME OVER!”
...Trump + Q The Great Awakening
“This is it. The hour is upon us bringing the Storm of the Century – History in the making. Welcome to the Main Event, Patriots. It's Show Time.” . . . QAnon, Q Way
It was always and still is about the children. We have a responsibility to protect our children from Global Elite Satan Worshippers’ fear mongering and propaganda that supports paedophilia, child trafficking, torture and murder, with an ultimate goal to depopulate the planet.

Judy Note: Timing of Mass Arrests, Public Announcements, Emergency Broadcast System Release and Global Currency Reset Liquidity was to be decided by the Military, and they weren’t talking. 

Tier 4B liquidity would coincide with pending International Events. One of those Events was the global financial collapse and bankruptcy of US Inc. that was set to shut down the US Inc. government on Thurs. 30 Sept, while millions of Smart Devices would stop working on that same Thurs. 30 Sept.

Trump called on America for 21 days of Prayer starting Sat. 11 Sept. to Sat. 2 Oct. That was 10 - 2 on the Mickey Mouse Clock. 
This week the Alliance Military was present in 80% of the globe, ready to bring down a 6,000 year old Satanic Cabal who had been controlling the world’s monetary system. 
In all major countries thousands were marching in a fight against mandates on the mRNA gene modifier that was masquerading as a vaccine, while mass vaccination deaths collided with engineered starvation and the collapse of gas and energy. 
Massive outages in the US linked to hosting servers that went down for many networks including in the UK. 
Massive voter fraud that infiltrated the 2020 Election through Democrat collusion with the Chinese Communist Party was not being reported in the Main Stream Media – a media including Fox News that was in on the 2020 Coup that falsified a Trump win with an over 80% vote.
Nor did the Mainstream Media bother to report on the global financial collapse and bankruptcy of US Inc. that would shut down the US government on Thurs. 30 Sept.
John Durham Report: “I believe that justice is what the American people want the most. That's what I am fighting for. Everyone will get what they deserve. Justice will prevail.”
Q #282: 10 days of darkness = Govt Shutdown. When Shutdown = Shutdown. It is this? I’ve told you we are switching back to the Julian Calendar. Moving fwd with Truth.
China’s Three Gorges Dam: Heavy rains in the 3GD area, Chongqing Reservoir is spiking, at least 3 floodgates are opened. 3GD reservoir water levels raised around 10% in the last 24 hours.

In 2019 the 1871 the Act of England was reversed. See previous write up on 2019 Feb & Nov. Stripping of Royal Powers, Seizing of Royal Assets including the Commonwealth then Brexit Feb 2020 then May 2020 Filing of Chapter 11 and then it being auctioned. Australia & Pacific Brothers n Sisters & Canada are no longer Commonwealth and are to be under the USA Republic.
Go and Search Washington D.C Videos that are being shown. Everything is Permanently Closed for a reason. Vatican Empty. Queen Got Locked out of Buckingham Palace.  It is empty too. 13 Families were bombed in a Venice Bunker 2017. The 3 Pillars aka City Of London, Rome/ Vatican & Washington D.C All Bankrupt - Chapter 11. City Of London, Vatican & Washington D.C have all been bankrupted. You are watching a movie. You are watching the Systematic Destruction Of The Old Guard. Humpty Dumpty.

Treasury Sec. Yellen says Congress has just under THREE WEEKS to raise the debt limit amid DEFAULT & RECESSION fears. “We now estimate that the Treasury is likely to exhaust its extraordinary measures if Congress has not acted to raise or suspend the debt limit by October 18,” she wrote to House Speaker Pelosi. Yellen is testifying in front of the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday. She warns "America would default for the first time in history” if the debt limit is not addressed promptly. “The full faith and credit of the United States would be impaired, and our country would likely face a financial crisis and economic recession.”
The US Government will no longer be funded and financially defunct as of Thurs. 30 Sept.
This leads into Chapter 11 & EO13848 & EO13818: Ask yourself why is Australia being mentioned so much? Think Wall Street/New York Stock Exchange Child Trafficking. Trump EO has seized it. Australia is listed on NYSE. Australia is the most important Commonwealth country for many reasons. Who is Evergrande? Why are they defaulting? Have they been paying/funding rigged elections worldwide for a long time? YES. Who controls them and the CCP? Israeli Mossad & UK Royals. Chapter 11 - Why is it in the news that Washington D.C is defaulting? Why is Buckingham Palace Empty? Why is the Vatican Empty?
WATCH THE SELL OFFS. The Elites are selling their homes & stocks etc. It’s all going to put in here. It’s all about the AMM, Protocol 18 & 19. Liquidity Events. 18 & 19 are all about Liquidity. Now we just await Stocks to be tied to these Assets. Welcome to the New Stock Market. [HELLO WORLD] This has been set up by Q to give back to the people.  It really cannot be any more obvious. EO13818 & EO13848 Seized Assets must go somewhere.

Italy: Italian truckers keep their promise. Blocking highways in protest against green passports and tyrannical mandates. Farmers join the protest by blocking local roads. It began today with truckers, tomorrow bickers and farmers, and so on every day each category will be added until 1st october date on which everything must be blocked until the abolition of the green-pass.

Australian Nurses, Paramedics, Fire Department, Teachers, Police, Pharmacists and front line workers continue to call for Freedom of Choice through public demonstrations. A looming ‘supercell’ storm could have a nasty impact as it rips through Australia’s east, bringing thunder, rain and ‘giant’ hail.

France: "We are going to block the whole of France, starting from October 4. We have been holding peaceful demonstrations for several weeks. For several weeks, the government ignored us. Let's take an example from our Australian and Italian friends. To make our voices heard, let's block the ring roads, oil refineries, warehouses, highways. Let's block France. It's time to wake up, truck drivers, nurses, firefighters, farmers, teachers, students, restaurateurs, doctors, lawyers, parents and so on. Let's all unite to block France."

Intelligence Agencies History:
In November 2018 the NSA & MIL Intel took control over the CIA and it's partnered intelligence agencies, the CIA/ Mossad and Five Eyes intelligence agencies. For Australians ASIO is a part of Five Eyes. 
The Royal Family once controlled all the Intel agencies, including Israeli Mossad and Saudi Arabia. It was these guys and the German Bush/Scherff Family who created 9/11. (Royal Family/Nazi) attack on the USA to stop NESARA/ GESARA and create another depopulating/Opium and Oil controlling war.
Every leader in the world President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN this includes President Trump. Don't worry he will be back. Once Trump makes it official (His big decision coming) then we have to have elections within 120 days. 
It is here where we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs Labour again. Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will be in power for as long as they want, til death or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the people they get removed by Military.
Now draw a line from the Vatican to the Rothschilds Banking System (Central Banks & Federal Reserve) The Rothschilds own the Vatican and it's bank.
Now we have a massive Operation in Europe called OPERATION: DEFENDER EUROPE. This started on March 17 2020. This is taking control of the Vatican, it's Mafia's and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks. There is some Central Banks ie Riksbank in Sweden, Europe Central Bank and Deutsche Bank who had casualties of Coronavirus.
Draw a line from Intel Agencies to Royal Family and write March 2019. The Royal Family are the owners of all of these Intelligence agencies. They own the CIA. They own all of Five Eyes. They created the Mossad in Israel and they created the Saudi Intel as well. 
Now the Royal Family QE1 & QE2 are of Germanic Origin.  They created World Wars with the higher ups too. They stole all the opium from the Middle East and Asian Wars. (Vietnam & Korea) using their Intel agencies and would supply the Vatican Mafia's with Opium to turn it into Heroin and supply the world. These Intel Agencies create Terror Organizations, Terror Attacks & False Flag Attacks. They participate in all kinds of Trafficking. Drugs, Children, Bombs or whatever else.
So Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild. When the war ended they smuggled he and 12000 Nazi's to Argentina as part of Operation Paperclip.
Also who you know to be the 'BUSH" family are really the SCHERF family of Germany.  George Bush Senior served in the German Navy and he was smuggled along with a Nazi Assassin to the USA with the MK ULTRA mind control program. 
So that was a brief outline of what the Royal Family have done.  So in March 2019 the USA had gone over and stripped all of the Royal Powers after the CIA was under full control.
Next you want to draw a line from the Royal Family to the Vatican.  The Vatican own the Royal Family. So in 2019 the Vatican was raided twice and you can search this. They also arrested 5 or 6 at top of the Vatican and also had arrested some Vatican Mafia.
Just like in 1999 when military forced Bill Clinton to sign Nesara. The military forced Boris Johnson to get Brexit through. So what did Brexit really do? It cut the strings to the Vatican. 
Once all these were well and truely under way in November 2019 the US Military went and stripped all of the Royal Assets.  The USA now has complete ownership of the Commonwealth and Intel agencies. Then in Feb 2020 Brexit becomes official. The Royals have officially been stripped from the Vatican ownership.
Mid 2019, or the dates of Vatican raids. Nov. 2019 Royal Assets Stripped. Feb. 2020 Brexit.


Patriot Underground Episode 96 here
Trump: No Concession
Devolution Causing Mass Awakening
Light Rising to Confront the Darkness
MSM Panic
Pfizer CEO Thinks He Owns You--Annual Jabs for Normalcy
Georgia Guide Stones Targeted
Project Veritas Strikes Again
"Healthcare" Defectors Increasing
Celebrities and Athletes Joining the Fight
Shifts in Popular Culture an Important Bellwether
God's Warriors Activated


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 28.9.2021:    here

Emergency Broadcast System Activation:
Very soon there was expected to be a worldwide Military Takeover of governments and their Mass Media via the Star Link Satellite System. This was due to the Mainstream Media’s present threat to various nation’s security by failing to accurately report on the manmade and not-a-virus Covid-19 Plandemic Hoax; promoting illegal mandates on vaccines without explaining the dangers such as vaccine-caused blood-clotting and deaths; not reporting the real Global Financial Crises; not reporting that over 500,000 indictments have been filed in federal courts across the US and globe on Global Elites, many of whom were involved in the International Child and Human Sex Trafficking rings; promoting the illegal alien border crises including thousands of unaccompanied minors who suddenly disappeared; not accurately reporting the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud where official watermarked ballots verified by the US Military proved that Trump received over 80% of the public’s vote, winning in every state and a failure to warn the general public of upcoming food, goods, power and gas shortages.
Military worldwide would ensure a Global Currency Reset occur that returned monies back to The People; broadcast truthful educational documentaries 24/7 for Ten Days of Darkness, plus ensure the peace until fair and transparent elections could be held in order for various nations to function under guidelines of the Original Constitution.

BOOM!!! Global Financial Crisis:
US: On a 48-50 vote on Mon. 27 Sept, Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would fund government, suspend debt limit. With no monies to function on the US government would now shut down on Thurs. 30 Sept.
Red October Global Financial Crash. The Chinese Evergrande Real Estate Co. has lost 97% from its record high in February. Evergrande was so large that it’s bankruptcy would have major repercussions on the global economy.

BOOM!!! Energy Crisis: Power, Gas Shortages (which lead to Food, Goods Shortages):
Thousands of British gas stations have run dry amid a supply disruption due to a shortage of truck drivers, an industry group says. Long lines of vehicles formed at many gas stations, and tempers frayed as some drivers waited for hours to fill up. Teachers warn lessons may return online if petrol crisis continues:
China: Shock POWER CUTS hit north-east Chinese homes - could last till NEXT SPRING! China’s energy crisis has now hit homeowners in three northern provinces - Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang - as they were warned that unexpected outages would become “the new normal”. Users on social media platform Weibo complained that heating, lifts and traffic lights were all down, while reports showed workers in Liaoning taken to hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning due to ventilators cutting out. The principal cause is a severe shortage of coal, which fuels the majority of China’s power, as local governments have said they will source reserves from Inner Mongolia.
Worldwide Energy Crisis: Natural gas prices have soared by almost 500% in 2021 and with another winter just around the corner gas is trading at near-record values. While European countries attempt to outbid one another for supplies from major exporters it's inevitable that utilities will turn back to coal to provide heat for its residents and power for its dying economy, but this will not be enough. The effects of Europe's catastrophic policymaking are about to escalate to another level. "Nations are more reliant than ever on natural gas to heat homes and power industries amid efforts to quit coal and increase the use of cleaner energy sources. But there isn’t enough gas to fuel the post-pandemic recovery and refill depleted stocks before the cold months," Bloomberg's Stephen Stapczynski noted.
With natural gas inventories in Europe at historically low levels for this time of year, the crunch will get a lot worse when temperatures drop.
The spike in prices has already forced some fertilizer producers in Europe to reduce output, with more expected to follow, threatening to increase costs for farmers and potentially adding to global food inflation, Stapczynski said.
While governments are now hoping that nature will come to their aid with mild winter, making the effects of their catastrophic decisions less severe, that scenario is almost impossible to happen. It's much more likely we'll see another brutally cold winter across the hemisphere, with lots of snow and extremely cold periods in regions where we least expect them.
"The next three to four months may lead to unexpected consequences for all industries with a particular hit being taken by those that are energy-intensive," said Slava Kiryushin, global head of energy at DWF, an international provider of legal and business services.2
"If the winter is actually cold, my concern is we will not have enough gas for use for heating in parts of Europe," Amos Hochstein, the U.S. State Department’s senior adviser for energy security, told Bloomberg. For some countries, 'it won’t only be a recessionary value, it will affect the ability to actually provide gas for heating. It touches everybody’s lives.'
Keep in mind that summers are already shorter and winters longer, putting an additional strain on energy suppliers.
It's utterly embarrassing for the policymakers, but the situation brings back coal to the European table. However, coal alone will not solve the crisis as exports of the commodity from Australia, South Africa, and Colombia remain hampered by the COVID measures and supply chain challenges, compounding the effect of low Russian supply.2
"The crisis in Europe presages trouble for the rest of the planet as the continent’s energy shortage has governments warning of blackouts and factories being forced to shut," Stapczynski said, adding that the power crisis could exacerbate shutdowns if authorities divert gas to light and heat households. "This winter, the world is likely to learn how much the global economy depends on natural gas," Stapczynski concludes.

BOOM!!! COVID / Vax Hoax:
UK Funeral Director John O'looney Speaks Out, Nhs Cover Up With Charlie Ward
1. The survival rate of "Covid" exceeds 99%. Government medical experts have made every effort to emphasize from the very beginning of the pandemic that the vast majority of the population is not at risk from Covid.
2. There was no unusually increased mortality. The press called 2020 in the UK "the deadliest year since the Second World War," but this is misleading, since it ignores the massive population growth since then. A more reasonable statistical indicator of mortality is the age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR).
3. The number of" deaths from Covid " is artificially inflated. Countries around the world define "death from Covid" as "death from any cause within 28/30/60 days after a positive test".
4. The vast majority of deaths from coronavirus are accompanied by serious concomitant diseases. In March 2020, the Italian government published statistics showing that 99.2% of their "deaths from coronavirus" they had at least one serious concomitant disease.
5. The average age of "death from Covid" exceeds the average life expectancy. The average age of "death from coronavirus" in the UK is 82.5 years. In Italy-86, Germany-83, Switzerland-86, Canada-86. USA-78, Australia-82.
6. The mortality rate from Covid exactly corresponds to the natural mortality curve. Statistical studies conducted in the UK and India have shown that the curve of "death from Covid" almost exactly repeats the curve of expected mortality.
7. There has been a significant increase in the use of" illegal " DNRs. Monitoring bodies and government agencies have reported a significant increase in the use of non-resuscitation Orders (DNR) over the past twenty months.
8. Isolation does not prevent the spread of diseases. There is virtually no evidence that the restrictions on limiting "deaths from Covid" have any impact. If you compare the regions that are blocked with the regions that are not blocked, you will not see any pattern.
9. Blocking kills people. There is strong evidence that isolation - due to social, economic and other damage to public health - is more deadly than the "virus" itself.
10. Hospitals have never been overloaded. The main argument used in defense of restrictions is that "smoothing the curve" will prevent a rapid influx of cases and protect health systems from collapse. But most health systems have never been close to collapse.
11. PCR tests are not intended for the diagnosis of diseases. The reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test is described in the media as the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of Covid. But the inventor of this process, a Nobel Prize winner, never intended to use it as a diagnostic tool and publicly stated this.
12. PCR tests are often inaccurate and unreliable. It is known that the" gold standard " of PCR tests for Covid gives many false positive results, reacting to DNA material that is not specific to Sars-Cov-2.
13. The CT values of PCR tests are too high. PCR tests are performed cyclically, the number of cycles that you use to get a result is called the "cycle threshold" or CT value. Carey Mullis said : "If you need to go through more than 40 cycles ( ... ), then something is seriously wrong with your PCR."
14. The World Health Organization (twice) has recognized that PCR tests give false positive results. In December 2020, WHO issued an information note on the PCR process, in which laboratories were instructed to be wary of high CT values that cause false positive results.
15. The scientific basis of Covid tests is questionable. The genome of the Sars-Cov-2 virus was presumably sequenced by Chinese scientists in December 2019, and then published on January 10, 2020. Less than two weeks later, German virologists (Christian Drosten and others) allegedly used the genome to create analyzes for PCR tests. (
16. Most Covid infections are asymptomatic. Since March 2020, studies conducted in Italy have shown that 50-75% of positive tests for Covid had no symptoms. Another British study conducted in August 2020 showed that 86% of "Covid patients" had no viral symptoms at all.
17. There is very little evidence to support the alleged danger of "asymptomatic transmission".
18. Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses. Artificial ventilation is not and has never been a recommended treatment for respiratory infections of any type. In the early days of the pandemic, many doctors expressed doubts about the use of ventilators for the treatment of "Covid".
19. Fans killed people. Connecting to a ventilator for a person suffering from influenza, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or any other condition that restricts breathing or affects the lungs will not relieve any of these symptoms. In fact, it will almost certainly worsen the situation and kill many of them.
20. Masks don't work. At least a dozen scientific studies have shown that masks do not stop the spread of respiratory viruses.
21. Masks are harmful to health. Wearing a mask for a long time, wearing the same mask more than once, and other aspects of fabric masks can be harmful to your health. A long-running study of the harmful effects of wearing masks was recently published International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
22. Masks are harmful to the planet. Billions of disposable masks have been used every month for more than a year. The UN report says that the Covid19 pandemic is likely to more than double the amount of plastic waste in the next few years and the vast majority of it is face masks.
23." Vaccines " from Covid are completely unprecedented. Until 2020, no successful vaccine against human coronavirus has ever been developed. Since then, allegedly in 18 months, we have made as many as 20 different types of them.
24. Vaccines do not impart immunity and do not prevent the transmission of infection. It is easy to recognize that" vaccines " from Covid do not give immunity from infection and do not prevent the transmission of the disease to other people. Indeed, an article in the British Medical Journal emphasizes that the vaccine studies were not intended even to try to assess whether "vaccines" limit transmission.
25. The vaccines were introduced hastily, and their long-term effects are unknown. Developing a vaccine is a slow and time-consuming process. It usually takes many years from development to testing and final approval for public use. Various Covid vaccines have been developed and approved in less than a year. Obviously, there can be no data on the long-term safety of chemicals less than one year old.
26.Vaccine manufacturers have received legal compensation in the event of harm caused by them. U.S. Public Preparedness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP)  guarantees immunity until at least 2024. (
27. The EU prepared "vaccine passports" at least a YEAR before the outbreak of the pandemic. The proposed measures to counter COVID, presented to the public as improvised emergency measures, existed even before the appearance of the disease.
28. The "exercises" predicted a pandemic just a few weeks before it began. In October 2019 The World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University held event 201. These were training exercises based on the zoonotic coronavirus that caused a worldwide pandemic. The exercise was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
29. Since the beginning of 2020, the flu has "disappeared". In the United States, since February 2020, the incidence of influenza has allegedly decreased by more than 98%.
30. The elite made fortunes during the pandemic. Since the beginning of isolation, the richest people have become much richer. Forbes reported that 40 new billionaires "fighting the coronavirus" have been created, and 9 of them are manufacturers of vaccines.
30 Facts YOU NEED to Know about Covid: A collection of all the arguments you will ever need. The source with all the relevant links is here (

The Doctors 'Declaration, prepared by the international alliance of Doctors and medical scientists: strongly condemns the global COVID treatment strategy, accusing politicians of potential "crimes against humanity" because they do not allow doctors to provide their patients with vital treatment methods and stop open scientific discussions. (
The document says that the recommendations for treatment "under one comb" have led to unnecessary diseases and deaths. As of 13:00 last Friday, more than 3,100 signatures of doctors and scientists from all over the world were collected under the declaration. Some of them met in Rome, Italy, earlier this month at the three-day world summit on Covid to tell " the truth to the authorities about research and the fight against the pandemic." The summit, held from September 12 to 14, provided medical professionals with an opportunity to compare studies and evaluate the effectiveness of various Covid-19 treatment methods developed in hospitals, doctors ' offices and research laboratories. American Greatness (
Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Dr. Zelenko Protocol for Covid: Dr. Zelenko is a Board Certified Family Physician with over 20 years experience. Dr. Zelenko was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize , Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide. Dr. Zelenko recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Zelenko explains how and why he decided to use HCQ and how he has created success in curing over 7000 patients who had covid. Cures already exist, and Dr. Zelenko believes that HCQ might even cure the flu and this is why the medical community is pushing back so hard, it would eliminate the flu shot.

The Dark Winter DIE-OFF begins: Mass vaccination deaths collide with engineered starvation and the collapse of gas and energy.

Fear and blind panic, English, Dutch, German, Rinus Verhagen:
In Germany we are under the control of SHEAF, of which Donald J Trump is the commander of 140 armies of the world, by having taken over from the Vatican as head of the UPU.
40% of our own army personnel and police are awake and will not bend a finger to protect the political vermin.
The elite forces of the US, Russia, Britain act like an invisible ghost, and can strike at any time.
This week has been reported, big things are going to happen.
Today a military exercise starts all over the world, the election fraud in Germany is already evident, making the election invalid there too.
The MSM will put out false reports about the Communists winning, but what if the MSM is going to be taken over by the military.
The EBS (the alert system) will kick in and the population will hear multiple messages from Donald J Trump, with the arrests of the Satanists being seen live.
Any resistance to an arrest will end in an execution on the spot for the globalist NWO scum.
On October 2, your clock will expire.
Nothing can stop what is about to come.
Rutte and the rest of the Pedo Elite have overplayed their hand.
The population has witnessed and been witness to the Genocide against their own people, expect no mercy.
All politics is as good as DEATH, no escape, no deals, justice will be delivered, in this Biblical end game.
The awareness and awakening of the population is your greatest fear, you with the Genocide program have awakened the people themselves.
In Germany, Arnim Laschet, through his wife, used the people's donations for the flood victims, to pay for his campaign. Suppose he really would succeed Angela Hitler, who would want to have a conversation with his garbage as foreign representation.

It's now official. All work sectors are uniting against mandatory vaccines & covid passports. On October 1 we RECLAIM THE LINE that was taken from us. Freedom, liberty, and our right to choose if we take the vaccine. We will unite and STRIKE IN WHITE in support of all workers who have been or are now being forced to take a vaccine just to earn a living - teachers, school support staff, nurses, paramedics, police, tradies, firies, airline staff, truckies, health care workers and more. This will be our defining moment in history. This is the line in the sand. We say NO to medical apartheid! We will come peacefully and respectfully. We will show the authorities that we are rising up, and we stand united. Sydney. Melbourne. Brisbane. Canberra. Perth. Byron Bay. Newcastle. Albury. Port Macquarie. Australia.We are here to protect future generations.

Q The Storm Rider, Telegram, 27.9.2021:

The (vaccine) shot heard around the world

This >SHOT<.. Killed people.. Killed children from protein spikes.. Pfizer admits vaccines cause SHEDDING ///

This SHOT heard around the world.. Was necessary >> to bring the BIG PHARMA.. Global ELITEs .orgs .. big Tech... The deep state who controlled the false flow of mainstream information in all countries DOWN

White HATS had to let the Deep State CABAL unleash the [DS]plan and had to record the crime in progress in real time....( It was the only way for Mil.Intel to track the MONEY, the players, the compromised institutions doctors. SCIENTIST.[DS] Mil., LAWYER'S. Banks..ect.ext.ect .. And to record ALL CRIMES)////

[EXPOSURE] is coming.....

///Like I said long ago. [fake] WAR .. Military will position around the world ..<<
Then their will be Military martial law in major countries ( this event will scare the sheep.. Even those who fear the jab will be scared)///// >>>> but then the MILITARY WILL turn on it's Government.. ARREST ALL who conspired with the Plandemic.. Set up//// MILLIONS WILL be arrested through the world including the top 3000 ELITES who control the World.. World banks. World health.. World news. World wars. World tech...<

right now deep state is trying to create WORLD WAR to create confusion and push military INTEL into other directions... But it's too late ...[ EXPOSURE]>>_WHITE HAT EVENTS...... begin...

Buckle up~




A very important ( reminder)


Keep your spiritual essence strong my dear friends and respect other nations and their way of prayers

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 27.9.2021:    here

“In their efforts to destroy Trump, they have unwittingly unveiled an authentic image of an amazing leader – a man of astonishing inner strength who has withstood the insanity of politicians gone mad and garnered more respect than anyone on the planet. We need him back!” …Carolyn Bessett Kennedy

John Durham: Warning: IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!
The tolerance ends now! All patriots must receive my message. The time of ignorance is coming to an end with this announcement. In few days I will REVEAL ALL evidence. The TRUTH will survive - prepare backups, inform your contacts - you will see things that will shake this country to its foundation. I expect your support because every American must see it. You have one week to join this channel before is locked. The evidence will be published ONLY here on Telegram. Thank you for your support. This is how we fight this hybrid war. Join the ranks of the good side. Some days are unique and you can feel it in the air. Today is the day of TRUTH and FREEDOM. Today we will have the chance to taste HOPE once again. Many will face justice and punishment for their betrayal. God bless President Trump and America! UNITED WE STAND John Durham Channel:

Sidney Powell revealed that she’s discovered that the Department of Defense patented an algorithm in 2006 that can predetermine the outcome of elections. The DoD then gave that patent to a University in New Jersey, which Sidney calls an “international think tank.” She also says that Dominion Voting Systems assigned all of their patents in 2019 to the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, and then there was an “infusion of over $400 million to State Street Capital which owns Dominion now.” 
It’s all tied together and it looks like we are starting to get a better understanding of how they’ve rigged our elections for years and more importantly, WHO has been doing it. This is mind blowing stuff. If you watch the full 8 minute clip, you’ll understand why they are trying to destroy Sidney. As she says, it’s appears she is over the target.

Arizona Maricopa County Audit Concludes:
‘Election Should Not Be Certified’: The audit reported that there were more than 10,000 double votes across county lines, tens of thousands of ballots cast from individuals who had not received ballots and were not eligible to vote, election integrity issues including numbers that didn’t balance, over 200 individuals who voted twice, tens of thousands of invalid voters such as deceased voters, voter registration law and procedures were not followed, unexplained large purges of registered voters, back dating of registrations, adjustments made to historical voting and voter records, unexplained linking of voter registration affidavits to multiple voters, files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server, ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing, logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over with data cleared, duplicated ballots were missing and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of- Custody documentation. There were substantial statistically significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots and on- demand printed ballots, as well as a significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballots already cast and votes cast for people without their knowledge.
Cyber Ninjas writes, “based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”


Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward: GREED WILL KILL THE RV here


Gene Decode - As You Wish Talk Radio here
Who is gene decode?
Who I am is really not relevant.  I know what I do as I have done 30+ years of research and 20+ year military career.  I have also been researching and studying most all of my life as I have never cared for sports or other such "leisure" activities that other people do.  I prefer to study and learn and always have. A large part of my information and awareness of the nature of the Universe and the One True God I got from a death experience in August of 1992 in which I died for 30 minutes.  During that time God offered me the chance to return to be of service, which I choose.  This experience gave me a lot of insight and knowledge.  Additionally, martial arts is pivotal in my life, was responsible for my death experience and completely defines my service as that as a spiritual warrior.  Other than that I do not give out and it is not really important who I am as the message is important NOT the messenger.  The old way of information of the truth of a message is judged by the credentials and supposed expertise of the person reporting.  This fostered decades of lies and deceit.  ALL information should be research under the premise it could be a lie and then go first to prove it wrong and see what one gets.
God Bless, Gene

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 26.9.2021:    here

Q reported that next week I Phones & TV would shut down, while today Sun. 26 Sept. the TV was down in the UK.
The Main Stream Media has been repeatedly warned that the Military would take over all MSM Satellites and broadcasting if they failed to accurately report 2020 Election Fraud and other pertinent news related to national security such as the global monetary crisis and border problems. With the Mainstream Media including Fox News not covering the 2020 Election Fraud news in Arizona, Georgia and other key states, added to their ignorance of the present global financial crisis as explained below, it was expected that the Emergency Broadcast System would soon activate the Ten Days of Darkness. 

The Main Stream Media has so far refused to accurately report results of the Arizona Audit that concluded, “On the basis of these factual data, the elections should not be certified, and the results presented in the report are not reliable." The audit report identified more than 57K questionable votes, intentionally deleted election files, and other suspicious voting machine activity. Despite multiple illegal vote procedures Arizona Governor Ducey twittered that he would not decertify the election, while Senator Karen Fann of Arizona announced that all the information had been turned over to the AG's office to pursue legal remedies.

“On Friday morning 24 Sept. and as expected, the complex of Democrats and the media published complete lies and many inaccuracies in anticipation of the results of the Arizona Senate's forensic audit, which were due to be published later in the day. The media deliberately published fake news to distract attention from the real results.
“For example, The Washington Post writes: "As expected, Donald Trump and his allies used the preliminary report of a biased and questionable survey of the vote in Maricopa County, Arizona, as confirmation of his long-standing claims that the election was tainted by fraud."

The Republican Party completely ignores the forensic audit of the state of Arizona, which found that the state of Arizona should never have been certified.

"We are going to take back our country by taking it away from these crazy people." Trump held a rally in Perry, Georgia. Much emphasis was placed in the speech on the falsification of elections in Arizona and the results of the audit. 13 seats in the first row were free in memory of the soldiers who died in Afghanistan.
Trump says that only a "bad call from a doctor" will prevent him from running for president again in 2024.

Gene Decode: Still lots of work being done in the tunnels:
Australian earthquake 5.9, 4.1were destroying tunnels (at 33,000 feet) coming up from Tasmania from Melbourne to Tamera. They have also locked down Africa tunnels, and at Antarctica. They are working on a tunnel that goes from the Vatican to Albania. The Albanian tunnel goes to Switzerland. They are still getting gold out of that tunnel. There are salt water geysers in the middle of Greece as a result of destroying tunnels there. They were still working on the tunnels in Puerto Rico and in the US in Texas, throughout the West and over to California.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/26/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 26.9.2021:    here

“Be ready, Anons. Public Awakening coming. Trust the Plan”…Q
“The Flood Is Coming and You Will Be a Witness. The Whole World is Watching. 
As the World Turns, Darkness Turns To Light.” … JFK JR.

The Plan, Coach Jerry:

“The Alliance's Plan was no doubt a massive undertaking, partly because of the sheer volume of "geopolitical cleansing" necessary and partly because of the degree of deception & power the satanic Deep State Cabal has managed to acquire, particularly in the past 75 to 100 years. If the number of worldwide participants in this sick Cabal were only one tenth of one percent of the world's population, (sounds about right), that would mean nearly 7 million of these knuckleheads are actively involved in nefarious activities to undermine and destroy our humanity.

“Such "cleansing" is a massive effort. Thus, I have grown to truly appreciate and admire The Alliance and their "secret plan". Albeit, generally speaking and like everyone else, I’m a retrospective spectator, "seeing things" after the fact. Of course, the Alliance's biggest challenge is getting a largely "sleeping / blue-pilled" population, to wake up. 

“The Plan appears 3-fold:

(1) To slowly, methodically educate the still uninformed and unaware masses. As such, this so called "Movie" we are watching is really an educational documentary of sorts. 

(2) To work militarily, behind the scenes, as much as possible, while disrupting, disarming and permanently destroying the geopolitical power structure of these twisted Satanist.

(3) To implement a new financial system across all governments, financial markets, businesses and communities (accountability), such that this kind of corruption & satanic sickness can never regain political and economic power again. Never, ever!

“The Alliance is doing all the aforementioned while working (on the surface) within the current system of technology, resources and legal government services – a massive undertaking indeed. 

“The AZ audit was simply outstanding! Without discussing any evidence of vote flipping, corrupt voting machines or altered servers, the presentation revealed several major inconsistencies and voting irregularities. 

“The Administrative perpetrators in AZ obviously cheated. They obviously got caught and they obviously attempted to cover up their corruption. In short, the Deep State was "Ricky Ricardo-ed" beautifully by this audit. Even those in the live, in-house audience could not withhold their gasping and laughter during the presentation. And, "Lucy has got some 'splain-ing to do!"

“Yes, our retrospective vantage point is an emotionally tough position to be in... very frustrating at times. But it's far better than total ignorance, wouldn't you agree? 

“The Deep State MSM Satanic media will never merely throw up their hands and say "Ya got me!," or "Here's the truth!" Why? Because the degree of evil and the crimes against children they continue to hide is beyond imagination. Personally, after watching the AZ audit release, my resolve has only been multiplied. 

“Q is right. These people are stupid. The Alliance is definitely winning. More massive truths on the way... Step-by-step! Where We Go One, We Go All.” ...Coach Jerry 

Q, The Storm Rider:

Welcome to the Great Awakening. In the fall of 2017, posts began appearing on anonymous online forums which have since become “the biggest 'inside' 'approved' [information] dump in American history,” giving us, the people unprecedented insight into a far-reaching shadow war between patriots (within and outside of the government and military) and an evil international cabal intent on destroying America and quashing its founding principles. We are witnessing – in real time – the exposure of past and present crimes of this cabal, actions to bring them to justice, and the ushering in of a great, global awakening.

You are currently witnessing the END GAME unfold: DURHAM End game HRC/ OBAMA/ CIA/ Five Eyes. 

Stolen Election: given to them/to set the greatest sting operation taking place to expose foreign occupation in all three branches of US Government.

All records of Military personal, high positioned commanders, Deep State Intel officers and agencies who colluded with the Plandemic (currently Fauci, Gates, CDC, NIH, WHO, World Bank, GPMB, etc.) are now being secured in sealed indictments.

The crime of the century is unfolding and being exposed by hundreds of thousands of White Hats across the world. Bringing down a 6,000 year old Satanic system is happening.

Keep buckled up. We are inside the near death experience (game theory). This event is the collapse (crash). The whole world will see and experience the pain. It had to be this way.

You will start to see the beginning of the unvaccinated to rise: Military soldiers, doctors, scientists, and police officers. A world of pain is coming: The Great Awakening. It had to be this way. Q

Global Financial Crisis:
EVERGRANDE fails to make repayment to international investors in dollars as predicted. Do not listen to the ' talking heads ' of the financial world. They are in the main clueless as to how their fiat system operates. I am not a financial anything. But, if you have monies in any savings account it would be a good idea to purchase physical silver, gold and a few cryptos. This collapse of the financial system will be different to 2008. The Fed will not be able to buy its way out. This will be a total collapse. Key dates September 30th the end of the financial year. The US budget of over 3 trillion will shut the Congress same timeline.
* EVERGRANDE underpins a 53 trillion dollar real estate bubble in China.
* Other property developers filing for bankruptcy in China.
* US SEC stops Chinese firms going on Stock Exchanges unless they are audited.
* Biden not prepared to remove Chinese tariffs (enemy combatant under instruction).
* The world economic crash is apace. US inflation running away, Fed cannot increase interest rates.

2020 Election Fraud, Arizona Audit:

After reading Arizona’s full forensic audit, reading the Canvassing audit, listening to the AZ senate hearing, there is ZERO doubt left the Arizona 3 NOV election MUST BE decertified and the AZ electors for the presidency of the United States MUST BE recalled and allocated to President Trump.
Fox News was in on the 2020 Election Coup. Don’t count on them to cover the AZ Audit Results- they’re under direct orders to not let the evidence of fraud become a main stream media talking point. Fox News called Arizona for Biden, they participate in the Covid Tyranny by requiring their employees to provide their vaccination status, and they shove sellouts like Lindsey Graham, Den Crenshaw, and Greg Abbott in your face. They aren’t just controlled opposition, they are our enemy. Same subversion, just with prettier faces.
2020 Election Fraud Georgia:
In Georgia, work is also underway to audit the presidential elections.
The results of the first report include several revealing revelations:
▪️Lack of operational procedures
▪️Inconsistent procurement procedures
▪️Late payment of invoices
▪️Lack of supporting documentation (including almost $ 2 million in overtime)
▪️Improper payment of services (the district paid seven bills to Atlanta public schools)
▪️Insufficient asset protection (15 routers out of 260 cannot be physically detected)
▪️The district was unable to return a $ 40,000 grant from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for the purchase of boxes.
▪️The district was unable to tell the SPLC how many ballots were dropped into the boxes for delivery in accordance with the grant requirements.
▪️Accounting records are in a mess

Arizona Audit: Wendy Rogers: The audit has been referred to the Arizona Attorney General for further action.

🔺The audit found 25-30% of duplicated ballots received between November 4 and 9 after it became known how many ballots were needed. In fact, they calculated how many votes Biden needed and organized them.

🔺Lawyer Matthew DePerno: The audit employees of the state of Arizona are threatened, forcing them to shorten the audit report.

🔺Combined, between the duplicate ballots identified by Dr. Shiva and the problems identified by Doug Logan (Cyber Ninjas), more than 70,000 violations were included in the Arizona certified results. That's seven times as many votes as were witnessed for Joe Biden.

🔺The Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, again sides with Biden regarding the election results. The results of the audits and numerous violations in the presidential elections are not able to change his opinion.

More than 40 legislators representing different states of America have written an open letter to the American people calling for an audit of the presidential elections in all 50 states.

"We, the undersigned legislators of the United States, are endowed with the powers granted to us by the US Constitution to exercise control over the elections of the President of the United States of America. We have received information about numerous violations in the elections. Allegations have been received from many states indicating rampant corruption and abuse of power at polling stations. We came to the conclusion that all 50 states should conduct an audit of the elections. If the results of these studies indicate that an inaccurate poll was conducted, as was shown in Arizona and in many other states, then this suggests that the certification of votes was improperly conducted in January 2021 after the presidential election of the United States of America in November 2020. We call on every state to revoke the certification of its voters where it has been shown that the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately. We call on the US House of Representatives to meet and vote in accordance with the US Constitution, one vote from each state, to decide on the legality of the election. It is our historic commitment to restore the integrity of the elections."
Hundreds of Arizona residents came to the grand opening of the audit report. The gallery inside the cell was filled, and a large crowd was watching a live broadcast from outside the building on a large screen installed earlier in the day.

After the Senate hearing, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers took the stage to address an alarmed crowd about the results confirming that thousands of falsified votes were counted in November.
She presented a letter signed by 41 legislators from several states calling for nationwide verification and the cancellation of certification of each state in which vote fraud changed the outcome of the election.

Analyst, member of the audit service Ben Cotton shared the IT results of the audit of the results of the 2020 elections in Maricopa County. During his presentation, he also noted that the files were deleted the day before the machines were supposed to be handed over to a group of auditors. 

Cotton noted that his team was able to determine the time stamps when the files were deleted and modified by Maricopa County officials.

He also confirmed that, despite earlier statements by Maricopa County officials, the Dominion voting machines were actually connected to the Internet.

17,322 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa, Totaling 34,448 "Votes"! This is the link: 

Main conclusions from the presentation of the forensic audit report in Arizona:

▪️The Canvass organization showed that 3,400 more ballots were cast than were registered

▪️9,000 more mail-in ballots were received and registered than the official number of ballots sent out by the district

▪️More ballots were cast at polling stations on election day than among people who came to vote. 1,551 additional votes.

▪️Approximately 2,500 ballots were shown in the early voting reports, which do not specify the voting person.

▪️More than 255,000 early votes shown in the district's final voting file do not have a corresponding entry in the early voting report file

▪️More than 23,000 voted by mail after the move and closing on October 5.

▪️2,382 voters voted in person in Maricopa County after leaving the county.

▪️More than 2,000 voters who left Arizona 29 days before the election received a full vote instead of the presidential one.

▪️About 300 deceased voters are potentially voting.

▪️There is an unprecedented number of discrepancies in the total number of votes. This could only have happened as a result of malicious actions or serious incompetence of Maricopa County officials.

▪️There are too many discrepancies to declare the absolute winner of the electoral votes in Arizona.

 Man of God Document #7, Charlie Ward:

Democracy Now in America 

The critical path to success will depend on each and every person who puts on their armor and sword for battle against the enemy that desires to only attack you and your family with lies, deceit, and instigate planned genocide of humanity. 

They are attacking us from all avenues possible with social conditioning, manipulation of the human food supplies with the creation of new types of plants that actually harm the body. They have purposely passed laws and mandates, as well as policy to permit illegal entry into the United States of peoples that themselves become victims to the same evil on a massive scale. There are many families of immigrants that have become separated from the parent(s) only to succumb to kidnapping and human trafficking ending up victims of satanic worship where many children are tortured and killed for the Adrenochrome. 

The issue of illegal entry is only a smoke screen for the real crimes taking place now on the borders against those in desperate conditions and dispositions. They are truly evil to their core; they only have plans for destruction of the American way and its people and have followed with further atrocities in other nations globally. 

This has gotten out of control and is now very dangerous. It has come to the point where citizens are being forced to not obey immoral laws and created illegal policies forcing the good people of all societies to take poisonous COVID-19 vaccines; eroding our inherent freedoms. At this time employers are removing employees for not complying with the illegal COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Loss of income and the fear of becoming homeless has resulted in many good people being forced to take a vaccine that they're 100 percent against. 

What is more criminal they are promoting that our children take the shots as well. This just is a planned global homicide upon humanity and it's unacceptable. Each person on this earth has the right to live in peace under the best of conditions humanly possible. All have the right to pursue happiness. Everyone has a right to earn and spend, which is the basis of a healthy economy globally. 

If you were forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine by coercion from your employer, local, state or federal government agency, school, hospital, airline, or law enforcement agency, you have been violated. 

If you have not been vaccinated you are also a victim of discrimination and unlawful stress and oppression by design via censorship, public access denial and rejection from new employment due to false mandated policy and fear. 

Peace be upon you in every way. We are here to help you and equip you with the power of knowledge and actions to be taken to protect your civil liberties, human rights, right to live in peace and ability to truly pursue a life of happiness filled with prosperity and joy. Yes you can be happy in your lives regardless of where you live and in each and every country. 

Here in the United States we can lead the charge for change and not a single bullet or death needs to be part of the equation. This warfare can be won with total victory without any hand to hand combat. No conventional warfare is necessary, no use of nuclear warheads, no death camps, no loss of lives due to policing requirements to keep the peace. No need to fight in that manner. We will win this battle with tenacity; the will of the people; the strength of heroic efforts of every man and woman starting in America. 

We only have to use our minds and learn how laws are made as pointed out in document #2 as well as, how to get rid of bad laws passed in document #3. 

As we understand the weapons now being used against us by improper and illegal mandates, government city, state and federal policies, bad laws passed and the overall fear they have created to stir up negative influence upon humanity, then we can reverse those weapons against us by rebuking them and forcing those policies to be removed, reversed, and revoked. 

The good news is yes, we have the power as the people to change the very weapons against us and use our strength of knowledge for our good. Each and every representative from city council, mayors, judges, state senators, congressmen and congresswomen, federal officials such as the Vice President and President are supposed to represent us the people whom legally voted them into office, to protect the people with good policy, good laws, good governance of resources that is not harmful to human beings. 

Turn what evil has created to harm us into good to protect each and every human being on this wonder place we know as earth. There we can manifest glory, peace and great joy for everyone. We can and will do the following to start this change in our great democracy in America and in all nations. 

Receive in your heart the power to resolve the conflict upon us all from those who plan with only evil intent for humanity. We call upon your love to replace fear, we need you to bring action now raising the bar to overcome all unethical behaviors with actions based on knowledge and understanding of how laws are made and how to reverse bad laws passed. To call to action by demanding that specific laws are passed and made into law. To intimidate those officials voted into office that if actions are not taken to correct bad policy, mandates, bills in Congress or Laws that actually have gone into effect that come in 2022 midterm elections, qualified candidates will be nominated and voted into their very seats so that the will of the people are represented only. 

The same actions will apply to those in office for the 2024 elections and those whom do not do exactly what the voice of the people demand in reversing those bad laws, mandates, policies into good laws, policy and good mandates, then they will also be subject to replacement by those newly nominated qualified candidates for the offices that represent the will of the people. 

We must band together to stop this cycle of imposed despair, depression, dishonor, abuse and fear by using those in authority within our city, state, federal government positions. Those in the medical profession leadership as administrators and policy makers were causing undue influence in killing us softly by calling it a legal compliance requirement. Such is a baseless and criminal attack upon all people with a bio-weapon deliberately created for depopulation.

Through NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) in the United States and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) globally, we will be able to proceed with so many new and wonderful changes to benefit everyone: 
New online advanced banking systems with enhanced privacy communications such as the QFS (Quantum Financial System) protocols and secure communications.

New technologies to use mobile applications for day-to-day banking.

New currency types such as the BASEL III and IV compliant gold backed digital currency.

Creation of new industrial parks with 900 manufacturing companies and each one creating new technology products and components that will bring in new comforts such as homes that will last 1000 years and survive hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires and other disasters.

Transportation that uses natural resources for energy such as wind, water or solar power.

New devices to improve remote education and technologies applications. 

Imagine a world with help in every way for every need including dental and medical care and healing. A life with no need for pharmaceuticals or radiation treatments because there will no longer be cancer or any other major disease or mental disorder. 

We can and will make this all reality in this lifetime. We have to just win this battle with the first steps and actions. 

We are prepared to release the Bullion Exchange Banks (BEB), Financial Services Companies (FSC's) online banks, QFS accounts for all users of the future and main new digital monetary gold back currency. Everyone can become QFS account holders and users of the most secure Virtual Private Networks in banking. 

What actions we can take now to start this process: Dial 1-844-259-9352 to call Congress and they will direct you to your representative. 

Rebuke the Executive Order on Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees SEPTEMBER 09, 2021 PRESIDENTIAL ACTIONS by the authority vested in Joe Biden as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 3301, 3302, and 7301 of title 5, United States Code. His actions were to restrict travel for the non-vaccinated in or out of the United States. 

Calls and letters to the White House are needed to confront this illegal action. Send him 150,000,000 letters demanding he reverse this policy immediately. 

Promote H.R. 5404: Return to Gold-Backed U.S. Dollar.
IN THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - March 22, 2018 Representative Alex Mooney of West Virginia (Republican) introduced the H.R. 5404 Bill, which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services – a Bill to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold. We need this bill to be placed back by all representatives to pass as one of the highest priorities. 

Promote good legislation such as Senate Bill #7 of Texas in all states that clearly outline the following reforms: 
Limiting how local officials can expand voting options; 
Regulating the distribution of polling places in urban areas; 
Requiring paper trails for voting; 
Setting new rules for voting by mail; 
Regulating donations to counties; 
Setting new rules for removing people from the voter rolls; 
Enhancing poll watcher freedom; 
Requiring the recording of vote counting.

These are all actions everyone needs to take the time out to communicate with the official representatives in office today. Make a call and voice your concern, write a letter to each representative and let it be on record how you feel and how you will vote in the next election. Go the next step and talk about impeachment or a recall of the person in office if they continue to operate irresponsibly and neglect their oath of office in servitude to the people who voted them into office. 

The only power the elected politicians has was those you gave them with your vote. You have the power to remove them now. You have the power to impose what is right and proper now. Get right to the heart of the matter, strike the enemy where it is most effective. Remove them from office if they do not correct the wrong policies, mandates, illegal or bad laws passed and measures taken to harm us the American People in the USA who placed them into a position of abusive power status. 

Only you can prevent further harm and damage to our great nation. The Globe is watching how We the People lead and resolve our disposition as a nation currently led by policies of ignorance.

Man of God

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 25.9.2021:    here

 “Get Ready. Soon. It’s Time.” …Donald Trump
“Get ready for a Total Blackout! Black Swan Event will trigger scare events and a global shutdown. Everything will go fast. Be ready! They are warning us. You just need eyes to see it.”  ...Trump + Q Great Awakening

Judy Note:
On multiple occasions Q has said that near the end there could be reasons to "lose heart" and feel that all hope was gone. Those reasons abounded today, Fri. 24 Sept. You must have been as disappointed as I was of today’s Mass Media news coverage of the Arizona Audit release that claimed Biden had won, again – when in fact he didn’t. They had obviously cheated, lied and tried unsuccessfully to cover up their nefarious ways – again. 
Though, could it have been another set up by the Alliance to catch the bad guys? – and were they caught? BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

With the fraudulent 2020 Election results now public, all we really needed was a massive Stock Market crash to trigger the Storm. Then the Emergency Broadcast System blackout would activate a Mass Media takeover by the Military on their new Star Link Satellite System – so it could inform the masses of what really took place today. After all, MSM has been warned about reporting fake news – repeatedly.

Maricopa Audit Report:
As a result of the Arizona Audit Report 41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives.
Maricopa County Audit Concludes: ‘Election Should Not Be Certified’
The audit report identifies more than 57K questionable votes, intentionally deleted election files, and other suspicious voting machine activity. 
Cyber Ninjas writes, “based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable. Major issues identified:
• There were more than 10,000 double votes across county lines. 
• Tens of thousands of ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election and could not have physically received their ballots, legally.
• None of the systems related to elections integrity had numbers that would balance and agree with each other.
• The voter rolls and the registration management process itself have many data integrity issues. For instance, over 200 individuals were easily identifiable as likely being the same person but having two different Voter IDs and voting twice in the election.
• Without access to the County’s detailed records including personally identifiable information and registration systems it is more likely there were many tens of thousands of improper votes in the election from double voters, deceased voters, voters for which we can find no trace in the public records nor association to their voting address, moved voters, etc.
• Proper voter registration law and procedures were not followed.
• There were unexplained large purges of registered voters, right after the election, of people who had voted in the election.
• There was back dating of registrations, adjustments made to historical voting and voter records, unexplained linking of voter registration affidavits to multiple voters and more.
• Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
• Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
• Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.
• On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of- Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results.
• There were substantial statistically significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots, on- demand printed ballots, as well as a statistically significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail- in ballot already being cast, suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge.”
"None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant." 
None of the County's election numbers match.
Ballot images "corrupt or missing."
Election data apparently intentionally deleted. 
Illegal ballots counted from people who had moved.
Ballots duplicated "more than once," missing serial numbers
Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.

Clashes have broken out between police and anti-lockdown protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance War Memorial in Melbourne, Australia. Over 200 arrests have been reported. Queensland Police to be suspended without pay if they don't get a COVID-19 vaccine within the next two weeks. Ongoing huge protests in Melbourne against Pharma-Fascism and DNA manipulating control-Vaccine. 
Victoria Australia getting ready for the end game mass lockdowns. 100's of fake police officers getting ready for something big. "Global Shutdown." They created an "dark force" army paid by the CCP against the people. Really hope they got infiltrated by the White Hats and soon will turn back against the globalists. 
Melbourne Australia: Massive protests yesterday. And massive earthquake 6.0 magnitude today. This sounds fishy! Stay home they said, people didn't listen and protested massively.


Michael Jaco: Massive Arizona Election Steal is revealed as MSM lies about results. here


Benjamin Fulford Report: “Biblical Floods or World Peace” — September 20 2021 here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/25/21 here

09/24/2021 - Presentation of the Maricopa County Election Audit here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 24.9.2021:    here

“My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (land of the free) from evil tyrants who wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of Shining Light. On POTUS’s (Trump’s) order, we have initiated certain fail safes that shall safeguard the public from a primary fallout.” …Q, Clear Patriot

Judy Note:
A massive Stock Market crash and Trump victory announced via the Arizona Audit report today would trigger the Storm. The Emergency Broadcast System blackout would activate where the Mass Media was taken over by the Military on their new Star Link Satellite System. 
It was possible that on Sat. 25 Sept. at the Trump Rally in Georgia, Trump could say "My fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon us." 
That phrase was a trigger for a shutdown that would occur within 12 hours, or by 8 am EDT on Sun. 26 Sept. 
You were advised to have stored away at least 2-3 weeks of cash, food and essential supplies.
On Thurs. 23 Sept. Bruce claimed that before the Trump Rally in Georgia started on Sat. 25 Sept, Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) would receive emails and 800 numbers to make exchange/ redemption appointments. He also said that Tier 4B would set appointments on Sat. 25 Sept. and Sun 26 Sept. and start those appointments on Monday 27 Sept.
Multiple sources have confirmed that Tier 4B was very likely to be liquid sometime next week, with some sources reporting we would start appointments on Mon. 27 Sept.

Trump + Q Great Awakening:
Today is an important day: Friday Sept. 24th. Numerology of today is 20 = XX. We've seen this XX a lot lately by insiders like Mr. Pool and others. It looks to be about the Black Swan event like the black Friday where the biggest market crash happens.
The Deep-State doesn’t want us to know about the election integrity and Maricopa Audits so they are triggering a lot of False Flag events. They are really scared and don't want you to know that Trump wins and Dems cheated. Remember: The first arrest will shock the world! Hope it's today!
Sat. 25 Sept Trump rally: They prepared fireworks to end the rally to celebrate the victory. Hope it will be the time we're all waiting for "My fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon us." 
There's several storms coming: 
- Peter and Rose tropical storms.
- Solar storms "Internet Apocalypse".
- Volcano La Palma "Fake Tsunami" false flag scare event. (Big Red Wave). Do not fear a real Tsunami. It's all fake propaganda miss information campaign.
Everything is pointing to the massive Stock Market crash and Trump victory that will trigger the Storm and then blackout.
Once he says that phrase, we have 12h to prepare us for the shutdown. Military will be with us everywhere right the next day so that there is not too much protest and violence with the Antifas. 
Make sure to listen what he will say at 8pm on Sat. 25 Sept. at the rally. It would fit with a Good morning Sunday morning 8am.
Everybody knows it cannot keep going indefinitely. Everybody, all Patriots have had enough of this never ending movie. This game is not easy for anyone and it is time for the END game. The final act is coming and we can all feel it. There's mass resignations and arrests lately that all points to something bigger coming.
Trust the plan. It is perfectly well done. You won't believe how good the end will be. It will be the most EPIC ending we'll ever see. This is The Great Awakening! Light shines bright. Awakening to the truth is not easy for anyone. For those still in deep sleep it will be even harder. 
There will be a time to heal after these events. We'll need to be there to help the sleepy ones who are still watching fake media TVs and listening to radio. The enemies are NOT the sleepers, the enemies are the Globalists Satanic Evils. 
Keep focused on the real enemies we need to fight, not on the sleepers. You'll see: The Best Is Yet To Come!100% Guaranteed! Trump confirmed it. Keep the faith! The End is near.

Our channel owner was sent this warning in early Sept: " aware of possible kinetic action being planned by the Left. They have been bussing and flying in tremendous amounts of military age males into key cities across the country since the day Biden mumbled his way in. It's very likely these are shock troops to create kinetic actions when the audit results come out."
There is a high probability a false flag event will take place in Phoenix to distract & discredit the audit results and the America First movement. They want to bait you into being there. They want to bait you into kinetic action. They want to use you for their narrative. And by "THEY", I mean ANYONE who is planning a rally or protest in Phoenix within the next week...even the "good guys" Don't get distracted. Stay away from Phoenix.

DRAFT Maricopa Audit Report:
"None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant." 
None of the County's election numbers match.
Ballot images "corrupt or missing."
Election data apparently intentionally deleted. 
Illegal ballots counted from people who had moved.
Ballots duplicated "more than once," missing serial numbers
Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.

Imagine, if you dare, your free will and fantasy allowing you to envision the most mind-wrapping methods that your body could endure to heal the human body. These alien technologies were suppressed for decades via the Military-Industrial Complex and DC politics and alphabet government agencies; that’s correct, alien technologies!
Envision a place where physics meets with reversed technology and engineering, where light years meet with human contemplation respecting the laws of people, animals, and the earth’s environment.
Have we as a human race become VEXED by the Military-Industrial Complex and the DC Political Boogiemen, whereby our history as a civilization was coveted from unimaginable truths residing between fact and fiction like the Wizard of Oz behind the iron curtain, controlling and manipulating all aspects of our life here on earth, from our food, belief systems, health, environment and more.
Secret Space Whistleblower Jared Rand, and Editor of “Stillness in the Storm,” is one of the latest alleged secret space insiders to step forward. In conversation, he talks about the highly advanced off-world technologies such as tachyon healing chambers, portal technology, resurrection beds, replicators, and rejuvenation pills; he is not the first nor the last person to discuss these covert patented technologies.
These life-altering inventions are literally from out of this world. They involve the ability not only to grow back missing limbs and cure diseases yet rejuvenate the atoms and cells in the body and reverse the aging process.
This AI-Computer program would create healing within the body, renewing it systemically through a painless atomization process, unaffecting the (memory, wisdom, knowledge, qualities, etc.) where the patient lies in the med-bed and goes into a deep sleep. It is hard to wrap our heads around a concept, so Sci-Fi could recreate a missing body part or a complete rejuvenation of reversing decades and layers of age. @MedbedsTechnology
Trained healthcare professionals would manage these devices as these miracle med-beds identify DNA while scanning the body for imperfections, then uses plasma and tachyon technology with a controllable AI computer to treat according to the person’s desire. In-depth health maintenance will provide a holistic approach along the lines of naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy, and many others. The practices of these devices will not be used in allopathic hospitals but other appointed clinics. When the patents are released to the public, they will be protected against the greed and political establishment that have infiltrated every arena of our lifestyles. These devices will not replace healthcare, only be an adjunct to it as there are many other patents to be released that will compliment the likes of med beds.
Some of the very first people to receive healing sessions will be those suffering the most painful and severe conditions, and eventually, through time, it is said that every household will have its own devices.
Rand mentions several technologies that certain extraterrestrial people have covertly shared with selected groups on earth for decades.
As part of a research team, Jared Rand claims to have tested and verified all the technologies’ effectiveness. He also claims there are two specific pills to rejuvenate anyone within 24 hours.
There are massive patents and inventions to heal every ill known to man, yet most of us realize why these inventions have been withheld from seeing the light of day. The elite will never allow this as it will tap into the government and globalist greed.
On issues of healing the environment, there is a stunning approach silently existing that cleans the waterway, oceans, soil, and plants, and more, which is a 600 million-year-old microbe; once this is properly fermented, it has the ability to clean up oil spills, and after the cleanup, it exhausts itself, leaving only nitrogen and oxygen behind.


Patriot Underground Episode 92, 23.9.21    here
AZ Audits on Friday
How Will MSM Respond?
Military In Position
Tipping Point Close
Blackforest Elite Hunts
Alliance Tech Being Used to Target Reptilians
Intel Analysis

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/24/21. TRUMP WON!!! here


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 24.9.2021:    here

Canada: The new Republic of Kanata (Canada)
Election Results, Reclaiming the Nation, and More! On September 20, over 11,000 Canadians voted for the Republic of Kanata in response to the fraudulent federal election. These votes are just a tip of the iceberg of the 62% of recently polled Canadians who desire a Republic. 
During the new year of 2022, a National Congress will be convened to replace the corrupt police state of Canada. This transfer of power has begun, as local Republic Assemblies in every region are nullifying the unlawful COVID regulations, withholding taxes and seizing crown lands and properties in defiance of a tyrannical police state. Formal treaties are being negotiated between the Republic and eight traditional indigenous nations to share equally the lands and resources of the former "Dominion of Canada" in the interests of all the people. 
All of these sweeping changes and more will be discussed this Sunday, 26 Sept. on the Voice of the Republic - Here We Stand at 6pm EST on, and in online broadcasts this coming week to be posted under Breaking News at . Tune in, sign up for citizenship, and help reclaim the nation for We the People! 
This Sunday's guests will include the Ambassador of the traditional Chilcotin indigenous nation and your regular host Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice, a Co-Convener of the Republic. The statistical result of our alternative balloting of September 20, 2021 from six Republic Regions is as follows:
Pacific Coast: 2,431 votes
Prairies: 3,774 votes
Ontario: 2,886 votes
Quebec: 1,333 votes
Atlantic Coast: 889 votes
The North: 344 votes
Total votes for the Republic of Kanata = 11,657
Affiliated endorsements have also been received from traditional elders of the Squamish, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Chilcotin, Cree, Anishinabe, Ojibwe, Mohawk and Miqmaq indigenous nations, encompassing over 250,000 original peoples. Considering the (for now) limited resources of the Republic, this voter response is truly remarkable and indicates the growing support for our new nation!

Covid Criminal Network Exposed:
A German IT project manager who chooses to stay anonymous has dropped a bombshell document exposing the entire Covid criminal network. It connects the complex relationships between Governments, NGOs, Big Pharma, private companies, documents, universities and key people. The document is 170 pages long. There are 6,500 objects and over 7,200 links, including the financial flows. They along with the firms that they previously represented have each been charged with forgery, conspiracy to commit forgery, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, fraud against the government, and conspiracy to commit fraud against the government.

BREAKING! White House to tell U.S. agencies to prepare for first government shutdown of pandemic. The White House budget office will tell federal agencies on Thursday to begin preparations for the first shutdown of the U.S. government since the pandemic began, as lawmakers on Capitol Hill struggle to reach a funding agreement. Administration officials stress the request is in line with traditional procedures seven days ahead of a shutdown and not a commentary on the likelihood of a congressional deal.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 23.9.2021:    here

The hour is upon us, the countdown has started – it will be a week to remember. Welcome to the end game. The main event is on it’s way. BOOM!!! So loud it will blow their masks off. A Blackout is necessary with the largest Declass yet. …JFK, Jr.

Judy Note: A Global and US Financial Collapse Event appeared imminent. There was major seismic activity worldwide with potential to cause Tsunamis hitting both the US East Coast and Japan/China Coasts. On Fri. 24 Sept. the Arizona Audit would be released that was said to prove Trump won the 2020 Election in all 50 states, resulting in Treason charges filed against certain political elites.

The Pentagon has confirmed that Fauci created and released COVID-19. A whistleblower from China claimed that the first COVID outbreak was intentional and happened in October 2019 at the Military World Games in Wuhan. Three professional studies have shown that the vaccine does not work and causes major health problems. There were 33,000 Canadian doctors and personnel staging a protest against the vaccine, while Dr. Jessica Rose at the FDA's Open Public Hearing on the Covid Vaccine stated: "The total number of adverse events has increased by more than 1000% in 2021 alone, and we are not finished with 2021 yet. In my opinion, (the risks) outweigh any potential benefits of these products, especially in children."

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments was expected during, or right after Defcon 1 Scare Events – that were happening right now.

The Great Event:
White Hats would cause a Black Swan Event, which was an occurrence that deviated beyond what was normally expected of a situation and extremely difficult to predict. Terrible events would happen – a fictional World War III scenario aiming to shake people awake. Sirens in all national military command centers would warn of a Nuclear Warfare. It would introduce a global State of War. 
Seven Presidential messages from Trump-Team would soon be sent to every phone in the world, after which service would be disconnected. This won’t last long. All you need was a connection to the television system to broadcast emergencies. The Emergency Broadcast System would be broadcast by 10 countries, covering the globe.
Power supply to be interrupted: The global power cut would consist of switching to Tesla power. 
This would block the media worldwide and lead to activation of the Quantum Systems as part of project Quantum Star Link broadcasting in languages of Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English (American) English (British), Estonian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
To destroy the media, QFS would implement Cyber Attacks and destroy 34 buildings and dams. These included the White House, the Getty Museum near Los Angeles, Vatican, Buckingham Palace, CERN on the French-Swiss border and the Three Gorges Dam in China. MOSSAD media satellites would be destroyed.
During these Ten Days of Darkness Military court sessions would be broadcast.
Airplanes and trains would be grounded. 
There would be a unique Water Event: destruction of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam. Below the dam were 24 nuclear reactors that would be deactivated by a Cyber Attack launched from space. There was also a large laboratory where Andrea chrome was produced. The water of the dam would fall on the city of Wuhan. In recent months, the population of the area was evacuated. 
The Three Gorges Dam destruction was one of the most important elements of the Big Event and would finish off the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and the World Media.
Events would certainly lead to a collapse in the Stock Market. The Stock Market has been artificial on the verge of collapse for months – losing 95 % of Crypto Currencies values and would inevitably collapse.
Disaster events that triggered a State of Emergency would activate the army to deliver food and vital products around the world.
GESARA/NESARA would launch. 
Judy Note: Because of the Defcon1 Scare Events including present global financial and banking crises, food shortages and shipping of goods problems, you were advised to put away at least 2-3 weeks of cash, food and essential supplies.

COVID Vax Hoax:
Dr. Jessica Rose at the FDA's Open Public Hearing on the Covid Vaccine: "The total number of adverse events has increased by more than 1000% in 2021 alone, and we are not finished with 2021 yet. In my opinion, (the risks) outweigh any potential benefits of these products, especially in children."
33000 doctors and personnel in Canada refuse the poison jab. What we can do is to be super active to promote these videos. We dont have the resources of big media so we have to do more work.
RED OCTOBER: THE HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED. Pentagon Confirms Fauci Created and Released COVID-19. A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon’s scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including Bat Corona Viruses, and make them more infectious to humans…just 18 months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.
Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan - two months before China notified the world about virus:
Major law firm confirms the FDA deceived America. As I have been posting, there is NO approved vaccine currently on the market. In their press release the law firm further clarifies: “Albeit confusing, and probably intentionally so, this summarizes the current status of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots:
1. All existing Pfizer vials (in the hundreds of millions), remain under the federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (meaning people have the “option to accept or refuse”);
2. The third or “booster” Pfizer shot is identical to the above and remains under the EUA with limited use to certain categories of people;
3. BioNTech received FDA approval for people ages 16 and above under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States;
4. In other words, there is currently NO FDA approved COVID-19 injection available anywhere in the United States. Every COVID shot in America remains under the EUA law and thus people have the “option to accept or refuse” them; and
5. Even when an FDA approved COVID shot becomes available, individuals are protected by federal law and many states laws from being forced to get these shots based on their sincere religious beliefs or conscience rights.
World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President, Christian Perronne says that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.

Kurt's contemplative reflection, 23.9.2021:

    At the latest since the US presidential election on November 3, 2020, I too have been waiting for the Great Event, orchestrated by the White Hats, to finally take place, which for the purpose of awakening the unawakened will put us through unimaginable horrors, but finally bring redemption to a New Free World. Again and again, weekly, almost daily, new dates and deadlines are issued by informants and insiders close to Q, giving us first hope and then disappointment, because once again they have not come true. In this silent war between the patriotic White Hats and the globalist Satanists, the enemy is of course constantly listening and reading along, so disinformation is the order of the day on both sides.
    Since the inauguration of bogus President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021, I am learning to be patient. In the meantime, I ignore any dates and deadlines. Even so, I sense that everything in the world is coming to a head, that it all boils down to a grand finale that could happen at any time, as soon as tomorrow or the day after. It doesn't matter if we still have to wait weeks or months for it, because everything happens in the interest of mankind, so that as few people as possible come to harm. Fear and bloodshed are only in the interest of the demonic deep state. The White Hats anchored in God trust will not do him this favor. Satan can only lose against God. It is in his nature to want to do as much damage as possible until his final defeat. This must be prevented at all costs. Therefore, patience is still called for, as well as external and internal preparation for the inevitable Great Event that will change our world forever for the better.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/23 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 23.9.2021:    here

On 9/11 Trump called on America for 21 Days of Prayer, which takes us to Oct 2nd as in the Q Mickey Mouse Clock with its hands on 10 & 2.
It’s Time.
Trump has 16999 posts, next #17000 (17): "My Fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us."
“Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy the Show! Everything is Going AQQording to PLAN!!!”...Q
Major False Flags incoming according to certain Intelligence Agency Whistleblowers.
“These events will make 9/11 look like 0. Beware of what you eat, drink and consume.”
Three Studies Show Covid Vaccines Do Not Work, are Harmful and Damaging: 
The CDC, UK & Oxford University studies find that Covid-19 Vaccines do not work and mandating to take a vaccine was harmful and damaging according to scientific research:

Judy Note: The focus was now on big money, billionaire Satanic Cabalists – the enemies who for decades have hidden behind corporations, LLC's and no named puppeteers! Once these giants of industry have been neutralized fiscally & politically, we should be a "go." Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments was expected during, or right after Defcon 1 Scare Events – that were happening right now.

Studies Show Covid Vaccines Do Not Work, Cause Damage:
Project Veritas — Part 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t” | Operation Disclosure Official
Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work. Mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act because of excellent scientific research papers which clearly demonstrate that not only do the vaccines not work, but cause damage:

The US government would be shut down at the end of this month. 

Major False Flags incoming according to certain Intelligence Agency Whistleblowers, “These events will make 9/11 look like nothing. Beware of what you eat, drink, and consume.”

A retired Military Major General on Q, QAnon, Trump White Hat Alliance and Q Team:
The new Global Alliance, also called White Hats, included the following 17 countries: Australia, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, North Korea and the USA. 
The Supreme Commander of the Alliance was President Donald Trump. 
The TRUMP White Hat Alliance was liberating Earth from dark factions once united to destroy America. Right now the Alliance or White Hats was conducting the largest military operation in the history of the planet. We don't have the slightest idea what's going on behind the scenes. The War with Evil was ten times greater than the Second World War. The only way was through the Military. 
The Military controlled the spread of Stellar and QFS, Space Force, plus military intelligence in Arizona.
QAnon was Trump’s private army of Military Intelligence that bypassed corrupt institutions of the Cabal. 
Q was the army of northern Virginia – over 800 plus Special Ops military soldiers working as Trump assets.
The Q Team was a union of 17 countries that was now 140 countries. 

Australia: Construction workers marching on Melbourne right now after building sites were ordered to close for 2 weeks, authorities are trying to break them into complying to be injected with the experimental Covid vaccine, resist! Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake Strikes Australia's Victoria, Tremors Felt Widely:

Canada: Cofefe: With Justin Trudeau forming another minority government, people need to realize a few things:
1) majority of Canadians are fast asleep, they do not realize their country is being destroyed and turned into a “basic dictatorship” (quote from Trudeau praising China) as their subversion and demoralization programming has been completed some generations ago (see Yuri Bezmenov for an explanation of demoralization psychological operations) at a higher success rate than the United States.
2) Canadian federal elections do not use Dominion voting machines and ballots are hand counted in their entirety. That’s not to say fraud does not exist as I believe it does at a massive scale —> this means fraud is decentralized, harder to prove, and far more sophisticated than some hacked voting machines as a large number of individuals performing the counting would have to be complicit.
3) Canadian patriots exist, however, because of the lack of opposition media outlets we are unable to make our voices heard with the exception of small “radical” online sources which are lambasted as far right extremists. All relevant media outlets within Canada are bought and paid for by the Trudeau Liberal Government. The Canadian Mockingbird media is just as bad if not worse than what exists in the United States. 
It’s going to be very tough on Canadians when they are abruptly shook awake from their slumber via the Great Awakening and are forced to confront their delusions, naivety, and ignorance.

Delta Force Grabs Chelsea Clinton and Husband for Crimes!
On Saturday Delta Force operators arrested Chelsea Clinton and husband Marc Mezvinsky while the two were travelling by car from Clinton’s lavish Manhattan condominium to a vacation spot in Rockport, MA., where the duo visits often to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, Real Raw News has learned. Per military sources, Special Forces had been shadowing Clinton for weeks, waiting for an opportunity to apprehend her when she was least protected.
That chance came shortly after 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning, about 20 miles northeast of Hartford, Connecticut, along Highway 84. Plain clothed Delta Force in two civilian vehicles stopped Clinton’s rented Mercedes GLE and saw three children in the rear seats. Although Clinton and Mezvinsky have 3 kids of their own—Charlotte, Jasper, and Aidan—the ones in the vehicle spoke no English and had a dark complexion; in short, they were not Clinton and Mezvinsky’s children, a source at the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told Real Raw News.
He told RRN that JAG and the Office of Military Commissions have obtained evidence that Chelsea was following in her late mother’s footsteps—abducting Haitian children and selling them off to the highest bidders of a child trafficking ring that has existed for decades. The children found in her vehicle, our source said, were estimated to be between 8 and 12 years old, and spoke Haitian Creole.
Earlier this month a 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the island nation of Haiti, levelling buildings and killing at least 2,500 people, many of whom were adults whose children were left orphaned in the cataclysmic disaster.
The military alleges that Chelsea and her husband swept in, under the guise of a humanitarian mission sponsored by the Clinton Foundation and extracted Haitian kids under the pretense of re-homing them with stable, American families.
“We have evidence that Clinton pulled 50 kids out of Haiti. But there’s no proof the children were listed for foster care or put up for adoption. Her mother did this in the aftermath of the 2010 quake, and it certainly looks like the apple don’t fall far from the tree. Chelsea seems to have repeated her mother’s actions—and mistakes,” a JAG source told RRN.
He said a belligerent Chelsea Clinton chastised Delta Force operators, while her effeminate husband cowered in fear and sobbed about how he was only following his wife’s instructions. Delta Force took them into custody, and they have been moved to a holding facility at an unknown location. Our source said he does not know the disposition of the minors. “She was travelling without her Secret Service detail. We don’t know why, but we do know in the past they’ve slipped their detail,” our source said.

European Union: All vaccines will no longer be justified from 20.10.2021: The European Union has approved 5 therapies that will be available in all hospitals in the Member States for the treatment of Covid. These therapies have been approved by a decree of the European Council. The Pasteur Institute recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. One intake could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 22.9.2021:    here

Nick Fleming Tues. 21 Sept.:
EBS SET, READY TO GO 2021/09/24th is a good target date for military to announce:  
  ... that operation “warp speed” was code for military takeover  
  ... the return of President Trump
  ... the crimes of the Dems  
  ... the fraud of the elections 
  ... indictment of more cabalist  
  ... the arrest of fake Fouci for  crimes against humanity  
  ... fraudulent use of $3m given to whuhan lab  
  ... the continuation of gain of function research  
  ... the finding and disarming of 11 cabal nukes used as leverage by cabal to prevent their arrests  
  ... the arrest of all former cabal and Fed Res members for treason  
**This is all in play, Fauchi has already been arrested.**  
**All will culminate on the 24th.**

Judy Note: Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments was expected during, or right after Defcon 1 Scare Events – that would likely happen sometime before the end of the month, with some reporting the RV release for this week.

Defcon1 Scare Scenario Events would put the entire world on High Alert while grinding all business and general activity to a halt as Global Martial law, Mass Arrests and National Lockdowns activated. That way everyone could stay safe at home to watch documentaries designed to awaken the General Public that would be broadcast worldwide 24/7 on the new Quantum Starlight Satellite System.

Tues. 21 Sept. Nick Fleming: “On Mon. 20 Sept. there was a meeting in Reno and they called in some people in to exchange. When they got there 98% were arrested. We’ve heard for many years that arrests will escalate in the end days of RV GCR. The principal crime being taking another’s precious assets without proper licensing, or authority. How many “paymasters” will be arrested? We have no way of knowing. This is something that’s been expected, and we also don’t expect to abate, not until the RV GCR is over and done – sometime in October?”

ATTENTION FELLOW PATRIOTS It's Happening! USA Financial System Collapse Is Imminent! Watch Video Now:
History will be repeated, only this time it will be 10x worse…Donald Trump is right! Unemployment rate is actually much closer to an astonishing 40%. Now, inflation rates are calculated WITHOUT including food and gas - the two largest areas of all in our economy. The real inflation rate today, including gas and food, is actually much closer to a sky-high... 12%. This video will show you how to prepare for the coming financial system collapse.

"The Deep State has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and there will be no deals. The truth will soon be revealed to the world. October will be a red, red warning.  The hunt begins. It's time for patriots to fight for the truth. Operation Mockingbird will fail. Their time is running out. The elimination of the corrupt political caste is in full swing. These false figures are exposed and exposed to people all over the world. What is Operation Mockingbird? This is Mockingbird Media, a large-scale program of the American intelligence agency CIA, which began in the early years of the Cold War and was aimed at manipulating the media for propaganda purposes. Many of those who have worked in the media since then work for the CIA. They have infiltrated the media. That's why we have such propaganda. You can read a lot more about Operation Mockingbird, but you will have to find it yourself.
One of the Q drops says: "Operation Mockingbird." Eliminating bad actors is a priority for bringing together the people behind the "America First" agenda. Many in our government worship Satan. This stage is not about Republicans versus Democrats. Where is Hillary Clinton?" Remember the indictment of Clinton's lawyer Sussmann.
Q: Why are the National Guard being called up in 12 cities? Trust your president.
God grant you good health, patriots. The National Guard is not active yet, but when the transfer of powers really begins, it will be there. Dan Scavino, with his ambiguous remarks, informs us that we are getting a Red October, a Red Alert. There will be a sonic boom, and the world will shake. And Operation Mockingbird may be a sign that the lying media is at the forefront. Things are getting interesting starting Friday, when the results of the forensic medical examination will be published in Maricopa County, Arizona. This could be a start. We'll wait and see."

Global Financial Collapse Event:
LaPalma Island Tsunami hitting the East Coast would put the nail in the coffin of the NY Stock Market, which has already been totally in the red since Thurs. 16 Sept. 
China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading, with trucking strikes globally. Plus, Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made. Sun. 19 Sept. Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising! There were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India. 3GD is just a straight line! Today is almost full moon, and a prime day 919. 
Japan: Evergrande crisis hits Japanese firms. Japanese manufacturers are seeing their future profits flush away. Toilet company Toto saw a further loss of 6.1% on Tuesday, air conditioning group Daikin lost 4.7%, and machine manufacturers Komatsu and Hitachi Construction Machinery both over 5%. Toto makes almost a third of all profits from the Chinese market each year, while Daikin’s sales dependence on China had leaped to almost a quarter last financial year - almost double their usual annual share. “Year-to-date debt defaults by real estate companies in China, not just China Evergrande, already exceed the cumulative figure for the past 10 years as tighter regulations bite,” said Morgan Stanley analyst Arisa Katsuyama. A total wipeout coming?
Boston Globe: The US government is in danger of a shut down at the end of this month. Unless Congress agrees to increase the debt limit, the government will run out of money to pay its bills sometime next month. If there is a shutdown then there is usually a market collapse that follows along with a high-stakes political blame game and a ton of attention on the high-stakes situation with raising the debt limit and keeping the government funded.
Is Evergrande the Black Swan Event that Palantir was expecting? I also can't help but wonder how much FAKE Gold sits in vaults around China? Because it seems like very few people remember the fake China Gold bar scandal (bear in mind this entire Gold fraud only equaled about $4 Billion - Evergrande is 75 times the size of that scam). Remember, many millions of Chinese own real estate, but many millions of Chinese also think they "own" Gold.

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Fox News host Tucker Carlson showed on the air a PowerPoint slide from the US Army, which was used to justify Biden's vaccination mandates, listing the 7 principles of Satanism.Tucker Carlson called Biden's military mandate "a seizure of the US armed forces." He received PowerPoint slides that the military used to convince / pressure military personnel to vaccinate them. "How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?" - it is asked in one of the slides. Another slide lists the seven principles of Satanism.
Denzel Washington: “Hollywood is drenched in innocent children’s blood. The references to pedophilia and cannibalism have always been there, but for years they cryptic or symbolic. I was introduced to these practices in the early 2000s and was threatened with serious repercussions should I ever speak out. And, I don’t just mean my career, I mean my life was threatened, my family’s life would be in danger. I can only talk about it now as those people, those industry executives, they’re all dead now. They see the blood of a sexually abused infant as the ‘ultimate prize’ and say that it’s ‘highly enriched.”

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 21.9.2021:    here

“Track and Follow Sept. 21-25 Events”…Q
“Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. Nothing.”…Q
“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in it’s presence and thereby eventually lose the ability to defend ourselves and those we love.”  …Julian Assange
“It’s in Every One of Us”:

Judy Note: Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set your exchange/ redemption appointment was expected sometime this month, during or right after upcoming Defcon 1 Scare Events.

Defcon1 Scare Scenario Events will put the world on High Alert while grinding everything to a halt, and activating Global Martial law, Mass Arrests and National Lockdowns – so everyone could stay at home safe to watch documentaries broadcast 24/7 on the new Quantum Starlight Satellite System designed to awaken the General Public.

On Tues. 21 Sept. Project Veritas released the first part of its series of revelations about vaccination against Covid-19: Jodie O'Malley, a federal informant working for the Department of Health and Human Services, has released secret recordings revealing the truth about Covid vaccines. "The government doesn't want to show that the COVID vaccine is full of shit," said an emergency doctor working at HHS. "They want to shove reports of adverse effects "under the rug". The nurse said she had seen "a lot" of vaccinated people get side effects, but "no one writes a report to VAERS because it takes half an hour."

What was happening was volcano eruptions in Japan and India while China’s Three Gorges Dam was about to break, the Event expected to cause enormous flooding and perhaps Tsunamis damage on the opposite side of the globe.

A COVID jab suppresses the immune system like the HIV does, leading to an  ‘uptick’ in various autoimmune diseases and cancer, but also melanomas, as well as herpes, shingles, mono, and a in HPV when looking at the cervical biopsies of patients who have been vaccinated. Support our protest against forced vaccination!
Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients. 'Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” said Dr. Ryan Cole.
“Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”
BREAKING PART 1: Federal Govt @HHSgov Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’ They ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect:


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/21/21 here

Patriot Underground Episode 91 here
Elena Danaan & Megan Rose:
Cosmic Disclosure Analysis
Jupiter Agreements
Liberation of Mars
Negative Satellites Taken Out
New Moon Base
Med Bed Intel
Nonterrestrial Prime Directives
Underground and Space Battle Updates
Cabal Infiltrated the Patriot Movement

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 21.9.2021:    here

“My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us. Trust the Plan.”. . . Q

“Major False Flags incoming say Intelligence Agency Whistleblowers. These events will make 9/11 look like nothing. Beware of what you eat, drink and consume.” …General McInerney
“I believe the Emergency Broadcast System activation will happen Wed. 22 Sept. at 3:20pm, triggered by the Tsunami Mass Extinction Event.”…Whiplash347. 

Judy Note: Whiplash’s guess of an EBS activation line up with the end of the Satanic Feast Day Autumn Equinox on Wed. 22 Sept.

Help Save the Children 
From Sun. 19 Sept. through Wed. 22 Sept. the major Satanic Holidays of “Midnight Host” and “Feast Day Fall Equinox” will be celebrated by local and global elite Satanic Covens. The nefarious activities were known by their Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors to include oral, anal and vaginal group sex orgies using infants to age 21, animal or human, male or female victims. A human sacrifice was followed by dismemberment, hands planted, eating the victim’s flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood. Please help children and teens forced into this evil worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you have observed, especially in your neighborhood….Judy Byington

Mon. 20 Sept. Market Meltdown: GLOBAL MARKET CRASH! We've warned you about the Black Swan event global market crash. It's happening now! GESARA NESARA TRUMPSARA is coming within days now. Get ready for the (GCR) Global Financial Reset and QFS before everyone else. ALL Banks worldwide are moving to (CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currency right now. Watch Here:

On Mon. 20 Sept the US Stock Market opened in the same red from last Friday, and throughout the day has never recovered. Top 100 Crypto currencies were also in the red, down 10% in 24hrs. Bitcoin saw a price crash on Monday as tracking site CoinMarketCap showed all but one of the top 100 Crypto currencies in the red for 24 hours – collectively dropping 9.8%.

If your employers or schools illegally mandates you vaccines you can give them this legal form notice:

A Call to Action: 33000 doctors and personnel in Canada refuse the poison jab. What we can do is to be super active to promote these videos. We don’t have the resources of big media so we have to do more work. Join the 50000 strong almost anti vaccine worldwide group where we organize, the biggest on telegram:

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 20.9.2021:    here

“My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.”. . . Q
Trust the Plan
Help Save the Children

Whiplash347 Danielle:
You must understand that this is all optics. 
There has been a Military Operation going on for years liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years.
Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom.
Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage.
Understand that this is not about countries and leaders but about Good fighting Evil.
Understand that this operation is all about cleaning up a evil matrix of corruption, human trafficking and toxic mind body pollution that has hijacked our planet.
Understand that all good leaders have complied to the worldwide alliance and that the war scenarios are set up to clear the stage for the big shift. The event.
The scenarios that play out and come together will collapse the evil matrix, that has been imploding from the inside for years.
It will all come crushing down:
The financial market system
The political law enforcement system
The main social media system
The pharmaceutical drug system
The world as you know it will come to an end. It is only like this that we can start the new.
When we flip the switch thing will shift
From Swift > QFS
From Maritime > Military > Natural law
From MSM / Mossad > Project Odin
From Toxic Big pharmabDrugs > Medbeds
From federal energy > Free Tesla
From € /BTC unregulated Cryptos backed by nul > XRP fam backed by ISO metals
Understand the connection of all scenarios playing out in front of your eyes:
- Election fraud audits
- Crypto Sec fraud & regulation
- Suez Canal obstruction of Silk Road
- Europe Defender 2021 Russia Ukraine
- Myranmar military take over
- Iran deal & Biden
- Earthquakes China / 3GD
- Watch the Water & G7
It is all connected.
Q: The Plan to Save the World

Defcon1 Scare Scenario Events will put the world on high alert while grinding everything to a halt, activating Global Martial Law, Mass Arrests and National Lockdowns so everyone could stay at home safe and watch documentaries broadcast 24/7 designed to awaken the General Public.

On 11 Sept. Trump called for 21 Days of Prayer, which takes us to Oct 2nd as in the Mickey Mouse Clock with its hands on 10 & 2.

Q post 2903: Within the next 21 days (from Sept. 11 2021) BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place. 21 Days of Prayer = 7 + 7 + 7 WhipLash347: 7 Presidential Messages, 7 EBS Alerts, 7 Kingdoms.

On Sat. 18 Sept. Executive Order 13959 Declaration of War against Big Corporations funding the Chinese Communist Party Military became effective. The EO was signed by President Trump on November 12, 2020, with a goal of "Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments,” including the take down of Three Gorges Dam Nuclear facilities housing Bitcoin, the Wuhan Lab, child and human trafficking, human experiments, creating a Nuclear Scare Event causing Project Odin to go into effect including fall of the Mass Media.

Also on Sat. 18 Sept. the Cabal surrendered. Now going forward any False Flags by the Cabal and/or if the Mass Media failed to cover 2020 Election Fraud, Covid Vax hoax events, or not allow Durham to go forward, unobstructed, in his Fisagate indictments, which would include Obama, it would break the deal and immediately launch the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law worldwide.

On Fri. 24 Sept. 2020 Election Fraud exposed with release of Arizona Audit, while Georgia, Minn, Penn and other key states were looking at election fraud. President Trump on audits: “That train is moving along the track very rapidly.” The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case to reinstate Trump.

Water Event expected at any time: A volcano on LaPalma Island, of the Canary Islands, Spain was causing a land detachment the size of Manhattan Island that could easily slide into the Atlantic Ocean, generating a Tsunami  - that would strike the US East Coast seven hours later, possibly inundating several miles on the US coastline under tens of feet of water and destroying almost everything in its path as it comes ashore. 

In China the Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising while there were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India, causing significant destruction. 

Financial Collapse Event expected at any time: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading, with trucking strikes globally. Plus, Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made. Sun. 19 Sept. Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising! There were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India. 3GD is just a straight line! Today is almost full moon, and a prime day 919. 

Mon. 20 Sept. Market Meltdown: Top 100 Crypto currencies IN THE RED down 10% in 24hrs – El Salvador “buys the dip” purchasing 150 BTC. Bitcoin saw a price crash on Monday as tracking site CoinMarketCap showed all but one of the top 100 cryptocurrencies in the red for 24 hours – collectively dropping 9.8%.

Financial crises, banking halted as trucking, shipping, food shortages arise. You were advised to put away at least 2-3 weeks of cash, food and essential supplies.


Covid Vaccine Exposed here


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 20.9.2021:    here

Our BOOOOOM Week Ahead:
Phase 1: The Audits...
Phase 2: The Storm...
Phase 3: The Rapture...
Grand Finale: Salvation... 
Until Then - Enjoy the Show. 
Judgment day is near. 

From Sun. 19 Sept. through Wed. 22 Sept. the major Satanic Holidays of “Midnight Host” and “Feast Day Fall Equinox” will be celebrated by local and global elite Satanic Covens. The nefarious activities were known by their Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors to include oral, anal and vaginal group sex orgies using infants to age 21, animal or human, male or female. A human sacrifice was followed by dismemberment, hands planted, eating the victim’s flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood. Please help children and teens forced into this evil worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you have observed, especially in your neighborhood….Judy Byington

Judy Note:
A volcano on LaPalma Island off the East Coast was causing a land detachment. If the entire chunk of land the size of Manhattan, NYC tears away from the island and slides into the Atlantic Ocean, a Tsunami would be generated.  That Tsunami would strike the US East Coast seven hours later, possibly inundating several miles on the US coastline under tens of feet of water and destroying almost everything in its path as it comes ashore. 
On the opposite side of the world in China the Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising while there were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India, causing significant destruction. 
Meanwhile the Cabal has surrendered, the Covid Vax hoax was set to be exposed on Mon. 20 Sept. and the 2020 Election Fraud would be exposed with release of Arizona and Georgia audits on Fri. 24 Sept, while SCOTUS will hear the case to reinstate Trump.

Are you ready for The Global Financial Reset? The Great Reset was the Deep-State plan. The White Hats plan is NESARA/GESARA. We also like to call it The TrumpSara. Watch Here:

Locals on LaPalma have uploaded a photograph which they say shows "Detachment."   Part of the land which is FEARED to slide into the Atlantic Ocean and cause a Tsunami to the east coast of the United States, appears to have begun to DETACH at its top. There is a very clear tear in the forest atop the mountain showing bare earth along the uppermost ridge there the trees on the land have torn away from each other.  If this photo shows what the locals claim, then the landslide could happen today. Those on the U.S. east coast must pay extra close attention to this today.  Events are taking place at a greatly increased speed. If the entire chunk of land (the size of Manhattan, NYC) tears away from the island and slides into the Atlantic Ocean, a Tsunami would be generated.  That Tsunami would strike the US east coast seven hours later, possibly inundating several MILES on US coastline under tens of FEET of water, and destroying almost everything in its path as it comes ashore.
Potential Tsunami could hit East Coast of the US and Canada:
Major Cities affected:
- 100% of Delaware
- 99% of Florida
- Portland and Augusta, ME
- Boston, MA
- Stamford and New Haven, CT 
- Providence, RI
- Baltimore, MD
- Washington, D.C.
- New York City and Long Island, NY
- Philadelphia, Cherry Hill, Tom's River, Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Houston, TX
- New Orleans and Baton Rouge, LA
- Savannah, GA
- Charleston and Myrtle Beach, SC
- Wilmington, Greenville, and Fayetteville, NC
- Virgina Beach, Norfolk, and Richmond, VA

Brazil: The mayor and health secretary of Guaruja (Brazil) have been arrested. The two politicians are accused of corruption in connection with the Corona measures. The Independence Day protests have had an impact. President Bolsonaro, who is critical of the measures, was empowered by the mass protests on Independence Day to take consistent action against the corruption of the Corona measures supporters.

Over 230 significant antigovernment protests have erupted worldwide.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/19/21 “DEFCON 1” here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 19.9.2021:    here

Judy Note: Our BOOOOOM Week Ahead:

BOOOOOM! SCOTUS will hear the case to reinstate Donald Trump!...Judge Jeanine Pirro

BOOOOOM! The Cabal has surrendered: The Cabal caved to Trump's threat of launching the Emergency Broadcast System this weekend if the media failed to show the AZ Audit results due out Fri. 17 Sept. (now changed to Fri. 24 Sept.). In return, Durham got to indict Sussmann on Friday without a False Flag distraction. Any FF's by the Cabal going forward would break the deal and the EBS would launch immediately. The deal appeared to include allowing Durham to go forward, unobstructed, in his Fisagate indictments, which would include Obama.

BOOOOOM! Sat. 18 Sept. Executive Order Declaration of War against Big Corporations funding the Chinese Communist Party Military was effective on Sat. 18 Sept. Executive Order 13959 is a U.S. Presidential Executive Order signed on November 12, 2020, by President Donald Trump. Its stated goal is "Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments,” including the take down of Three Gorges Dam Nuclear facilities housing Bitcoin, the Wuhan Lab, child and human trafficking, human experiments, creating a Nuclear Scare Event causing Project Odin to go into effect including fall of the Mass Media.

BOOOOOM! Mon. 20 Sept. Covid Vax Hoax to be exposed:

BOOOOOM! Fri. 24 Sept. Arizona and Georgia to announce results of 2020 Election Audit.

BOOOOOM! Protests around the globe against vaccine mandate

BOOOOOM! Massive illegal immigrant problem at the Mexican border with more than 11,000 under the International bridge in Del Rio.

BOOOOOM! The Event: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading, with trucking strikes globally. Plus, Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made. Sun. 19 Sept. Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising! There were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India. 3GD is just a straight line! Today is almost full moon, and a prime day 919.

BOOOOOM! This Defcon1 Scare Scenario would put the world on high alert, and grind everything to a halt, activating Global Martial law, Mass Arrests and National Lockdowns so everyone could stay at home safe and pay attention to the documentaries broadcast 24/7 to awake the General Public.

BIDEN cannot continue to be PRESIDENT. BIDEN agrees to resign and TRUMP returns. Fox News:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley's actions were attempted military coup against Trump: Goodwin. New York Post The reprehensible actions of Gen. Mark Milley take the cake for audacity and arrogance. In plain English, this was an attempted coup. Milley, in a fit of pique over the president’s conduct after the election, reversed the chain of command. No longer would a duly elected civilian be on top. A general trusted with awesome responsibility went rogue, usurping the president’s power and making himself commander in chief. Milley’s actions are the latest manifestation of a sickness that led the leaders of many important institutions to turn their hatred for Trump into a license to break restraints, standards and even laws. The first aim was to block him from being president and then sabotage his administration with anonymous leaks of classified information and false charges. Milley went the logical next step in trying to seize the power to declare war. The pattern is unlike anything seen in modern times and perhaps ever in American history. Milley claimed that he promised his counterpart in China's military that he would alert China on any potential attacks from the United States. Sussmann denies the charge, but the indictment says he billed the Clinton campaign for his repeated efforts to promote the Russian bank scam, so a trial would be informative.

Med Beds represent quantum healing devices which contain vast monitoring technologies allowing the health practitioner to be fully informed throughout the diagnostic and repair sessions. Med-Beds create maximum human repair via minimal invasion by way of light and energy through tachyonic particles and plasma energy.

COVID/ Vax Hoax:
Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work. Mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act because of excellent scientific research papers which clearly demonstrate the vaccines do not work:
Scientist shows vaccine effects in autopsies.
Ivermectin Miracle for Covid:
The Vax is a human sacrifice: 
FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save as they vote 16 - 2 against the approval of booster shots. FDA experts have unexpectedly voted against approving Covid-19 vaccination boosters for anyone over the age of 16.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.9.2021:    here

SCOTUS will hear the case to reinstate Donald Trump!...Judge Jeanine Pirro

Next week’s Fri. 24 Sept. release of Arizona and Georgia 2020 Election Audit Reports were expected to move those states to Trump, officially overthrowing Biden’s so-called Election.

A Declaration of War, (Executive Order 13959), took effect on Sat. 18 Sept. Now Trump has taken down the many mega companies invested in the Chinese Communist Military:

Stealth Bomber Activated, GITMO now in Play…Q+

Judy Note: Our BOOOOOM Week Ahead: SCOTUS to hear case to reinstate Trump; Arizona and Georgia to announce results of audit on Fri. 24 Sept.; EO Declaration of War against CCP effective Sat. 18 Sept; Covid Vax Exposed on Mon. 20 Sept; Q+ says GITMO was now in play; on Sat. 18 Sept. there were protests around the globe against vaccine mandate; we had a massive illegal immigrant problem at the Mexican border that the White House had yet to address and Sunday 19 Sept. was a major Satanic Holiday where children were raped and killed. 

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments was expected during or after the upcoming Defcon 1 Scare Events as described below.

With banking coming to a halt as orders of national lockdowns came into effect, you were advised to put away at least 2-3 weeks of cash, food and essential supplies.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 18.9.2021:    here

Next week’s release of Arizona and Georgia 2020 Election Audits were expected to move those states to Trump and overthrown Biden’s so-called Election.
Stealth Bomber Activated, GITMO now in Play…Q+
The Sat. Sept. 18 Trump Rally in DC is a Cabal Trap. Please do not attend.

BOOOOOM!!!! Fireworks next week will be explosive. Indications mounting that both Arizona and Georgia valid 2020 Election results may move these states to Trump next week. We have the routers from Maricopa County. Cyber Ninjas have full access. Maricopa caved. Game over, baby. Light it up. Let’s Go!…Samantha Morlote

Declaration of War: Executive Order 13959 takes effect Sat. 18 Sept. companies taken down which invested in the Chinese Military: This takes down Three Gorges Dam facilities Bitcoin, Wuhan Lab, child and human trafficking and human experiments. Creates Nuclear Scare Event where Project Odin to go into effect where Mass Media (6 people control the Mainstream Media).

Why do you think the White Hats telegraphed that the AZ Audit results will be released next Friday, September 24th? Wouldn't that be an invitation to the Cabal to plan False Flags for then? The date is firmly stated because the Cabal has made a SURRENDER DEAL.
The Cabal caved to Trump's threat of launching the EBS this weekend if The Cabal & media failed to show the AZ Audit results that were due to come out Fri. 17 Sept. To make the deal, all Trump had to do was delay the AZ Audit results for one week, and no EBS this weekend. 
In return, Durham got to indict Sussmann on Friday without a False Flag distraction, and any FF's by the Cabal going forward will break the deal and the EBS will immediately launch. This should prevent False Flag attempts at the Sept 18 'protest'. Additionally, the deal appears to include allowing Durham to go forward, unobstructed, in his Fisagate indictments, which will include Obama. The Art Of The Deal. Negotiations were indeed real.

The Event:
China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading and truck strikes globally. Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made.
This Defcon1 scare scenario would put the world on high alert, and grind everything to a halt, activating Global Martial law, Mass Arrests and national lockdowns so everyone could stay at home safe and pay attention to the documentaries broadcast 24/7 to awake the General Public. 

Quick Recap of Week Fri. 17 Sept, Whiplash347

Part 1of 2: Dominoes have been tipped, Market and crypto crash coming, 11.3 marker has been set, First arrest to shock the world coming, Az audit results coming, Declas and Odin coming, Durham/Sessions coming, Lockdown2 coming, Blockchain elections in Russia proved they can’t be rigged or stolen, even on Mossad satellites (let alone Quantum), Gesara elections coming, Babbitt/Floyd + Proj Veritas updates, Sat. 18 Sept. FBI rally in DC, More FF coming, Lockdown *may* come after The Event, if not during. Don’t focus on lockdown, focus on The Event triggers as Whip reminds us: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash, Nuclear WW3 Defcon 1. (See Whiplash’s old posts using keyword search).

Part 2of 2: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash triggers Crypto and Market Crash, XRP-SEC lawsuit ends, Bitcoin crashes, XRP and Stellar Crypto network flooded with liquidity from Bitcoin which begins our 1 of 3 moons, ends Big Pharma (think Wuhan), floods nuclear reactors under dam. Market crash also ends Cabal agriculture (aka all the “climate change” floods/fires/lava tornadoes/o&g refineries + nuclear power plants getting blown up), halts global mfg, shipping/port closure, and trading. Truckie strikes globally. Banks come to a halt, no transactions can be made, must keep cash on hand during this time, gas prices rocket. Lockdown = YOU ARE MEANT TO STAY AT HOME SAFE! Home means you aren’t distracted by work, school, vacation, errands, “daily” life. It means you’re paying attention = waking up. Defcon1 scare scenario puts world on high alert, also grinds everything to halt (same as crash) but activates Global Martial law for Mass Arrests. Scare event [necessary] NCSVVIS.

Q TELEGRAPHED EXACT DATE OF DURHAM INDICTING MICHAEL SUSSMANN On September 16, 2020, Q posted the Mickey Mouse clock with a filename that equals 117 = SEPT 16, 2021 (among other things). The filename can be calculated using various reduction methods for the numerical digits to also include 158 = DURHAM SPYGATE = MIKE SUSSMANN; and 212 = MICHAEL SUSSMANN, ESQ (lawyer) = DURHAM WILL INDICT M.S. For those who claim that Q would never telegraph dates of major moves [even if in code], Q has done so many, many times. However, until news unlocks, it can be impossible to determine with certainty what the code means. Nevertheless, it IS possible. #HiddenInPlainSight #FutureProvesPast…Whiplash347.

Australia: Melbourne demonstrators have had enough and broke through the police barriers earlier. Once everyone realizes that you can't pay someone enough to stand in front of an angry mob, the mandates will fall. Police in Melbourne have made over 200 arrests and deployed capsicum spray as violent anti-lockdown protests erupted as protestors chant “YOU SERVE US” at officers. 

France: Railway Workers Protest as Macron Unveils New High-speed Train at Paris Station_Strike is expected. Protesters in Toulouse, France are starting to gather. The center of the city has been closed off following violence last week. Antifa tried to show up to Toulouse last weekend and got destroyed by French nationalists.

MedBeds can regenerate dying cell tissues in the body in order to make the cells healthy again, as well as revive neurons, protons, stem cells, etc. This is done in order to be able to cure diseases like, for example, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, etc. The advanced MedBeds have micro laser technology and multiple refractory lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification and reconstruction.

General Milley faces congressional investigation forTREASON. Gen. Milley asked military leaders to swear an oath to him during secret meeting


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 18.9.2021:    here

The Journey has been tough but extraordinary... 
Patriots stand strong in courage and faith. 
We Do Not Comply
We're not gonna take it!
No More Bullshit! 
This movie needs to end.
America is awake and ready!
Truth shall set us free.
The Great Awakening.
It’s Going to be Biblical
We Win
God Already Won
…Q 17
Stealth Bomber Activated, GITMO now in Play…Q+
The Sat. Sept. 18 Trump Rally in DC is a Cabal Trap. You are urged NOT to attend.

Judy Note: What we think we know about the Global Currency Reset/ Restored Republic/ RV as of Sat. 18 Sept. 2021:
Dozens of A List Hollywood actors and actresses, famous politicians and business leaders have gone missing, including Microsoft Founder / CEO turned pharmaceutical vaccine guru Bill Gates who has been suddenly silenced.
Months ago GITMO was said to be full, while helicopter flights across the Long Beach and Los Angeles Harbors have decreased greatly – from an estimated 50 to 60 flights per day down to 10 to 15 and lower per day.
Charlie Ward said they were teasing the last dirt out of the bottom of the swamp and arresting them.
Arrests and Military Tribunals appeared to be winding down, though the Alliance & military operations still had major work to complete. Evidently for the safety of the public they chose to do that work behind the scenes rather than make full mass public disclosure.
This week we were expecting Durham announcements, Arizona Election Fraud release, public disclosure and the GCR / RV. Didn’t happen. That tells us that the Alliance and Military were not yet ready to reveal to the public precisely what the "real war" was about.
Frustrating? Yes. Needed? Yes.
What Intel that has been reported about setting Tier 4B appointments to redeem/ exchange has, again, not come to pass, telling us that the Alliance has, again, used the Intel Gurus to disseminate misinformation in order to throw off the Cabal/ Deep State.
Frustrating? Yes. Essential for the RV to come to pass? Yes.
It’s not like it wasn’t going to happen. Global Currency Reset Monies have already been released. There were now 48 Paymaster Accounts fully loaded, with the monies slowly releasing while they caught the bad guys along the way.
It’s very apparent that the Alliance was winning, though logical thinking suggested that the public shock of the public’s collective lives was still a few weeks away.
Remember: Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 17.9.2021:    here

Fri. 17 Sept: Q2197 Delta Constitution Day
Attention on Deck. Memes at the Ready. Lock on Target. Fire At Will. …Q
Stealth Bomber Activated, GITMO now in Play…Q+

DURHAM Report starts first Indictments! The revelations of the Michael Sussmann indictment: It was a smear operation, coordinated with Fusion GPS and Hillary Clinton to influence the election.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, after collecting the necessary 2.5 million signatures in a petition to recall him from office, won the opportunity to stay. Today Fri. 17 Sept. it became known that the voting process was rigged. On CNN, 351,000 "yes" votes (recall) disappeared from the special title in an instant during a live broadcast of the Newsom recall election in California.

A rally of Trump supporters is planned for this weekend in Washington. "This is a setup" - Roger Stone urges Americans to stay away from Saturday's rally. "I don't know a single person from the MAGA movement who is going to go there."

FOX News: DRONE over the international bridge in Del Rio, Texas captures on camera 8,200 migrants doubled in one day. Situation is “out of control.” Unvaccinated illegal aliens gathered under the international bridge in Del Rio, waiting for release inside the United States.

"President Donald Trump just dropped bombshell news on the matter of election integrity by predicting that officials will “decertify” the 2020 presidential election. “I do believe they are going to decertify the election.””_TRUMP

CNN- 56% of Americans feel that Democracy is under attack. It is likely that elected officials in the U.S. will successfully overturn the results of a future Election.

10 Chinese Air Force planes entered the southwestern ADIZ of Taiwan on September 17, 2021. ROCAF has deployed patrol aircraft & air defense missile systems to monitor activity.
Taiwan Armed Forces in full combat readiness alert across land, air & sea to respond to any threat by Communist China.

China threatens to sail its navy into Hawaiian waters as US and Australia announce defense pact:

Russia: DDoS ATTACKS on Russia voting system from U.S., Ukraine and Germany - as the country goes to polls! The online voting system for Russia's Duma elections has suffered Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that originated in the U.S., Ukraine and Germany say the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.

Washington DC: Flash Flood Emergency for Washington DC / Virginia area. Parts of Washington DC and Virginia are currently getting slammed with heavy downpours as reports of people trapped in cars this is a life threatening situation. As well, thunderstorms holding effectively steady over the Washington, DC area have led to considerable flash flooding in the city.

Arizona: Official sources report that the final results of the Arizona audit report will be published on September 24.

Australia: Aussie construction workers in Melbourne are not allowed to eat inside if they aren’t vaxed. So they blocked off the road and setup to eat lunch outside. Peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins are highly effective.

France: French hospital staff burn their diplomas after being suspended for not taking the experimental COVID 19 Gene Therapy inoculation.

FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, UK. ISRAEL, SWITZERLAND expected to host protests into the millions against Covid mandates, restrictions, Vaccines.

Italy will be the first among the countries of the European Union to introduce mandatory COVID passports for all.

General Milley caught in the mist of Coup Against Trump and working with CCP as informant story opening up:
It became known about several calls of General Milli for the purpose of negotiations with officials in China. "An unprecedented act of defiance" - Trump's acting defense Secretary Christopher Miller says he never authorized these calls.
Former Defense Minister Esper is reportedly involved in General Milli's illegal calls to China.
General Milli told China in a secret telephone conversation that he would warn in advance if the US was going to attack. "General Li, we have known each other for five years. If we decide to attack, I will call you in advance. It won't be a surprise."

The Biden effect: the number of illegal border crossings reached 200,000 for the second month in a row. Now this figure in the general statistics is more than 1.3 million for the year. The number of arrests of illegal immigrants increased by 317% compared to August last year.

False doctor Tony Fauci killed millions of people when he promoted a fictitious study that downplayed the use of hydroxychlorine, while his emails prove that he knew about its effectiveness.

RED ALERT: American Babies Could Be Given Pfizer's COVID Vaccine By November:

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 17.9.2021:    here

Q: The following was received on Mon. 13 Sept
Seven Presidential messages from Trump-Team would soon be sent to every phone in the world, after which service would be disconnected. 
1. We would receive seven messages from the president to every mobile phone in the world before it is disconnected. This won’t last long. All you need was a connection to the television system to broadcast emergencies. The Emergency Broadcast System would be broadcast by 10 countries, covering the globe.
2. Power supply to be interrupted: The global power cut would consist of switching to Tesla power. To destroy the media, QFS would implement Cyber Attacks and destroy 34 buildings and dams. In January the power supply of 10 countries was disrupted by space plants. Shortly before, within 30 minutes, this was the case in Israel. If they could do this to 10 countries at the same time, they could also do it to all countries.
3. Airplanes and trains would be grounded. Let’s not forget about the military exercises happening around the world. Everything was happening in front of our eyes. This was the largest military operation in the history of planet Earth.
4. There would be a unique Water Event that would likely include the Chinese Three Gorges Dam, whose wall has cracked and could drain the water level at any time. Below were 24 nuclear reactors that would be deactivated by a Cyber Attack launched from space. There was also a large laboratory where Andrenochrome was produced. The water of the dam would fall on the city of Wuhan. In recent months, the population of the area was evacuated. The Three Gorges Dam was one of the most important elements of the Big Event.
5. White Hats would cause a Black Swan Event, which was an occurrence that deviated beyond what was normally expected of a situation and extremely difficult to predict. It would introduce a global State of War. This would be the most important summer of the 21st century.
6. Terrible events would happen – a fictional World War III scenario aiming to shake people awake. Sirens in all national military command centers would warn of a Nuclear Warfare.
7. Events would certainly lead to a collapse in the Stock Market and a worldwide military agreement. It would be very spectacular.
8. The Stock Market has been artificial on the verge of collapse for months – losing 95 % of Crypto Currencies values and would inevitably collapse.
9. Disaster events that triggered a State of Emergency would show that the army was delivering food and vital products around the world.
10. GESARA. GESARA starts its full launch. See Sat. 11 Sept.’s article on Telegram. The program was scheduled to be released on September 11 as the twin towers exploded in New York, but was delayed for unknown reasons.
11. Buildings and the dams would be demolished. These included the White House, the Getty Museum near Los Angeles, Vatican, Buckingham Palace, CERN on the French-Swiss border and the Three Gorges Dam in China. MOSSAD media satellites would be destroyed.
12. This would block the media worldwide and lead the people to Quantum Systems. Israeli secret service was checking MOSSAD, the USA WORLD MEDIA, as part of project Quantum Star Link.
13. Broadcasting in languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English (American) English (British), Estonian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
14. This would finish off the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and the World Media.
15. During these Ten Days of Darkness Military court sessions would be broadcast.

Another Contact guessed, “I think Thursday 17 Sept. is a big day. On Tues. 14 Sept, the California recall election showed that Newsom was able to remain governor. Sydney Powell said it was a Sting Operation and she would give Newsom only 48 hours to celebrate. Juan O' Savin said that in this country we do not do pre-arrests, we wait for the crime to be committed, then the arrests. Code Money Z has data that showed the recall was overwhelming successful and that Newsom should be removed. Another date was on that an illegal election in Canada on Mon. 20 Sept. So, many are curious as to what Q meant, when he said to watch CA. Is it California, or Canada? On top of that, Durham will file an indictment against Sussman, making every liberal nervous. All in all, it has to be this weekend, perhaps spilling over to next Mon. 20 Sept.”

On Sat. 11 Sept. (9/11) President Trump called America to 21 days of prayer (Sat. 11 Sept. to Sat. 2 Oct). 
Fri. 17 Sept: Q2197 Delta Constitution Day/End of 9/11 Trial. Activate AG Sessions US Cyber Taskforce. Important. Attention on Deck. Memes at the Ready. Lock on Target. Fire At Will. Q
Sun. 19 Sept. to Wed. 22 Sept. Help Save the Children: From Sun. 19 Sept. through Wed. 22 Sept. the major Satanic Holidays of “Midnight Host” and “Feast Day Fall Equinox” would be celebrated by local and global elite Satanic Covens. The nefarious activities were known by their Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors to include oral, anal and vaginal group sex orgies using infants to age 21, animal or human, male or female. A human sacrifice was followed by dismemberment, hands planted, eating the victim’s flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood. Please help children and teens forced into this worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you have observed, especially in your neighborhood.
Thurs. 23 Sept. John Durham expected to begin releasing names on his indictments.
Fri. 24 Sept: The audit will be released next Friday on the 24th at 1 p.m. in the Senate chambers. The Senate Gallery will be open to the public. I'm not sure how you will go about reserving a seat for that but I do believe the information will be public.  This information has been given to the judge in Maricopa County so I don't think it is false, I believe you can rely on this. Be ready to pour over the report.

Upcoming Events:
John Durham on Thurs. 16 Sept: Michael Sussman will go down as a criminal in the history books. Indictment is coming.
Stealth Bomber Activated, GITMO now in Play: “Thank you for your service to our country, Mr Jeff Sessions. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten” …Q+  
Stealth Bomber
Declas declas declas
Space Force
Red October
Drop the Hammer 
Trust Sessions 
House of cards, panic in DC
Enjoy the show

Ok Everything is going to get VERY Confusing Immediately. FOG OF WAR. Remember UP IS DOWN, LEFT IS RIGHT. WE WALK THIS TIGHTROPE TOGETHER.
There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.
What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us them. Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. 
Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel
Israel/Khazarians controls CCP.
The Media etc
34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free energy
Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good.
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law
CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange.
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via Military Courts - FISA
Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie - 3 × 8 hr sessions.
10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World.
The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US.
Attached is Q1871 outlining this.
Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.
Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.
Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.
Israeli intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.
This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.
If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.
THE EVENT has many facets too it.
The World Wide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.
34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.
They are very significant.
Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.
This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show.
Swapping from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)
Are we still comfy?
Or are we scared?
A little bit of both is normal.
Trump keeps his promises.
Have faith in the Lord Our God.
He will comfort you through the storm.
Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force?
Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too.
If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla.
Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place.
Its all happening in front of you.
It's the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History.
Transition to Gesara/Greatness.
Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.
This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.
34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.
Bitcoin Servers turned off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event.
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law.
CASTLE ROCK - Scenario
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts
Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)


Med Beds:
Trained healthcare professionals would manage these devices as these miracle med-beds identify DNA while scanning the body for imperfections, then uses plasma and tachyon technology with a controllable AI computer to treat according to the person’s desire. In-depth health maintenance will provide a holistic approach along the lines of naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy, and many others. The practices of these devices will not be used in allopathic hospitals but other appointed clinics. When the patents are released to the public, they will be protected against the greed and political establishment that have infiltrated every arena of our lifestyles.

Fox News has enlisted former HLN tabloid TV personality Nancy Grace to ‘report’ on crime and matters involving Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. The FBI has evidence that children were harvested, tortured, and murdered at the industrial level – FOX NEWS knows – but is holding the story. In 2009, the FBI and DOJ began receiving information from award-winning news reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth. Holmseth evidence, which  included some 100 hours of recorded telephone calls, captured CIA child kidnappers on tape discussing their operations, and, connected Grace’s reporter, Art Harris, to the massive child trafficking and baby sales operation connected to Jeffrey Epstein and Ukraine. Grace’s colleagues Harris, and Levi Page, began to stalk and harass Holmseth along with members of a Domestic Terror Group connected to Hillary Clinton’s former bodyguard Craig Sawyer.


Patriot Underground Episode 88 here
Suitcase Nukes Neutralized
Roadblocks to EBS Being Eliminated
MSM Preparing to Deploy Weapons of Mass Distraction
Cabal Running Out of Moves
Public Losing Confidence in our Institutions
Does the Public Support Military Intervention?
Why We Are Awake While Others Sleep
Was the Entire Trump Presidency a Sting Operation?

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/17/21 here

AustraliaOne Party here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 16.9.2021:    here

“My fellow Americans, the best is yet to come! Patriots, this message is for you. Get ready for the activation message, ‘The Storm Is Upon Us’”…Trump +Q Great Awakening World
Patriots we have to keep praying and fighting.  Many of you are tired and weary. The fruit of all of your labor is coming.  You are a part of the greatest spiritual war in our lifetime and you are on the front line by sharing truthful information and becoming active on a local and national level. The flaming arrows are coming at us but we have the whole of shield of faith. Remember GOD HAS WON! As I have said numerous times, continue to put on the “full armor of God” Ephesians 6. …Q. Soon
Remember that we are watching a Movie…Dark 2 Light.

Food and Goods Shortages Globally: You were advised to obtain food and essential goods supplies for your family and others that would last for at least two to six weeks.

Trump: “President Xi knows better, and would’ve called me.” Q: “What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?” Food for thought.

Durham Storm Indictments: Durham has four days remaining to indict Michael Sussmann former federal prosecutor, to expose the fake Russian ties and collusion story implemented by the Clintons and Obamas, FBI links and fake CIA leaks. These whirlwind indictments opens Pandora's box to the Five Eyes Agencies, Treason, the 2020 Stolen Election and set up.
Special Counsel John Durham is "expected" to indict Clinton Campaign/DNC lawyer Michael Sussman. Summary of the expected charges and how Fusion GPS might be linked. Durham seeks indictment against lawyer at Steele dossier-linked law firm over Alfa Bank matter: Report Special counsel John Durham reportedly seeks a grand jury indictment against Michael Sussmann:

Australia: Riccardo Bosi, leader of Australia One, gives a warning to Australians. Looks like things are about to get very intense. “ Be brave, be calm, be good. We will win this war’”
Australia: An insightful ten minute look at the hidden history of Australia. This is the history that they don’t want you to know. The Truth Will Set you Free:
Part 1:
Part 2A:
Part 2B:
Part 3:
The attack on our children is relentless and demonic. The Australian Government in Victoria will be injecting poison into children in care. This will be mandatory. This needs to STOP. WE NEED TO FIGHT BACK!!!

France: Reports of unvaccinated hospital staff suspended without pay from Marseille hospital today and evacuated from the premises, this is escalating fast. French Health Minister Olivier Veran confirmed around 3,000 health workers have been suspended without pay for failing to meet this week’s Covid vaccination deadline - and dozens have quit instead of falling in line.

Germany: Breaking news Germany on 14.09.2021 military police with blue lights in Vienna. Tanks in Bern, Government area cordoned off. In Rosenheim, Wiesbaden, Bielefeld, Bremen blackout. Prior to that Dresden (added on voice). Yesterday military police outside Krems a. d. Donau with blue light. Today again military police in car convoy in direction Krems.

SWITZERLAND – Category FUCK YOU NWO: the Swiss are setting up free terraces in front of bars and restaurants in Winterthur while the health pass entered into effect this week.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 16.9.2021:    here

“Near Death Civilization Event Incoming”…Q, The Storm Rider

“The world needs peace, freedom and security. Globalists don’t like this. It's going to rain soon. The storm is coming. They are begging. Sorry. No forgiveness!” ...Donald Trump

Near Death Civilization Event Incoming:
Whiplash347: MSM are now reporting lots of Trouble coming from China & Taiwan. Russia & Ukraine. Building up to the Fake Nuclear Scare Event nicely. Like I stated before Russia is taking back Former Soviet States. UK Crown is Done. Same with France. They both started WW1. Rothschilds of UK & France. Nothing will be placed with them ever again. Australia, NZ & Pacific Islands are going under the U.S Kingdom. I know Korea's will merge which I had written start of last year. I am trying to work on the other parts of Europe & elsewhere now. I have done some write ups on these start of last yr. It is coming together more now. This is all very natural when the 1871 Act of England is reversed like previously written. No more Commonwealth. Every nation in it has own Valid Constitution. I do know UK, Germany, Netherlands & France will no longer be powers due to the Royal & Bilderberg Deep State history.  I will have more on the new/old ones soon. Korea's will merge too. I have seen Turkey/Turan merging. Old Ancient Maps are the key.

“MAJOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT” expected, Biden to explain at 5pm ET (The Sydney Morning Herald). U.S. President Joe Biden is set to deliver brief remarks about a “national security initiative” reportedly involving Australia, the UK and potentially more at 5pm ET - The Sydney Morning Herald reported. Australian MPs were given emergency exemption to cross state lines after being urgently summoned, without even being told what for, to attend a secret meeting that reports indicate will have “international significance”.
The 5pm announcement is about the AUKUS, the USA's latest and greatest attempt to provoke a full out war with China. That's why emergency, top-secret meetings are happening. It is a trilateral joint operations program between the US, the UK, and Australia (who already have a vast array of military partnerships). It will operate under the guise of "aligning their technological interests", but seems to just be an excuse to move ships much, much closer to China, and to drastically increase the nuclear-armed presence in the area. Australia will get access to US and UK tech and assistance with building nuclear submarines, and the US will get to station their war toys in China's back yard.

AUKUS = United States, United Kingdom, and Australia to formally announce a new "trilateral security" partnership on "advanced defense capabilities" in the Indo-Pacific:
OFFICIAL: US, UK and Australia announce AUKUS — An alliance to curb China’s growing power in the Indo-Pacific. Some of the key takeaways:
Australia to get new nuclear-powered submarines that PM Morrison insists will not field nuclear weapons.
The three countries will share expertise on crucial issues like cyber warfare and artificial intelligence.
Biden, Johnson and Morrison pledge to support each other’s security and defense interests globally.
The trifecta alliance say the partnership will sustain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. “We may be separated geographically but our interests and values are shared,” Boris Johnson said upon the creation of the new alliance.

East Asia Conflict with China is explosive as never before! Taiwan in a large drill, Japan going into largest drill in 28 years in a few hours, China starting drill on Friday in South China Sea. Japan to start largest military drills with over 100,00 troops in a few hours (Wednesday Japan time) and will last till the end of November.
Japan to stage largest Ground Self-Defense Force military drills in 28 years. The last time the Ground Self-Defense Force staged drills on a national scale was in 1993, the website said. The exercises are set to involve 100,000 personnel, 20,000 vehicles, in addition to 120 aircraft and private ships, while the navy, air force, and United States troops based in Japan will provide assistance. Japan begins a nationwide, large-scale military drill for the first time since the Cold War.

Goods Shortages:
The central issue with the US and China is raw material supplies and Taiwan. Without Taiwan, computer chips don’t happen – meaning smart tech, cars; thermostats, computers; phones, anything that uses semiconductors, become incredibly difficult or impossible to produce. This is an issue for both China and the US. The trajectory is, well, not good. Supply problems are already a very real issue, and they are expected to get increasingly worse. Both superpowers are behind in domestic production and vying for this limited resource. The supply issue extends globally and has negatively affected multiple industries. The real answer is not in fighting a war with one another, but in innovating new ways of making things using alternate and more widely available materials, and/or drastically expanding domestic capability (the latter is happening to a degree). But of course, increasing domestic supply is not quick, or cheap.  So they are, rather foolishly, increasingly provoking one another over Taiwan, which produces 92% of the World’s supply of 10nm chips. (10 nanometers or below, which are required for compute-intensive devices such as data center/AI servers, PCs, and Smart Phones. In fact, almost all of the world’s capacity was in the leading nodes 5 and 7 nanometers). Without those chips, industry literally comes to a grinding halt.

Food Shortages:
Supermarket shortages may last 'FOREVER': Food and Drink Federation chief gives stark warning that the days of shoppers getting anything they want are 'over' - as farmer says crisis is 'killing small business. Addressing the supply chain issues, Mr Wright said: 'It's going to get worse, and it's not going to get better after getting worse any time soon.'

Hundreds of world famous lawyers, doctors and scientists say Plandemic is Crimes Against Humanity:

California: NOW WE HAVE EVIDENCE THAT CALIFORNIA USED THE MACHINES AGAIN IN THEIR CHEATING! Watch over 350,000 "YES" votes on "should Gruesome Newsom be recalled." California Riverside County Sheriff Bianco refuses to enforce vaccine mandate, says government lacks authority, "As your sheriff, I have an obligation to guard your liberty and freedom."

UK, France: National Grid site fire shuts down power cable between France and UK. No jab no job protest in Liverpool England. In Marseille France, a demonstration against the vaccine passport got out of hand: demonstrators forced their way through a police blockade and entered the Gare Saint-Charles, Marseille's main train station.

France: Today, 15/9/21 the date when all French Healthcare workers were supposed to be j@bbed. This is Besançon, East France, but protests are taking place all over the country. Nationwide rallies took place all over France today in front of hospitals. Nurses, caregivers, and doctors all over the country are losing their job for not taking the experimental COVID-19 gene therapy inoculation.

Australia: Economic Zone Formerly Known as Australia. Pfizer seizes HMAS Stirling Naval Base after Morrison fails to meet vaccination targets – EZFKA: Ok many Foreign Warships etc have pulled in to Fleetbase West Monday Night under cover of darkness all lights off, straight after this report. I’m sure you saw the Video going around on Monday. It is also Mainstream news for the last 3 days that TRUMP is running a SHADOW Govt, emulating Abraham Lincoln, but we all knew this. Chapter 11 right. Remember TRUMP EO13818. He has seized NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Pfizer is Listed on the NYSE as is AUSTRALIA. So they have been seized. Remember They do 33 we do 34. ALWAYS 1 BETTER. The Fingers of GOD are connected to his HANDS.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/16/21 EVIL EXPOSED here


Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 15.9.2021:    here

“Near Death Civilization Event Incoming”…Q, The Storm Rider
Major Development Press Conference Biden, Wed. 15 Sept. 5 pm EST
Prepare for Food and Goods Shortages Globally
President Trump has called for 21 Days of Prayer
“Trust the Plan”
“Where We Go One, We Go All”…Q

NY Federal Reserve now sees inflation at 5.2% in one year, 4% in three years; a series high with "large expected price rises" in food, rent, and medical costs. Grocery prices were about to rise an additional 2 to 3 percent over the second half of 2021 as inflation set in. Stores would be passing along higher cost to the customer, especially in beef, poultry and pork.

Near Death Civilization Event Incoming:
Pool told us to be EYES ON Apple’s 9/14 announcement full of GO Signal comms!!! 
13, 7, 33…5G + vax + Charlie Variant
Sept 17 - Constitutional Signing Day, end of 911 Gitmo trials, day after Yom Kippur
Sept 24 - Christmas 
Q115 - Pool & Whip told us to watch Japan. Think subs (Chyna) and storms (tsunami). Think nuclear reactors in Chyna and Japan. Think Defcon1
Q511 - DEFCON1 comms 
Q64 - Think Storm rider’s warning 9/15 (FFs, devolution, Charlie Variant, Odin)
11.3 marker “Sh…” is about to go down. 

Q The Storm Rider on the Near Death Experience of Humanity:
I have been WARNING you for months of the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT incoming. Soros is breaking the Chinese banking SYSTEMS and Rockefeller controlled banks are pulling money. Inside sources say BITCOIN will RISE before the [CRASH] then bust. The ripple effect will be felt from country to country as China Stocks and companies reach into all nations. THE GREAT RESET agenda of UN WEF WHO WORLD BANKS GPMB OBAMA BUSH CURRENT ELITES has always been to break [CRASH] THE MARKETS. Bring in global currency and digital tracking/ human tracing. THE CRASH IS IMMINENT AND TAKEN PLACE. Effects of food shortage. INFLATION. RISING GAS PRICES is evident and happing and GROWING. When the CRASH happens Banks will not move money. Transactions will freeze and electric companies cannot pay for natural resources such as coal. And delivery companies will be at a standstill. This leads to closed markets. Stores closing. HUNGER. MANY EVENTS are taking place. Bidens WAR on Americans will affect the MARKETS. Half of Americans are rejecting BIDEN'S MANDATES. Threatening to quit their jobs. Police. Doctors. Nurses. MILITARY. Blue collar citizens. That's over 85,000,000.000. This amount of Americans can CRASH the market [DS] Biden. OBAMA VATICAN (world bank] will make TRILLIONS on pulling money from Retirement/Insurance/ and Benefits (most average Americans are owed 50-65 thousands in retirement $$$$). Joe Biden declaration of WAR on Americans is to break the economy [crash] DIVIDE. Bring in NEW WORLD ORDER currency. The Delta deaths. COVID-19 Plandemic is distractions and also for killing humans in the eugenics program of Rockefeller's plan UN Agenda. PATRIOTS CHAIN EVENTS ARE COMING. PAIN pain PAIN PAIN White HATS knew long ago these EVENTS had to happen. Nobody could stop these events. It was a massive EVENT PLANNED for 60 years. White HATS have PLANS in place for MILITARY CONTROL once the [CRASH] HAPPENS. MASS MASS MASS ARREST. (White HATS are doing as much as they can to LEAK INFO. BRING PUBLIC AWARENESS. IVERMECTIN DECLAS. PUBLIC RISE). Have faith my dear friends, in the hardest parts of the Events. It had to be this way.

Inside the Storm
Did General Milley Plan a Coup Against Trump? Is this all a show? (From inside sources: General MILLEY got caught in 2017 trafficking humans & children through MILITARY bases through Asia. HE WAS ARRESTED BY Q OPERATION. As part of his deal to avoid the death penalty, all assets were being taken away. He was FORCED/TO BECOME AN ACTOR (very much like Biden was FORCED to become an actor). These EVENTS that happened are all part of the PLAN. These MOLDS are connected to a story. To flush out the DEEP STATE SLEEPERS (after Biden was given the election . All SLEEPERS came out. And the hidden money [DS] money came out into public domain).

DOCTOR ADMITS ONCE HE INTUBATES PATIENTS 99% OF THOSE PATIENTS DIED. It's never been about health or a’s about Big Pharma and hospitals scheming for profit. This doctor gets it twisted and calls it "politics." If a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient, they get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, the hospital gets paid  $39,000---three times as much. While HCQ is better known, has fewer side-effects, and costs about $20 a dose for out-patients, Remdesivir is a therapeutic course that costs $2,340/patient that has been proven to cause liver damage. Being intravenous, Remdesivir requires expensive hospital care (hospital receives an additional $13,000 from Medicare.) There have been many accounts of hospitals placing non Covid patients on Covid floors...increasing exposure and the hospital's chance of cashing in more. This is why some hospitals refuse to allow family in. It's not a "safety" protocol. They don't want patient advocates.

ATTENTION DOCTORS! Refusing patients the Right to Try, refusing Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vit D, Zinc and other COVID-killing treatments to patients requesting or demanding these life-saving treatments is grounds for MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ACTION. You are killing patients using Remdesivir and vents, denying care to unvaccinated people and withholding nutrition. You know who you are, and so do we. We are watching, and you WILL BE EXPOSED!


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/15/21 here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 14.9.2021:    here

Are you ready? ...Q on Tues. 14 Sept.

You shall wait no longer. The unthinkable will happen. Boom week ahead. Golden dawn. Holy Spirit returns. A sign from above. Time has come rise up fight back. Do you believe in coincidences? DJ Trump true coded messages. Calculated dollar crash number. SeRaphim reposted: Jfk tg account posts 4x booms. November Golden Mountain. Castlerock Checkmate. November 2 GESARA. ITS GO TIME BABY.

Judy Note: 
Tues. morning 14 Sept. from a trusted Contact with a close connection to the Chinese Elders and Rodriguez Trust: “There should be no more poverty after GESARA starts. Everyone would get a "regional UBI" (Universal Basic Income). From inside sources, UBI for the US would be $7000/month/person that would not be taxed. From what I have heard, China, India, etc, would get $4000/month per person. I am not sure why they have less, as all currencies would be 1 to 1.”

Timeline: On Mon. 13 Sept. President Trump called America to 21 days of prayer. “It’s going to be historic. It was planned long ago. Within the next 21 days big, big, big happenings are going to take place.” ….Q

On John Durham Telegram: “I’m here, Mr. President. It’s show time.” John Durham, Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.


Trump is running a Shadow Government hits worldwide news.

North Korea, Russia: BOOM One day after North Korea launches cruise missiles, Russia claims it did the same thing from a submarine in the Arctic. Should we have to wonder? pREDictiON: Stay tuned ...

Iran: The New York Times on an international report: Iran is able to produce enough nuclear fuel for a nuclear warhead in less than a month - Al Jazeera

China: Unusual PLA military deployment has been reported on Sept. 12 because of allegedly COVID cases in the Fujian province, located on the Taiwan Strait. Note: Some social media users spreading rumors, China will invade Taiwan on Sept 25th. Evergrande debt CRISIS admission sparks HQ protester siege. The Shenzhen HQ of Property giants China Evergrande was swarmed by angry protesters after the group admitted a fire sale of assets and properties can’t keep up with their swelling $300bn debt. 60 furious investors reportedly surged into the lobby to be told that some might have to wait at least two years to be repaid.

Dr. Eric Nepute in D C. is warning that hospitals are filling up in the children's unit due to neurological system damage due to GUILLIAN-BARRE syndrome created by Spike Proteins. Doctor warns to stay out of hospitals and says the protocol in hospitals is killing people. The Protein Spikes and shedding are happening!! The children of the vaccinated are getting sick and the hospitals children's units are filling up. WHO and CDC have sent letters to all hospitals directors, informing them to label the children's sickness as Acute Flaccid Myelitis, which effects the spinal cord, nervous system and weakens the muscles the limbs and reflexes (the reasons for this. So children sickness happening now can be faulted on the Delta Variant) AND, NOT TO LABEL as GUILLIAN-BARRE which is created through massive Spike Proteins and produces  a rare autoimmune disorder, and a person’s own immune system attacks, damages the nerves (neurological system damage the brain), muscles damage caused by major spike proteins in the brain and organs. (Johnson& Johnson put warnings on their vaccines about GUILLIAN-BARRE side effects and blood clots)…The Storm Rider

Robert Kennedy has exposed Google as a 'vaccine' company. Google has sister companies which manufacture vaccines. 'They also partnered with pharmaceutical companies and are harvesting our medical information.'

Eighteen FDA senior officials say there is NO evidence that fully vaccinated Americans need booster shots because jabs are still effective against severe illness. A group of 18 senior FDA officials have come out in opposition of the decision to roll out vaccine boosters on September 20.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/14/21 here

Kurt's notes: Kerry Cassidy thinks that Juan O Savin is John F. Kennedy Jr..

Simon Parkes: 14th September 2021 Update Current News here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 14.9.2021:    here

It’s time. Judgment Day is here! Thank you for your patience. They will pay now 
I will post the classified information 


Whiplash347: So there will be a Trigger. For Instance, Poseidon on Japan. They Blame China. Also a Middle Eastern front Taliban/Iran. You will end up with all the Masked/Body Double Leaders threatening to bomb SATANIC LANDMARKS in the world. You know, the bankrupted & empty ones in Chapter 11: Vatican, Buckingham Palace, White House, Royal Castles etc. Global Targets.

Judy Note: The following was received from a respected Contact on Mon. evening 13 Sept:
On Mon. 13 Sept. the Paymasters received funds, with orders for distribution on Tues. 14 Sept.
On Wed. 15 Sept. liquidity would begin for German Bonds, followed by Yellow Dragon, Zimbabwe and NIQD Boxes.
Access to funds would happen on Thurs. 16 Sept, Fri. 17 Sept. and Mon. 20 Sept.
On Thurs. evening 16 Sept. emails would go out for Tier 4 B (us, the Internet Group) to set appointments.
On Friday 17 Sept. Tier 4B and Tier 5 could begin appointments.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:
Our Country is far more susceptible to attack by outside terrorist groups than ever before. Our enemies all over the World are inspired by what just happened in Afghanistan—the removal of the Military first, and our “gift” of $85 billion in Military equipment. We are no longer respected after the pathetic and incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan. It will be a long time before we gain our reputation back. Just nine months ago, the United States was viewed as being strong, and now we are being viewed as weak and stupid. The Taliban has totally retaken Afghanistan—a far more potent position than they had 20 years ago, after we spent trillions of dollars, with hundreds of thousands of lives lost (on both sides). This loss emboldens not only foreign terrorists, but also Antifa and BLM. It’s sad that this is not what you hear from the Fake News Media who are only interested in talking about “terrorism” from the right and protecting an illegitimate president. Our reputation is gone, our Borders are broken, inflation is raging, and COVID continues, even with the vaccines (developed under “Trump”), to ravage our Nation.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 13.9.2021:    here

President Trump calls America to 21 days of prayer.
It’s going to be historic. Planned long ago. Within the next 21 days big, big, big happenings are going to take place….Q

Information from Q:

The following information has been received, though it is unconfirmed. Seven Presidential messages from Trump-Team will soon be sent to every phone in the world, after which service will be disconnected.

1.     We will receive seven messages from the president to every mobile phone in the world before it is disconnected. - This won’t last long. - All you need is a nutrition connection to the television system to broadcast emergencies at home. - EBS will be broadcasted by 10 countries, covering the whole world.

2.     Power supply is interrupting. - The global power cut will consist of switching to Tesla power. - To destroy the media, QFS to implement cyber attacks and destroy 34 buildings and dams. It may be reminded that in January the power supply of 10 countries was disrupted by space plants. - Shortly before, within 30 minutes, this was the case in Israel. If they can have 10 countries at the same time, they can also have all the countries.

3.     Airplanes and trains are landing. - Let’s not forget about the military exercises happening around the world. Everything is happening in front of our eyes. - This is the largest military operation in the history of planet Earth.

4.     There will be an unique water event. - It will probably include the Chinese Three Gorge Dam, whose wall has cracked and can drain the water level at any time. - Below are 24 nuclear reactors that would be deactivated by a cyber attack launched from space. There is also a large laboratory where Andrenochrome is produced. The water of the dam will fall on the city of Wuhan. - In recent months, the population of the area has been evacuated from there. - The Three-Gorge Dam is one of the most important elements of the big event.

5.     White Hats will cause a Black Swan Event, which is an occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict, to introduce a global state of war. This will be the most important summer of the 21st century.

6.     Terrible events will happen. - A fictional III. World War scenario aiming to shake people awake. Sirens warn of nuclear warfare. Sirens are speaking in all national military command centers.

7.     The event will certainly lead to a collapse in stock market and a worldwide military agreement. It will be very spectacular.

8.     The stock market has been artificial on the verge of collapse for months. Losing 95 % of Crypto Currencies values and will inevitably collapse.

9.     On the other hand, disaster events that trigger a state of emergency will show that the army is delivering food and vital products around the world.

10. GESARA. GESARA starts its full launch. See yesterday’s article on Telegram. The program was scheduled to be released on September 11 as the twin towers exploded in New York, but for unknown reasons delayed.

11. Buildings and the dams will be demolished. These include the White House, the Jean Paul Getty Museum near Los Angeles, Vatican, Buckingham Palace, CERN on the French-Swiss border, the Three Gorge Dam in China. MOSAD media satellites will be destroyed.

12. This will block the media worldwide and lead the people to quantum systems. Israeli secret service is checking MOSAD the USA WORLD MEDIA, as part of project Quantum Star Link.

13. Broadcasting in languages; Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English (American) English (British), Estonian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish,

14. Finishing off the CCP- Chinese Communist Party and the world media.

15. Sessions at Military courts will be broadcasted – during 10 days.

The Graphene Revolution: Trump + Q The Great Awakening World
Graphene Oxide "The Miracle Material" is NOT what you think.
Everything can be good or bad. It just depends what you do with it. Every technology can be used for good or bad. Think of a knife, a pen, a car...
The Evil agenda wanted to use CERN to put people into an evil dark artificial reality. This to create Hell on earth & zombie apocalypse.
The good White Hats took over the bad evil plan with graphene. Hack the dark, Spread the light!
The good ones will use Tesla Free Energy 432hz and higher frequencies to create heaven on earth. To make sure everybody achieve higher consciousness & vibrations.
Graphene is the best conductible ever seen on earth. (Miracle Material METATRON). So people with graphene in them (vaccinated) are more conductible to energies.
Send them good energies/frequencies and the graphene will do good job helping them feel better and awake.
This is the Great Awakening! Graphene is just the tool used to liberate humanity from the (M)atrix.

Mass protests and demonstrations against the restrictions of Covid-19 continue around the world. People do not want to wear masks and inject themselves with unknown things, do not want to use vaccination passports or observe social distance. Humanity is aware of who it is and that the media has been lying to us for hundreds of years. That's what's happening now. And this wave will not subside. It will only rise.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.9.2021:    here

Trust the Plan: The Storm of the Century Has Arrived
Now Comes the Pain…Q
Truckers Against Vaccines Ready to Freeze US Shipping Lines!
Global Food and Goods Shortages Upcoming!
The Horror Show of Afghanistan!
Though, There is Nothing to Fear for the Awakened
Rigged 2020 Presidential Election to be Decertified!

Judy Note: “Booms en route tomorrow Mon. 13 Sept. This is not a drill.”…Q

“The US Treasury has been taken over by the Alliance. Yellen is gone and 1,000s of Bankers have been arrested as they tried to obstruct release of NESARA/ GESARA. Trump owns the US Treasury!”… Big Daddy Kahuna Mon. 12 Sept. 7 am. 
“Just relax and see if they release the funds on Mon. 13 Sept. as promised.”…Fleming Report Sat. 11 Sept.
“German bonds were paying out 1 - 2% and liquidity has started. The "gusher" is slated to start "very soon" in the next couple days.”…Fleming Report Fri. 10 Sept.

US Trucker Just Issued Warning About Vaccine Mandates and Possible Food Shortages. Our entire world could change in 48 hours if Truckers stop driving. US Truckers getting ready to strike against the Plandemic and vaccines. An underground union was fighting back against vaccines. A major mafia syndicate reached out to Q the Storm Rider and confirmed they are ready to freeze US shipping lines. They are against forced vaccinations. New York City is losing business in the streets food and shipping industry.

BELGIUM RISING UP with protests against mandates.
Canada: Protests against compulsory vaccination in Canada.

UK: England vaccine passport plans ditched, Sajid Javid says. The health secretary rules out the scheme for now, saying we shouldn't do things for the sake of it.

VACCINE REBELLION: Growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism.
Employers are uniting and preparing lawsuits against Biden's seditious vaccine and testing mandates

Canada Adopts Chinese Social Credit System.

22 YEARS AGO in July, 1999 Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, wrote an expose titled: The National Electronic Vaccine Tracking Registry – History of Forced Vaccination: How The Plan To Force Vaccination Gave Birth To The National ID, A Government Health Records Database, and the End of Medical Privacy

The 19 Governors, 2 AGs Resisting Biden's Vaccine Mandate:

The definition of the word vaccine has now been changed. They have now included gene modification.

12 of the 13 most vaccinated countries in the world are currently listed by the CDC as dangerous for travel.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 12.9.2021:    here

Trust the Plan
The Storm Has Arrived
Now Comes the Pain…Q

Q) The Storm Rider: Let's make this Simple: Their Plan – Joe Biden has ownership in CCP/ CHINA LITHIUM COMPANY. DEEP STATE across the world is pushing CLIMATE CHANGE for several reasons. One of the main reasons is to go full lithium running cars and replace fuel cars. That's why every major car company in the world is producing more than half of its market to go Lithium in 2023. CCP/CHINA was already in talks with TALIBAN and Biden/Obama regimen (EU CONTROLLED Regimen). The deep state CABAL =UN, OBAMA, GPMB, ROTH'S, ROCKEFELLER'S, WORLD BANKS (VATICAN) BILDERBERGs,WEF EXT.ECT had already planned to execute the PLANDEMIC plan. At the same moment in the chaos initiate CLIMATE CHANGE (WEATHER WEAPONS) = CONFUSION. CHAOS, FLOODS. DROUGHTS, fires, mass storms Hurricanes, abnormal winters ect. distractions. This distraction would cover the VACCINES DEATHS (BIOWEAPON ATTACK ). In the spring of 2022 GAS WOULD RISE. BY SUMMER 2023 gas would be inflated to 9$ a gallon in U.S and consumers would be forced to GO [FAKE] GREEN electric cars. TRILLIONS of $$ is in Afghanistan in LITHIUM. The next part of going LITHIUM = CONTROL ELECTRIC CARS. No more gas cars. This means they can shut of your electric car at any moment for any reason if you don't comply. AFGHANISTAN WAS PLANNED LONG AGO & BIDEN IS ALREADY SEEING 300% increase in his company he's heavenly invested in: Contemporary Amperex Technology co. Limited (CATL). Next STAGE of [ their] plan: Get you hooked on legal drugs cocktail's = ZOMBIE NATION LESS RESISTANCE. I warned months ago that this was their plan and now they have introduced the Covid pills. Better get ready to stand and FIGHT. THE MILITARY WON'T STEP IN. TILL MASS REVOLT HAPPENS. WATCH THE WORLD. It’s happening.

It is largely thanks to Julian Assange that the world took a sharp interest in the lies being sold to the public in Afghanistan. What he published exposed the lies of the powerful, and changed history in doing so. Even now, he sits locked away in a small cell in Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison; despite having won his extradition case over half a year ago. The US Government is endlessly fighting against his release, their case built only on lies that have been exposed fully. They cheated, they stole, they covered up the abuse of children; all in a horrifying effort to prevent the exposure of their own crimes. The US Gov is using Assange to try and criminalize the exposure of information itself. Meaning reporters, like the ones who uncovered the recent drone strike lies the Biden Admin fed the public; would be locked away in a cell forever. You and I must not let this happen. At the heart of it, we are the target. They want your right to speak out, to fight back; and this will give it to them. That is why they are flouting the law completely while they have a disposable puppet in office. Moves and countermoves. We must be loud here. Collectively. Assange's fate will surely become our own.

Nigeria has announced its citizens will no longer be able to visit Churches or Mosques and will not have access to banking services from the 2nd week in September without proof of vaccination. This is shocking. Soon it will be USA too.

Italy: Mass protests against the COVID restrictions have broken out again in Italy. This one is in Milan. Many cities in Italy tonight are full of people who are resisting the globalists for the eighth Saturday in a row.
France: In France, visitors broke into a food court without proof of vaccination. The police responded, but it was difficult to stop people. A mass brawl in Toulouse, France, where the far-left Antifa mobs tried to expel nationalists from a demonstration. The nationalists immediately retaliated and forced Antifa to retreat. Rallies against the use of covid passports in Paris continue. The protesters are acting tougher, attacking the police, throwing bottles and firecrackers at them.
Lithuania: A mass protest in the capital of Vilnius, Lithuania, against the COVID restrictions, which come into force on Monday. More than 5,000 people took part in the protest. 20 were arrested.
Istanbul: Thousands of people opposed to vaccination and the vaccine mandate held a protest rally in Istanbul today. "We are not going to be slaves," the speaker says.
Switzerland: Protests against Covid passports and forced vaccination in Bern, Switzerland.

Sun. Sept. 12: Last week’s Stock Market drop was a trigger to start a big stock collapse on Monday 13 Sept. Our timeline and algorithm were confirmed. Easter - Christmas 23 weeks from Easter to Christmas. Date of [-23] Drop = 5/19/2018 3 years | 3 months | 3 weeks | 3 days = September 12, 2021. Now Comes THE Pain.
Mon. Sept 13: Uncle Sam Day. Possible Stock Market Collapse. Targeting Mon, Sept. 13 at 8:55 p.m. PDT for launch of Starlink from California. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) Tweeted: @SpaceX These are V1.5 Starlinks with laser inter-satellite links, which are needed for high latitudes & mid ocean coverage:

Upcoming Solar Blast to Knock Internet Offline for 4+ Weeks: The sun has been quite active in recent days, with solar flares and coronal mass ejections leaping into space, occasionally blasting into the direction of earth.

Trump+Q The Great Awakening: Operation Starfall: H.R.5123. Alternative Global Internet Access. Sec. of Air Force & Chief Space Operations. 45 days from Aug. 27th, 2021: Enact Plan - Mon. 11th October, 2021: Start date (?). Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Air Force, in consultation with the Chief of Space Operations, shall develop and begin implementation of “Operation Starfall.” Is America expecting some kind of event within 45 days to knock out the Internet? Operation Starfall in effect within 45 days from August 27th, 2021:

The most important document in human history – the 9/11 Attack was because of this exact document. The NESARA GESARA Act Will Change The World And Liberate Humanity! This Bill was supposed to be implemented in 2001 by Bush. But the evil Cabal wanted to do otherwise and did 911 crash instead to impose more control, steal the Gold inside the World Trade Center and cancel the implementation of NESARA GESARA Worldwide. Download this 88 pages NESARA Act. pdf doc and share it with everyone. Learn everything about The Great Reset vs Global Reset & NESARA GESARA here:

A new investigation has shown that 26 of the 27 scientists who said that the versions about the laboratory origin of COVID-19 are "conspiracy theories" were somehow connected with the laboratories of Wuhan.

September 11:
20 years since the largest terrorist attack in the history of mankind. The forgery of two passports at Ground Zero was used by a fake media narrative to blame the Taliban for the September 11 terrorist attack. 
9/11 Files Released: First 9/11 Secret File Released Following Biden's Executive Order
20 years later, we are watching the Taliban regain control of their country and expose the fake war against Afghanistan, where the Deep State / CIA used American military soldiers to protect and cooperate with the Taliban to protect the production of heroin, while almost $3 trillion dollars were siphoned from American taxpayers to finance this war for the right to trade drugs.
There are shots of a shell that hit the most protected building in the world - the Pentagon on September 11. This grainy video is the only one that shows that something actually crashed into the Pentagon, but it's definitely not a plane. The territory is completely covered with high-quality cameras. The missile that hit the Pentagon also accidentally hit the area/section of the Pentagon where the Alliance was working and we have these shots. Another senseless logic created by the conspiratorial media. There was no plane that crashed into the Pentagon.
Even some reporters of the corrupt media were skeptical about what happened at the Pentagon (video). In the end, everything that contradicted their narrative was cleaned up, just as they are doing now with regard to election fraud and vaccination.
There are many examples of predictive programming and disclosure of their intentions (the terrorist attack was planned many years before it was carried out).
The Satanic cult DS was supposed to show its plans to the world, mostly in a distorted truth hidden in entertainment content.
The official version of September 11 - "the collision of two planes with two towers of the World Trade Center and the resulting fire, which led to the collapse of three buildings of the World Trade Center with a steel frame" - does not correspond to reality. Using witness statements, expert analysis, news footage and supporting evidence, this version is a lie.
"The Alchemy of 9/11 Documentary": was about advanced technologies and the constant concealment of the" truth " by controlled opposition movements. Based on the work of Dr. Judy Wood and focusing on the advanced technology of holographic image projection used to simulate large Boeing airliners, this film leaves no stone unturned. Directed free energy (DEW) technology is the main type of technology used on September 11; from creating illusions of "planes" to turning the large towers of the World Trade Center into dust. 
And most importantly. No planes crashed into the buildings of the World Trade Center (confirmation video below). When you fully understand what the Blue Ray project is and its capabilities (dragon video), it will be easier for you to understand how September 11 was organized 20 years ago, when the public had no idea about such technologies, there were no high-definition televisions, high-resolution video cameras, or smartphones, and most people at that time used only modems to access the Internet. Today, many children do not even know what it is. 
It is not so difficult to fool the population of the planet when all the media, matrix companies and governments impose a certain narrative, cleaning out everything that says otherwise.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 12.9.2021:    here

Fleming’s Report Sat. 11 Sept: “Biden was suppose to step down and has not. There were a lot of things that were to happen today and they did not take place. It does not mean that things will not change. The Elders have stated that unless Biden is out of office it is not going to happen, but they change their mind about every two or three days. This is a moving target and sometimes the messages that we post are not for you, but the people behind the scenes….Just relax and see if they release the funds on Mon. 13 Sept. as promised.”

The BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 approximately 20 minutes before its actual collapse on 9/11. They even had their reporter deliver this news as Building 7 stood tall in the background. How did the BBC know that a 47 story steel-framed skyscraper would collapse from fire? Did they jump the gun on the “script”?
Rumsfeld stated and said 2.3 trillion was missing and couldn't account for. The next day 9/11 happened and Pentagon was (supposedly hit by airplane). The most secure place in the World the Pentagon was attacked but not one video emerged. Over 22,000 video cameras are around the Pentagon in and outside monitoring the building, but not one video of an airplane crashing into the PENTAGON was shown. The Pentagon was attacked and the part of the building that contained all the data and servers that was tracking and recorded the missing 2.3 trillion$$$$ was destroyed. (Is that not amazing how that area of the Pentagon was destroyed ). Two days later the Bush administration had 2.5 trillion $$$ to start a WAR and attacked the wrong country. The terrorist weren't even from Iraq. They knew Bin laden wasn't even there months later after the invasion of Iraq. Bush owned the Iraq oil field with Halliburton companies his father family invested in. Never forget 9/11 was an inside job. Never forget the COVID-19 was an inside job. It's all CONNECTED!!!
#LinWoodSpeaksTruth #4:
- "9/11 was a lie. It was not the Middle East that attacked us. It was our own country. The deep states military industrial complex."
- “I don’t know where George Bush 43 is, but I got an idea where 41 is” (GITMO Ave) 
- “when the truth comes out, I suspect old George Bush 43 is going to be glad that he’s either in GITMO or he’s already been shot by a firing squad, because he was involved in killing over 2,800 Americans…”
- "Twin towers were the cover for Tower 7, where the records where kept for the Trillions of dollars that went “missing”."

9/11 and NESARA:
23 farmers filled a case against the federal banks to reclaim the property of their land and discovered by accident the huge fraud the New World order was running under the two constitutions. The farmers won the case and the act to reverse the fraud was signed up under NESARA. U.S. President Bill Clinton was supposed to sign NESARA into law on October 10, 2000.
Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000, and it was to be announced (enacted) the morning of Sept. 11th, 2001 (Remember what happened on that date at the Twin Towers in New York City?). At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute! No one wanted to enforce it. Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous. Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others. 
To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public. If the people learned the Truth about NESARA, they would demand its enforcement. This could not be allowed.

2020 Election Fraud
We have everything we need to prove that there were 80 successful Cyber Attacks against those five states. The biggest 19 Cyber Attacks out of China themselves flipped those five states.
Trump: 'I do believe they are going to decertify the election' - Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

Q) The Storm Rider: ATTENTION DOCTORS! Refusing patients the Right to Try, refusing Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vit D, Zinc and other COVID-killing treatments to patients requesting or demanding these life-saving treatments is grounds for MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ACTION. You are killing patients using Remdesivir and vents, denying care to unvaccinated people and withholding nutrition.You know who you are, and so do we. We are watching, and you WILL BE EXPOSED!

Clay Clark-The Medical Coverup Is Being Exposed,Class Action Lawsuits Is Not Just A Catch-Phrase:

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 11.9.2021:    here

Q)The Storm Rider: Game Theory: The end is the hardest part of The Plan where hope is lost by the good people, and where the darkness is winning. Just like a movie, the last Act and final part the bad people are winning and hope is lost. That’s why Q told you that you are watching a movie. You are inside the hardest part of the War. Those who don't know Q are not informed. Those who are turning against the vaccines /and the lies(democratic/RINO s and normal citizens will soon rage. They will create havoc. They will seek instant justice, revenge and become anger/hate/beyond control. The Deep State FBI knew this would happen and would blame Q, Anons, Patriots. You know this false flag already, but in the coming month people, Veterans, Doctors, Lawyers will snap. In every country people will snap. As much as we try not to promote violence, these other waking sheep will snap. Violence. This is out of our control. They don't know Q, the peaceful resistance. They don't know the Plan: Trump’s Shadow Government. We are currently headed into the final act of the movie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Near Death Civilization Event. Nash Equilibrium Game Theory. Prepare. I have tried preparing you for months for this event. It will get much darker than you can imagine for those who only want evidence, proof and spoon feeding. Nothing can stop what is coming. Pain. Every person on earth must see the Darkness. Experience the Pain. It’s coming after 11.3.

Germany: What is the AHNENPASS (Passport)? This is an AHNENPASS (Passport) - Introduced in Germany in 1933 and was considered to have been the precursor to the holocaust. It was the first legal attempt by the GOVERNMENT to define who was Aryan and who was Jewish. Only Aryans could work in public service industries - lawyers, teachers, doctors, and you even had to have a Ahnenpass to attend school or to get married. It had to be carried at all times and shown when it was required to prove Aryan descent. People lost their jobs, could not attend school, could not live freely without the PASSPORT. 
•  It was the first step and people accepted it.
•  In less than 5 years it became 'dob in your neighbour', yellow star, & people rounded up and taken to camps.
How complicit will you be when passports are introduced?


Patriot Underground Episode 85 here
Biden's Unconstitutional "Mandate"; Trump Time Travel Series Pt. 2; Radiant Energy; John Titor; How Jr. Faked His Death; Is the New Yorker Hotel a Time Machine?

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 10.9.2021:    here

Trust the Plan
The Great American Walk Out Days Sept. 11-14
All Americans Against Forced Vaccinations Invited to Walk Out of Their Schools & Jobs.
Saturday 11 Sept. (9/11) is Patriots Day…Q
Calling All Patriots and Digital Soldiers Worldwide to Unite!!!
Hang your National Flag. Show the World that We are Unified in this War Against the Cabal

1st Arrest Will Shock The World! Can't wait... Bill Gates directly connected to Fauci will be arrested for crimes against humanity. BOOM! McAfee will drop some massive news real soon

NESARA GESARA Will Change The World! Download 88 pages NESARA Act. pdf Doc. Learn about The Great Reset vs Global Reset here:

"What will be the trigger for the rise of the military across America? When will it follow? After the uprising of the people and the police/military over vaccination mandates? After the audit results? After another terrorist attack or a new military conflict? Do you feel the air heating up? The audit results are kept for a reason."
"As expected, it seems that the military is mobile. When the bad news for the deep state and the good news for us become known, we expect them to raise their psychotic army to carry out the same violence that they committed in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Portland, Oregon, as well as in the Capitol on January 6, 2021. There is an opinion that patriots can also become unmanageable when news about the depth of election fraud in each state appears."
"Over the past 14 days, I have received a lot of videos from people showing the movements of internal troops. It is noteworthy that they do not spare the means of transportation: rails, roads, air are involved.
I listened to the theory and experience of Phil Godlewski in his Patriot Update video, and it's fascinating. Via the Internet, he was invited to attend the most wonderful meeting with President Donald Trump and some others. The details are intriguing, and Phil's theory about the delay in the publication of the results of the election audit in Maricopa County is very interesting and plausible (as far as I understand, we are talking about some kind of deal).
I think most of us can see that the "Patriots" are slowing down for some reason. Perhaps this will make sense to you. And yes, Q did say "No deal", but this is a war, and the Earth Alliance will do whatever it deems necessary for the most positive outcome for many. We know that some criminals have made deals with "White Hats", and I have my own ideas about some of them. When you hear rave reviews about absolutely despicable people, you may suspect a "deal". If someone has selective information about something really important (for example, about human trafficking), which can lead to the detention of other key players and irrefutable evidence, they will act so that families can save face."

France: The French firefighters ' union is calling on all workers to strike over demands for compulsory vaccination. The country's law on Covid passports forces nurses, military personnel and firefighters to undergo vaccination under the threat of dismissal or suspension of salary payments.

India charges WHO Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for Mass Murder: The beginning of Accountability. India is a forefront nation in demanding accountability from the WHO, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) now suing WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan. They are accusing her of causing the deaths of many Indian citizens by misleading them about the effect of Ivermectin, which she stated did not work against Covid-19. As a result, the use of Ivermectin to cure Covid-19 was stopped and Covid cases exploded with deaths increasing ten-fold.

Current list of Governors standing up to the TYRANNICAL MANDATES:
Asa Hutchinson - Arkansas
Kristi Noem - South Dakota
Brian Kemp - Georgia
Kevin Stitt - Oklahoma
Greg Abbott - Texas 
Key Ivey - Alabama
Mark Gordon - Wyoming
Bill Lee - Tennessee
Henry McMaster - South Carolina
Pete Ricketts - Nebraska
Brad Little - Idaho
Kim Reynolds - Iowa
Mike Parson - Missouri
Doug Ducey - Arizona
Tate Reeves - Mississippi
Ron DeSantis - Florida
Greg Gianforte - Montana

Biden will require vaccination of medical workers of hospitals participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and other medical institutions, which will affect more than 17 million workers.

Biden's plan to forcibly vaccinate American workers does not include illegal aliens.

ANOTHER CURE FOR COVID‼ Move over Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, two widely extolled prescription medicines used to treat COVID-19 viral infection Amino Acid cure would abolish need for vaccines. Backed by decades of research and safety data for herpes-family viruses, U.S.-based researchers at Bio-Virus Research Inc, Reno, Nevada, report on the successful treatment of the first 30 frontline doctors and nurses and a thousand-plus patients given the amino acid lysine to prevent and even abolish COVID-19.Virologists Report Poor Man’s Amino Acid Cure for Covid-19 Would Abolish Need for Vaccines – LewRockwell

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 10.9.2021:    here

Judy Note: In the past few days some of the biggest Wall Street Banks have issued Red Alerts on the US Stock Market, expecting an imminent correction of 10% to 20%, or a slow burn. All of US Toyota plants were shutting down. A shortage of semiconductor chips “due to Covid” was idling GM, Ford Motor and other carmaker’s assembly plants in North America and elsewhere. Truckers were shutting down commerce in parts of the US, in all of Brazil and from Australia to Sweden, causing supply shortages for companies running from Ikea to McDonalds to General Motors. Crash Imminent. Pain. Get Ready. Soon….Q Warriors.

London Bridge: Recently, the media reported that a special plan has been developed in the UK to prevent pandemonium on the day of the Queen's death. The operation is called "London Bridge", according to it, Buckingham Palace will immediately transmit information about the queen's death to government officials, saying that the London Bridge has collapsed. Insider: "There is another possibility of decoding the received information. Many openly associate this with the fact that Queen Lizzie will soon leave the realm of the living. Some believe that she has already done this some time ago, and, as a rule, Deep State will try to distract people when they need it. Or perhaps "the fall of London Bridge" refers to something else. In the end, it is important to realize that this is a "FALL." The criminals who manage the" City of London " of the Rothschilds, the centers of financial corruption and world control have suffered a fatal blow. Since the unbreakable quantum financial system has been launched and is working successfully, they can no longer control anything."

Sat. Sept. 18: Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom Weekend. WARNING: The FBI and ANTIFA are holding a pro J6 rally in DC on September 18th.They'll be providing snacks, fake MAGA gear and false flag entertainment. Plenty of actors will attend the event. I'm told a large group of flag waving grannies may also make an appearance. I know it sounds like a BLAST and the atmosphere will be EXPLOSIVE, but I highly advise against going. Go decimate a corrupt school board instead.

Benjamin Fulford Report: “Afghanistan, Germany, and Japan Declare Independence” — September 6 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official On Afghanistan: the prisoners that were released from jail were not terrorists or Isis.  They were political prisoners who were against the cabal that had been controlling the country for the last 20 years.
Now 90% of the opium fields were burned to the ground by the Taliban.  This has stopped the cash flow for the Cabal/Deep State.  They are very desperate now.   They cannot get cash from the Federal Reserve.  London is also not issuing any more cash.  The ECB is not printing any more cash as well…Watch for a big false flag.”

Brazil truckers block highways, Bolsonaro asks protestors to stand down. SAO PAULO (Reuters) -Brazilian truckers staged demonstrations throughout Brazil on Wednesday, partially blocking key routes in several states and prompting President Jair Bolsonaro to ask the protestors to stand down.

Truckers are shutting down commerce from Australia to Sweden.  A “shortage of lorry drivers” (corporate propaganda speak for strikes) is causing supply shortages for companies running from Ikea to McDonalds to General Motors.

Russia: The Northern Fleet has begun a large-scale exercise with ~40 tanks; 460 armored vehicles; 120 aircraft; 50 ships; and up to 240 mortars, MLRS, a

Germany: German Judiciary Ministry and Financial Ministry get raided by Prosecutors/Police Officials. A special unit is said to have withheld information on money-laundering crimes as reported by police officials. The ministries are suspected of evasion of punishment.

Switzerland: Thousands instantly hit the streets of Bern, Switzerland following the decision to introduce a vaccine passports.



Michael Salla: Galactic Federation is helping Humanity build a Starfleet for Planetary Defense here and here
According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Earth is undergoing a major power shift with the exodus of the Dark Fleet and their Draco Reptilian and Orion allies from our solar system. In his latest communication, relayed through one of his contactees, Megan Rose, we learn more about the status of unfolding events on Earth and our solar system, especially concerning the construction of huge motherships in Earth orbit that will serve as international outposts, and the development of a Starfleet for planetary defense.

The Revolution That Will Change Everything | DAVID ICKE 2021 here

9.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE McKay, Jaco & Rodriguez on State of the War here

Nearly 70% of unvaccinated Americans would rather QUIT THEIR JOB than take mandatory vaccination – poll here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 9.9.2021:    here

The Storm Rider: Trump put Fauci center stage to Expose the Truth.
[FAUCI] covered up of HIV being a BIOWEAPON in the 80s 
[FAUCI] covered up the real treatments for the HIV
[FAUCI] covered up for the FAKE HIV treatments that killed people
[FAUCI] covered up CANCER virus that infect VACCINES stock piles across the World
[FAUCI] created the GAIN OF FUNCTION in Covid-19 and proceeding Strains 
[FAUCI] created the Vaccines

A source familiar with Biden's new COVID strategy said that it includes the following steps:
1. Vaccination of the unvaccinated
2. Strengthening the protection of vaccinated people (more mandates for masks and isolation)
3. Ensuring the safe operation of schools
4. Increasing the number of tests and Masking requirements
5. Protecting economic recovery
6. Improving the care of persons with Covid-19

Trump criticizes the removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee in a new statement: "Our culture is being destroyed, and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being destroyed by the radical left, and we cannot allow this!"

HUGE! Missing Ballots in Three States Exceed Biden's Victory Margins:

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 9.9.2021:    here

Q Intel Drop Leaks and Wuhan Lab:
FAUCI caught in video describing and creation of DOOMSDAY VIRUS. Next week video/files will hit news stations on over 900 pages of Emails from Fauci. In the pages FAUCI DESCRIBES IN DETAIL how he will merge virus to create GAIN OF FUNCTION and create the VACCINES for the virus. He describes HIV DELIVERY SYSTEM, PROTEIN SPIKE, the bats the civets and how they merged to create the "DOOMSDAY VIRUS." Facebook, Google, Fauci, Obama funded Wuhan Lab and Gain of Function. In the documents they admit they funded 12 facilities in China and Hong Kong. In the video FAUCI admits also to C-SPAN that created a "DOOMSDAY VIRUS" that kills majority of the people who get hit with it. Peter Daszek and the Lancet journals of the cover-up will unfold and connect all Facebook, Google, OBAMA to the cover up of the creation of the virus and Vaccines. Whistleblowers from the labs are in protection.

Military Intel Leaks - Panic in DC: The Deep State wants to shut off the Internet and have lockdowns, create chaos and Civil War, bring in UN Troops to major countries. All major countries funded the vaccines and took bribes, killing millions with vaccines.

The Military was getting GITMO ready for Tribunals and building a new court house.

Everything points to an Internet shutdown, more lockdowns, psychological abuse of the masses and a Near Death Civilization Event. Buckle Up Buttercups. Q

Afghanistan, Biden and Communist China: The Taliban announced that China will be their "main partner" in rebuilding Afghanistan. Together, they now control one of the world's largest lithium deposits, worth an estimated $1 trillion to $3 trillion. China's Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) is the world's largest producer of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Hunter Biden's investment fund, Bohai Harvest (BHR), which was funded by the Bank of China and other financial companies owned by the Chinese government, counts Chinese lithium battery giant CATL among its investment portfolio. In other words, the Biden family stands to personally benefit from China gaining access to Afghanistan's lithium deposits. (KTG). The essential problem with large-scale mineral extraction in Afghanistan until now has been the government could not agree on uniform mining regulations in the country, which massively blocked expansion for years. The majority of lithium deposits are therefore estimated to be still unexplored.

Canada: Firefighters, emergency medical workers and police officers stood in silence for an hour to protest against the introduction of vaccination passports in Calgary, Canada

BOOM! The people are not going to take it anymore! Whopping 70 percent of unvaccinated Americans would quit their job if vaccines are mandated. A new poll suggests a significant share of unvaccinated Americans may be resistant to COVID-19 vaccine mandates put in place by their employer.

IVERMECTIN has had billions of administered doses over the past 40 years. In that time it's had a proven safety recorded. It has been used in major countries and nations such as India, Europe, South America, United States and in Asia. There are over 40 medical and scientific papers that hail Ivermectin's success. So why is it banned in Australia? Why is Mainstream Media, Big Pharma and Big tech censoring Ivermectin? The answer is Big Pharma has a monopoly on vaccines and Google and Facebook have direct investments in the vaccines companies. In the coming weeks you will learn how Anthony FAUCI/ OBAMA /Google /Facebook have direct ties to the GAIN OF FUNCTION (The creation of the virus in China) and creation of the VACCINES. The Truth is Big Pharma, WHO.NIH.CDC. GOOGLE FACEBOOK FAUCI WEF OBAMA are in fear of losing TRILLIONS in investments and returns. But most of all IVERMECTIN has been known to cure Ebola, Cancer and Covid_19. It's a wonder that IVERMECTIN is a NOBEL PRIZE WINNING MEDICINE.

INGREDIENTS TO VACCINES - You CANNOT make an educated decision without being educated. Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients. These are being INJECTED into your kids:

◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical. 

◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects. 

◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely. 

◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. 

◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain. 

◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.

◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter. 

◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own. 

◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans. 

◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage. 

◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right. 

◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1

◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)

You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being injected. 

Fact check vaccine ingredients here:


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/9/21 here

David Zublick: Dark Outpost 09-08-2021 The 20 Year Lie! here
As we near the 20th anniversary of 911, what really happened on that fateful day? Dr. James Fetzer reveals the 20 years of lies with the most comprehensive, compelling and conclusive report on 911 ever compiled..
Ginny Silcox discusses what could be expected if the grid goes down.

Judy Byingotn Extra Report, excerpt, 8.9.2021:    here

Calling All Patriots and Digital Soldiers Worldwide to Unite!!!
Hang your National Flag. Show the World that We are Unified in this War Against the Cabal!!!

Australia Also Needs Your Help!!!
Australia was being taken down by lawless politicians and unelected bureaucrats. On Thurs. 9 Sept. there would be an important Supreme Court hearing. We have AFL Solicitors, G and B lawyers as well as Senator Craig Kelly who are our heroes, though the hearing would be in a Media Blackout. The link below needs to go viral to keep the Supreme Court honest and aware that the World was watching them. Please watch or at least hit the link at 9:30-9:45 am Sydney time Thurs. 9 Sept. It’s all about the numbers. Please share and make this go viral. Thank you from Australia:

Our Military Intel Contact confirmed that the official launch of the RV / GCR occurred early this morning at 3:30 am EST Wed. 8 Sept.
It had to be done THIS WEEK because of the legal framework under which the Military and Trump were operating was expiring this weekend. 
There were 26 currencies signed off for the Revaluation. 
All rates were solid, locked in and no longer blinking.
The Golden Dinar was now all of the Middle EAST including Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon, with all countries revaluing their currency (Like the Euro, a Union has been formed.).

The World Court has said that everything's was a go this week. The Watershed Event would occur prior to 9/11. Trump has committed to this week.
Release of funds have taken place in China. Confirmed. The Family has received spendable funds. Now we wait for US.
HSBC, JP MORGAN and CHASE received a letter from the US Treasury, directing the banks to release the funds presently held on account (SKR holders). This was taking place this week.

The transition THIS WEEK was referred to by CodeMonkey Ron Watkins Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page: In just a few hours, everything changes.
You should get some good rest tonight [Wed 8 Sep]. They [Deep State] won't rest well after tomorrow...[Thu 9 Sep]

2020 Election Fraud: BREAKING - HUGE: Results of Canvassing in Arizona Released - ELECTION STEAL IS NOW CONFIRMED. The results from canvassing efforts in Arizona are out… This was a separate exercise from the Maricopa County audit.

The New York Stock Exchange aka WALL STREET which has AUSTRALIA listed has been seized under Executive Order 13818 is now property of Donald J Trump. Wall St has been trafficking children and Money Laundering.

Richard Citizen Journalist on Washington DC: Dept of housing is empty. All the Buildings, buses, streets, metro, etc are empty Mon-Fri. The city fills up with tourists Fri-Sun. I took these photos Monday morning. The doors are locked at the other federal Buildings and they are protected by guards. No one is inside them that I can find. So many small biz are closed here forever.

Whiplash347: Go and Search Washington D.C Videos that are being shown. Everything is Permanently Closed for a reason. Vatican Empty. Queen Got Locked out of Buckingham Palace.  It is empty too. Turn your TV off. Research and you will find.

13 Illuminati Families were bombed in a Venice Bunker 2017. The 3 Pillars aka City Of London, Rome/Vatican & Washington D.C All Bankrupt - Chapter 11

Australia: Vax-entration Camps? Australian Government Builds "Mandatory Quarantine Facilities", Officials Say Jab Is "Golden Ticket to Freedom" Part of Australia’s Mandatory Covid Quarantine Center’s Master Plan Blueprints:

Joe Biden "FUCK JOE BIDEN" trends across the United States with no support for him from his base or supporters.

Justin Trudeau attacked with rocks as citizens across Canada call for him to be arrested.

Angela Merkel German citizens protest in the streets of Berlin by the tens of thousands chanting "Arrest Merkel."

TikTok's algorithm is promoting sexual content, drugs and alcohol to children as young as 13, shocking investigation reveals - Daily Mail

Fox News Tucker Carlson: Released Emails Show Dr. Anthony Fauci LIED BEFORE THE SENATE about the Extent of Mad Science He Funded at Wuhan.

On Tuesday, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) accused Chief Medical Advisor to the President Anthony Fauci of lying to Congress, pointing to recently revealed documents outlining Fauci’s knowledge of gain-of-function research funded by the National Institute of Health and conducted in Wuhan, China. Paul stated " I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to Congress. [Fauci] realizes that once the public realizes that the NIH funded the Wuhan Lab…once the public figures out that they were doing very, very dangerous research there, gain-of-function research, taking animal viruses and making them more transmissible to humans, once everybody puts this together, he realizes where the blame is going to attach,” Paul continued. “If this came from the lab he was funding, my goodness, can you imagine the moral culpability the man has?”

Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner Physiology and Medicine (Italian TV):"Respect precautionary principle, talk about side effects…Medicine exists to heal, not to kill. People cannot be sacrificed in the name of the majority. You want to hide the side effects. It is a serious mistake…The reason why we continue only with vaccinations is not scientific but political… Vaccines do not protect us from virus transmission. Everyone knows that 40% of the vaccinated can be re-infected.”

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 8.9.2021:    here

Whip told us Q team was a 17 country alliance that’s now 140 countries (7+7) strong. The chess pieces moving into place aren’t just the military out in the field, boots on the ground, but also the military is controlling the Stellar and QFS rollout!!! SpaceForce + Military Intelligence in AZ
Wars are won/lost based on whoever control the skies right? What’s higher than the sky? Think space. Think satellites. Think Blockchain. THAT’s why the military is focusing so much on taking over certain domains and assets (astronaut. foundation,, etc) so they control the blockchains, therefore control the QFS NEW FORK
As Whip said before, it’s all about the Blockchain baby!!! White Hats in control. The AmGoldenEagle[NFT]s are coming baby!!!!

Q, The Storm Rider:
The Chinese Communist Party communism is near the end. The world cannot be saved if communism still exists – the Wuhan Bio-weapons control over Western Leaders – infiltration of governments, Media, Banks, etc. 
The China financial system is at the brink of destruction and collapse. The bubble is ready to burst. China's debt crisis is most likely to begin if and when Evergrande defaults and collapses. Evergrande Is Near Systemic Collapse in China's House Bubble Burst of 2022.
Good people are in harm's way. White Hats across the world in every country, including China are working hard to bring down their old systems. 
The collapse of the CCP was long ago planned, (Military Government will be installed after the crash). 
In many countries the Military Government will be the key. 
The Deep State is in the process of shutting down the Internet to cause chaos. Stop banking and money transition between companies and consumer stores. A Blackout. 
The Deep State wants to so the free flow of information between all Freedom fighters and those who don’t take direction from the mainstream narration. 
The Deep State wants to kill the Internet – to kill the Dead Man’s Switch (Declass) data hidden in the Net. There are many reasons to kill the Internet. 
The time is imminent. Everything has been countered and anticipated. 
Those who are ready do not fear the dark.

QAnon John: Two VERY peculiar things happened the past two days:
1. It was announced that GITMO construction will CONTINUE at the tune of $10 MILLION dollars + for new facilities including, coincidentally…“Military trials, and classified workspace”.
2. Biden took it upon himself to EXTEND the infamous Executive Order 13848 for Sanctions in the event of foreign election interference that Trump signed in September of 2018…Now, WHY would he do something like that given that HE WAS THE ONE WHO STOLE THE 2020 ELECTION?!?!
Without even looking too much into these things, there is substantial reason to suspect that there is FAR more happening “behind the curtain” than we could ever imagine. That’s unequivocal FACT, and is plainly obvious to those following along closely. So, anyone saying “nothing’s happening” “it’s all bullshit” or “Trump has abandoned us” does NOT understand the dynamics at hand here, and is frankly quite ignorant.
The PROOF is in the pudding for those who are willing to pay close attention. That also doesn’t take away from the fact that WE THE PEOPLE ALL PLAY A PART in seeing the change we wish to see. NEVER forget that. GET INVOLVED in your local communities. Don’t just sit around waiting for a white knight to “save the day”. There are MULTIPLE “plans” at play and YOU play a YUGE part! WE ARE THE PLAN.

China: JUST IN - Evergrande, a large Chinese property developer, to suspend interest payments to two banks and all payments to its wealth management products. "Return my hard-earned money," chanted employees during a protest outside the company building yesterday. Evergrande has over 123,000 employees.

CERN Switzerland: When the Charles De Gaulle returned from the Pacific the French Foreign Legion raided CERN. Yes Lake Geneva will be hit with Rods & Dew. Do you remember Donald J Trump's Secret Trip to Switzerland? Do you remember the US Flag being raised in Switzerland? Do you know Swiss Bank is the Basel Bank? Isn't that funny Swiss Custody are tied to Luxbank. 2 Neutral Venues Vatican Gold I dare say has been transported there. Russian Spetznaz raided the Vatican…Whiplash347.

Harvard Professor arrested on charges related to Chinese Communist Party: JUST IN - Dr. Charles Lieber - CCP - Arrested. 50K a month plus living expenses and 1.5 million dollars in payment. US scientist who worked for the Gates-Rockefeller-Foundation and Wuhan laboratory.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 8.9.2021:    here and here

Six Planes and over 100 Americans were being held hostage at the airport, with over 500 Americans stuck in Afghanistan, while Biden announced there was nothing he could do.

A British-Norwegian study showed Covid-19 was artificially created by Chinese scientists to shut down the world economy as the Deep State orchestrated an elaborate cover-up.

John ‌D Rockefeller created pharmaceutical and eliminated natural remedies.

Israel struck southern Gaza in retaliation to three fires started by incendiary balloons

Bitcoin prices plunged by nearly 9%, and lost over $80 Billion in market valuation.

The 9/11 GITMO Tribunal resumed at Guantanamo Bay. The trial of the alleged organizer of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, resumed in Guantanamo.

The basin of the Yangtze River was almost full, with two typhoons approaching China, likely to take down the Three Gorges Dam.

Massive internet outages were reported worldwide including Amazon, Reddit, EA, AT&T and Coinbase.

There was major flooding in New York, DC, and Japan, which also suffered a major earthquake, as did Mexico.

Doctors, scientists, Whistleblowers, ect. were being taken into protective custody and secure locations within the U.S. Germany, UK. Canada, Italy and Australia. Protecting The Continuity of Government is taking place. Important Leaders. Scientist. Global WHs taken to safe underground shelters.

The US Air Force Special Operations Command and a US Army Special Operations Recon Spy Plane out of DC were flying over New Jersey.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Hundreds of protesters gathered at the venue of his speech in Ontario and chanted: "To hell with Trudeau!". His team had to change the venue at the last minute to avoid further protests. Many chanted: "Lock him up!", and threw garbage at the prime minister when he got on the bus.

US:  A new flash mob in the USA. People gather at large events and chant together an expression in which they send Biden in a certain direction.
American truckers and supporters, you have a lot of power and could easily end vaccine mandates in these urban cities for good.
New York: Businesses joining together in NYC to fight the vaccine mandates. This is how you do it!!! New Yorkers protesting against compulsory vaccination chant: "Wake up, New York!"

The streets of Rio de Janeiro and the iconic Copacabana Beach are RAMMED full of people protesting against 'censorship' and  'dictatorship'.

@ThisWellDefend Q snowball decode.  The avalanche begins September 3, 2021 when Hussein administration FISA abuse to be declassified.  Military reprisals to occur September 17, 2021 at the White House.  Stay the course and trust the plan.  Protective measures are in place.  Remain brave.  We knew this day would come. This links to a previous decode:

Decertify the Election Petition, Wendy Rogers: Holy smokes. We are at 663,458 signatures now. Things are really taking off! Let's get to 1 million ASAP. Audit results are coming soon, more states are coming online.

Brazil: As preparations for tomorrow's protests begin, thousands of right-wingers in support of president Bolsonaro arrive and gather in Brasília. It's also possible to notice a big presence of truck drivers, always important to remember that trucks are responsible for 60% of the products transportation in Brazil. September 07th is Brazil’s Independence Day. If the president of Brazil gets enough support the coup may move forward. If the Brazilian Supreme Court rules against freedom of speech (which it likely will) we could see a coup and millions of people will likely be on the streets.

Australia: Trucker strike in Australia: It's going as expected.

The Taliban has stated that it wants to have diplomatic relations with all countries of the world, except Israel.

GENOCIDE EXPOSED British-Norwegian shock study: Covid-19 was artificially created - in Wuhan. Chinese scientists created Covid-19 in a laboratory in Wuhan before orchestrating an elaborate cover-up, an explosive study claims. The report claims that China then developed reverse versions of the disease to make it appear that it was naturally caused by bats. The authors of the 22-page British-Norwegian vaccine paper write that "SARS coronavirus-2" - the technical name for the virus - has no credible "natural ancestor." They add that it is "beyond reasonable doubt" that the disease was produced by "laboratory manipulation." 
And in an explosive twist, the scientists blame the same Chinese lab researchers in Wuhan for trying to cover their tracks. There was "deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data" in Chinese labs and "Chinese scientists who wanted to share their knowledge, they were unable to do so or disappeared," according to the paper, written by British professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen.
It is to be published in the scientific journal Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery, and was first reported by the Daily Mail on Friday. The lack of crucial scientific evidence could make it impossible to know exactly how the coronavirus originated and then spread around the world, the experts concede. "It appears that preserved virus material and related information has been destroyed.” @TRIBUNALSforJUSTICE

FDA NOW HAS WARNINGS ON PFIZER, MODERNA FOR MYOCARDITIS  (Inflammation or Infection of the heart that can cause DEATH). Johnson & Johnson has Warnings for Guillain-Barré In the neurological system and BLOOD CLOTS.

#1 & #2 Top head virologist and vaccine experts quit at the FDA 

Top UK scientists rejects giving vaccines to kids under 16 and defy WHO and Big Pharma plan

EU Top Doctors/scientists ECDC (EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL) All reject booster shots!

Sources inside say...Military INTEL has reached the ears of the top SCIENTIST/pathologist around the WORLD. All three major countries and nations turn on the GOVERNMENT<

Saturday Broadcast in Case of Emergency! Covid-19 Tyranny Awakens Medical Regulators Around the World!

More than 900 pages of new documents provide details of US-funded research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.



Patriot Underground: Gene Decode Interview #4 here
Kurt's notes:
MAN OF GOD - DECLARATION OF THE PEOPLE = the second declaration of independance of the U.S.A. as the liberation of the people from the Cabal.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.9.2021:    here and here

Adrenochrome The Elite's Secret Super Drug! Peter B. Meyer 6th of Sept. 2021
In May 2017, Trump 's first visit abroad was to Saudi Arabia, the base of the 13 Archon bloodline families, to meet with the crown prince, one of Obama 's buddies and the son of King Bin Salman. They are the first arm of the three arms of the Deep State pyramid, and a major supplier of young children for their Satanic Adrenochrome blood rituals. Adrenochrome, which is apparently made from the blood of traumatised young children, is a drug used by members of the DS Cabal because they believe it has rejuvenating effects.
Anonymous good people wage the most intense war against it, but they are mocked and despised by those who have no idea what is really going on. About Adrenochrome, unfortunately, only a few really know what it is, but mostly do not understand what the silent ongoing battle is about. This documentary takes a deep dive into the history of Adrenochrome and how it has been used since ancient times by royalty and the elite classes. Be aware that many of the images in this film are disturbing and not intended for young children, parental discretion is advised. Watch the Documentary here.

Wayne Allyn Ruth: The government is lying about the Covid vaccine and Ivermectin
Many people still do not understand what is happening."I have been working in the media business for decades and have never seen such lies and outright fraud before. Everything to get as many people as possible to get vaccinated. Let's start with the vaccine itself. 
The results obtained in Israel prove how outright fraud all this is. The argument of the US government, the CDC and the WHO is that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and die from Covid because they are not vaccinated.
Both arguments are deception.
First, anyone who dies within 14 days of vaccination is considered "unvaccinated". Didn't you know? No wonder they claim that all dying people are not vaccinated. If you die from Covid, regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, you will simply be called unvaccinated.
The CDC also used statistics on deaths from Covid, starting in January, to argue that death is the fate of the unvaccinated. Allegedly, this is because almost no one had a vaccination at the beginning of the year. This is called data manipulation. The CDC was supposed to use the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.
The worst thing is that the media is hiding the developing catastrophe in Israel. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. All of them received the Pfizer vaccine. At first, the number of deaths and hospitalizations was almost zero. Israel has declared victory over Covid.
But everything has changed. Today, a massive Covid pandemic has engulfed vaccinated Israel.
Hospitals are overflowing.
People are dying. Currently, Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world, has more Covid infections per capita than any other country in the world.
At the moment, 0.2% of the entire population of Israel is infected with Covid every day.
The past week has been the worst for Covid in Israel EVER. In Israel, records are being set for the number of vaccinated in hospitals. The number of deaths is growing rapidly.
Sweden, where everyone goes without masks and isolation rules, has just banned the entry of tourists from Israel. Many EU countries are following this example.
The vaccine is not just ineffective, it is an impressive failure. As my friends who are holistic doctors predicted, the next wave will be much worse. Vaccinated people are much more contagious, they carry a heavier viral load and are much more susceptible to serious diseases than people with "natural immunity".
This experiment with the vaccine is a big failure. A dangerous and deadly failure.
But at this very moment, governments around the world and the media are firmly insisting on vaccines, vaccine requirements and vaccine passports. The question is, why? Why is it so important to force everyone to get vaccinated at the very moment when Israel is proving that the vaccine they are promoting is a dramatic, dangerous and deadly failure?
And it's not just Israel. In the UK, most of those who died from Covid last month were vaccinated. And the death rate from Covid in the UK today is significantly higher than a year ago, when there was no vaccine. In addition to all this, the VAERS vaccine reporting system reports that the vaccine itself causes a huge death rate and severe injuries. Thus, vaccinated people die and become seriously ill from the vaccine, and also die and become seriously ill from Covid after vaccination.
And nothing about it is said in the news. This is the complete silence of the media.
To make matters worse, the same government, the CDC and the media are desperately trying to denigrate and slander the drug that is most successfully used in the treatment of Covid: Ivermectin. In the following publications, I will show you convincing evidence from around the world that Ivermectin is miraculously effective against Covid."

Decertify 2020 Election: We are now at 426k signatures and must get to 500k sigs before the AZ audit results are released and 1 million before the next state conducts a forensic audit. Let's gooooo... #AZAudit #AuditAll50States SIGN:

Worldwide demonstration weekend begin September 18 World Wide demonstration for freedom Deme

New York: Chants of "wake up" from anti Coronavirus tyranny protesters in New York city who are frustrated at the blind compliance.

Australia has crossed the line. Coolangatta today, NSW/QLD border. A man is arrested for crossing a line on the grass which stops citizens from each state interacting. The Australian government officially denies unvaccinated people medical care, as well as "deprives them of the opportunity" to participate in society.

Slovenia: A group of concerned citizens against Covid tyranny in Slovenia stormed a mainstream media news studio to demand their voices be heard.
Tunisia: Protests break out across Tunisia over COVID and economic situation in the country. Protesters are calling the government to resign.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Huge Anti Government Demonstration, 100.000 + People Expected To Attend. The Great Awakening
Chants of "Italy, France, United in the fight" against "covid passports" as thousands march simultaneously through Italy.
Canada: Thousands March in Downtown Toronto to Protest Against Vaccine Passport Mandates
Berlin Germany continues weekly and weekend protests against Vaccines and false mandates with 100s arrested over the weekend, marching for freedom.

The governor of Oregon was sued by state police and firefighters because of the requirements to be vaccinated.

Toronto doctor admits vaccine side effects are actually overrunning hospitals, NOT covid patients.
Whistleblower nurse hospitals are full of vaccinated patients, official narrative is a lie!

The COVID jab's ineffectiveness is leading to mutations, greater infectivity, and endless booster shots.

Top pod caster Joe Rogan begins taking Ivermectin and comes out against mainstream media media false narration
Hospital and doctors come out against Rachel Maddow and her false narration and discredit information against Ivermectin.

IVERMECTIN In India, the Uttarakhand government announced that Ivermectin tablets will be distributed among the citizens of the state to prevent the spread of the delta variant on May 12, 2021. Covid cases dropped by 98% and covid fatalities dropped by 99%. Ivermectin easily controlled the more transmissible, but less deadly "delta variant" in less than a few weeks.

Former Pfizer vp warns booster shot is a extermination weapon.


Patriot Streetfighter w/ GENE DECODE: Military Operations, Afghanistan, Secret Space Programs here



Adrenochrome The Elite's Secret Super Drug! Documentary here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 6.9.2021:    here

Judy Note: Our society has been permeated from the lowest levels to the top with Satan's worshiping pedophile child sacrifice leaders who have been blackmailed and manipulated to sabotage our political system with the aim of turning it into a communist state of the New World Order.

If White hats were not in control, the Deep State / Cabal under Biden would have removed Trump's Executive Orders (EO). Trump and White hats are letting the pyramid implode from the inside out - breaking the structure to collapse the entire matrix, slowly but surely. The House of Cabal Cards is falling down.

EO 13818: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.

EO 13848: Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

EO 13959: Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies.

World Events:

Flooding Events: New York, DC, Japan major flooding, Japan major earthquake;

Witness Protection Event: Doctors, scientists, Whistleblowers, ect. were being taken into protective custody and to secure locations within the U.S., Germany, UK, Canada, Italy and Australia;

Hostage Event: Six airplanes full of US citizens & Afghani interpreters are being held hostage an airport in Afghanistan;

Voter Fraud Event: Mike Lindell is going to release the voter fraud;

Black Swan Event: will be the start of the new ISO flare network, Swift, Quantum Financial System, Blockchain ISO regulated asset backed metals, MSM Starlink & Project Odin;

False Flag Event: a fake invasion of aliens on the planet Earth;

Sky Event: Satellites are now falling from the sky;

Queen Dead Event;

911 Military Tribunal Event;

Israel Event: Iraq attack drones/shelling this moment;

Russian Event: Britain summons the Russian ambassador. Poland summons the Russian ambassador;

Iran or Nuclear Bomb Event: Iran has almost completed preparations to begin enriching uranium to 60 percent purity at the Natanz nuclear facility leading to a Nuclear Bomb Event.

Exclusive from Gen. Michael Flynn: We Are in the Midst of a Fascist Power Grab:

"American “leaders” have reneged on American honor and dignity. Foreign policy is being dictated by our enemies. It’s unstated so far, but in my judgment, we’ve surrendered.

This is a complete and total disaster, and our enemies will shame us forever. The entire chain of command should immediately resign in disgrace. (And the president should step down: Clearly, he is incapable of making clearheaded decisions and placing the safety and security of American citizens as his highest priority — that is what a president is supposed to do!)

Those left behind will be enslaved, raped, pillaged, converted or brutally killed.

Globally, our foreign policy is in shambles, and our national security is thus at grave risk. Yes, our nation-state adversaries (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea) and non-nation-state actors (ISIS, al-Qaida and Hezbollah, to name a few) are rising and on the move. Like when a great white shark smells blood in the water, the time to attack is imminent. We had better be prepared!

Combine this statement with the litany of domestic failures and challenges: Gross increases in illegals entering our country; an election system that Americans no longer trust; an American electorate’s complete loss of faith in any federal institution (I mean zero); COVID confusion with all of our health freedoms at severe risk; a true health pandemic emanating from the illegal narcotic market where drug cartels are the “pharmacies” of the 21st century; human and child trafficking where sexual abuse has been “normalized.”

There are more: Religious liberties being undermined by weak-pulpit puppetmasters and God being almost universally removed from our Judeo-Christian society, assisted by our weak political class and even weaker religious “leaders”; an education system run at the school board-level by a thuggery of policies dictated by a federal system of bureaucrats who dare to question whether to allow the Pledge of Allegiance to start the day (thugs who we’ve elected by the way); and lastly the continuing efforts to defund the police in an era of dangerous and deadly rising crime rates.

And this is not an exhaustive list of threats.

Are we in a rapid-spiral decline, and is this the end of the American Dream? If we are and it is, I am foolishly wasting my time traveling around the nation telling people to wake up and stand up, and that the time is now to get involved in their communities.

I do not believe I am wasting my time. I firmly believe we have many options. The truth is, we still have options in Afghanistan just as we have options at every school board across the nation.

Our nation requires a new direction, a rebirth of our founding. When our founders created this beautiful experiment in democracy, they were able to create something new out of something that didn’t exist.

We still have our foundation, but now we’ve lost our way. Thus, we don’t have to find America; we’re standing on it.

What every American must now do is decide how they will act.

Many people ask me what they should do. My first response is to stop complaining. Whatever you think your talents are, whatever resources you have, whatever your personal situation is, if you sit and allow this moment in history to bypass you, you are complicit in helping America fail.

This is no longer about President Donald J. Trump; this is now about saving America from the failures of decades of an apathetic citizenry who have taken for granted our freedoms and privileges and a small but well-organized and well-funded far-left agenda of people attempting to take over America.

Yes, we are in the midst of a fascist power grab, but we the people still have options to consider. Get on your feet and do something about it!

May God bless and protect America. General Michael Flynn."

The below “Declaration of the People” was sent by the Alliance through Charlie Ward for publication on Sun. 5 September 2021. They described it as a “Blueprint for What the Future Holds”:

Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity

WHEN in the Course of recent human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of each State in the United States, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them! A decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation from the authorities imposed by those Oligopolists that control all via corruption and influence.

     We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these States in the United States; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present influence of oligopolists supporting the secret societies such as the Illuminati Cabalist is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over not only the great people of the United States but all people of all nations in the Globe. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

     They refused Assent to Laws by corruption of the truth of which is evidenced by the 2020 US Elections Fraud and Misrepresentations at every level, We the People have been usurped of our legal right to exercise and see through our basic right to vote, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and proper representation.

     They have forbidden elected Officials including Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance imposing rules based on false reporting and public fear created by false narratives and misinformation such as the COVID strains of infection and the true cures that can remove the infections. They have imposed fake solutions like the COVID Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity injections of poison elements, which is most dangerous altering the Human DNA with RNA and thus eliminating the human body from its own natural immune function of battling illness. This alone can cause the loss of life in the future up to 70% of all those persons who have taken the fake vaccines promoted by all means of media under the control of the same cabal Illuminati oligopolists.

     They refused to pass or enforce Laws for the Accommodation of the People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation by compliance when taking the COVID Fake Vaccines and signing a waiver of liability.

     They, in the State Legislature, are not representatives of the people but by Tyrants only passing illegal laws subjugating the people to false narratives and mandate promoting a global plan of population reduction with tactics including wars, food shortages, food modification causing long term illness, disabling of the human body’s immune system.

     They called together State Legislative Bodies at Places unusual and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole Purpose of planning into Compliance with Measures to ensure the depopulation of humanity and retain resources for their agenda.

     They have dissolved True State Representative Houses repeatedly by vote manipulation, placing candidates who are representing only the Tyrant Oligopolist and their policies, for opposing Invasions on the Rights of the People.

     They have refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions of legal lawsuits by representatives of the people, to cause others to be elected illegally using compromised Dominion voting systems and technology; whereby the State Legislative Powers, incapable of proper and real representation of the people, have not responded to truth so now this power and authority must be returned to the People at large for their exercise and correction; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from within compromised representation and Convulsions within without current resolutions.

     They have endeavored to prevent the Population of all States to cast votes for representatives to all levels of office to enforce secret agendas that specifically aim to harm us the people in all states and all nations globally.

     They have grossly obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Power and authority in true Justice. We the People in all areas of domestic Law Enforcement, domestic and international Military engagement have all been restricted and directed by those compromised authorities above them to follow the false narratives of the tyranny of the influence and directions of the Cabal Illuminate Cabalist Oligopolists.

     They have made domestic, regional and supreme Judges dependent on their will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries.

     They have erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance with new stimulus funds and disabling normal businesses to thrive and function with fake pandemic schemes and fear. This has turned from a temporary solution to becoming a state of Nazi Gestapo declaring “Show me your Papers.”

     They kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing UN and other NATO Armies, without the consent of our Military Leaders who have not been compromised. They have been affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. They offend the American People with a fake administration causing reckless policy to the detriment of National Security.

     They have combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

     For quartering large Bodies of Foreign Armed Troops near us:

     For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these United States with the use of fake vaccines that have killed tens of thousands of Americans and Millions of others worldwide:

     For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World in closing our businesses with fear and new policy surrounding a fake COVID and other Pandemic Measures:

     For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

     For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury with assassinations of witnesses of truth regarding those in power causing such abuse:

     For transporting and human trafficking for the purpose of satanic human sacrifices and the practice of Adrenochrome use with the torture and murder of young children:

     For abolishing the free System of Constitutional Law, operating in Maritime or Admiralty Law establishing therein an arbitrary United States Corporate Government already bankrupt, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it at once an Example and Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rule of the people not only in the United States but Globally:

     For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the true Forms of our Governments of the will of its people:

    For suspending our own legally elected Legislatures replacing them with fake voted candidates, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.

     They have abdicated the true United States Government, by declaring us out and without rights and waging War against us, killing us softly with vaccines altering our DNA with RNA, HIV and other poisonous elements.

     They have destroyed the Lives of Millions of the People of the United States and continue to kill millions globally recklessly with careful precision.

     They at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign UN and Chinese Military to complete the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy to Head of a civilized Nations. Their tools of choice include leadership of Federal Government Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, UN, CCP, and agencies CIA, FBI, MI6, with Government authorities in Central Banks robbing all sovereignty of nations and its people.

     They have constrained our fellow People, Citizens of many nations, taken to bear Arms against their Country, to become the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. Our military and Law Enforcement are being subjugated to follow illegal orders and the invasion of their own bodies with the forced fake COVID-19 vaccinations.     

     They have excited domestic Insurrections amongst us with Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements of violence, and have endeavored to bring on the Inhabitants of our communities, cities and government, the merciless Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.

     In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrannical group of oligopolists who have been unfit to be the influence of Rule of the free People of the United States and all other nations abroad.

     We have been wanting attention from our Brethren here in the United States and abroad and we have warned them from Time to Time of Attempts by their fake Legislature to extend an unwarrantable Jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our lives here. We have appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our Connections and Correspondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.

     We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED “STATES” OF AMERICA, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this great nation, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United “States” are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the Oligopolists, cabal illuminati secret societies, and that all political Connection between them in the United States and Abroad, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent United States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent countries may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with affirm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor and start immediately with contacting our state legislatures to make the changes to protect our individual rights and liberties, starting with guarding our most basic right which is to protect our votes and the processes and devices to have true and honest elections.

We the People have the authority to enforce our rights at the State level which can correct all that has gone wrong and control the outcome of our future and freedom to live under the constitution without the evil that has become part of everyone’s daily lives.

 Action to take today is that each person in each state write a letter addressed to each state representative, legislator, and senator demanding the reforms and corrections to change via new legislature the laws needed to eliminate specific corruption in the state government protecting its state residence.

Specifically addressing the following issues:

1.) Real voting technology that cannot be compromised. Such as the QFS delivery software and hardware instead of the dominion based systems.

2.) Protection of our individual liberties such as the right to choose what medical treatments are acceptable and not acceptable such as the issues of the unwanted COVID-19 vaccines. This shot contains many elements that will compromise the human DNA with mRNA and HIV as well as other negative elements. Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity

3.) Compensation and liability for harm against those whom have been coerced into taking the COVID 19 vaccination via Mass Media Influence and Federal Government Influence as well as mandates with illegal passage of the use of the Vaccine approvals from the FDA and other federal agencies all influenced by that agenda of the globalist oligopolist cabal organizations such as the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), United Nations (UN), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and any other agency or group that have influence in the affairs of the people of the United States that have assaulted our own individual freedom and liberties in the pursuit of happiness.

4.) Removing all restrictions and to stop promoting fear concerning COVID-19 and any other medical issues to control and destroy our individual liberties to work, earn and spend which is the basis of a healthy economy. We rest with peace and the love of mankind. We desire life not death or planned genocide and shall enforce all measures of this being corrected to save our Nation from demise and destruction.

Man of God

Copyright 30 August 2021


Mike Adams, HRR: If you took the vaccine and you want to live, LISTEN TO THIS here

Kurt's comment: A must listen! Very important message! The declaration of the people for global peace!


Kurt's comment: a must read!

Benjamin Fulford weekly report: As World is Distracted by Afghanistan, Germany and Japan Declare Independence here

Michael Salla: Did the Galactic Federation just release its Prime Directive? here
In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist, discusses a recent communication she received that details the Prime Directive of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena is publicly releasing the ten articles making up the Prime Directive, along with commentary by her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon. The contents of the Prime Directive are known to participants in secret meetings and agreements that have occurred between the Galactic Federation and national space program leaders and major aerospace corporations. Its contents have not been publicly released until today.  In the discussion with Dr Michael Salla, the contents and implications of the Prime Directive are analyzed in terms of their scope and implications for humanity.

THE PRIME DIRECTIVE of the Galactic Federation of Worlds here

I The Prime Directive is to serve as a moral, ethical guide and legal template.

II The Prime Directive is applicable to all cultures in any world that have not yet achieved interstellar travel capacity and have not established an organized continuous relationship with an evolved external interstellar culture.

III Nothing within these articles shall authorize the Galactic Federation of worlds personnel to intervene in matters which are essentially of the domestic, local or private jurisdiction of any planetary system, or shall require the members to submit such matters to settlement under any articles of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

IV As the right of each sentient species to live following the greater universal law of Free Will, in accordance with its natural and biological cultural evolution is considered sacred, no members or personnel of the Galactic Federation of Worlds may interfere with the normal, autonomous and healthy development of native life, society and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength or technology, to a world whose members and society are incapable of handling such advantages wisely, judged on their present level of spiritual, moral and technological evolution.

V The Galactic Federation of Worlds cannot expose an evolving species to technology that the species has not yet discovered or is currently capable of developing and using.

VI Sharing and seeding of technology above the lesser evolved race evolutionary capability of understanding is prohibited or taken to the necessary minimum.

VII It is forbidden to interact or communicate with any native resident of a lesser evolved planet or culture using any device, appliance, machine, tool, weapon, or invention representing an improvement upon the science and technology already in existence upon said planet.

VIII Spiritual and moral knowledge should also be restricted to a bare and necessary minimum only using communication methods and devices at the current level of understanding of the lesser evolved race.

IX It is not permitted to make contact with or interfere with lesser evolved races unless they are threatened by an outside source. In that case it is the moral obligation of the personnel of the Galactic Federation of Worlds to evaluate the situation to determine a suitable course of action.

X Federation personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture.

This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.9.2021:    here and here

Australia: Truck drivers in Australia staged a strike against forced vaccination and vaccine passports
London: Freedom protesters take it to the London Underground today. Keep up the pressure and the momentum. Well done to all involved. We will not be silenced or ignored.
Paris France: Protest against COVID restrictions held in Paris on Saturday.
Italy: The protests are not only happening in France. Thousands turned out to protest against Covid passports in Italy today, though not reported in the MSM.
Australia: Truck Blockade continues.

On Fri. 3 Sept. Steve Bannon talked about the explosive events in Georgia. He said state officials now have videos of 240 leftist militants, whom he called "ballot dealers," dumping tens of thousands of ballots into letter boxes in the middle of the night across Georgia. "Left-wing militants who carried out numerous raids in the middle of the night have been identified. They were filmed as they lowered their backpacks with ballots into letter boxes. The collection of ballots in Georgia is illegal and this criminal behavior is captured on video." Catherine Engelbrecht and True The Vote is behind this investigation, and it concerns several states. According to their data, the city administration has developed exact routes for 242 suspected ballot dealers in Georgia and 202 human traffickers in Arizona.

Military underground bases in the United States, World Awakening:

In America alone, there are more than 120 deep underground military bases located under most major cities, US air bases, US Navy bases and US Army bases, as well as under FEMA military training camps and DHS control centers. There are also many deep underground military bases under Canada.

Almost all of these bases are located more than 2 miles underground and have a diameter of 10 to 30 miles. They are basically large underground cities connected by high-speed magneto levitation trains that reach speeds of up to 1,500 miles per hour.

There is a lot of hard evidence. The US government, through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corps, FEMA and DHS, has spent more than $ 12 trillion to create a huge hidden infrastructure for the upcoming One World Government and a New World Religion over the past 40 years.

Under the Denver International Airport, for example, there is a military base Deep Underground, which has a diameter of more than 22 miles and descends down 8 levels. It is no coincidence that the CIA moved the headquarters of its internal unit, which is responsible for operations in the United States, from Langley to Denver.

The government was obsessed with the idea of building this airport, despite the fact that in the end the budget was greatly overstated. There were allegations of corruption, constant changes in construction companies and mass dismissals of teams after they built their work site, so that "no" group had any idea what the airport's plan was.

Inside, you can find Masonic symbols and bizarre images of dead babies, burning cities and women in coffins that make up extensive frescoes. None of them are presented in the section of the airport's website, which describes in detail the unique works of art throughout the building.

DIA serves as a cover for the huge underground structures built there. There are reports of electronic / magnetic vibrations, from which some people get sick, and others experience headaches. There are several acres of fenced-in areas with barbed wire pointing inward, as if to keep someone / something inside, and small concrete racks resembling mini-cooling towers rise out of nowhere to ventilate the underground levels.

The underground structure has a depth of 88.3 square miles. In fact, this underground base consists of eight cities located on top of each other. These city-sized bases can accommodate millions and millions of people, regardless of whether they are mind-controlled, enslaved soldiers of the World Army of the New World Order, or innocent and enslaved ground dwellers from the cities of America and Canada.

There is a base in Dulce in New Mexico. Dulce is a small town in northern New Mexico, located at an altitude of 7,000 feet in the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one large motel and a few shops. This is not a resort town, and there is no active activity in it. But Dulce has a deep, dark secret. The secret is hidden deep under the brush of the Mesa Arculet.

Purpose: research of functions related to the mind, genetic experiments, training in mind control and reprogramming. More than 3,000 video cameras are installed throughout the complex, transmitting information in real time in places with a high level of security (entrances and exits). There are more than 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many are around Arculeta Mesa, others south of Lake Dulce and even to the east, like Lindrith. The deep sections of the complex are connected into natural cave systems.

Level 1-garage for street maintenance.

Level 2-garage for trains, minibuses, tunneling machines and disk maintenance.

Level 3-everyone is weighed in the nude, then they get the form of a jumpsuit. A person's weight is recorded in a computer identification card every day. For a deposit of more than three dollars, a medical examination and an X-ray are required.

Level 4-Human research in the "paranormal" areas - mental telepathy, mind control, hypnosis, remote observation, astral travel.

The technology, obviously, is here so that you can learn how to manipulate the "bioplasmic body". Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burns and discomfort to the target. They can lower your heartbeat with the help of" delta waves " of deep sleep, cause a static discharge, and then reprogram through the brain-computer connection.

Level 5-security is severe. Armed guards are constantly patrolling, and in addition to the weight-sensitive areas, there are stations for taking hand and eye prints. There is a device that provides the transfer of atoms.

Level 6 is privately called the "Hall of Nightmares". There are genetic laboratories here. Experiments conducted on fish, seals, birds and mice that have changed significantly compared to their original form.

The Greenbrier facility in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, under the Greenbriar Resort. The Continuity of Government facility, designed since 196 ( to house the US Congress, codenamed Casper, is located on the territory of the prestigious Greenbrier resort.

The bunker is located under the wing of West Virginia, which houses a full-fledged medical clinic. The construction of the facility, which began in 1959, required 2.5 years and 50,000 tons of concrete. The reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet underground, are 2 feet thick.

The room includes separate rooms for the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as a more spacious room for joint meetings. They are located in the" Exhibition Hall "of the West Virginia wing, where there are car and pedestrian entrances that can be quickly closed with anti-explosion doors. They don't even hide it, and this is a tourist attraction. The underground storage facility was built for the needs of the hiding Congress - in fact, the hotel is an exact copy of the White House.

In the underground room there is a Senate chamber, a House of Representatives and a massive hall for joint meetings. Although the hotel claims to conduct daily tours of the 112,000-square-meter area, the installation is still at the ready, and the operators are still working undercover at the hotel. The secrecy surrounding the object protected it from both public control and official reassessment.

Most Americans will not believe that the American Holocaust will happen until they see it with their own eyes. Until then, it's just another weird conspiracy theory for them to laugh at. But there is no laughing matter here. When this happens, it will be too late to stop it.

The US government was secretly involved in creating an army of loyal, brainwashed soldiers of the future. They will have cybernetic implants and microchips, and they will fight anywhere in the world, without questions, with full loyalty, without hesitation and fear.

These soldiers were created at the Brookhaven National Laboratories BNL, National Ordinance Laboratories NOL and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT and secretly transferred to the control and planning of the US Department of Defense and the NSA. Many of these soldiers are stationed at Deep Underground military bases, for example, under the Denver International Airport.

The above examples are only a few underground bases. In fact, there are thousands of them all over the world. All this information was investigated, and it took a lot of effort to correctly compare it. There are many networks of underground trains on a magnetic basis that extend from these complexes and go to other underground bases. All soldiers working at these bases have microchips and are under full psychotronic mind control.

Of the missing "Cardboard Box People" that the FBI placed on milk cartons, some were taken to these underground bases for genetic experiments, microchipping, psychotronic mind control and cybernetic implants for future use as brainwashed soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands of people go missing in America every year. The creation of a total global fascist police state by the Illuminati will happen if we all do not wake up and see what is happening. I find it surprising that so many people around the world refuse to believe that there are millions of UNISF and UNMNTF troops in America. In accordance with the Partnership for Peace program, established by President Bill Clinton in early 1993, thousands of military personnel arrive in America every month.

These fascist criminals are flaunting our friends and leaders, depriving us of democratic rights, which will be replaced by a corporatist and fascist dictatorship if people, and especially Americans, do not wake up now."

It is widely believed that most of the underground Satanic bases around the world have been cleared, and it has also been repeatedly reported that many of them were flooded as a result of numerous floods around the world.

Restored Republic, NESARA, GESARA, Whiplash347

E.O 13848 & E.O 13818 has basically seized the World. Anyone linked in Crimes against Humanity & Foreign Election Interference. G.E.S.A.R.A LAW was signed off at the HAGUE (International Court Of Justice) by all World Leaders. Win by any means necessary. Flipping of 1871 Act of England. Flipping of Balfour Declaration. Capturing of the TITLE 4 FLAG. Global Military Intelligence Operation.
Remember I showed you Saudi Arabia 2017 after the Assassination Attempt on King Salman & POTUS. 35 Saudi Princes Arrested & 300 officials directly after then the Sword Ceremony. This is the most important Flip in history. Gaining The Balance of Power. Was being worked on since 2012 behind the scenes. Flipped in 2017. It applies to the Internet 
Three Sides of the TRIANGLE plus Bombing of 13 (top Illuminati) Families in Venice.
SAUDI ARABIA Started happening in 2012. But just after "Las Vegas" failed Assassination Attempt on King Salman & POTUS in 2017.  (35 Saudi Prince's including [DOPEY Bin Talal]  + 2/300 officials were arrested. 1st Side FLIPPED very early.
ROTHSCHILDS - Central Banks, 1871 Act of England, Balfour Dec. UK Royals, INTEL AGENCIES - CIA, Mossad, Mi5 etc. VATICAN OPERATION DEFENDER EUROPE All of this (2019, 2020, 2021).

Does Iran Scenario start with Taliban? Taliban traditionally are to go against Iran. Iran would get annoyed. But we will see. Remember there will be a Flip. USA, Russia, Iran vs UK, Israel, CCP etc. Act Of England 1871 Reversal. Balfour Declaration 1917 Reversal.
Israel Is Last. Zion, Wuhan/BigPharma/3GD Rods Incoming. Paris shooting his Arrow into Achilles. What is the Deep States Achilles Heal? It is the 3GD, The Nuke Reactors protecting Big Pharma, Silk Road Deep State Central Wuhan. Balfour Declaration would be null & void too.
Trump will be reinstated as 19th President. Elect a new VP. [JFK JR] Then something massive will happen. Trump will become KING as Melania is the Queen of Russia. Anastacia Romanov's Grand Daughter. JFK JR will have a new VP. General Michael Flynn is very possible.

So you also have the Truth on Melania too being a Romanov. Putin passed the Ball to Trump. This only gives you more proof on a MAJOR Bloodline War. Jesus vs Satan. One of Melania's sides has been doctored up. She is Slovenian/Russian. She is the Grand Daughter of Anastacia Romanov. The Romanov's were murdered by the Bolshevics. We were all told they were dead. But 3 young Romanov boys were put on a ship bound for the USA in a White Hat operation. They all had their names changed. 1 of them had to change his name 3 times. There is Russian Royalty in the USA when the World believes they all died.

The Rothshild's Bankers/Globalists financed Hitler, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Jacob Schiff ordered the murder of the Russia Romanov family because they refused to go along with the Bankers plans. The Romanov's were Christians. The Communists brutally murdered the entire Romanov's family in order to turn Russia into a Communist Country. We are fighting the same Communists today. 
Rothschild reveals crucial role his ancestors played in the Balfour Declaration and creation of Israel. Rothschild said the way the declaration was procured was extraordinary: “It was the most incredible piece of opportunism."

The Federal Witness Protection Program goes back further than how it is documented. White Hats & Black Hats have been carrying out these Operations a lot longer see Operation Paperclip for instance. They have all had to change names and doctor up the lineage. No different from the Russian Romanov family to escape the Bolshevics. No different from Julian Assange.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/5/21 here

X22 Report, 4.9.21: Bix Weir - Fauci’s Time Is Almost Up, The Good Guys Are Winning, A New World Is Emerging here
Bix discusses how the good guys are winning. There are now rumors that Fauci’s time is almost up and he will be charged with lying to congress. The [CB] is using everything they have to fight against the good guys but it is failing. A new world is about to emerge out of the old world and the people will see the difference.
Kurt's comment: This is also my opinion.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 4.9.2021:    here

Whiplash347: Those who have taken the Jab will die in the next 2 to 3 yrs but the MED BEDS/Celestial Chambers reverse Vaccine Damage past & present.


The US military had to be out of Afghanistan in order to implement NESARA and thus GESARA. A country could not qualify for GESARA if it was at war with another country.

According to Gene Decode the reason the Alliance wanted control of Afghanistan was because a main element of Deep State funding came through the Afghanistan Opium drug trade by the Rockefeller/CIA-backed ISIS.

Trump had destroyed ISIS and locked up the remaining terrorists at the Bagram Airport.

Biden’s Administration then shared an Intel “Kill List” with the Bad Taliban while his military abandoned Bagram, allowing the release of ISIS terrorists (who then became ISIS-K) from the Airport.

Because of worldwide GESARA implementation related to the global RV release on Wed 25 Aug, the Rockefeller Deep State / CIA struck back with twin suicide bombers at the Kabul Airport on Thurs. 26 Aug.

There was an Afghanistan Good Taliban who were not terrorists and backed by the Alliance. The Good Taliban burned all the Opium fields, while the collapse of Afghanistan has signaled world nations to abandon the Petro Dollar and cut off this main supplier of illegal drugs, guns and child sex trafficking across the globe.

There was 85 billion of US military equipment left in Afghanistan that was given to the Good Taliban to fight and jail ISIS-K. The CIA backed ISIS-K have now fled to Switzerland in a DUMB near the CIA CERN headquarters and to a country in South America.


Alok Pandey, AuroMaa: Grace, Blessings and Love (RE 122) here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 3.9.2021:    here

Sat. 4 Sept. to Tues. 7 Sept.: Three Days of Presidential Messages?

Tues. 7 Sept. to Fri. 10 Sept: 10 Days of Darkness, airing of documentaries 24/7 as Quantum Starlink System took over?

Mon. 6 Sept. to Fri. 10 Sept.: Feast of Trumpets Jubilee, beginning of Military Tribunals, major reveals with perhaps the Fake MSM taken down.

Fri. 10 Sept. to Mon. 13 Sept: Anniversary of signing of Constitution 

Sat. 11 Sept. (9/11) THE END. THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US. JOHN 3:16 Q Drop 316 Connect the Markers Anon:  Martial Law Starting the 11th? Q: Justice….9/11 Anniversary with possible announcement of NESARA/GESARA and gold-backed currencies of the Global Currency Reset.

Gene Decode: “The mighty Alliance uses a Quantum Computer everyday to determine the best strategy and timing. All Deep State controlled countries and major Deep State players will be arrested, worldwide by December 2021.”

@richardcitizenjournalist: Washington DC is dead, bankrupted, done. It still doesn’t say DC when you search it on google maps anymore. All 3 satanic ruling cities of the world are dead — DC, City of London and Vatican. Everything is playing out as is. Dept of housing is empty. All the Buildings, buses, streets, metro, etc are empty Mon-Fri. The city fills up with tourists Fri-Sun. I took these photos Monday morning. The doors are locked at the other federal Buildings and they are protected by guards. No one is inside them that I can find. So many small businesses are closed here, forever.

Rumor was that with the recent instigation of Mass Arrests by the US Military from over 500,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office, there were “a crap load of Democrats and other politicians” running around Washington DC shredding documents. 

Technically the US had been functioning under Martial Law since last January, with the Pentagon looking to Trump as their leader. A few days before Biden’s Inauguration and due to verified foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump instigated the Insurgency Act, declared Martial Law and deferred his power to the US Military. See this article published back on 23 Jan. 2021:

Nikola Tesla and Free Energy Cymatics full documentary (part 1 of 4). Bringing matter to life with sound. "If you wish to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, FREQUENCY & vibration." Those are NOT 3 separate entities. They're a unified ONE. Nikola Tesla ~"Light, can be nothing other than sound waves in the Aether…Everything is the Light." > Magnetism > Polarized Light > Frequencies. UNFATHOMABLE amounts of frequencies exist in the universe to CONSTRUCT everything we see, hear & touch. It's incredible how they co-exist without interfering with one another negatively. Like trillions of different computer codes, but computer codes are just 1's & 0's at their base. You'd think they'd eventually overlap & interfere with each other in a negative manner, yet they don't. Frequencies > Divine "LAW & ORDER." You think the Trump / Tesla connection endgame is just free energy? It's deeper than that. I don't give a SHIT about getting free energy. I want what's UNDERNEATH all that. WHAT Nikola Tesla knew. The TRUTH about nature & our origin. The main reason I push so hard to get people to SEE knowledge the occult cabal has stolen & hidden from us, is because vaccinations isn't the base core reason to pull your children out of indoctrination camps traditionally known as school. The more parents SEE what's being hidden from us, the easier it is to get them to push back against the cabal establishment. NO ONE wants to see their children lied to & manipulated. HOW can your children change the world for the better, if they're PURPOSEFULLY being held back from the get-go? Destructive interferences on our planet NEEDS to end.

Human rights activists of Kazakhstan have discovered that a certain standard has been posted on the website of the National Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health, which (when approved) will give the legal right to take children from any parent and conduct medical experiments with them, including vaccinating them without parental consent. If this document is approved, the same fascist method is possible in Kazakhstan, which was used recently in Australia: helpless children were driven into the stadium like sheep to the slaughter. Parents could not break through the police cordon. The children were vaccinated, after which three children died from taking the vaccine at the stadium, several were hospitalized in serious condition. The initiator of the document: UNICEF. He has long since invaded all the ministries, but not with good intentions.

In the Fall, an increase in mortality is expected among those who have delivered vaccines. And the conclusions will not indicate that these people are vaccinated. States are now deciding how to blame the unvaccinated for this, and not the vaccines themselves. For this purpose, booster vaccinations (revaccination) have been developed. As with the first two doses, those who died after the first or second, but before they should have had an immune response (two weeks), are recorded as patients with "death from Covid-19". So now people who have received only two doses will be officially considered unvaccinated if they have not received a booster vaccination.

Whiplash347, Robert: So there are groups on facebook for Canada that have amassed over 200k local businesses not enforcing any vax pass or mandates that the Ontario government has just announced. BC also. Ontario group is called: Ontario Businesses Against Health Pass. Has grown to 100k in a days. On top of that. Toronto Police department will not enforce the bs mandates of vax passes. Confirmed through officers friends (municipal and provincial. Ie opp). They protest tomorrow in Toronto Canada.

In Florida, they will start issuing fines in the amount of $5,000 to businesses, schools and public institutions that require people to present a document confirming vaccination.


Dr Judy Mikovits joins Mike Adams and she’s dismayed, that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year and the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, and yet it happened, anyway.

“100 million Americans have been injected with a synthetic virus with…the most dangerous spike protein, consisting of HIV, XMRV and SARS.”


She reminds us that the lab origins of the current pandemic are hardly novel; that every “pandemic” has had lab origins since 1984, when Anthony Fauci started working at the NIAID, starting with AIDS.

“HIV/AIDS; you’ll remember the story of how we were lied to by Tony Fauci, Bob Gallo, the people at the top of NIH, CDC, FDA, even then. So the scenario, the game plan is exactly the same…

“We knew the spike protein, alone, the envelope protein, alone is the disease, so they can all backtrack, because they just injected everyone in the world with a synthetic deadly virus. They injected the poison. The word ‘virus’ means ‘poison’ and they injected it into everybody in the world, so they can back off now, because they’ve accomplished their end game. You will have customers for life and you will succeed at mass-murder.

“You’re going to kill everyone with HIV, you’re going to kill the 6% of America that had XMRV, when we were supposedly debunked. Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus is the mouse’s syncytin gene. So we knew the mouse virus was in everybody from the vaccines. We knew the flu vaccine put people at risk of dying of COVID…what I think what everybody has to wake up to is NEVER, EVER, EVER get another shot and we will never, ever, ever see another pandemic.


“We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career. This was my job.” She says their motivation is “To kill people and cover up these crimes. Remember, they’re cremating people, so you can’t realize it was the vaccine strain, so you can’t realize that we were right in 2011, in 1984…

“When our paper, that was ultimately published in Science, in October of 2009…and the entire upper echelons of the government realized that these things were coming out of our laboratories and they re-wrote history then. They called it…an ‘unintended spread of a Biosafety Level 2 contaminant.’

“It’s not ‘Biosafety Level 2’, when it’s contagious cancer, contagious prostate cancer, contagious ovarian cancer, lung cancer! And who are the people now, who they’re inoculating? We never inoculated an AIDS patient! They have an acquired immune dysfunction or deficiency! They can’t make an appropriate antibody or immune response of any kind, that’s why they’re sick. So why, now would you inject them, if the intention is now to kill them and call it ‘COVID’ – it’s not COVID! You created the cancer. You created the disease and now you’re murdering the victims to cover up your crimes…

“We’ve been lied to for 40 years…[HIV] was spread by a Hepatitis vaccination program with a contaminated vaccine. Who dies in the first wave of HIV? All the people that had HIV and XMRV; mouse viruses from a contaminated blood supply. This is what our book showed…

“You mean you can’t mix animal tissue, aborted fetal tissue; that you’re actually injecting into the most vulnerable people another animal’s virome? And other viruses? Mycoplasma, mold, Borrelia, think of the explosion of so-called ‘tick-borne diseases’, chronic Lyme disease. No, they’re not tick-borne, when you have no possibility for exposure. They’re injected! Animal cell lines all have ticks! Mycoplasma, mold, Borrelia, animals get bit in farms. Our animals are vaccinated heavily with these toxic things, activating their viromes to be expressed and when you inject it, you don’t need a transmissable virus."

Gene Decode on Afghanistan etc.:
 “The Afghanistan Taliban was backed by the Alliance. They are NOT evil and have not killed anyone. They have placed the ISIS-K terrorist that was informed by Biden Administration to have a kill list, and set off two bombs that killed 131 people in Kubal. The truth is that the Taliban burned all the Opium fields and it is the first country in the world that has NO DEEP STATE in control of their Country!!"

“From the DoD: Because of the GESARA implementation on Wed 25 Aug related to the global RV release, the Rockefeller Deep State / CIA struck back with the Afghan twin suicide bombers at the Kabul Airport on Thurs. 26 Aug that killed 13 US military personnel, wounded 18, and killed 95 innocent Afghanis who were working with the USA. Unfortunately, the fake Biden admin people shared Intel with the Taliban that produced a virtual "kill list" for Deep State ISIS-K forces as reported to Gregg Jarrett by military sources.

Trump destroyed ISIS and locked up the remaining terrorists at the Bagram Airport. Biden’s Military abandoned Bagram, allowing the Taliban to release the ISIS terrorists. ISIS then became ISIS-K and attacked Kabul Airport, killing Americans and Afghans. The Afghanistan collapse has signaled world nations to abandon the Petro Dollar and cut off a main supplier of illegal drugs, guns and child sex trafficking across the globe."

“Afghanistan is the first liberated country with NO Deep State players in the government. They declared all masks and mandates done, as soon as the good Taliban took over. They burnt all the Opium fields. The real reason the Deep State America was in Afghanistan was the opium, controlled by the CIA rats. The Intel they gave they have fled to Switzerland in a DUMB’s, near the CERN headquarters and a country in South America. I was told that the “Rods of God” might be used to destroy these DUMB’s or has been. American left 85 billion of the equipment, the Alliance plan to give the Good Taliban to fight and jail ISIS-K. The CIA is being shut-down, thank GOD!!"

“The Three Gorges Dam has been totally disabled and does NOT produce electricity, even the 27 nuclear reactors that are underneath. The evil human experiments are cleaned out and the Adrenochrome processing. The 3GD may NOT be taken down, in light that the only thing left is the massive computer for the Bit Coin is there, and in Alliance hands, 52% of the Bit Coin mining."

Weather Wars, Storms: The Deep State has lost the ability of the HAARP but still can seed clouds and form severe weather. Ida was formed from the Africa continent, and was timed to be in New Orleans the same as many major storms in years past. They cannot influence as much, the Sierra Dust from the deserts does NOT allow the storms to be as large.”


Investor Talk, Interview in English with German subtitles: Egon von Greyerz Interview: Große Chancen für Rohstoffe und Gold, große Risiken für Aktien here

Bo Polny: IT BEGINS!! All Hell Breaks Loose, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done" here

Patriot Underground Episode 83 here
Trump Time Travel Theory; Reptilian Hijacking of Earth's Frequency; Telsa's Discovery of Time Travel; John G. Trump Hid The Keys; Rapture Workaround Event; Destination: West World.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 2.9.2021:    here

Australia Trucker Strike:
The Truckies have ‘apparently’ done it. Full blockade to every Sydney Entrance has been in place. I’m getting news that their signals were jammed, a lot of their social media’s have been taken down and not one news organization (including sky news) will be reporting on this. However, digital life doesn’t always resemble real life and in real life entrances have all been blocked. THE TRUCKIES DID IT FULL MEDIA BLACK-OUT ON AUSTRALIA! FASCISTBOOK AND ALL NEWS STATIONS WONT COVER THIS.
There is a major disinformation battle going on regarding the truckers shutting down Sydney. Nothing is as it appears. Be very careful with discussing this topic if you live in Australia. The thought police are out in full force in Australia and have just been given unlimited power over your social media accounts. Australians are now at risk of arrest for posting things online that their government doesn’t like. The fight for freedom marches on.

The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association holds a live press conference, unexpectedly recommending Ivermectin to all doctors, for all patients with Covid. The Japanese government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. Big news. Let me remind you that Ivermectin is one of the most effective therapeutic methods for the treatment of Covid-19. Information about this is carefully hidden by the main media and corrupt scientists.

The false doctor Fauci financed experiments on the body parts of aborted babies at the University of Pittsburgh, selling fetuses, mocked dogs, was involved in the creation of the Corona virus in Chinese laboratories, but the main corrupt media continue to show his head talking about the need to vaccinate everyone, even children. Does anyone believe that this monstrous puppet really wants good for humanity?

A military doctor from the United States reports with genuine concern that more soldiers have already died from vaccination than from Covid-19, many soldiers have severe side effects.

Governments are now openly admitting that they are experimenting with our children, and they plan to put initiatives in place to ensure there is NOTHING we can do about it!

The largest law firm confirms that the FDA deceived America with its incomprehensible "approval " of the Pfizer vaccine.
When the US Food and Drug Administration announced on August 23 that it had fully approved the first Covid vaccine under the brand name Comirnaty, the mainstream media immediately started reporting on the events. Joe Biden jumped in front of the microphone and told businesses that they should "strengthen" the mandatory introduction of vaccines for their employees. Dr. Anthony Fauci told national media that he expects a number of new "mandates" that will be triggered by the approval of the Pfizer vaccine. There is only one problem. The FDA "approved" the wrong Pfizer vaccine that is currently available on the American market. Some people looked under the facade and checked the facts of what the FDA really did, and not what the media and the Joe Biden administration said. On August 27, Liberty Counsel of Orlando, Florida, arguably the most respected Christian law firm in the country, issued a press release confirming the deception.
"The FDA has taken the bait by announcing that it has approved its "first vaccine against COVID-19" in order to advance the requirements of the "vaccine" and protect the pharmaceutical company Pfizer from legal liability. However, there is currently no fully licensed COVID vaccine on the US market. Although this is confusing, and probably intentional, it summarizes the current status of Pfizer-BioNTech injections: All existing Pfizer vials (hundreds of millions) remain under the Federal Emergency Use Permit (EUA) (which means that people have the "option to accept them or refuse". The third or" booster " injection of Pfizer is identical to the one above and remains within the EUA with limited use for certain categories of people. BioNTech has received FDA approval for people aged 16 and older under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States. In other words, there is CURRENTLY NO FDA-approved COVID-19 injection in the United States. All COVID vaccinations in America are subject to the EUA law, and thus people have a "choice to accept or reject" them. Even when COVID vaccination approved by the Food and Drug Administration becomes available, people are protected by federal law and the laws of many states from being forced to receive these vaccinations based on their sincere religious beliefs or rights of conscience."


Benjamin Fulford Report, 30.8.21: More Rats Abandoning the Biden Ship here


Cirsten W., Gene Decode and Michael Jaco destroy the Deep State lies and bring hope here
Kurt's notes:
Around min 48-49 Gene Decode mentions military underground tunnels in Albania and Austria as part of a interconnected D.U.M.B.-line from Vatican to Israel and to Switzerland.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 1.9.2021:    here

Benjamin Fulford Report: More Rats Abandoning Biden Ship: The degeneration of the United States under the fake Biden regime has reached the point where many staunch allies are abandoning it.  The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is turning out to be just one domino of many that will soon fall, multiple sources agree. The next dominoes are predicted to be Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine.  However, the elephant in the living room remains Israel, Iran, and their Swiss-based sponsors.  The Palestinians understand this, which is why they have announced they will no longer deal with the fake Biden regime.

WARNING: Do not go to the Capitol to protest, especially on 9/11. They are planning for a False Flag Event to blame QAnons, Trump, Patriots.

Australia: Silent protest rallies erupted at government buildings around Australia. A range of protest groups have called August 31 ‘Shut Down Australia Day.’ Truck blocks freeway with sign: Keep the Blockage going until the Government resigns:

Inflation in the United States is growing rapidly, Russia and Saudi Arabia are signing an agreement to end the influence of the" gasoline dollar", which puts the dollar itself and the economies of the countries at even greater risk.

In Germany, a legal team has been running an exercise for a new government structure with a priority to stop all Covid-19 injections because they are unsafe.
German allies like Denmark are planning to end all Covid-related measures by October.

In Japan, Tokyo’s Medical Association Chairman Kazuhiro Nagao held a press conference on Japanese TV where he came out against vaccines and says he’s used Ivermectin as an early treatment for over 500 Covid patients with a practically 100% success rate.  Nagao has asked for nationwide use.

Tokyo’s Medical Association chairman went public noting how countries that distribute Ivermectin to the public have far lower rates of Covid and mortality from illness.

“If you think we’re fighting a virus, you’re going to act like a victim. If you think we’re fighting a war, you’re going to act like a warrior.” -Dr. Lee Merritt, at America’s Frontline Doctors Summit Anniversary event.

PARASITES, METALS, NANO-PARTICLES AND GRAPHENE OXIDE FOUND IN VACCINES: Dr Robert Young discovers ingredients used in vax jabs.


David Nino Rodriguez: Juan O Savin "Stay The Course" A Tribute To Robert David Steele here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 31.8.2021:    here

Schedule of Events:

On Sat 22 Aug. there was large global bank and financial industry meetings in Iraq involving all 207 participating countries. They were celebrating the Global Currency Reset. Bond Holder notifications were set to go out, with liquidity on Tues. 31 Aug.

On Wed 25 Aug. GESARA began to be fully implemented, which resulted in the Deep State/ CIA Afghan twin suicide bombers attack at the Kabul Airport on Thurs. 26 Aug.

Sun. 29 Aug. Australian Trucker Strike began. Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana, shutting off electricity and closing down 95% of oil production on the Gulf of Mexico.

Tues. 31 Aug. Worldwide Trucker Strike to begin. Truckers plan to join Strike for Medical Freedom here in the US starting Tues. 31 Aug. Stock up patriots.

Fri. 6 Sept. Gitmo 9/11 pre-trials begin.

Sat. 7 Sept. A major Satanic Holiday of child sexual abuse and human sacrifice called “Marriage to the Satanic Beast Satan.”

Sat. 11 Sept. 9/11 anniversary as pre-trial hearings on 9/11 continued, with expected public announcement of NESARA/ GESARA.

9/11 Pretrial Hearing goes from Fri. Sept. 6 through Fri. 17 Sept. Sept. 6-17 was 10 biz days.
Are they incorporating Tribunals into our 10 day movie marathon? Media gets front row seats to Gitmo 9/11 pre-trial hearings – never happened before in history.

By Mon. 13 Sept. Tier 4B was to be finished exchanging so rates could be adjusted for the Tier 5 public start of exchanges on Wed 15 Sept.

Wed. 15 Sept.: This is potentially huge: Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, grandson of the last German emperor is making (his first?) public appearance on an event (and possibly TV) on Sept 15th!!!

Our military Intel Contact said we are so close he cannot say much, except that Biden admin people blocking the RV in the USA are being arrested and removed. He said remember that Marine Gen David Berger and Department of Defense Joint Chiefs White Hats recently said that the Biden Admin is illegitimate because of proven election fraud, proven by Department of Defense internal investigation that found incontrovertible evidence of voting fraud in AZ, NV, GA, PA, MI, WI.

Bill Gates Military Tribunal:

"Execution" = Capital Punishment! = Treason! Capital cases are tried in courts-martial before a panel of at least 12 military members. All members of the panel must outrank the accused. The defendant cannot plead guilty to the charges. A two-thirds majority is enough for conviction, but unanimity is required to issue a death sentence during the penalty phase of the proceeding. The sentence must be personally confirmed by the President of the United States.

General Berger doesn’t recognize the Biden administration. He knows power was unlawfully usurped, and the election stolen. He believes the vaccines require much more testing, and that it’s unconstitutional and immoral to use questionable medication on perfectly healthy troops. He is prepared to go down fighting over this. Gen. Berger has the support of most of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, and Chief of Naval Operations Michael M. Gilday, all of whom are Trump appointees and all of whom have vowed to depose Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, post haste.

NK & Iran Nuke Facilities have long ago been hit with Rods of God. All Nuclear Plants must be shutdown for GESARA. Remember Earthquakes near Nuke Facilities in Iran?  Rods of God cause Earthquakes. Its all for show. From memory The Nuke plants at 3GD was a 5 yr project designed to install 5 to 8 Reactors per yr from 2014. I had seen reactors have already been shutdown. 24 was the number I remember. For those new check out the Earthquakes at Iranian Nuclear Facilities December 2019 & January 2020. Yea its all complete. Rods of God more than a year ago. Also follow up with all the Iranian Officials getting Rona'd in early to mid 2020.

WARNING: Food, Gas and Goods Shortages: You were urged to stock up on at least two to three weeks of food and necessities.

According to the World Health Organization, we were approaching up to 30% to 40% increase in the cost of food worldwide. 

Oil and gas companies evacuate employees, slash production ahead of Hurricane Ida. Hurricane Ida shut down 95% of the Gulf’s oil supply: Destruction of DUMBS and Adrenochrome harvesting stations! Shell Co. cover for HUMA!!! :( HUM – Human A – Adrenochrome. Expect weeks of fuel supply disruptions. Hurricane Ida shuts down 95% of Gulf of Mexico oil production. The Royal Dutch Shell Plc Convent refinery is seen Saturday, Aug. 28, in Convent, Louisiana, ahead of Hurricane Ida. More than 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has been shut down because of Hurricane Ida, regulators said Sunday, indicating that the hurricane is significantly affecting energy supplies. Shell has a 268-km pipeline located right where our 3 HUMA [dead ships] are. Are [they] harvesting Adreno on HUMA and sending the chemical to the Bonny Offshore Terminal via F-39?

US Financial Collapse Imminent! Unemployment rate is an astonishing 40%. Inflation rates are calculated a sky-high 12%. The Stock Market has been on the verge of collapse for months. Because it was not backed by anything Bitcoin was expected to collapse at any moment.

Before the Crash, the Deep State always pumps Wall Street with figures at an all time high. That’s so investors can invest more money, hoping to get in on a deal of a life time. Then they pull the rug, pump the Market. The bubble will bust! Big Bankers were pulling again and sharing false reports that the market was at an all time High. Fake News. Crash. You all know this was coming.

September 1st watch the market start to crash. Give it 2weeks. This is the last action needed to happen.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD: Pfizer and FDA continue to screw the American people. The vaccine approved is called Comirnaty. It will not be available in USA until 2024. This will allow Pfizer to finish longer term studies and avoid liability for marketing a killer vaccine. The current vaccine that has an EUA made by BioNtech-Pfizer got an extension of its EUA and will be used in America. This will protect Pfizer from liability because they are not actively marketing the killer vaccine. The current vaccine is identical to Comirnaty. In other words, FDA, Pfizer and the media make a lot of noise about an approved vaccine that is not available for the next 3 years.  While the identical vaccine gets an extension of it’s EUA (not FDA approved). The only thing that this legal trick accomplices is to fool the public and protect Pfizer from liability. This is a poison death shot and you have no legal recourse because it has emergency authorization that protects the government and Pfizer from liability.


David Zublick, Dark Outpost 08-31-2021: Military Arrests Hunter Biden! here

I always say we are watching a show.
Everything we see is indeed a movie…and like a movie, there will be an end…
And in the end, the main actors will be shown, the villains are eliminated!
The end is near. The plot is obvious - and watch it in this video!

Gene Decode #44 Vaccines Kill and Mandates here

X22 Report: Ep. 2564b -They Are Being Forced Into The Light, It Had To Be This Way, In The End The People Win here
The [DS] is now being forced into the light, the plan has been accelerated and everyone can see it. The people are getting the truth out via social media, the fake news is being debunked in realtime. The people must walk through the darkness, more is coming and those people who are not awake will be forced to see the truth. It had to be this way, in the end the people will win. The [DS] playbook is known and since they follow the same playbook it is easy to counter their moves. We are in an information war and the [DS] is using all their ammunition, in the end this will fail.

X22 Report: Ep. 2564a - Debt Payoff, Audit, Gold Destroys The Fed, Double Meaning here
People are waking up to the fact that the economy is failing. [JB]/[CB] are showing the people the truth, the system does not work for the people. Trump and the patriots have planned to bring down the [CB], gold will destroy the central bank, but not in the way that people believe.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 30.8.2021:    here

Australia Trucker Strike:
We are blockading the M1 hwy at Robina this morning at 5.45am. 35 trucks to start with. Standing with us will be two senators, 8 federal police and a whole bunch of nurses and medical staff. We will also have sky news and One Nation's news crew with us as well. This will make national/international news and once word gets out this action has started we believe thousands around the country will stand up with us. The media will of course hack us to pieces and call us terrorists or w/e and claim we are breaking the law but we don't care. We believe we are standing more IN law than anything the Australian Government is doing. This action will hopefully cause all truckies around the country to blockade and the intention is to keep the blockade in place until we get our country back. No backing down, no quarter given, it stops now. The line has been drawn and the blockade will remain until our demands are met. We will be blockading at The Caltex service station at Reedy Creek, where its only two lanes. And this is just the beginning. Please come and support us and everyone involved.

Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) discusses the circumstances surrounding her drafting of the articles of impeachment against President Biden regarding his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, she also raises the alarm on the dire need of America to not hand over 'the mining rights of over 1 trillion of rare earth minerals' located in Afghanistan to China in a deal by the Taliban. She explains that China currently 'dominates over 80%' of the rare mineral mines in the world, including Lithium that is used for batteries. She states that by combining this with the passage of the Infrastructure Bill, which requires that cars be battery-powered by 2030, will be 'handing over the American people to be slaves to China's battery market'.

President Trump EO (= Executive Order) 13848 blocks properties, etc. as outlined in this EO. Foreigners / foreign countries / government agencies / people involved the foreign interference of the Election(s) that owns any property in the USA shall become the property of the United States.  Those donating to or from foreign countries interfering with the Election is also referenced.  DO YOU SEE THE BIG PICTURE? Distractions and FF from the desperate alpha agencies and left are harsh!  Why is China fighting so hard???  Do we now own all their properties in the USA? The Audit is icing on the cake, the reports from the DNI has already been submitted to Trump! Only my opinion based on this EO!

If you are turning on Trump because of your own impatience, I want to remind you that he made a choice to sacrifice everything he had - all for love of country. Did he do it for money? No. He had billions. Did he do it for fame? No. He was one of the most famous people on earth. Did he do it for power? No. He did the opposite of the power hungry globalists and put America first. He was a billionaire in his 70’s with five children and ten grandchildren - a man who had it all. He put it all on the line because he saw where this country was headed. Talk about sacrifice... Did you really think he wasn’t prepared for [their] plan to steal the election? Have faith, Patriots. I truly believe the best is yet to come.

E.O 13848 & E.O 13818 has seized the World basically. Anyone linked in Crimes against Humanity & Foreign Election Interference. G.E.S.A.R.A LAW was signed off at the HAGUE (International Court Of Justice) by all World Leaders. Win by any means necessary. Flipping of 1871 Act of England. Flipping of Balfour Declaration. Capturing of the TITLE 4 FLAG. Global Military Intelligence Operation.

THE DEATH BLOW TO THE CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM WILL KILL THE DEEP STATE.  6 Central Banks And The Ponzi Scheme That Will Bankrupt The World. All countries will use this new Gold-backed currency, with China & Russia leading the way. This will be the full destruction of the Central Bank fiat system & the Deep State. The rumor is that Saudi Arabia has recently signed a military mutual defense pact with Russia, abandoning the former US agreement of the Petro dollar — which means the end of the US dollar as the rest of the nations will also abandon the US dollar. This will cause a huge financial crash — happening before the year is done. This will be the official end to Washington DC, the pedo joe admin, the American fiat dollar & Fed system. The dominion election fraud will become evident to the world. The military Alliance will take over & a global shutdown will take place. Once this happened, I believe the QFS will be activated & the new USTN (United States Treasury Notes) Rainbow Currency will be backed by Gold & other precious metals.

A Lawyer in Melbourne Australia has begun a lawsuit against the state's "Chief Health Officer" Brett Sutton and one of his associates, claiming the "covid test" kits used to justify the ever-enduring "state of emergency" and "lockdowns" were faulty/unreliable, and the entire government response to the idea of a viral pandemic is based on false medical data.

A Doctor on the Covid 19 Vaccine Holocaust: “The first dose of vaccines killed 15% (these numbers are hidden. Only 1% of the deaths from the vaccines are reported). The second dose of vaccines will kill up to 30% (and is happing right now. But they are blaming Delta and new variants for the vaccines deaths.) These deaths will continue the next months. The third dose of vaccines will kill up to 50_70% of the people who took the vaccines. These deaths are slated from Fall 2021 _2023. The booster vaccines were sure to put the nail in the coffin for any one taking them. Millions will die in the next three years.”

Checkmate Imminent: Never interrupt an enemy….The brilliance of DJT
- Under the EUA, you cannot mandate the vax. When the FDA “approved” it, they NOW HAVE TO CONFIRM CGMP PROTOCOLS.
- They have 14 days, Approved Monday, Aug 23…. Sept 6 is the deadline to show WHAT IS IN THE VIALS?
- I wonder what is in those vials?
- It’s the end of the pharmaceutical industry as we know it
- It’s the end of government regulated healthcare as we know it
CGMP Protocol:

Final Wakeup Call: If you still think the government has been telling you the truth & they have your best interest in might want to look into this RESEARCH:
Project Bluebird
Project Bluebeam
Project Evergreen
Project Artichoke
Project Monarch
Operation Chaos 
Operation Gladio
Operation Mockingbird 
Operation Paperclip
Operation Northwoods 
Operation Ranch Hand
Operation Popeye
(Doomsday Project)
Operation Project Seal
Operation Stargate
Operation Highjump
Operation Delirium
Project Rainbow
Operation Midnight Climax
Project Woodpecker 
Project Stargate - Grill Flame, Sun Streak
Operation Cloverleaf
Operation Fishbowl
Project Bluebook
Project Coast.
Musical Control ( Rockefeller )
Project Groom Lake
Jekyll Island.
The creation of the Federal Reserve.
Fiat currency.
Operation High Jump.
Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd.
Operation Paperclip.
Flouridation effects.
Agenda 21.
Agenda 30.
The Getty Research Institute.
B G H (Bovine growth hormone).
Rothschild’s family history.
Albert Pike.
Adam Weishaupt.
Council of Foreign Relations
Committee of 300.
13 families.
Skull and Bones Society.
The Bush family’s business dealings.
General Wesley Clark.
Bill Cooper.
William Guy Carr.
Nibiru (Planet X).
Ninth Circle Cult.
Nazi eugenics.
Council of 13.
Council of Nicea.
Library of Alexandria.
Vatican Catacombs.
Emperor Constantine.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
Knights of Malta.
Sabbatean Frankists.
Phil Schneider.
Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion.
Tavistock Institute.
Frankfurt subversion techniques.
Fabian society.
Satanic ritual abuse.
Elm St Guest house.
788 - 790 Finchley Road, Hampstead.
Christchurch Primary School, Hampstead.
The Samson Option.


Mike Adams, HRR: Exopolitics expert Dr. Michael Salla answers questions about extraterrestrial civilizations here


Mel and Charlie back together as the war between good and evil rages on. As we end August the tempo is heating up globally. People are waking up and the deep state has all assets deployed. The fog of war is thick and we must stay focused on the mission. Dark to Light, Banish Evil, God Wins!
Special prayers to fellow truth warrior Robert David Steele. We salute you.



Patriot Streetfighter: 11.12.20 PEU #2: Military 2020 Election Sting Operation Leading to Trump 2nd Term Landslide here
The 2020 Election for the US Presidency was a Military Sting Operation to entrap the perpetrators of the largest widespread criminal voter fraud involving the Democrat Party and their Republican collaborators involving a number of foreign governments and the Biden Campaign.
Kurt's comment:
Scott McKay speaks very fast, but each word he says is meaningful. Listen carefully, he explains everything what is going on in the background. Nothing is at it seems. It seems as if we are losing the war, but in reality we have already won. The awakened know it, the half-awakened will research, the sleepers/sheeps will continue to not believe it. No belief, no research, no awakening ... Victims for their whole life. Free will. You can do nothing about it. We have to live with these life-long brainwashed sleepers. As Q said: "You can not tell the truth, you have to show it." Now the sleepers are going to see the truth and it will be a nightmare for them ... Spiritually I have been awake since long, but politically I was a sheep myself until two and a half year ago. But because of being spiritually awake, I felt that something was wrong in the world and around me. Therefore I started my research beyond the CIA controlled mainstream and I went deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole ...


Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, Aug 29th, 2021 - Why God will NOT save humanity from its own destruction here


Michael Salla: Interview on Dark Fleet Exodus from Ceres & Mars here
The latest intelligence from the Galactic Federation of Worlds is that the planetoid Ceres, has just been liberated, according to extraterrestrial contactee and former French archeologist, Elena Danaan.  In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena presents the most recent intel she has received from her primary Federation contact, Thor Han Eredyon. about Ceres and Mars. Tony Rodrigues, who claims to have spent approximately 13 years on Ceres as a slave for the Dark Fleet, along with having spent several months on Mars, is also interviewed about his experiences.
Both Elena and Tony are questioned by Dr. Michael Salla about their reactions to the latest updates from the Galactic Federation, and what it means for humanity's expansion into space. Find out how the Galactic Federation works with the Earth Alliance in liberating worlds formerly controlled by the Dark Fleet and their extraterrestrial allies. Learn what happens when a world is liberated from its former overlords, and what expectations the Galactic Federation has for Earth nations in taking control over our solar system. Discover how the Artemis Accords fit into unfolding events in our solar system.

Retired US Marine Claims He Spent 15+ Years In Space And On Mars, Protecting 5 Human Colonies here

Welcome to 1938: First, they came for the unvaccinated here
Wayne Allyn Root declares, 'This is the most important commentary I've ever written'

'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta here


Patriot Underground Episode 82 here
Kurt's notes:
Waiting for God's hand moment.
Very likely, not even the White Hats know the exact date of the big event.
And if they do know it, they certainly won't tell the enemy, who of course will be listening in.
Therefore, any communication from the White Hats is a mixture of information and disinformation.
We are at war between good and evil, and the supreme warlords are none other than God and the Devil themselves.
Near death experience of individual, nation and humanity necessary to rediscover our spiritual oneness.
Evolutionary process of our consciousness from human to spiritual/divine point of view.

Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop (Official Music Video) here

Kurt's notes:
The destruction of the US petro dollar.
24.8.21 military cooperation agreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia - probably oil against military protection.
That would mean for the US dollar the loss of its status as global reserve currency.

Letter of the People to Trump questioning his leadership here

8.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter, Neg48 & The Apostles For The Big Reveal, The Jesus Strand here

8.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter, PART 2 Neg48 & The Apostles For The Big Reveal, The Jesus Strand here

8.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST Jesus Strand Discussion w/ Neg48 & Crew here


Patriot Underground Episode 81, 26.8.21 here
FDA Gaslights the Public on "Comirnity"
"Approval" Legally Exposes the FDA and Big Pharma
EUA Tyranny
QFS Central to the WH Plan
Smokescreens Everywhere
Repatriating Stolen Wealth
Replenishing Pensions
Are "Variants" Actually WH Codes?
"Trust the Plan" and "We Are the Plan" Not Mutually Exclusive
20th Anniversary of 9/11 and FF
Kurt's comment:
In my opinion, one of the best analyses of the current world situation.

France: Close everything and we’ll take to the streets! here
Last evening as terraced restaurants required macron's "covid passports", the people brought their own picnics to the streets. Restaurants empty, street filled with free and happy families dining together.

Denmark abolishes all Corona measures (Thank You Denmark!) Finally some common sense at national level here
Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then no longer have to provide evidence of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, or whether they have tested positive or negative.
Tyrolean lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen, meanwhile strongly recommended that all employers refrain from vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them were “obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it”.

Kurt's comment:
I highly recommend Alan Fountain because he explains very well the White Hat Sting Operation and all the confusion around Trump's alleged role in the vaccination agenda. 5D chess. The Art of War.

Alan Fountain: What Is The White Hat Strategy with Allowing the FDA Approval of the Jab and Trump Optics Speaking Positively in the Media & at the last Saturday Alabama Ralley? here
To all the followers of the Great Awakening who are scratching their heads to discern what is going on with the White Hat Operation right now is in my discernment we are in a Massive Sting Operation to Destroy Cabal Institutions. Trump knows that his loyal followers who have used critical thinking skills and followed the Q military stringer decodes by the advanced decoders understand these optics and are less likely to all of a sudden mistrust his 5D chess game or Trump Tzu Game Theory Military moves.
Hold The Line Patriots as We Are Close To The Falling Dominoes as White Hats Take Out the -NIH, FDA, CDC & THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA!
BIG PHARMA DESTROYED: Former Pfizer Employee, Karen Kingston, Shares Bombshell Details of FDA Approval Optics and Truths.
WOW! Former Pfizer Employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We WIN”
This Next Video discloses other Important information regarding the Vaccine Optics and the FDA Approval Optics. The below updates with Dr. Jane Ruby explains how 50% of the population who got the Jabs really got saline placebos with zero harmful outcomes. We are in a STING OPERATION to destroy cabal institutions and arrest all guilty persons who were part of the conspiracy.

Michael Salla: 2nd Source on Jupiter Meetings & Galactic Federation Intervention in Solar System here
A second source on an alleged set of meetings above Jupiter has come forward to share more details of what occurred and more startling information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds intervening in our solar system. Megan Rose is a registered nurse in the US State of Florida who claims to be an extraterrestrial contactee with the Galactic Federation. 
In this Exopolitics Today interview, Megan begins by discussing two alien abduction experiences at ages 5 and 9, respectively, where she was rescued by members of the Galactic Federation. She identifies her primary rescuers as two Galactic Federation pilots and warriors, Val Nek and Thor Han. 
In 2019, Megan regained memories of her childhood abductions and rescues. She described a physical implant she was given which enables her to remain in touch with Val Nek who regularly communicates with her in a similar manner to how Thor Han communicates with Elena Danaan, another contactee with the Galactic Federation. 
In the interview Megan discussed a telepathic message she received from Val Nek with additional details of the July 2021 meetings on Jupiter. She provides new details on Galactic Federation intervention on the Earth, Moon and Mars. Megan Rose's information provides a crucial second source on the Jupiter meetings, and corroborates information earlier revealed  by Elena Danaan.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report, 6.4.21: Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-ops Out of Switzerland here


TRUMP TAKES $1 MILLION FROM PFIZER, Then Shuts Down RFK Jr. Position here and here (video)
After Trump was elected he invites Robert Kennedy Jr. to Trump Tower to offer him a position in the administration. Soon after Pfizer gives Trump $1 million and presto - the RFK, Jr, appointment is withdrawn.
This video describes the event, but it is faster to go to minute mark 7:12.
Trump has been influenced by big Pharma from the time he was elected and because of that, he rejected the help RFK, Jr. could have done to shine the light on the vaccine scams.
Big money runs nations and the average citizens don't have a chance to compete with their power and influence. Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000, to 1 in 34 now. Over the counter drug use has gone from a small percentage to 54% in the US.
Comment from a viewer below the video:
Meanwhile, behind the scenes (which RFK Jr is not privvy to):
Trump to his advisors: "So, how do we get them to bribe me so that we can catch them on video doing it? Unless we go that route, they will just keep on with their vaccine agenda."
Advisors: "Well, we'd suggest that....(excactly how RFK Jr said it played out).....
Trump: "So I have to make it look like I took a bribe and let this jackass from pfizer be appointed?
Advisors: "Yes sir. We know it makes you look bad, but you'd be taking one for the team." Then they proceed to explain the rest of the plan.
Trump: (pauses for 2 1/2 seconds and then says, "Perfect. Let's do it."
I may be wrong, but only time will tell. No, I wasn't there when they planned this, of course, just making a point.
Everyone acts like they KNOW Trump and how he thinks. What you people are forgetting is that he is a Master chess player as well as a Master at "The Art of War."
maybe the interviewer and RFK Jr should take a minute and read that book written by Sun Tzu -- and then pause to consider that they have NO IDEA what is going on behind the scenes.
I don't either. But I can say there's no way Trump would be donating his salary and then take a $1M bribe. Just like another commenter below said, it makes no sense. UNLESS he had a plan.
How has it played out? pfizer right now has two weeks to tell the public what is in the death shots that you people are calling vaccines. Once people find out how badly they've been lied to and how their loved ones did not have to be maimed and disabled by those shots -- pfizer is done.
Once this comes out, there's going to be an avalanche of information that follows about vaccines that are disabling millions and millions of children over the years of all the vaccinations.
At that point, big pharma (which is basically controlling the world right now) will be outed and therefore NEUTERED.

Communist Biden regime plans to put “antivaxxers” on “no gun list” so Americans can’t defend themselves from CDC internment camps here
Natural News: The Biden regime desperately wants to put the “unvaccinated” on a “no fly list” — permanently segregating tens of millions of innocent Americans from air travel. The tyranny doesn’t end there. Once Americans are placed on a “no fly list” and labeled domestic terrorists, they can be put on a “no gun list” — leading to firearm confiscation and forever depriving Americans of their right to keep and bear arms. This is all being done intentionally, step-by-step, and in a clandestine way, because it is so much easier to round up dissenting Americans and put them in internment camps when they are unarmed and stereotyped as a subhuman class of citizens.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 25.8.2021:    here

Fri. 27 Aug: The Storm Begins  

Sat. 11 Sept: The Storm Ends


Catastrophic events were about to happen, perhaps as early as this Fri. 27 Aug. and ending 17 days later on 9/11.

Even more important, we all needed to prepare with at least three weeks of foods and goods storage for a shortage that appeared to be set to begin on that same Fri. 27 Aug.

The Storm: From all indications we were soon to experience a fake Nuclear Standoff between the US and Russia complicated by the Chinese Communist Party, Iran and Israel’s hacking of nuclear reactors worldwide. These would be considered Biblical Events with fake Nukes and Cyber Attacks and where it appeared to be the beginning of World War III.

In reality such would give the Alliance an opportunity to activate Militaries worldwide and bring in a form of Martial Law to take down the Cabal Illuminati in the largest global Military Operation in history.

During Martial Law Satan worshipping child sacrificing global elites would be arrested and their 34 Satanic empty landmarks worldwide, destroyed. We’re talking the Vatican, White House X 2, Washington DC itself including the Washington Monument, Getty Museum and the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles, Buckingham Palace, China’s Three Gorges Dam, Royal Castles, the CIA headquarters at CERN on the Swiss/French Border and other well known landmarks that hid the vast network of Satan worshiping global elite underground tunnels containing their child sex trafficking network, CIA Mind Control laboratories, adrenochrome production, organ harvesting and Bitcoin production.

Ten Days of Darkness: A Blackout would occur worldwide for a short amount of time for the changeover to Tesla Free Energy. While Mass Arrests were going on Project Veritas would bring down Mass Media satellites, while the new Starlink System would take over to broadcast three days of seven Presidential Messages and ten days of eight hour educational videos 24/7.

Martial Law would prevail until the various countries were able to have free, transparent and immediate elections using their cell phones and computers, along with the Quantum Computer, in order to establish governments based on concepts of the original 1776 Constitution.

Whiplash347 Warning: Phones will go down: First you will get seven Presidential Msgs that go to all mobile phones worldwide before they disconnect them. This is the 7 TRUMPETS, = 7 KINGDOMS. It's for the Storm. EBS is TV - Tesla Free Energy Blackout will be done first. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. This shouldn't take long. You need POWER for your TV Emergency Broadcast System & Homes.

Whiplash347: The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities - 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law.  Changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776. Will be a Transition. CASTLE ROCK.  Just about go time.


8.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update here

COBRA - Hold the Light - Galactics Will Reverse and Heal ALL Negative Side Effects of the Vaccines here


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/25/21 here

Patriot Underground: David Icke Interview here

Benjamin Fulford Full Report, 24.8.2021: Afghan Withdrawal Signals Start of New Anti-Cabal Offensive here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 24.8.2021:    here

Whiplash347:  There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it’s WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild. THE EVENT. IT IS BIBLICAL.

Whiplash347 Warning: Phones will go down: First you will get seven Presidential Msgs that go to all mobile phones worldwide before they disconnect them. This is the 7 TRUMPETS, = 7 KINGDOMS. It’s for the Storm. EBS is TV – Tesla Free Energy Blackout will be done first. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. This shouldn’t take long. You need POWER for your TV Emergency Broadcast System & Homes.

Lots of Events Incoming: Fake WW3 Scenario. Fake Incoming Nukes & Cyber. Have to raise the Military Status to a Full Blown World War Status.

MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY. The Cabal tries to create wars while covering up 2020 Election Fraud, the Plandemic, Vaccine Deaths, Big Tech Interference, Global Elite Pedophilia and World Economic Crash, Crash, Crash. It’s always Dark before the Dawn – Arrests will take place in the Days of Darkness. The most important Summer of the 21st Century: Watch the Water. The White Hats will use a Black Swan Event to Bring in Martial Law: Military is the only Way. Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming: The Best is Yet to Come!!!

Whiplash347: The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities – 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law.  Changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776. Will be a Transition. CASTLE ROCK.  Just about go time.

Whiplash347: Events in Middle East, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Myanmar and several other countries are very REAL!!! Both sides. White HATS and [DS] are making Major moves…In the End the world is CONNECTED. All 32 Major COUNTRIES will FALL. ALL OTHER COUNTRIES WILL FOLLOW. When the lights go out. Arrests are IMMINENT For all CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY…NUREMBERG CODE. ALL WHO CONSPIRED WITH PLANDEMIC AND CORRUPTION IN COHESION WITH DEEP STATE IN ALL COUNTRIES. Next Pakistan, China, India, Africa, Conflicts Erupt. All conflicts are for purposes of bringing in the MILITARY PLANNED

FDA grants full approval to Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, opening door to more vaccine mandates We knew it was coming. Buckle up Patriots!! Shit just hits the fan. They will mandate like in Australia and France and people will wake up and stand and protest exactly like elswhere. That’s the great wave. The storm is coming. Do not fear. We already won!

Arizona: ”On a scale from 1 to 10… I would say it’s 12!” – analyst Jovan Pulitzer on the seriousness of the audit results in his 197 pages in the audit report on Arizona. The official representative of the audit department of the State of Arizona, Randy Pullen, believes that the final audit report will be available to the public by the end of August.

Watch All PLANdemic Secrets Here: Biden admin doesn’t want to show the vaccine’s ingredients so they are hiding it and there’s nothing printed on the ingredients papers in boxes. This is why people don’t trust Biden’s vaccines as Trump says. Cause people think it’s the bad evil Bill Gates Globalists poison vaccines. What if the vaccine’s ingredients would be made public and that you find out that Trump vaccines pushed with Warp Speed contains: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, zinc, vitamins, silver colloidal, and some other really good ingredients? These ingredients are decalcifying the pineal glands and helping the awakening of sleepers who took the vaccines. People who took the vaccines need a little awakening help before the revelations so that they can understand and see the truths.

What if Trump will soon reveal to the public the real ingredients used in vaccines by Warp Speed. Warp Speed Trump’s vaccines are NOT the evil globalists poisonous Bill Gates vaccines. This is exactly why Trump created Warp Speed and used the militaries to take over the bad evil poison vaccines genocide plan. Did you know that every top Big Pharma companies head officers, president and VPs stepped down or resigned in the last 3 years? This is whitehats taking over the dark globalist agenda during the Trump administration before the COVID scam plandemic starts.

The PLANdemic is a military operation the good whitehats used to take over the bad evil globalists agenda. This is the art of war. You use the enemy energy/power and plan and you highjack it. The vaccines/lockdowns mandates protests are good cause it’s how people awake to communist and globalists corruption. Once awaken, they protest against the corrupt governments and corporations and awaken more people. So they couldn’t just say before the global shutdown that they changed the vaccines with good ingredients.

Hack the dark, Spread the light! This is The Great Awakening! Trump cannot say it yet. Why he says that if he wouldn’t be here, we would’ve seen way more deaths like the fake 1917 Spanish flu. It will all be revealed after the mass global shutdown. 10 days of darkness which is coming real soon. Because of these vaccines/lockdowns tyrannical mandates the world is awakening at massive speed right now. Keep up your good work.

We are witnessing the global takeover of the Deep-States and corruption. This is the final takedown, the transfer to greatness! This is The Great Awakening! Hope this helps you understand and stay positive. Do not fear. Stay calm, meditate, never give up and ALWAYS stay positive. You need to ONLY focus on the light and the good will come. Love you all! Hack the dark, Spread the light!


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/24/21 here

Kurt's comment on patriots' rising criticism of Trump's stance on Covid vaccination after his Alabama speech:
To the following:
“What if the vaccine’s ingredients would be made public and that you find out that Trump vaccines pushed with Warp Speed contains: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, zinc, vitamins, silver colloidal, and some other really good ingredients? These ingredients are decalcifying the pineal glands and helping the awakening of sleepers who took the vaccines. People who took the vaccines need a little awakening help before the revelations so that they can understand and see the truths. What if Trump will soon reveal to the public the real ingredients used in vaccines by Warp Speed. Warp Speed Trump’s vaccines are NOT the evil globalists poisonous Bill Gates vaccines. This is exactly why Trump created Warp Speed and used the militaries to take over the bad evil poison vaccines genocide plan.”
But a lot of people are dying now from the vaccines and Trump should not push the vaccines anymore, because, as it seems, if it is true, what is said here about the Warp Speed vaccine’s ingredients, the Deep State has changed it to Gates’ poisonous vaccines.
Trump as controlled opposition and part of the cabal is the most pessimistic view, but it is a possibility. Therefore: always hope the best and prepare for the worst. It is indeed very strange that Trump in an interview does not answer at all the question regarding the vaccine passport. Instead he repeats proudly that he is the father of the covid vaccine, and loses no word about the danger of the vaccine. If this is the real Trump, then I turn my back on him. But there is also the possibility that Gene Decode's argumentation of an secret agenda of the White Hats to heal the manipulated genetics of the mankind by these vaccines is true, and if that is so, then Trump has to play his role in it and has to motivate the people to take part in the vaccination. Nobody of us really knows what is going on, what direction it will take and how it will end for all of us. We have to give our best and to deliver ourselves in God's hands.
Below are some examples of the growing criticism of Trump by patriots.

CGI's oldcurmudgeon: Defining Moments -- Trump Just Had One And It Was a Doozy! here
Defining moments – Trump just had one, and it was a doozy!

Over the long years of my life I have always found it interesting to take note of the fact that very often the most monumental moments -- those statements, events, happenings, etc. -- that define the point where things began to change are usually something small, and seemingly inconsequential. In addition, they are often more or less unrelated to the circumstances where they pop up. A casual remark, an off the cuff comment, an awkward gesture . . . something that, at that point in time, seems both out of place, and of little importance, but in hindsight can be clearly seen as the “moment” when it all began to change!

Trump’s Alabama rally wasn’t a total train wreck, but it wasn’t the launching of a new and better way forward either. He is seemingly locked into touting his great past achievements, and stroking his own ego, more than presenting a path forward to recover what we have lost, and set the ship of state back onto a solid course for a better world. Being quite blunt here – he is showing signs of moving more and more into “old man mode” – that is to say, living in the past and loosing touch with the realities of the present. As an old man of similar age I can attest to the fact that it is very easy to do just that, but it MUST be guarded against or we loose our relevance and ability to be of any use to anyone.

However, the defining moment did not have anything to do with that but was rather one of those “off the cuff” items that so often just “pop in” and change everything. He did not NEED to even talk about the vaccine. No one would have questioned him if he had ignored it, but his ego, and his obvious lack of awareness (gross out of touch with present reality) blasted out in a rather casual way – that I am sure he did not even consider – and it marked the beginning of his down fall. His star is falling, and we can see it more clearly now. His time is passing, and he inflicted a serious wound to himself by touting his “achievement” with operation “warp speed” and the wonderful success of his marvelous vaccine.

But typical to someone who has no idea what is actually happening in the real world he did further damage to himself when he basically mocked the crowd’s reaction. He is not used to being booed, and I think it threw him a curve ball that he wasn’t expecting, but it also exposed him to a greater degree than we have seen before – he tried to correct the crowd instead of accepting that maybe they knew more about realty than he did. His ending statement on that where he said “if it isn’t working I’ll let you know . . . BUT IT IS WORKING!” Those last four words were probably the stupidest words that man has ever said, and it was his “defining moment”!

NO, Mr. President – IT IS NOT WORKING!! And that crowd, along with millions of others of us who have actually been following this developing crime against humanity, are very aware of this. And the fact that you are not aware of it shows that you are either receiving very bad advice and information, or you are willfully ignorant of present reality. The most significant issue facing the nation at the moment – and facing the whole world actually – is this horror story of a “vaccine”. Yes, Afghanistan is a mess, and Bidden is a catastrophe, and we have a major crises on the southern boarder, and this current regime is destroying everything that they touch, but all of that is about to pale in comparison to the horror that is soon to be unleashed via this “vaccine”, and the mandates, which evil people are now trying to force onto everyone. You seem to think that this poison was a great success and that you should be receiving thanks and admiration for pushing it forward so fast – that it has “saved lives”, and that the nation should give you a wonderful applause for doing such a good job. WAKE THE HELL UP! This vaccine is a catastrophe of unmitigated proportions, and you are taking credit for it? This nightmare is Nuremburg level criminality, Mr. President . . . and it is NOT working!


Reader Charles Miller writes:

Dear Hobie,

Please find below transmission of official government record to President Trump, August 23, 2021, 3:45 pm, pacific.

More comprehensive Article coming soon addressing root issues and choices We as Americans are called on to make very soon.

- - -

Dear President Trump, our President.

Beneficiaries Wish for Our President to Review Positions.

Beneficiaries promised the man Donald Trump, and the public servant Donald Trump serving as President, that we would always speak straight and provide insight into the Peoples Original Jurisdiction and venue. Thus, this public record construction accepting your invitation to Advise our President.

We were embarrassed for our Country and the concept of the Rule of Law presented at your Alabama rally, Saturday, August 21, 2021.

We are forwarding comment from Rumor Mill News by CGI member, oldcurmudgeon, August 23, 2021, because we agree with the thrust of the comments. The reason we agree is the fact that not once did our President mention the People’s Law, application of the People’s Original Jurisdiction, good standing statutes as being available for use by you personally and the People in general.

Mr. President, your Alabama rally exhibited no real leadership or commitment to the Rule of Law. You can do better than that.

Mr. Trump, when the law and its application is not present in the dialogues, no resolution to confusions damaging all the People and our country are possible to move into action.

Second link to RMN is our comments concerning oldcurmudgeon’s observations.

President Trump, the simple fact is yesterday’s operational paradigms will no longer be accepted. The Beast that is the American People’s thirst for Liberty is truly WOKEN.

What this means in real simple terms is Substance controls over style.

Your Alabama rally exemplified yesterday’s style of political bull shit spooned over the real issues.

Please review the gifts of clarity and positions that have been presented to you.

It is obvious to your Beneficiaries that something is deeply wrong in your operations. What ever the problems, all of us Americans are in this mess together. We as a People either treat each other with respect, transparency and honor beginning right now, or our countries future dims under your watch.

If We the People and our President do-not use the law available to us we are not in the America that stands for freedom, clean elections, ownership over our own bodies.

The choice is yours.

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Remember back in 2016 when he said he was going to push through the legislation for a "Digital ID" and made it sound like it was to keep illegals out of the country? Well the illegal aliens are flooding in and we are the ones who will be forced and coerced into a digital ID.
Listen carefully to what he says about 150 million dying from the flu. In the world around that many do die from the flu every year. What happened to the flu last year? It went away. Is that who he saved? He is pushing the vaccination he knows damn good and well is going to kill HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. He knows it. If you think he does not you are smoking something.
Sealed indictments? Hillary in Jail? I could go on and on. The only person on this earth or in this world that will save you is you and you will need a lot of help from a higher power and he is not it. Trump ain't coming to help you.
Trump was placed where he was placed to make us be still and to set us up for what is coming. It was the Art Of The Deal. We got screwed. He is not coming back. Coming back in March? May? July? August? He didn't say what year. 2024? Bullshit. I have a calendar thanks.
He let them override his election win. So good was his snow job on the public that it forced the deep shit state to scramble and be sloppy to get the voting numbers where they wanted. He over did it. He was so good at bullshit he was too good. Nothing is going to become of the audits that they have drug on and on while they have wrecked our economy and are killing millions with a poisonous jab. They will not overturn the election.
He got the equipment in to fight covid he says? Would that be the ventilators that they are killing people with? The wall to the south was not to keep anyone out, it is to keep us in so we cannot get away from what is coming. He had his black beanie on and was kissing the other wall and went over that wall by joining the jewish faith while in office. Did anyone hear about that?
When he was saying trust the plan...he meant it. It was not us he was speaking about. There is only one political party in this country. They just have not admitted it yet.
I voted for him in 2016 but had it figured out by 2017 was in full reality by 2018. I have not voted since 2016 and will never vote again. I will no longer encourage criminals with a vote. All the bastards do is lie, cheat and steal. Now they have gone full over to mass murder. It's over. We lost.
At some point they will probably take me out because I am not going to a fucking camp and I am not taking the shot. Where I will make my last stand is not up to me. If they leave me alone I might make it, but we all know that there is little chance someone outspoken and willing to defend his country and his rights will survive. So be it. I came into this world bloody and screaming I can go out the same damn way. Again that will be their decision not mine I go in peace at all times but will take no more shit.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 23.8.2021:    here

Trump is officially back on Sun. 22 Aug, though it would not be publically announced:

Near Death Civilization Black Swan Event on the Clock: Military on High Alert

They do everything to keep DURHAM report from comimg out. [FLOODS], Chaos, Wars, Cyber attack of the Century, Bioweapon attack of the Century, Mass Genocide of the Century.

How do they want to hide evidence and keep the Deep State Cabal Control???: FEAR, DEATH THREATS, CONTROL OF INFORMATION, CREATE WAR, BLACK SWAN _EVENTS_EVENTS_EVENTS




WATCH THE WATER: MILITARY is the only way 17

The FDA is a scam. They will announce approval on the COVID vaccine this week, probably Monday after China urges the WHO to mandate the vaccines worldwide. They will all be exposed and then arrested for crimes against humanity. You really think the FDA wasn’t a business here for money?

The Covid-19 bioweapon injection, aka Clotshot, was gene therapy and not a vaccine, it was a bio-weapon. President Trump took the vaccine Ivermectin, or HCQ. Fauci has known since 2005 that Chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of Coronaviruses. The Virology Journal – the official publication of Fauci’s National Institutes of Health, published an article about this in 2005. According to this article HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine.

BQQM: HCQ is the smartest drug in history. It allows the virus to attack cancer cells, but not normal cells.

W.H.O. Concedes the Covid Virus Is Just Like the Common Flu! 500,000 Americans Dead From Vaccine! – A Must Video | Health | Before It’s News (


Patriot Underground Episode 80, 22.8.2021 here
Trump's Speech Analysis
Vax Push Meets With Boos
Jab Rabbit Hole
Black Swan Event This Week?
Francis Boyle Calls for Fauci's Arrest
Will Rods of God Destroy Satanic DC?
Analysis in 5D
We The People Must Know the Truth

Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, August 23rd, 2021 - The END of Biden and the coming breakthrough events to RESTORE the Republic here

Mike Adams, Health Ranger Report, 20.8.2021: Breaking news update - Triple Flipper - FBI, Facebook and MSM all FLIP their script on the same day! here

Benjamin Fulford Report: Afghan Withdrawal Signals Start of New Anti-Cabal Offensive here

Australian Truckers Warn Citizens to Stock Up on Food as They Prepare to Take Over the Country From The Satanic Politicians Forcing Their Poison Injections On Adults And Defenseless Children.
I'd normally give a language warning if needed, but to hell with that, these guys tell it like it is. These are the people who keep a country going and are the true unsung heroes, riding their metal horses.

They were all warned and still lined up like Sheep.
This FALL, 2021, will be unlike any other FALL season.
The world's top doctors and scientists are telling you that your vaccinated family members will begin dropping like flies this FALL.
So prepare yourself.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 22.8.2021:    here and here

Whiplash347: Once you understand Druze & Libya you will understand many of the Scandals. Pandora’s Box. Navy Seals in Thailand Saving the Kids stuck in the Caves. Delta Force uncovering Ghaddafi’s Stolen Gold in Thailand that Obama was using to pay off ISIS with. Extortion 17 – Seals dying Obama/Killary/Biden ordering the shoot down of Seal Team 6. They were going to out them for the fake Bin Laden raid. Some survived and know they are here following me. Benghazi attack on Jesus Christ’s Birthday 11 Sept. 2012. Seals dying Fake Osama Bin Laden raid Twin Towers on Jesus’s Birthday 11 Sept. 2001. Many things before it.

Durham Report: Durham Presents Evidence To Grand Jury, Arrests Coming Soon? – INDEPENDENT SIDE. This Report goes heavy into.. Five eyes agencies.. OBAMA/ BIDEN/ CLINTONS, CCP/TECH GIANTS(Gates/Zuckerberg/Sergey brin/etc.. For those who don’t understand. Why the DURHAM report couldn’t be done early. Here’s the reason. SO MUCH MORE MORE EVIDENCE EVOLVED AFTER THE ELECTION!! WHAT WAS SIMPLY RUSSIA GATE TURNED INTO A SNOW BALLING STORM. OBAMA ERA, FAUCI FBI CIA ROTHSCHILDS NIH CDC, CDC WUHAN. The creation and release of bio-weapon by Obama/ Clinton/ CCP during TRUMP’s administration when their impeachment proceedings failed. THE DURHAM REPORT IS HUGE!!!!

Germany: The tunnel system under the Ahrberg mountains had a length of 17,336 metres. There were 897 workrooms, 936 accommodation rooms and even a hairdresser’s salon – Around 20,000 people were involved in the construction and maintenance of the government bunker. More than 3,000 members of the government would have found refuge here. The “alternative headquarters of the constitutional organs of the Federal Republic of Germany in crisis and war” – the official title of the bunker – is considered today to be the most expensive and one of the most absurd single investments in the history of the FRG. The MPs actually simulated possible war scenarios in the Ahrweiler bunker as early as the 1960s. It is quite striking that two such bunkers are located in these flood-affected areas. Especially the so-called government bunker stands out and raises questions. WATCH THE WATER…Q

Singapore Ministry of Health:
Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) of a COVID-19 body. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather as a bacteria that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by clotting in the blood. It was found that Covid-19 disease causes blood clots, which leads to blood clotting in humans, and causes blood to clot in the veins, making it difficult for a person to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.
To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory power, doctors in Singapore did not listen to WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened and carefully examined the arms, legs and other parts of the body, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen in the body causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, Singapore’s Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin to its positive patients. It started taking 100mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. Singapore’s Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home.
After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the method of treatment by saying that the disease was a global hoax, “It is nothing but intravascular coagulation (blood clots) and a method of treatment: antibiotic tablets, Anti-inflammatory and Take anticoagulants (aspirin). This indicates that the disease can be cured. According to other Singapore scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed. Protocols for this purpose have already been published in Singapore. China already knows this, but has never released its report.
Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can shake off the fear of COVID-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacteria that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.



Depopulation By Any Means: Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (Fauci's Genocide!!! HUGE SCANDAL!!!) here and here


Mike Adams, Natural News, 13.8.2021: BREAKING: CDC creating secret national database of households with unvaccinated children… hear the recording… plan to medically KIDNAP all unvaxxed kids? here

Wow! Massive Energy Explosion In Hurricane Henri Is Caught On Satellite Feed, They Control The Storm here


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/21/21 here

Miles Harris: Is That it for Gold? here
Gold's recent performance has been poor considering the macroeconomic factors in its favours. This video considers my perspectives on the outlook for the metal. 
I still maintain you should hold gold has a key insurance against uncertainty, inflation and authoritarianism. Yet gold continues to fight against both the manipulators and the economic recovery narrative.
But is that narrative justified? 

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 21.8.2021:    here

It’s Q’s plan to save the world! Out of the Darkness into the Wondrous Light of Truth! Behind the scenes, the silent, covert war continues! We are in the midst of the greatest covert military operation of all time. Welcome to the great awakening of “We The People”! The Deep State puppets, the devilish politicians, the propaganda MSM, Big Tech, Big Banks and Big Pharma are all being unmasked! Soon, under the leadership of the Military, new elections will be held in the U.S.! Buckle up, and have faith! It is going to be biblical! You are watching a scripted movie. And nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Mass Awakening is the greatest fear of the Deep State Cabal. We have arrived in the middle of the military phase of a global operation. There is a huge storm on the horizon! We had to walk through the darkness before we could see the light! It had to be this way to secure future elections and save our children from the real pandemic viz. the Deep State Cabal, with their child sex trade! The Patriots can prove anything! The longer we wait, the more the Deep State will be exposed. Every scenario was planned. The whole world is watching. Arrests and military tribunals are in full swing. Soros, Gates, Fauci, Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Obamas, Bidens and the rest will all end up in GITMO for high treason. – Trump swears “We are going to take back our country, faster than you think! You will see things you have never seen before!” Trump will return as the president of the new republic of the United States of America. In this new American republic, we, the people, have all the power. There is no federal income tax. The money system returns to the Gold Standard. GESARA is implemented and all debts of everyone are cancelled! Q’S PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD:


Scott McKay: 8.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter Intel Update here
Trump still in charge of military, October Surprise incoming, economically, will demolish the Biden Regime and Dems.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/20/21 here

David Zublick, Dark Outpost 08-19-2021: Source: NYC Will Be Nuked On 911! here
A source informs Dark Outpost that on the 20th anniversary of the attacks of 911, New York City will be hit again with a nuclear bomb that will decimate the metropolis and wipe out its population. We will interview the source in a Dark Outpost exclusive. His warning: ‘GET OUT NOW!’ 
Kurt's notes:
This nuclear attack on New York City is to be carried out by the Taliban, supported by the Chinese Communist Party, which in turn is controlled by the Mossad.
The same source, a Christian who interprets the revelation of the Bible, claims that Jared Kushner is the Antichrist and will be the next US president after Biden.

Juan O Savin "The Tide Is Turning" here
Kurt's notes:
The point is to avoid a civil war in the US and to awaken at least 80 percent of the US population to the fact that we all have a common enemy. When this point is reached, the electoral fraud and compulsory vaccination will trigger the intervention of the military, which will then be welcomed and supported by the general population. It is also very important that the economic and financial system collapse while Biden is still in charge, before there is any intervention by the military. Because otherwise it would be said that Trump and the military intervention caused the crash. At the end the Hand of God moment ...


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/19/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.8.2021:    here

THREE GORGES DAM collapse This event would kill over 100 million in 6 hours & 400 million within weeks from flooding, destruction of roads hospitals, essential supplies & medical treatment. Deaths of Elders, children, the weak & innocent lives will be immense with no immediate relief. [DS] Military Cabal & Global Elites project nearly 500 million Chinese citizens would die. The Deep State has long planned to collapse 3GD. for population control Crypto currency reset. Destroy ALL evidence that links WUHAN to other Nations. This planned collapse is connected to Freemasons logic “Out of chaos comes order” The Dam collapse would trigger ripple effects across the world connected to businesses who use China exports paper. plastics. supplies, Goods. Foods. Business resources/digital resources… China supplies 50% of aluminum for business. Industrial. Their Cargo Ships and vessels control one of the largest shipping networks across the world. Connected to subsidiary companies in every country. The Dam collapse would trigger the stoppage of All Chinese cargoes and vessels across the world in every Port… The Chinese markets will effect World Markets /crypto exchange/metal prices add create WAR… CHINA is ready and has been ready for the attacks they have WARSHIPS in 60 Major ports around the world Armed with NUKES. and 7 fleets of NUCLEAR SUBS. 20 million Chinese Mil. operators passing as U.S citizens owning restaurants/stores. 2 million students in U.S. loyal to CCP… 3 million Chinese in Big Tech in U.S. companies/ silicone valley who can attack infrastructure of U.S digital Systems on command. Elon said New Quantum Internet by end of Month.

Regulation has also said to be by end of the month. The Three Gorges Dam and Big Pharma Labs will start the Black Swan The EVENT to trigger Events This Event triggers Everything. The RV, Transfer of Wealth Freedom, 6000 cures You name it. This EVENT is going to change the world forever. Now you have seen the Starlinks You have seen the Earthquakes along the Yangtze and Floods. You have seen all the Seizures of BTC mining all throughout the world. Nothing could stop this.

The ramifications of collapsing the 3GD is NUCLEAR. Even it doesn’t go Nuclear. You saw what one ship (Evergreen) did to World Shipping. The effects of that one ship will be felt 3_11 months. Imagine if CHINA stopped all 27,000 fleets at once. DarkWinter22. [DS] _EVENT The plan to nuke 22 cities.

BLACK SWAN EVENT = A Unexpected Catastrophic “FINANCIAL” EVENT. It all STARTS with MONEY. This is the BIG PICTURE. The EVENT gets your President back. The EVENT does 1700 things. Like I have said from the very start.

I have followed ISO20022 for a couple years. I knew it was coming, i just did not know when. Then Quantum Starlink was being launched. Now there is an Official Agency Quantum.Gov United States Space Force Then CodeMonkeyZ announcing PROJECT ODIN. This is the Kill Switch The [~] that Q has posted. ODIN does many things. It is Anti-Deplatforming Tool that knocks out Media & other Satellites, Flicks the Quantum Switch & Activates the Emergency Broadcast System. This is what the BLACK SWAN Event is. The Unexpected “Catastrophic” Financial Event. The Event that leaves them no options but to use it right away. Enforce Regulation & Metal backing. [THINK THREE GORGES DAM] + Big Pharma Labs + CIA Bitcoin Servers under the Dam To get NESARA, GESARA, MED BEDS, EBS etc. we must go through THE EVENT that Triggers EVENTS. (Think BLACK SWAN or GREY RHINO Events) Unexpected Catastrophic Financial Event. President Xi has spoken of this. The keywords National/Global Economic Security And Recovery/Reformation Act is to recover & rebuild from these Events. I am seeing this written. We must Walk Through The Dark, To Get To The Light. So many BLACK SWAN Comms right now. Crash before Declass. Stock Market Crash Or Think Mirror Dam before Crash. Three Gorges Dam + Nuke Reactors + Bitcoin Servers + Big Pharma Labs in Wuhan + Tiananmen Square. You have seen many Pharmaceutical companies blown and set a light lately.



Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot: ON THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION: Letter to Trump and Juan, Q and team and the People here

The Nuremberg Code 1947:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This 
means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; 
should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without 
the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, 
or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient 
knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved 
as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This 
latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision 
by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, 
duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is 
to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; 
and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his 
participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests 
upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is 
a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with 

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of 
society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random 
and unnecessary in nature.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal 
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other 
problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the 

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical 
and mental suffering and injury.

5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to 
believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those 
experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the 
humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to 
protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, 
disability or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. 
The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of 
the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to 
bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state 
where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10.During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared 
to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, 
in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required 
of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, 
disability, or death to the experimental subject.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 18.8.2021:    here and here

Nuremberg Tribunals 2:
are in full swing: 2,700,000 executions have already been carried out. During the Nuremberg Trials after 1945, doctors and nurses were also sentenced to death and hanged for crimes against humanity – as well as the media for their lies. NUREMBERG CODE ACTIVE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY GENOCIDE TERRORISM TREASON HIGH CRIMES HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN FARMING CHILD SEX | PEDOPHILIA ADRENOCHROME GLOBALISTS are SATANISTS GLOBALISTS are TERRORISTS WHERE THEY GO ONE THEY GO ALL TO TRIBUNAL

Lin Wood on Strike For Freedom: Stock up between now and September 11 on food, water, and other essentials. We stop doing business with the tyrants on September 11. This is NOT a one day STRIKE on September 11. This is a STRIKE that we must be prepared to continue until we bring the tyrants to their knees. It will take courage and sacrifice. But courage is contagious and we must rely upon our communities to help alleviate any suffering of others.

I believe our STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread across our nation. I believe our nation’s courage to STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread to the people in countries around the world. We can do this, Patriots. And there is more we can peacefully do. Stay with me.

Food Rationing to Begin Shortly: Nando’s forced to shut restaurants and stop Deliveroo orders amid shortages. Restaurant chain Nando’s has had to close dozens of restaurants and restrict orders on Deliveroo due to supply chain issues and staff isolating. KFC has also been affected by the latest issues, which are attributed to problems including staff having to self-isolate due to the pandemic. It isn’t just restaurants that have suffered, however, with some branches of Co-op supermarket rationing customers to just one bottle of milk each yesterday. Food rationing to begin shortly.

On Mon. 16 Aug. Iraq announced in their mosques that the Iraqi currency had been reinstated. It will be International either Wed. 18 Aug. or Sat. 21 Aug.

All of the “BIG SCREENS” are telling people to go to the bank, open an account and get their (Key cards), debit cards. All of the (Iraqi’s) people will receive money, all transferred via debit cards.

All of the money going to the people, as stated on the BIG SCREENS, will be in the accounts of all bank account/Key Card holders, by the end of this month. (Is this the long past due SETTLEMENT for the IRAQI PEOPLE?)

Iraq is telling the UST, this is DONE. Whatever US decides is irrelevant. Iraq has now irrevocably acted in compliance with the IMF and global monetary guidelines.

By announcing this REINSTATEMENT OF IQD in the synagogues, across the nation – (which has never happened before) – we can know that this is definitely done.

$19.80 IS THE INTERNATIONAL RATE. (Since yesterday, this is up from $18.70.) And available today for Key Debit Card holders, at any ATM (in Iraq, in (Chase Bank) Michigan, US – at any Iraq bank).

On Sun. 15 Aug. the Department of Defense White Hates activated Iraq’s digital gold-backed Dinar currency at it’s new International RV rate of $19.80.

The DoD White Hats have also given the green light and released the RV to start in the US and globally this week.

On Afghan Biden chaos of the past 72 hours: The Afghani was still in the RV basket. The chaos has shown what a fake president Biden was. The DoD White Hats (Marine Gen David Berger and the majority of the Joint Chiefs and 800 flag officers in the Pentagon from the level of Generals to Colonels and in the Navy from the level of Vice Admiral to Captain) would not allow the Deep State Rockefeller bankster CIA half-wits to replace Biden with Kamala.

The military White Hats would be revealing Trump (who was now back in Mar-A-Lago) as the only duly elected US President according to abundant evidence of Election Fraud.

2020 Election Fraud evidence would be made public with the AZ audit evidence being made public (ballot vote switching on Election Day Tues-Wed 3-4 Nov 2020). That vote fraud would be proven by forensic evidence to have happened not only in the five other swing states of GA, PA, MI, WI, & NV, but in ALL 50 states!

Last week (the week of Mon 9 Aug) when arrests took place, Mainstream Media and Big Tech Social Media companies that were formerly under Deep State control, quietly lost their FCC licenses and were quietly seized by the military.

Trump was the only duly elected president and has been flying in the REAL Air Force One. He has a security detail with multiple SUVs that was several times the size of the fake Biden’s fake security detail.

Trump will be operating as the only duly elected president out of Mar-A-Lago FL till the new White House was established and made public in Houston and/or Austin TX. There the new White House and UST would be located on sovereign Native American Indian land to make it compatible with the new restored Republic and the common law constitutional requirements of NESARA/GESARA.

Hidden Criminals Rule Planet Earth for FWC by Peter B. Meyer – 17th of August 2021:

Since ancient times, people have lived under the iron fist of the world’s Black Nobility or dark overlords. Humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind-controlling, and soul-destroying atrocities.

History describes world events resulting from the machinations of a powerful, hidden Deep State cabal of secret organizations, comprising the global elite: the banks, wealthy families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, non-official organizations like the Bilderberg, Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, organized crime, shadowy agencies within the government, secret societies like Skull and Bones, the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and so on.

Behind all these groups is a group even more secret, consisting the true rulers of planet Earth, who control prime ministers and presidents as their puppets. As we have learnt yesterday in Twist of Light those who hold the reins of power are Exterrestrial beings. They are a secret society within secret societies, supported by the banking elite, led by the Rothschild Dynasty, advancing the ultimate plan of abolishing all religions but their own satanic religion and overturning civil governments to centralize and Globalize everything under their control, in essence the New World Order.

They are the ancient rulers from behind the curtains of planet Earth, with the actual power, who are directly represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions. Western society has been undermined and western culture is bankrupted. Democracy does not exist, because before the outcome of every election, they have already decided who will win and run the government. Their social control routes through the mass media and educational systems, that have become channels for mass indoctrination and manipulation.

Those beings earned the title of “Black Nobility” from their ruthless lack of empathy. They employ murder, rape, kidnapping, assassinations, robbery, and all manner of deceit on a grand scale, tolerating no opposition in order to achieve their objectives. These people have immense wealth, and are extremely powerful.

The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are historically located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar descent, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century. After the Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor, Constantine V, married a Khazar princess. Their son, Emperor Leo IV, was also known as “Leo the Khazar (”. Byzantine Emperor 775 – 780.

D’ Medici popes, Pius XII, his real name is Eugenio Pacelli (, and John Paul II – 1978 to 2005 – were also Khazars. Not all Black Nobility are of royal houses and many of these royal families no longer have kingdoms. According to researcher and author Dr. John Coleman, the “Committee of 300” was established early in the eighteenth century, “although it did not take on its present form until around 1897”, after the China opium trade was legalized.

Documentary proof as to the existence of the Committee of 300 is found here (, regarding the key players in the globalization process. Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds, Walter Rathenau (, (1867 – 1922) writing in the Wiener Press (24 December, 1921) said, “Only 300 men, each of whom know all the others, govern the fate of Europe.” That later spread to the whole world.

Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of the noble families that are behind most, if not all of pro-environmental movements that are actually intended to curb the population growth of all nations. They also are part of the conspiracy to destroy industry and take the world back to a New Dark Age. They support the end of all industrial progress, which will bring famine, disease and wars, eliminating the excess of “useless eaters” as we are referred to.

The Vaxx claim:
There’s no way 150 million Americans got the shot. The math: If there was a shot produced every second, 24/7, 365 days a year guess how long it would take to produce 2 billion shots? The answer is 63 years. 4-5 years to produce 150 million. 31.5 million per year according to him. The large numbers that are thrown around are so large that no one can truly conceptualize what these numbers mean, not in any real sense. It’s a psychological operation.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 17.8.2021:    here

Transference (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another especially, the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government. Devolution is fundamental and part of the government top-secret continuity of government plans. Utilized by Trump to protect America from the Deep State, the Devolution PLAN involved secret operations of replacing politicians, senior key officials, high-ranking Generals, Admirals, and officers. A large operation took place to ensure the 2020 election was given to Biden, who was forced into the position and was now playing his part in a World Military Sting Operation.

NESARA/GESARA National/Global Economic Security and Reformation Act:

1. Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS, with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of "special interest" groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American Birth Certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve Notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions World-Wide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases unprecedented prosperity with enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.

20. Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on planet earth.



Exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse live in London here

David Zublick: Dark Outpost 08-16-2021 COVID Internment Camps Here! here
The CDC has authorized the imprisonment of individuals nationwide who they deem at high risk of COVID for refusing to take the injections. Jim DeFrancisco discusses Area 51. Michelle Stefanick continues her exposé of the African Embassy bombing, Benghazi and 9/11. Collin Plume tells us if gold will double in price.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/16/21 here


Afghans, Desperate to Flee, Hold Onto C-17 Landing Gear; FALL FROM PLANE IN SKY here


Mike Adams, Health Ranger Report, Situation Update 15th August 2021: Feds unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence, blame "anti-lockdown extremists" here

CHAOS September, October, November!! (Bo Polny) here

Just like on 1/6, parties including The 1/6 Crew:
Plan to stage another attack which they intend to blame Trump supporters, MAGA, Patriots and:
ESPECIALLY ANTI-VAXXERS are set to be blamed.
AFTER placing all blame for the mass murders and attacks:
The attacks will be used as “justification” for Total Gun Confiscation and Forced Vaccination NATIONWIDE
Kurt's notes:

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/15/21 here

Alok Pandey: The Avatar: The Divine Advent (LP01) here
The talk is based on Sri Aurobindo's poem 'A God's Labour' which reveals to us the fundamental truth about the Divine becoming Human, which is known in India as Avatar. This contemplation on the Divine Birth and Works is an offering on the 15th of August, 2021. This poem sets the tone for this new series on Sri Aurobindo.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey, for audio recording go to

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 14.8.2021:    here

The MOAB is THE EVENT, DECLAS, Global Currency Reset, Gold/Precious Metal Standard, Nesara/Gesara. Mother of All Bombs. Multiple Payloads Inbound. So when it says on the clock. One is imminent. Another next week by looking at sequence. The Event should be about 3 days based on Bay Of Pigs. Then 10 day shutdown of Earth and Activation of Military EBS to TVs & Radio’s World-Wide. At the same time all Governments Worldwide will be stood down as well as further arrests. We will then be having GESARA Blockchain Elections. We will be having govts 10% the size of what they are currently. All new people. QUANTUM GESARA aka TRUMPSARA. Quantum Financial System, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, Quantum Physics. Quantum Internet Everything is going Quantum. Nesara states Rainbow “Treasury” Notes backed by precious metals. Adding Quantum Star Link. & ISO20022 Internationally Regulated USA Coins also backed by metals. See above posts for this. QVS – Blockchain no longer like the way we do it. Quantum Internet. The Internet is Rebooted. No more Microsoft. Everything wiped. The current internet is Operation Mockingbird. Same as TV, Newspapers etc. Will not be anywhere near the same. One news channel etc. All media/papers is owned by the Mossad. .all being removed. All Private Intelligence owned by the UK Royals to be removed. No more Mossad, 5 eyes, CIA etc. Only intelligence will be Military Intelligence. MOAB = Global Currency Reset (1950’s) + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Gesara + DECLAS of Everything on Earth. See President Trump’s E.O on absolutely everything Declassified by August 1.

To all our friends & families: I send my love and following thoughts/opinions:

God gave us the Universal Right of Free Will. People created the rules of law that we abide by on this Earth. However, a few wise men have set protections for our freedoms. Here in America the Constitution was so created.

The First Amendment provides freedom of speech and expression (including choosing to wear a mask or not). Also, protection from illegal detention (US Constitution article 18 section 242).

The Nuremberg Trials provided protection from forcing to the people to subject to experimental medicines and any medical trials. This protection is worldwide.

HPPA protects The People’s right to medical privacy. Unless you consent to a doctor or representative they cannot even inquire as to your health conditions, or medical treatment

This Spring OSHA ruled that any employer that requires a person to take the “shot” or lose his her job, should be responsible for any consequences to that person caused by taking the “jab.” This includes any/all medical expenses and possible other damages caused from the shot.

This so called “vaccine” is an experimental drug that has not been proven in clinical trials. It is only proven in computer generated tests with no physical proof. I hope everyone will do their own research before throwing this information away. Your lives are too precious to experiment with.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/14/21 here



Shocking information regarding child trafficking that must go viral and wake up those who are still in denial or asleep. Please share and get this out. This woman is being censored everywhere.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.8.2021:    here

GCR History/ Intelligence Sources for Restored Republic via a GCR Report:

The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.

In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all of the US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That was the system that was now changed with the Global Currency Reset.

The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Cabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas and his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and leaders, especially the Freemasons, which has infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.

The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn, Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, Gen. James McConville, Adm. Michael Gilday, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr, who is Q. Q+ was Trump while JFK Sr. was believed to be the original Q+), the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while being in bankruptcy and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.

Charlie Ward has worked and been friends with the Chinese Elders for over 15 years. He was highly trusted in the financial world and moved money around the globe for private clients ranging from the super-rich to different global governments. His team moved 650 planeloads of gold out of the Vatican tunnels and placed it back to it’s rightful owners at the US Treasury and other countries’ treasuries around the globe. He was presently moving monies, gold and valuables for countries and individuals in the Global Currency Reset. A lot of Ward’s info came from what he called the Four Walls of Power, which included the Chinese Elders, Alliance, Trump White House and Trump Redemption Team. He has been under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the last several months and told what he could and could not reveal.

Nic Fleming received Intel from a Military Intel Contact who was part of the Trump Redemption Team. That team received Intel and orders for the GCR/ RV from President Trump, the Alliance and five top Chinese Elders.



Patriot Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Covid-19 Virus exists, and they were forced to admit that they had no evidence whatsoever. The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. Since this shocking confession came to light, the Province has since rescinded all Covid-Restrictions and now officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu! WE WON
King has shown the template to be followed WORLDWIDE. This is what can happen when you are not re-presented by a BAR (British Accredited Registry) Lawyer who's first obligation is to the Corrupted Courts and not their client.

A Catastrophic Collapse Of The SWIFT Banking System: XRP Is The Solution (QFS/GOLD/GCR) here
In this episode I dive deeper into the interview Jennifer Arcuri had with MoneyMagpie with regards to the coming collapse of the current banking system, the catastrophic effects it could have on us all, the means by which you can hedge against it through the use of cryptocurrencies like XRP, XLM, XDC, & ALGO and how this all ties in to the potential Quantum Financial System that has been constructed behind the scenes using Quantum Computing. The article itself is mind blowing!


Mike Adams, Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, August 13th, 2021 - CDC creating secret national database of households with unvaccinated children here

Kurt's notes:
Trump is still the Commander-in-Chief for the Military, because Biden is a illegitimate president.
Cyber War = like Nuclear War.
China's acts of war against the USA =
1.) release of Covid 19 as a bioweapon
2.) election steal.


Kurt's Contemplative Reflection, 12.8.2021:

Family obligations and the translation of a book have prevented me in recent months from writing my own analyses of world events or the Third World War of the Satanic Deep State cabal against humanity for my blog. I have had to limit myself to linking videos and articles. Although I do not advertise my blog from the beginning and have not sent any circulars in this regard for months, there has been an exponential increase in worldwide views of my blog, especially in the USA, since the beginning of July 2021. I don't link to any video or article without first watching, listening to and reading them myself. I have also taken this time over the past few months. Where I felt it necessary, despite my overload, due to urgency and/or importance, I wrote at least a brief comment. Thus, "Kurti's Blog" also fulfilled its first task during this time - the function of a springboard to other sources of independent research.
I repeat at this point once again: I am only one of the meanwhile innumerable messengers, who brings the message, which is to be checked by the reader and listener and seer himself, so that he can form his own opinion about the respective topic. Who shoots therefore me, the messenger, shoots himself into the knee and removes himself from the truth which lies hidden in each message. Seek and you shall find. It sounds trite because it is quoted so often. It causes a defensive reaction because it means one's own effort and work. But it is worth it. I set out decades ago to find the spiritual truth within me, around me, and above me, and I have found it, finding God and soul within me, within the people, within humanity, and within the world. I set out to find the worldly truth around me just about two and a half years ago, and I also found it by finding the millennia-long unfolding of the Third World War of the Satanic Deep State Cabal against humanity, between the black hats and the white hats. Since then, this has meant daily research work in the form of listening to videos and reading articles, as well as reflection and analysis. The discovered spiritual truth can be harmonized with the discovered worldly truth by confirming and complementing each other. Every spiritual seeker has to face the world and pay a high price for his finding. He is attacked, especially in his closest circle - family, relatives, circle of friends, work colleagues. People distance themselves from him. He is defamed and serves as an enemy image of the inadequacy of the unawakened. He becomes isolated. The loneliness, however, is only an external one, because inwardly he lives as a spiritually found within the many-one unity.
Since the finding is an infinite one, the gap between the inner and the outer reality also grows from day to day. This is often very difficult to bear, especially if the spiritual power has not yet been developed to a sufficient degree. At first, one tries to awaken as many people as possible to their inner truth, using all kinds of gentle and ungentle means, according to the motto "the end justifies the means". At the end of the day, however, the realization turns out to be very sobering: only the very few are willing to wake up from their deep sleep; most do not want to be awakened at all and react with aggression to the wake-up calls. For them, the spiritually awakened are idiots, dreamers, phantasists, conspiracy theorists or Nazis. I could give here very many possible reasons why this reaction occurs: the resistance of the ego; the lifelong brainwashing by sophisticated methods of the Deep State cabal; the time of awakening for the still immature, growing soul being that has not yet come in this life, etc. I have learned this lesson only in the last few months: you cannot awaken anyone against his will. If you try anyway, you only create enemies unnecessarily, who can make your life very difficult.
We are in a silent, unnoticed Third World War for the unawakened lovingly referred to as "sleep sheep" by the awakened, which is weaponizing everything: information, water, air, earth, food, medicine, education, science, politics, sports, occupation, business, money, etc.. The brainwashed still believe that war is waged only with guns, planes, bombs and missiles. That's how we learned it in school. The entire history lesson may soon turn out to be a huge lie for everyone. It is still a battle of narratives between the mainstream and the truth seekers, an information war. Can I prove that I am right in my opinion? No. I get my information from people who also get their information from people, so-called "informants" or "insiders," who in turn are said to be close to decision-makers in politics, finance, business and the military. I cannot verify all this. I can only trust my inner feeling. Of course, I keep doubting my opinion. Nevertheless, there is a narrative to which I inwardly cling - but always under the motto "hope for the best and expect the worst" until the truth has finally emerged. An information war means both information and disinformation, and from both the bad guys and the good guys. In principle everything is possible, because the infinity is boundless. Who excludes therefore from the outset the existence of God, soul, angels, demons, extraterrestrials, deep state, cabal etc., blocks the way to the infinite truth for himself.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 12.8.2021:    here

NESARA + GESARA — No Poverty, No Hunger, No Debt, Only Global Prosperity and Peace for ALL!

GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was voted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act).

NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt. Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes. Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area. Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. Removes all dark cabal agents, admin officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.

GESARA will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amounting to a total of all sovereign nations. The new financial system is part of GESARA law. The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency. Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system — with the elimination of the national debt of every nation on Earth, taxes will be adjusted to be lower for citizens and corporations. The new financial system has been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission.

Energy costs will drop drastically as a result of free-energy and new technologies. The future will be unbelievable, complete; our lives will evolve immensely. Suppressed technologies that are being released date back 70 years or more. This tech will easily clean up our planet. A new medical system will be the real health care — with abilities to regrow limbs or organs, or to reduce our age by 30 years. When there is free energy, transportation and replicators distributed to everyone, we will become equal. No one will be enslaved, people will just do what they want to do, have free time, time to reflect and be creative. No need to hoard anything.

People will live in the moment of now — growing their own food & food for others. Many people are actually going to enjoy their jobs as they experience it gives them meaning and purpose, another way to serve. Those that don’t hold jobs will find alternative ways to experience happiness and contribute to the common good.

As the time approaches for a great change in our society, it is time to transform pain and suffering from past experiences into joy, peace and prosperity! A new day is dawning that will bring in a caring and respectful epoch for humanity!

Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing The Great Shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth is returning to be a sacred planet, and is taking the entire human population with her (whoever wants to go). It’s a Golden Age beyond our wildest imaginations.

Nesara/Gesara Gene Decode Team:



HUGE UPDATE: CodeMonkeyZ Files Released at Lindell Cyber Symposium — Not Likely Criminal Issue As Reported Earlier — Findings a GAME CHANGER here

CDC Publishes 'Green Zone' Concentration Camp Protocol, Preparing Masses Imprisonment here (video) and here (document)

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 11.8.2021:    here and here

It didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with one party controlling the Media, controlling the message, deciding what truth was, censoring speech and silencing the opposition. It started with one party dividing citizens into “us” and “them” and then calling on their supporters to harass “them.” It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen.

On Tues. 10 Aug. Trump declassified all the Washington scandals. He is hiding at a military base. This is why they are censoring everyone.

IT’S HAPPENING! Military takedowns and arrests begin this past weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. (It was said that thousands have been arrested over the last weekend).

Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv’s, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.

Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the Intel. The Intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of Intel under federal regs.

The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.

Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.

Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence. He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused. His press release of a “smooth transition” did not include the word, “concede” as he has no plans to do so. Rather, there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet, staff and Vice President, General Flynn. The rally in DC was an awesome event For what it’s worth.

Do not to be afraid of what’s coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities. People will start rioting once this Intel breaks thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down.

NESARA/ GESARA: Telegram All the dates that are announced for the start of NESARA GESARA are just disinformation. NESARA GESARA will be officially announced only after the Cabala represented by actors Biden, Harris, and Pelosi have been eliminated. EBS must first be activated. With the Biden government removed, a government will be formed in the United States, with General Mike Flynn as interim president. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, however, NESARA GESARA is gradually being rolled out. The new US currency, the USN, is already forex listed and backed by gold. The same goes for 23 other currencies. American farmers, the ones who started NESARA at the time, have already received their funds. This was a mandatory precondition. The historical bonds, 235 different bonds are in the payment phase. This is proof that GESARA is coming as they can only be paid with gold backed currency. The patriots know it all, the White Hats are in control, arrests are underway, the DUMBS flood. This week should be one of preparation for the next in that: ...


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/11/21 here

UAP Disclosure TONIGHT | ET ON EARTH and the Future of Humanity with Kerry Cassidy here
Thomas, Rob and Greg interview Kerry Cassidy, CEO and Founder of Project Camelot.  Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well-known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting live shows weekly on Youtube.  She interviewed over 1,000 people over the past 16 years on both radio and video available on Youtube and on PROJECT CAMELOT aka  – and is a leader in the alternative media sector. The Project Camelot Youtube channel (now deleted and banned by Youtube) had over 70 million unique viewers worldwide and over 312,000 subscribers for 16 years.  Due to censorship, ALL VIDEOS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON THE PROJECT CAMELOT MEDIA LIBRARY and on The Project Camelot website and   Kerry has become a widely known broadcaster and travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers, and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension, and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. She leads yearly tours to Egypt and other ancient sites.  Her yearly conference Awake and Aware held in the UK has produced a number of vimeo video packages available to view.  See Kerry's recently released book "Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity", now available on Amazon.

MAX IGAN On Fake History, Tartaria, The Coming Golden Age & More here
Max Igan joined us for an INSPIRED Conversation and what he had to say is absolutely mind-blowing. Was our entire history fabricated? Who created the amazing San Francisco sewer system? Who was really responsible for the breathtakingly beautiful and similar architecture found all over the world? Will the human spirit prevail in the face of transhumanism, 24/7 control and AI? Are we about to enter a real Golden Age?


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 10.8.2021:    here

Q, the Storm Rider:
Many different groups and channels and other social media Truthers and other leakers. Don’t know they are working together. It was PLANNED this way by INTEL. Many of them don’t like Q. Many ANONS that follow Q don’t like these other groups and their platforms. Example ALEX JONES many think he’s a schill and have distain for him (but then why did General Flynn have back door communications with him and why did Flynn do his interview with Jones? Or David Icke who distains most organized affiliated movements connected to Mil. INTEL. Or Allen Truthers who hate vaccines and feel ostracized from Q groups. Or Large spiritual group movements that don’t believe in electrions or political systems and many others who are now being forced into the political arena to post their views against the pandemic/ vaccines/lockdowns/fake false mainstream narrative. This list could go on and on to many who hate Trump..>> but also hate the vaccines/lockdowns/fake MSM narrations.. Many are beginning to wake up to a world nightmare connected to BIDEN or their own governments in control across the world. Through the world many organizations and groups that don’t like each other and publicly hate each other or insult each other…///Really.>>Don’t know they are on the same side of the Battle Fields<<… Many were positioned unknownly into forefronts and gained hundreds of thousands/millions of followers or had their base already… But now most of these groups/ Internet fractions are converging against the PLANDEMIC>>VACCINES>> FAKE MSM NARRATIONS/FAKE HEALTH ORGS. MISINFORMATION AND LIES.. FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY ACROSS THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING. PLAN IS GOING STRONG AND ON COURSE. Even democratic voters are jumping ship like mice.. People who took the vaccines are now being called the Virus spreaders and didn’t regain the promised freedom they were offered if they took the vaccine… The vaxxxed are growing Angry!!!.. turning on Health Mafia and MSM lies. You are inside the Storm of a World Wide Awaking. Stay strong Patriots /ANONS. And my DEPLORABLE BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS. YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW. SUMMER OF FIRE KEEP YOUR BUCKLES BUCKLED! TURBULENCE UP AHEAD PAIN FOR THE NEWBIES! Sheep waking up these new sheep waking up are going to cause a stampede. Not all sheep waking up will come into Q INTEL…95% of sheep waking up are not part of the Q movement and will choose DARK retributions/Riots/chaos or fumble into hopelessness. Have compassion and keep sharing information ANONS. Blackout [IMMINENT] ON THE ⏰



Austrian Franz Jägerstätter: model for COVID-vaccine conscientious objectors here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 8/10/21 here

David Nino Rodriguez: Get Your Popcorn Ready here

Michael Salla: Update on Jupiter Meetings with the Galactic Federation of Worlds here (video) and here (article)
More information has become available that better clarifies what happened at a set of secret meetings that took place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter in mid-July involving representatives from different spacefaring nations and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena Danaan, who first released news of the dramatic meetings from her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, has provided a diagram along with further explanatory comments that help considerably in getting a better idea of the different nations, corporations, and organizations that participated in the meetings, and the selection process for the nation that would be chiefly responsible for coordinating humanity in taking responsibility for the solar system – the USA.

They Want To Shut Down The Internet | INSPIRED 2021 here
A global internet shutdown might be imminent. We have seen preparations and signs for this and it might be time to get ready and prepare - also, a great & inspiring alternative is in the works!


Within 28-DAYS 'Their Plans' Get DERAILED!! (Bo Polny) here


Michael Jaco: Mandatory VAC and lockdowns coming. Have a plan because this time will be different. here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.8.2021:    here


The Government around the world, USA and Canada will impose their last evil forces. They will mandate vaccine passports, masks, lockdowns for "Delta" variants, etc. This is all imposed illegally. But this is the point, this is what incriminates them. They need to commit the final crime before the shutdown blackout 10 days of darkness.

These illegal final acts trigger MASS awakening. Mass protest World-wide. The Military is the only way, they will be activated right after to arrests them all.

Some people will pass through a near death experience with these scare events. It won’t be easy for some. But do not fall for it. Do NOT fear. Trust the plan.

Every mandates have exemptions you can say to NOT follow it. Here’s several of them.

– Religious exemptions:

– Medical exemptions

– Alergic exemtions

Here’s your religious exemptions everyone can print:

Other excuses you can say:

– Your doctor have your proof of your vaccination. And it is medical privacy.

– You lost your vaccine card, and your doctor needs to send you another one.

– You are exempt for allergic reasons to vaccines ingredient.

– You have religious exemptions.

If you are really afraid and want to have a vaccine proof. Here’s the official CDC vaccine card printable version:

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 6.8.2021:    here

CIA Mind Control that Tortures Children into Multiple Personalities, Judy Byington:

The purpose of CIA Mind-Control programming was to secure life-long power over an individual and create super spies, terrorists and assassins. Although Hollywood often portrayed mind control subjects as traumatized adults, children were the main focus of the CIA program from the beginning after World War II. Experiments on children in the Nazi Concentration camps had proven that multiple personalities controlled by the perpetrator could more easily occur in the developing brain of a child subjected to prolonged trauma.

US intelligence and military services extricated Satan worshipping “scientists” from Nazi Germany to run the program during and after the final stages of World War II. The project was originally called Operation Overcast, though later referred to as Project Paperclip, with MKULTRA (the specific program to torture children into multiplicity) as a sub-program.

In 1950 CIA experiments began on humans, mainly innocent children. Survivors of the program say it involved international child kidnapping, sex abuse, exploitation networks, along with children bred by perpetrators to be sold into the program. Programming always involved torture, sexual abuse and Satanic Child Sacrifice ceremonies.

The CIA program eventually known as MKULTRA consisted of 149 sub-projects, plus another 33 closely related programs. There were 80 participating US and Canadian institutions including 44 colleges and universities. All were, and it is suspected still presently were being funded by US taxpayers through an enormous CIA Black Budget.

In 1964 after a successful lawsuit by mind-control survivor Linda McDonald (Yes, of the McDonald Hamburgers some say were made with human meat), Congressional inquiries supposedly ended MKULTRA. MKRESEARCH continued but was curtailed in 1967 and thought extinct by 1973 after MKULTRA documents were destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms prior to his resignation and another Congressional inquiry. The 1977 Freedom of Information Act was able to uncover 20,000 MKULTRA financial documents.

Yet, CIA mind-control survivor Christine Nicola testified before the 1995 President’s Advisory Committee on CIA Human Radiation Experiments claiming she was subjected to human experiments from age 4 through age 14, or until 1976. Victim C who testified in the same hearing said she was in the experiments from age 7 through age 24, or until 1984 (20 years after the supposed closure of MKULTRA). The two survivors and one therapist who testified at the hearings died mysterious deaths, while their testimonies have been scrubbed from the Internet.

US Government officials using children as sex slaves with political figures to blackmail and secure US tax monies to fund program. Survivors have named two CIA directors as perpetrators including former US President George HW Bush. The survivors claimed rape and breeding children who disappeared after birth and being forced to rape, torture and murder other children.

Repetitive trauma on child victims results in a breakdown of the psyche, fractured parts and dissociation. With memories of trauma repressed, victims are most often not believed when memories come forward through fractured parts 20-30 years after the fact. This makes it near-impossible for victims to be believed, or granted prosecution of crimes against them and their children.

Often Perpetrators had high rankings in our churches, communities and government in order to cover up their crimes and those of their closely-knit Satanic Coven members.

US Government human experiments on children was blatantly happening today according to therapists in the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and the watchdog, Alliance for Human Research Protection:

Twenty leading journalists, including winners of several Emmys and a Pulitzer, have described being prevented by corporate media ownership from reporting riveting stories on major cover-ups such as these human experiments on children.


1964 MKULTRA Survivor Linda MacDonald wins class action suit against CIA.

1964 Congress officially shuts down CIA MKULTRA mind-control program.

1970s Congressional investigations and hearings held on CIA mind-control program MKULTRA.

1973 CIA Director Helms resigns after destroying MKULTRA documents.

1976 Congressional Investigation on CIA human experimentation in MKULTRA

1977 US Senate Hearing: Pike Committee Investigation of CIA human experimentation

1977 Congress votes not to publish results of the Pike Committee Investigation

1995 Hearing of President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation experiments by the CIA


A Letter to the Unvaccinated here
OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt and several fellow Canadian academics penned an open letter to support those who have decided not to accept the COVID-19 vaccine.
The group emphasizes the voluntary nature of this medical treatment as well as the need for informed consent and individual risk-benefit assessment. They reject the pressure exerted by public health officials, the news and social media, and fellow citizens.
Control over our bodily integrity may well be the ultimate frontier of the fight to protect civil liberties.

Terrible situation in France: YOU NEED TO READ THIS TO PREPARE FOR WHAT'S COMING (you really need to read it - REALLY) here


Michael Salla: Update on Galactic Federation Intervention in our Solar System    here
In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena Danaan begins by giving a short account of her work as a professional archeologist for 20 years, and what she learned during her time in Egypt and evidence of extraterrestrial life. She goes on to give a comprehensive update on ongoing "Galactic Federation of Worlds" intervention on the Earth, Moon, Mars, Phobos and recent diplomatic meetings on Jupiter, which handed over responsibility of the solar system to a consortium of space faring nations making up the Artemis Accords. 
Elena discusses how regressive extraterrestrial alliances—the Draco Reptilians and Orion Alliance—have been forced to abandon many of their outposts in the solar system. This has not only impacted the German-led "Dark Fleet" but also the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), which used Antarctica and Mars as major bases of operations. Both the Dark Fleet and ICC have been forced to evacuate facilities on Earth, Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in the solar system according to Elena. On Mars, this has led to major bases being evacuated and the liberation of a captive slave work force. 
Elena's startling information is corroborated by major developments in space as explained by Dr Michael Salla, who gives an account of how the Artemis Accords has led to major spacefaring nations quickly setting up space commands that aim to work alongside the US Space Command. Critically important is the eclipse of large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumann, Boeing, etc., that were affiliated with the ICC, and the rise of new aerospace companies such as Space X and Blue Origin which are being contracts by NASA to achieve important goals under the Artemis Accords. The truth that emerges is that the Galactic Federation is encouraging the Earth Alliance/Artemis Accords nations to work with new "progressive companies", rather than those previously associated with the discredited ICC. 
What is vitally important about Elena's information is that it is real time observations by a member of the Galactic Federation who has been given permission to reveal the truth of what is happening today on Earth, the Moon and elsewhere in our solar system.    

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.8.2021:    here

Whiplash347 on the Quantum Financial System: Simplified and you will now see what I started with in early to mid 2020. Rothschild’s Central Bank Oil/War Backed Notes are being changed out with RAINBOW Treasury Department Notes in Every country. USTN etc….You can see Australian Central Bank Deal on Notes. (Look it up). In the Global Currency Reset we Revaluate all Currencies on Earth so they are EVEN. You Remember Trump saying “EVEN PLAYING FIELD & Talking about the Road Trip in the RV.” I gave you those 3 Foreign Currencies that will have big worth. Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong & The 2008 AA 100 Trillion Dollar Note from Zimbabwe. So Remember I said many immigrants will return home to their lands to build and rebuild under newly Block chain Elected Non Tyrant Governments 10% the size of what they are now. 3rd World Nations under GESARA receive massive money to Build & Rebuild from years of Rape, Pillage, Genocide, War & Destruction. Think Africa, Mid East, Asia & South America. They will be building these Continents & Nations up to being 1st World. To have what we have. I am pretty sure the plan is to populate the entire world and one day in near future we become Inter-Planetary. See Elon & Mars. So instead of Oil backed Currencies we move to using Precious Metals. I have always Mentioned Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Iridium & Copper. Add Rhodium too.

Whiplash347: The Masked Resident never got rid of these E.O’s. Remember Trump EO on Child & Human Trafficking? Trump owns the World now. GESARA LAW all signed off at the HAGUE (International Court Of Justice). Reversal of 1871 Act Of England – Reverses Balfour Declaration. Crown No More. Australia listed on New York Stock Exchange. Trump EO13818 & 13848 – Seizing Assets of those involved in Crimes Against Humanity & Foreign Election Interference. (New York Stock Exchange/Wall Street). Their Australia by Default is in the Care of Donald J Trump. All the Central Banks were seized in Operation Defender Europe 20 & 21. Vatican had the Snakes chased away on St Patrick's Day last year when 50k troops descended on Rome. Buckingham Palace = Empty. City Of London Bankrupted. Vatican Empty & Bankrupted – Pope told you that. Washington D.C Empty and Bankrupted. He Has The Whole World In His HANDS. RETURN OF THE DOVE.


$500 Trillion Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS here
This Video was removed by YouTube 5 hours after uploading.
Friends of the Original Constitution's video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever!


The Declaration of Restoration, July 6th 2021 here

We know the Election 2020 was stolen. The Deep Rig the movie will answer American's questions. "It is no longer a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy. There was fraud committed." ~General Flynn.

Michael Salla: Multiple 'Galactic Federations' are Intervening in Human Affairs - Part 2 here
In part one of this series, I discussed remote viewing sessions conducted by the Farsight Institute on the 'Galactic Federation of Worlds', which has allegedly been intervening on Earth from remote antiquity and even played a role in the genetic engineering of humanity. When examining the work of multiple insiders and 'contactees', however, it becomes clear that there is more than one association of human-like interplanetary civilizations using names similar to or adaptions of 'Galactic Federation'.

Michael Salla: Is the 4th Reich's Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica? here
According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the 'Galactic Federation of Worlds', an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled "Dark Fleet" is currently underway that is creating a power vacuum that different nations are trying to fill by building bases in Antarctica. Her information comes from an extraterrestrial from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades she identifies as ‘Thor Han’, and a current resident at the US McMurdo base who goes by the name 'Frank', and whose last name I will keep private.

Kurt's comment:
Listen carefully with open heart and open mind and you will understand better what is really going on in the world.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 4.8.2021:    here

Q The Storm Rider: You are in the hardest part of the PLAN! Where everything is intensifying, growing quickly on both sides of the War. It’s like a head on collision you are witnessing. The extreme mental pain that is being felt will intensify. Vaccines will change from experimental to mandatory. AT ALL COST YOU JUST REJECT THE VACCINES! You must practice your FREE WILL. Stand strong in the hardest part of the fight. You may not see that a lot of people who have already taken the first jab are now becoming angry, because they are being told to take more and more vaccines (contrary to what the word toll before. “Take the vaccines to regain freedom.” They now know that was a lie and vaccines companies are coming after their kids and they are being told to take boosters shots..) The lies CDC NIH NIAIH WHO ect. All promoted keeping changing. Those narratives were changing monthly and the sleeping Sheep are beginning to see the lies more and more slowly you don’t see the data but the Rage growing is true! Many vaxed people are growing Angry and concerned they are part of Agenda. And they are beginning slowly to seek outside information from the mainstream media: CNN Newsweek ect [MSM] have the lowest ratings of the 21st century.

I know many PATRIOTS and ANONS are losing hope and waiting and waiting and waiting and want proof something is happening. I could tell you hundreds of thousands into the millions of lawyers, doctors, nurses, WHITE HATS, high ranking officials, Military personal, Truth Speakers, Podcasters, leakers are all doing their part in EXPOSING the truth of the scamdemic. But to most people just want to see results instantly/confirmation. The sad truth is I have WARNED LONG AGO GAME THEORY/ NASH EQUILIBRIUM/ NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT must take place. This part of the War/Chess move is essential and many will suffer PAIN. THIS_EVENT will be extremely painful to witnesses and feel like all hope is lost. But in the last final moments THINGS WILL CHANGE as planned. THIS WORLD EVENT GAME THEORY must happen!

So the people of the world will never again let medical tyranny be again controlled by the World BANKING Masters and ELITES who controlled and created all Wars and poverty the past Thousand years… These same CABAL control the bio-weapons that was released, control the DEEP STATE GOVERNMENTS that control pedophilia rings, drug smuggling, distribution and sales. Human trafficking networks. THIS GREAT WAR YOU ARE IN AND WITNESSING WILL INTENSIFY TO HUGE MOMENTS OF EVENTS THAT WILL TEST YOUR SPIRIT MIND AND BODY TO BREAKING POINTS AND LOST HOPE MOMENTS. BE STRONG HAVE FAITH. KEEP SHARING INFORMATION. MANY SHEEP ARE WAKING AND NEED YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND COMPASSION. YOU ARE INSIDE THE STORM. It had to be this way. In the end the MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY. The military cannot step in until most people turn against the System –the Deep State – That is currently happening by all the lies CDC WHO NIH NIAIH SEPI GAVI PFIZER GPMB WEF /FACEBOOKS SOCIAL MEDIA IS PORTRAYING> and the sheep are waking up to LIES. MORE CONTROL. Anger is building worldwide. The forced vaccination is a TRIGGER many TRIGGERS. TRIGGERS. INCOMING STAY VIGILANT PATRIOTS WORLD WIDE…. Your inside the hardest part of the 21st century. SUMMER ON THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD IS GETTING ANGRY AND ECHO IS REACHING THE EARS OF THE SHEEP.

Q The Storm Rider: Why did Trump release the vaccines??? As you know now The DEEP STATE CABAL had long ago planned to kill billions through a pandemic that was planned long ago.. ( you can find several sources through LOCKSTEP>ROCKEFELLERS plan/GATES several interviews and speeches to reduce world population/GEORGIA GUIDESTONES/FAUCI assured speech that a Pandemic was coming for trump administration/all the patents owning the Corona virus(SARS)..ect. WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines in record speed….it completely disrupted the DEEP STATE CABAL plans…( Their original plans was to kill and enslave humanity through 5 years of torture/full lockdowns/martial LAWS/mental psychological ops >[MSM] EXTREME EXTREME FAKE DEATH COVERAGES WORLD WIDE >>MOCKINGBIRD<The drugs alone combined would stop the body from recovery/self Healing and bring the body into chaos and easily sickened by outside sources, such as cancerous products in food and poisonous additives in products, food. Years into the lockdowns the deaths from the FORCED medication and psychological torturer lockdowns and removal of essential fruits, meats, vegetables and grains would ensure sickness and deaths.

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines… He destroyed the MOLOCH WORLD SACRIFICE SATANIC DEEP STATE PLANS to torture and Kill billions through a Systematic genocidal Agenda… And the children would have suffered publicly also legally addicted to FORCED deadly medications and overdose ( the torture they would endure would insure hospitalization that would induce more torture and pain producing>>> ADRENOCHROME<<(ultimate plan)///..

By Trump releasing the Vaccines he Countered the DEEP STATE CABAL PLANS. And they were forced to spend TRILLIONS across the world creating the vaccines… Much of the vaccines are [FAKE] saline.. But also many are real and laced with mRNA and deadly compounds… That’s why they keep wanting you to take more and more vaccines….( Because they are still producing the real mRNA, Nano by-products of deadly additives ( to insure sickness and death and biotechnology engineering control>>In it’s first Stages}

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines.. Half of Trump supporters also had great fear of the COVID-19 and believed in FAUCI and WHO and believed in the scamdemic…Trump couldn’t loose these supporters (later their is a plan to correct the VACCINATED2022 )/

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines the medical Mafia went into PANIC.. They weren’t ready…. And lost TRILLIONS of dollars and in February the World went into spiral in the economy… This was all PLANNED…. This created a ripple effect through DEEP STATE money lines and ties and hidden GOLD/ MONEY/ CRYPTOCURRENCY hit the markets …… WAS A STING OPERATION to find all the SLEEPERS and see where the money was at that was funding the DS in many major countries.

WHEN TRUMP release The Vaccines that deep state came into confusion/ PANIC/ and this created so many mistakes…. That effected the medical Mafia and scientific PAID OWNED community…. And is on going…

EXPOSURE EXPOSURE leaks leaks is happening and even MSM is reporting things they would have never Reported last year. WHEN TRUMP RELEASED THE VACCINES…. IT WAS COUNTER MEASURE IN THE WAR YOU ARE IN!!!!!!…TRUMP LONG AGO TOLD YOU ” THE CHOICE IS YOURS” *everything he is doing now is optics…. It’s not for you!!! It’s for them!!!….* ___ he’s playing both sides of the game….ITS ALL FOR A REASON!!! EVERYTHING HAS MEANING. YOU HAVE MUCH MORE THAN YOU KNOW.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 3.8.2021:    here

Have you been eating the Cabal’s Human Meat at McDonalds? Not for long. They’re closing stores worldwide. Whiplash347: A Rabbi telling you they sell Human/Children Meat to Fast Food outlets & McDonalds is the number 1 Buyer. The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean. All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. Thats right Childrens Remains. Cemex, Heinz, TerraMar, McDonald’s all used for disposing of dead bodies.


The Gestapo is Back in Berlin: 600 Arrests, 1 Dead, Women and Children Beaten in the Street at Berlin Anti-Lockdown Protest here

Mike Adams, Situation Update, August 3rd, 2021: The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests... here's why here

Mike Adams, Health Ranger Report: Urgent message to the recently red-pilled who took the vaccine: You can still SAVE yourself! here

Michael Salla: The Coming Alien False Flag Psyop - Highlights from Webinar Introduction here
Highlights from the introduction to the Coming Alien False Flag Psyop Webinar held on Aug 1. Covers  history of alien false flag events beginning with the 1967 Report from Iron Mountain analyzing the credibility of an attack from space involving an "extraterrestrial menace", Dr. Werner Von Braun's comments to Carol Rosin in 1974 about an alien invasion being the final card in a sequence of contrived events; and Serge Monast's investigative reporting on Operation Bluebeam and its four steps. 

Short Film - Global Reset, Reptilian Overlords, Rise of the Resistance & Full Disclosure here
This is an historical overview of how the Earth has been run as a prison planet through secret agreements between the Cabal/Deep State and their Reptilian extraterrestrial overlords. The film introduces modern day plans to engineer wars, poverty, disease and genetic modifications that all contribute to covertly fulfilling these agreements. The recent proposal to create techno-governments in the US State of Nevada is shown to be yet another means by which the Deep State minions of these alien visitors can hide their operations and fulfillment of these agreements. 
As more individuals awaken to the contrived nature of modern wars, health crises, and economic collapse, the masses are rising up in open resistance to the Deep State. What will accelerate this Great Awakening is full disclosure of suppressed advanced technologies, secret space programs and a Galactic Federation waiting for humanity to reclaim its galactic heritage. 

Evenings with Sraddhalu: Part 72: Questions from Viewers (15) Current World Situation - 1 here
Kurt's notes:
The spiritual view of the current world situation.

Michael Salla: Astar Sheran - The Last Stronghold of the Dark Forces here

The Final Wakeup Call (FWC): Hyperinflation is next here
Gold and Silver many Multiples Higher
Unprecedented level of new money printing
Major spike in food prices create social unrest
Debt is at an all-time high
Your Freedom is at stake
United we are; our mass awakening is the Deep State’s greatest fear

Warning about disinformation related to the military tribunals and GITMO here and here and here
Kurt's notes:
Don't shoot the messenger! I bring only the message. I don't know always, if it is true or not. I have my own opinion, which changes depending on my information and interpretation of information. Do your own research. Check everything. Build your own opinion.

C-VINE here
C-VINE is an acronym that stands for:
Community-Voices * Investigations * NEWS * Education.
C-VINE utilizes multimedia to implement NEWS, EDUCATION & DISCUSSION PLATFORMS on a variety of social media, television, radio, YouTube, on-line magazines/books AND our own C-VINE website. 
We are here to give the community an uncensored voice, publish reliable news on specific topics and educate the public. We the People Are the News Now!
The existence of C-VINE is for WE THE PEOPLE of America and made BY "We the People". It is by and for those who love our country, believe and follow the traditional Constitution of the U.S, follow and implement the rule of law and support our duly elected President. Most importantly, made for those who KNOW we have the right to Freedom of Speech UNCENSORED, which includes the Freedom of the Press.
This grass roots wave of love for our country has amazingly spread globally, as demonstrated from our many international members who recognize the same problems we have here... are duplicated through out the world.
We are the voice of the people, and CLAIM our RIGHT to that voice.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 2.8.2021:    here

Q Time Network: WE ARE THE NEWS NOW.

We were right about Epstein Island.

We were right about the Covid hoax.

We were right about the ineffectiveness of masks.

We were right about the rigged PCR tests.

We were right about the nursing home scandal.

We were right about massively inflated death tolls.

We were right about the origins of Covid.

We were right about Fauci/NIH/CCP/Gain of function.

We were right about attempted vaccine passports.

We were right about the stolen election on 11/3.

We were right about the false flag on 1/6.

We were right about the jabs being poison.

We were right about the jabs being ineffective.

We were right about an attempted Communist takeover.

We were right about the “Great Reset”.

Why are we never wrong? Because the TRUTH is our weapon of choice. We have no ulterior motives. We fight for the future of humanity. We are guided by light, love and righteous indignation. WE. ARE. RELENTLESS.


3.7.2021, Evenings with Sraddhalu, Part 73: Questions from Viewers (16) -- Current World Situation - 2 here
Kurt's notes:
The spiritual view of the current world situation.


We The People News: HIGHLIGHTS Sarge on McAllister TV here

Kurt's notes:
This is the problem ...

VIDEO: U.S. Marine: "If you try to Force Vaccinate Me, I am going to kill you" here
Kurt's notes:
... and this is the solution.




Tortured Baby Corpses Come to Surface During European Floods

Around 600 corpses of tortured babies lay in a Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Germany gymnasium this week according to eyewitnesses. The bodies had washed up into homes and rivers during extensive floods and were believed from an extensive underground tunnel system where children were tortured, organs and blood harvested for elites to drink in Satanic worship. The rivers were now guarded by the military with the only information let out about the dead children was that they didn’t appear to be from the region and hadn’t died from drowning, or natural causes.

Since July 2019 Special Military Forces have found piles of little corpses, babies born to teens and even preteens in an extensive matrix of underground tunnels who had never seen the light of day, deformed and traumatized children, preteens and teens who were evidently experimented upon and electro-shocked as part of CIA Mind Control and genetic experiments, sexually abused, locked in cages, tortured and killed to harvest their organs and Adrenochrome for the elites to drink in Satanic worship. /politics/2020/04/over-50000-traumatized-children-rescued-by-military-out-of-tunnels-beneath-us-cities-3184076.html

Back in 2018 US Special Forces began training on how to rescue children and destroy tunnels in an extensive series of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) that circled the globe. They have been joined by the military of various nations. Their first rescue was on 4 July 2019 at the China Lake Naval Base in California where around 3,000 tortured children were found. /crime-all-stars/2020/04/over-35000-malnourished-caged-children-rescued-out-of-us-tunnels-by-military-2479402.html

More bodies of dead children being washed up from underground tunnels was expected in not only Germany, but in many areas such as Belgium, the Czech Republic and the Hague Netherlands, where over 1,400 dead children had come to the surface, as did even more in the UK during these great floods of 2021. Germany Floods: 600 Bodies of Children Found in the Flood? | Operation Disclosure Official

By April 2020 the count was over 50,000 traumatized, malnourished and deceased children who had been pulled out of underground tunnels across the nation by the US Military and Marines since July 2019. The count now was in the millions across the globe, with Australia alone finding over a million abused and tortured children. The operations were authorized under President Trump as Commander in Chief and military generals of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force working with military Special Forces teams internationally including Interpol.

The CIA, Vatican and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were believed to be central to an international Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome harvesting ring (Adrenochrome was the blood of a traumatized child said to create a high and reverse aging – highly prized by the global elite).

Right now there were 20,000 U.S troops in Germany and 25,000 troops in Hungary who had rescued over a million children from and cleaned out a series of DUMBs.

Malnourished, caged and tortured children have been rescued, or found deceased, in underground tunnels beneath US cities, including the White House and New York’s Central Park. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor. The extensive tunnel matrix was present in the US from California to New York, Canada to Mexico, ran down to South America and throughout Europe, Italy (beneath the Vatican and Venice) went over to Switzerland and up to the Hague, and the other way to Israel to New Zealand. The deep underground tunnels were found throughout the Middle East centered in Lebanon, with an extensive system circling Australia – connecting every major capitol throughout the globe. The Underground War Happening Now Part 2 – YouTube

On Sun. 23 May Russian and US military Special Forces hijacked from the Suez Canal, a container ship called Evergreen. The vessel was stacked six stories high and found loaded with 1,356 dead and around 1,267 barely living children. Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before It’s News

The CCP had loaded Evergreen and 29 surrounding vessels with barrels of Adrenochrome and aborted baby fetuses, Nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction, plus chemicals designed to cause climate change and increase the number of CV-19 cases. The CCP planned to detonate the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Israel and Saudi Arabia to bring about the prophesized war between the Muslims and Christians.

A trooper who was part of child rescue efforts at the Naval Base at China Lake California said, “On 4 July 2019 at 2 am PDT we surprised personnel at the Naval Base. We took over the base and rescued approximately 3,000 children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension.”

The child sex trafficking rescue under direction of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force actually started back in July 2018 when over 10,000 US Special Ops Military troops began training for the rescue from DUMBS across the globe of what became millions of severely abused children. Since then a total of over 1,000 soldiers were said to have died rescuing the children and cleaning out the DUMBS.


Pedophile Ring Investigation Centers Around White House, Capitol Building as Children Surface! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News



Marines, Seals Head Rescue of Millions of Tortured Children, While Trump Implodes Fiat Dollar for a Global Currency Reset | Politics | Before It’s News (



Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill | Politics | Before It’s News


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 30.7.2021:     here

China: Millions of Villagers Abandon Homes! 3 Dams Collapsed in 48 Hours! Why these Severe Floods? Clarified for FWC, by Peter B. Meyer – 29th of July 2021 Recently, as heavy rains continued to fall in the province, local governments in China have quietly opened reservoirs or dug up dikes to release floodwater, resulting in severe flooding in many areas. The hardest-hit areas have also moved from Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province, to its northern part. Villagers told overseas Chinese media that the local Chinese government opened the dams of the reservoirs to the downstream rivers, the Qihe and Weihe rivers, to release the floodwaters. The dams in the downstream city of Weihui either breaching, collapsing, or being officially dug up, thus leading to significant flooding in the local townships. Why do officials insist on opening the reservoir to release water when they know it will pose a great danger to the local people or downstream without issuing a safety warning in advance? The Chinese Communist Party will protect the party, not the people! Seeing these Chinese citizens with no knowledge of what is coming for them, all the cries all the lost, it’s just depressing Just all for the money, that’s what you get when your government worships money. What is this? These are human lives for god sake! People in charge can choose who’s going to die or which town need to be sacrificed, so sad. Wishing everyone safe and well. How the CCP treated their citizens and towns as expendable For our readers; the event of the collapse of the 3 gorges dam needs to be explained as there are still many who do not understand the ramifications and what this means when this event finally takes place.

1) 24 Nuclear reactors are taken out to meet GESARA commitments.

2) Crypto, Bitcoin Mining is destroyed, as the Deep State rings used for Child Trafficking The QFS – Quantum Financial System can be introduced.

3) Big Pharma will be taken out; New Way of Healing is introduced with frequency therapies

Adios forever to the CCP. Please understand everything is connected to the 3 Gorges Dam collapsing. This is the event!!! This is how General Flynn it has planned. Julian Assange will be freed. The more people understand that nothing is going to happen until the dam collapses the better. Our near future looks exciting, our life will improve with cures and abundance of everything that is needed. It is all about the event of the dam collapsing! Please share this article to let more people understand the importance of the dam collapse. It is permitted to republish this article provided FWC-source is referenced.


The David Zublick Channel: Hanks' Execution Agony here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 29.7.2021:     here

If you were Brainwashed to take the POISON SHOT, watch this! If you took the satanic POISON SHOT this is now crawling around in your body! But only until you DIE in 2 years, or less! THE POISON SHOT IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST 666! YOU WILL BE CUT OFF FROM YHVH FOREVER! It changes your DNA so even the Med Beds CANNOT FIX IT! You will be a Creation of Satan & CON-trolled by Computers when they want!

Pfizer Says Stay Away from the Vaxxed: Stay Away From The Vaxxed, It Is Official, From Pfizer’s Own Documents. THE ELITE HAVE ALREADY FFED OFF TO THEIR HIDEOUTS, THEY HAVE RELEASED THE GENOCIDE READ IT AND WEEP.

Ooohhh Nnooooohhh Ooohhhh Ooohhh!!! Studies proved that vaccinated people have higher level of viruses and are spreading more viruses than unvaccinated people. Oups! Truths is going out!

Inventor of mRNA technology removed from Wikipedia after he warned against taking COVID jabs. Dr. Robert Malone is no longer recognized by Wikipedia as being the creator of the technology used in some COVID-19 vaccines.

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it. The secret is NOT to refuse it…A friend in the NHS is being pressured to take the jib: “I write with regard to the matter of potential Covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements.”

1. Can you please advise me of the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?

2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

3. Can you please advise of the full list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it’s introduction?

5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT ‘experimental mRNA gene altering therapy’?

6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

1. You confirm that I will suffer no harm.

2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.’ The point being though, is that they CANNOT provide that information but you’ve NOT refused…


How Trump's vaccines prevent the Great Reset and save humanity here

The Plan to Control the World here
This is not just an article, but a unique in depth overview of the globalist's strategy to use Covid-19 as an excuse to create global tyranny.
You will see how they suppress every effective cure for Covid-19, so they can enforce a very dangerous vaccine onto all of humanity. This vaccine will contain nanotechnology that connects us to artificial intelligence and start the process of transhumanism, making us hybrids that lose the ability to think freely. If you think that's insane, you're right. It is pure madness, but it's nevertheless the hidden agenda behind the vaccine for Covid-19. 



Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 25.7.2021:    here

The Kill Switch Has Been Activated

Protests Around the Globe

The Storm is Upon Us

We Have It All

Save the Children

Justice is Coming

NUREMBERG 2.0 … Q & Trump

Sat. 24 July 2021 Nick Fleming: As of the past week, the banks stopped giving out information about the RV GCR, SKR accounts, and rollout/exchange. They have been as tight-lipped as a priest in confession. With good reason. There are many details which are still being written in cement. Suffice to say, all parties to the original Agreement are patiently waiting for this to start and confident that it will. When is not given, only that, “T4B start is dead ahead at any moment.” We can hope it’s today.

Reason for all of the grumbling among various published individuals, is that they don’t like the new protocols, or they are simply not informed.

The RV GCR has been taken out of the hands of the “paymasters”. It’s been simplified and brokers involvement has ended. The ability for aggregators to steal other’s currencies, has been eliminated right along with the opportunity for hidden fees/charges/splits. There will be some corrections taking place and it will all be handled easily.

The DoD is in charge and have a lot of explaining to do to everyone but, it’s not time for this disclosure yet. The 40+ questions we asked a couple of days ago have not been fully explained. Once these questions are answered everyone will relax and be very happy. Answers have been committed. We can know that the Quantum Banking System in control here, taking action as needed in milliseconds, makes everything simple, irreversible, unstoppable, and fair. “Fair” is another term for parity. No one has advantage because of entitlement/good-ole-boy connections. Everyone benefits equally with generous rates.

Bottom line is that it’s all being fairly managed, for optimum results. This is the watershed event to lift our world to a healthy state. We’ll have a few large waves to ride out but in the end, it’s going to be plentiful and for everyone, in every nation state.

Also on Fri. 23 July Disclosure began when John McAfee unlocked his Dead Man Switch and evil deeds of previous presidents and staff was released from anti-virus software that had gathered the data from government computers over the years. The Demonic Democrats, Deep State, Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Monetary System Big Banks and Pharm were all being exposed.

This last week was one of Cabal HAARP and Tectonic weapon-induced floods, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and DEW (Direct Energy Weapon highly focused energy laser)-induced fires across the West, planned to combine with their bio-weapons of COVID 19 and vaccines, plus their plans to poison our food supply to create food, gas, goods and supply shortages and thus civil unrest in the near future.

Worldwide crises events were expected to soon require activation of an Emergency Broadcast System that would combine with over 50,000 mass arrests of mainly child sex political and global elite perpetrators and coincide with release of the RV.

Military Warned to stock Food Storage and Supplies for what’s coming:

Q will appear on July 26 at 7pm (GMT -4 ) (NY time) You have the ability to really HELP America, to prove yourself as a Patriot of the country, to become the one, who will be written in the HISTORY of great America. If you do NOT want to, stand aside, you need to follow described SIMPLE steps, which we will send TOMORROW. You’ll need it to reach our encrypted SAFE place. Q will be WAITING for you, Patriot! YOUR HELP MATTERS. Сurrent plan – is [A]ction WWG1WGA! @ANONQWAY

This isn’t over when more people were aware of corruption in the 2020 Election. We were in the middle of a war that would last until at least the end of the year.


CONCERNING: 5,000 immigrants a day come through the South U.S. borders since Biden in office. 150,000 illegal immigrants a month. Half are men and the other half are children and woman.75,000 men… Many are ex soldiers from their countries. The men, woman and children are all separated . Men between the ages of 15- 40 are flown by private commercially owned flights to [DS] Mil. Bases and other LOCATIONS around the U.S. …. The older man are being released in cities through the U.S. CABLES;:MIL EXPERTS/INSIDERS>>>> CONCERNED [DS] IS BUILDING AN ARMY AND TRAINING THE MEN IN UNDERGROUND BASES around the U.S.>> LEAKS Woman in their younger ages are disappearing on these flights.. Older woman are popping up in cities and the children/hundred thousands missing.. Unaccounted for! * It’s very CONCERNING that [DS] is forging an ARMY using immigrants…

Indictments, Arrests, Executions: Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – This Revolution Will Not be Televised! | Police State | Before It’s News (

The Kill Switch Has Been Activated:

Kill Switch Activated: As soon as the waters recede, expect world-wide to see the following: corpses in DUMBS, ritual child abuse proof, non human remains. MacAfee revealed kill switch info, and the crash of crypto. The Deep State has been unmasked! Every scenario is planned! The whole world is watching! John McAfee talks about his kill switch of incriminating information with John Greenwald

QAnon- Q Way: You are what matters most. UNITED NOT DIVIDED. Q will be back very soon — 26th of July! Just like last time, he will NEED YOUR HELP. Retaliation against Republicans internet recourses attackers WILL NOT be long in coming. INFORMATION WARFARE Q

_Power outage in many areas of Spain

_London floods the streets with protests

_Sydney Australia declares National Emergency over delta variant/demonstration erupt and clash with police

_Large protests breakout in Australia France Italy England vaccines mandates vaccine passports and Covid restrictions

_Arizona senate calls to decertify the election

_Henan P China.. reports heaviest rainfall in 1000 years, 100 missing 70 dead and rising

_JUST IN – Austria’s Interior Minister and Defense Minister announced in a joint press conference that the country will tighten its border protection as the “European asylum system has failed.” Austria will deploy hundreds of additional soldiers to the borders. “The situation is serious,”

_French hospital goes on INDEFINITE strike to protest Covid-19 vaccination mandate

_200 million people in China braces for typhoon

_For the ninth day in Iran protesters violently demonstrate and riot, due to no water and no internet

_Over 179 cities and protest sites Erupt in France

_Mass protests in Greece taking place as mainstream Media blackouts the demos

_Israel protesters start marching through the night

India is going to start vaccinating children against coronavirus by September 2021. The government of the country has previously stated that it plans to vaccinate the entire adult population of the country by the end of this year.

Protests Around the Globe:
France, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Finland, Cape Town (South Africa), Finland, Sweden, Japan, Great Britain, Lithuania, Ireland, Spain, Wales, Brisbane, London, Ireland, Paris, Portugal, Ukraine, Luxenberg, Niagara Falls New York, Greece, Warsaw Poland, Estonia, Romania protests.

Worldwide USA Stand for freedom or lose it July 24th, American citizens are standing up to reclaim their freedom and support our brothers and sisters around the world. Rallies in: Arkansas Russellville • California Red Bluff, Sacramento, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica • Connecticut Newington • Delaware Dover • Florida Tampa • Georgia Atlanta, Dalton • Hawaii Honolulu, Maui • Idaho Boise • Indiana Indianapolis • Iowa Des Moines • Kansas Lawrence • Kentucky Frankfort • Louisiana Baton Rouge • Maryland Bel Air • Michigan Lansing • Minnesota Saint Paul • Missouri Jefferson City • Nevada Las Vegas • New Jersey Seaside Heights • New York NY City Madison Square Park, Niagara Falls • North Carolina Raleigh • Oklahoma Tulsa • Oregon Salem • Pennsylvania Columbia • Rhode Island Warwick • South Carolina Columbia • Texas Austin, Fort Worth, Houston, McAllen, San Antonio, Utah Salt Lake City, Virginia Williamsburg •

COVID-19 was created in the laboratory of the People’s Liberation Army of China and refined as a biological weapon.
Covid-19 has been specially designed so that it is highly contagious, but often asymptomatic, has a low mortality rate, but produces uncontrolled variants and has characteristics that provide a plausible denial of the possibility of using biological weapons.
According to China’s military doctrine, such biological weapons are used before the declaration of war for political or international strategic needs, the use of which can be refused.

Even if academic, Virological evidence and data from animal experiments indicate that the virus appeared in the laboratory, we can simply deny it, stop (the investigation), suppress (scientists), make sure that the work of international organizations and honest people did not bring results.

A fully formed sample of COVID-19 was ready for testing in early 2019. In parallel, we developed a vaccination program with all its stages and nuances.

Scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology participated in testing the transmission of imitation coronavirus to primates and response exercises, for example, at Tianhe Airport in Wuhan in September 2019, as well as in the actual test release of COVID-19 in the Armed Forces in 2019.

The statement that an officer of the People’s Liberation Army of China allegedly made at that time was as follows: “Give these white pigs some…”

The” presentation ” of COVID-19 at the World War Games also became a test of the long-term impact of this type of biological weapon, as foreign visitors to the Games take it back to their countries, and the consequences could be observed quite quickly.

The subsequent outbreak in Wuhan was completely unexpected. That is, there was no laboratory leak, but there was an unintentional spread of a virus among the Chinese population, the transmissibility of which they underestimated.

Beijing learned about the quiet spread of COVID-19 by early December, but kept it a secret and allowed international flights to continue from Wuhan.

Probably, COVID-19 was supposed to hit the United States, its allies and the entire Western world because of China’s economic problems and the trade war that Trump was waging.

If COVID-19 undermined the integrity of the US army, China would put pressure on Taiwan, possibly invade, and the uprisings in Hong Kong could be suppressed under the guise of public health measures.

If China avoids responsibility for COVID-19 and its biological weapons program is allowed to continue to exist, one more, more deadly attack is likely to occur.


Military Urging Officers To Get Their Houses In Order here
Kurt's notes:
Prepare now! It will start soon! Water and food reserve for several weeks, as well as inner strength and trust in God and soul.

Spanish Researchers Find a Way to Remove Magnetic Graphene From the Body After Getting the COVID Injection (Video) here

Bo Polny: Global Elite Fall & David4️⃣5️⃣Returns IN FALL, Expected GLORY within next 20-Days!!! here
Kurt's notes:
According to Polny - July 25 to August 15, 2021 is the decisive phase, no later than the end of the first week of September, for the fall of the Cabal. In Fall/Autumn 2021 "David" = 45/Trump will return in power to rebuild everything. Let us hope ... And remember: GOLD AND SILVER ARE GOD'S MONEY !!!


Kitco News: U.S. headed towards ‘bankruptcy’; Gold will protect you, everything else will ‘get crushed’ here
The U.S. is headed for bankruptcy and economic decline, and the best way to protect your wealth is with #gold, said Yaron Brook, managing partner of BHZ Capital. 
“[Hyperinflation] is quite unlikely because we know how to deal with inflation, we know how to stop it, it’s just very, very painful. I think what we’re really in for is a very long period of stagnation, maybe combined with inflation, maybe now. One thing we’re not going to see is significant economic growth,” Brook told Michelle Makori, editor-in-chief of Kitco News.


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 22.7.2021:    here and here

“Allegedly, John McAfee had his anti-virus software installed on most government computers, which gathered all the evil deeds of previous presidents and staff, like Hillary. This 31 Terrabytes of terrible truth, was stored in an encrypted blockchain and distributed via his $Whackd crypto currency/wallet. He said, should he die or be killed, this evidence would be released like a dead man’s switch. The final image after he sent to Instagram was a Q, which held an encryption key. Those that knew what to do, unlocked it and we are counting down to the release.”

The Quantum Banking System would deliver a Secure Card that would be your own unique card. This card would grant you access to a Website where all of your assets were listed.

Using an image, or a serial number you could add any currency that you held, or deposit a check and the System would verify and add that asset to your account.

All currencies would be validated that the account owner was the original purchaser. If the account owner entered foreign currency/bonds [that] were purchased by another person, it would not be validated.

Lin Wood:

– With no legal right in America, the CIA Mockingbird media have been brainwashing us for 70+ years. People need to see it. They need to experience it.- America The Republic

– 1871 America borrowed Money from the Rothschilds. 1910-1911 America couldn’t pay our bills and they took over our banking systems. We need to go back to the GOLD standard.

– John D Rockefeller formed the American Medical Association and labeled naturalist doctors were quacks. The pharmaceutical industry is evil.

– Donald Trump is still the President for The United States of America. You don’t impeach a President to get him out of office, after he lost. They tried to impeach him because they know what’s going on. Watch his rallies. Look at the Secret Service protection he has. That’s the protection given to sitting President of The United States of America! (BOOM!)

– Trust the Plan! Q is real. I stand with Q. Q doesn’t like pedophilia, I don’t either. Q doesn’t like Child sex trafficking, I don’t either.

– We won’t see when Jesus comes, but he’s coming. Walk by Faith, not by sight! Walk by Faith until we are given sight!

– The military swore an oath to defend the Constitution and the people. They will do their job.

General Flynn: “Continuing with…preliminary results from Maricopa” County, AZ…Election Fraud is no longer a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy!

UK: HOW NHS APP PINGDEMIC CHAOS IS BRINGING BRITAIN TO A GRINDING HALT Supermarkets and petrol stations have been forced to shut due to staff shortages caused by the ‘pingdemic’ amid warnings 20 per cent of workers could be isolating in less than a month; Lorry driver complains of ‘pumps running dry’ at BP petrol stations due to delays in fuel deliveries; Head of NHS providers says ambulance and acute hospital trusts are now under ‘extreme pressure’; Meat industry body CEO warns that food supply chains are ‘starting to fail’.

NESARA, Ivanka Trump: Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000. At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a ?law of the land?, but wait a minute! No one wanted to enforce it. Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous. Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States President and Vice President, the Presidential Cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.

You ask, Why? Why would the United States Congress ever pass a law that would, upon enactment, instantly remove them from public office? On March 9, 2000 in a secret joint session of Congress with the walls of the House Chambers lined with Navy Seals and Delta Force, the United States Congress passed the NESARA law unanimously at gun point under the threat of death. They passed the law knowing full well that there was a plan already in place to forever delay NESARA from being enforced. You ask, ?Why would our president ever sign a bill and create a law that would remove him, his vice-president and his Cabinet from public office the moment he signed it?? In the Oval Office on October 10, 2000 President Bill Clinton, surrounded by special forces, at gun point signed the NESARA bill into law, knowing full well that the Illuminati were in charge, and that this law was never to be enforced.

Lin Wood: Bill Gates don’t have a medical degree but creates pharmaceuticals, including a vaccine… Moderna; Covid is patented (meaning it is a man made and not a virus) ; Follow the money to see who owns Phizer; Bill Gates wants to depopulate the world; They want to kill you & depopulate you by destroying the middle class; only allowing an elite class and a servant class. We’re NOT going to let that happen. They’re not going to take away our freedom! What they’ve done over the years, keeping cures for cancer from us for 30 to 40 years, how many they killed for money.


Satanic Holidays: Tues. 3 Aug. 2021 was the next major Satanic Holiday called Satanic Revels. It was celebrated by local and international Satanic Covens with oral, anal and vaginal sexual abuse of a female age 7-17, culminating with the sacrifice of the victim, the more innocent the better – followed by eating their flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood, according to the Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused clients.

Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape, torture and murder of themselves and other children.

Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens, while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims. The babies, children and teens were starved, tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.

Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:

Called To Rescue

A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked


You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence.

Interpol, DHS, Military RV Security Teams and Special Forces were doing a final sweep of checks, clean-up and arrests to clear the path from potential Deep State interference.

McAfee: Dead Man’s Switch Activated: “What storm Mr. President…?” “As waters recede, riverbeds reveal…” PREPARE. FBI, DEA, CIA, SEC, DHS, IRS, DIA, NRO, WEF, Microsoft, TREAS, NGA, DOD, ID2020, ARAMCO, Berkshire Hathaway, WHO, GAVI, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Face Book, Apple, AT&T, The Clinton Foundation, Huawei, Pfizer, Rothschild & Co, Johnson & Johnson, Planta, ICC, NSC, Halliburton, ICC, NCC, Halliburton, KIVA, Raytheon, IDEO, Lockheed Martin, Alphabet, Klaus Schwab, Accenture, Finfisher, JP Morgan, The Blockchain Foundation, Raytheon (twice).

A fellow yogini warrior sister Jeanette Ulbl Yoga: You guys know about the McAfee ‘KillSwitch’ yeah? All I can say is they did tell us ‘It’s going to be BIBLICAL’As waters recede, riverbeds reveal:

1) As soon as the water floods are over, the many corpses become visible.

2) Once the floods are over, the DUMBS will become visible.

3) Once the floods are over, the satanic ritual child abuses will come to light.

4) Once the floods are over, we will find the corpses of the non-human beings.

5) As soon as the water floods are over, the release of data from McAfee’s inventory will begin.

6) As soon as the water floods are over, the crypto-currencies will crash.

George Soros Tied Group Infiltrates US Military. Biden is intentionally destroying our defense capabilities.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 7/22/21 here
The war is becoming more and more evident as floods increase, earthquakes and DEW weapons deployed, explosions, assassinations, jab deaths ignored as cabal pushes more and more to jab children, UN vehicles and more. It feels like the world is on fire!

The storm is upon us as 107 reveals date of Trumps inauguration by military. here

This is one of their best interviews packed full of information. David and Mel discuss what the end game will be for the evil globalists and Biden Regime. 

Gene Decode #42 Trumps Eastern Airlines to Gimto, more than 48K dead in US here


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 21.7.2021:    here and here

The Military has raised two DefCon Level Alerts. CENTCOM & AFRICOM, due to recent airstrikes in those regions.

The Military has indicted Newsom, governor of California, while a Military Tribunal convicted Susan Rice of Treason and sentenced her to death – none of which was carried by the Fake Main Stream Media.

The main stream media continued to ignore deaths caused by CV vaccines, 2020 Election Fraud, and how the Deep State Cabal was using HAARP to manipulate weather conditions across the globe to create earthquakes, floods and tsunamis, setting the stage for worldwide gas and food shortage crises, plus ignored Cyber Attacks on banks and businesses across the globe that would lead to a Stock Market crash and global financial crises.

The Storm Rider: WHITE HATS IN CONTROL means…. The good guys/Important People/Groups/Military working behind the scenes KNOW the END_GAME WHITE HATS IN CONTROL does not mean they’re micromanaging everything. And control all world weapons or events OR catastrophes You are inside a crucial moment in the CHESS GAME… WHITE HATS know the out come.. But still black hats make final moves >>Sacrifices>>death=CLIMATE CHANGE>>running and waiting (pausing/wasting time/DISTRACTIONS) before the inevitable END_GAME WHITE HATS IN CONTROL means REPRISALS. The game is already won but still the game must played out. It had to be this way. (FOR MANY REASON.. WHITE HATS LET THE DEEP STATE MAKE THEIR FINAL MOVES….MISTAKES>> IT’S ALL RECORDED SEALED EVIDENCE// IN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY LAWS…. Their crimes had to be completed in everything they did in almost all countries to make Military Reprisals official and MILITARY take over…MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY /)) Have FAITH… YOU'RE INSIDE THE STORM.

The Storm Rider: No sugar coating here. Just real info to prepare you. CLIMATE CHANGE= FLOODS, DEATHS, CHAOS, EARTHQUAKES, TSUNAMIS, DEVASTATION, KILL THE PLANTS (FOOD), DISRUPT SHIPPING. HIGHWAYS. ROADS. AIRPORTS. CLIMATE CHANGE= COVER UP of world elites and companies and governments all connected to the Plandemic bioweapon virus. Bioweapon vaccine being exposed/pedophilia/human trafficking/ corruption. The weather weapons are being used to create confusion and chaos and fear in many countries to keep Narration going of pandemic and now CLIMATE CHANGE pandemic. (there are several tens of thousands of Q posts and pages in Telegram that give non stop cheer leading pep rallying talks and information……. My page isn’t one… I give it to you straight and have been …… And I will say it again/))) //) PAIN… It’s here . And growing!!…. HOPE LOST…..YOU MUST PREPARE… FOOD WATER AND SUPPLIES And get your spiritual armor on.. SUMMER ON FIRE… It’s always darkest before the light comes… [>>DS] CARDS CLIMATE CHANGE is a dangerous card. Blame the earthquake, floods , plants devastation. On climate change.,.. CONTROL THE NARRATION NEXT CARDS>>TAKE CONTROL OF ALL INTERNET SERVERS ACROSS THE WORLD in every country<< de-platform/ban/>>Great Awakening movement and ALL who go against the DS narration…. You should have ask known this is coming .. PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN. Those who truly understand the PLAN know this was all meant to happen…CRASH NCSWIC NOTHING! ONLY THEN 11.3 /A NEW WORLD.

Crisis Throughout the Globe, Q: Families. Children. Animals being killed in the FLOODS through the world in weeks. Millions of people dead from the bioweapon COVID 19 release. Hundreds of thousands dead from vaccines. Hundreds thousands dead from suicide across the world during lockdown/ DON’T FORGET YOU ARE INSIDE A WAR THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE OR EXPERIENCED!!… Most ANONS have not had a family die in the flood yet. Lost property in the FLOODS… Family friends dead from the bioweapons>> Covid-19, VACCINES _ most people don’t understand the PLANTS were attacked with weaponized virus also. Trees are dying and plants (food)… The next weeks will Shock the WORLD…. More FLOODS Devastation Lockdowns returning Food shortage, Gas shortage, Cyberattack, BRINK OF WAR RUSSIA, CHINA, US, TAIWAN, [M.E], WORLD RIOTS!!!!!!! SUMMER ON 🔥 FIRE Pray [they] can’t pull off FF Tsunami event<< +think POOL he gave you hints GAME,THEORY. Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. Difficult truths. Q

WATCH the Deep State Military!! They are trying to create Earthquakes of the Coast.. Calling it Tests > exercises President of Mexico calls for the release of WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange: “No one should be punished for revealing facts”

Ivanka Trump: JUST IN – 200 people in 27 states in the US are being monitored for symptoms of Monkey-pox after an infected person traveled earlier this month from Nigeria to Dallas, according to the CDC (NY Post)

The Storm Rider: Last month i gave Many WARNINGS of HAARP being used to create chaos for July.>>>NOW half a Trillion in damages through Europe, Homes, towns, villages, cars destroyed. The death counts keep rising everyday. The FLOODS effecting NUCLEAR plants. Leaks, Power outage, Road damages. National Emergencies . The supply chain of food, goods distribution by trains. Trucks, diesels has stopped in many areas through Europe, Middle East. The damage is still being felt as water recedes and storms still moves East with more storms brewing in the West. Many families across the world are trapped in desolate and rural areas across the Nations with no easy access to EMERGENCY help! Many ANONS believe only TUNNEL systems are being destroyed by these floods. But this is highly untrue!! These Weather Weapons are being used to create CHAOS by the DEEP STATE CABAL through them World>>CLIMATE CHANGE< DISTRACTIONS from EXPOSURE of COVID-19, vaccines deaths, U.S. elections cover up, ect., ext., ect.. GET READY FOR >TSUNAMIS<[DS]OPS.

Siberia: RAGING forest fires are STIFLING the air in Siberia – Russia is using CLIMATE ENGINEERING to trigger rainfall. Thick smog covers the capital of Yakutia in Siberia as well as a further 100 towns and cities in the region – as over 200 vast wildfires continue to rampage.

Recent Earthquake & Today Over 35 Earthquakes around the world in the last hours. CABLES [They] are going to TRIGGER LARGE QUAKES AND BLAME CLIMATE CHANGE

BREAKING – In the last 72 hours the Afghanistan Army has liberated 24 Districts which were under Taliban Control.

JFK Jr. Alive: This is what comes up on the new #George Page. The first magazine pic goes to this video “Robert Kennedy Confirms His Cousin John Kennedy Lives” The 2nd magazine pic brings you to Bill Gates – Population Reduction @ TED 2010 And finally the #hidden text at the bottom takes you to The Great Awakening Vs The Great Reset. #GAGR

Canada: When #EBS starts – the mainstream media will be CUT OFF completely and their Satellites destroyed. Peace and Prosperity. Or perish. I don’t play Politics. HRH Romana Didulo, @RomanaDidulo Head of State and Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government of Canada, Queen of Canada/President of Canada.

Australia: Major International Airline pulls ALL flights Down Under as our crippling border closures threaten to leave Australia totally cut off from the rest of the world. The world’s largest airline is pulling all flights to and from Australia, after deciding it was no longer feasible given the country’s crippling border closures and a recent reduction in international arrivals.

“Patriot” is hate speech: MSNBC warns viewers to be attentive to online groups using the word “patriot”.

The police arrested a truck with 105 illegal immigrants illegally imported into the United States.

The Third World War? The CCP threatens Japan with a nuclear strike in a “full-scale” war if they interfere in Taiwan’s affairs: “There will be no peace talks.”

Journalists in the UK can be sentenced to up to 14 years in prison for leaking stories that embarrass the government as part of plans to reform the Law on State Secrets.

USA State of Emergencies Declared as devastating floods hit Flagstaff, Arizona; Cameron, West Virginia; Southeast, Michigan; New Mexico, Missouri, South Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Bloomington Indiana.

Ukraine: Several metro stations FLOODED in Kiev right now – as a hurricane hits Ukraine’s capital.

Poland Flood

India: More than 20 people died when houses were destroyed amid floods caused by the heavy downpour in the Mumbai suburbs in India. More are feared to be trapped under the rubble.

MASSIVE FLOODING hits Austria! Fierce currents are surging through the streets, threatening another disaster similar to the torrential rain and havoc in Germany and Belgium. People, cars and small buildings were carried away when rivers broke their banks. Most of the destruction has been in Salzburg and Tyrol.

Iran: In Provinec Khuzestam of Iran people haven’t had water to drink .and rivers are dry, every animal died, gram it. Because government build dam water on Karoon and sells water to Iraq and to other countries. WATER shortage protests in Iran continue for FOUR nights now amid record drought!

Severe Weather Warnings & Floods Across Arabian Peninsula – as Storms Brew Inland over Deserts! Riyadh has issued thunderstorm warnings across the kingdom until Monday – with mass flooding already gripping the region. The United Arab Emirates also has urged people to take precautions. Footage of floods and vehicles moving through streams of water has appeared online, while sand storms too. Devastating weather fronts also hit Oman with cars being washed away.

China is flooded: This weather pattern will hold over this region for a WHOLE 4 DAYS.

Foxconn says critical iPhone factory hit by massive floods in China. Zhengzhou, in China’s central Henan province, has been hit with torrential rain and intense flooding reported.

China Three Gorges Dam: PLA military increased at dam. Three Gorges Dam

China Guojiaju Dam near #Zhengzhou city, which experienced severe flooding today, has collapsed – the third dam in 48 hours. China’s central government has raised the nationwide flood emergency response level, according to state media.

Colorado Flood: Mass Casualty Incident declared following flood emergency in Fort Collins, Colorado #FortCollins l #CO 20+ people are missing. Homes and roads are destroyed.

Federal prosecutors are subpoenaing materials related to New York Governor Cuomo’s recent memoir as part of an investigation into COVID-19 deaths in the state’s nursing homes.

“Last year, a group of Indian scientists discovered that the coronavirus was created with AIDS-like inserts. Fauci’s emails now shed light on the fact that he threatened Indian scientists and forced them to abandon their research.” Fauci knew that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory, and yet he wanted the whole world to think that the virus originated in nature.

Shocking numbers from Public Health Scotland (the national public health body for Scotland). 5,522 Individuals Died in Scotland Within 28 Days of Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine, Surpassing COVID-19 Death Rate.

Trump and vaccination. Anonymous: Why should Trump approve COVID-19 vaccination?

1) This is part of a military operation.

2) The plan of the globalists was that COVID should “break out” immediately after the victory of Hillary Clinton. When she didn’t, the Cabal waited for the end of Trump’s term to approach and launched Operation COVID for several reasons:

A) Concealment of electoral fraud

B) The beginning of depopulation

C) Public intimidation/control

D) Not enough time to develop your own vaccine and introduce a vaccine that will be approved by the FDA and made mandatory for everyone.

3) Donald Trump had to take a retaliatory step to get rid of COVID/fear/control, expose major pharmaceutical companies, and make sure that the express vaccine is classified as experimental, not mandatory.

I had to weigh both options:

A) Tell America that vaccines are a grand plan of the globalists/ pharmaceutical companies to reduce the population.

B) Support the consequences of both options.

If he had issued a warning, the media would have pounced on him, portraying him as a loser, focusing even more on plandemia, demanding a real vaccine, and he would not have been able to expose election fraud, make thousands of arrests, uncover the deep state plan, and make a natural difference while people were waking up. He had to stop the election fraud immediately before it could be seen (it’s happening now). We would have to put up with chaos and civil war, with violent attacks by MSM, increased unrest and public terror.

By promoting vaccination but providing truthful information in alternative media, Trump is making Deep State vaccination voluntary, NOT mandatory, contrary to their plan. If Trump can skillfully change the situation, he will be able to stop it, there will be much fewer deaths, and it will be possible to prevent the consequences of vaccinating sheep with frequency therapy and the like (also, no one has canceled natural selection, this applies to those who take the vaccine for beer, burgers and participation in the lottery).

Sometimes in war, you have to choose between two bad options. With a deep state strategy in hand, Trump and the military chose to minimize casualties. The other alternative would be much worse for people on so many and deep levels. (

McAfee: Soon they won’t be able to walk down the street. They will keep the masks on and hide until they meet their fate. They will come after me again and cry a foul. The deck has been stacked and the Tokens have been Loaded… Triggered…NCSWIC 74 Hours. My Discord Server is Live and running in case telegram takes on too much water this weekend. Have you seen the weather? Looks like a Storm is brewing…Looks like Nothing Can Stop It. 74 Hours..

McAfee: Dark to Light, Trust the Plan they say. I’ve waited 17 years for these last 65 hours. . . . Follow The White Rabbit. For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. Genesis 7:17 As waters recede, riverbeds reveal. $WHACKD John McAfee.


NESARA: Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more. NESARA implements the following changes:

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential ‘new items only’ sales tax revenue for the government. In other words food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported to other countries, and barred from reentry for the remainder of their life. And millions of people will soon discover their college degrees are now worthless paper.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The intern government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us back to constitutional law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury, ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide

17. Establishes peace throughout the world

18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

J. Military Tribunal convicts Susan Rice of Treason, is sentenced to death

On 8 July, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps convicted former National Security Advisor Susan Rice of high treason and sentenced her to death for her participation in a 2017 scheme to defame then-President Elect Trump by falsely and knowingly linking his campaign to baseless allegations of Russian collusion. And for misusing her authority to spy on law-abiding American patriots.

Rice instructed James Comey and other intelligence officials and agencies to withhold classified data from the incoming administration because, she claimed, Gen. Michael Flynn had conspired with Russian assets to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“Susan Rice had a history of telling lies for personal gain,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal. “She fabricated information, which she knew was false, to try to thwart Trump’s installation as President of the United States, and she disseminated those lies among her colleagues.”

Rice, said, “I acted in the name of preserving this country. And I’d do it again. Donald Trump should never have become president, and if this tribunal, as you call it, is just, I will be exonerated.”

“Preserving this country. Interesting choice of words,” Vice Adm. Hannink said. “Let’s remove Trump from the picture. Were you preserving this nation when you asked NSA Directors General Keith Alexander and Adm. Michael Rogers to tap the phones and electronic devices of American citizens who were not suspected of any crimes but were merely critical of Barack Obama?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“They were traitors,” Rice barked. “You’re all traitors.”

“If I cared to spend a week in your presence, I could go back to your days with Clinton, your lies about how Benghazi happened, we could unmask much, much more. But others are waiting to sit in your chair,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

He reminded the tribunal that capital punishment can be imposed for treason and espionage, and recommended that fate, if the commission found her guilty. And it did. The date and method of execution were not immediately set.

K. Military Indicts Newsom governor of California

U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps has indicted California Governor Gavin Newsom amid concerns that the embattled, corrupt politician might flee the country if California voters successfully oust him on September 14.

Newsom flouts his own restrictions and continues to bankrupt thousands of the very people who voted him into office. Although he claims rightwing political extremists. He betrayed his oath of office by imposing needless mask mandates and profiting massively by shuttering the state’s principal economic sector, the motion picture industry, in exchange for bribes and kickbacks.

Newsom also received a $10,000,000 ‘contribution’ from Hulu CEOs Randy Freer and Jeffrey Katzenberg, a move aimed at suppressing the will of the voters who delivered nearly 1,750,000 petition signatures to recall the much maligned governor. The Golden State Governor’s venality mandated a comprehensive military investigation, the source said.

“The evidence against Newsom is enough compelling, to issue the indictment, In addition, copies obtained of very disturbing telephone calls between Newsom and governors of other Democratic states.

Newsom and Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer congratulating each other on pushing their respective states closer to Socialist ideology. “When they’re all broke, they’ll have no choice but to rely on us,” Newsom said, to which Whitmer, she said “Barack Obama will be proud.” An indictment does not mean an immediate arrest, but the military is making plans to grab Newsom regardless of the recall outcome.

Judy Note: The Deep State was still out to kill a huge portion of humanity and enslave the rest, their latest efforts concentrating on the CV-19 virus and it’s vaccine. Millions have died from the Cabal’s man-made bio-weapon CV Virus. On Tues. 20 July after 45,000 persons were found to have died within 72 hours of receiving a CV vaccination shot, Frontline doctors and Lawyers filed a lawsuit against the US government.

The mainstream media continued to ignore 2020 Election Fraud evidence coming out of audits or requests for audits in Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania, paid no attention to mounting Stock Market and Bitcoin crashes and food and water shortages across the globe.

The Deep State Cabal was using HAARP to manipulate weather conditions across the globe and create earthquakes, floods and Tsunamis, setting the stage for worldwide gas and food shortage crises. Recent massive floods across Europe and the Middle East were affecting nuclear plant leaks and power outages.

Floods included destruction of China’s Three Gorges Dam – the largest dam in the world. Three Gorges housed Bitcoin, Big Pharma, Child Sex Trafficking and Adrenochrome production headquarters and was connected by deep underground tunnels to Wuhan and the Wuhan Lab, creator of the CV-19 virus and vaccinations.

Q has referred to Christmas in July and a McAfee Clock countdown that would begin on Fri. 23 July 2021. McAffe (said to have committed suicide, though was believed to be in a witness protection program), created a computer anti-virus program that proved that the 2020 Election Fraud was headed by the Chinese Communist Party in collusion with the CIA and Democrat leaders.

A. Tues. 20 July 2021 Fleming Call:

On Mon. 19 2021 the Chinese Elders went to Canada and made some changes in the exchange/ redemption process.

Redemption Centers were owned by HSBC and Wells Fargo and were no longer being funded by the Chinese Elders, who have now closed them.

The Safe Link Website and 800#s were still coming out.

Now Foreign Currency Exchanges will be taking place in bank financial centers.

Zim Bond redemption would take place sometime after currency exchanges have taken place.

Tier 4B, who were getting special rates on their exchange in bank financial centers may be going at the same time as Tier 5 General Public, which would exchange at the street rate at the bank teller window.

No exchanges or redemptions have taken place.

The F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, Church Groups, CMKX, Sovereigns and Farm Groups were still not done.

Those who have received monies cannot spend it yet.

There have been problems with Paymasters spending monies they were supposed to give to their group.

They were still working on bringing in a Constitutional government.

We were waiting for information from the Grandfather, Elders and DoD.

They were getting ready to invoke Article 25, get Biden out of office and put Trump in by August 13.

New Lawsuit Aims to Expose Relationship Between Facebook and White House:

Obama made it legal for the media to purposely LIE to the public. In 2012 he signed H.R. 4310 which allowed propaganda to be used on US citizens by its own government.

Democrat Groups Plan To “Fact Check” Private Text Messages: Groups allied with the Biden administration are planning on working directly with cellphone network providers to ‘fact check’ private SMS messages if they contain “misinformation about vaccines.”

Japan, Olympic games, Sponsors and the biggest sponsor bailing on the event entirely! Major global economic impact if games are canceled! Economic tsunami! Tsunami meaning is big waves in Japanese. Mr Pool & Archillect posted tsunami pics & Japan location hints. Double meaning. Economy impact + Military threat from China to japan about Taiwan. Also symbolically, during Olympic games’ period in ancient Greece, all wars stopped. Thereby, cancelation of Olympic games in Japan is not a good omen.

“The former member of the musical group Pussycat Dolls, Kaia Jones, who made Nicole Scherzinger famous, wrote on Twitter last week that the existence of the band was a cover for a “prostitution ring”, and the singers were subjected to ”violence” by managers.”

45,000 Dead from CV Shot in 72 Hours, Lawsuit Filed: Frontline doctors and Lawyers file lawsuit against US government for 45,000 vaccine deaths.

There have been 51,000+ vaccines deaths reported already. This was probably only 1-10% of the real results as they falsely classified deaths as covid-19, heart attacks or others.


Stew Peters Show, 19.7.21: EXCLUSIVE! Dr. David Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in ONE INTERVIEW here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 20.7.2021:    here and here

John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive. The Q project has just begun.

Judy Note: Q has advised us to Watch the Water, referred to Christmas in July and a McAfee Clock countdown (creator of the computer anti-virus that proved 2020 Election Fraud headed by the Chinese Communist Party in collusion with the CIA and Democrat leaders) to Fri. 23 July 2021 – the same day as the Summer Olympics in Japan were scheduled to begin.

The Olympics was a prize the Japanese Communist Party won for their well-planned 2011 HAARP-caused earthquake and tsunami Fukushima Nuclear “Accident” – though as late as this week these same Olympics were in danger of being cancelled due to the Deep State so-called Covid Crisis (the communist parties of the world already having collected huge amounts of monies for hosting games that perhaps would never be held).

There were massive floods across Europe, the Middle East and Asia that included destruction of China’s Three Gorges Dam – the largest dam in the world. Three Gorges housed Bitcoin, Big Pharma, Child Sex Trafficking and Adrenachrome production headquarters and was connected by deep underground tunnels to Wuhan and the Wuhan Lab, creator of the CV-19 virus and vaccinations.

Worldwide crises events were expected to soon require activation of an Emergency Broadcast System that would combine with over 50,000 mass arrests of mainly child sex political and global elite perpetrators and coincide with release of the RV.

No one was privy as to the exact timing of the Global Currency Reset and Restoring Republics of the world to concepts of the original US Constitution, though Tier 4B release of the Secured Website to make appointments to exchange foreign currencies at the special rates and redeem Zim bonds could come at any time.

The Federal Reserve and IRS have been absorbed into the new US Treasury now headquartered on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada. Washington DC has been abandoned, with all federal offices closed and the White House and US Capitol Building standing empty – none of which has been reported by the Cabal-owned Main Stream Fake News.

With a goal of killing a huge portion of humanity and enslaving the rest, the Deep State Cabal was using HAARP to manipulate weather conditions across the globe and create earthquakes, floods and Tsunamis, setting the stage for worldwide gas and food shortage crises.

Recent massive floods across Europe and the Middle East were affecting nuclear plant leaks and power outages. Millions have died from the Cabal’s man-made bio-weapon CV Virus and vaccinations. The Stock Market and Bitcoin were on the verge of major collapse as the Bitcoin founder was arrested. Revolutions against communist governments were going on in the UK, Cuba and France, while Cyber Attacks continued on banks and businesses across the globe.

The Democratic Party is a terrorist organization run and funded by George Soros. OPERATION PAPERCLIP. FOLLOW Q to be up-to-date. Trust the PLAN.

“Bitcoin founder” arrested. On his flight to Mexico, the self-proclaimed #Bitcoin founder JÖRG MOLT was arrested at Frankfurt airport. He is alleged to have defrauded dozens of investors out of millions. Additional info for the awakened: In his promotional videos, Molt had also done extensive agenda-setting for CORONA. So take down Tether in Court. Take Down BTC Mining worldwide and HydroPower Plants. Leave the Data Center/Server to last. Take down ETH with the Dead Man Switch. Hello QFS.

Scott Mowry’s Miracles Intel Call 712-770-5402 Code 767664# and then # again. Scott says his sources confirm everything has been completed that needed to be done in the background, which would validate the images “Mr. Pool” was posting of contracts being signed and handshakes, etc. Scott also tells us there seems to be hesitation on the part of the military and we don’t know when the rest will unfold. They may be waiting for President Trump to officially return to his leadership position in the public eye so that the positive things going forward NESARA/GESARA happen on his watch.

MI6 summed up the situation: Last week also presented us with the spectacle of White House spokestrans Jen Psaki/Zuckerg confirming she works for Facebook when she said the Biden administration is “in regular touch” with the platform to ensure correct “narratives” are promoted. All this proves that there is a group of people in Switzerland that can grant special privileges to certain groups that make them sovereign and therefore immune to all laws. This also applies to private groups such as the World Economic Forum (headed by Klaus Schwab, a Rothschild), the WHO (headed by one of its slaves) and the IMF. Last week Schwab tweeted the following: The World Economic Forum is working with the Biden administration to ensure that most people survive the coming food shortage. Citizens who have current immunization records will receive regular packages of plant-based protein products. Here are signs of the food shortages Schwab and his fellow KM mobsters are trying to engineer:

Fulford on Cyber Terrorism: Threats were made at the WEF cyber terror rehearsal earlier this month: A single data breach across the ocean could set off a chain reaction and trigger a digital pandemic around the world. People, organizations and entire nations could fall victim to the catastrophic. Information and money remain the main targets of cybercriminals. Their latest crime appears to have been a failed Stuxnet attack on a Belarusian nuclear power plant. NSA and MI6 also report a nuclear explosion in Turkmenistan, almost certainly linked to KM. These people are mass murdering terrorist psychopaths and need to be removed as soon as possible. From a military standpoint, destroying the KM world headquarters may be the only way to remove this parasitic filth from our planet. Hopefully this may not be necessary as there are signs all over the world that their rule is collapsing anyway.

They are taking BITCOIN, TETHER & ETH down slowly. All part of the wake up before the Servers get taken out. Probably going to speed up now as they want the Regulation ISO20022 for Quantum Financial System. And Elon has told the world Quantum Starlink Internet is ready by the End of July. Sec Conf will be Analyzed Dark 10. The BTC Data Center gets Whacked in the Event removal of Tether & ETH. In 10 days we get the Regulation & Metal Backing.

Imagine how many computers had McAfee anti-Virus. Didn’t Microsoft Windows contract McAfee or at least promoted it on each Windows platform? Btw, where’s Norton Antivirus owner? Think Election Software!!! In order to create an Anti-Virus software you have to be an Expert at understanding the System and it’s vulnerabilities. John McAfee has it ALL in this Deadman Switch! Government info, politicians, MSM, CEOs, etc. Basically everyone. Expect Assange, Snowden and others to follow?

McAfee dead man switch will activate July 23rd and DS has option to Nuke all ethereum crypto or let classified intel come out. Great Movie. Hahaha

Germany Floods: According to Hannah Cloke, professor of hydrology at Reading University in the UK and co-developer of the European Flood Warning System, Germany received precise warnings in the run-up to the floods. But there was no reaction. According to Cloke, the first signs of the flood disaster in Germany had already been detected by satellites nine days earlier.

D. 2020 Election Fraud:

Michigan: US Intelligence Captain Seth Cashel: “Trump scored 7.5 percent more points in Michigan than Biden.

Pennsylvania: US Intelligence Captain Seth Cashel: “Trump scored 6-8 percent more points in Pennsylvania than Biden.

Arizona: Rudy Giuliani on the audit in Arizona: “The numbers and categories are enough to really change the election results.”

Texas: July 19 2021 Bill introduced to audit Texas

Georgia: Election Integrity Group Makes Major Announcement About Election Fraud in Georgia

The American Academy of Pediatrics released guidance on Monday calling on schools across the country to require the wearing of face masks for students 3 years and older, even for teenagers who have received both vaccinations.

The US Army ordered the command to prepare for the introduction of a mandatory vaccine against COVID-19 in September.

The Storm Rider: Every person on this channel should BOMBARD every ‘media’ outlet you know and DEMAND they cover this story. Start with more ‘trusted’ brave mainstream guys like Tucker and Steve Hilton at FOX, then move to OAN, Newsmax, etc. If they won’t, you have the answer. FIND THEIR EMAILS AND GOOO!!! It’s up to us! EXCLUSIVE! Dr. David Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in ONE INTERVIEW. Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure.

WhipLash347: Big Pharma in Wuhan = Isreal Isreal/Khazarians controls CCP. The Media etc 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God WORLDWIDE over the coming days to Easter. Ending of Biblical Period. Planes & Trains grounded Lights/Power switched off Changing over to Tesla Free energy 34 Satan buildings & dams bombed Bitcoin Servers trued off 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens Water Event Stock Market Crash Global Martial Law CASTLE ROCK –Scenario Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via Military Courts Military Tribunals/ confessions/ 10 day movie Revals Inauguration The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD’s MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence – stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS. Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time. If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV’s & RADIO’s in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA. THE EVENT has many facets too it. The World Wide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more. 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like. This will surely make the Stock Market collapse. It is all a show, 99.5% of Crypto’s will be removed from existence with the event. Swapping from Rothschilds Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars) Tomorrow free money stops for backs. Bonds sell off to get off books. Seems all is lined up for scare event…stay safe. Are we still comfy? Or are we scared? A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the storm. Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. Have a look at all the Global Military “Exercises” now being put in place. Defender Europe 21 covering Europe & Africa. Australia has one same time as Defender Europe. US just announced involvement. Its all happening in front of you. It’s a GLOBAL MILITARY Operation Transition to Gesara. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.


X22 Report, 17.7.21: Why They Can’t Find Special Counsel John Durham here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 19.7.2021:    here

Better toughen up. Near Death Civilization Events happening. DEEP STATE ARE PLAYING THEIR LAST CARDS!!!…. Painful cards<<< Families. Children. Animals being killed in the FLOODS throughout the world in the last weeks….Millions of people dead from the bioweapon COVID 19 release.. Hundreds of thousands dead from vaccines. Hundreds thousands dead from suicide across the world during lockdown/ DON’T FORGET YOU ARE INSIDE A WAR THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE OR EXPERIENCED!!… Most ANONS have not had a family die in the flood yet . Lost property in the FLOODS… Family friends dead from the bioweapons>> Covid-19, VACCINES<<_most people don’t understand the PLANTS were attacked with weaponized virus also. Trees are dying and plants (food)…The next weeks will Shock the WORLD….More FLOODS, Devastation>> Lockdowns returning, Food shortage, Gas shortage>> .Cyberattack <>WORLD RIOTS !!!!!!! SUMMER ON FIRE Pray [they] can’t pull off FF (FALSE FLAG) Tsunami event<< +think POOL he gave you hints //GAMETHEORY Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth . YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. Difficult truths. Q

The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats* gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through use of various mafias that ran international Child Sex Trafficking, Drug and Gun Running Rings, used pedophilia and Child Sacrifice to blackmail politicians and world leaders and thus controlled the world financial system.

The Restored Republic/ Global Currency Reset was a worldwide event designed by the Alliance** to take control of the global economy and restore the US and other countries back to original concepts of the US Constitution, giving power back to The People of the Globe.

The Alliance designated the US Military assisted by other militaries of the globe, to be in charge of the takeover of the Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats. This Cabal had attempted a takeover of the US through the fraudulent 2020 Election run by the Chinese Communist Party in collusion with the CIA and Democrat leaders.

On 3 Nov. 2020 President Trump turned his authority over to the US Military. Through counting official watermarked ballots the Military had determined that Trump won by a 80% vote and there was interference in the Election by a foreign entity. The US has been under Martial Law ever since, with the Military looking to President Trump for direction.

With completion of the GCR the 209 participating countries of the Alliance would have their own Republics and gold/asset-backed currencies – valued at a 1:1 with each other for world trade.

The GCR was mainly backed by gold held by the Chinese Elders and the country of Zimbabwe (described as a gold mine surrounded in diamonds) through the sale of Zim Bonds.

The Chinese Elderswere composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.

In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That was the system now changed with the Global Currency Reset.

In March of 2020 the Military assisted a team headed by Dr. Charlie Ward to take 650 plane loads of gold held in a 150 mile tunnel that ran beneath the Vatican to Switzerland one way and Israel the other and return it to it’s rightful owners – the US Treasury and treasuries of other countries.

Tier 4B was composed of people around the world who have purchased foreign currencies and Zim Bonds who followed progress of the GCR on the Internet and who would receive special exchange/ redemption rates for their holdings upon completion of the GCR.

The Restored Republic / GCR was a military operation. Thus, disinformation and fake narratives were needed in order to allow the White Hats and Military to operate efficiently and effectively.

The Cabal, using the Deep State Military, was manipulating weather conditions across the globe to create earthquakes, floods and Tsunamis, with plants and trees dying. Millions have died from their man-made bio-weapon CV Virus and inoculations while Cabal members have put billions into their own pockets off the so-called “cure.” There were massive Cyber Attacks on businesses – all of which would create food and gas shortages. Major demonstrations against lockdowns and the COVID Vaccine were going on in France and the UK. Revolutions against their communist regimes were happening in France and Cuba.

The Cabal was using HAARP to create chaos. Half a Trillion in damages throughout Europe. Homes, towns, villages, cars destroyed. The death counts keep rising every day. The FLOODS affecting NUCLEAR plant leaks and power outages. There were road damages and national emergencies. The supply chain of food, goods and distribution by trains has been affected. Truck distribution has stopped in many areas through Europe and the Middle East. The damage is still being felt as water recedes and storms still moves East with more storms brewing in the West. Many families across the world are trapped in desolate and rural areas across the nations with no easy access to emergency help. Weather weapons were being used to create chaos by the Deep State and to distract from CV-19 vaccination deaths and the fraudulent US Election coverage.

These worldwide crisis Events would eventually require activation of an Emergency Broadcast System, while mass arrests of perpetrators would coincide with release of the RV.

*The Cabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolasand his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and leaders, especially the Freemasons, which has infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.

**The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn, Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, Gen. James McConville, Adm. Michael Gilday, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn), the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.



Benjamin Fulford: It’s Rome vs Babylon as Undeclared Western Civil War Reaches Crescendo here and here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.7.2021:    here

The Scare Event was all the nuclear reactors which would be hacked by rogue states such as CCP, Iran and Israel, the world Internet would be shut down including MSM, Big Tech, some power etc, and then they would initiate the Emergency Broadcast System – the Perfect Storm!!!!

Soon, at any moment, a turn of events would trigger the unbelievable: Our entire government would be invalidated. There would be a ‘temporary’ Coup d’état where Biden, Harris, members of Congress and the Supreme Court would be removed. There would be new elections, a new beginning…Whiplash347

BQQQMMM – It is official: Today Sun. 18 July the United States Senate announced: ‘Corona is a lie’! The media is covering up the truth Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, the WHO and other traitors will be all held accountable. That’s real Booming news guys! Share if you care #WWG1WGA, @DigitalNukes

WATCH THE WATER has many meanings. All Major Dams with Nuke Reactors would be collapsing – This was part of NESARA – the No More Wars and Aggression part. Same as bombing the DUMBS/Tunnels, the Suez Canal being blocked, Liquidity, Stock Market Collapsing, Water Marked Ballots and XRP-Ripple.

A. Trump Pledges to “Blow Lid Off” Global Plandemic: The End Game is on: Trump Pledges to “Blow Lid off” Global Pandemic | Operation Disclosure Official Peter B. Meyer – 17/07-2021

Donald J. Trump’s re-inauguration is imminent, and his first presidential duty will be to “blow the lid off” the global pandemic and restore order to a fractured society, a source involved in Trump’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News.

On the evening of his inauguration Trump will address the nation and reveal that the Covid-19 Delta variant is fictitious, dreamt up by maniacal people who feared losing their stranglehold on a compliant citizenry. As society came to terms with a virus no more lethal than the common flu, and citizens eschewed masking and raised legitimate questions about hazardous vaccinations, the World Health Organization contacted its agents within the CDC and international health agencies and urged them to take part in a program aimed at once again scaring the world into frightened compliance.

It was Biden’s CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, who recommended an illusory solution; fabricating a highly transmissible and potentially more virulent strain to “scare people into wearing masks and getting vaccinations,” our source said.

He told RRN that Trump’s people have obtained irrefutable proof—including verified correspondence and audio communications—that despite mixed messages, the Biden administration is using Covid-19 to both subjugate law-abiding, patriotic people and thwart Trump’s bid to resume his rightful place in the Oval Office.

“There is no such thing as the Delta variant. It’s a total fabrication. Trump has letters and taped calls between Walensky and many state and federal officials, including mayors, governors, and county judges, where they all pledged allegiance to support the fake disease. He’s making headway against these criminals, but many are still at-large. But once he’s back in office, arrests will happen fast and furious. Walensky, Fauci, Newsom, Whitmer, AOC, Pelosi—they’ll be nabbed in a massive sweep preceding Trump’s announcement,” our source said.

Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System and seize hostile airwaves—CNN, MSNBC, etc.—to ensure the truth reaches as worldwide an audience as possible. He will lay bare the facts: a highly communicable but non-life-threatening virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology; that global health organizations in conjunction with the New World Order and the Deep State profited massively through vaccination sales and insurance claims; that the endgame was to bankrupt the world, destroy capitalism, and transform America into a single socialist state, like Venezuela.

“Trump’s announcement will rock the earth to its core. He knows he won’t awaken everyone to the truth, because many have become so entrenched in the Deep State’s lies, they can’t break free. But he hopes enough people will believe, so that the Deep State gets a final death blow powerful enough to prevent it from ever rooting itself again. This is what America has been waiting for,” our source said.

Moreover, he said Trump will humble himself and apologize to America for endorsing Operation Warp Speed and the Covid-19 vaccination. “Trump will explain how he was tricked into supporting the vaccine. He will also explain the steps he has taken to prevent that injustice from ever happening again,” our source said. It is permitted to republish this article provided FWC-source is referenced. There is more to follow in the coming weeks, invite your friends to join FWC on Telegram, to read this important information first hand.

Why is the flood everywhere? Where is the destination of the Evergreen? Why from Amsterdam to Rome? Coincidence?

Residents of Germany and Belgium, affected by a powerful flood, begin to clean their streets, houses and surrounding areas. At least 188 people were killed during the natural disaster, many are still missing, so the number of victims may increase.

The Event China Dam, Tiananmen Square & Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded. This will surely make the Stock Market Collapse.

BREAKING – Arabian Peninsula: Emergency weather warnings and floods in the Arabian Peninsula – storms are rolling over the deserts on land. Riyadh has warned of a thunderstorm throughout the kingdom – the region is already covered by massive floods. The United Arab Emirates also urged people to take precautions.

BREAKING – Czech Republic, Russia severe storms. Ship Sinks off Coast of Liberia.

BREAKING – France: The Nuclear power plant EdF Tricasting (Tihange2) 6 meters below the Rhone Canal in the earthquake area Drome-Ardeche with cracks in the reactor DETECTED in ALL 4 nuclear reactors!

JUST IN Paris: The Gare du Nord Station in Paris, France evacuated after bomb threat.

BREAKING – BELGIUM: A devastating flood resulted in a hydrogen leak in one of the nuclear reactors of the Doel nuclear power plant. To reduce the risk of an accident, the reactor was shut down.


NEW – FLORIDA: United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported a magnitude 3.9 “experimental explosion” off the coast of Florida.

JUST IN India – Mumbai rains wreak havoc in India as death toll due to landslides and other incidents rise to 30.

BREAKING – France Bomb Threat: Forgotten luggage in the key hub station of the French capital has seen it evacuated with trains suspended and the emergency services now on site.

The main confrontation in Europe is currently unfolding in France. There is a very serious struggle going on at all levels. A lot will depend on its results. Today, people all over France came out to express their free will against the crazy plans of Macron and his masters. On July 24, the whole world of free people will say NO to these plans. We are free living souls who do not give any permission to conduct medical experiments on us and infringe on our rights and freedoms. The awakening cannot be stopped.

The Arizona Audit is being done using Blockchain Technology. The GESARA (WorldWide) Elections will be done using Blockchain. Dogecoin is one of many that will be used.. USA Coins. You do the research. Switzerland is not USA.

Trump Office: Congratulations Patriots, the audits are now officially being covered by the MSM. Fox News ✅ Newsmax ✅ OANN ✅ CNN ✅ MSNBC ✅ They are well aware… Nothing can stop what is coming.


Former Trump White House legal counsel Andrew Kloster states that Britney Spears is more important than you realize & she’s going to red pill you so hard.

WATCH THE WATER has many meanings. All Major Dams with Nuke Reactors will be collapsing – This is part of NESARA. The no more wars & Aggression part, Same as bombing the DUMBS/Tunnels, The Suez Canal being blocked, Liquidity, Stock Market Collapsing, Water Marked Ballots & XRP-Ripple. P.S the White House & others in the 34 will flood. They will become a Sanctuary or something else. Floods: Omen, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Yemen

NESARA Law Ceases All aggressive U.S Govt Military Actions Worldwide. Establishes Peace Throughout The World. How do you stop wars? By taking away the Capacity of having them. Tunnels/ Dumbs/ Nuclear Reactors/ Major Dams. Removing the ability to traffic. Majority of any form of Trafficking happens below the ground. Earthquakes – Rods Of God. Oil & Gas Fields/Refineries etc being blown up.

FDA document of a meeting that took place on October 22, 2020, proving the FDA and other government agencies, along with countless other complicit agencies and individuals, KNEW and EXPECTED serious vaxx injuries, all of which were set up to be highly surveilled. The document sets forth a list of those serious injuries, including death. See page 17 for the list of serious injuries. The unvaccinated are not “variant factories”. Here’s what the real science says: “Combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge.”

For the second week in a row: according to the CDC and VAERS websites, there are more deaths from COVID-19 vaccination in the United States than from COVID-19.

Data from a recently published study from the UK, which uses data collected from their symptom tracking app, shows that vaccinated people account for almost half of the new COVID cases in the country.

The side effects of vaccination were accidentally shown ( at a presentation by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) in 2020. The list of side effects from the injection appeared for a split second at 2: 33: 40 of the original timing of the FDA presentation on October 22 last year. It was scrolled and not presented properly. During this split second, the screen showed the adverse effects of the injection, which the FDA knew about in October 2020, even before they allowed it to be used. Knowing about the consequences, they allowed the vaccine to be used. “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Center for Evaluation and Research of Biological Drugs (CBER). Meeting on vaccines and related biological effects”:

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

Transverse myelitis






Narcolepsy and cataplexy


Acute myocardial infarction

Pregnancy and childbirth outcomes

Other acute demyelinating diseases

Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Venous thromboembolism

Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

Kawasaki Disease

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children


Autoimmune diseases


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 18.7.2021:    here

On that same Sat. 17 July at 6:01 pm EST White Hats in the US Treasury and Department of Defense reported, “Things are moving fast. Notifications will be out very soon now.”

They said that there were no more excuses and that nothing was going to stop the RV. Our guy clarified the same: that nothing was going to stop the RV Shotgun Start and Tier 4 B start. The source sounded really excited as he was in a meeting and relayed the message back to me. He could not say much but only that the RV was 1000% confirmed to be released any day. He was not going to give out dates, but he assured me that it could come at any time.

Cabal Key personnel and fake Biden administration who were blocking the final release & start of Tier 4B have been removed from exercising any power over the release—Janet Yellen, UST accountant Geoffrey Walters and (unfortunately part of the problem) Judy Shelton. Pimpy worked as a Manchurian Candidate Trauma Based Mind Control Agent for the Deep State—contrary to his baseless claims, and the same as Kim Goguen, another Cabal Mind Control Agent.

Sat 17 July was considered Value Day when all new Global Currency Reset Rates would be locked in for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Zim Bond Redemption and Foreign Currency Exchanges. Be ready for any-moment start of Tier 4B.

Emergency Broadcast System: Results from Arizona pushed the start button. Bye-den’s admin will never concede the fraud and we are in uncharted area/waters. THE EVENT & THE ONLY WAY IS MILITARY starts now. Cyber attacks will be in their menu and we are reaching ZERO POINT.

Situation Update: Trump & Kennedy – High Strangeness At The Capitol – Presidential Motorcade – Military! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

SARGE FROM ICONS PART ONE: Dumbs cleaned. Chinese Communist Party down. 32 governors striped of duty, ordered to report to Pentagon. Military updates. Tribunals (at least 42) in progress or completed: Governors Stripped Of Duties! DUMB Cleanout! Executions! Military! Starlink! – Sarge From ICONS – McAllister TV | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Yellowstone Hit By 142 Earthquakes In Past Day, M3.9 Quake Registers Off Florida’s East Coast. A swarm of more than 141 earthquakes is rattling Yellowstone National Park, geologists said.

Trump Office: We are not going to wait for 2024, the situation is alarming and abysmal. President Donald Trump will return in 2021 and we can do it together!

Lin Wood Truth Bombs: #1 – Donald J. Trump is still the president of the United States of America- Everyone wants to know when is he coming back? Donald Trump has never left you- Trump did not tell him that- Flynn did not tell him that.

Human blood selling is blocked. Everything is under the control…

The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, together with Brad Raffensperger, allowed this Election in Georgia to be Rigged and Stolen.

Watch the Water…Q

Germany: “Extremely heavy rain will occur in southeastern Bavaria on Saturday and Sunday. Very similar to what we have seen in western Germany this week. Up to 200 liters of rain will fall at the Alps. On streams and small rivers, extreme flooding threatens. On the Tyrolean Achen, a historic flood may occur. There could also be unprecedented water levels on the Traun River.”

Steinbach dam – dam wall in danger of collapsing. Bad Neuenjahr | Germany completely under water – 2 bridges already collapsed – area completely closed off.

China: The largest dam in the world – Three Gorges Dam – has been permanently damaged with floods, mud slides and was collapsing. It was the headquarters for Bitcoin, Adrenachrome production and the international Child Sex Trafficking Ring and connected through an underground tunnel to the Wuhan Lab, birthplace of the CV-19 virus and vaccination formulas.

Turkey is shocked !! Devastating landslides and floods hit Rize ! Flash flood and landslide in Rize, Turkey Natural disaster on July 14, 2021

Flagstaff Arizona declares State of Emergency as Arizona hit by devastating floods.

Danielle And Peter Update July 17th (ENG) Holland, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, UK flooding insane, demonstrations in London, France, Spain.

Flooding the D.U.M.B.S and Tunnel systems WORLDWIDE

GERMANY The tunnel system under the Ahrberg mountains had a length of 17,336 metres. There were 897 workrooms, 936 accommodation rooms and even a hairdresser’s salon – Around 20,000 people were involved in the construction and maintenance of the government bunker. More than 3,000 members of the government would have found refuge here. The “alternative headquarters of the constitutional organs of the Federal Republic of Germany in crisis and war” – the official title of the bunker – is considered today to be the most expensive and one of the most absurd single investments in the history of the FRG. The MPs actually simulated possible war scenarios in the Ahrweiler bunker as early as the 1960s. It is quite striking that two such bunkers are located in these flood-affected areas. Especially the so-called government bunker stands out and raises questions.

About 60 dead, dozens missing, thousands out of power after devastating floods in Germany.

Next catastrophic weather warning for Germany and Central Europe / Meteorologists warn of extreme weather over the weekend. “Extremely heavy rain will occur in southeastern Bavaria on Saturday and Sunday. Very similar to what we have seen in western Germany this week. Up to 200 liters of rain will fall at the Alps. On streams and small rivers, extreme flooding threatens. On the Tyrolean Achen, a historic flood may occur. There could also be unprecedented water levels on the Traun River.”

CV Lockdown Demonstrations truckers in Australia, police in France standing down (zurücktreten).

Ivanka Trump Vaccinations: Globalists will soon begin a massive hunt for opponents of vaccination. “They are killing people. The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated, and it is they who are against vaccination through social platforms that are killing people.” Joe Biden angry at Americans who don’t want to vaccinate – and talk about it on social networks. All over the world, the elimination of famous people is already taking place who oppose the fake pandemic and vaccination of the population. In fact, there is a direct order from the Globalists to censor social networks and eliminate unwanted protest leaders. For 1.5 years, Covid isolators have been built in many countries, which is similar to those for opponents of vaccination; it is not vaccinated people who will be placed there, and it is very likely that experiments and tests will be carried out on them. In fact, those who end up in these covid prisons are death row. We need to prepare, the hunt for vaccine opponents around the world will soon begin, starting in 2022.

Banking Stellar: “Instant transactions, no waiting for checks and cancellation of payments (this will especially appeal to entrepreneurs), no account locks (watch out, PayPal), no fees for international transfers or commissions, no minimum and maximum balances; access from any country in the world, round-the-clock work. No waiting for account approval, opening an account in a few seconds (as easy as registering an email address), work without intermediaries (banks). Stellar can be used by rich and poor alike. It is not subject to inflation or hyperinflation, problems with excessive national debt or banks, and is completely free and voluntary. Stellar is the best payment system in the world! ” – Trace Meyer, a leading securities and gold expert.

The list of victims of the Clintons: people who “mysteriously died” after coming into contact with this crazy couple in one way or another. There is an old saying: “Everything he touches turns into gold.” For the Clintons, the opposite is true: those with whom they came into contact died “mysteriously”. These are not coincidences. In general, the Clinton family contributed to the murder of about 100 people who died in a completely “mysterious way”. And these are only the victims that are known about.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 7/17/21 here

We The People News: SARGE INTEL on McAllister TV HIGHLIGHTS here


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 16.7.2021:    here and here

Judy Note: Massive crises were happening internationally: On Thurs. 15 July the US Military began occupying France; the UK warned that next week Military helicopters would take over the skies both day and night; the Arizona Audit showed massive fraud in the 2020 Election, as did Election Fraud evidence in Georgia, Michigan and Penn; lawsuits against BIG TECH, multimillion-dollar fines for Google and YouTube; floods in Europe, India, Russia and China where the world’s largest Three Gorges Dam (headquarters for Bitcoin and Adrenochrome production through an international Child Sex Ring) was about to break; abnormal heat and fires in Canada, the Western US and Central Asian countries; Canadian Catholic churches were set on fire where mass graves of over 500,000 missing native children were found; there were earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a civil war in South Africa, mass protests in Cuba and thousands marched against vaccination in Europe – all of which appeared to soon lead to an activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

On Thurs. 15 July NESARA and GESARA went into effect.

Fri. 16 July was considered Value Day when all new Global Currency Reset Rates would be locked in for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Zim Bond Redemption and Foreign Currency Exchanges.

The Federal Reserve and IRS have been absorbed into the US Treasury.

There were 23 currencies going up in value during the GCR.

North Korea and Cuba were no longer in the First Basket, which was now comprised of 23 countries’ new gold/ asset-backed currencies.

The Second Basket would take place sometime in October 2021.

The Chinese Elders walked out of the 11pm GCR Meeting on Wed. 14 July because the Prosperity Packages had not been taken care of. This was a platform trade issue which evidently now has been solved, along with “the Cabal gold issue.”

The results of the audit in Arizona, the beginning of the organization of audits in Pennsylvania and Michigan, Trump rallies, lawsuits against BIG TECH, multimillion-dollar fines for Google and YouTube, evidence of election fraud in Georgia, floods in Europe, India, China and Russia, abnormal heat in Canada and Central Asian countries, forest fires and burning of churches (Canada), earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, UFOs, civil war in South Africa, mass protests in Cuba, thousands of marches against vaccination in Europe, tightening of covid restrictions, an increase in the number of side effects and deaths from vaccination, the murders of African presidents, the release of secret documents on high-profile court cases, the embarrassments of the actor-Biden, the investigation against the Bidens, the launch of GETTR, “new strains”, the G7 summit, hundreds of mysterious explosions and fires all over the planet, numerous attacks by anonymous hackers, forced vaccination. Globalists are panicking, people are waking up, there are huge shifts in the consciousness of earthlings. We will remember this summer.

Massive build up of active Military forces – US presence in 80% of countries worldwide.

Massive Evidence of Treasonous Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election coming out of the key voting states of Arizona, Georgia, Penn and Michigan. On Thurs. 15 July the Arizona Senate was holding a public hearing to discuss preliminary findings of the Arizona Audit, finding that Election Management was, indeed, breached:

So-called US President Joe Biden was not only holding political prisoners from the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot in solitary confinement and denying them due process, but continued to call them “insurrectionists” and “confederates” – harsh words coming from someone who this week was accused of molesting his own daughter and niece. National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of a diary whistleblower identified as belonging to Ashley Biden.

A massive Solar Storm was about to hit the earth that was expected to take out the Internet and cell phones worldwide.

There was extensive flooding that NASA said was caused by the Moon, across Europe, in Arizona, Germany, Belgium, Haiti, Moscow, London and New York subways, plus there were breaks in the largest dam in the world, China’s Three Gorges Dam (headquarters for Bitcoin, international Child Sex Trafficking and Adrenachrome production).

Fires across the US West and in Algeria.

French, Cuban, South Africa Revolutions taking place.

Rumors of over 500,000 Mass Arrests of prominent people.

Protests in Italy, Germany, Greece, U.S cities, Canadian cities, South American cities, Middle East, Australia, France, London, Cuba, South Africa, Dublin Ireland.

The Alliance literally have saved Plasma Wind Tunnels where these Black Hat vehicles can with stand extreme amounts of heat. So flying in and out of a volcano is child’s play for some. Using the DEW over Mount Sasha is to stop the fleet from escaping. Thus gives us more Technology of theirs to capture. #DUMBS AND #MOUNT SHASTA. There is also a substantial amount of documented whistleblower information and leaked documents that under Mount Shasta there is a #DEEP #UNDERGROUND #MILITARY #BASE OR #DUMBS AND THAT THE TUNNELS ARE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO DULCE AND S4

Gene Decode Video 7/14/2021 “Blessed to Teach”: Massive D.U.M.B. under Three Gorges Dam. It is the Center of the Child Trafficking, Adrenochrome processing, Bit-Coin Main computers, Drug trafficking from Myanmar through Mag-Lev Trains. 7.3 Earthquakes are being recorded there, at 10 Kilo-Meters down. Alliance Progress (Much) -Action being taken with 25,000 troops in Hungary 30,000 in Germany 30,000 troops in other places, mostly Africa. DUMB’s being taken out in the Congo. Canada and most places where there were “Native Populations” like the Native American Population in Canada, the elite had “hunting parties” near their Catholic schools. They will find many mass grave sites.

Last Attempt Red Pill: For the intellectuals who get stuck in cognitive dissonance, allow me to bypass your programmed mind:

1. Imagine we the people can escape financial slavery with a new financial monetary system QFS, and a new monetary system back up by metal: XRP etc. Corrupt free, End of Swift, End of the FED, End of BTC:

2. Imagine your TV and the media cannot be trusted ,but there will be an alternative soon: Project Odin.

3. Imagine all global corruption and fraud was organized, conspired and real. Imagine even the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented to have you, “good citizen” push against it:

4. Imagine this fraud has been going on for centuries:

5. Imagine this fraud became so organized and evolved….we call it politics. They even had their own playbook. The Deep State Playbook.

6. Now open your Mind…..and let it sink in. It was always about Global and Human control. Never ever about your benefit, health, soul, family, talent or world peace. You and I were puppets on strings. In a world were evil exists on a level you cannot imagine.

7. Now expand even further. What if the turning of this evil elite game has started years ago? What if the FED has lost control? What if the end of slavery is truly here?

8. What if Starlink is already up and ready for the Reset of the world?–raMs

9. What if Covid was the turning point and the roll out of the plan changed from black to white? Staged to liberate the planet?

10. The plan to save the world:


We The People News: GENOCIDE The science of mass murder & microchipping here

Mark Christopher: Breaking News - Global Uprising has Started. People's Assembly. Live Broadcast 15th July 2021. here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 14.7.2021:    here

The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Cabalwas composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolasand his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and leaders, especially the Freemasons, which has infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.

The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn, Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, Gen. James McConville, Adm. Michael Gilday, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr, who is Q. President Trump was believed to be Q+), the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.



The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking- by Constitutional Att John Whitehead here



If You Take The Jab You Are No Longer Recognized as a Human Being - 'Trans-Humans' - Now They OWN YOU !!! here and here

Benjamin Fulford: Great Victory For Humanity As European Royals Reject Rothschilds here

Will Biden Order Roundup of The Unvaxed? DHS Training Prepares For Lockdowns, Mass Quarantines Against Vax Resistors! here



Mike Adams: Government document instructs vaccine “strike force” teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines here


30.3.2020: Unholy Grail: Adrenochrome, the “White Rabbit” Elixir Pursued by Blackhearted Elites here

AMERICA FALLS and will then be REBORN!! (Bo Polny) here

This is a great video that explains how so many of our trusted officials in medicine and government are actually violating the Nuremberg code of “Crimes against Humanity”. No real informed consent is given! Even those coercing or advertising the jab must add all the facts or it’s a violation. We are systematically undergoing a mass extinction event via self jabs! Know your human rights under the Nuremberg Code, so you can make an informed decision!
The Nuremberg Code (German: Nürnberger Kodex) is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created by the USA v Brandt court as one result of the Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War.
It includes such principles as informed consent and absence of coercion; properly formulated scientific experimentation; and beneficence towards experiment participants. It is thought to have been mainly based on the Hippocratic Oath, which was interpreted as endorsing the experimental approach to medicine while protecting the patient.
The ten points of the Nuremberg Code:
The ten points of the code were given in the section of the judges' verdict entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments":
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.


We The People News: “Just following orders” was no excuse at Nuremberg here
A message of warning to all teachers, medical workers and doctors if you are enticing and inoculating humans with the jab, you are breaking a Nuremberg law! A crime or multiple crimes against humanity. There will be justice for all violators 100%!!! Humans must have informed consent before taking a jab and an experimental jab provides no information about deadly side effects. Beware of what you do!

Mike Adams Health Ranger Report: White House announces vaccine "strike forces" to target anti-vaxxers in their private homes here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 9.7.2021:    here

The up and down emotional roller coaster of “here today – wait until tomorrow” reporting is necessary for one main reason… to draw out, expose and arrest these evil operators. In that sense, we certainly would be justified in feeling “played.” Though, I believe it is more along the lines of being part of “a play.” The only difference is our inability to know ahead of time, the duration or the precise outcome of “this play!” Yes, very disconcerting indeed. Yet, through all the rumors, reported successes and tremendous sacrifice of our military domestically and globally, the one consistent description being used is… “The Arrests.” Notice how methodical the rumors of arrests have been reported (not necessarily listed in chronological order). First, in inconsequential: celebrities, low level government employees, relatively unknown CEO’s, and so called religious leaders. Next, the more prominent: The ones needed to be CGI-ed or body-doubled. Or perhaps those who have been allowed to remain in place with their ankle bracelets firmly secured. Thirdly, the high level government officials, bankers and well known CEO’S: These reportedly left their various meetings / tribunals in tears upon seeing the evidence against them. Lastly, is where I think we are now: The worldwide mass arrests of the 100’s of 1000’s remaining – all the ones that appear to have been ignored, or forgotten.

C. Declassified Documents:

1-17-20 DECLAS ombudsman report on politicization of intelligence on foreign election threats:

1-17-21 DECLAS DNI Ratcliffe ICA Foreign Threats to 2020 Election:

1-15-21 DECLAS FISA Abuse Investigation 11 Transcripts:

1-15-20 State Department – Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

1-15-20 Long List of Trump Administration Accomplishments:

1-12-20 DECLAS NSC Indo-Pacific Strategy on China:

12-29-20 REPORT: Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda Affiliate,%2012-23-20,%20Memo%20on%20World%20Vision%20Investigation.pdf

12-23-20 FBI DECLAS E-Mails Hunter Biden Burma

12-17-20 DECLAS Peter Strzok Texts – Spying on Trump BEFORE Crossfire Hurricane

12-17-20 Navarro Election Report All Three Volumes

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 8.7.2021:  

The Assassination of Jovenel Moise the President of Haiti was silenced for working with NSA and giving information to U.S. MILITARY INTEL and direct Evidence on The Clinton foundation and all the gold stolen from Haiti through the Clintons and CIA… President Moise had all the evidence on the Submarines the Clintons and Epstien had on the island to transfer hundreds of thousands of children trafficked across the world. Moise had collected evidence the past four years on Mother Teresa human trafficking networks in collision with The Clinton foundation/FBI and 90 Billion dollar payment to the VATICAN who headed the operation. In the evidence/files/servers given to Trump/NSA>> the CIA had used weather modification and TECTONIC WEAPONS to cause earthquakes and Floods to cover up the story of 800,000 missing children. The sealed indictments touches on all these facts. And All evidence and testimony are recorded. Unfortunately the Deep State CABAL of the WORLD are running lowest on Adrenochrome in the world wide market … Sources believe the upheaval in Haiti is the same deep state play book…send in the UN [DS] Take over the country and the Children.


Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of July 8, 2021 here

Patriot Underground: Episode 60 here
Trump's Class Action Suit Against Big Tech
General Flynn Endorses Q
Lin Wood-- Trump Will Be Sworn in as 19th President of the Restored Republic
Dr. Kelli Ward-- AZ Audit Updates
Giuliani-- GA Theft Was Even Worse!
CNN Viewership Down 75%
Virginia School Board Meeting--- Parents Take a Stand Against Critical Race Theory
Corporations On Notice

We The People News: SATANIC HOLLYWOOD    here
Kurt's notes:
The video removed by the author herself - rather unlikely - or immediately fell victim to censorship?
Here you will find endless videos about this subject ...

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.7.2021:    here

TODAY IS THE DAY!!! – 7.7.2021

This is the Day We’ve Been Fighting and Waiting for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is not easy for everyone to see through my eyes because I’m very into deep details,

but I as QAnon assure you 117%… Today is a WQNDERFUL Day

The Mission to DRAIN the SWAMP is FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!

QN the Qlock Qvernight

Promises Made – Promises Kept

The BQQQQQQQMs are in the Details

CheQlist Qomplete

What Do We Have?

1. All Tunnels and Bases Destroyed and Victims – Children – Saved!!!

2. All of the Enemies Eliminated

3. All Bad Systems Uninstalled. All Good Systems Installed

READY to GQ and to GQ Live!!!

4. Stock Market Crash Ready

5. Fake WW3 Scenario Ready

6. Internet Shutdown Ready

7. EBS Ready

You’ll See the Next Hours that We Are Finally There!!!




GETTR - the new social platform of Trump! here


Benjamin Fulford: Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis, 5.7.2021 here
Let's start with this document sent by MI6 describing the next planned steps in their fake pandemic campaign for real vaccines. This secret document by Neil Ferguson from Imperial College of Medicine in London was sent to "Nick Clegg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Susan Wojcicki (YouTube) and Sundar Pichai (Google/Alphabet)" among others and calls for permanent medical martial law, complete censorship of all pandemic truths, deployment of the army on the streets, constant release of new variants of "Covid-19" and discussions on how to force everyone to vaccinate, etc. Please spread it far and wide. here




We The People News: The Illuminati Council of 13 here
At the top of the Illuminati sits the council of 13, representatives from each Illuminati Bloodline Family making decisions on behalf of Satan. This video describes the history, structure, and purpose behind this evil group. Jesse Czebotar gives a modern day description of this hierarchical structure.


Learn why Utsava calls William a Winchester, about Australia, what is up with the Fake alien invasion, the Blue Beam project, Alien energy weapons, about Charles involvement in Diana’s kill plot, Epstein, the Military Take-over on June 13, the private Vatican and a lot more!

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 29.6.2021:    here

World War III False Flags Happening Before the Reset. Stay Safe.

Trust the Plan.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming…Nothing!!!

Judy Note: The rollout of the Global Currency Reset was a military operation, meaning no one would know the exact timing of an Event that would cause tremendous chaos, trigger Martial Law globally and the reset. The Military would make decisions based upon our overall safety. What would be the point of having a new generation of financially empowered people, if there still enough Cabal power remaining to harm these people? (us)

Although we must take everything as conjecture, on Mon. 28 June Fleming’s Military Intel Contact reported that he was looking forward to Wed 30 June for Tier 4B to be notified. The fraud Biden administration and old US Treasury had been caught with their pants down and now were being forced to release the RV this week.

Last Friday 25 June, the Biden Administration and Treasury had a Zoom video conference call with Mexico, Brazil and Columbia. They asked these countries to honor the US request to stop their GESARA announcements and rollout in order to allow the US to go first with NESARA.

They promised that before the Wed. 30 June start of business day, they would proceed forward with their rollout of GESARA, Debt forgiveness and revaluation of currencies.

It would be a New System, with lots of money for infrastructure, education, new technologies, etc.

Subsequent calls took place with every participating South American country. All complied.

The US has until Wed. 30 June to deliver the launch of Tier 4B.

The revalued currency rate for 23 countries was NOT available at this time, in any of these countries. Wednesday would be another story.

Restored Republic, global Martial Law:

We must be close to the reset. A flurry of military aircrafts were still flying regularly overhead. The LA ports, shipping lanes, freight movements were still relatively closed. The ports could not remain on lock down indefinitely! Truckers were sidelined and the news media hasn’t said one solitary word about the incredibly clear freeways. In Southern California the highways looked as empty as if we were at the height of the scan-demic last year… yet not a peep from our local [MSM]. That’s crazy!

High Military DEFCON readiness was being maintained in anticipation of The Event that would precede our Shotgun Tier 4B start.

As of Thurs. 24 June all 23 countries’ currency rates in the first RV basket were being traded on FOREX, although they were blocking the general public from seeing those new rates.

Late night Fri. 25 June was the Global Currency Reset, with the RV of 23 countries rolling out over this past weekend. Also on Fri. 25 June the US /Mexico Border was closed to all nonessential travel (a gradual shut down until The Event).

Our Military Intel Contact said that at 1:36 pm EST on Sun 27 June a DoD /UST release was given for funds to go live for NESARA/ GESARA globally.

Portugal, Spain, El Salvador, Mexico, Brazil, Iraq and possibly up to 22 other countries have already announced GESARA and the RV to their nations, though have agreed to hold back on implementation until Wed. 30 June.

That meant those nations were no longer pegged to the fiat US Dollar, but to the Chinese Yuan, which should greatly negatively affect the global economy this week.

The Event:
Whether The Event occurred because of the White or Black Hats, it would be a jolt of massive proportions with worldwide implications. It could be a Stock Market Crash, Trump Clone Fake Assassination, Trump Arrest, Massive Cyber Attacks, Nuclear Holocaust False Flag or any, or all of the above.

The Event would be followed by massive global chaos, the RV Rollout, a takeover of [MSM], followed by education of the masses.

What we could expect:

Major disheartening false flag

Stock Market crashes. Bitcoin, etc

The Military / Alliance strikes!

Martial law

EBS / Internet takeover

24/7 “Education”/ Alliance channel

Remaining arrests / FEMA camps fill up

Public shock and disbelief = Pain!

A. Puppet Biden Tries to Start World War III and False Flags Abound

WhipLash 28 June: To get NESARA, GESARA, MED BEDS, EBS etc we must go through THE EVENT that Triggers EVENTS. (Think BLACK SWAN or GREY RHINO Events) Unexpected Catastrophic Financial Event. President Xi has spoken of this. The National/Global Econonic Security & Recovery Act is to recover & rebuild from these Events. We must Walk Through The Dark to Get To The Light.

CENTCOM (Central Command) alert level is now raised to 4 due to U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, as well as ongoing drone attacks from Iran backed militas.

Exercise Sea Breeze: The US Navy has joined 30+ other nations for interoperability training in the Black Sea.

92,000 Troops In DC:

India Shifts 50,000 Troops to China Border in Historic Move: With even more soldiers patrolling both sides of the disputed areas, any miscalculation could turn deadly.

2020 Election Fraud: SHOCKING! AZ Audit Reveals 667 Different Versions of Ballots Used in Maricopa! Military Election Sting! Q: Light Kills The Virus! | Alternative | Before It’s News (

570K ballot drop in Pennsylvania the morning AFTER the election ended. 99.4% of them were for Joe Biden. Give me a break. TREASON!!!

There were over 200K votes counted in Nevada without human verification!!!

“Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. They’re Going to Have to Do Something” FF to divide…pay attention to what matters. No distractions! What matters is the AZ Audit [Disclosure]. Gen Flynn

The Nationwide push for a full Forensic Audit of the 2020 Election has overwhelming and rapidly growing support!

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced that more than 500 cases of election fraud are currently awaiting trial. Over the weekend, Paxton announced on Twitter that his team would prosecute every case of voter fraud. This happened after he shared information about the arrest of a woman on several counts of election fraud in the 2018 local elections. Monica Mendes was convicted on seven counts of illegal voting, eight counts of illegal voter assistance, eight counts of illegal possession of ballots and eight counts of election fraud. She’s been sent to prison.

Military ballots should be the FIRST votes counted. Unfortunately, in the disgrace called the 2020 “election”, their ballots were not counted AT ALL!

Georgia State Senator Brandon Beach discusses how the Georgia audit process will go… “I think we can ask for our 16 electoral college votes back and park em here… bring em back and park em in Georgia, and then if Arizona would do that and if a couple other states did that and it got below 270, then the 12th Amendment would kick in and Congress would have to act.” DECERTIFY IT!

Don’t be dismayed of Trump Rally not letting in people with Q signs or shirts… There is many reasons 45 must distance himself at this moment from Q supporters publicly (the fbi c_a controlled media/foreign occupied courts ..are using everything at this moment to indictment him.. Bring charges for Anything relevant to Q.

One fifth of US beef capacity wiped out by Cyber Attack on JBS SA, the largest meat producer globally and has forced the shutdown of the world’s largest slaughter houses.

Been telling you all/people thought I’m fear mongering; I have been saying Nukes. I have been Warning. 100 seconds to midnight Doomsday Clock. By end of month enter NK. JULY RUSSIA. SUM OF ALL FEARS. EVENTS. That’s not including all the crazy on the side already happening, vaccines deaths. Protein spikes. New bird flu. India new varient Covid { fake}>> ask the riots coming.. Happening through the world in countries growing And coming. // Cyber attacks../ gas shortage../major inflation…./ Good Shortages in COUNTRIES. If Three Gorge Dam Collapse will Trigger biggest shipping catastrophe on the world.. China will freeze 25000 Fleets.. And will Trigger WAR.. Food.. Good.. Products shortage and freeze ports…. There are so many EVENTS coming in… + But the MILITARY was already POSITIONING before all these events!! Through the world. THEY KNEW.


Patriot Underground: Episode 54 here
2nd Situation Update With Omega:
A Divided Nation, Q Plan, MSM Deception, Mind Control, Great Awakening, Disclosure.

Benjamin Fulford: As Victory Nears White Hats Plan Yalta Type Conference  here and here


Kurt's brief analysis of current world events, or the White Hat Alliance's fight against the Satanic Deep State Cabal:
The next stage of World War III/IV, this summer, will very likely be fought with conventional weapons (potential powder kegs = Ukraine+NATO-Russland, Iran-Israel, China-Taiwan), which will cause most people to panic greatly.
It will come this summer 2021 to the Third World War with conventional weapons - Russia against NATO, beginning - as it looks now - in the Black Sea ...
This Third World War is a war faked by the Alliance of White Hats, so that the great mass of humanity finally wakes up to the truth.
Therefore, no matter what happens, no matter what you hear, you must always remember that Putin, Trump and Xi are on the same side, fighting together and now finally destroying the global Deep State.

Gene Decode Interview, Part Two, 16.6.2021:
Vax Targets "Mankind" DNA
Med Beds
Origins of Humanity
Khazarian Mafia
Kurt's notes:
According to Gene Decode, the Deep State's mentally programmed reptiloid-humanoid secret army, activatable at any time by 5G signals, is disabled by the White Hat Alliance through the Covid vaccinations. This explains why Trump and Putin promote Covid vaccinations, though they oppose compulsory vaccination. Whether a person dies from the vaccination depends on the percentage of his genetic reptilian content. If he has more than 50 percent human DNA, he can survive the vaccination, but will become seriously ill because the alien DNA portion is destroyed by the vaccination so that the Deep State can no longer activate its secret army, which numbers in the millions, by 5G signals and thus cause a worldwide civil war. God created soulish humanity; the Luciferian-Satanic Deep State Cabal then created a genetically engineered reptiloid-humanoid hybrid race (mankind) through reptiloid aliens like the Annunaki.
Kurt's comment:
Please listen to this: this is the latest state of affairs - an unexpected turn of events, a whole new way of looking at things, the Covid vaccination, Trump's and Putin's recommendation to vaccinate, etc. ...
To me, the reasoning is coherent. It fits with my own information. I see it the same way. A brilliant plan!
One should listen carefully to this videos several times. Every sentence is important.




We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/9/21 here

Simon Parkes: 9th June Update Current News here

Gene Decode: 41 Dumbs in China, Asia, Australia, NZ, Netherlands and Europe here

We The People News: DEMON MOLOCH WORSHIP here
Worshipping of Moloch has been going on for centuries and involves the ritual sacrifice of children. In this podcast the history and purpose of Moloch worship is revealed and why it is so important to stay strong in your beliefs in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: War Intensifies As Cabal Takes Aim At Returning Trump here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 9.6.2021:    here

Over 400 paymasters have been arrested for tampering in the 237 bonds that were being processed to back the Global Reset, causing the delay.

We are having a Ring of Fire Event (shutdown) on Thurs. 10 June. Ring of Fire = 107 in Gematria

An Event would happen in tandem with the Global Currency Reset. No one has been told exactly when, though the center of it was a global financial collapse resulting from a Stock Market and Bitcoin crash, followed by Ten Days of Darkness.

Police in 16 countries including Australia, Europe, New Zealand and the US have arrested more than 800 people in a huge global sting involving encrypted phones that were secretly planted by the FBI and law enforcement agencies. Members of the mafia, Asian crime syndicates and outlaw motorcycle gangs were involved, discussing drug deals, money laundering and even gangland hits.

Mon. 14 June was Flag Day and President Trump’s Birthday when we were promised full Declass and Disclosure, Release of the Arizona Audit results on 2020 Election Fraud expected to result in the takedown of Biden/ Harris due to their collaboration with foreign enemies to perform a coup of the United States government; Release of Durham Report and exposure of Obama Treason that would lead to a takedown of Congress and the Supreme Court, Release of NESARA/ GESARA and Release of Med Bed technology.

Sun. 4 July: Independence Day and Restoration of the US Republic.

Sun. 1 August: Everything would be declassified.

By Mon. 7 June various country’s Military had been activated across the globe, over 600 new Starlink Satellites had been launched to activate Project Odine – a worldwide Emergency Broadcast System that would take over all major media outlets worldwide to release a series of disclosure documentaries about the Cabal and it’s attempts to establish a New World Order. There were ongoing Cyber Attacks on certain facilities by both the bad guys and White Hats.

Word is going around that EU Markets will crash tomorrow Wed. 9 June, which will be a domino effect for the rest of the WORLD markets. We are close.

The Event should be about 3 days based on Bay Of Pigs. Then 10 day shutdown of Earth and Activation of Military EBS to TVs & Radio’s WorldWide. At the same time all Governments Worldwide will be stood down as well as further arrests. We will then be having GESARA Blockchain Elections. We will be having govts 10% the size of what they are currently. All new people.

Whiplash347: Our new Internet Folks (picture of night sky with a line of satellites). They are all up above Australia too. Beta Version is ready to go. 7500 times as fast as we have. Secret Space Programs controlled, Guardians of the Galaxy. United States Space Force who only became known in 2018. Quantum Starlink is going to control many new systems on this Planet. All the old will be gone very shortly. This is how we get New Internet, Free Energy, Med Beds, new Voting Systems, your Quantum ISO coins. The Power to whole entire world will switch off briefly like Q64 says. In late December they started testing. Israel was switched off for 30 mins. Then in January they tested by turning 10 Countries off at once. Don’t think I have seen any since, just large Internet outages.

For those that don’t know On The Clock means Cyber to shutdown all systems on the Planet. I believe the NSA will Flood the internet with a whole heap of incriminating evidence. The Space Force will turn the whole planets power off. Switching over to Free Tesla Energy. Mr. Pool showed us all Trains will be halted. They work on big Electrical Grids. All Social Media Platforms will be removed and New Ones will be replacing them with the new Quantum Internet controlled in space. It is unhackable. Download your Data if you don’t have 2nd copies of photos etc. We have been warned of the Global Cyber Security Crisis.

The Event Triggers Events that leads to EBS 10 days of darkness. Somewhere in that 10 days BOOM – Regulation & Precious Metal backing. Now WATCH THE WATER. XRP – Ripple Case. ChongQing – Yangtze River. Three Gorges Dam. Market Crash. EU First then WORLD.

ODIN does many things. It is Anti-de-platform tool that knocks out Media & other Satellites, flicks the Quantum switch & activates the Emergency Broadcast System.

The BLACK SWAN Event is the unexpected “catastrophic” financial event that leaves them no options but to use it right away. Enforce Regulation & Metal backing. [THINK THREE GORGES DAM] + Big Pharma Labs + CIA Bitcoin Servers under the Dam.

City Of London, Vatican & Washington D.C have all been bankrupted. You are watching a movie. You are watching the Systematic Destruction Of The Old Guard. Humpty Dumpty

The Storm Rider Incident at Pearl Harbor: MILITARY Cables in Pearl Harbor going crazy. Military SUBs _Ships on the Move. Pearl Harbor U.S. MiL. Base going DARK/MIL. Flights gone Dark +Just issued all personal to underground bunkers & shelters at the base!!! Somethings going on there. Incident just now is being minimized…. By New York Post/// as a bomb on board a ship// (Always Wait 72 hours for the real story to leak) Most likely planted.FF >> blame ANON SOLDIERS on board<< Its really strange that NYP picked up the story in minutes>FF Always be weary when MSM picks and Plasters a story quickly……… They are staging!!!!!! Predictive programming.

The Launch of the Ship: The audio message is an EBS: “This is not a test, the emergency alarm system has been activated, the telephone lines must be kept closed. Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Pennsylvania, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and Washington DC ” A list of cities, all with ports or military naval bases, the first two: – Boston Navy Yard: It was one of the oldest shipbuilding structures of the United States Navy. – Chicago: Naval Station Great Lakes is the home of the United States Navy’s only training camp, located near North Chicago Naval Station Great Lakes – – Pennsylvania = Philadelphia, there is a shipyard on Delaware …1/1 follows 1/2 continues. The rest of the cities on both the east and west coasts, departure points for the China Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Last mentioned Washington DC, a Fincantieri headquarters. Why does Pool warn us of already official naval military operations ?!

Vaccines: The EVENT brings about 1776 due to 1871 Act of England & Balfour Declaration Reversal & Activation of All Militaries [CASTLE ROCK SCENARIO] 1776 makes Vaccines Illegal. MED BEDS Reverse Vaccine Damage including Autism etc.

In November 2018 the NSA & MIL Intel took control over the CIA and it’s partnered Mossad and FIVE EYES intelligence agencies. For Australians ASIO is a part of FIVE EYES.

UK & French Khazarian Rothschild’s “DID” control UK Royals, ISRAEL, CIA etc. 1871 Act of England was flipped in 2019. (Just not told it yet) Think POTUS standing in front of the Queen)

Every leader in the world President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN this includes President Trump. Don’t worry he will be back. Once he makes it official (His big decision coming) then we have to have elections within 120 days. It is here where we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs Labour again.

Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will be in power for as long as they want, til death or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the people they get removed by Military. Now draw a line from the Vatican to the Rothschilds Banking System (Central Banks & Federal Reserve). The Rothschilds own the Vatican and it’s bank. Now we have a massive Operation in Europe called OPERATION DEFENDER EUROPE. This started on March 17 2020. This is taking control of the Vatican, it’s Mafia’s and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks. There is some Central Banks ie Riksbank in Sweden, Europe Central Bank and Deutsche Bank who had casualties of Coronavirus.

Draw a line from Intel Agencies to Royal Family and write March 2019.The Royal Family are the owners of all of these Intelligence agencies. They own the CIA. They own all of FIVE EYES. They created the Mossad in Israel and they created the Saudi Intel as well.

The Royal Family QE1 & QE2 are of Germanic Origin. They created World Wars with the higher ups too. They stole all the opium from the Middle East and Asian Wars. (Vietnam & Korea) using their Intel agencies and would supply the Vatican Mafia’s with Opium to turn it into Heroin and supply the world. These Intel Agencies create Terror Organizations, Terror Attacks & False Flag Attacks. They participate in all kinds of Trafficking, Drugs, Children, Bombs, or whatever else.

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild. When the war ended they smuggled him and 12000 Nazi’s to Argentina as part of Operation Paperclip.

Who you know to be the ‘BUSH” family are really the SCHERF family of Germany. George Bush Senior served in the German Navy and he was smuggled along with a Nazi Assassin to the USA with the MK ULTRA mind control program. That was a brief outline of what the Royal Family has done. In March 2019 the USA stripped all of the Royal Powers after the CIA was under full control.

Next you want to draw a line from the Royal Family to the Vatican. The Vatican owns the Royal Family. In 2019 the Vatican was raided twice and you can search this. They also arrested 5 or 6 at top of the Vatican and also had arrested some Vatican Mafia.

Just like in 1999 when military forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA, the military forced Boris Johnson to get Brexit through. So what did Brexit really do? It cut the strings to the Vatican. In Feb 2020 Brexit becomes official. The Royals have officially been stripped from the Vatican ownership.

Mid 2019 was the date of Vatican raids.

November 2019 Royal Assets were stripped. In November 2019 once all these were well and truly underway, the US Military stripped all of the Royal Assets. The USA now had complete ownership of the Commonwealth and Intel agencies.

You found out the Royal Family controls the intel agencies. This includes Israeli Mossad and Saudi Arabia. It was these guys and the German Bush/Scherff Family that created 9/11 (Royal Family/Nazi) attack on the USA to stop NESARA/GESARA and create another depopulating/ Opium and Oil controlling war.

Hundreds arrested in ‘staggering’ global crime sting: Police arrested more than 800 people worldwide in a huge global sting involving encrypted phones that were secretly planted by the FBI, law enforcement agencies said Tuesday. Unveiling the “world’s most sophisticated” sting, agencies from Australia, Europe, New Zealand and the United States said they “operated” the supposedly secure “AN0M”-enabled phones. Dubbed “Operation Trojan Shield”, forces in 16 countries monitored as members of the mafia, Asian crime syndicates and outlaw motorcycle gangs discussed drug deals, money laundering and even gangland hits. Royals and politicians are among celebrities and wealthy business figures who used the SAME secret phone network as hundreds of crime kingpins as UK police smash encoded EncroChat app:

– 700 searches

– 800 arrests

– 100 murder orders foiled

– eight tons of cocaine

– five tons of hemp flowers

– two tons of amphetamine

– six tons of drug precursors

– 48 million dollars

– Weapons and luxury cars seized

Germany: 150 searches, 70 arrests

The FBI had planted hundreds of doctored ANOM phones into underworld syndicates during Trump’s tenure. Now the harvest. Europol: “Numerous other spinoff operations from this raid can be expected in the near future.” The raid was one of the largest police operations in human history.

Whiplash347: JUST IN – Major global internet outage ongoing. Reddit, Twitch, CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Financial Times, and many more are down.

Sputniknews: Sweden’s Largest Opposition Party Seeks to Deploy Military to ‘Reclaim’ Country From Criminal Gangs. Despite initial reluctance, the Swedish authorities have started to associate the uptick in violent crime and gang shootouts.

Elvis Presley, a cousin to Trump, was alive and in the witness protection program: Bob And Matt Joyce Live 2011 Dentons Benton Arkansas at – YouTube


We the People News: SITUATION REPORT #2. 6/8/21 here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/8/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 8.6.2021:    here

Mon. 14 June Flag Day and President Trump’s Birthday = Release of Arizona Audit = Biden/Harris Arrest = Release of NESARA/ GESARA = Release of Durham Report = Full Declass and Disclosure = Obama Treason = Congress, Supreme Court Takedown = Release of Med Beds = Sun. 4 July Independence Day and Restoration of the US Republic.

General Flynn Declared That We Were in a Digital War

Mon. 7 June President Trump GIVES THE GREEN LIGHT…Q&Trump The Great Awakening “The Quantum Computer is activated. We are a go. GREEN LIGHT. Digital war.” …Q&Trump (Q & Trump posted the above Green Light a week ago, over the weekend posted that they went to Plan B and then posted the Green Light again today, Mon. 7 June.)

* BOOM* US Power Grid Shutdown: EVENTs Come closer This WILL TRIGGER EVERY FEAR!! RIPPLE EFFECT>>800 BILLION A DAY LOST 50 BILLION TO INTERNET business ATMs Gas Food (grocery stores closed) U.S. shipping down CCP +watching> if they make mil. move> U.S will make 1st multiple+ strikes 3GD SCARE NECESSARY… Q

Sean: I get updates by military flight and movement trackers here from Germany. INSANE shit is happening, Military worldwide in full control, gearing up for big one. Several B52 bombers in Normandy and France and the English Channel. Insane amounts of parallel flights/ Scanners, E-8 sentries, Poseidons, AWACS (basically United States nuclear command center in the air in case of government shutdown). There is SO MUCH military movement operations. The guys decoding the operations check everything, news, old news, bombs found, underground structures. It’s HAPPENING. Today they got all excited as somehow the movements started synchronizing, coordinated stuff. Early morning top-brass military planes from several countries taking off at the same time.

Tribunals at White House, GITMO, Antarctica, Mass Arrests:

Whiplash347: I don’t think we are going to be flying around on the Airlines that we know now. Something tells me they will be new and much, much faster. Flying Cars & some form of Supersonic Electric Jets.

Pope Francis Admits to Promoting Mark of Beast, Blackmailing World Leaders:

C. CV-19 Hoax:

Awakening Channel — Doctors Desperate Warning: “This is Depopulation/Genocide” | Operation Disclosure Official

Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine? Yes, it was always about the injection:

• Could it be that the whole COVID-19 pandemic was about the vaccine and getting a global mass vaccination campaign underway for population control purposes?

• Recent weeks have seen a significant rise in vaccination incentives in the U.S., from free doughnuts, cake, french fries, hot dogs and pizza, to arcade tokens, 10-cent beer, free state park season passes, free Uber and Lyft rides, free marijuana and Cincinnati Reds baseball tickets, a chance to win a full scholarship and even $1 million and $5 million giveaways

• Meanwhile, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System has logged more deaths following COVID-19 vaccination than all available vaccines combined over a 15.5-year period

• Former COVID-19 patients are even pushed to get the jab, even though they already have superior immunity and studies show they have a far higher risk of severe side effects from the vaccine, and North Carolina has passed legislation that allows children as young as 12 to get the COVID vaccine without parental consent

• COVID-19 vaccines might perform as a “depopulation weapon” by triggering antibody-dependent immune enhancement, making you more susceptible to severe COVID-19 if exposed to the virus. Antibodies against the spike proteins may also attack syncytin-homologous proteins essential for the formation of placenta, which could result in infertility. Overall, the shots may destroy your innate immunity and set you up for rapid onset of debilitating illness and premature death.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.6.2021:    here

*BOOM* *BOOM* *D Day 6 June 2021 Fall of the Catholic Church* *BOOM* *BOOM* In this video Pope Francis openly admitted that he has kept secrets and deceived for a long time – he had a secret agenda. Now was the End Times and he needed to tell the truth. Following his New World Religion would put you under his control and the Mark of the Beast. He asked that people read the Bible and find God through it’s teachings. For more as to why Pope Francis would say this now, see this 2019 article: Vatican No Longer Blackmails World Leaders, Though Do Child Sacrifice | Politics | Before It’s News (

President Trump on Sat. 5 June: “The time has come for America and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the Communist Party of China.”

Elon’s profile pic change – BLACK. He’s going dark. Blackhat.Blackswan event… BLACKOUT NECESSARY. Q in control. They took over Elon. Late Saturday Night. Sirius Rocket. 589 numbers attached to it. Think Mr Pool.

Anonymous: Elon Musk is NOT who you think he is. Anonymous share the truth about Elon. He’s a dark player with a dark agenda and he is getting exposed.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 6/7/21 here

Q The Storm Rider, Telegram,7.6.21:
Q was created long ago in 1860 April 1 when 20 Generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to Fight the Khazarian ROTHSCHILD mafia who created the slave Trade & owned 99% of the U.S. Slaves. 
To this day The battle is coming to an end.
Adreno Ch. Rome
Adreno=adrenal gland
Ch.= Children
Rome=VATICAN=Mol.ech God (God of Sac rifi.cing Children).
Covid=divoC  19=AI
Divoc in Hebrew means possessed by evil Spirit > 1=A 9=i >> AI
=Evil Spirit Artificial Intelligence.
There is a fake alien invasion [they]
Try for control.
Then there's the TRUTH that comes later.. REAL 
(MILLIONS of humans have made contact already & believe.. Billions will wake later).
Come closer
Food (grocery stores closed)
U.S. shipping down
CCP +watching> if they make mil. move>U.S will make 1st multiple+ strikes 3GD

We The People News: JUAN O SAVIN & NINO RODRIGUEZ here

We The People News: GENE DECODE: Origins of the 13 Bloodlines here



We The People News: GENE DECODE INTEL part 1 here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/6/21 BOOM WEEK here

Why did Trump push the vaccine and warp speed?    here
Midnight Rider 17: I’ll tell you why. Because without OP warp speed, [they] would have kept you and the world in lock down for YEARS while developing a vaccine. Also, while we’re locked in, the NWO, great reset and other agendas would have taken place by now and humanity as we know it would have been enslaved. But because he did what he did, we’re out of lockdowns and people have started to question vaccines and people are waking up in masses!!! Through all this as well, he has exposed the DS, Fauci and their agendas for the whole world to see. As he said in a recent interview, he’ll do something when the time is right, that’s when the “pain” comes. Chess not checkers. The right decisions sometimes require the most difficult choices Thank you President Trump.
Kurt's notes: I think that is really the answer.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 6.6.2021:    here

US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette Kennedy: “Soon, at any moment a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire government will be invalidated. Biden, Harris, Members of Congress and The Supreme Court will be removed. Laugh if you want. There will be a ‘temporary’ Coup d’état with new elections, a new beginning.”

An Event would happen in tandem with the Global Currency Reset. No one has been told exactly when, though the center of it was a global financial collapse, followed by Ten Days of Darkness.

This last week: China’s Three Gorges Dam was no fly zone with 822 earthquakes/ constant landslides:

Judy Note: On Sat. afternoon 5 June our Military Intel Contact reported that the bonds were still being vetted. There were a large number of fraudulent bonds and Cabal wannabes being arrested – making bond paperwork a logistical challenge.

Mon. morning 7 June the Military will be doing “routine” training of Federal, State and local partners on the grounds of the US Capitol. Do not be alarmed if you see emergency vehicles and low flying helicopters.

Sidney Powell: BREAKING: Lindell Sues Dominion For $2B, Details Evidence Of 19 Cyber Attacks From China That Flipped 530k Votes In 5 Key Battleground States

Q&Trump the Great Awakening: WhoAAAA. This looks interesting. Military digging under the White House. Yup. Prisoners. When you know, you know. Looks like the White House needed to be cleaned up. Some dirty dumbs was all under it…. Ottawa Parliament in Canada needed to be fixed like the White House and lots others. Another coincidences probably. Maybe there was dumbs to be cleaned up.

BREAKING – US Federal Prosecutors have open an investigation into whether Ukrainian Officials interfered in the 2020 Presidential Elections.

Juan Q Seven: Biden is due to meet the Queen on the 13th of June at Buckingham palace, which is boarded up. The Queens death will be announced before that date, watch this space.

Quantum Light11111: Is it possible that the forthcoming floods starting this month, in the already heavily affected area from May’s phenomenal floods, shall test the limits of the 3GD construction? A thorough analysis for the new seismic conditions created in the area beneath the vicinity of 3GD Dam. Important issues must be considered.

Q) The Storm Rider: The Military is working hard behind the scene. Trump did sign the Insurrection Act long ago. Durham Report was turned in. Military finished the VETTING in March. Military has complete proof of five eyes alliance and controlled by Obama that is connected to Wuhan, Virus to Gates, to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, FBI, CIA, Vatican. It’s all coming together as PLANNED…The first to fall who hold the curtains up Fauci U.S & Hancock UK (I said last month/FAUCIs offices were raided & NIH servers were taken) It all connects back to GATES/ AMAZON SERVERS +60,000 MIL. Deputized U.S Marshals working hard behind the scenes.

BREAKING: Legal Action About To Happen In Arizona!

The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem – More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel (video) | New World Order | Before It’s News (

JFKJr.ISQ: They were Satanic draco reptilian pedophiles who trafficked, tortured, raped and murdered babies. Canadian Catholic Native Residential Schools: Missing residential school records: Vatican won’t release documents, feds destroyed files. Survivors say more accountability needs to be taken by the Catholic Church and the Canadian government for suppressing residential school records. From the age of four, Mike Cachagee attended three separate residential schools in northern Ontario. But there are few records to prove it. TORONTO — While the Vatican has refused to release residential school records, it isn’t the only body suppressing the racism and abuse experienced within these institutions. The Canadian government destroyed 15 tons of paper documents related to the residential school system between 1936 and 1944, including 200,000 Indian Affairs files. “All the records of me going there, my attendance, everything was at the hands of my captors — the Church and Canada,” Cachagee said in an interview with CTV National News from Goulais River, Ont. Cachagee says he was sexually and physically abused while at the Church-run, government-sponsored institutions, and saw former classmates unceremoniously buried in front of his own eyes. “It was very inhumane,” Cachagee said. “You’ve got 70, or 80, or a 100 in assembly with a child in a wooden box. No one mourning, no one crying.” With records being either destroyed or withheld, many children who attended Canada’s residential schools have become ghosts.

Pro-Vaccine Researcher Admits Their “Big Mistake.” COVID-19 Vaccine Spike Protein is a TOXIN Injected into the Bloodstream.

Midnight Rider 17: Why did Trump push the vaccine and warp speed? I’ll tell you why. Because without OP warp speed, [they] would have kept you and the world in lock down for YEARS while developing a vaccine. Also, while we’re locked in, the NWO, great reset and other agendas would have taken place by now and humanity as we know it would have been enslaved. But because he did what he did, we’re out of lockdowns and people have started to question vaccines and people are waking up in masses!!! Through all this as well, he has exposed the DS, Fauci and their agendas for the whole world to see. As he said in a recent interview, he’ll do something when the time is right, that’s when the “pain” comes. Chess not checkers. The right decisions sometimes require the most difficult choices. Thank you President Trump.

The Rockefeller foundation creator of Pandemic: This response to a virus has been planned since 2010. Rockefeller foundation had a thinktank to create scenarios to increase government authority and power over their citizens. It’s all there for your own eyes from lockdowns, quarantines, curfews, and masks. Here are some links and the complete version of The Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/5/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.6.2021:    here

On Tues. 1 June the military RV security teams and US Treasury were arguing over a list of 50+ security issues left for the military to nail down for a safe Shotgun Start for us all globally – a list that was 90% done right now.

Glitches were being resolved between the Quantum Financial System and older slower computer systems in multiple countries.

On that same Tues, 1 June there were over 300 test exchanges, followed by 1000s of arrests by military RV security teams (plus more each day this week) that got rid of Cabal bankers & bond holders who just could not help themselves and overplayed their hands.

This past week there were two+ groups which exchanged their currencies in Zurich. These were only test exchanges – the UST and the military had to test the system with some people and groups in order to make sure everything would not blow up, (as the Deep State pedo-Satanists wanted), when 2.4 million Tier 4B currency holders started redemption appointments globally.

Restored Republic:

An Event would happen in tandem with the Global Currency Reset. No one has been told exactly when, though the center of it was a global financial collapse, followed by Ten Days of Darkness.

During those ten days over 600 new Starlink Satellites would activate Project Odine – a worldwide Emergency Broadcast System that would take over all major media outlets worldwide to release a series of disclosure documentaries about the Cabal and it’s attempts to establish a New World Order.

Romana Didulo, Head of State, Commander in Chief of Canada: Dear Global Patriots, There are ongoing Military Operations in your individual countries. Watch carefully what I am doing in Canada and take note. A Cease and Desist Order was issued to every national government in every country worldwide. I will soon make a public appearance with Canada’s Armed Forces and Allied Forces. It will have a domino effect worldwide. Hold the line. #WWG1WGA

2 World’s collided….Wow. ISRAEL getting a Central – Arab backed Government. IRAN – Reverting back to a Christian Government. Pre 1970’s CIA installed Ayatollah’s WATCH IRAN.

Arizona Welcomes ALL States To Adopt Gold-Standard Process To Ensure Free And Fair Elections For 2022.

The world’s military and intelligence agencies have come to the conclusion that Western civilian governments have been hijacked by a Satanic cult and need to be removed. The process is being started off with the removal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad sources say. “Something really big is taking place. Senior Members of The Cabal are going down. Gates is out of the system. He has disappeared. Not a word was spoken about him. Now it’s Fauci’s turn. Then, guess who’s next, Matt Hancock, followed by Boris Johnson. Humanity is waking up.”

These purges will prepare the ground for a complete revamp of post-World War II institutions including the UN and the BIS, the sources say. The Rothschilds are going to be told to back off and the BIS will be dissolved, the agency sources promise. The Pentagon is also on the case. According to a senior official:

“Gitmo is operating 24/7 processing detainees. There are four teams working 6-hour shifts with three persons in the JAG (judge advocate generals) team. There are currently tens of thousands of prisoners in a multi-level underground prison facility near the Thule, Greenland, U.S. Space Force Base; all Transferred from Gitmo. Special operations forces and Marines are the only ones being used to make the arrests of the Cabal and their minions.”

We can confirm that the Pentagon, British Commonwealth, Chinese, Vatican, Black Sun, Asian Secret Societies, Russians and many other groups have decided enough is enough. A team of over 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. They have full military and agency backing.

U.S. President Donald Trump is involved and “Trump’s team is operating out of The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, near Colorado Springs, Colorado. It is a Space Force installation and defensive bunker operated by the United States Space Force – the same as the Thule, Greenland Air Base, also operated by the U.S. Space Force.” Pentagon and CIA sources say that “Thule Air Force Base is the new Area 51.” Russia and China are competing with the U.S. military White Hats to get a solid base there because of vast underground mineral reserves found, including gold and rare earth elements.


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/4/21 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 4.6.2021:    here

RUMOR ONLY: The Emergency Broadcast System was planned to be active on Thurs. 3 June, but the Deep State was blocking it, so the White hats were switching the EBS to a different system and hopeful it could be done on or by Fri. 4 June.

Restored Republic:

We don’t know exactly when it would happen, but The Event of a global financial collapse was close, followed by Ten Days of Darkness.

The Ten Days of Darkness would cover Project Odin where the Starlink Satellite System would activate a worldwide Emergency Broadcast System that would take over all major media outlets.

Global Currency Reset

Full Declass

The Dams plus 34 Satanic Buildings would be destroyed

Cyber Attacks

China’s Three Gorges and other dams would break.

The Biden Administration would be out due to their collaboration with foreign enemies to perform a coup of the United States government through 2020 Election fraud.

NESARA/GESARA debt forgiveness would happen.

B. Thurs. 3 June The Real News:

Whiplash347: HOLY COW GUYS!!!! Trump just indicated a $10 Trillion payment. That’s how they will start NESARA!!!! Ten Trillion is the exact amount indicated by my own sources the world needs to flip to a Gold Currency to set up the world. Debt reduction is after that…but He just stated HOW he would do it…China pays (thru the Cabal)!

THE EVENT forces the REGULATION. As part of that is the Three Gorges Dam being hit with the BITCOIN CIA Servers underneath being whacked just like Nashville AT & T [CIA Super Computers] + Wuhan BIG Pharma Labs + Tiananmen Square (Like i mentioned Ch y nah becomes a Republican Government)SEC Conf.Meaning Confirmed in the 10 days of Darkness.Regulation ISO20022 & Metal backing.QFS

Whiplash347: I’m pleased to advise that the new financial system was put into place this Wednesday. The new system is totally asset backed, as the claims are settled on the assets in the Sovereign Courts ( ) the asset is then monetised to create the off-ledger funds. It is the Allodial titles, Gold, Silver etc and sub-soil mineral rights stored in Common Law Pure Trust

In response to Mark’s question about Basil III: On Wed. 2 June a window opened to bring in loads of off-ledger funds which are 100% gold/asset backed to replace the existing fiat currency deposits. I’ve been told that there is in excess of 4m tons of gold hidden the backside system via common law pure trust. So this won’t affect the gold price or the existing banks as such. Banking has become legalized fraud, so all banks are insolvent all of the time if you try to use logic. It’s a CONfidence trick. Banking regulation is like legislation, it’s total bullshit. You either have the gold/asset or you do not. This is why the Cabal used to control the US & NATO. War is organized theft and it’s the gold or loan agreements that are being fought over. Invade a country to steal the gold, or steal the loan agreements, so you don’t have to pay back the gold. ie destroy the evidence you borrowed the gold. Carl.

Rainbow “Treasury” Notes: USTN (EVERY COUNTRY WILL HAVE THEIR OWN TN’S AFTER GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET/REVALUATION) Backed by Precious Metals U.S ISO20022 “REGULATED” also backed my Metals & other assets Blockchain. Start with these XRP – GOLD XFLARE/Spark – Platinum – Flare Networks (DogeCoin, XLM, CSC, GALA, PAC) ALGORAND – Palladium XLM – Silver – Stellar Networks – Stellar DEX – Stellar.Org (Protocol 17) – XDC – Copper IOTA – Iridium BUY METALS IE GOLD N SILVER BEFORE JUNE 28 BASEL 3 DEADLINE & COMEX 589 RULE. (I THINK THIS HAPPENS SOONER) BUY IRAQI DINAR, VIETNAMESE DONG, ZIM/ZWD “AA” 2008 TRILLION DOLLAR NOTE BUY ANY OF THIS BLOCKCHAIN ABOVE. BTC,TETHER, ETH etc are being brought down. Anything Chinese or Khazarian created.

Watch the Water Multiple scenarios are aligning:

1) Bitcoin mining is connected to the earthquakes in China that seem to follow the Silk road.Silk road is the centuries old trafficking road a long the Chinese water entering Europe via Kazachstan.East to west leads to the 3 Gorges Dam next to Wuhan the epicentre.Eyes on R3 CHONGQING marker:when this dam goes the water will overflow leading upto 3GD.

2) China banning BTC & BTC contracts expiring May 29 Market crash? When BTC crashes again…..crash causes storm

3) SEC case connected to the XRP – Ripple can cause waves can cause flow of Gold into the new financial market when we switch from SWIFT to QFS. Timing is everything. Attorney pulling out is creating more time. Eyes on all 3.

Nothing can stop what’s coming. COVID19 was the biggest plandemic/depopulation/satanic pedophiles scam played on the world. Fauci created it along with all the other political hacks and #ObamaGate cohorts. Check Fauci’s leaked emails. It’s time Mr President Trump.

3 Sides of the TRIANGLE. + Plus Bombing of 13 Families in Venice. SAUDI ARABIA Started happening in 2012. But just after “Las Vegas” failed Assassination Attempt on King Salman & POTUS in 2017. (35 Saudi Prince’s including [DOPEY Bin Talal] + 2/300 officials were arrested. 1st Side FLIPPED very early. ROTHSCHILDS – Central Banks, 1871 Act of England, Balfour Dec. UK Royals, INTEL AGENCIES – CIA, Mossad, Mi5 etc. VATICAN OPERATION DEFENDER EUROPE All of this (2019, 2020, 2021) Posts above cover this side. + SOROS. Well that 5 Foot long GOLD Casket is very interesting.

(Q)The Storm Rider: [DS] playbook Send>Soros_Obama, HRC=Colour Revolution/into good counties, create strikes, race WAR.S. Antifa. RIOTS// CHAOS.>then> call in UN for help>Then UN rapes the country >resources/Installs [DS] gov.>Takes money> tax them> steal Woman & children: UN = Lucifer trust foundation.

JUST IN – Russia to exit from all Dollar assets in its Wealth Fund & to invest in Euros, Pound, Gold, Yuan instead – Russian Finance Minister Siluanov

Thurs. 3 June Australia: HIGH COURT HEARING SET FOR JUNE 17 2021 Aged Pensioner Solihin ‘Sol’ Millin 77 has taken the Victorian Government to the High Court of Australia over the false Covid ‘Emergency’.
This Case is now in the High Court due to Sol making a Section 40 application under the Judiciary Act 1903 in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court, to move Questions of Constitutional Law to the High Court for Adjudication. This False Emergency is engendered by Corporate and Banking interests seeking Global Control and Slavery of the Human Race through the World’s largest Pharmaceutical FEAR Campaign based on a non-existent ‘virus’ Sarscov2 which has never been scientifically isolated, a fake disease ‘Covid19’ that has never been scientifically defined apart from having ‘Cold and Flu’ symptoms, which thus, in fact, is a renaming of Influenza, and a totally fallacious false positive PCR test that cannot test for infectious diseases. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people are dying worldwide after being injected with this Covid experimental medical procedure and millions are being injured. The Australian Government is murdering its own citizens by forcing its citizens to be injected. Get educated Australia in the horrors and death and injury being caused by this shocking Australian Government Treason. Sol is determined to end this false Covid Emergency and has over 15,000 and growing Class Action Co-joiners against the Victorian Government. This is the biggest Class Action in the history of Australia


We The People News: The Charlie Ward Show Update here


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/3/21 here
Updates from Storm Rider and Telegram. Topics include: Iran, Globalists Cyberwarfare plan, Lin Wood, UN in America, Trumps social media back, maskless bandits raid a Trader Joe’s, Big Mike, JFK Jr disguise, alien skulls and more.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 3.6.2021:    here

On Tues. 1 June there were millions of global transactions that overwhelmed the banking system because older computer systems in 29 countries had difficulty interfacing with the QFS, global transfer and exchange tests went well in 300 redemption centers across the country and the new rates were live on bank screens, while NESARA/ GESARA was implemented.

A. Restored Republic:

Thurs. 3 June: Dark to Light 10 Days of Darkness. The “Dams + 34 + Project Odin + MOAB (Declas + GCR + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Nesara/Gesara).

Q&Trump The Great Awakening: Hello World 2.0 We don’t know exactly when but we might soon hear…The Alert “EBS” Stay Calm & In Peace. Focus on the Positive Energies. Visualize Its Already Been Done. We are Helping White Hats Achieving It. Hold The Line. Your Hearts Knows Exactly What to Do. This is The Best Time to Be Alive. Your are Blessed & Awake Enjoy & Be Grateful. Remember when we go Dark God is in Control. JOIN US NOW @greatawakeningworld

Thurs. June 3 Mirror Whiplash347: ISRAEL is LAST. ISRAEL Election complete. ELECTION + 1 (Massive CYBER Attacks) = Mr Pool 03:6 (Mirrored) Q1440 DELTA June 3 – DARK TO LIGHT. CORPUS CHRISTIE Mr Pool 1033 = 13 – 3 (Mirrored 3 – 13) 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS including the RING OF FIRE Solar Eclipse. The “Dams + 34 + Project Odin + MOAB (Declas + GCR + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Nesara/Gesara) JUNE 14 HAPPY BDAY MR PRESIDENT. 1ST RALLY. 3 or 4 Rallies leading up to JULY 4. Those in the Federal Witness Protection Program will come out at the Rallies.

Major Events would bring on Ten Days of Darkness that included a Bitcoin, Blockchain Crypto Currency, Stock Market and global financial collapse; China’s Three Gorges and other Dams Breaking and a collapse of the Biden Administration, which had collaborated with foreign enemies to perform a coup of the United States government through 2020 Election fraud.

Military missions worldwide continued to wipe out Cabal infrastructure in DC, Brussels (NATO headquarters), Geneva Switzerland (Octogon Group Deep State global headquarters), & Israel (Jerusalem Freemason pedosatanist psychopaths). The Pentagon has allotted $900 million to deploy 60,000 troops across the globe who have quietly made over 120,000 arrests worldwide.

Fall of the Chinese Communist Party: Special Forces of the US, Canada, Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea were presently in China liberating the Chinese people from the China Communist Party #CCP’s oppression and tyranny. Right now earthquakes were taking out China’s Three Gorges Dam and the DUMBS beneath them. That included the Deep State’s child trafficking and Bitcoin operations.

Right now things are really bad in Wuhan & the surrounding areas in China. These video clips are all from May 2021 — tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods & hail all at once! Rumor has it that there’s much weather manipulation & warfare going on there too. Lots of DUMBS, bio-weapons facilities & crypto mining farms are being blown up & taken out. All the dams are overflowing including the very unstable 3 Gorges Dam. Tornado Hit Wuhan, Yangtze River Basin Flooding | China flood 2021 | Rainstorm At 8:39 p.m. on May 14th, the Caidian and Jingkai districts of Wuhan, Hubei Province, were hit by a Category 9 tornado.

Vatican, Canadian Gov, Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly Genocide of 60,000 Native Children | Politics | Before It’s News (

B. Wed. 2 May The Real News:

Whiplash347: ALL Governments in the WORLD are being removed by MILITARY. Everything Connects. The Event – 34 Buildings bombed, Dams etc. Global Stock Market Collapse – Via PRECISION CYBER ATTACKS Think Executive Order 1221. Once Governments are removed, Federal & State Etc. we will be electing people governments that are 10% the size of what they are currently. There will never be 2 Party Preferred Politics ever again. No more Democrats, No More Republicans, No More Liberal, No More Labor. EVERYONE will be using these COINS EVERYONE will be getting DIGITAL WALLETS. EVERYONE will be getting U.B.I This is all product of the Reversal Of The 1871 Act of England. (EVERYTHING 1871 ONWARDS IS ILLEGAL – NULL & VOID) #1776 Common Law for ALL. If elected Governments do not work FOR THE PEOPLE they will be removed by the Military. They will only be 20 to 25 People sized. P.S I think U.S only has to elect Congress. Julian Assange said 98% do not survive. China is also going to a Republican Government.

JUST IN – Opposition leader Lapid notifies #Israel’s president that he successfully signed all coalition agreements, and has formed a government to oust Netanyahu.

JUST IN – Lapid and Bennett have until midnight tonight to topple Prime Minister Netanyahu, or Israel is likely headed for a fifth election since 2019.

Israel Is Last. Zion Wuhan/BigPharma/3GD Rods Incoming Paris shooting arrow into Achilles

The Title 4 Flag & Martime Law are very important in understanding real American History. This is what is happening right now. Title 4 Flag Captured. The Act of England 1871 Reversed. The Balfour Declaration 1917 Reversed.

(Q)The Storm Rider (@Littleb29872980) Tweeted: May_day (was a distress call) Next The Crash happens. June BOOM, then comes realization of the Chaos of the Crash!! Then MiL. Comes to help the wreckage.

(Q)The Storm Rider (@Littleb29872980) Tweeted: Trump Putin Xi Modi _Events SCARE NECESSARY TRUST THE PLAN GAME THEORY NCSWIC

Big Pharma Labs is owned by? The 2 Wuhan Labs are owned by? Really Simple. The Same People are behind Bitcoin. The Same People who are Big Pharma. The Same People who have the Wuhan Labs. The labs where Viruses are Man Made just like AIDS & many others ISRAEL IS LAST. The Bolshevic/Khazarian/Zionist Rothschilds put Israel on the Map. Rothschilds arteficially inseminated the UK Royals. Future Proves Past. You must understand the past. The Reversal Of The Act of 1871 has major ramifications for PLANET EARTH. No more Crown, Commonwealth, Constitutions, Balfour Declaration, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc. The World As You Know it is leaving…

Trump 2021: The United States Military is with us. Not Biden or the Cabal. Every day the operation moves forward here and abroad because it can’t just happen here, it’s global. Warriors are in control. We will get through this. Trump 2021.

21 INDUSTRIAL CITIES IN GUANGDONG HIT WITH ELECTRICITY RATIONING Almost two dozen cities across China’s key industrial province of Guangdong are now rationing electricity to businesses.

RT International Trump expects to get reinstated as president by August, New York Times’ Maggie Haberman claims, sparking storm. Maggie Haberman, a CNN analyst and Washington correspondent for the New York Times.

Wed. 2 June JUST IN – Iranian Navy ship ‘#Kharg’ sinks in the Gulf of Oman. The largest Iranian naval vessel could not be saved. The cause of the initial explosion and fire remains unclear.

Australian Cyber Attack Hits World’s Largest Meat Packer: Ripple effect of JBS Cyberattack could hit shoppers, farmers, Maccas Australians may face price hikes on supermarket meat if the Cyberattack on the world’s largest meatpacker

Funny how these cyber attacks only happen to industries Biden is trying to shutdown: Gas/Beef.

Oh this is so hard to listen to! Bill Gates’ plan to depopulate the world by 3b and at the end of this clip…by use of vaccinations!

Arizona Audit Will Be Gold Standard:

D. CV-19 Hoax:

Thankfully, the CDC has created VAERS, so now we are well informed, and we aren’t living in a lie! Join Our Telegram channel here: We have our eyes open because of the intelligent brains of our precious newly elected government. The latest VAERS statistics show: ”Between December 14, 2020, and May 14, 2021, a … Continue reading CDC REPORT: The Latest Adverse Responses On COVID Vaccination Are Devastating.


Kurt's notes:
Nicholas Veniamin interviews Gene Decode as he tells an amazing recount of how the White Hats Alliance stopped the Antichrist from manifesting by the burning of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris France. The Deep State Cabal made a clone out of the DNA of Jesus Christ and wanted to put Lucifer/Satan as Antichrist in Jesus-clone by a satanist ceremony in Notre-Dame with the intention to deceive humanity. There are many timelines. In our timeline of global awakening the White Hats stopped the coming of the Antichrist by burning of Notre Dame and the beginning of a nuclear war by stopping the Ever Given in the Suez Canal.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 2.6.2021:    here

A. Restored Republic:

A very powerful organization has been taking over the world to create a New World Order for their own evil purposes. They are staging for a new world war. But, their system is collapsing. The Pentagon has allotted $900 million to deploy 60,000 troops who were making 120,000 arrests worldwide. Right now earthquakes were taking out China’s Three Gorges Dam and the DUMBS beneath them. That included the Deep State’s child trafficking and Bitcoin operations. Trump was protected. NESARA/GESARA has been activated. Most of the Military Tribunals have already taken place. We will see a lot of things happening the first week in June.

Major Events would bring on Ten Days of Darkness that included a Bitcoin, Blockchain Crypto Currency, Stock Market and global financial collapse; China’s Three Gorges and other Dams Breaking; Election Fraud bringing down the Biden-Harris Administration and a shutdown of the general public.

Politicians collaborated with foreign enemies to perform a coup of the United States government through 2020 Election fraud. That sounds like treason to me!

C. Tues 1 June The Real News:

(Q) The Storm Rider Disneyland Tunnels Destroyed: Tunnel 311Santiago Biolabs Du.mb Base Disneyland 4 story DU.MB 311 TUNNEL (connection to Universal studios cloning facilities) were destroyed in the past 32 hours. Expect Quakes near the area. Earthquake Swarm Hits Disneyland, Southern California. A swarm of earthquakes struck the Disneyland area this morning.

Whiplash347 DisneyWorld Tunnels Destroyed: Disney World Florida Sub tunnel destroyed. Major flooding (hidden MSM reports) still Happening Disney World. MOST PEOPLE NEVER KNEW DISNEY WORLD HAD IT’S OWN LAWS AND GOVERNMENT. Land bought by CIA/ Vatican/ Rothschilds/ Mossad. Military still going through evidence Clone factory. Now I think most of you understand why there were so many Sub hunters near Cape Canaveral. This is one of the reasons to keep Subs out and from leaving.

Tues. 1 June Durham Report Update: George Papadopoulos gives the long awaited update on what is up with Durham. When you hear what’s been happening behind the scenes, you’ll get why the investigation has taken this long. Holy Crap this is big! Papa-D reveals that everything’s been timed to coincide with the Arizona Election Audit. He says that the Dominoes are in place, and we are about to witness one hell of a show. Expect to see Globalist Perp walks, charges for High Treason, Military Tribunals, and ultimately Firing Squads. The Intel Everyone Has Been Waiting For: Papadopoulos Goes Scorched Earth Exposing the Deep State, Military Tribunals Are Weeks Away (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News

CCP threatens nuclear strikes on US after US announces investigation into origins of CV-19 virus.

On Wednesday, 21 April, the Biden Administration announced it would expand a program paying farmers to leave land fallow. Thoughts: U.S farmers are being offered 1.5 times the value of their crops to destroy them. Also told they will not receive subsidies for farming if they refused. They are trying to create a food shortage.

Whiplash347 Med Beds Canada: Re: MedBeds & latest medical technologies. We will have MedBeds in all of our Hospitals from Coast to Coast to Coast in Canada. We will replace the old and obsolete technologies the Hospitals currently use. The men, women and children of Canada 2.0, will have the best of the best of everything when it comes to health care. Our people will have the option to choose between the MedBeds or going to a Natural Medicine practitioner.

There are on 6 media corporations that control ALL the media society consumes. You think you have choices on what you’re consuming but it’s an illusion of choice. There’s a capstone to this pyramid and the ones who sit at the top are in control on what content is being fed to the sheeple, most consume it as if it’s gospel so trust they know exactly what to put into the content. Look how Disney has had its grip on the world, which starts at infancy. They dictate the pace and lifestyle choice you all thrive for, you want that diamond ring and wedding because it was fed to you. It’s indoctrination disguised as entertainment , and this not a “conspiracy theory”, it’s a logical fact. (Swipe, that chart can be found if you google search “Disney TitleMax Chart”)

D. International Child Sex Trafficking: Run by the Vatican, enforced by various mafias, funded by the CIA with US Taxpayer monies and utilized by political and global elites including an estimated 80% of the US Congress, to blackmail for political gain in a quest for power in establishment of the New World Order.

Trump: The US calls for investigation into Wuhan lab leak and China reacts by saying they will prepare for Nuclear War… YEP! Definitely not hiding anything.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #3 6/1/21 here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT #2 6/1/21 here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 6/1/21 here

Mark Christopher: Run-On Banks has Started. The Most Important Announcement to date. here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 1.6.2021:

“The QUANTUM computer is activated. We are go. GREENLIGHT Digital war.”… Q &Trump 1pm EST Mon. 31 May on The Real Great Awakening

On Tues. 1 June Banks around the world would be officially on the Quantum Financial System as the start date to implement NESARA/GESARA.

Mon. 31 May TNT Update: All of our bank sources are planning on Tues. 1 June to be their “day of activity.” Some bank staff are reporting to work on Tues. 1 June as early as 6am in preparation for (?). Communication lockdown will begin on Tues. 1 June for some bank institutions – no cell phones, in-house meals, etc. Some banks are contemplating “invitation only” exchange activity to test their systems. Treasury sources indicate live rates today Mon. 31 May – probably for testing?

The new Quantum Financial System was in place, SWIFT and FED ended and the new rates live on bank screens. Dubai 1 & 2 funds have been paid into government, humanitarian, the General’s and Redemption Center Group accounts. Funds were completing allocation to Tier 1-4, while deliveries of CMKX, Farm Claims and Native American settlements has hit well over 30%, allowing the Shotgun RV release for Tier 4B.

A. Restored Republic: Are you ready for the Quantum Financial System? QFS Quantum Finance, Quantum Internet, Quantum Education, but most importantly, Quantum Energy.

Whiplash347 Mon. 31 May:

June 1 to June 5: This week all Hell would break loose: Dams, Election Flipping, XRP Sec case on verge of being done, BTC collapse & more.

June 5: My Fellow Americans.


June 10: “Ring Of Fire” Solar Eclipse

June 14: Donald J Trump Birthday

June 17: U.S Constitution Day – Inauguration, or some other MAJOR EVENT.

A high up Military Source has confirmed:

Trump signed the Insurrection Act on 14 Jan. 2021 – turning over power to the US Military and giving him two more months to act as US President.

On May 20 the Military gave him an extension.

Pentagon generals have been making arrests since the Biden fake inauguration.

The Military was bound by the Constitution and went through the FISA Court to verify their audit of the 2020 Election that found internal and domestic voter fraud.

Project Odin: Starlink was up and ready for the Military to activate a worldwide Emergency Broadcast System:–raMs

Worldwide Events, Q: QFS will be forced in the 10 Days of Darkness after THE EVENT on EARTH has happened. When is the 10 Days Of Darkness? It all begins with FINANCE.

Watch the Water for aBitcoin, Stock Market and global financial collapse.

Fall of the Chinese Communist Party: Special Forces of the US, Canada, Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea were presently in China liberating the Chinese people from the China Communist Party #CCP’s oppression and tyranny.

Revelations on the rescue of millions of severely abused children (even more found deceased) from an international child trafficking ring run by the Vatican and political and global elites. Survivor testimony at White House Biden Tribunal on Trafficking American and Mexican Children at the Mexican Border: Crisis 🇺🇸 America – Mexico 🇲🇽 Boarder – YouTube

Mass Arrests: On Sun. evening 23 May Disclosure and worldwide Mass Arrests officially began, while 2,149 National Guard troops left Washington DC to give way for a Military troop takeover of DC. The National Guard would be busy making political and global elite arrests in their own states.

Military missions worldwide continued to wipe out Cabal infrastructure in DC, Brussels (NATO headquarters), Geneva Switzerland (Octogon Group Deep State global headquarters), & Israel (Jerusalem Freemason pedosatanist psychopaths).

Military tribunals were rendering justice to Cabal criminals & traitors behind the scenes.

Revelations on 2020 Election fraud would bring down the Biden-Harris Administration.

Destruction of 24 Nuclear Reactors in order for GESARA to be activated.

B. Mon 31 May The Real News:

Floods are hitting China badly. They’ve opened the sluices at the Three Gorges Dam to discharge floodwater as 97 rivers exceed warning levels.

@GEORGENEWS confirmed Trump will be back, EBS is coming, Q’s return, ‘B’ is irrelevant and LOTS MORE!! “3.5 years? That is a real LOL” “Our best inauguration is yet to come” Someone asked pres Trump to come back, George responded with “YES SOON, WE PROMISE.”

Second Inauguration Day, Powell:

Remember it’s just a movie! “Watch the Waters”~ Q The Truman Show Bad acting by bad actors. The public has already been told numerous times. Cognitive dissonance. Dan Scavino said it best, without actually saying it. Comfort Bubbles are about to pop.

It Had to Be This Way. Military is the Only Way. Sometimes you have to go through Darkness before you can see the Light. Bring on The Light. Bring on Truth.The Truth won’t be for everyone but in the End All Things Will Be Known. Anon Which Day You Think Will Be The EBS? June We Go Dark. Bring on the Pain.11.5. Mass Red Pill. Pray.

(Q) The Storm Rider: +A second island above GITMO Houses a HUGE underground prison Where many MiL. Flights have been going, & erasing flight logs & app tracks.

Q&Trump The Great Awakening: *Many Arrests have already happened at the Capitol. Law of War. We are almost at the end of the movie. Biden will be out soon. 11.5 Right After is EBS-Military Takeover for Safety of Country & Citizen. What do you think?

U S MILITARY in over 30 Nations doing Exercises & ops training Intensify!! 1-167 U S. Army Infantry Battalion division in Greece. Tank exercises & ground combat training. Largest U S training in the region. Lots of Military Movements through EU.. Under “training”. Reports much U.S. Artillery & munitions stationed through Slovakia & Czech for later use.. U.S Lead training of Op/Excer. Saber Strike +Truth Military doesn’t give real details on Ops . Just cover stories 9 armed Convoys of U S MILITARY vehicles and soldiers moving through EU into Czech republic today. “reaction to development of security”_M. Stropnicky NATO Op. Black Swan/Saber Strike MiL. Joint exers. Ground reports: More Convoys than reported. Next week into Austria >>Balkans THE TRUTH IS THE MILITARY BUILD UP IS MUCH MORE THAN BEING REPORTED

Hardest summer of the 21st century is taking place… I’m always going to keep it straight with All of you. What I say isn’t for everyone. it’s best to know all info good & bad ,& to be prepared. It’s going to get alot harder before the Military goes public. Stay strong. With that said.. don’t live in fear Be sure to exercise.. Eat healthy .. Keep growing your spiritual light… Meditate always.. Smile. Laugh through the day… And let events happen that were planned long ago by very smart people who are working to set all countries free from the great DARKNESS that had ruled for hundreds of years.. Be happy your on the right side of history and part of THE GREAT AWAKENING.

STORY still not clear of what really happened on the x-press pearl cargo Ship NITRIC ACID is used to create ammonium nitrate to create explosives like nitroglycerin .. And the ship was on the way to [M.E] … Delivery to MASSOD This is connected to WHs who exploded Beirut Tunnels and weapons. And bio weapons underground factory and biggest producers of Adrenochrome was there second to Iran industry.

Donald Trump: Where’s Durham and what ever happened to the Durham Report? 45 isn’t stupid! He’s trolling. This is meant to scare up the ghosts of the [DS] he’s letting them know

Nobody gets a free pass!!! Durham is COMING!!..THE FALL of ALL… singing birds Charles Lieber …CDC, NIH, WHO, GATES, FAUCI, DNC, RINO’S, TRUMP IS INSULATED.


Kurt's BREAKING: Something happens overnight !!!
Gold and silver prices have been unchanged for 2 hours. Something like this doesn't usually happen at this time of day. Something is happening right now ... It might have to do with the following announcement (Judy Byington Report): "We go Tuesday? All we can say is that the Quantum System will be activated June 1st. Banks around the world were scrambling to be on the new Banking System by June 1, the same date that it was expected to find an implementation of NESARA/GESARA."


Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 31.5.2021:

Responses to Nick Fleming Q & A session 5/29/2021: The information in this document is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process. It is intended to be a guide for yourself and/or those you gifted ZIM and/or currency. It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received. This information is based on exchanges/ redemptions done in the USA. Each country will have its own process and information should be available for all once notifications have been issued.

• You do not have to sign the NDA. If you decide not to sign the NDA, then you will go in as a Tier 5 General Public and get their lower rates.

• The NDA is to protect you. If you sign an NDA you cannot speak about what you have redeemed / exchanged. You need to Keep Quiet about your exchange/ redemption.

• We go Tuesday? All we can say is that the Quantum System will be activated June 1st. Bond holders will not be paid until then, and then we start. We cannot give an exact date.

Banks around the world were scrambling to be on the new Banking System by June 1, the same date that it was expected to find an implementation of NESARA/GESARA.

Basel 3 implementation was planned for June 28.

Thousands of arrests were ongoing around the globe and without news coverage. Many sources were under hard NDA gag orders.

Last attempt Red Pill:

1. Imagine if We The People could escape financial slavery with a new financial monetary system: the QFS – and a new monetary system backed up by metal: XRP etc. Corrupt free. End of Swift. End of the FED. End of BTC:

2. Imagine if your TV and the media could not be trusted, but there would be an alternative soon: Project Odin:

3. Imagine if all global corruption and fraud was organized, conspired and real. Imagine even the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented to have you, “good citizen” push against it:

4. Imagine that this fraud has been going on for centuries….we call it religion.

5. Imagine this fraud became so organized and evolved….we call it politics. They even had their own playbook. The Deep State Playbook:

6. Now open your Mind and let it sink in. It was always about Global and Human control – never, ever about your benefit, health, soul, family, talent, or world peace. You and I were puppets on strings. In a world were evil exists on a level you cannot imagine.

7. Now expand even further. What if the turning of this evil elite game has started years ago? What if the FED has lost control? What if the end of slavery is truly here:

8. What if Starlink is already up and ready for the Reset of the world:–raMs

9. What if Covid was the turning point and the roll out of the plan changed from black to white? Staged to liberate the planet:

10. The plan to save the world:

A. The Event, Ten Days of Darkness, Fall of the Cabal and Plan to Save the World:

Worldwide Events, Q: QFS will be forced in the 10 Days of Darkness after THE EVENT on EARTH has happened. When is the 10 Days Of Darkness? It all begins with FINANCE.

Watch the Water for aBitcoin, Stock Market and global financial collapse. China’s ban of BTC contracts expired May 29, which experts say would lead to a Bitcoin and Stock Market crash. This past week location of earthquakes in China followed the centuries-old child trafficking Silk Road that ran east to west to the Three Gorges Dam (headquarters for Bitcoin), and on to Wuhan, the epicenter of the CV-19 outbreak. Timing is everything…Whiplash347.

Emergency Broadcast System: The Event will occur before they flick the switch on the Quantum Systems in orbit. All controlled by the US Space Force. It is from Military Satellites. It’s a Worldwide broadcast. Google the TURKSAT Rocket that was launched from the USA on January 8. This launch tells you it is a Global Military Operation. It is a Military Satellite for Military Comms to people’s TVS & Radio’s for Africa, Europe, Middle East & Central Asia.

General Michael Flynn: Who’s in control right now? Financial Biden. Everything else: the Military. The Military does not accept orders from Biden. He’s not allowed in The Pentagon. They continue to follow mission orders from Trump before he left office. And they’re making their own decisions. The National Guard is controlled by State Governors. The U.S. Military is under the Command of a legitimate President. Biden’s Secretary of Defense has zero say in what is happening. General Milley is out of the loop. He has conflicts of interest and is excluded from some operations.

COVID Was A PLANNED Conspiracy To Divert Attention And Steal An Election!

US UFO Report: UFO Unclassified Report by the Pentagon to be handed over to Congress. The director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense are expected to present an unclassified report to Congress on UFOs in June, with speculation that the eagerly anticipated report could arrive as early as this Tuesday, June 1.

Whiplash347: Now 30th today. This is all relates to Project Odin = Quantum Financial System & Other Quantum Systems. US vs China/Khazar Tech War. On the surface it looks like XRP vs BTC/ETH but it means a lot more. (Here’s where many didn’t know Nesara/Gesara is in the drops, it is just in pieces to put together) How many SEC drops are there and here is XRP The Standard facing the SEC. GOLD WILL KILL THE FED = BASEL 3 Silver Comex 589

Cures etc. Remembering C before D. Crash before Declas. Have to crash the Old before the Declas brings about the Suppressed.

JUST IN – United States military is monitoring two Iranian naval vessels possibly heading to Venezuela. One of the two ships can serve as a floating forward staging base for electronic warfare and special operations missions.

Lin Wood: The suggestions are pouring in! Top of the list is IRS!!! We could do away with the IRS and income tax if our country was debt-free and returned to the gold standard. Think about it! Of course the CDC can go (also known as Communist Disease Control). NIH goes too! Followed by DOJ. I like so many of your suggestions, including some organizations which are NOT 3-letter government bureaucracies such as: Planned Parenthood, Disney, Walmart, Amazon. Facebook, Twitter, Hollywood, Vatican, Microsoft, Chief Justice John Roberts, George Bush 41 Gold, Clinton Foundation, Mike Pence, Federal Reserve Bank, Apple, NYSE, Jeffrey Epstein, Inc., House of Windsor, Freemasons, The Obama Whatever They Are/Were Corporation, and so many more! Keep the suggestions coming! If enough of We The People agree, we could change the world!!!

D. CV-19, CV-19 Testing and CV-19 Vaccine Hoaxes:

Covid PCR Tests: The swab used to test COVID (PCR test) was said to be saturated with Ethylene Oxide (EO) which is a carcinogen. Also damages DNA and fertility!!

E. Sun. 30 May The GCR: Brettonwoods II, Nick Fleming:

After WWII, the Bretton Woods Treaty (Treaty) was negotiated to assist in the stabilization of economies and currencies. Since the US was the strongest economy, very wealthy and held the largest GOLD reserves worldwide, the currencies of the UN Nations agreed to peg everything to the USD where the USD could be exchanged for gold.

This Treaty worked well for decades. Then in 1971, with a stagnant economy and the oil crisis, the US Government floated the dollar making the USD a fiat currency. The world followed suit. This ended the Bretton Woods Treaty; requiring the USD to be backed by gold.

In 2008 with the collapse of the world’s banking system, the UN Nations decided they needed to bring back the collateral backed requirements under the Old Bretton Woods Treaty for all UN Sovereign currencies. This was the start of the GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET plan and modification of the Bretton Woods Treaty; back to asset backed currencies. In essence, the GCR is, in reality, the reenactment of the Bretton Woods Treaty; aka Bretton Woods II.

In 2018-2019 the GCR/RV was supposed to have been implemented but was shut down by Obama. Then the global pandemic crisis hit in 2020, the Republicans lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the Presidency, and lost the US Supreme Ct (because of Chief Justice Roberts going left). This stopped the GCR/RV from moving forward. And the GCR/RV (Bretton Woods II reimplementation) has been on hold since; due to the New Presidency spending the GCR/RV bond funds created for implementation of the GCR/RV.

No, it was not “activated.” It was never deactivated. The only provision under the Bretton Woods Treaty which was “deactivated” was the requirement that the USD be backed by gold. This was done in 1971. The GCR/RV is the “reactivation” of this provision under the Bretton Woods Treaty. When T1, T2, T3, and T4a were funded, this was the “activation” of the requirement that currencies be asset backed under the old Bretton Woods Treaty requirements. In essence, GCR/RV is “Bretton Woods II.”

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 30.5.2021:

Thousands of arrests were ongoing around the globe and without news coverage. Many sources were under hard NDA gag orders (Maulkorberlass).

There is a difference between the International Court (a corrupt court established under the UN) and the two Sovereign Courts: Sovereign International Court of Justice and the Sovereign International Criminal Court. There is also the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels established by Kevin Annette that tried and convicted Pope Francis and other members of the Vatican for Crimes Against Humanity.

Fri. 28 May Mike Pompeo said there is ‘enormous evidence’ behind lab leak theory, asserted that China was conducting secret military research at Wuhan lab. “Wuhan lab is still conducting the same research. The Institute of Virology is continuing to conduct secret military experiments and more deadly viruses could escape.”

DAILY MAIL EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 ‘has NO credible natural ancestor’ and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with ‘retro-engineering’ to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims.

The study showed there’s evidence to suggest Chinese scientists created the virus while working on a Gain of Function project in a Wuhan lab. Gain of Function research, which was temporarily outlawed in the US, involves altering naturally-occurring viruses to make them more infectious in order to study their potential effects on humans. The study also points to ‘deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data’ in Chinese labs and notes that ‘scientists who wished to share their findings haven’t been able to do so or have disappeared.’

Silver squeeze is working well. Let’s go! Time to destroy the banks once and for all!:

MiL. On standby in Italy. Summer on fire. Expect riots. Over race WARS.V[x wars..elect.ion wars.. Lockdown wars. Civil Unrest for many reasons growing. later>>MIL. Will make their move in one swoop to do mass arrests of Elites. Officials.. BANKERS Ext. ect. STAGES This is what’s expected everywhere… That’s why Military is setting up in all major countries. Later_EVENTS the MiL. Will turn on their governments as planned& do mass arrests of officials.L BANKERS. Pedo orgs..all who collaborated with pand.emic scheme ⏰<AIDA Cruise Ships Under Cyber Attack – Are Costa Ships Also Affected? | #cybersecurity | #cyberattack

AIDA cruise ships, including the AIDAmar and the AIDAperla, are suffering what has been described as an “immense” IT problem, according to a German newspaper published today. Bild reports that the AIDA cruise line’s operations in its home port of Rostock, Germany have been affected by the failure of the … Continue readingAIDA Cruise Ships Under Cyber Attack – Are Costa Ships Also Affected? | #cybersecurity | #cyberattack

Trafficking American and Mexican Children at the Mexican Border – testimony at the White House Tribunal Against Biden: Crisis 🇺🇸 America – Mexico 🇲🇽 Boarder – YouTube Victim testified at White House tribunal that as a child she was raped by Joe Biden. At the 11 min. mark she talks about being a victim of JB and having to testify at the WH. Biden White House told marshals and CIA Agents to stand down when trying to extract children from child trafficking at the US/Mexican Border.


Miles Harris: BASEL 3 and a Phased Return to Market Priced Gold: Monetary Reset here
Basel 3 banking regulations are set to be introduced in continental Europe at the end of June 2021. This video answers why a gold price increase is needed by our central banks, why it is needed now and why Europe is first to implement these rules.

We The People News: VAMPIRES, Werewolves &Somerset Belanof here


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/30/21 here


The Frog News Channel: Newbies & Questions & Answers night here

Judy Byington Report, excerpts, 13.5.-29.5.21:


BLACK SWAN THREE GORGES DAM collapse. This event would kill over 100 million in 6 hours & 400 million within weeks from flooding, destruction of roads, hospitals, essential supplies & medical treatment. Deaths of Elders, children, the weak & innocent lives will be immense with no immediate relief. [DS] Military Cabal & Global Elites project nearly 500 million Chinese citizens would die. The Deep State has long planned to collapse 3GD. for population control Crypto currency reset. Destroy ALL evidence that links WUHAN to other Nations. This planned collapse is connected to Freemasons logic “Out of chaos comes order” The Dam collapse would trigger ripple effects across the world connected to businesses who use China exports paper. plastics. supplies, Goods. Foods. Business resources/digital resources… China supplies 50% of aluminum for business. Industrial,. Their Cargo Ships and vessels control one of the largest shipping networks across the world.. Connected to subsidiary companies in every country. The Dam collapse would trigger the stoppage of All Chinese cargoes and vessels across the world in every Port… The Chinese markets will effect World Markets /crypto exchange/ metal prices add create WAR… CHINA is ready and has been ready for the attacks they have WARSHIPS in 60 Major ports around the world Armed with NUKES. and 7 fleets of NUCLEAR SUBS…. 20 million Chinese Mil.operators passing as U.S citizens owning restaurants/ stores. 2 million students in U.S. loyal to CCP… 3 million Chinese in Big Tech in U.S. companies/ silicone valley who can attack infrastructure of U.S digital Systems on command. The ramifications of collapsing the 3GD is NUCLEAR…. Even it doesn’t go Nuclear… You saw what one ship ( evergreen) did to World Shipping… The effects of that one ship will be felt 3_11 months…… Imagine if CHINA stopped all 27,000 fleets at once Dark Winter22.; [DS] _EVENT. The plan to nuke 22 cities…This not a Game.


“It’s almost over for them. Keep the Faith.”…Q & Trump TheGreatAwakening.World Telegram

“Today is May Day on the Julian calendar – should be a hot weekend. Play with fire and you will get burned.”…Whiplash347

“Get ready. It’s a military operation. Soon a State of Emergency will be triggered worldwide, along with Ten Days of Darkness. Have two weeks of food, water, etc”…Q

Trump – Game Over: The Level Playing Field (

The Star Spangled Banner as You’ve Never Heard It:

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: Notification at any time.

The US Department of Defense would be activating the Quantum Financial System at any time.

As of Tues. 11 May midnight PST the Emergency Broadcast System was fully functional and ready to be deployed by Trump and the Military.

Bruce on Thurs. 13 May: Four of his sources said to look for notifications by Thurs. 13 May, which didn’t happen. A US Treasury source said that a massive release of monies was expected late Thurs. 13 May – that could be for bond holder accounts in preparation for the Shotgun Start. One source said that we had until Sat. 15 May for that start. Sources in Germany said we had 24-36 hours, which fit in with the Sat. 15 May deadline.

The Iraqi govt. has shut down the country for 10 days until Sat. 22 May using COVID-19 as the excuse, while the RV release and beginning of exchanges in Iraq was planned for the Eid-al-Fitr gift giving holiday Thurs. 13 to Sat. 15 May.

Iraqi lockdown was like lockdowns in other countries that were blamed on COVID-19 but were really for the RV Shotgun Start and the exchanges to start in multiple countries.

Tier 4B would be notified across the globe by email or publication of the Secured Website.

There would be ten days of exchanges/redemption at the special rates before the general public could begin exchanging at the new international rates, though you could set your appointments up to 30 days away.

After the deadline Zim could no longer be redeemed.

Restored Republic: From thoughts of US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bissette-Kennedy 13 May 2021

Before leaving office Trump dissolved US Inc. Corporation, but the Satan-worshipping New World Order Controllers – the Rothschilds, UK and Vatican – refused to go.

Satanic members of Congress certified a stolen (NWO) election – a crime of treason – and have refused to talk against Biden’s illegal presidency. They not only stole the 2020 Election, but were stealing everything they could get their hands on and wanted to crash the US and global economy in order to install their New World Order Agenda.

The US Military has been in charge of the country since the fake Biden Inauguration on 20 Jan. The Military would remove Biden, his Administration, members of Congress and the Supreme Court because they represented a dissolved corporation of profiteers, not The People of the United States Constitutional Republic.

These Satanic Controllers’ big business was Child Sex Trafficking. Biden opened the border so more children could be abducted – and to benefit Democrats politically. Everything he and his administration have done since January 20th – including using every excuse imaginable to send billions overseas – has benefited the New World Order, not the country, or the American people.

On his first day in office Trump ordered the Military to shut Child Sex Trafficking down, arrest traffickers and their clients, take their assets and rescue the kids. He has succeeded in interrupting that Child Sex Trafficking distribution that has cost the New World Order profiteers billions and billions of dollars globally. (See: Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before It’s News)

The Cyber Attack on the pipeline was clearly an attack by this Cabal against The People who mostly don’t know what’s going on. It was a sign that these Satanists would not give up their mafia money machine just because the deal has ended. Now they would have to be forcefully removed.

What to Expect Ten Days of Darkness: Only the Messenger! Trump Returns to Power! Blackouts! Internet Down! Get Food & Cash! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

Q: Get ready. It’s a military operation. Soon a State of Emergency will be triggered worldwide, along with Ten Days of Darkness. Have two weeks of food and water, gas, etc.

Cyber Attacks, a fake Nuclear scare event would shut down the Internet.

There have been over 5,000 arrests of political elites in the last few weeks.

The US Stock Market was down, Canada down, Europe down, India down, China down, all shown by the Market index though not reported in the MSM.

Cyber Attacks by the Cabal were expected for the next two months as the Alliance continued to dismantle financial systems and bring in the Global Currency Reset.

The Emergency Broadcast System would be triggered and the new Quantum Internet would flood the airwaves with censor free Social Media and fact based documentaries about history of the Cabal. Everything would be switched Dark to Light: SWIFT to the Quantum Financial System and gold backed currencies; BTC to Blockchain regulated asset backed metals; fake Mainstream Media to Starlink and Project Odin.

A. Thurs. 13 May 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

Four sources said to look for notifications by Thurs. 13 May, which didn’t happen.

A US Treasury source said that a massive release of monies was expected later tonight Thurs. 13 May – that could be to bond holders accounts in preparation for the Shotgun Start.

One source said we had until Sat. 15 May for that start.

Sources in Germany said we had 24-36 hours, which fit in with the Sat. 15 May deadline.

The QFS system was being integrated with all financial companies globally and with all the different platforms.

Full integration was being made of the QFS and Starlink Satellite System.

Mass arrests were ongoing.

B. Thurs. 13 May Q & Trump GreatAwakening.World Telegram:

@RichardGrenell on the far-Left’s control of the Biden admin: “Biden is too weak to stop the progressive Left from taking over…Kamala does not understand what’s going on…We have a shadow president in Susan Rice and no one is paying attention.”

Extreme weather and massive floods in Wuhan China like predicted. 3 Gorges dams will break and impact the world. Bitcoin mining and satanic dumbs under the dams will be destroyed. They want everyone to think it’s now. But it could be couple months or a year ago when we saw floods videos in Wuhan. Future proves past. So it might all have happened before already so that the cleanup is already done and it gives them a pace in advance on the enemy. We thought Q was predicting events, but in reality it was happening when they posted it and was shown to public months or years later.

Are you ready for The Global Financial Reset? The Great Reset was the Deep-State plan. The White Hats plan is NESARA/GESARA. We also like to call it The TrumpSara. Watch Here:

C. Thurs. 13 May US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Telegram:

The strongest weapon is the power of patriots uniting to speak as one. We can secure our nation. We The People have the power. Let’s harness it. Follow each other. Share the truth. Run for local positions or volunteer for the grassroots America First campaigns.

I am expecting a Cyber Attack on our power grid. It’s an obvious next step. Be prepared. Power Pro Generators around $65 now, was $45 at Walmart. Lots of waters, crackers, peanut butter, protein bars, lots of great inexpensive stuff search “camping”. We will prevail.

The United States Isn’t a Country It’s a Corporation! I am asked about this all the time because people simply can’t believe it. Congress had no authority to do what they did in 1871. They (Congress and the President) have deceived us ever since. Every American MUST read and understand the lie we were taught from our history books and the truth about who we are and what form of government we live under.

Trump dissolved it before leaving office but the “Controllers” (Banks of Rothschilds and The Vatican) refuse to GO! Our financial system was set up by London and the Vatican in 1874 to profit off of us. We were never told this. The financial system / banking system is corrupt because they are stealing from us. Last year when Trump ended the USA CORPORATION, that ended the deal of 1871.

“The Controllers aka Satanist NWO” are stealing everything they can get their hands on right now, yes, they want to crash the economy at the time of their choosing. Since January 20th a part of the military is replacing the corrupt system with OUR system. They are fighting back.

If members of Congress worked for The People, not the corporation they would side with us and the truth. They are not! They certified a stolen (NWO) election, a crime, refuse to talk against Biden’s illegal presidency, the end of the corporation, end of corrupt financial system.

Biden, his Administration, members of Congress, the Supreme Court, should be removed by force because they do not represent the United States Constitutional Republic. They represent a dissolved corporation. That corporation never represented the people, only the profiteers.

The Cyber Attack on the pipeline was clearly an attack against the people who mostly don’t know what’s going on. An attack to send a message to our military that they are fighting back, will not give up their mafia money machine just because the deal has ended. They will be removed

“The Controllers” (NWO) other big business is child sexual trafficking. Trump ordered the Military to shut it down, arrest traffickers and their clients, take their assets and rescue the kids. Costing the NWO billions and billions of dollars globally, he interrupted distribution.

Biden opened the border so more children can be abducted. And to benefit Democrats politically. Everything he and his administration have done since January 20th has benefited the NWO not the American people or country. Every excuse imaginable to send billions overseas.

I am not a sales person. I only bring these truths by the way are well officially documented to your attention. I am a Trump Supporter obviously and the election was stolen from him because he refused to be bought, kneel before them and their God, run from threats. Trump has better protection than George Soros right now. There have been several attempts on his life that have failed. They want Trump gone. He was a threat to them as president and a threat now. We must continue to stand with him. It’s going to get a lot worse until the military makes its move. And when they do it will be violent beyond belief. Worse than 911.

Kory Langhofer, the attorney for the Senate, said he will be issuing subpoenas for all five Maricopa County supervisors, demanding they appear to explain why they won’t surrender certain equipment & information for review as part of the audit of the 2020 General Election returns.

Joe Biden gave Gaza (Hamas) $150 million for “C0VID response” Joe Biden is financing international ter-ror-ists.

BREAKING: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will restart border wall construction in Rio Grande Valley – FNC

Have Faith. Have Courage. Keep Fighting. It’s Going to Happen. They’ve Gone Too Far. NEVER FORGET

Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration. Of course he did! He’s a Freemason Satanist! Pope Francis is a Satanist! They want God, Jesus, Christ and Christian disappeared. Most of all right now they want you hurting. They want your guns. They want Churches closed and the name Jesus disappeared from your mind. Sounds Satanic. That’s because they are Satanic!

D. Thurs. 13 May Whiplash347 Telegram:

Tomorrow is May Day on the Julian calendar – should be a hot weekend. Play with fire and you will get burned. That 25th amendment is getting its sights set on Bidan. You have the attention of the public, and the military to show you are “somewhere between 700 billion and a trillion, 300 million billion” percent unfit for office. America doesn’t play well with tyrants.

The Global Military Operation would shutdown Bitcoin Mining that was invented by CIA, UK Royals, Rothschilds, Guthrie Castle & put mainly in the hands of CCP for Nefarious Activities. Q Save The World shows you US vs China Tech War & shows a Nuke being launched out of a Large Water Body. Saving Israel for Last has multiple meanings. The Khazarian/Bolshevics own Big Pharma but it is in Wuhan. Just like Gates & Soros have the 2 Labs in Wuhan. Rods of God will be whacking Big Pharma. That will certainly hammer the market. This is how we get given 6000 cures, med beds etc. This is why POTUS told us all hospital equipment will be obsolete.

(ENTER QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM) Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals + a small group of U.S Internationally “Regulated” Precious Metal Backed Coins. (ISO20022 + 3 other Regs) Chinese Unregulated Coins go to 0. 99.5% of Coins go to 0. Only U.S coins on the QFS survive the STORM. All by design Q Save The World Video told you. USA vs China Tech War. United States Space Force Wins. Quantum.Gov.

BASEL 111 & COMEX 589 Brothers In Arms. #Gold #SilverSqueeze #DropTheMOABQ DECLAS + Global Currency Reset + Gold/Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Nesara/Gesara #TheEvent #Dams #RIPBigTech #RIPBIGPHARMA #ThirtyFourSatanicBuildings #DEFCON1 #CockedPistoli #FireAndFury #BombsAway #DownSheGoes #HumptyDumpty #StarlinkUp

Since yesterday, there have been major cyber attacks on automotive suppliers and carmakers in Germany, which is having a global impact. Companies like Audi, BMW, samvardhana motherson peguform. But nothing in the news, sources are insiders working in the plants and not working today because of the problems.

OFFICIALLY: The Second 2020 Election Forensic Audit In The U.S. Starts TODAY In Windham, New Hampshire! – The True Defender! Are we playing DOMINO?

E. Thurs. 13 May CodeMonkeyZ Telegram:

Project Odin Man See EMS. Read Q34 We Are Close.

“Quick! How do we distract from the audit??” “Lets start WW3.” ALL EYES ON MARICOPA COUNTY DONT BE DISTRACTED


1. Deleted databases

2. No chain of custody

3. Nobody knows the admin password

4. Election officials panicking

5. Huge amounts of digitally adjudicated ballots

6. Not allowed to look at the router

7. Router shared with at least 50 other networks

8. Election run by a private vendor

9. A hundred lawyers defending election officials

10. Soros’ Sheriff running interference

11. Ignored subpoenas

12. Missing ballots

13. Hammer and scorecard?

14. Secretary of state taking campaign gifts from foreign countries

15. County voter files hacked then covered up

16. SQL server back door

17. Not allowed to discuss any of this on socialist media.

Judy Byington Report, 15.5. - 29.5.21, Auszüge:

The Alliance’s primary objective appears threefold:

• First and foremost, save the children.

• Operate as much as possible quietly, behind the scenes, in stealth mode
• Limit as many casualties as possible, especially private citizens.

DO NOT WORRY AT ALL for bad poison or mandatory vaccines or vaccines passports, etc. It will NOT happen. It is just to tag people and companies who was pushing and promoting it. These people are EVILS and got arrested in real time. You really think Trump and White Hats would push and promote deadly vaccines? That was the evil globalists plan of Bill Gates. It didn't work at all. Every influencers and companies, TV's, Medias, newspapers pushing these vaccines will be investigated and arrested for crimes against humanity. DO NOT WORRY, DO NOT FEAR!

The Game Plan: Judy Shelton established the GOLD STANDARD and now everyone is re-aligning.

Enter the Quantum Financial System Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals + a small group of U.S Internationally “Regulated” Precious Metal Backed Coins. Only US coins on the QFS survive the Storm. All by design.

When the Stock Market Crash occurs by way of Precision Cyber. All of the seized Assets/Money from over 600+ Thousand Indictments will be flowing into these coins for humanity. The Transfer of wealth for the new GOLDEN AGE we are entering will be done a few ways. U.S ISO20022 Coins which will be backed by Precious Metals. Rainbow Treasury Currencies backed by Precious Metals, no longer Oil. Hence why the Oil fields are being bombed. We are going to Tesla & Metals instead of Oil & Gas.

With the GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET we will be returning to 1950’s Prices. Times of the GREAT AMERICAN.

Office of Donald J. Trump: Since many of the fake channels named Donald Trump and Melania Trump have been made, I officially declare that the only reliable and related channels are @DonaldTrumpOfficiaI and @Melania_Trump_real

Planes & Trains grounded

Lights/Power switched off

Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.

34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.

Bitcoin Servers turned off

99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.

WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens

Water Event.

Stock Market Crash

Global Martial Law.

CASTLE ROCK – Scenario

Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.


Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts

Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)



ALL Governments in the WORLD are being removed by MILITARY. Everything Connects. The Event – 34 Buildings bombed, Dams etc. Global Stock Market Collapse – Via PRECISION CYBER ATTACKS Think Executive Order 1221. Once Governments are removed – federal & State, Etc. – we will be electing people governments that are 10% the size of what they are currently. There will never be two Party preferred politics ever again. No more Democrats, No More Republicans, No More Liberal, No More Labor. EVERYONE will be using these COINS

EVERYONE will be getting DIGITAL WALLETS. EVERYONE will be getting U.B.I. This is all product of the reversal of the 1871 Act of England. (EVERYTHING 1871 ONWARDS IS ILLEGAL – NULL & VOID) #1776 Common Law for ALL. If elected governments do not work for The People they will be removed by the Military. They will only be 20 to 25 People sized. P.S I think the U.S only has to elect Congress. Julian Assange said 98% do not survive. China is also going to a Republican Government.


Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals + a small group of U.S Internationally “Regulated” Precious Metal Backed Coins. (ISO20022 + 3 other Regs)

Chinese Unregulated Coins go to 0.

99.5% of Coins go to 0.

Only U.S coins on the QFS survive the STORM. All by design


The Event to go down on Biden.

Everyone blames Biden.

Military Overturns the Election.

King Trump saves the day.


The King steps aside

The opposition charges the King’s Position.

A Major Event Goes Down.

[FAKE] Global War Scenario Activating All Militaries WorldWide.

In Real Life.

The Police & Court System rule the land.


All Judges, Police & Lawyers must stand down WORLDWIDE. The corrupt ones arrested. The others Retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law.

Back to the Chess Board.

By activating a World War scenario

The Kings Men (Military) go from being Pawns & Bishops(Below) the Police to becoming Kings & Queens. (Above) They then Mop Up the other team


Planet Earth Liberated.


This is the whole point of Now. Trying to get through to you that MSM is your enemy and lie about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Before they get taken down by Libel Laws & Project Odin. Turning everyone against them. They are all controlled(Left, Right & Inbetween by the MOSSAD/CIA) It is like 8 arms of an Octopus. They all go to the same head. This is not Republican vs Democrat, Liberal vs Labor or Fox vs CNN. It is good vs evil. They did this on purpose to us. We all have lived under Operation Mockingbird which is a bi-product of Operation Paperclip.

In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya [HASSAN Family] together with the Royal British family.

They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ [DRUZE]

6 Yrs later they merged with Skull n Bones:

Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.

Skull n Bones _ISIS Assassinated JFK.

1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked to UK Royals (Khazarians)

1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones (Khazarians)

1870 – 1930 BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)

1871 Act of England (Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarians

1912 Titanic/Olympic Sinking

(Who was onboard, what really happened)

1913 Federal Reserve

1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution

1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird.

1948 – Israel Formed (Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)

1949 – Mossad = CIA Formed

Watch the SKY

How do you take down the matrix? 34 buildings to be hit with Rods of God.

PROJECT ODIN: Taking down the Mossad satanic satellites that hold humanity hostage in the 3D Matrix and Activating the Quantum internet free of corruption.

Watch the WATER 3GDam break in China


Pray for the people of Israel

For all people

You see it was never about the people or the religion they choose from their love for the Light of God.

It has always been about the leaders who blocked the light.

They are the false light.

The revelation of TRUTH of the war between GOD and SATAN

THE Great Awakening

THE END of the REPTILIAN bloodline

The death of the serpent

THE END of the Matrix


From dark to Light

2,000 Doctors and Lawyers file Lawsuit Against CDC, WHO and Davos Group For Fraud: A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% inaccurate. This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / “infections” detected by the use of this incorrect test.

NESARA/GESARA Act was supposed to be activated by Bush in the beginning of 2000’s in 2001. Deep-State tried to kill JFK in 1999 but he escaped. Then the Deep-State did the 911 Twin Tower Scare Event right before Bush Jr. was supposed to announce NESARA/GESARA Act. We are going to party like it was 1999. You remember they told us everything would probably shutdown 1st Jan. 2000 for several days – that’s the 10 Days of Darkness that will be triggered when NESARA/GESARA is activated.

“Trump or members of the Military are not going to compromise ongoing operations to save this country by telling you what’s really going on just to satisfy your curiosity. Every day you see the New World Order Devils tear down something that belongs to The People. What you don’t see are the Military raids in the underground tunnels where they are rescuing babies, and how they are dismantling the NWO financial system. There are many missions running simultaneously to clean up this evil mess. There will be an Event that will replace the NWO financial system with an incorruptible one. Biden, Harris, their pretend administration, Supreme Court, and members of Congress will be removed for crimes. Watch!” …US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy
Statement by Office of John F. Kennedy Jr.: There is only one form of truth. I am not paying the ransom exactly like my father. Few people are upset by my recent actions because I’m no fan of the terrorist organization. I’m not a fan of Traitors, murders, and criminals. To enlighten once again, there is only one form of truth. When you say no john, it’s more than one at this moment. You lost the truth. That’s how I make the Q. Q is nothing without me, without you and where we go one, we go all. Kennedy is back from death! Jesus helped Kennedy. Jesus blessed Kennedy. My website will be up and running soon.


Underground tunnels and cities around the world …. The ancient ones and the new ones built over the last 70 years and connected in part to them. People and children were smuggled through them so called human trafficking.

Exchange/Redemption Instructions Summary:

Non Disclosure Agreements:

The Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a fundamental process in ALL big contract business. Remember that you are about to become “a Ultra High Net Worth Individual” and your Non Disclosure Agreement forbids you from:

1. Talking about your appointment.

2. What you are exchanging.

3. What rates you achieved in any format whatsoever ever.

Switzerland, Hungary, Austria & Germany will collapse. Mossad & Hamas show in Israel is a sideshow.

World War III soon to be announced – a Black Swan Event! We are going down! Shutdown coming. Major Cyber Attacks happening right now. The NET, Stock Market and Bitcoin were all going down in the biggest financial crash in human history. Shut down, blackout, Ten Days of Darkness for the Global Currency Reset. Pack your bags, hold tight! This would be a crazy ride!

In the past few days there have been 16,000 arrests globally in order to weaken the Cabal before the Shotgun Start was initiated this week.

On Wed. 19 May there was panic in DC as arrests were underway there.

Thurs. 20 May was the end of the Q Clock and Military 60 Day Extension Order as per US President Trump EO.

Fri. 21 May: Biden set to resign according to US VP JFK Jr. (Q).

Cyber Attacks Everywhere Worldwide: 70 European and South American Banks under attack by bizarro Banking Malware Get ready, it’s coming near you.

Sometime between now and August 2021 the Military and Trump would implement a False Flag at the White House/Capitol Hill as the pretext to take down the fake Biden administration and remove it as a belligerent foreign (Deep State) power from USA soil.

Emergency Major Cyber Attacks happening now. Everything is going DOWN! The NET is going down. World War III will be announced soon. Black Swan Event! Financial Stock Market is also going down. Bitcoin is falling like never before.

Black Swan and Lasereye campaign. All financial markets are crashing. Shutdown is coming soon. Get ready. If you have crypto, better Hold and close your eyes for the ride. It will comes back up during the 10 days darkness once they reset everything with the GCR and QFS on crypto. If you sell and it shutdown you won’t be able to get back in because the Internet will go down as well. During the drop we like to buy more and accumulate more while it’s in discount. We like to say: HOLD TIGHT and pack up your bag lower! It will be a crazy ride.

1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code for CV-19 Hoax.

BREAKING: CDC Director finally admits Covid Cases hugely over-counted and manipulated by mainstream media!!!

Bill Gates is going down too! Everything Deep-State is going down let’s go!

This is the end of a dark Cabal world and the beginning of a new world, a new era. We are just transferring to a Golden era. From corrupt fiat petro dollars to GESARA/NESARA Quantum Financial System (QFS) Crypto Gold backed, decentralized for The People. We are witnessing the end of the dark Cabal world. God won! We won! Trust the plan. It’s already here, it’s already done. Everything will be made public. We are in the Storm! The Great Flood! The Swamp is getting drained and cleaned up completely. This is a good moment to meditate and celebrate. Do not fear, do not worry. Everything will come back way better, real soon.

Troops heading to DC from different Directions incoming. _CONFIRMED. Some Hotels already loading up with troops around the Capitol.

SEG Tower China: Is this supposed to be a Rods of God location? Everyone has been evacuated, this is a Gov alert we received via email 4 hours ago (3am CST) Three Gorges Dam about to burst.

Just thinking out loud. BidAn yelled at Israel, told them to Cease Fire. Israel not listening. Thinking now BidAn tells them do it or we declare war. Military steps in, removes BidAn. Martial Law – EBS.

Bombshell Report: Undeniable Proof Fauci & Gates Created the COVID 19 Virus Under Gain of Function Research | Alternative | Before It’s News (

D. Thurs. 20 May US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette Kennedy Telegram:
I was told last month the military will not wait for audit results because they have all the evidence and confessions, including one from former CIA Director Gina Haspel who was shot by Special Forces during a raid in Europe two months ago and is currently at Guantanamo Bay. Now the word is public the military is planning to storm the White House. I was told it might happen on Sunday, May 23rd but looks like they are going in sooner to remove imposters. Expect anything. This could be it. Generals of all branches of the military met in person and agreed the United States is in deep peril, they are going to fight for a Constitutional Republic. Conflict is between Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty. They listed threats.


According to three well connected contacts the date for possible Tier 4B notification has been changed from by Fri. 21 May to by Mon. 24 May, although it could happen by Sat. 22 May, or Sun. 23 May.

There were a number of reasons for this such as this week’s numerous interruptions to cell phones and the Internet because of the changeover from the old satellite system to the Quantum Computer Starlink Satellite System, Cyber Attacks by the Cabal, flushing out all the bad guys as the money rolled out, with over 16,000 arrests, plus interface issues of aligning thousands of banks across the globe for the Global Currency Reset.

When The Event goes down, President Trump will be sending out 7 Presidential messages to everyone’s phone worldwide. 7 P’s AKA 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms.

At some point soon the Military would implement a False Flag at the White House/Capitol Hill as the pretext to take down the fake Biden administration and remove it as a belligerent foreign (Deep State) power from USA soil.

Fri. 21 May: Biden set to resign according to US VP JFK Jr. (Q).

The First factor: two hundred and nine countries of the world have signed a treaty in 2014 and will reset the value of their currency through the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) to be on parity with all other nations of the world. That means the value of the one Dong will be the same as the value of one dollar, or any other national currency. The real value will be felt in international trade. The Global reset means that Forex Trading for profit will be of little value as the reset will stabilize currencies and would not be subject to manipulation of currency by any government or corporation. It will affect the export markets as well, to accommodate a country’s balance of trade. Obviously, Fiat Currencies will never work in such a structured, internationally balanced Quantum Financial System (QFS).

To accomplish this parity, a mathematical formula was created, by some very intelligent economist types (the QFS Super Artificial Intelligence), to take a conglomerate of economic data, apply a predetermined value to each data point and come up with a value for each country.

The Second factor in the reset, is digital Gold backed currency. To back the currency with Gold in the new QFS financial system means there is a digital Gold certificate that says you can exchange that piece of digital currency for a real piece of Gold. That means you can use either a piece of Gold or a piece of Gold backed digital money to make a purchase. Digital Money is used for convenience instead of carrying around Gold pieces. Both have the same value. The common denominator of the value of any currency is the backing of that currency by a valued commodity or asset.

While in-ground assets and other types of assets, as well as, the economy of the country, etc., plays into the parity of that currency, Gold is the most visible and universal standard to determine value. In the new QFS Digital Financial System, Gold is used as the leveling factor that buffers diversities within each country as compared to another.

As we Exchange our old Fiat currencies for the new Gold backed currencies, we are, in effect exchanging the entire old Cabal debt slavery Financial System for a brand new, QFS Gold backed Financial System. The Central Bank of each country will once again be a part of their Treasury Department and not owned by outside private entities like the Federal Reserve Banking system, who function for their own greed and agenda.

The Gold, used by the Chinese Elders [🔹️The good guys! They’re not the commies!] – to create this new QFS digital money, stands as the backing for all currencies in the world. There is plenty of Gold or assets to back these currencies, in fact, more than sufficient to accomplish a new QFS monetary system for the entire world, and to flood it with asset backed digital cash. We get to say goodbye and good riddance, to the Cabal financial system of debt slavery.

During a market crash, recessions and depressions where do you think the money goes? You think it disappears? Where does it flow? Into which pockets? If people, companies and banks are going bankrupt, where is the money? Evaporated, burned? Time for the masses to open their eyes. Nothing disappears. It just flows back to the top of the pyramid. That’s what they were calling the harvest. They get their investments back in their wealthy elites pockets. Now it’s different, this is the end of a dark Cabal world and the beginning of a new world, a new era. We are just transferring to a Golden era. From corrupt fiat petro dollars to GESARA/NESARA Quantum Financial System (QFS) Crypto Gold backed decentralized for The People. We are witnessing the end of the dark Cabal world. God won! We won! Trust the plan. It’s already here, it’s already done. Everything will be made public. We are in the Storm! The Great Flood! The Swamp is getting drained and cleaned up completely. This is a good moment to meditate and celebrate. Do not fear, do not worry. Everything will come back way better, real soon. This is the end of one world and the beginning of a new world – both at the same time. This looks like (X). Why XRP and XLM is the ONE world crypto currencies that will help us transcend to the new world. Love you all!

International Child Sex Trafficking: Run by the Vatican, enforced by various mafias, funded by the CIA with US Taxpayer monies, utilized by political and global elites including an estimated 80% of the US Congress in a quest for power and the New World Order.

The past 48 hours of global power and internet outages were linked to global arrests. Panic continued in DC as the military has been arresting and giving an ultimatum to Deep State politicians. At the Capitol Building and White House Deep State-serving politicians and agency bureaucrats were told by the Military to leave/retire voluntarily, or face military tribunals for treason at GITMO. Many were choosing to retire instead of being arrested, “A bus was escorted from the Capitol Building [in DC] to the White House by police. There are no cars in the parking area around Capitol. . . . We’re looking for a massive exodus of politicians and bureaucrats, just like what happened in Russia.”

Stock Market Crash:
Whiplash347 on Fri. 21 May: There has been many C before D’s thrown out. My latest guess plays into the CASTLE ROCK Scenario. POTUS always said BIDAN Would Crash the Stock Market the likes you have never seen. It will be Precision Cyber by Space Force. Executive Order 1221. Mr Pool is showing BIG SHOCK. “CRASH before DECLAS” Do NOT PANIC.

Fri. 21 May Earthquakes Destroy Three Gorges Dam, China (headquarters for child trafficking, Bitcoin with links to Wuhan Lab and CV-19 development): Over the last 5 Hours there has been up to 20 Earthquakes in Yunnan, China. This is what is known as the 1st Bend in the Yangtze River. Lots of Bitcoin here. Hydropower Dam/Plants At 5:17 Am Qinghai the Very Start of The Yangtze River has had a Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake 10km. Qinghai is known as the “Northern Head Water Of The Yangzte” R1, R2, R3 & CR Round 1, Round 2, Round 3 (Flood Gates) & CR(Climax Round i guess)THINK WAVES 2 Northern Dams at Chong Qing Then 3GD. (WUHAN) BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM They are going down the Yangtze They started at Qinghai Which is the Northern Headwater. Next stop ChongQing where 2 very large dams are before the Three Gorges. JUST IN – Powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake just hit #Qinghai in China following a 6.4 magnitude in Yunnan earlier today, according to Chinese state media. @disclosetv

An SQL injection cyberattack taking place all over the world right now. USA is getting the brunt of it & many ISP servers down. Europe, China & Japan effected. Could be the start of a cyber war. KLW news on You Tube

Water, All Major Dams, 3GD, Nile, Hoover etc, Think Superman 1, See Ivanka’s Hello Hoover Dam tweet, Ripple XRP, Liquidity Stock Market, Watermark Ballots….Whiplash347

A. Upcoming Events:

Sun. 23 May: A huge announcement on Sun. 23 May.

Mon. 24 May: James O’Keefe. The best is yet to come… two whistleblowers inside tech going public Monday.

Wed. 26 May: Our Sky Event

Fri. 28 May: “My fellow Americans” tweet from the JFK account.

Sat. 29 May: JFK Birthday

(Q) The Storm Rider: Scouts: Had multiple reports 2 days…Troops heading to DC from different Directions incoming. _CONFIRMED Some Hotels already loading up with troops around the Capitol.

Whiplash347: Biggest Navy Exercise in a Generation Will Include 25,000 Personnel Across 17 Time Zones. Aircraft carriers, submarines, planes, unmanned vessels, and about 25,000 personnel will participate in Large Scale Exercise in late Summer against China or Russia. Biggest Navy Exercise in a Generation Will Include 25,000 Personnel Across 17 Time Zones |

Whiplash347: Last night I mentioned Earthquakes in Qinghai (Northern Headwaters) & Yunnan(1st Bend) along the Yangtze River and how they were hitting HydroPower Dams, Bitcoin Mining & DUMBS then Disclose T.V & others mentioned it. Well there has been more in Yunnan tonight, waiting on R3 – ChongQing before the BIG BOOOOM Climax Round. Taking out the last 70% of BTC. All complete in other parts of the World.

I will re-post all the Bitcoin Mining shutdown in the World. China has 70% and it is much more Sophisticated. The other 30% is spread out in smaller mines which have been shutdown. The last of it is being taken care of now. It is ISRAEL IS LAST. Bitcoin Mining – Child Trafficking Coin. Wuhan, Organ Harvesting, Big Pharma Labs, Virus Creation, Yellow Brick Road, Silk Road – Largest Child Trafficking Route in the World. Project TerraMar etc. It all connects.

A lot of information above on the Global Military Operation to shutdown Bitcoin Mining who was invented by CIA, UK Royals, Rothschilds, Guthrie Castle & put mainly in the hands of CCP for Nefarious Activities. Q Save The World shows you US vs China Tech War & shows a Nuke being launched out of a Large Water Body. Saving Israel for Last has multiple meanings. The Khazarian/Bolshevics own Big Pharma but it is in Wuhan. Just like Gates & Soros have the 2 Labs in Wuhan. Rods of God will be whacking Big Pharma. That will certainly hammer the market. This is how we get given 6000 cures, med beds etc. This is why POTUS told us all hospital equipment will be obsolete.

Real Raw News Michael Baxter: Dr. Fauci Prepping to Flee Country Donald J. Trump and the U.S. military have expressed unease over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent real estate acquisitions in the United Kingdom, Argentina and Panama, heightening concerns that the Deep State doctor might flee the country ahead of being served an arrest warrant for crimes committed against America and it’s people.

Real Raw News Michael Baxter Pence Shot While Fleeing Military Arrest: Former Vice President Michael Pence took a bullet to the chest on April 14 as he and an unidentified male companion tried to elude U.S. Special Forces that had been tasked with apprehending him under terms described in a sealed indictment. The formal charges were drafted after Pence helped Deep State operatives legitimize Biden’s presidency.

Real Raw News Michael Baxter Military Puts SCJ Amy Coney Barrett on House Arrest May 15 2021: Acting on a sealed indictment, the U.S. military has placed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett on house arrest and fitted the mother of 7 with an ankle bracelet to ensure she does not abscond while JAG decides whether to show compassion or schedule a military tribunal.

Real Raw News Michael Baxter Upcoming Military Tribunals at GITMO: Real Raw News has obtained a list having the names of people who will face a military tribunal at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in the near future. Please understand this list is not etched in stone, and it does not include persons being tried elsewhere.


San Juan is Bill Gate’s Getty. San Juan connects Epstein to the CIA, the NSA, and Bill Gates, and organized use of child sex slaves to develop Vril. There are 3 untouched DUMBs on these islands. There is a Submarine entrance, and tubes leading into the Pacific. There is also a major portal in operation off the coast that has been there for 30 years.

The 10km earthquakes that are happening in the far North West of China near Kazakstan are the “Silk Road” Tunnels being blown. All those 10km quakes throughout China and its borders. Kazak, India etc. Blowing Dumbs, Tunnels on the Silk Road. Australia just pulled out of this.

Wuhan Deep State Central. Big Pharma Vaccine/Virus Labs Adrenochrome Harvesting Organ Harvesting Silk Road BTC – Child Trafficking Coin All goes back to the Khazarians Bill Gates & George Soros Labs.

“Yellow Brick Road” Biggest Child Trafficking route out of Wuhan to all parts of the world. Now you tell me why they banned this? A Rabbi telling you they sell Human/Children Meat to Fast Food outlets & McDonalds is the number 1 Buyer. The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean.All those Children Tortured,Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. Thats right Childrens Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too. Cemex, Heinz, Terra Mar, McDonald’s, All used for disposing of dead bodies.

Watch the Waters Undersea charities. Connect them. TerraMar is not unique. Blue Prosperity – Waitt Oceans 5:- Rockefeller LDF – DiCaprio Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded by the Clinton Foundation? For 2 million to “Oceans 5”? Why did billionaire Ted Waitt donate 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation around the same time he was helping Ghilsaine Maxwell learn to pilot submarines and helicopters on board their private yacht? Blue Prosperity. Ghislaine Maxwell founded Terramar Project, a nonprofit, and was Principal Officer. Steven Haft was on the board at Terramar, before it closed just after Epstein got arrested. Steven Haft was a big Hollywood block chain producer. Why did James Biden get a loan from Scott Green whom the Biden family sold a parcel of land on Water Island (just a short distance from Epstein Island) to, instead of going through a bank? Not much saving oceans. Very much laundering money Providing kids for the ‘network’ This goes so much deeper. Watch this video where Gislain invites the UN to support TerraMar. Listen to the video at 3.28 1/3 of fish harvested are used to feed livestock chicken tates like fish. Fish is code for Andrenochrome. Albert Fish was a child rapist and cannibal. The underseas charities are trafficking kartels run by the Elite. International waterways fall under no jurisdiction. Anyone can do anything under water. Terra-Mar=> Ghilsaine Maxwell Terra-Mar=> Clinton Foundation. Ghislaine Maxwell => Ted Waitt. Ted Waitt=> Waitt Foundation. Waitt Found.=> Clint. Found. Waitt Found=> Gates Found. Ted Waitt+ G.M.=> Water Island. Water Island => Biden Family. Bridges, Bridges everywhere. Dr. John Trump on Nikola Tesla – Interview (Donald Trump’s Uncle) – Taken from The Eye of the Storm Documentary: Tesla understood God’s complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy and relationship with God. The Cabal knew this and hid it…until this last generation it has now been revealed along with other knowledge that was buried in secret away from public view. CENSORED!

The Event: Arizona Audit, Durham Report Release followed by Project Odin
Durham Report and Arizona Election Audit: The Intel Everyone Has Been Waiting For: Papadopoulos Goes Scorched Earth Exposing the Deep State, Military Tribunals Are Weeks Away (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News ( The focus of the Durham investigation is the New World Order!!! And the Patriots are about to take the Globalists DOWN !!! Papa-D reveals that everything’s been timed to coincide with the Arizona Election Audit. He says that the Dominoes are in place, and we are about to witness one hell of a show. Expect to see Globalist Perp walks, charges for High Treason, Military Tribunals and ultimately Firing Squads.

On Sun. 23 May the Egyptian government would determine the fate of the Evergreen vessel that the Russian and US military had hijacked from the Suez Canal. The Chinese Communist Party had loaded the vessel with containers stacked six stories high. Evergreen and 29 surrounding vessels were found to be loaded with 1,356 dead and around 1,267 barely living children from their child sex trafficking and organ harvesting ring, barrels of Adrenochrome and aborted baby fetuses, Nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction, plus chemicals designed to caused climate change, along with increasing the number of CV-19 cases. The CCP planned to detonate the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Israel and Saudi Arabia to bring about the prophesized war between the Muslims and Christians. Judy Shelton will change the world monetary system to an “open, fair and market-based digital economy.”

Military News: The US Military is not forcing the soldiers to get the vaccine. It’s a choice. You’ll hear the military has been compromised but it is not true. White Hats are in control. Everything from this point is designed on purpose. Part of the wakeup show. The military is controlling the WH live feed. It’s a message.

George Papadapoulous: “John Durham was appointed two years ago. He has everything! He’s waiting for the right moment.”

Code 19: Quantum Finance A new system is emerging that, with the proper structuring, puts financial control back in the hands of the people.

Whiplash347 on magnetism, electricity and Med Beds: In 1910 John D Rockefeller & Andrew Carnagie became MAJOR investors of Big Oil & Big Pharma. They banned the medical field from acknowledging the existence of energy in the body & the use of electromagnetic healing because there’s no money cures & healthy people. Being founders of Big Oil, the Rockefellers pushed petroleum based drugs on the public for TREATMENT to keep them coming back. $$$

To help push the indoctrination forward, John D. Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to schools, colleges & hospitals & he founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board”. ANY schools & hospitals that did NOT adopt the BS fake science of the Rockefeller’s would NOT get funding & thus, would close down. John D Rockefeller & Andrew Carnagie founded Big Pharma that props up our current world.

Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Faraday, Maxwell, Heavyside & many others who built 100 percent of the CURRENT electric grid & our entire modern world, collectively agreed that magnetism, static electricity & electricity governs our world & universe. They tried to teach us this over 100 years ago. Their science was swept under the rug to be hidden from us by corrupt, evil people & Einstein, a man who literally invented NOTHING, was forced upon us by these very evil people to throw humanity off the trail of true metaphysics of the universe. We need to dig out the teachings of Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz & others to relearn absolutely EVERYTHING about energy’s true role in our own biology & the biology of our Earth & universe. Magnetism is NOT taught to us correctly & its origin is NOT in the metal on your refrigerator. It’s a neat ATTRIBUTE of magnetism, but it’s not its primary function. Think of healing using LIGHT. Light is NOT a particle. It’s an electro-magnetic coaxial circuit. Light IS an electrical phenomenon. SO ARE YOU!


On Sun. evening 23 May Disclosure and worldwide Mass Arrests officially began, while 2,149 National Guard troops left Washington DC to give way for a Military troop takeover of DC.

On Mon. 24 May: Multiple whistleblowers inside Facebook were set to come forward with leaked internal docs including Fauci, Gates and Obama’s collusion with the Chinese Communist Party, and their ownership of the Chinese Wuhan Lab and patents of CV-19 virus and vaccines. Chinese scientists have revealed, “This pandemic started in a lab paid by Fauci, BlackRock and Gates” in a treasonous attempt to take down democracies of the world and bring in the New World Order.

The Event Followed by Ten Days of Darkness: We should see the Internet & Media knocked down to bring in Odin online. The old systems must crash before you introduce new systems, so soon we would see a Bitcoin, Stock Market and global financial collapse, along with revelation of 2020 Election fraud that would nullify the election and bring down the Biden-Harris Administration, plus destruction of 24 Nuclear Reactors in order for GESARA to be activated.

Q Drop 282: When is the 10 Days Of Darkness? SHUTDOWN SHUTDOWN = SHUTDOWN. WATCH THE WATER. Eyes on Ripple & BTC. It all begins with FINANCE.

(Q)The Storm Rider: The Durham Report is coming. It had to be suppressed for a while for many events to happen first: MSM turning on FAUCI/Gates, MSM exposing Wuhan Audits, Az & others.

Gen. Flynn: COVID was a PLANNED conspiracy to divert attention and steal an election!

Judge Amero is going to start DECERTIFYING the election in Georgia if it is determined that there are ballots that were counted twice. Knowing the amount of fraud that occurred in Georgia, this is massive! It’s happening

Arrests: On Fri. 21 May the Alliance special operations made arrests in Israel of Deep State Freemason pedosatanist leaders who broke the ceasefire between Israel & Hamas-Gaza. Last weekend an ongoing mission was launched to take out Deep State rats that was provided cover by the “Operation Law and Order” mission involving 1000s of police officers arresting criminals.

The STORM begins with FINANCE/Money. The 24 Nuclear Reactors that must be removed under the 3GD for GESARA to be Activated.

Yes the Stock Market will CRASH. It will be PRECISION CYBER on certain CABAL Companies. I have shown you what Industries/resources we are moving away from. Executive Order 1221. How many times did POTUS tell you that the Stock Market will crash THE LIKES NEVER SEEN BEFORE under BIDAN. = CASTLE ROCK Chess Move.The Old Systems must crash before you introduce New Systems.

WAIT WAIT WAIT! (Thanks Sherry Nunya for sharing this!!) The National Guard Deployment ends today!! ON PENTECOST!!! (Pentecost/Shavuot is 2 days… completing on Monday 5/24.) And check out what happens at THE END OF THE OCCUPATION!! ARRESTS!!!!!!!!! HAPPY PENTECOST INDEED!!!!!!11.11.8 Disposition of Accused and Convicted Protected Persons Upon the Close of Occupation. Protected persons who have been accused of offenses or convicted by courts in occupied territory shall be handed over at the close of occupation, with the relevant records, to the authorities of the liberated territory.

Fasten your seatbelt, Mark Zuckerberg. TOMORROW: Multiple whistleblowers inside Facebook set to come forward with leaked internal docs.

NEW – James O’Keefe of Project Veritas says multiple whistleblowers inside Facebook set to come forward today with leaked internal documents.

Big Pharma Labs is owned by? The 2 Wuhan Labs are owned by? Really Simple. The Same People are behind Bitcoin. The Same People who are Big Pharma. The Same People who have the Wuhan Labs. The labs where Viruses are Man Made just like AIDS & many others. 

ISRAEL IS LAST. The Bolshevic/Khazarian/Zionist Rothschilds put Israel on the Map. Rothschilds arteficially inseminated the UK Royals. Future Proves Past. You must understand the past. The Reversal Of The Act of 1871 has major ramifications for PLANET EARTH. No more Crown, Commonwealth, Constitutions, Balfour Declaration, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc. The World As You Know it is leaving…

“The China Biological Laboratory in Wuhan is part of Glaxosmithkline, which (incidentally) belongs to Pfizer!” Someone who makes a viral vaccine that was (accidentally) released in a biological laboratory in Wuhan and (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci. who (by accident) advertises the vaccine!

“GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) run by the Black Rock finance department, which (by accident) runs the finances of the Open Foundation, which (accidentally) runs the French AXA!

Coincidentally, Soros owns the German company Winterthur, which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German alliance, which (by chance) has a shareholder Vanguard, who is (accidentally) a shareholder in Black Rock, which (accidentally) controls the central banks and manages about a third of the world’s investment capital.

Black Rock is also (coincidentally) the main shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (by the way) is a shareholder in Pfizer (who – remember? He sells the miracle vaccine) and (it happened) is now the first sponsor of WHO!

Now you understand how a dead bat sold on a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET! “” …. copy and fast forward …. FB will be removed soon.

War has been declared against the Priory of Satan after they refused to agree to a campaign to save the planet, White Dragon Society sources say. However, a decision has been made to decline the Gnostic Illuminati’s offer to hit Lake Geneva, Nato Headquarters, and Jerusalem with 4th generation hydrogen nuclear weapons that don’t cause long-term radioactive pollution. Instead, Special Forces will be making pinpoint attacks to eliminate key individuals and institutions involved in the ongoing fake pandemic and related war crimes.

MI6 sources say an underground base in Switzerland has already been attacked and taken out of commission. This attack led to an emergency meeting being held at the Vatican, according to P3 Freemason sources. The meeting was called by the Rockefeller Foundation and meeting attendance revealed exactly who they still control. The answer is the World Bank, the IMF, the African Union (but not individual African states), Argentina, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

Furthermore, the attack forced the Satanic World Economic Forum to cancel a special annual meeting it had planned for Singapore in August.

An emergency meeting held at the Vatican has also alerted the P3 to the fact that Pope Francis has been killed and replaced by an actor wearing a rubber mask who is openly calling for every single human being on earth to be killed with vaccinations.

Nobel Prize-winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier said last week “there is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” after seeing the ingredients of the Covid gene treatments being used. What is happening basically is that the Khazarian Mafia is trying to murder its hostage slave peoples rather than give up power.

More pandemic profiteers: COVID-19 vaccines have minted at least NINE new pharma billionaires – and their combined wealth is enough to buy shots for 780 MILLION people in low-income nations. Nine executives from Moderna, BioNTech, ROVI and CanSino Biologics have all become billionaires throughout the pandemic.


Our military Intel Contact confirmed that the release was to be sometime between now and Sat. 29 May and our new banking system would be officially ready to go on Tues. 1 June.

On Sun. evening 23 May Disclosure and worldwide Mass Arrests officially began, while 2,149 National Guard troops left Washington DC to give way for a Military troop takeover of DC.

On Mon. 24 May: Multiple whistleblowers inside Facebook began coming forward with leaked internal docs including that the state of Georgia was the first to decertify 2020 Election results, Fauci, Gates and Obama’s had colluded with the Chinese Communist Party, their ownership of the Chinese Wuhan Lab, plus the patents of CV-19 virus and vaccines. Chinese scientists have revealed, “This pandemic started in a lab paid by Fauci, BlackRock and Gates” in a treasonous attempt to take down democracies of the world and bring in a New World Order.

MSNBC is starting to REDPILL the masses. They are covering what’s happening in Georgia and they continue to cover the Maricopa audit. They even showed a poll that 70% of Republicans think President Trump won.

O’Keefe: ‘More to come’ after Project Veritas release docs revealing Facebook censoring ‘vaccine hesitancy.’ Investigative journalist James O’Keefe released documents and interviews that were provided to his Project Veritas organization.

(Q)The Storm Rider: What do you call Militaries positioning across the world with Artillery & Soldiers & nuclear Striking positioning capabilities in the middle of a pandemic &falling markets, coups.

Facebook Employees participating in the “Vaccine Hesitancy” algorithm will face criminal charges for Crimes Against Humanity. Any Facebook Employee who currently does not wish to serve out either a life sentence in prison OR execution by Military Tribunal needs to come clean before July 2021. Those who are brave and who speak out against the crimes being committed by Facebook will be protected through the court of public opinion.


Banks around the world were scrambling to be on the new Banking System by June 1, with Basel 3 implementation on June 28.

A. The Event, Ten Days of Darkness, Fall of the Cabal and Plan to Save the World:

Q: Worldwide Events would occur, including a Bitcoin, Stock Market and global financial collapse, revelation of 2020 Election fraud that would bring down the Biden-Harris Administration, destruction of 24 Nuclear Reactors in order for GESARA to be activated and the most disturbing, revelations on the rescue of millions of severely abused children (even more found deceased) from an international child trafficking ring run by the Vatican and political and global elites. After the worldwide Events we would see the Internet & Media knocked down to bring in Project Odin online: a takeover of Mass Media through the new Star-link Satellite System.

General Michael Flynn on Wed. 26 May: “The end of the game is approaching. Pain Incoming. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing. Where We Go One, We Go All.”

Military missions and arrests continued to wipe out Cabal infrastructure in DC, Brussels (NATO headquarters), Geneva Switzerland (Octogon Group Deep State global headquarters), & Israel (Jerusalem Freemason pedosatanist psychopaths).

Military tribunals were rendering justice to Cabal criminals & traitors behind the scenes.

On Mon. 24 May former CIA Director John Brennan was convicted of murder & treason in a Military Tribunal:

Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Sovereign Republic of Canada: “I can officially confirm that the special forces of US, Canada, Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea are presently in China liberating the Chinese people from the China Communist Party #CCP’s oppression and tyranny. Meanwhile, the Military operation of US and Allied Forces inside the Republic of Canada also continues!! Hold the line and the wine/beer. Shut off your TV. Go outside without Mask in groups, if possible. Live your lives. There was/is zero Coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Canada. DO NOT get vaccinated. Talk with your children and grandchildren about the dangers and lifelong irreversible damage from experimental vaccines including the possibility of dying from it. Parents stand up and protect your children from the experimental vaccines.”

On Sun. evening 23 May Disclosure and worldwide Mass Arrests officially began, while 2,149 National Guard troops left Washington DC to give way for a Military troop takeover of DC. The National Guard would be busy making political and global elite arrests in their own states.

(Q)The Storm Rider: EVERY NATION will be exposed after the Greatest Events thus far in the 21st century takes place. Always remember Q U S MIL. is a worldwide Sting Operation. 22 NATIONS To take down the CABAL. NEXT steps of the PLAN will be the HARDEST moments that ANONS & Patriots will go through. This is where all HOPE Lost. This EVENT was planned. It had to be this way. It’s all connected. [DS] getting ready to Trigger WORLD mass riots Against Police in major Nations & create the largest race WARS to take place among society _Near DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENTS gets closer.

US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy: Joe Biden, Bill Gates and the CCP are working together to put American farmers out of business. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and George Soros spent hundreds of millions of dollars rigging the Presidential Election for Joe Biden. Isn’t that treason?

Juan O Savin & Champ David Nino Rodriguez: The Shocking Arrest? Buckle Up! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News ( The moves that will occur in the months ahead will actually make life more dire. People will not see it coming. It will be a gut punch and very hard for people to grasp: the trafficking of children and human slavery. There are more slaves on the earth today than ever in human history. Early next year the movie “Sound of Freedom” will come out about child trafficking.

Durham + Audits = Arrests! Q+ Trump: Game Over! We Have It [All] Assets Seized [F]oreign & [D]omestic! | Alternative | Before It’s News ( The Durham Report is coming soon. George Papadopoulos predicts it will be released simultaneously with the results of the 2020 Election Audits. Find out who will be implicated. Which Deep State actors will be the first to face firing squads for Treason and Sedition against The United States of America! Trump will return soon. Not as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard! Welcome to The Great Awakening! Nothing Can Stop What is Coming! Nothing. Enjoy The Show!

Q&Trump: Now that it has been confirmed that COVID emerged out of the Wuhan Lab in China, the Chinese Military is not responding to our Secretary of Defense’s calls. Be prepared!!

Military Tribunals, 16 CIA Arrests, Dams Going Down…Boom! Boom! Boom! | Prophecy | Before It’s News ( Military Tribunals, 16 arrested, China Dams going down! Gina Haspell singing like canary! Pope snake building! Fake Biden goes unhinged, needs to go Bye-bye! Nanoparticles in the jab! Texas is Open 100%!!!! Stand up Americans! WWG1WGA!

Tesla healing technology for cures was patented 1934, BUT ONLY FOR THE 1%.
Special Forces Arrested John Podesta and Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton already at GITMO)

Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received a Vaccine: CDC


Canada APPARENTLY has a newly appointed Head of State and Commander-in-chief as of February, 2021: Canadian Business Leader/Founder & Head of Canada 1st Party Romana Digolu. Justin Trudeau is no longer the Prime Minister and has no authority to issue rules and regulations, quite similar to the fake U.S. President Biden. CANADA’S NEW APPOINTED HEAD OF STATE AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF – TRUDEAU IS OUT — CANADA FIRST PARTY’S ROMANA DIDOLU IS IN — APPOINTED BY THE EARTH ALLIANCE-FEBRUARY 2021 Videos – Canada 1st Party of Canada

Gene Decode: 5/23/2021:
The two Flag officers that were head of two divisions of the Military: Joint Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley, and the Head of the National Guard General Daniel R. Hokanson, that OPPOSED the action to place President Trump back into office, were arrested for High Treason and sent to GITMO, is what DELAYED the announcement of the “New U.S. Republic”. This probably delayed all other actions too. The Alliance had to know who was who, and then there could be NO OBSTRUCTIONS for the final take down of the Deep State government.

On Aug. 15 Trump will be re-inaugurated

Trump rumored to be inaugurated July 4 at Mount Rushmore

Patrick Burns says we will see results (of mass arrests) on Fri. May 28 and apologized for leading us on for so long.

On 9/11 Chief Justice John Roberts took 3 trillion and gave it to the Clintons and others, keeping a great deal for himself. He also was involved in trafficking children with Epstein.

They have arrested Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barnett. Her children were also involved with Epstein.

Gates has a island near Seattle with tunnels beneath it. It has not yet been cleaned out.

BREAKING Maria Zack, who exposed the fact that Italy played a major role in the rigged election, JUST announced on Stew Peters’ show that Russia Gate is directly tied to the election theft. She also confirmed that she DID report her findings to John Durham.

Canada: Romana Didulo, Head of State, Commander-in-Chief and Head of Government of the Sovereign Republic of Canada. Hello Patriots, This is a short answer to the question about my Role in the Republic as Head of State and Commander –in-Chief. Inside the Sovereign Republic of Canada, I make government decisions, I command the military, control our Treasury (a.k.a. – Central Bank for the Corporate Gov’t) as well as I represent the Republic Internationally. While we are cleaning up and replacing the court system from ADMIRALTY COURT to CONSTITUTIONAL COURT across the Republic – I am ultimately in charge of dispensing a divinely guided, NEUTRAL, fair, just, and balanced justice as the Head of State, Commander-in-Chief and Head of Government of the Republic of Canada. Canada’s Sovereign Republic Government has the real money (backed by gold, silver and other precious metals). The Corporation Government is bankrupt (their money is FIAT. Not worth the paper it is printed on).

Facebook Employees participating in the “Vaccine Hesitancy” algorithm will face criminal charges for Crimes Against Humanity. Any Facebook Employee who currently does not wish to serve out either a life sentence in prison OR execution by Military Tribunal needs to come clean before July 2021. Those who are brave and who speak out against the crimes being committed by Facebook will be protected through the court of public opinion as this bombshell report puts the comments of Majorie Taylor Greene well within her rights that “forced” Kevin McCarthy to expose himself as a Bejing controlled after striking a secret deal with Biden for more political power in exchange for cooperation. Sometimes, you need to keep your friends close and your enemies closer when in power to ensure that proper traps can be placed that they walk into. This will not end well for [them]. The people are awake. We are at the precipice now. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING.

Google (funded by CIA), Facebook, Anti-defamation League censoring CV-19 Vaccine truths and now face lawsuits.

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.

D. Med Beds: @MedbedsTechnology

Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.

The third leading cause of death is hospital stays and procedures, and many are unwarranted.

No doubt, this is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.

They will arrive in the very near future, although exact dates have not been released yet. Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are two primary forces behind the Med Beds and said that the time frame of our abilities to utilize these modern-day free energy-based “Fountain of Youth” healing devices could start with the rollout as early as late 2021. More dire estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on the environment of society.

So mind-bending are these medical advancements that can grow back missing limbs and organs within hours. Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body.

Med Beds are the destination of perfect health and wellness, and civilization as we know it is now within that journey.

When this earth-changing re-atomization process known as “Regenerative Technology” is released to the public, it will reduce health care costs to nearly nothing at about 20%.

This revolutionary technology is said to have been in existence for at least 80 years. Once classified, the covert technology will be released to the public via the military. It is said to have been utilized within the “Secret Space Program.”

There is speculation of how much control the public investors will hold as there have to be measurements put in place to safeguard manipulation and greed. Remember, we’ve all experienced bouts with the weaponization of all things good and bad; deep state operatives exist in all industries.

The military-industrial complex once controlled and operated these patents, and many others, dangling them in front of us through their deep-state owned Sci-Fi and Hollywood movie productions.

These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular, DNA, reconstruction, and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla energy coils, new anti-gravity, and replicator devices, correcting all human bodies’ imperfections.

There are said to be three different types of Holographic Med Beds, each one performing a specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision, returning our physical bodies into the most optimal shape without having our organs removed, use of radiation and chemotherapy or being sliced and diced.

This also means that our bodies will be free of the dysfunction of disease and scars, we won’t need to be rehabilitated as our organs, bones, and all systems within our bodies will be fully repaired. It sounds too good to be true, but this is the quantum leap into the new Aquarian age of healing, and before long, every country around the world will be ready to receive its supply of Holographic Medical Beds.

CV-19 Lawsuit: Nuremberg Trial 2.0 was in preparation, with a class action lawsuit supported by thousands of lawyers and medical professionals worldwide. The lawsuit was led by the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.


Watch the Water: “Bitcoin mining was connected to China earthquakes that followed the centuries-old child trafficking Silk Road along the water that ran east to west leading to the Three Gorges Dam, next to Wuhan, the epicenter…China banning BTC & BTC contracts expiring May 29 would lead to a Bitcoin and Market crash, causing a storm as we switched from SWIFT to the Quantum Financial System with it’s rippling waves that flowed gold into the new financial market. Timing was everything.”…Whiplash347 Fri. 28 May.

The Sovereign International Court of Justice (SICJ) and the Sovereign International Criminal Court (SICC here as, are about the re-ratifying, re-vamping and re-establishing the original courts’ houses, as it were in 1811 AD, before its demise began in 1877. Under our new Services Charters for the intra-courts system (icjglobal, icj-icc, icj-cij and ipcc-icc) and interlinked networked Supreme Court and High Courts Tribunals, we are set to correct, restore and bring balance to all banking systems private and public, including on-ledger and off-ledger journals, through the processes of accounting, auditing and redemption within our settlor’s offices:

Utsava mentions QFS/Gold/Precious Metal Standard at the 40min mark. The Crash to 0 of Bitcoin & Others.Then mentions XRP, XLM & others will survive and be Asset Backed Gold, Silver & other Precious Metals. Utsava’s Updates: Biden, EBS, Fauci, Trump come back and more!

Watch the Water. Multiple scenarios are aligning:

1) Bitcoin mining is connected to the earthquakes in China that seem to follow the Silk Road. Silk Road is the centuries old child trafficking road along the Chinese water entering Europe via Kazachstan. East to west leads to the Three Gorges Dam next to Wuhan the epicenter. Eyes on R3 CHONGQING marker: when this dam goes the water will overflow leading up to 3GD.

2) China banning BTC & BTC contracts expiring May 29. Market crash? When BTC crashes again…..crash causes storm.

3) SEC case connected to the XRP – Ripple can cause waves can cause flow of Gold into the new financial market when we switch from SWIFT to QFS. Timing is everything. Attorney pulling out is creating more time. Eyes on all 3.

International Common Law Court of Justice: About the new ICJ-ICC International Court of Justice: Under our new Services Charters for the icjglobal, icj-icc, icj-cij and ipcc-icc are and interlinked network under or intra-courts system.

Whiplash347: I was just sent this by a friend who is a former gov council member in the U.K. He was sent this by someone who is apparently pretty high up in the QFS team:

I’m pleased to advise that the new financial system was put into place this Wed. 26 May 2021. The new system is totally asset backed, as the claims are settled on the assets in the Sovereign Courts. The asset is then monetized to create the off-ledger funds. It is the Allodial titles, Gold, Silver etc and sub-soil mineral rights stored in Common Law Pure Trust.

The assets are used to back Global Certificates. The Common Law Pure Trust is issued these Global Certificates. The Global Certificates are pledged at the New Global Settlement Bank to create off-ledger funds. You require a Common Law Pure Trust to operate in the off-ledger system, so you also need to be a Sovereign Individual not a Citizen, you can still use your Straw Man CitizenSHIP as a vessel to open on-balance sheet bank accounts and corporations, so you can operate in the Common Law (UCC) side and also in the government regulated side.

There is a now a window to bring in loads of off-ledger funds which are 100% gold/asset backed to replace the existing fiat currency deposits. This process started on Wednesday. I’ve been told that there is in excess of 4m tons of gold hidden the backside system via common law pure trust. So this won’t affect the gold price or the existing banks as such. Basically banking has become legalised fraud, so all banks are insolvent all of the time if you try to use logic. It’s a CONfidence trick. Banking regulation is like legislation, it’s total bullshit. You either have the gold/asset or you do not. This is why the Cabal used to control the US & NATO. War is organized theft and it’s the gold or loan agreements that are being fought over. Invade a country to steal the gold or steal the loan agreements, so you don’t have to pay back the gold, ie destroy the evidence you borrowed the gold.

U S MILITARY in over 30 Nations doing Exercises &ops training. 1-167 U S. Army Infantry Battalion division in Greece. Tank exercises & ground combat training. Largest U S training in the region. Intensify!! Lots of Military Movements through EU. Under “training.” Reports much U.S. Artillery & munitions stationed through Slovakia & Czech for later use. U.S Lead training of Op/Excer. Saber Strike. Truth Military doesn’t give real details on Ops . Just cover stories. 9 armed Convoys of U S MILITARY vehicles and soldiers moving through EU into Czech republic today. “reaction to development of security” M. Stropnicky NATO Op. Back Swan/Saber Strike MiL. Joint exers. Ground reports: More Convoys than reported. Next week into Austria, Balkans.


Some highlights from our coverage of the freedom rallies in London on the 15th May and 29th May 2021.
The attendance numbers are now incredible, and they will only keep increasing. The UK will not stay silent any longer.
The power in the people is stronger than the people in power.
Freedom. Worldwide. We accept nothing less.
Kurt's comment:

We The People News: SIMON PARKES UPDATE & Med Bed Info here

Simon Parkes: 29th May Update Current News here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 5/29/21 here




We The People News: SITUATION REPORT & Charlie Ward here


Q The Storm Rider, Telegram, 28.5.21:
I'm always going to keep it straight with All of you. What I say isn't for everyone. it's best to know all info good & bad ,& to be prepared. It's going to get alot harder before the Military goes public. Stay strong.
Hardest summer of the 21st century is taking place...
With that said.. don't live in fear
Be sure to exercise.. Eat healthy .. Keep growing your spiritual light... Meditate always.. Smile. Laugh through the day... And let events happen that were planned long ago by very smart people who are working to set all countries free from the great DARKNESS that had ruled for hundreds of years..
Be happy your on the right side of history and part of THE GREAT AWAKENING




Utsava mentions QFS/Gold/Precious Metal Standard at the 40min mark. The Crash to 0 of Bitcoin & Others.Then mentions XRP, XLM & others will survive and be Asset Backed Gold, Silver & other Precious Metals. Utsava’s Updates: Biden, EBS, Fauci, Trump come back and more!


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/27/21 here
Kurt's notes:
Canada First.
Best information about the current situation in Canada: Telegram: Romana Didulo
Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Sovereign Republic of Canada: “I can officially confirm that the special forces of US, Canada, Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea are presently in China liberating the Chinese people from the China Communist Party #CCP’s oppression and tyranny. Meanwhile, the Military operation of US and Allied Forces inside the Republic of Canada also continues!! Hold the line and the wine/beer. Shut off your TV. Go outside without Mask in groups, if possible. Live your lives. There was/is zero Coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Canada. DO NOT get vaccinated. Talk with your children and grandchildren about the dangers and lifelong irreversible damage from experimental vaccines including the possibility of dying from it. Parents stand up and protect your children from the experimental vaccines.”

The Frog News Channel, 25.5.21: Breaking News Intel 10:40 pm est here



We The People News: SITUATION REPORT #2 5/26/21 here


Quantum Financial System (QFS) And Global Currency Reset (GCR) NESARA GESARA Act St-Germain Trust here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/26/21 here


Luc Montagnier French Virologist & 2008 Nobel Laureate
Recent Interview is conducted in French with subtitles.
Quote in thread title found at 30 second mark on written transcript shown as still image.
"there is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies"
This well known scientists also says that variants of Covid 19 are being created inside the bodies of those that have been vaccinated.
If his declaration is proven to be true, the push to give shots to millions of people would create the largest amount of deaths from this kind of government "health plan" in world history. Only time will tell. 

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT #2 5/25/21 here

David Nino Rodriguez: Winning here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/25/21 here
Kurt's notes:
The Mark of the Beast is here - nano particle chips in the vaccinated people in combination with 5G.
Red Cross - vaccinated people cannot donate blood!
Facebook Whistleblower - vaccines related censorship!









Lynette Zang: The ENDGAME Has Begun: Prepare For HYPERINFLATION DEPRESSION | Gold & Silver here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/23/21 here


David Nino Rodriguez: The Revival here


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/22/21 here

X22 Report: Bix Weir - The [CB] Great Reset Has Failed, Good Guys Provided An Alternative Currency here
Kurt's notes:
Neither the Deep State Great Reset nor NESARA/GESARA/QFS, but a decentralized system without deciders is the future of the financial world. Crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Gold and especially Silver - these are the safe havens.




Black eyed Children here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT #1 5/21/21 here

Famous Polish Film Producer Creates Documentary Exposing the Sale of Babies for Sex and Organ Harvesting – If You can Handle it here




We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/20/21 here

We The People News: Scott McKay & Michael Jaco: WE ARE IN THE FINAL STAGE here



We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #2 5/19/21 here

We The People News: Situation Report 5/19/21 here

Kurt's comment:
The central Austria related sentence in this report = "Switzerland, Hungary, Austria & Germany will collapse". Is the indictment of Kurz preparation for what is soon to come?


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT #2. 5/18/21 here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/18/21 here


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 5/17/21 here

David Nino Rodriguez: Elon Musk Wolf In Sheeps Clothing here


Nick Fleming RV/GCR Intel Update May 17, 2021 here
Kurt's notes:
Answering the claim of Juan O Savin that the RV, Zim and Dinar exchange and redemption were only a Deep State Scam; Savin does not know everything, because as a participant in a military operation you know only the part you have to know and only very few know all parts.




Kurt's notes:
Savin warns about the Exchange/ Redemption Deep State Scam (Zim, Dinar etc.)!


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/15/21 Global Tension Rising! here

Restored Republic: The New World Order Plans here



We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 5/14/21 here


Nick Fleming Late Night RVGCR Intel Update 5-14-21 here

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 14, 2021 here



Restored Republic: Fleming Wednesday RV Report 5-13-2021 here


Restored Republic: Fleming Wednesday RV Report 5-12-2021 here

Freemason Exposes Satanic Secrets Of International Cult x2 here
Kurt's notes:
Freemasonry is hidden Satanism, an international luciferian religion.
Outside humanitarian members and inside secret circle of satanists, the higher degrees of freemasonery.
The secret signs of freemasonery = handsign of 666, one eye sign, handshake grip, hidden hand.
Also Trump and Putin use the handshake grip, but hopefully have abandoned this hidden religion and are fighting for the good side.


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/12/21 here

Restored Republic: Gold Is Right? here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT #2 5/11/21 here

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 12, 2021. here
Kurt's notes: The most important video - prepare yourself for the new time ... !!!


Hidden Beneath The Ice of Antarctica... Lost Civilization of the Pre-Adamites here

Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth | Truth or Lore here

Jeffrey Prather: Mike Adams Up! here

Kelly Rivers: Simon Parkes 5/11/21 8AM PST here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/11/21 here

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 11, 2021. here



Alien Reptilian Legacy | Reptilians Living On Earth Documentary here

Santa Surfing: 5/10/2021 – "We have everything"! DeSantis is suing CDC! Pool Post! here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 5/10/21 here

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 10, 2021. here


We The People News: Situation Report #2. 5/9/21 here

Simon Parkes: 9th May Update Current News here and here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/9/21 here

Utsava Intel - We are watching a movie right now here

Restored Republic: Nick Fleming RV/GCR Intel Update May 9, 2021 here

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 9, 2021. here


The Eve of Mothers Day Round Table as we discuss Cutting edge topics near to every mothers heart. here

J. Bravo: Gold New Highs! Dollar Collapsing! Inflation Alert here

Q, The Storm Rider/Offical Page, Telegram, 8.5.21: NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT:
Sometimes you cannot tell people the Truth. You must show them.
After the events of 2021 is done... It will go down in World History.... As time the World was almost completely lost... And at the last moment the grace of  the Divine reached in and saved humanity.
These events must happen.. So People across the world can ensure this never happens again where a World global Satanic Elite ensnared almost every country with it's grasp.. Mind control.. Health CONTROL.. Money control. Fesr CONTROL..
By the end of 2021 ... Millions will have died from the Globalist Elite war on humanity.. Covid-19 (bio weapon attack) (sprayed chemtrails that mimic the Covid systems.. Breathing distinctions ... SARS released in 2020) suicides, domestic killings both connected to lockdowns, Covid fears, lost of life hood..// vaccines deaths.. the shedding of vaccinated people who create protein spike and effect normal non vaccinated people... This is only the beginning 2022 is the real death count of the vaccinated_ 18 month growing illness.... This subject is Huge ... people are already killing each other in other countries connected to the Plandemic... To out fall...
The last moments The Divine hand of the Creator will intervene where people actually see the Grace..
There are good people across the world fighting to save the WORLD. 
The great DARKNESS...
Get your Spiritual armor on my friends

David Nino Rodriguez: MSM Redpills here
Kurt's notes:
The People are taking back their country! Maricopa County, Arizona, election audit - chain reaction, other states will follow. Overturn of the election, people demand change, government, congress and Supreme Court will not respect the will of the people, then the military has to come in.

Not Stacking Gold or Silver?? It's Too Late! The End is Near! here

Pimpy's Investment Chat: Gold and Silver perfect storm you might have just over a month to add to your stacks here


Q, The Storm Rider /Official Page, Telegram, 7.5.21:
I love you all.. With a Strong Spirit.. Waking mind.. THE GREAT AWAKENING is far beyond your expectations and thoughts.. It will connect every_CENTRIFUGE_ of life.. From God to Buddha to Jesus many cultures and deities and many Masters you have never heard of. The deeper we go the more unreal everything will become!  Many of us will be there..... To Guild.. Hold the Light into TRUTH, into Wisdom ...The Great Awakening has just begun.. The truth is being Revealed..... RIDE THE STORM!
Faith. Love, Compassion. Honesty
Where We Go 1 We Go All

Anitdote To The Contagion: Must Read! Must Do! Everyone!--Here’s An Effective Way To Guard Against The Spike Protein Contagion Caused By The Covid Vaccinated! here
This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil. 
It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this “pandemic”, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions.
Yet anyone can now take advantage of this solution by tapping its root origin, pine needle tea, an antidote that is freely available today in evergreen forests and in many people’s backyards.
In order to grasp the seriousness of the situation we are in, and to understand why, we need to look back in history to the times in which this very day had been forecast, obviously planned for, and now created.  
Here is one clear example: 
Jacques Attali was an advisor to François Mitterrand (former President of France) and wrote this in 1981:  
“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old man, because once he is over 60-65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly.  
Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid.  
Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases.  
Of course, we will not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.  
New Breakthrough Formula Helps To Restore Your Vision Naturally - Must See
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate.  
We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!  
We will find something or cause it; a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the elderly, it does not matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb.  
The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.  
The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone. “  This fragment is excerpted from his book “Brief History of the Future”, published in France in 2006.”  
Understand that we are smart enough to find our own solutions, and apply them. Those willing to take proactive protective measures, maintain their health, and become more self-reliant will rise from this period of change and transformation successfully.   
We will be the ones to structure the world to come with a new focus on the common good of all life everywhere. The old mindset expressed by that limited soul above will not be tolerated. That mindset, and those that harbor it, will vanish like the darkness before the approaching dawn.   
It is true that many will go with the passing night, yet those that remain will then shine all the brighter.  
Do your part. Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction.

Kurt's notes:
Before 2012 there were two major timelines: the ascension of mankind or the almost complete extinction of mankind. The Cabal elites were preparing for their prefered worst case scenario by bulding underground facilities for themselves and managing the disaster for mankind. Project Looking Glass has shown, that all possible timelines had converged and since 2012 there is only one unchangeable timeline, which leads to the revelation of the truth and therefore to the end of the Cabal. The Deep State, very terrified by this fact, wants to prevent it by all means, but it will be in vain. Both chess players know who will be the loser. The loser can only delay the checkmate. The good guys have already won, because they know exactly what has to be done to win the game, and are forcing the bad guys to make their moves.
Maybe God offers us two timelines, according to our personal choice: one for the ascension and one for the disaster.
The satanic elites know about the universal laws and that they must ask us for permission to enslave us by showing us their plans and agenda for example in the Hollywood movies.
Fight between the luciferian secret societies Majestic against Illuminati; there are good and bad people inside the Freemasons and Illuminati; it is a complex, complicated and weired situation.

Bombshell Salk Institute science paper reveals the covid spike protein is the bioweapon here
Salk Institute science paper reveals the covid spike protein is what’s causing deadly blood clots… and it’s in all the covid vaccines (by design).
The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what's actually causing vascular damage in covid patients and covid vaccine recipients, promoting the strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions that have already killed thousands of Americans.
The vaccines deliberately inject you with the spike protein, and in the case of mRNA vaccines, they turn your body into a weaponized spike protein factory that churns out these deadly particles and floods them into your bloodstream.
The Salk Institute basically just admitted that covid vaccines are depopulation weapons.


We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/7/21 here




We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #2 May 6, 2021 here

We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/6/21 here


Doug Billings, The Right Side: Breaking News from Maria Zack and General Tom McInerny here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE #2 5/5/21 here

We The People News: Situation update 5/5/21 here


David Zublick: Dark Outpost 05-04-2021 The Real Reason Behind the Abandoned White House here
Kurt's notes:
Deep State in Cooperation with demonic aliens will present us in this year the so called "disclosure", according to which good aliens are fighting against bad aliens on the Earth and the corona vaccine is to transform our DNA in an alien like one, in order to be able to live together with aliens on Earth. But the hidden agenda behind all this is depopulation and the enslavement of the rest of mankind.

Nicholas Veniamin & Michael Jaco Situation Update here


M Seeker of Truth interviews Jordan Sather here
M Seeker of Truth: "Jordan Sather questioned the secondary MSM circuit of 'truthers' like myself, for grifting and pushing misinformation. He has been attacked by notable names in the movement since, much like myself. His reason for doing this, is because he believes they are damaging the movement and people's mental health."
Kurt's notes: according to M Seeker of Truth and Jordan Sather, there are no QFS, no NESARA/GESARA, no MedBeds.



We The People News: SITUATION REPORT 5/3/21 here



We The People News: Situation Update 5/2/21 here



We The People News: Situation Update May 1, 2021 here


Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: As Biden Pushes Founders' America to the Brink, Americans Must 'Revisit the Original Plan' here

Bo Polny: The Next 60-Days that Change Our World Forever! NEW ERA 2021 here and here
Kurt's notes:
Bo Polny's forecast -
the season of transition = Spring, March 21 until June 20, 2021;
the season of truths revealed = Summer, June 21 until September 22, 2021.
An unexplainable Red Sea moment is coming ...

We The People News: NAZIS, ILLUMINATI, REPTILIANS & the plan to take over the WORLD!
This video reveals the Nazis connections to Antarctica, Reptilians, technology and Project Paperclip and how they & Illuminati infiltrated the USA.
Kurt's notes:
Operation Paperclip - the Nazis didn't lose the war, they moved to America; joint infiltration of the US government by Illuminati communists and Nazis (CIA, FBI, NASA, CDC).
Operation Highjump - secret subterranean aryan civilization in Antarctica.
Vril Society - in contact with evil alien races.
Illuminati = reptilian human hybrids.
Exchange treaty between the Illuminati and Nazis and the demonic possessed Reptilian Aliens - technology for human fear and blood.
Eugenic Program, Project MK-Ultra, Satanic Ritual Abuse System etc..
The common enemy of mankind are the Illuminati, the Nazis and the Demon Controlled Reptilian Alien Races.

American Events: Live Stream : DONALD TRUMP here

13.4.2021, Statement by Donald Trump about the vaccines: here
The Biden Administration did a terrible disservice to people throughout the world by allowing the FDA and CDC to call a “pause” in the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.  The results of this vaccine have been extraordinary, but now it’s reputation will be permanently challenged.  The people who have already taken the vaccine will be up in arms, and perhaps all of this was done for politics or perhaps it’s the FDA’s love for Pfizer. The FDA, especially with long time bureaucrats within, has to be controlled.  They should not be able to do such damage for possibly political reasons, or maybe because their friends at Pfizer have suggested it.  They’ll do things like this to make themselves look important.  Remember, it was the FDA working with Pfizer, who announced the vaccine approval two days after the 2020 Presidential Election.  They didn’t like me very much because I pushed them extremely hard.  But if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have a vaccine for 3-5 years, or maybe not at all.  It takes them years to act!  Do your testing, clean up the record, and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly.  The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!


We The People News: Situation Update 4/30/21 here

The Future Is Here: Second Wave of Covid Creates Mass Cremations In India here

Kurt's Blog Update / Summary and Analysis of World Events, 23.4.-29.4.2021:

According to Judy Byington - The final crushing of the Deep State during a fake hot World War III:
The Event: World War III Alert Begins 1 May Day 2021
The stage is set. May Day is an international term for aviators and Mariners for a time of distress. Will the first domino fall? Will they all be connected? Step back and realize the magnitude of what is happening. Prepare. Now.…US VP John F. Kennedy Jr.
We know everything. We have it all. Every phone call, text, email, photo sent, every video, everything encrypted. We know what’s behind the walls, inside the walls, where all the bodies are buried. We have the codes to quintillions of bank accounts and crypto. We robbed the Vatican, the Queen, World Banks. We have the gold Canada sold, HRC hid, Rothchild’s hidden gold in the China Triangle. We have it all. Don’t fear the events coming. It had to be this way.
Military joint ops. The war coming is staged for many reasons and will set off Military Law of War and Codes in major countries. Marshal Law. Arrest the Deep State Cabal disciples. Done in 30 countries. The rest will follow suit.
Cyber Attack and a fake Nuclear Scare Event would publicly announce World War III.
The Quantum Satellite Internet (Star link – Project Odin Odin (,) would wipe out Cabal (Mossad, UK Royals, CIA, Five Eyes) Mass Media Satellites Operation Mockingbird.
Sat. 1 May: Mayday, Ten Days of Darkness would begin a global shutdown of media and GESARA/ NESARA Debt Relief (40 days after the CCP Cargo Ship Evergiven was captured 23 March)
Mon. 3 May: US Military on High Alert.
Tues. 4 May: New US-Republic to begin.
Thurs. 6 May: Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Star-link Start public announcement, Martial Law worldwide and Global Currency Reset (GCR).
Fri. 7 May: JFK Jr. and Caroline Besset-Kennedy would be confirmed as US VP and 2nd Lady.
Thurs. 20 May: End of Trump’s Executive Order#13848 National Emergency Act.
Sun. 1 Aug: Declassification of EVERYTHING completed.
Sun. 8 Aug: GESARA Block-chain Election. Governments reduced to 10%. Trump formerly recognized as US President.
During this time:
– Mass arrests worldwide of Deep-State and Globalist happening during this time.
– Biden would be taken out, with Trump and NESARA Activated.
– Military intelligence only.
– Uncensored news, Military Tribunals broadcast and three eight hour public broadcast 24/7.
– Stock and Crypto Market crash (Hidden during 10 days darkness to not create panic)
– Electricity Outages.
– Internet Outages.
– 34+ Cabals building destroyed.
– The world switch over to new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Gold Backed currency.
– Redemption Centers to provide funds for everyone to scale up the economy.
– Free #800 phone numbers for everyone.
– Crypto, XRP, GOLD, XLM, SILVER, EXPLOSION because of new QFS activated.

Health Impact News - 5 renowned U.S. physicians sound the alarm - Covid vaccine is a bioweapon with transmission also from vaccinated to unvaccinated persons:
Health Impact News: "Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully "vaccinated" people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact News would address these issues.
Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues.
The issues they discuss affect ALL of us in the U.S. (and around the world) right now, and it is imperative that you take 79 minutes of your time to watch this video (here).
Not only do these highly qualified doctors discuss why they think this is happening, they also give practical advice at the end about what we can be doing right now to protect ourselves and stop this attack on the human race by the Globalists seeking to reduce the world's population."

According to Gene Decode - Nazis, Bloodlines, WW2 and NWO:
During World War II, the Nazis, who believed themselves to be the chosen descendants of the Aryans, fought against the ancient 13 Phoenician bloodlines. Only in 1990, at the end of the Cold War, an agreement was reached between the Nazis and the bloodlines to jointly establish the New World Order (NWO).

Split within the English speaking truth movement:
Cirsten W attacks Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele, Juan O Savin, Ann Vandersteel and Mel K; claiming to have created Mel K and Charlie's Angels and not caring about the number of followers like others who bring Ward, Parkes and O Savin on their show to increase the number of followers. According to Cirsten W, Ward is a gentleman and a nice person, but he doesn't always tell the truth. She defends Gene Decode, Scott McKay, David Rodriguez and Michael Jaco. Ward has filed a lawsuit against M Seeker of Truth for defamation. M Seeker of Truth claims to be fighting against misleading people, giving them false hope and profiting from it. Cirsten W: "You can't be a truther if you give misinformation and your predictions turn out to be wrong."

According to Charlie Ward - The Origin of Q:
Q had already been founded 1862 by Abraham Lincoln to fight the Deep State and later reactivated by John F. Kennedy. 4 friends of Lincoln and 4 militaries have built the first Q team.

According to Simon Parkes - The important role of the Flynn-Brothers:
In the coming weeks the two Flynn-brothers will play an important historical role for the USA - Charles Flynn a military role, Michael Flynn an international role.

According to "We The People News":
White Hats planned events and global war scenario in order to mobilize the militaries worldwide and to finally destroy the deep state.
Free Tesla Energy; new Quantum Internet.


David Zublick, DARK OUTPOST 04-29-2021 OBAMA RAN WHITE HOUSE PEDO RING here and here

The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Cabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolasand his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and leaders, especially the Freemasons, which has infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.
The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn, Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Chairman Joint Chief Mark Milley, Vice Chief John Hyten, Gen. James McConville, Adm. Michael Gilday, Gen. C.Q. Brown, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr, who is Q. President Trump was believed to be Q+), the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.


The Event: World War III Alert Begins 1 May Day 2021
The stage is set. May Day is an international term for aviators and Mariners for a time of distress. Will the first domino fall? Will they all be connected? Step back and realize the magnitude of what is happening. Prepare. Now.…US VP John F. Kennedy Jr.
We know everything. We have it all. Every phone call, text, email, photo sent, every video, everything encrypted. We know what’s behind the walls, inside the walls, where all the bodies are buried. We have the codes to quintillions of bank accounts and crypto. We robbed the Vatican, the Queen, World Banks. We have the gold Canada sold, HRC hid, Rothchild’s hidden gold in the China Triangle. We have it all. Don’t fear the events coming. It had to be this way.
Military joint ops. The war coming is staged for many reasons and will set off Military Law of War and Codes in major countries. Marshal Law. Arrest the Deep State Cabal disciples. Done in 30 countries. The rest will follow suit.
Cyber Attack and a fake Nuclear Scare Event would publicly announce World War III.
The Quantum Satellite Internet (Star link – Project Odin Odin (,) would wipe out Cabal (Mossad, UK Royals, CIA, Five Eyes) Mass Media Satellites Operation Mockingbird.
Sat. 1 May: Mayday, Ten Days of Darkness would begin a global shutdown of media and GESARA/ NESARA Debt Relief (40 days after the CCP Cargo Ship Evergiven was captured 23 March)
Mon. 3 May: US Military on High Alert.
Tues. 4 May: New US-Republic to begin.
Thurs. 6 May: Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Star-link Start public announcement, Martial Law worldwide and Global Currency Reset (GCR).
Fri. 7 May: JFK Jr. and Caroline Besset-Kennedy would be confirmed as US VP and 2nd Lady.
Thurs. 20 May: End of Trump’s Executive Order#13848 National Emergency Act.
Sun. 1 Aug: Declassification of EVERYTHING completed.
Sun. 8 Aug: GESARA Block-chain Election. Governments reduced to 10%. Trump formerly recognized as US President.
During this time:
– Mass arrests worldwide of Deep-State and Globalist happening during this time.
– Biden would be taken out, with Trump and NESARA Activated.
– Military intelligence only.
– Uncensored news, Military Tribunals broadcast and three eight hour public broadcast 24/7.
– Stock and Crypto Market crash (Hidden during 10 days darkness to not create panic)
– Electricity Outages.
– Internet Outages.
– 34+ Cabals building destroyed.
– The world switch over to new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Gold Backed currency.
– Redemption Centers to provide funds for everyone to scale up the economy.
– Free #800 phone numbers for everyone.
– Crypto, XRP, GOLD, XLM, SILVER, EXPLOSION because of new QFS activated.

We The People News: Situation update 4/28/21 here
Operation Wakeup: you can't tell people, you must show them; decades of brainwashing is slowly being unwound; it's coming out drip by drip so that people don't get crazy; the battle is won already.


French generals who called for military rule if President Macron cannot stop 'Islamists' from 'disintegrating society' will be punished, government declares here

We The People News: Simon Parkes on Right Side Radio & Q The Storm Rider here
According to Parkes, in the coming weeks the two Flynn-brothers will play an important historical role for the USA - Charles Flynn a military role, Michael Flynn an international role.

We The People News: Taiwan, Ukraine, Russian Military, Israel here
White Hats planned events and global war scenario in order to mobilize the militaries worldwide and to destroy the deep state.


Alert The "Vaccine" Is a Bioweapon - 5 Doctors Testify here
Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully "vaccinated" people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact News would address these issues.
Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues.
The issues they discuss affect ALL of us in the U.S. (and around the world) right now, and it is imperative that you take 79 minutes of your time to watch this video.
Not only do these highly qualified doctors discuss why they think this is happening, they also give practical advice at the end about what we can be doing right now to protect ourselves and stop this attack on the human race by the Globalists seeking to reduce the world's population.

Real Raw News: Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO here

Trump to return by August 2021.

We The People News: Situation Update 4/26/21 here
Free Tesla Energy; new Quantum Internet.

Covid-19 Bio-Weapon Being Transmitted By Vaxxed People To Non-Vaxxed here and here




We The People News: Situation Update 4/25/21 #2 here


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 25, 2021. here


Bo Polny Interview: Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land To All Its Inhabitants! here
Kurt's notes:
According to Polny, in the next days and weeks will happen something inexplicable with the only explication that God exists.
Gold and Silver are God's money.

We The People NEWS: Situation Update 4/24/21 AZ Audit death threats, Forced Jabs here

We The People News: SECRET D.U.M.Bs & TUNNELS here


“Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ – THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!” – BREAKING: President Trump Releases Statement on Forensic Audit in Maricopa, County Arizona here

30.7.2020: $15000 Gold Price. They Are Serious. - Jim Rickard & Peter Schiff | Gold Price Forecast here

Mike Adams, HRR: Lin Wood interviewed by Mike Adams on America's path to VICTORY against tyrants here

Mike Adams, HRR: They told me 'Q is real!' here

Trump and Marines Rescue of Millions of Tortured Children here
Marines, Seals Head Rescue of Millions of Tortured Children, While Trump Implodes Fiat Dollar for a Global Currency Reset.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Extra Special Report as of April 23, 2021 here


M Seeker of Truth, 7.2.21: 30 Reasons Why I Don't Trust Charlie Ward here

M Seeker of Truth, 26.3.21: Child Trafficking Victim Remembers Charlie Ward from the Private Jets here

M Seeker of Truth interviews Cirsten W here
Kurt's notes:
Cirsten W attacks Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele, Juan O Savin, Vandersteel and Mel K; she claims to have created Mel K and Charlie's Angels and not to care about the number of  followers like others, who get Ward, Parkes and O Savin on their show in order to increase the number of followers. According to her, Ward is a gentleman and a nice person, but he does not always say the truth. She defends Gene Decode, Scott McKay, David Rodriguez and Michael Jaco. Ward has made a lawsuit against M Seeker of Truth because of defamation. M Seeker of Truth claims to fight against misleading the people, giving them hopium and making profit out of it. Cirsten W: "You can not be a truther if you give misinformation and your predictions turn out to be wrong."

Kurt's Blog Update / Summary and Analysis of World Events, 10.4.-22.4.2021:

The collective near-death experience:
Worldwide, humanity is approaching the collective near-death experience announced by Juan O Savin. The general development is heading towards the abyss and we feel more and more that everything is on the knife's edge.
The "event" - a nuclear threat? Ukraine? Taiwan? Syria? Israel? Race war in the United States? Fake alien invasion? - seems to be imminent. A Fake Alien Invasion is unlikely, however, because the Deep State can no longer use the Pentagon, which is under the control of the White Hats, for this purpose. Much more likely is the instigation of a race war in the USA by BLM and Antifa, after which the UN troops in the service of the Deep State are to be called into the country as "saviors" so that the New World Order can be established.
Example Germany: the tightening of the new Infection Protection Act or "Enabling Law" and the usual harassment of demonstrators by police forces now provide the allies with the pretext to intervene at the latest when the police use open violence against demonstrators.
The patriotic Military Alliance and the peoples stand ready to heckle the deep state, as Traugott Ickeroth so aptly put it, and destroy it in this way - the White Hats from above, the peoples from below. According to Charlie Ward, the Alliance has everything under control and will only allow the pantomime to happen so that as many people as possible will awaken to the truth as quickly as possible with as little collateral damage as possible.

According to Gene Decode et al - The Red Sea Moment in the Suez Canal:
The container ship Ever Given was carrying weapons of mass destruction to start a Third World War in the Near East. The Dutch Orange family, which plays a leading role within the cabal, is involved in this plot.

Turkish television reports the truth about secret operation Evergreen:
A satanic plan of the deep state has been averted. The "corona pandemic" will come to an end. "Plan B" was to use bioweapons, which were on the Evergreen, to change and poison the climate and soil, among other things. That's why Bill Gates has been buying millions of acres of farmland for some time because he wanted to control the food chain.
It took the deep state 30 years to produce these technologies / bioweapons for the annihilation of mankind and now their sick plan has been annihilated. The whole shipload is taken apart in the Suez Canal.
The climate summit should take place on April 22/23, 2021, and then declare total lockdown. One of these bioweapons was supposed to be used to disperse them in the air - as they have done with chemtrails for decades. Humanity would have died like flies and it would mean that they would have died from corona mutations.

According to Utsava - the current state of the White Hats' background operation against the Deep State:
Bitcoin is a Deep State asset for money laundering; Bitcoin will go to zero, has no future.
Gold and silver are the future, gold standard.
The reset is already done, the new system is already established, just a matter of time of its publication.
Trump is President and John F. Kennedy (JFK) Jr. is Vice President of the US Republic.
Epstein and Fauci are in a witness protection program and helping the White Hats.
Utsava is working with the Earth Alliance (free will in first place), not with the Galactic Federation (dogma in first place), which is undermined by a satanic force.
Slow piece by piece information of the public and the people about the "show" and the reality in order to avoid social unrest.
Trump's recommendation of a special vaccine - maybe the vaccines are not so bad as thought and propagandated? It's your choice ...
Madonna has had her tribunal; her actrice does not look like her.
Worldwide the military has taken over countries.
Boris Johnson and Netanyahu are clones, the real ones have had their tribunals.
By June 2021 the public will be informed about the NESARA new financial system, the reset will be in place.
Supreme Court justice Brett Michael Kavanaugh has got arrested.
JFK Jr. will not come forward, before Trump has been offcially declared as the legitimate president.
The real Biden has been executed in 2019; the Biden-clone has been executed on 21 decembre 2020.
Jared Kushner has been executed one or two months ago, because he was a Mossad agent and from a family with satanic background; Ivanka Trump cannot be part of Trump's presidency anymore, because she has been involved in a spy operation against her father.
The real Mike Pence has been executed too, the false one is out there only for optical reason.
Freedom of choice in school and health system.
Med Beds will be for free.




According to very credible research by Ryushin Sean Malone, extraterrestrial beings have been harvesting and consuming human beings. They work in conjunction with the global cabal through agreements made between governments and aliens in exchange for technology. Malone has solved the Nazca Lines and the Orion connection to human harvesting and the cabal.

We The People News: Situation Update: the Event grows closer here


We The People News: Q The Storm Rider new intel + Chauvin Verdict here


We The People News: Gene Decode: Was the Evergiven our Red Sea moment? here


UTSAVA: New World-Alien message-Freedom of choice-Kushner GONE-Trump BACK-Reset-Nesara-JFKjr VP-WHEN? here
Kurt's notes:
Bitcoin is a Deep State asset for money laundering; Bitcoin will go to zero, has no future.
Gold and silver are the future, gold standard.
The reset is already done, the new system is already established, just a matter of time of its publication.
Trump is President and John F. Kennedy (JFK) Jr. is Vice President of the US Republic.
Epstein and Fauci are in a witness protection program and helping the White Hats.
Utsava is working with the Earth Alliance (free will in first place), not with the Galactic Federation (dogma in first place), which is undermined by a satanic force.
Slow piece by piece information of the public and the people about the "show" and the reality in order to avoid social unrest.
Trump's recommendation of a special vaccine - maybe the vaccines are not so bad as thought and propagandated? It's your choice ...
Madonna has had her tribunal; her actrice does not look like her.
Worldwide the military has taken over countries.
Boris Johnson and Netanyahu are clones, the real ones have had their tribunals.
By June 2021 the public will be informed about the NESARA new financial system, the reset will be in place.
Supreme Court justice Brett Michael Kavanaugh has got arrested.
JFK Jr. will not come forward, before Trump has been offcially declared as the legitimate president.
The real Biden has been executed in 2019; the Biden-clone has been executed on 21 decembre 2020.
Jared Kushner has been executed one or two months ago, because he was a Mossad agent and from a family with satanic background; Ivanka Trump cannot be part of Trump's presidency anymore, because she has been involved in a spy operation against her father.
The real Mike Pence has been executed too, the false one is out there only for optical reason.
Freedom of choice in school and health system.
Med Beds will be for free.

Mike Adams, HRR, Situation Update, April 19th, 2021 - REPORT: The game-changing Tulsa health freedom event here
Event without masks! Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, Michael Lindell, Scott McKay, Mike Adams, Jeffrey Prather and others.

4.19.21 Scott McKay on "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio Studio B here








David Nino Rodriguez: Alien Agenda here





David Nino Rodriguez: National Emergency Declared here










A satanic plan of the deep state has been averted. The "corona pandemic" will come to an end. "Plan B" was to use bioweapons, which were on the Evergreen, to change and poison the climate and soil, among other things. That's why Bill Gates has been buying millions of acres of farmland for some time because he wanted to control the food chain.
It took the deep state 30 years to produce these technologies / bioweapons for the annihilation of mankind and now their sick plan has been annihilated. The whole shipload is taken apart in the Suez Canal.
The climate summit should take place on April 22/23, 2021, and then declare total lockdown. One of these bioweapons was supposed to be used to disperse them in the air - as they have done with chemtrails for decades. Humanity would have died like flies and it would mean that they would have died from corona mutations.

4.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE Evergreen Update, Church Leaders Controlled here

David Nino Rodriguez: Solving This Puzzle here



The highly connected, political insider Juan O Savin answers the question that everyone is asking: What are we waiting for? What is the hold-up?
Kurt's notes: good and reasonable explanation why the US military is not acting yet.

M Seeker of Truth, Rice and Pimpy - Truth Seeker Roundtable Discussion here
Kurt's notes: Exposure of Charlie Ward as a grifter.

Kurt's Blog Update / Summary and Analysis of World Events, 3.4.-9.4.2021:

According to Dr Vernon Coleman - The deadly dangers of Corona vaccinations:
The experimental Corona vaccinations pose 2 deadly dangers -
1.) Weakening of the immune system
2.) Transmission of more dangerous viral mutations.
New vaccinations will do nothing against the ever newer and deadlier mutations.
The bodies of the vaccinated will become deadly laboratories and unwitting mass murderers.
Hundreds of millions of vaccinated and unvaccinated deaths can therefore be expected worldwide next autumn and winter.
The evil cabal of Agenda 2021 and the Great Reset behind this vaccination programme will blame the unvaccinated.
The unvaccinated must avoid contact with the vaccinated and boost their immune systems with vitamin D and sun exposure for self-protection.
The deadly vaccination programme must be stopped immediately because the existence of all humanity is at stake.

According to David Zublick, Michael Jaco, Scott MacKay and Simon Parkes - Trafficked Children Rescued From "Evergreen":
Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies have been rescued out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. Sources say that as of this writing, children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s 18,000+ containers. The containers were on an Evergreen Corporation ship that blocked the Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon 29 March, causing billions in lost revenue to shipping companies internationally.
The Seals also found Weapons of Mass Destruction on the six story high vessel – which were believed destined to start a war in the Middle East. The weapons were going to be given to the Muslims by the Israel Mossad. 

According to ex-super soldier Michael Jaco:
Secret military programmes to create and train super-powered "super soldiers" whose souls are splintered into multiple clones.

According to "M SEEKER OF TRUTH" - "The Team", led by Charlie Ward, and others, all grifters, cheats and liars:
On his YouTube channel he states: "Join us as we expose Grifters, Conmen, Scammers and Liars, who prey on peoples vulnerabilities or gullibilities online, seeking popularity or your money!"
Kurt's notes: Four men claim to expose "The Team", especially Charlie Ward, and others, whom I am listening to and from whom I am taking information, as fraudsters. The time will show if they are right ...



The Four Horsemen of the gold price Apocalypse – Lobo Tiggre here


Scott McKay, Patriot Streetfighter: 4.7.21 POWERFUL Interview with Bishop Larry Gaiters, Global Declaration Of War: PARABELLUM here
Kurt's notes: According to Bishop Larry  Gaiters, the beginning of the cabal and the deep state is Lucifer's fall; he speaks also about the Khazarian mafia, the treaty of 1213 between Vatican and England, birth certificate (your soul belongs to the Vatican Bank), 3 centers of demonic control of the world (Vatican City, London City and Washington D.C.) etc.

About the Corona-Hoax:
Officially its the flu. “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples. “We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with. “We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can't or won't send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That's because they've never really found the virus, all they've ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway. “So what we're dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included massive election fraud.” Another way to put it: NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS. NO ONE HAS ISOLATED THE COVID-19 VIRUS. THEREFORE, NO ONE HAS PROVED THAT IT EXISTS... here is a link to the document...Pages 43,44 Hoax #CovidIsAScam #Scam #Truth #WakeUp Doctor on OAN The truth about viruses Health professionals unite

M SEEKER OF TRUTH: Griftbusters - Show #2, 3.4.2021 here

M SEEKER OF TRUTH: Griftbusters - Show #1, 20.3.2021 here
"Join us as we expose Grifters, Conmen, Scammers and Liars, who prey on peoples vulnerabilities or gullibilities online, seeking popularity or your money!"
Kurt's notes: Four men claim to expose "The Team" and others, whom I am listening to and from whom I am taking information, as fraudsters. The time will show soon if they are right ...




His Glory - Take FiVe: Two Generals, General Flynn and General McInerney 4/5/21 here and here






Michael Jaco: Time Wars, Clones, Super Soldiers, Star Ships, Quantum Weapons and more with real super soldiers here

Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal here
Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies have been rescued out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. Sources say that as of this writing, children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s 18,000+ containers. The containers were on an Evergreen Corporation ship that blocked the Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon 29 March, causing billions in lost revenue to shipping companies internationally.
The Seals also found Weapons of Mass Destruction on the six story high vessel – which were believed destined to start a war in the Middle East.
Finally by Tues. the Evergreen cargo ship was loosened and taken to Bitter Lake in Egypt. By order of the Egyptian President, the containers were taken off the ship and searched by US Navy Seals.
The Japanese-owned, Taiwanese-operated ship of Evergreen Corporation was actually co-owned by Walmart and the Clinton Foundation – known for it’s international child trafficking ring. The children were said ordered out of magazines like Wayfair by pedophiles who paid big bucks for certain abused children.
Evergreen was believed to not only be carrying trafficked children, but Weapons of Mass Destruction. Many other ships that were blocked in the Suez Canal last week were also discovered to be carrying weapons – believed to be used to start a war in the Middle-East. Why? The weapons were going to be given to the Muslims by the Israel Mossad.  
Human traffickers were being arrested and cartels busted – losing critical income for their owners worldwide. The Deep State Operation was said to have lost 400 million $ an hour while the ships were stuck for a week – that would pale in comparison to what those children were undergoing.
Evergreen vessels were having problems in ports all over the world. Why? Why were Special Ops US Navy Seals magically on the scene to rescue the children? Was the ship purposely run aground? It was rumored that holes in Microsoft software allowed someone, or ones, to hack into the Evergreen ship software, take over the steering and run it into the bank.
We may never be given the whole story. So far the Evergreen ship’s Capitan in the Suez Canal has refused to cooperate. Now why on earth would a Ship’s Captain not cooperate, unless there were major reasons? Won’t hand over the black box?
Why would a vessel of that size from Taiwan list it’s first destination as the Netherlands?


Kurt's Update / Summary and Analysis of World Events, 31.3.-2.4.2021:

The question of all questions = Why does God allow evil in the world?:
If God had not allowed the four great Asuras or Lucifer/Satan to bring evil or the Anti-Divine into the world, there would be no freedom of will for us, then we could only ever be good, then we would be like pre-programmed biorobots. In order to truly love, we must have the choice between good and evil. God does not want a mechanical love, God wants a voluntary love. That is why love is also the strongest force in the cosmos, that is why the Deep State cabal also wants to prevent by all means that we find back to this love force or awaken. The soulless asuras and demons cannot bear the high frequencies of love. So if we remain in the self-defending love that destroys or transforms evil, the cabal is powerless against us and is either driven out or destroyed. As long as we remain in the consciousness of a slave imposed on us by permanent brainwashing, they can dominate and destroy us. As soon as we awaken to our true inner consciousness of a warrior of light and love, they are powerless against us and we regain our freedom and self-determination. So, dear reader: do you want to continue to be a will-less slave who is exploited, tortured and killed, or do you want to be a free warrior of light again who, together with the Divine and all other warriors of light, brings Divine Life to Earth?

Chris Sky, Canadian Patriot - "Just say no" campaign:
The vaccines on the market only have emergency approval. The cabal can only continue its agenda with our approval. The demonic powers behind the cabal know that they have no karmic reactions to fear if we knowingly or unknowingly agree to their satanic agenda.
Therefore, the matter is actually quite simple, not only in Canada, but worldwide, in all countries: DO NOT COMPLY !!! JUST SAY NO !!!

Jordan Sather on Telegram - attack against "The Team", 1.4.2021:
The Psyop Team = Robert David Steele, Sacha Stone, "Juan O Savin" (a.k.a. Wayne Willott), Charles Ward, Simon Parkes, Charlie Freak, Scott McKay, Michael Jaco. Mel K, CirstenW, Santa Surfing, Gene Decode, Nicholas Veniamin, Sean Stone, David Nino Rodriguez etc..
Sather's critical questions regarding this "team" =
Which ones have claimed to talk to Q?
Which ones promoted JFK Jr. as being alive and/or behind Q?
Which ones claim to have unnamed "sources" and "insiders"?
Who gave Austin Steinbart a platform?
Who has promoted the NESARA/QFS scam?
How many claims of dates and "this is going to happen" has been said among this "team" these last few months?
How do they seem to know exactly what's going on with Trump and Trump's thinking?
How much evidence do they actually present with what they say?
How and why are some of them still on Big Tech platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon, PayPal, etc? 
Why aren't they targeted by the MSM/Media Matters shills like other influencers?
How similar is the rhetoric between this "team"? 
Why are they always staying in their close knit group?
Why does it seem some of them came out of nowhere these last 6-9 months?
Why do many sock puppet accounts promote and defend them online?
Why are people who speak out against the oddities of what's going on here get so vehemently attacked? 
What is really going on here?
Scott McKay's reaction, who initially followed Sather:
Sather started attacking his own people within the QAnon community a year ago. Sather has either been bought off or threatened by the Deep State. In any case, there is something wrong with him.
Kurt's comment:
Sather, a very well-known Q influencer from the early days, harshly criticises the very patriotic influencers I regularly listen to. My mind advises caution; my heart continues to trust in "the team". We shall see who is right. We are in the midst of an infowar. Disinformation is an important part of it. Juan O Savin has warned about the infiltration of the patriotic movement. White hats turn out to be black hats and vice versa. Both sides work with disinformation and infiltration.

Container ship "Ever Given" in the Suez Canal:
According to the Intel given to Scott McKay:
"Ever Given", which has since been released from stranding, is under investigation on three counts - child and human smuggling, arms smuggling and vaccine delivery; the arms are believed to have been intended for an attack on the "Five Eyes" intelligence states USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia.

According to Mike Lindell:
1.) Trump back in the presidency by August 2021;
2.) Trump's new internet platform will be able to serve up to a billion people.

According to Intel given to Scott McKay:
Edward Snowden is a White Hat after all, i.e. on the side of the Patriots or Alliance.

21 US states already repealed the mask mandate !!!!

30.3.21, "Strong earthquake" near Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria:
Natural cause or blasts in the course of the underground war against the Deep State and to liberate children and women?

Donald Trump's website:

According to Charlie Ward - Qantum Financial System (QFS):
Already done by human side all that needed to be done; the activation of the QFS is now in divine hands.
The centre of the QFS is Reno in Nevada.
No more central banks, but a bullion bank in every country.





4.1.21 Scott McKay "Patriot Streetfighter" ROUNDTABLE W/ Nino Rodrigues & Dave Daley here

Michael Jaco: Happy beautiful April fools day! Speaking of fools what's up with Jordan Sather? here



Kurt's Urgency Update / Summary and Analysis of World Events, 27.3.-30.3.2021:

About the issue of passive or active resistance:
I agree with Sri Aurobindo when he says that peaceful resistance á la Gandhi is not an adequate means to bring down a tyrannical system and free ourselves from slavery. If we do not all join forces now to resist the threat to our freedom and lives, we will soon be trapped once and for all with no way out. Plan A is the Patriotic Alliance of White Hats and Q, which need the approval, backing and support of the people. But we also need a Plan B in case it turns out that the Alliance and Q are just a psyop of the Deep State, or if the Alliance and Q fail. That plan B is we, the people, ourselves. With peaceful demonstrations fought and broken up by inhuman and martially equipped police forces - under the diabolical pretext of wanting to protect our health, although there is no deadly pandemic and in reality the same number of deaths as in an ordinary flu and the allegedly high number of "Corona cases" is manufactured by manipulated tests and declaration of all deaths as "Corona deaths" - with batons, sharp dogs, tear gas and water cannons, we will not get anywhere, but will very soon tire and resign, as long as hundreds of thousands or better millions do not take to the streets at the same time in the larger cities. Soon, in a few months, the population will be weakened by vaccinations and hunger, which will be caused by an artificially manufactured food shortage. Who will then find the strength to take to the streets to protest when all that is left is the bare survival of one's own skin and family? We need to organise ourselves in our block and neighbourhood and set up vigilante groups. In a few months, the window of opportunity to turn the tide in a united effort could be closed. Only peaceful demonstrations will not save us. If the military and the police are not on the side of the people, then we as the people have to organise ourselves for self-defence. This starts with informing the brainwashed fellow human beings - especially in politics, the police and the military, which are also controlled by the deep state through bribery, threats and blackmail, but which absolutely must be brought onto the side of the people - about the seriousness of the situation, stockpiling food, securing assets in gold and silver, operating restaurants, grocery shops, sports clubs, pharmacies and medical practices without masking, testing and vaccination requirements, refusing to pay regulatory fines, take care of one's own health, physical training, getting weapons for legitimate self-defence for one's own family, networking and setting up a vigilante group in one's own neighbourhood to be able to defend oneself against the henchmen of the state who will come to pick up system-critical parents and transport them to re-education and concentration camps (see Uyghurs in China !!!) and to forcibly vaccinate unvaccinated children and put them in "welfare institutions" run by paedophiles. Now one "only" needs a mask or a "negative" test to be allowed to shop in a grocery shop; perhaps as early as summer 2021 we will have to show a vaccination certificate to be allowed into the supermarket. Then we will have the choice: depending on the strength of the respective immune system, short-, medium- or long-term death through the Corona vaccination or, if we refuse the lethal injection, agonising starvation of the whole family. Do we really want to allow that? If we have to die, then we should not die as cowards, but as warriors and heroes. Who would willingly go to his death without a fight, when he can win his life by fighting? Don't forget: this Third or Fourth World War of the Satanic Deep State against us, humanity, is a bio-, info- and psycho-war. They want to psychologically manipulate, wear us down and finish us off and make us fight each other through the time-honoured means of domination, "divide and conquer" - for example Antifa against Corona measures critics defamed by the mainstream media as "Nazis" and "conspiracy theorists" or vaccinated against unvaccinated etc. -, instead of focusing our attention on them, our common mortal enemy. If we as humanity and people stick together and stand united, they have no chance at all against us. We must defend ourselves and fight and eradicate evil, not in hatred and anger, but in love, determination, courage, strength and truthfulness. The Divine is on our side. But we must act ourselves because we are Eternal Children of the Divine and the Divine expects us to behave like Divine Children. How can God help us if we do nothing and allow everything? God respects our free will, which he himself has given us. So if we choose death, God will give us death; if we choose life, God will give us life.

"Dawid Snowden" on Telegram:
This channel is the strongest wake-up call. His message in summary is:
it's a matter of freedom, life and death; no one will be spared if we don't all fight back together. Artificially manufactured famine, civil war, compulsory testing and vaccination to implement the planned population reduction until 2025, the Great Reset of the Deep State ...
Numerous audios and videos on the Telegram channel of "Dawid Snowden" - realistic, unsparing, uncompromising, illusionless, pessimistic.
The following quote as an example:
"Vaccination genocide - the sheep are voluntarily going to the executioner! Mass death is pre-programmed. Afterwards they say the virus did it! Later, because of the millions of dead vaccinated, everyone must be compulsorily vaccinated! Finished is the population reduction."
Kurt's comment:
Does he really believe that, or is he acting on behalf of the Deep State to spread fear and terror among the population? As preparation for the worst possible case, his information is certainly very valuable. I take them seriously in any case, because there are already far too many who issue the same warnings, and far too many "conspiracy theories" such as restriction of freedom of movement and travel, restriction of freedom of expression and assembly, compulsory masks, testing and vaccination have become reality in the meantime.

Stranded cargo ship "Ever Given" blocks the Suez Canal:
The cargo ship has the code H3RC. If you take out the "3", you get the first letters of Hillary Rodham Clinton. In intelligence circles she has the pseudonym "Evergreen". The ship says "Evergreen" in huge letters.
The containers contain seats; child smuggling? Action by the white hats to make child trafficking public?
Or yet action by the Deep State to block world trade, manufacture an artificial food shortage and famine, and in this way advance the Great Reset?
According to Intel by Scott McKay, Patriot Streetfighter:
Intentional incident brought on by White-Hats.

Dangers of Corona inoculation/vaccination:
According to Charlie Ward, none of the 10 Corona or Covid 19 vaccines on the market are approved as vaccines! Only the Hydroxychloroquine and Regeneron / REGN-COV2 recommended by Trump are approved as vaccines, he sais.
According to "Dawid Snowden", Telegram:
First time messenger RNA in a vaccine that creates non-neutralising antibodies to spike protein. Three life-threatening effects:
1.) Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is created, which allows the messenger RNA to self-replicate/multiply without being taken up and destroyed by macrophages/eating cells. This process cannot be stopped. This is called the Trojan Horse mechanism because the virus or part of the virus can insert itself into the cell and other parts of its DNA.
2.) The non-neutralising antibodies begin to damage the lungs.
3.) These antibodies attack the macrophages. Type I of the macrophages kills the infection, type II cures it. Said antibodies kill type II macrophages by binding to them and deactivating them.
People who receive this vaccination can die within the next few months or a year.

A split off from the nationwide Alliance of the Austrian Peace Movement (APM):
Kurti's notes:
The "Orga-Team" around Martin Rutter has split off from the Austrian Peace Movement around Alexander Ehrlich.
The four values of the APM laid down in the Salzburg Foundation on 6.9.2020 = self-determination, transparent direct democracy, personal responsibility as well as respect, responsibility and respect for all life.
The members of the Orga team have not co-signed this document. They rely on active resistance such as breaking police chains.

German-language Telegram channel "Gatekeeper-Alarm/Alert":
Self-description of the channel =
"All gatekeeper channels and groups are listed here! The owners and operators of these channels and groups are all gatekeepers and system members. They all work entirely in the interests of the system!"
Kurt's comment:
Almost no one is left out, neither Hajo Müller, nor Traugott Ickeroth, Catherine Thurner, Manuel Mittas, NuoViso, Attila Hildmann, Ken Jebsen, Michael Ballweg, Oliver Janich, Martin Sellner and others; only Sunny from "Verbinde die Punkte/Connect the dots" comes off well.
Q is also supposed to be just a psyop of the deep state.
And what if "gatekeeper alert" is a gatekeeper? The confusion and info-war reaches its climax.

15.5.-2.9.2021 "ARISE USA Resurrection Tour":
Info on the website

For more details and information, see videos and articles mainly under the English language "Information" section of Kurti's Blog.


Scott  McKay, Patriot Streetfighter: 3.30.21 PSF#68 Interview by Career Navy Seal Mike/CIA Spec Ops Soldier Mike Jaco "Intuition Secrets" here

David Nino Rodriguez: The Comeback (Trump) here

CHRIS SKY: how to refuse covid test in Canada here


3.29.21 Scott McKay "Patriot Streetfighter" on The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio: Interview with Chris Sky, the Canadian patriotic hero here



3.26.21 Scott McKay "Patriot Streetfighter"'s Interview W/ Dr. Judy Mikovitz here





Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 20.3.-26.3.2021:

The Big Question - Is Q a Deep State Psyop?:
An alleged original QAnon anonymously speaks out via video and claims the following:
1.) At the end of November 2018, the Q movement has been hijacked by the Deep State; some of the original QAnons have been murdered, the rest have gone underground;
2.) Scott McKay, Simon Parkes, Charlie Wards, Robert David Steele, Michael Jaco, Gene Decode, Juan O Savin et al. are spreading disinformation along the lines of "the military has everything under control", "Trump returns as president in April 2021", etc.;
3.) Trump will not return as president in April 2021;
4.) mankind is to be kept from its spiritual awakening by the passive focus on politics.
The current date that all awakened people are eagerly awaiting is April 1, 2021; according to Savin, this is the day Trump is to officially return to the presidency; according to Ward, this is the day the new Quantum Financial System created for the people and NESARA/GESARA are to be activated worldwide.
The postponement of announced dates and events for months or even years can no longer be wiped off the table. Of course, "insiders" can justify the unfulfilled promises with the constant change of the military situation. Individuals and the people find themselves in a permanent quandary: on the one hand, the unfulfilled promises of the patriotic military Alliance (smashing the Deep State, arresting its actors and puppets, returning Trump, activating the Quantum Financial System, etc.), on the other hand, the unfulfilled promises of governments (ending the lockdowns, rolling back the Corona measures, etc.).
Worldwide, the awakened agree on:
1.) everything is on a knife edge;
2.) we as mankind are on the brink of the abyss;
3.) more and more people are dying every day from the Corona situation artificially brought about by the Deep State and constantly prolonged under pretext (lockdowns, suicides, vaccinations, etc.);
4.) it is therefore high time for the intervention of the military;
5.) the great awakening or spiritual ascension of mankind is irreversible regardless of the Alliance, Q, the White Hats and Trump.
If the Q narrative of the military alliance against the Deep State turns out to be a lie, then the mankind and all the peoples of the Earth are on their own, then liberation from the Deep State will be much more arduous and take much longer.
Be that as it may, the only rock in the surf is the Divine and the Soul, which every human being can only find within himself. Chaos, confusion and hopelessness are increasing, so that now everything seems to boil down to the fact that every single one of us is inexorably thrown back on himself and forced by the external situation to go into himself, to look inside and listen inside in order to get an answer to all questions and to find the strength to change the individual and collective situation. For the Divine is not only above and around us, but also within us.

According to David Zublick - John F. Kennedy Jr. and Lady Diana as key witnesses against the cabal:
Lady Diana knew about the reptilian British royal family; she wants revenge on them for what they did to her and her sons. Summer 1995 secret meeting of Diana with JFK Jr. and Donald Trump. 1997 Diana faked her death; 1999 JFK Jr. faked his death - because both were in extreme danger of death. Diana has been protected by the good branch of the Saudi royal family ever since. Diana and JFK Jr. will testify as key witnesses against the cabal at the Sidney Powell-led military tribunal in Gitmo.

Resistance and Peace Movement in Austria:
Alexander Ehrlich, Martin Rutter, Manuel Müllner, etc..
Self-determination, self-empowerment, flexibility, adaptation, mobility, organisation in small cells, limitation of power, etc..
Ehrlich quotes Jesus' saying: "Be wise as serpents and without falsehood as doves".
Large demo marches can easily be surrounded by police; small demo marches, on the other hand, are mobile and reach many more people (residents, shopkeepers, pedestrians, etc.) along the way.

The new Quantum Financial System - with gold-backed digital currency:
A gold standard can be manipulated; a gold-backed currency cannot.
2022/2023 Implementation of Basel III - revaluation of gold by 100%.
Frenzy for physical gold!
The price of gold is still being manipulated because, although central banks are buying up all gold cheaply, the price of gold is falling instead of rising, despite rising demand.

According to Charlie Ward:
Actor James Woods plays Joe Biden in a mask.

For more details and information, see videos and articles mainly under the English language "Information" section of Kurti's Blog.














19-March Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #65 here



14.3.21, Defeating the demonic realm & bringing in light. Jessie Czebotar reveals looking glass, RV & more here

Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 13.3.-19.3.2021:

Kurti's opinion on the big question "Is Q just a psyop of the deep state CIA and is Trump also part of the Deep State?":
I don't know. It's possible. I hope it isn't. I'm trying to continue to remain confident, though at the same time I'm expecting the worst.
I must admit that I would be sorely disappointed if it turns out that Trump is an evil one and Hans-Joachim Müller, Sunny, Catherine Thurner, Veikko Stölzer, Scott McKay, Simon Parkes, Charlie Wards, Robert David Steele, Michael Jaco, Gene Decode and Juan O Savin are in fact agents of the Deep State. I can hardly imagine it, but I'm not sure. So I am inwardly thrown back to the only towers of strength: the Soul and the Divine.
Unless there are enough forces in the military that are on the side of mankind, it will be very difficult for the still divided mankind to stand alone against the technological superiority of the Deep State. Divine intervention would be needed to save mankind.

According to Utsava - White hats + Trump already won the war against the Deep State:
All a show for the awakening of the people.
Trump will return to the presidency.
NESARA has already been activated in the background.
Trump and Melanie are divorcing; Trump and Princess Diana are lovers.
The Pope has already been executed in the summer of 2020.
Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson will perform at Trump's inauguration.

Trump only the lesser of two evils?:
Some spiritual observers like Sironjas (who thinks the Medbeds are a hoax) and aliens sympathetic to humans do not see Trump and Q as saviours or deliverers, but only as the lesser of two evils. Trump does not keep his promises and keeps putting off his supporters until a later date. But he belongs to an old elite family that fights the satanic-luciferian order. Therefore people should support Trump.

According to Gene Decode - Galactic War between Good and Evil or Third World War Deep State Cabal against Mankind:
The cabal is the common enemy of mankind. We are in World War III between the Deep State and mankind, a war of galactic proportions between good and evil/light and darkness, with nothing less at stake than the survival of mankind in our Milky Way. The cabal's war aim on Earth is to reduce the world's population from nearly 8 billion to half a million. The war aim of the Alliance (White hats/Patriots), which is supported and protected by positive extraterrestrial and angelic higher dimensional beings, is the complete elimination of the worldwide Deep State Cabal, which is directed and controlled by negative extraterrestrial and demonic or satanic background powers, so that mankind can be freed from its millennia-long enslavement and spiritually ascend into the fifth dimension and continue on its path to Divine Life on Earth.
We are currently experiencing a delay due to the extraterrestrial factor in this war. The patriotic Alliance cannot and must not wait until 2022 or even 2024 because the cabal has already started the genocide vaccination and wants to abolish the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, the right to bear arms, so that the US patriots are defenceless. In addition, the cabal intends to activate 500 million Chinese in underground facilities, the only group of mankind not rebelling against enslavement. The cabal still has the potential to wipe out the entire population of Earth and retreat to another planet in the Milky Way. For the cabal, all living beings are just a means to an end, just a link in its food chain, even those who side with it. In the end, no one will be spared. Therefore, the Alliance must act now. Therefore, mankind in unity must turn its weapons against the cabal. If the US military does not finally intervene, then the armed US patriots will take matters into their own hands.
In a Fifth Dimension war there is movement and counter-movement, 1000 unknown variables. Nothing is really predictable. Praying and acting with trust in God, in the Red Sea moment.
Antarctica will be the last bastion of the Deep State to be taken by the Alliance. Already Antarctica is being isolated by digging out the underground facilities around it.

According to Mike Adams et al - Corona/Covid Vaccination:
Deep State agenda for near total depopulation of the planet and total enslavement/control of the remnant population corralled in "Smart Cities".
Vaccination means quick or slow death by destroying the immune system.

According to Juan O. Savin - US military "Digital Pearl Harbour":
US presidential election = Digital Pearl Harbour; but failure of all civilian institutions, hence military as protection of Constitution and Republic; but first prepare new civilian government so military does not stand as military junta.

According to Charlie Ward et al - poison not only in vaccine, also in test and mask:
Corona/Covid = bioweapon because patented; if Corona/Covid were natural, there would be no patent on it. Vaccination of any kind is not for health but for enslavement and population reduction.

According to Charlie Ward - Big Pharma vs humane doctors:
Doctors who find a cure for diseases considered incurable are put in jail or commit "suicide".

According to Charlie Ward - White Hats vs Deep State:
2.5 million members of the Deep State already arrested worldwide.
The Deep State in Israel will be the last to be deprived of power.

According to Catherine Thurner - Austria and Myanmar as an example:
Myanmar is an example of the elimination of the Deep State.
Austria is an example of the deep state agenda.

Austria Referendum petition "Resignation of the Federal Government":
That the National Council resolve its dissolution as soon as possible by simple federal law in accordance with Art. 29 (2) B-VG before the end of the XXVII legislative period. This should pave the way for the immediate dismissal of the entire federal government and the appointment of a government of experts until new elections are held.

Vienna encirclement scandal. 6.3.21:
The Austrian deep state puppet Sebastian Kurz, who ordered the illegal encirclement of the peaceful demonstrators, messes with the sincere, God-believing man of honour Alexander Ehrlich by defaming him and his fellow members of the Austrian peace movement as anti-Semites. An enquiry committee of the peace movement and the petition for a referendum "Resignation of the Federal Government" are the response.


Sean Stone: Jessie Czebotar - Illuminati Insider on the Stargate War, Mothers of Darkness & Much More here







Utsava: NESARA,PAYOUTS,Meghan/Harry-Border Issue-Kavanaugh in handcuffs,Barr,Elvis-Diana-Melania here



Kurt's notes: Trump is only "the lesser of two evils".


3.15.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #62: GCR Update, K-Mafia Infiltration China here

Mike Adams: Situation Update, March 15th – Make your assets INVISIBLE before the govt. LOOTING begins here








Mike Maloney: How Central Banks Rick Rolled the USA & Why You Should "GO BUY GOLD!" here

Scott McKay, CirstenW GENE DECODE #37 FUTURE EVENTS here


Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 6.3.-12.3.2021:

Crisis at the US-Mexican border because of the influx of immigrants allowed by the Biden administration:
Will this crisis trigger public call for military intervention?

Biden administration - confiscation of civilians' weapons?:
Will this become the trigger of the public call for the intervention of the military to avoid a conventional civil war? Because on the informational level, we are already in a war, civil war and world war. Only the already awakened check this out.

Biden administration - air strike against Iran-backed militiamen in Syria:
Return to Obama-era status.

Imminent stock market crash:
Better under Biden than under Trump; the white hats have thought of everything; they have a supercomputer that can predict all possible future developments in seconds.

US Supreme Court dismisses all claims by Trump election team:
This leaves only 2 options - We the People and the military.

White hats underground war against deep state cabal:
200 White Hat Special Forces trapped in a tunnel by Deep State actors pretending to surrender and blown up with them.

According to Michael Jaco - Disunity in the US military:
A third of the generals oppose Trump and side with the deep state. This is causing delays. But this issue will be resolved.

Corona vaccinations:
Meanwhile, more people have died from the Corona vaccination than from Corona itself.


Michael Jaco: The fall of the Cabal is hastening as we come to critical mass point this month. here

Michael Jaco: The military movement is being delayed because not everyone is on board. Soon this will be resolved. here




David Nino Rodriguez: Juan O Savin Kid By The Side of the Road here

3.11.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #61: State of the Cabal Takedown Operation here

Kurt's notes: PAC, the Political Action Committee, represents We The People, defending the Republic.

Kurt's notes: Warning about Jordan Sather.

The Truth About Adrenochrome Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion here

Kurt's comment: Maybe he is right, but I don't think so.



2021 03 10 Jared Rand Time For Change Call here

3.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #60: Gene Decode on latest DUMBS OPS here

David Nino Rodriguez: Disagreements In Military here




3.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter: SSP Truth Pioneer Kerry Cassidy Interviewing Scott McKay here






3.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE: Scott & David Nino Rodriguez on Alliance Moves and More here

Scott McKay "Patriot Streetfighter"'s Interview of Ann Vandersteel here

Michael Jaco: David Rodriguez and I, 2 alpha males, share heart centred insights on what's going on in the world here

Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 27.2.-5.3.2021:

According to Charlie Ward - March and April 2021:
All is well, very positive, briefed on everything, but not allowed to share Intel yet because ongoing military operation.
Hot, mental/crazy March.
We are in a war at all levels; people are dying, less from bullets, more from vaccination, etc.. Those who get vaccinated against Corona will either die or suffer the consequences of vaccination for five years and become infertile. Those who do not want to hear must feel. A lesson for the rest of life.
Quantum Finance System (QFS) and NESARA already implemented in the background.
Trump "Vaccine" = code word for QFS and NESARA.
In the next week or two, stock market crash, followed by immediate switch to the new QFS; then gradual introduction of NESARA and GESARA, starting with bit by bit debt forgiveness and tax abolition.
Critical, decisive dates = 1 April and 6 April.
James Caviezel and Mel Gibson have stood up against the satanic Hollywood establishment.

According to Scott McKay, Patriot Streetfighter - QFS, NESARA and Intel:
Activation of the Quantum Financial System (QFS) on 25 Febr. 2021.
Start of NESARA on 1 March 2021.
China's Weather-Warfare on Texas, whose Houston or Austin is expected to be the capital of the new Republic of the USA and the seat of the QFS.
200,000 Chinese troops, underneath the White House for months, eliminated by US troops on 22.2.21 ???

Situation in the USA:
The "Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association" (CSPOA) is a political organization of local police officials in the United States who are of the constitutional view that federal and state government authorities are subordinate to local government authority. So, the sheriffs are the highest governmental authority and have the power and duty to defy or disregard laws they deem unconstitutional.
Christians and patriots are moving together, uniting as one nation under God.
No waiting until 2022 or 2024, it must be done now.
The people must take matters into their own hands, trusting in the "Red Sea" moment ...

The beginning of the end of the Corona Plandemie in the USA?:
17 US states - Texas, Florida and others - have lifted the mask mandate and reopened the shops. By the way: "17" is the number for "Q" ... Again just a coincidence?

According to Simon Parkes - Trump visit to Switzerland:
Signing of important treaties ... NESARA and QFS ???
Lifting the mask mandate and opening up business in Switzerland too ... Again just a coincidence?

According to Pimpy's Investment Chat and Lynette Zang - Financial System and Precious Metals:
Central bankers before the big financial crash artificially pump up the financial market by printing money, promoting cryptocurrencies - especially Bitcoin - and manipulating or holding down the price of gold and silver so that small investors, fearing a loss of value, would sell their physical gold and silver and fall into the centrally controllable electronic/digital trap of cryptocurrencies and the super-rich could buy up cheaply the precious metals, which alone as real/sound money hedge wealth.

Movie "The Sound of Freedom" about child trafficking:
True story; heartbreaking and eye-opening ...

Trump's speech at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 28.2.21:
Trump is the world's first president to have his voters shout "We love you".
Achievements of his first term;
Criticism of Biden's administration's actions to undo all of Trump's domestic and foreign policies made for the people and the USA to return to the state of 2016;
Revisiting voter fraud;
Renovation of the Republican Party and no creation of a new party.
No announcement of any hotly anticipated events and changes; we are in the midst of a sting military operation and the country is more divided than ever, so something like this would be the spark in the powder keg; civil war is not in the interest of patriots; protecting the people is above all else; yet more supporters worldwide will now turn away from Q and Trump in disappointment because they fear it is all just a psyop of the Deep State and Trump and co are in cahoots with the Deep State.
Yet so much is happening:
1.) in more and more US states, lawmakers are changing voting rules and introducing voter ID;
2.) democratic governors (Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer) accused of genocide in nursing homes during the Corona lockdowns are facing removal;
3.) even staunch Democratic Party voters, who now see and feel first-hand the difference between Trump and Biden, are turning away more and more from Biden and co.
According to Simon Parkes:
Referring to Biden as "Chief Executive" = referring to the defunct corporation;
"Biden is not allowed in the White House".

According to Ileana the Star Traveler and Penny Bradley: Q = Deep State Psyop ?:
no release of MedBeds, no rescue of children from underground bases.

According to Gene Decode: Myanmar / Burma = "Golden Triangle":
a center of the Deep State Cabal - child trafficking, drugs, dumbs etc..
production of  80% of all drugs in the world (opium, heroin etc.) !
Alliance with negative agenda aliens, for whom humans are cattle, a link in the food chain.
human genetic material as the currency for the exchange.


HRR, Mike Adams: Bobby Piton announces "God First" political party to save America from Satanists here

Two Mikes podcast: Lt.Gen. Tom McInerney explains why Lin Wood's whistleblower is absolutely credible here

Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence here



Michael Jaco: Juan O Savin shares insights and reveals what's going on in the world. here





2021 03 03 Jared Rand Time For Change Call here


Scott McKay "Patriot Streetfighter" Interview with Sheriff Mack here
Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association CSPOA.
Kurt's comment: Sheriff Mack - what a great man?



His Glory - Take Five: General McInerney and Anna Khait Interview 3/2/21 here

Lynette Zang ITM Trading LIVE Interview w Pimpys Investment & RICE TVx here

Scott McKay, Patriot Streetfighter: 2.3.21 Interview with Dave Scarlett and Cirsten W on "His Glory" here

BardsFM: Storm Dispatch - 20210302 here


3.1.21 Scott McKay Interviewed by Robert David Steele. "Where Do You Come From?" here





Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay w/ Boxing Champ David Nino Rodriguez & Ian Wendt in THE ROUNDTABLE here

Awakening Cosmic Reality Show: Ileana the Star Traveler and Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot here
Kurt's notes:
Q = Deep State Psyop ?: no release of MedBeds, no rescue of children from underground bases.


McAllister TV, 16.2.21: Gene Decode! Kids Exiting the White House! Non Terrestrial Bloodlines! Black Goo AI Threat! here and here and here
Kurt's notes:
Myanmar / Burma = "Golden Triangle"; center of the Deep State Cabal - child trafficking, drugs, dumbs etc.; 80% of all drugs in the world (opium, heroin etc.) !
Alliance with negative agenda aliens, for whom humans are cattle, a link in the food chain.
human genetics as the currency for the exchange.

BardsFM, Q&A - 20210226 here

Mining Stock Education, 23.2.21: Gold $8-9k/oz or Higher in Next Two Years says Analyst Michael Oliver here
Analyst Michael Oliver sees $8,000 to $9,000 per ounce gold and silver over $200 per ounce in the next couple years. In fact, he said it would not surprise him if gold goes much higher because “this is not just another gold bull market.”  Michael also sees a topping and dropping in the broad markets occurring slowly and deceptively rather than sharply via a popping bubble.  This bear market will cause the Federal Reserve to ramp up the injection of liquidity to prop up equities which will result in gold and silver soaring. Gold and silver miners will outperform the metals.
Kurt's notes:
The world will go back to gold backed currency.
The state confiscation of gold and silver is not feasible. China will not do it, nor will the USA. It would lead to rebellion. However, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, because they are electronic, can be controlled by the state.

The Hidden Things in Front of your Eyes, 18.2.21: Russell Jay Fool - a fraud or the real deal here
Kurt's notes:
Warning - Russell Jay Gould seems to mix truth with lie and his idea to be a fraud. First also me I was impressed by his claim and movie "The last flag standing". There are other "postmaster general" out there like Mark Christopher ... What did they do and reach until now? If they are the real rulers of the world, why are they begging for  money? Question after question ...

Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 20.2.-26.2.2021:

It's all about the children:
The millennia-long - or million-long? - cabal of the Deep State is basically all about the children. Over 9 million children are abducted underground every year !!!! Keywords: adrenochrome generation, sodomizing, torture, murder, cannibalism, vampirism, satanic sacrificial rituals.

"Operation Restoration":
Fantastic idea of Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter -  "Operation Restoration", to bring together and to give the former navy seals and other former special forces a new mission in the patriotic fight against the globalistic evil.

Decision of the US Supreme Court on 20.2.2021 regarding 3 lawsuits filed by the Trump election team:
Lawsuits by Trump, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood.
3 cases from Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
If these cases are again rejected by the Supreme Court, then all legal and civil means have finally been exhausted and only the military option remains.
The Supreme Court will decide whether cases from Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania will continue. If the court says NO, we will know that most of the members of the Court are corrupt. The cases are based on the established black letter law. The elections in these states were illegal and unconstitutional. They changed the election rules without the approval of the state legislature. If the Court decides that the cases will continue, we won't know for sure whether the majority on the Court is corrupt until the final decisions are made, which could take months. 



manoftruth meets Juan O Savin in person here


Scott McKay in Las Vegas serendipity for manoftruth here

2021 02 24 Jared Rand: Time For Change Call The People Are the Savior of the Planet here
Kurt's notes:
From minute 23 - Over 9 million children are taken underground every year !!!


2.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #56: Alliance moves on DS Financial System here
Kurt's notes:
Fantastic idea of Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter -  "Operation Restoration", to bring together and to give the former navy seals and other former special forces a new mission in the patriotic fight against the globalistic evil.


2.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE#55: Moves and Countermoves Q & A here

HRR, Situation Update, Feb. 23, 2021 - The COSMIC WAR against human civilization here



2.22.21 The Tipping Point On Revolution Radio here

2.22.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #54: Bridging The Gap, How The Plan Looks Now here



Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 13.2.-19.2.2021:

QAnons and the interpretation of time dates:
Many Q supporters have been very disappointed in Q, Trump and the US military since 20 January 2021 at the latest, because Biden seems to have been inaugurated and the big wave of arrests to have failed to materialise. This dependence on certain dates has started with the US presidential election date of 3 November 2020. Most people are probably not aware that we have been in the midst of military operations for a long time and that the military never reveals its secrets because the enemy is always listening in. We know the destination, but we do not know the way to the destination.

The purpose of the lockdowns:
We will only really know afterwards, but a great deal now suggests that the first global lockdowns were indeed initiated by the Deep State to push through the NWO agenda in terms of the Great Reset. However, the subsequent lockdowns appear to have been controlled and commissioned by the patriotic forces, the white hats, Q and Trump, in order to carry out the military operations to free the children from the underground facilities (dumbs) as best they could without endangering the civilian population in the process.

Second impeachment trial against Trump:
Failed as expected in the Senate; a handful of Republican senators had joined their Democratic colleagues.

According to Simon Parkes:
The new quantum financial system that will be activated very soon is connected to the 5th dimension and our DNA and is based on the speed of light. It is about the ascension process of humanity from the third to the fifth dimension. The Chinese elders or patriotic elites of China, who are cooperating with Trump and Q, wanted to activate the new financial system already last week, but the US military waved it off because they want to clarify the situation in the US first.
The new White House will be in Texas. The gold reserves for the new financial system will also be stored in Temple, Texas.
The Med Beds will be launched first in Texas and Florida. First they will be used by the military for the children and women rescued from the underground facilities to heal them psychologically and physically so that they can lead normal lives.
The battle of the patriotic military against the deep state actors and their allied negative aliens in the tunnels is in full swing.

According to Charlie Ward:
Trump had rolled out the military by using the distribution of the "vaccine" as an excuse. "vaccine" is a code for "military".
When the global quantum financial reset has happened, the virus, the lockdowns, the vaccination, the 5G and the riots will disappear.
So far, two and a half million deep state people have been arrested worldwide.
NESARA will be established first in the USA, then as GESARA, supported by General Michael Flynn, step by step in all countries of the world, starting with GBR; no one will immediately get 1 million Euros in their account, because people must first get used to no longer having debts and slowly learn to handle a lot of money sensibly and responsibly.
The Med Beds will be made available first in Texas and then in Florida; they can replicate limbs, increase intelligence, cure all diseases and rejuvenate people by 30 years in a very short time.
The Oneness Fund can finance all future humanitarian projects in the world through the seized gigantic financial resources of the Deep State.
The political awakening has already begun; this will be followed by the spiritual awakening of humanity.

According to Gene Decode:
Most of the Deep State actors are already gone and replaced by actors; they have been removed from Earth and sent to a moon base.




Doug Billings: Interview with Simon Parkes: February 18 2021 here



Ileana the Star Traveler: Underground Bioengineering Labs in Dulce New Mexico and Area 51 here
A network of bases and bioengineering labs under Dulce New Mexico and Area 51 with ET's working with human scientists, and military personnel to create ET/human hybrids, breeding programs, and cloning.
A presentation about human women's abductions into these bioengineering labs, Dulce base, Area 51 base, and the Dulce Papers.


2021 02 17 Jared Rand Time For Change Call here







Michael Jaco & Ileana the Star Traveler Interview, Med Beds, SSP Experiences, Smart Suits, Healing here

German parliament ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates’ “vaccination package” for global depopulation here

Pimpy's Investment Chat: Both gold and silver are seeing a shortage lol keep it up here


Jared Rand: TFCC Feb 10, 2021  'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of the RV'' here

Messages from a Star Traveler here





Resignation Info here

Kurt's weekly update / summary and analysis of world events, 6.2.-12.2.2021:

Disclosure on Telegram:
Channels = The True Great Awakening, GhostEzra, SantaSurfing, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Juan O Savin, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump Jr., General McInerney, John F. Kennedy Jr., Dan Scavino, Patriot Streetfighter, Traugott Ickeroth Liveticker.
Disclosure of previously secret documents and information on all sorts of topics such as deep state cabal, paedophilia, Satanism, UFOs, aliens, giants, dwarfs, elves, fairies, goblins, dragons, pyramids, mars, moon, secret technology, photographs from aura and ghosts etc.

Q "Trust the Plan":
The main reason everything is going on - timing, informing the public, arresting deep state actors, etc. - is to rescue the children from the worldwide undergrounds.
The names of the wealthy paedophiles number in the thousands and in the next week or two the sleeping sheep may get a glimpse not only of paedophilia and child cannibalism around the world but also of the revelations about the Fake Plandemie and the gigantic US election fraud and foreign election interference in November 2020.

The Show / The Movie:
Are the patriots already in control? Has the deep state already been defeated? Have the kingpins already been convicted, imprisoned or executed for treason and crimes against humanity? Have they made a deal to be allowed to stay alive, continuing to play their roles under Trump's direction to wake people up? Are there clones, doubles or actors in masks at work in their place? Is already dead who still seems to be alive? Is alive who is thought to be dead? John F. Kennedy Jr, Lady Diana, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Robin Williams and many others who no longer wanted to take part in the horror and had to stage their deaths? Who is the legitimate US president - Biden or Trump? US corporation or US republic? Who is evil and who is playing the bad guy? When will all these questions be answered?
I, for one, know the answer to all these questions. That I am wrong is becoming less and less likely every day. This is really the ultimate takedown of the satanic global order.

Start of impeachment proceedings against Trump:
Even though Trump is no longer in office; are they forced to do so? However, an unique opportunity for Trump and his team to present publicly evidence against the Deep State; setting a precedent that will turn against the democrats - possibility of retroactive impeachment proceedings against ex-presidents!

Source Gene Decode (Military, Underground Mission), 6. and 10.2.2021:
Royal members of the cabal's ancient 13 Phoenician families hunt, torture, kill and eat virgin children and drink their blood on 17 islands to rejuvenate themselves.
After Jesus, Trump is the best man who ever lived on earth. He and his family have saved humanity. Without their willingness to sacrifice, the Dracos would have taken over world domination by the end of 2021 at the latest through the Chinese Communist Party, which they control, and would have enslaved humanity for good and put all rebels and dissidents in concentration camps (FEMA in the USA).
The arrests at the Capitol and White House in recent weeks were not for members of Congress - they had long since been arrested - but for the traffickers in human beings and children, and the large buses with darkened glass were for the children and women rescued from the underground facilities.

Source Charlie Ward, as of late Sept 2020:
Australia US military rescue of 1 million children from Kabale/ Deep State underground facilities.
Keyword "Baby Farming" or "Child Harvesting": mainly in underground facilities in Australia, New Zealand and Africa for adrenochrome extraction; black babies have the greatest value; adrenochrome trade is the most lucrative business on the planet!
USA poisoning of frozen foods to reduce population.
Massive increase in death rate by end of 2020 as a result of Corona and Lockdown measures (deferred surgeries, suicides, etc.); government declaration as "Corona deaths" to justify measures.

Source CirstenW, 7.2.21:
Cabal weather warfare against humanity, carried out by NASA, CIA and Pentagon, via chemtrails, etc.; "climate change" artificially created by the Deep State to achieve its green agenda of human enslavement. Chemtrail station in New Mexico destroyed by white hats; chemtrail stations in Australia and New Zealand still under Deep State control.

Source Simon Parkes, 8.2.21:
If  US Supreme Court positive ruling on election fraud, then action by military to depose Biden; the white hats now turn their attention to the deep state actors in Great Britain, which is next in line.


TEXIT: Daniel Miller of the Texas Nationalist Movement explains the BENEFITS to secession here

Michael Jaco: Deep State is Already Gone to Prisons, Just the Actors are Left here


According to Ward: When the global quantum financial reset has happened, the virus, the vaccine, the 5G and the riots will disappear.


2.10.21 His Glory Dave Scarlett Interview with Scott McKay: Dynamics Of The Evolving Plan here

GENE DECODE: Draco, Demons, WH Gallows, Arrests, Rescued Children, Fake Politicians here


CirstenW: Interview with Jeffrey Prather #FastandFurious​ relived here
Kurt's notes:
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is the battle of perceptions and information. 5GW is also a cultural and moral war, which distorts the perception of the masses to give a manipulated view of the world and politics. 5GW = Infowar, Psywar, Cyberwar, Unrestricted Warfare = economy, environment, ecology, weather, biology, media, education, infiltration etc.
Prather doesn't believe in clones for Hillary Clinton etc, but in doubles and actors with face mask.



Mike Adams HRR: Situation Update, Feb. 9th, 2021 - The globalist controllers have already LOST the end game here

LAST-FLAG-STANDING: Russell-Jay: Gould. here and here
Kurt's comment:
Complex matter that lawyers are probably best placed to understand. If it is true, then one man alone saved us all.
Kurt's notes:
Russell-Jay Gould = Postmaster-General-of-the-World, Commander-in-Chief, Global-Quantum-Banking-System-Creator, Master-of-the-Flag.
1999 Bankruptcy of the US Corporation; since then no legal presidency, no congress, no senate, no military, no police etc. !!!
After all contracts have suspended, automatically going into martial law.
Restoring of accountability and fairness for We The People.
Deep State Cabal (Vatican etc.) - constant silent military war against the people without putting troops on the ground !!!
Grammar; only nouns, prepositions and punctuation have legal authority; manipulation of the syntax by vibes (germ. "Schwingungen"), for instance the Vatican to controll religion and influence peopl's thinking by using verbs, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.
The main contract used to keep us enslaved, is the birth certificate; maritime law against natural law; coming out of the water, the womb of the mother, docking on land, on earth; using it throughout the life; good news = it ended 1999; now claim of the life contract, which gives back the sovereignty about the own life.
Claimant Gould catched the flag, became the postmaster general of the world and court-martialed the president and all the others on behalf of all of us on the basis of the grammar, one word one meaning, not one word many meanings, fact not verb, in the present, not in the past or future, positive performance, not negative, held them so accountable for all they had done and continued to do, rescued the mankind from enslavement and freed us all. He is the greatest hero of all times.


Scott McKay's Zoom Meeting here




PEDOPHILIA & EMPIRE  Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State here




End of Sept. 2020: John Mappin joins Charlie Ward for an IMPORTANT News Update on Current Predicted Lockdown here


$50 Silver & $2,300 Gold Is Coming, But A MARKET CRASH Will Happen Before? - Don Durrett here

Kurt's notes:
The main reason on which everything is based - timing, informing the public, arresting the deep state actors, etc. - is to rescue the children from the underground facilities.
Two presidencies at the same time.
Parkes "Trust the man, not the plan".

Names of the wealthy Pedophiles number in the thousands and over the next week or two, the sleepers may just get a glimpse of not only Pedophilia and child cannibalism around the world but revelations of the Fake Plandemic and the fraudulent November election.


10 days of darkness = White House without lights.

Gene Cosensei Decoder with Cirsten Weldon, speak to Charlie Ward here
Kurt's notes:
WARNING: If you want to listen to this, you must have very strong nerves and be ready to face the truth. Royal members of the old 13 phenician families of the cabal, hunting, torturing, killing and eating virgin chhildren and drinking their blood on 17 islands to rejuvenate themselves ...


Kurt's brief summary and analysis of world events:
People need the Deep State Great Reset to wake up to communist enslavement and the devil's face coming across as an angel's face. That is why the White Hats allow this show.
There will be no Deep State Great Reset that will drive humanity into enslavement because NESARA/GESARA that will give people back their freedom and heritage, is already being implemented by the White Hats.
Every day more and more Democrats are turning away in disappointment from the Biden administration, which is breaking one campaign promise after another and governing against the people.
The Satanic Luciferian Deep State is not putting the genie back in the bottle.
The Space Force has all the information on election fraud and foreign election interference.
Trump and Michael Flynn are against the creation of a third "patriot party"; it is better, in their opinion, to rid the Republican Party of the Rinos and anti-Trumpists.
According to Charlie Ward, 5.2.21:
Legitimate US military government in total control since 12h, 20.1.21.
Official announcement by the military =
24.1. and 25.1.21 arrest of Biden, 355 congressmen and 109 senators.
This announcement was provided to all mainstream media (MSM); yet they all ignored it and none of them broke this news!
This is the beginning of the MSM collapse because they have all committed high treason.
Biden (his clone or an actor) is not in the real White House; he is in a Hollywood studio.
Military are pulling out bodies and body parts from under the White House !!!!
According to Juan O Savin, 5.2.21:
All a military controlled show to wake up the public and distract them from the arrests in the background.
US aircraft carriers on the West and East coasts, in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea, Russian aircraft carriers in Northern Europe; Charles Flynn, brother of Michael Flynn, commander of the US Pacific Fleet - it's all for a good reason.
If Biden were really president and there was no military government, Charles Fynn would never have been given this command.
First the USA must free itself, before it can help the rest of the world.

Michael Lindell: Absolute Proof here

REALITY SHIFTING vs. Ascension | ❗️WARNING❗️ No going back! 😱| Beware of the BLUE PILL here



David “Nino” Rodriguez: The Tide Is Turning here

JUAN O'SAVIN Ai and what’s really happening here

The Right Side with Doug Billings: Interview with General Michael Flynn here

The Right Side with Doug Billings: Interview with Simon Parkes here

Kurt's notes:
Charlie Ward and Juan O Savin - two of the greatest sources!


Robert Kiyosaki: why silver squeezers failed where GameStop traders succeeded here

Pimpy's Investment Chat: Gold Silver and Crypto News 02/04/21 here
Kurt's notes:
The Silver-Fight - The People against the corrupt Elite.




Juan O'Savin Update - 02 Feb, 2021 here

Alien Agenda W Contactee Elena Danaad & David Nino Rodriguez here

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 2/01/2021 - Are people getting arrested at the White House? The Butterfly Effect is You! here


Under Military Control, War with CCP won, & Congress arrested here



1.28.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #38 Arrests Are Happening MA Troops Sent to DC here and Cirstenw: CCP China will be taken down by US Trump and Pres Xi here and Ann Vandersteel and I talk China, Taiwan Intel from source here
Kurt's notes:
Trump, Putin, Xi and Modi and other countries, 17 in all, all under Trump's command, who has the alias "Mogul", form the so-called "Alliance".
Behind the scenes and underground, secret military operations against the deep state have been underway worldwide since late 2016, involving 17 national militaries led by the US military. Evidence of this is the "floods, earthquakes, blackouts, deaths of celebrities in politics, business, finance, entertainment, etc." that have been clustered in recent months.
Almost a total of 100,000 Chinese troops are stationed in Canada and Mexico on the US border and Iran is said to be starting a war against Israel on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
According to Cirstenw, inside information from Taiwan, 29.1.21:
Xi has since removed generals loyal to the Communist Party within the command structure and replaced them with patriotic generals.
Following the ousting of the CCP by its leader Xi, the occupation of China by Taiwanese and US troops from the sea is planned for February 2021 to guarantee the peaceful transition from the People's Republic of China to the new Republic of China.

Charlie Ward- Underground Cities and Tunnels Everywhere here




BardsFM: Peace Be Still - 20210128 here


US Military at the White House Arresting Congress here

1.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #37: Mission Control NOT the WH, 7 Days Dark here
Kurt's notes:
The next wake-up call - Who is awake, can send it to other people still not awake; who is not awake, may become awake by listening to it.

DECLASS ON TELEGRAM: The True Great Awakening here and SantaSurfing here


R. D. Steele with Simon Parks, Charlie Wards, Sacha Stone etc., 25.1.21: COSMIC TAKEDOWN OF THE DEEP STATE - FIVE AMIGOS, FIVE MINUTES EACH, EARTH UPDATE here


Kurt's notes:
Lieutenant General Charles Flynn, the brother of Michael Flynn, has been appointed Commander of the US Army in the Pacific.

1.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #36: Censoring Machine Overdrive here


Wayne Jett, 23.1.21: Military Blocks Insurrection here



1.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #35: Military In Control here

Simon Parkes: 25TH JANUARY UPDATE here

Patriot Street Fighter Scott McKay and Cirstenw here

Charlie Freak, Sept. 2020: The Q Team's Takedown of The Cabal A-Z here and here

Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners - Official Documents here

List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the DEEP STATE Operatives and Doubles. January 23, 2021 here

HRR: Situation Update, Jan 25, 2021 - The trigger for the military to move against Biden here
HRR, 23.1.2021: Maryam Henein on the CORPORATION of the United States here
Mike Adams:
Many people are discussing the "corporate" structure of the United States, and a theory has emerged that the nation may transition to its old "republic" form.
We're not certain whether that legal theory is going to deliver any real solutions, but I discuss the possibilities with Maryam Henein in the first video shown below.
Also, the Situation Update for Monday (publishing late morning) brings some really important new intel to the equation on a different front:
Yes, the white hats in the military are currently in charge, and Biden is merely being allowed to play president for a while. Everything he signs will be rolled back once he's removed as a seditious traitor.
Watch for the Situation Update podcast for Jan. 25th to hear those details.
And buckle up for a rough ride this year. The good guys win in the end, but Biden is going to cause a lot of damage in the short term.
This is actually part of the necessary strategy to take our country back, as you'll hear in the podcast once it goes live.



The Right Side with Doug Billings: My Latest Interview with Simon Parkes here



Kurt's brief summary and analysis of world events:
Why do the Democrats, who now control the White House and both chambers of Congress, with the help of unpatriotic Republicans, want to push through a second impeachment trial against Trump for allegedly inciting the storming of the Capitol, even though he is no longer president? What are they so afraid of? Please put one and one together.
It's about who dominates the public narrative. The MSM, i.e. Big Media, and Big Tech, i.e. the biggest social media, are still in the hands of the Deep State and provide the daily brainwashing and censorship of the population. That's why Trump couldn't declare the Corona PLANdemic over or speak out against vaccinations; who would have believed him? It's also why the mass arrests didn't happen on Jan. 20 during Biden's inauguration. Trump, who is still considered an extremely polarising figure due to the MSM's years-long hate campaign against him, had to back down so that the patriots around Q could shape the appropriate narrative in the public sphere in the following months by releasing previously secret documents, unsealing indictments by Special Counsel Durham, and arresting the first deep state actors one by one, as well as exposing the entire deep state system through the Biden administration's anti-people actions. The Great Awakening is already so far advanced that Big Media and Big Tech can no longer suppress this information. Only when this pre-decisive battle for public opinion - info-war and psycho-war !!!! - is won by the patriots, can the mass arrests by the military of the remaining deep state actors take place without plunging the USA into civil war, because most of the population will then understand and welcome it. The Deep State cabal wants civil war, riots, chaos, division, mistrust, fear, panic, war, because their demons feed on these negative energies. The God-believing patriots, on the other hand, think of the people, abide by the Constitution and fight with the power of prudence, courage, faith, peace, oneness, bliss, light and love.


1.22.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #32: More Troops Heading To DC, Mission On Point here

X22 Report: Ep. 2385b - Memo Is Just The Beginning, How Do You Set The Stage, Public Opinion here

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 1/22/2021 - USA Inc. Bankrupt Docs! We are witnessing History! here

Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 1 22 21 here



Woke Societies: We Will Continue To Hold The Line here

Steel Truth w/ Juan O Savin & Charlie Ward here

Juan O Savin: An Exclusive Interview | Flyover Conservatives here

Back to the movie Juan O Savin here

X22 Report: Ep. 2384b - Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself For The Greater Good here

BardsFM, By and For the People - 20210119 here


Simon Parkes: 21st January Election Update here
Kurt's notes:
A unique opportunity to arrest all the Deep State puppets at once in a single place passed yesterday in Washington D.C. because the military operation planned for it had to be called off at the last moment due to a major threat from the Deep State against the people. The cabal has nothing left to lose, and to the satanic elite, the people are just cattle for slaughter.
The original plan has now been changed by the white hats; Biden is to be arrested by 4 March or by mid-April this year so that the new financial system based on quantum technology with a return to the gold standard can be implemented as planned in 2021. This is the main reason why the cabal seeking the Great Reset enslaving humanity wants to remove Trump and why J. F. Kennedy had to die.
So, as of yesterday, there are two governments in the US - the legal military government and the illegal Biden government. The military government continues to report everything to Trump. The Pentagon (= the Department of Defence) refuses to cooperate with Biden, who as office holder can only have a say in domestic and foreign policy, but cannot exercise supreme command over the military.

Kurt's short summary and analysis of current world events:
Congress did not act on the Ratcliffe report on foreign interference in the US elections on 19.1.21, so now the military is automatically in charge of protecting the Constitution and the people.
Trump, in the final days of his first term, ceded his power as Commander-in-Chief of the military to Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and DHS and FEMA head Peter Thomas Gaynor, respectively.
A McCarthy-era law obliges the US military to protect the country and the people from a communist takeover. With Biden's inauguration yesterday, the criminal act of the Democrats' communist coup d'état against the Trump administration is complete. Biden is not the legitimate president of the US because of the election fraud, foreign election interference (from the CCP etc.) and his crimes (Obamagate, Ukrainegate, etc.). Apart from that, the deep state corporation USA of 1871 no longer exists. So, de jure and de facto, as of noon yesterday, we are dealing with a military government in the USA that will, in the coming months - by the end of March or the end of April - wind up the rest of the Deep State in Washington D.C. and ensure the transfer of power to a legitimately elected civilian government of the new Republic USA, which will follow on from 1871.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is the United States' national coordinating agency for disaster relief and reports to the DHS (United States Department of Homeland Security), whose primary mission is to protect the US population and territory from terrorist and other threats.
Trump, Q, the patriots and the military want to avoid an unnecessary civil war. That is why they chose this option of military rule without President Trump at the helm. In the background and underground, secret military operations against the deep state have long been underway worldwide, involving 17 national militaries led by the US military. Indications of this are the "floods, earthquakes, blackouts, deaths" of celebrities from politics, business, finance, entertainment, etc., that have accumulated in recent months.
Victory over the Deep State cabal will not be achieved by the military alone, not by the people alone, but only by the military and the people together. Therefore, the people must be brought to the brink so that they awaken to the truth in sufficiently large numbers. With Biden's inauguration yesterday, the US and the world are now on that edge of the abyss. Now even the last sleeping sheep will soon recognise the devil's grimace.
20 January 2021 is the greatest acid test yet for the patriots. Those who now retain their courage and trust in God and the victory of God and the patriotic alliance over the cabal are true patriots.
For more enlightening information, I highly recommend Charlie Ward on Telegram to every reader.

X22 Report: Ep. 2383b - Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, The End Won’t Be For Everyone here

Charlie Freak: Decoding Juan O' Savin here


Kurti's brief summary and analysis of current world events:
Kurti's comment:
The enemy is listening in, so if I were Q, the military, patriots and Trump, I would not strike on Inauguration Day when everyone is expecting it anyway, but in the days after, when the enemy is feeling safe. Biden fancies himself president of the US corporation that no longer exists.
The electoral fraud is now complete and finished with Biden's inauguration.
Deception and cunning are permitted in war.

1.20.21(B) Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #30 here

1.20.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #29: Defunct US Corp Inauguration Complete here


Kurt's notes:
Today, John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence (DNI), presented his report on foreign interference in the US elections to Congress.

Gene Decode ~ Optics here

Standing Strong Together 1/19/21 Follow on Telegram at here

Kurt's notes:
In 1871, without consulting the people, a new constitution was introduced, the US corporation was registered in London and the separate state of Columbia District was founded, which legally does not belong to the USA at all. Therefore now the occupation of this hostile foreign territory D.C. by the military!
Trump's first term for draining the swamp; Trump's second term for bringing the swamp creatures to  justice.
The National Guard is not there to protect the domestic and foreign enemies, it is there to protect the constitution and the people.
Rothschild banking cabal, CCP, CIA, UN, Great Reset etc.

1.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #27: #2 DOWN, PFS CHANNEL ACTIVATED here
Kurt's notes:
1.) Biden will not enter the White House tomorrow
2.) People need to be brought to the brink of the abyss before they will muster the will to change
3.) It will become biblical.
The declass of documents does not have to adhere to a specific timetable; moreover, it will not lead to the great awakening of humanity. Only the disclosure of the satanic child sacrifices will do that. Then everyone will be behind the military hunting the satanists.

Farewell Address of President Donald J. Trump here
No mention of Biden - "New administration coming in".
Trump's last sentence: "The best is yet to come."

Jeffrey Prather: Darkest Hour here
Kurt's notes:
We will win, but we are not always winning.
Trump has the people on his side. Therefore the deep state is afraid.
No plan survives initial contact. Plans are useless. So, the passive trust in Q's "Trust the Plan" is absurd. We, the people, are God's plan.

Robert D. Steele: Dinner with Juan 2 Clarity by Sunday 24 January 2021 here
Kurt's notes:
According to Steele:
Today is declass day. Tomorrow is emergency broadcast day. Patriots should stay at home.
The United Kingdom is the main enemy of the USA, not China! Brilliant people like Simon Parkes and Amazing Polly continue to focus on China as an enemy of the US. The Rothschilds and the UK have been trying to take over China and to use it against the US.
There will be free energy and unlimited water supply, which will change everything.
There will be an election fraud commission.
The cabal elite is freaking out; make a deal, there is no place to hide.
Returning the power to the people.
Reform of the election system; it is not possible to secure electronic voting.
Destruction of both, the Democratic and the Republican Party.
There is no lack of money to rebuild the US and the world, because the money of the cabal, who has stolen it from the people, will be used for this purpose; localized manufacturing and farming.
Publication of already 4 books about the satanic pedophilia, child sacrifice and cannibalism, which has backed the deep state.

Kurt's notes:
According to Charlie Ward:
The US corporation registered in London no longer exists, so the last presidential election is invalid anyway; transition of the US to a new NESARA government.
Is Trump turning the White House and the Capitol into a prison?
Several months of transition with a White House without Trump and without Biden; military government that puts everything in order and in the end hands over power to legitimate President Trump and a legitimate civilian government.
Biden's staged inauguration - if it gets that far, to have the crime carried out to the end - means a satanic paedophile putting his hand to perjury on the Bible.
If anything happens to the President, Q has the information.
The Army and National Guard take their oath not to the President but to protect the constitution and the people.
The Trump team consists of about 8000 people who operate in the background.
Trump waits until the last possible moment to find out who is really on his side.
20 Jan = start of the transition phase with the emergency broadcast.
According to Robert D. Steele:
China is not the real enemy of the US, it is Great Britain.

19th January Update - Simon Parkes here


What Exactly is the ‘Courts of Heaven’ All About? here

What are the courts of heaven? here

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! B2T Show Jan 18, 2021 (IS) here
Kurt's notes:
Courts of Heaven, as a result of the victory over the cabal on Earth and in the Milky Way; children taken as slaves to other planets in the Milky Way.

Lin Wood On The Phone 01\18\21 here

1.18.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #27: The Calm Before The Storm, MIL Ready here

BREAKING: Simon Parkes Update18th January 2021 Breaking NewsBreaking Trump News | Real America NOW here

RED 2 ALERT Internet & Phones can do down. AF Pilot warning. Matches "queue" stuff here
Kurt's notes:
The American military operation in the USA, especially in Washington DC, and worldwide can begin at any moment. Full global martial law !!!
Removing governments and making global arrests of people who participated in this coup against the USA.
Trump is safe most likely in Air Force One and will send 7 messages to all TV sets and mobile phones via broadcast emergency service.
Shut down of all media, social media and the internet.
Military tribunals with the confessions of the arrested deep state actors and the evidence of their crimes will be broadcast to every TV set for 3 hours a day for 10 days.


Robert D. Steele: In Support of Charlie Ward & Simon Parkes Hold the Line! here
Kurt's notes:
Robert Steele defends himself and Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward and distrusts Mike Adams, who is supposed to be a scientologist.


It is starting soon ... here

Kurt's brief analysis of world events:
The big question now on the minds of all patriots worldwide: 30,000 troops in Washington DC, troops in all US states - which side are they on? We are all now thrown back on ourselves, on soul and God. Doubt or trust - that is what everyone must now decide for themselves. Whatever comes our way - the ultimate victory of divine love on earth is certain.

Robert David Steele: Ben Fulford from Japan Trump Won, Biden Lost, Dark Days Then Light here
Kurt's notes:
Doubts about Trump's integrity because
1.) Son-in-law Jared Kushner, Building 666, Lucent Technologies and RFID Chip and Chabad Lubavitch.
2.) been saved from bankruptcy 3 times by mafia
3.) brought no peace to the world
4.) no answer to the economic problems
5.) no answer to the environmental problems;
3 future timelines =
1.) Nightmare with Biden and Harris
2.) dire economic crisis with Trump not accepted by the rest of the world.
3.) a solution without Biden and Trump, United States from Argentina to Alaska.
The system has to collapse first before building something new is possible.
It was not the United Kingdom that attacked the USA; it was Germany, the Nazis, the Fourth Reich, the EU, Angela Hitler Merkel, NATO !!!!
Topic Paedophilia and Satanic Cult in the USA: about 40,000 children disappear every year, about 1 million people belong to this cult, were born into it, had no choice if they did not want to die.
Topic Inauguration on 20.1: At the end of the day, we will have a better planet, guaranteed.

SGT Report, 15.1.21: THE STORM IS UPON US, THIS IS IT here
Charlene Bollinger, producer, researcher and founder of returns to SGT Report to discuss multiple data points which strongly suggest that we are about to see the white hats save Republic from the clutches of the globalist satanic death cult. Seriously. It’s going to go one way or the other. The storm is upon is, this is it. In five days we will know if we still have a country.
Kurt's notes:
Second impeachment trial of Trump based on Deep State False Flag Operation Storm the Capitol.
Censorship of all Trump supporters, patriots and Trump himself.
Big Tech and Big Media complicit.
Government resignations in countries involved in US election fraud.
Covid vaccination is highly dangerous!

B2T: Quick Update - Jan 16, 2021 here
Kurt's notes:
Blackouts in Italy, Pakistan and Iran in preparation for war against China and Iran.
No Conventional war with tanks, bombs and firearms.
Cyber war with satellites to take out communication and data centres.
That was the main reason Trump created the Space Force.
250,000 Chinese troops - 75,000 in Canada, 175,000 in Mexico - are ready to invade the US; if they dare set foot on US territory, they will be wiped out.
Using emergency warning systems, Trump will present evidence to the population and show that he is the president-elect.
Potus has activated the Sedition Act; arrests will begin in Oklahoma City; deep state puppets in DC are in full panic mode.
Expect temporary local blackouts.
In the last two weeks Trump has made the deep state puppets come out into the light of day, which now separates the wheat from the chaff.
The Chinese etc. , i.e. foreign interference in the US. elections has been proven, hence it is now a national security issue.
Covid was a bioweapon used against the US to destroy the US economy and force absentee voting which was to enable election fraud using the Dominon voting machines.
The Capitol storm was a false flag operation by the Deep State, carried out by BLM and Antifa.
If Biden is not confirmed as President, there will be riots in Democrat/Leftist cities.
Chinese troops will only enter the country if Biden is confirmed as president. The US would become a communist country and Trump with his family would be hunted down and arrested; therefore Trump will act by 1/19/21 to prevent all this.
The objectives of this war =
1.) the establishment of a new US republic.
2.) the introduction of a new global gold-backed currency based on the quantum financial system to replace the old system of central banks and SWIFT.
209 countries have already signed up to the new system.

Woke Societies: Love Conquers All here
Prayer-meditation of Scotty and interview with Michael James Lindell about his White House visit.
Kurt's comment:
Thank you so much, Scotty. This is we all need now.


1.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #25: Patriots Are In Full Control, PAIN Coming here
Kurt's notes:
Relates Mike Adams doubts about Q, QAnons and Trump's control of the situation; considers Adams a great patriot, but each has different sources of information to which he refers in his analyses. Trump team and military have everything under control. NSA has everything, knows everything. Space Force has energy weapons we can't even dream of.

Kurt's notes:
Fake inauguration of Biden, e.g. in a room of the Supreme Court or in a studio; afterwards march to the White House where he is denied entry; closure of Big Media because broadcast of fake inauguration.
Global blackout, 7-10 days; televised automatic broadcast of military tribunals.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 16th, 2021 - Psyop revealed, DC prepares for large-scale WAR here
Kurt's notes:
Q etc. = CIA psyops to fool the patriots into thinking Trump has everything under control and keep them passive! Adams doesn't name names, but I suspect he is referring to Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Robert Steele.
Heading for a military police state under a communist-influenced regime; after his inauguration, Biden hands the country over to China; then Chinese occupation of the US from Canada and Mexico.
False flag operation of deep state = Biden's assassination and blaming Trump supporters as pretext for disarming population.
30,000 troops in D.C. = preparing for war not against domestic enemies but foreign enemies!
Why would 30,000 troops be needed to arrest a few hundred deep state puppets? They might be needed to put down an uprising of left-wing extremists.
The big question is: are these troops controlled by the white hats or black hats?
Divine intervention at the last moment, on the edge of the abyss?

1.15.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #24: D.C. Amassing Combat Troops, Equipment & Air here
Kurt's  notes:
Trump fired his lawyer Rudy Giuliani?
Trump kicked Jared Kushner out of the White House?
Giuliani and Kushner also deep state puppets?
Information? Disinformation? From the bad guys? From the good guys?
Infowar ...


Scott McKay Tipping Point Radio - End of deep state and Khazarian Mafia, fall of the cabal of evil here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 15th, 2021 - DECLASS begins, CNN complicit in capitol raid here
Kurt's notes:
valuable hint on the danger of "confirmation bias" !!!
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.

Alex Jones Infowars, 5.1.21: General Flynn Interview - New VP Coming Soon here

Robert D. Steele, Beginning of Dec. 20: Juan O. Savin on Election, Tribunals, Soul of America here

SGT Report Interviews, mid-Dec. 20: RDS (= Robert D. Steele) on Trump Triumph, Next Four Weeks here

Robert David Steele, 5.1.21: Juan O. Savin (P) - Day Before the Storm here


Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes: 14th January Update Current News here

1.14.21 Patriot Streetfigther POST ELECTION UPDATE #23: MILIntel Indicating Imminent Nation Lockdown here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 - The FEMA + Military coup to SAVE America, not destroy it here
Kurt's notes:
General Michael Flynn, Lin Wood, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Robert Steele have one thing in common - they believe that Trump will remain president.
Possible scenario = military rule already started; Trump's inauguration only on 1 April; restoration of the Republic of 1871.
Q-Plan right after all? If Q-Plan was just a huge CIA psyop to mislead and distract the patriots, why did the CIA-controlled Big Media attack the QAnons and Big Tech censor them?


Gene Decode videos here

Saturday_10 17 2020_ GENE INTERVIEW: Halloween Rituals…The Moon landing and MOAR here

Gene Decode - Return to the Republic End of US INC, 12.1.21 here

Simon Parkes: 13th January Update Current News here or here
Kurt's notes:
2 possibilities of Trump's inauguration -
1.) on 20.1.2021 in the White House.
2.) 3 months "interregnum" with Trump continuing as president until April;
during the interregnum, the mass arrests could also take place.
The White Hats do not want a military dictatorship; once everything is settled, power will be returned to a civilian government.
The exact timing is not announced by Q so as not to jeopardise the working off of the timetable and because the enemy is listening in; motto of Q: "Do not interfere when the enemy is in the process of destroying itself".
Emergence of a grassroots movement to form a new party "Great American Party".
Part of the British MI6 may be involved in the US election fraud.


1.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #21: Modern Day Sun Tzu Meets Atilla The Hun here

1.11.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay & Dr. Charlie Ward Discuss The Coming Transformation here

Jeffrey Prather: Final Option here

Khazarian Mafia here and here

1.11.21The Empire Strikes Back, Social Media Purge, Alliance Gearing For Final Battle for Supremacy here
Kurt's notes:
About the Khazarian Mafia!

Simon Parkes: 12th January Update Current News here
Kurt's notes:
J.F. Kennedy was assassinated because he wanted to abolish the CIA and FED and return to the gold standard.
Q was created to complete Kennedy's work.
Q was originally just a military operation with 4 members and a quantum computer.
The quantum computer works at the speed of light and can see into the future; so Q already knew in 2016 and 2017 what was going to happen today !
Q was therefore able to look at different timelines.
Q wanted to share this information with people in the US and around the world; so groups were formed around the world who were able to interpret the information encoded in the Q drops. Initially, these groups were paid to catalogue all the affidavits for a year. These groups then decided to continue on a voluntary basis. Most of these people do not know who Q is.
Simon Parkes has spoken to some kind of coordinator who has direct contact with the Q team and the Trump administration, who is therefore responsible for communication between Trump (POTUS, the Boss) and Q. Trump decides what Q announces to the patriots, when and how.
It may well be that the Q team will never be revealed to the public.
The affidavit regarding Leonardo in Italy was disclosed to members of Congress before 6/1/21, and they still carried out the election fraud to the end, thus committing treason against the US and the people!
If the US military had already started all the mass arrests at the end of 2016, 70 percent of all government members should have been arrested !!!!
Now, in early 2021, 85 percent of Congress members need to be arrested and there are already patriots standing by to replace them.
The Trump administration wants Parkes, Ward, and Steele to organise a roundtable that will include a person designated to serve in the future Senate.
Members of the Italian government have been working with the Vatican, including regarding US election fraud via satellite system, which is very difficult to trace. This information changed the whole game because ITA is a NATO member. Trump would have expected such an attack from China, Russia, Iran etc., but never from NATO and UN, own allies!
Italy asked the US to present the matter in public as if Lenoardo had been hacked so that the Italian government could save face. Trump agreed to this on the condition that some people in Italy be arrested. 12 of the 15 most powerful people in the world have an account in the Vatican Bank! Obama had sent a huge sum to the Vatican Bank to be able to fight Trump.
Trump and his team are calm and optimistic; the innermost circle is standing by him. The patriots had everything under control from the beginning and were always several steps ahead of the deep state.
This is not just about saving the US, but about saving humanity, the world.
Scottsdale in Arizona is the home of the Q movement; after the start of Trump's second term, Parkes (a Brit) will emigrate there to open healing centres for the children rescued from the underground facilities.

X22 Report: Ep 2375b- Hold The Line, Trap Set,Tick Tock,Who Controls The NG (National Gard) here
Kurt's notes:
The Deep State wants to plunge the USA into civil war; Q wants the Patriots not to fall into this trap and trust the Q plan or the military.
The governor of Washington D.C. has called in the National Guard to protect herself from the armed patriots; but Trump is the commander-in-chief of the National Guard, so he will eventually turn them against the Deep State actors in Washington.

1.10.21 The Tipping Point Radio POST ELECTION UPDATE #20: Storm Has Arrived, Insurrection Act Signed here


Simon Parkes: 11th January Third Update Current News here
Kurt's notes:
Parkes has direct contact with Q !
Military response teams are in place and ready to go around the world.
According to Parkes Russia with Putin probably involved to a lesser extent in US election fraud.
Start of the Q movement with Kennedy's assassination; 200 generals at the time decided and swore to take up the fight against the Deep State.
Parkes is only partially aware of the Q plan.
Trump has the full support of the military !
Deep state actors know if Trump gets a second term it will mean the end of them.
Trump and Q are in a military base in Texas; Texas is the only state without a Dominion voting system.
Confirmation by Q that the deep state can only be finally defeated by destroying the central banking system and that there will be a return to the gold standard !

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan 11th, 2021 - The final looting of the American empire is now under way here
Kurt's notes:
Trump seems to have actually activated the Insurrection Act, but the generals are reportedly demanding that he go to war with China before China will have outflanked the US militarily.
Secretary of State Pompeo has announced the end of the US's One China policy. This is a provocation to the CCP. China could now attack either Taiwan or a US warship, which would be a pretext for a US military strike against China.
In exchange for putting down the Deep State, the Military-Industrial Complex is demanding that Trump fund an endless war against China.

Danielle, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes here
Kurt's notes:
According to Parkes Russia with Putin probably involved to a lesser extent in US election fraud.
China is putting pressure on North Korea, which is already in the same boat as Trump.
Tensions between Israel and Iran are rising dangerously.
All of Trump's necessary orders have already been issued.
It all boils down to an inevitable war between the US and China because China is behind the US election fraud or the Democrat coup and China's nuclear facilities must be taken out to finally remove this threat to the world.
Use of cybernetic radiation weapons ("Rods from God") fired from a satellite system.
Feigning a nuclear threat scenario so that the public can comprehend the military action without there really being a nuclear war.
A 4D chaos is needed for the awakening of humanity so that there can be a 5D kingdom of heaven on earth.
Trump and Putin are a team. Therefore, Russia will stay out of the conflict.
First, Big Media (= mainstream media), i.e. 6 people !, will be shut down so that they can no longer spread false news.
Activation of Project Odin (software to be able to run Windows programs) and Starlink. Starlink is a satellite network operated by the US space company SpaceX under Elon Musk and Gwynne Shotwell, which is to provide worldwide Internet access in the future.
Activation of the emergency announcement.
The entire historiography of mankind is based on a big lie of the cabal. Therefore, history must be rewritten.
Hitler's Third Reich is underground and is only now finally defeated.



The arrest of the Pope here


Simon Parkes: 10th January Update Current News here
Kurt's notes:
Only giving out information which is confirmed at least by two independent sources.
Last night Trump has signed the insurrection act !!!
General Michael Flynn could play a very important role as vice-president in the coming administration under Trump.
Until the 19th January there will come
1.) arrest of Joe Biden
2.) publication of pedophilia pictures from Hunter Biden laptop
3.) arrest of middle range deep state actors.
Trump with his family is underground in a secure location.
The question is: will the public be informed about the pope involved in pedophilia or not? Because with this information out, the catholic church may be destroyed.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 10, 2021 - Trump's final window of opportunity rapidly closing here
Kurt's notes:
The generals in the military would much rather live under Trump than die under Biden, because the CCP will not let them alive. Therefore the military has a strong reason to stand up for Trump. Very dynamic situation with China and Iran.

Health Ranger Report: FAITH Update, Jan. 10th, 2021 - PRAYER and FAITH reveal the true path to defeating evil here
Kurt's notes:
Faith in a Divine Intervention. Only God can deliver us from evil.


Woke Societies: Our Future Is Bright - Let's Bring The Pain here
Kurt's notes:
The future of free speech in the internet =, with its own servers, so it can not get banned !!!
And also !!!
Prediction: Inauguration of Biden on 20.1.21, military intervention, arrests, military rule, handover of power to President Trump.

Nicholas Veniamin, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes here
Kurt's notes:
80 million voted for Trump; the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt and have betrayed Trump; hence the need to recruit a new elite that swears allegiance to the new republic.
Every country in the world has signed the GESARA treaty. Trump must have a certain position of authority in this programme. Perhaps inauguration as president or king of the new republic on 20 Jan, 4 Mar or Easter?
Inauguration of Biden would be illegal because the USA as a corporation no longer exists.
Need for a re-education programme to show people what has been done and how.
Most of the arrests have already been made; it is now just a question of when the public will be informed. On that occasion, the video-recorded confessions will also be made public.
Biden's deal with China: permission for military invasion of Taiwan.
Biden's deal with Iran: permission to produce nuclear weapons.
Therefore, the US military will never allow Biden to become POTUS.
WWIII has already been won; there have been 3 critical points: 1.) taking out the Phoenician family and the Vatican; 2.) taking out Washington D.C. and the FED; 3.) taking out Buckingham Palace and the City of London.
Queen Elizabeth was willing to make a deal with Trump, which is why she gets to leave an heir.

Health Ranger Report:
Situation Update, Jan 9, 2021 - Emergency red alert America descending into WAR here
Situation Update, Jan 9, 2021 - Big Tech and Leftists DECLARE WAR on conservative America here
Kurt's notes:
Trump & Co censored and deleted by Big Tech (Twitter, Facebook etc.); Big Media and Pelosi declare Trump an instigator of a riot and Trump supporters domestic terrorists; Pelosi to initiate rapid impeachment proceedings against Trump on Monday, in order to prevent Trump from declaring martial law; traitorous Virginia National Guard surrounded White House on orders from Washington, D. C.; troops loyal to Trump are on their way to liberate the White House again; the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has offered Biden and the Democrats to send Chinese aid troops to Washington D.C.. The GOP (Republican Party) - now even Texas Senator Ted Cruz - have betrayed Trump and his supporters. The CCP-directed left-wing extremist cultural revolution against conservative America has begun.

3 EYE-OPENING INTERVIEWS WITH CHARLIE FREAK !!!! (31.12.2020; in English with German subtitles):
Kurt's notes:
History of the Cabal of Babylon, the 13 Phoenician bloodline families who came to Venice, where they changed their names, to the Jesuits and the Vatican.
Cain's descendants, the Canaanites who became the Phoenicians who came to Venice where they became the following families/houses: Borgia, Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Conti, Chigi, Colonna, Farnese, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili, Este and Aldobrandini.
The Jesuits, the scum of the earth, work as the mafia of the world for these 13 families. The Jesuits pass on the orders to the cabal's henchmen.
These families want divinity and immortality without having to do anything for it. Therefore they suck from our energy, like vampires, especially from the energy and blood of children and babies.
Gorgia Guidestones = plan to reduce the world population to 500 million. The cabal had the technology to dispense with humans as a workforce. The remaining humans would have served it only as a source of energy. Even a general uprising of humanity would have been futile against their secret technology. Only Q's military plan, supported by forces of light, was able to save humanity from its destruction by the cabal at the last moment, with the patriotic forces in the military and the NSA ensuring that the presidential elections in November 2016 went through without the manipulations that have been common since the 1990s. If Hillary Clinton had won, humanity would no longer exist in its present form.
It was only after Nine Eleven that the military and the NSA gained access to secret underground military technology, after which they became aware of the cabal's invincibility. So they secretly began to devise a plan to save humanity from the cabal.
Unlike A. Lincoln, Adolf Hitler and J.F. Kennedy, Trump was successful in his fight against the cabal because he cut off the heads of the Hydra right at the beginning.
Venice = maritime admiral's right. Birth certificate = consent to enslavement.
The entire history written by the Jesuits is a lie.
Russia-gate, Obama-gate, impeachment, etc. - all failed.
9 Nov 2016 meeting of Trump with members of the Q team, NSA and military to determine the best time to cut off the heads of the Hydra.
Already on 12/24/2016 the heads of the cabal have been cut off in Venice, the 13 bloodline families !!!!
4-day demonic blood ritual in the underground of Venice from 21 to 24.12. to counteract the Christ energy.
Underground, on all continents and intercontinental, a completely different world exists where the cabal lives.
13 palaces in Venice, each palace with its own head, its own team, its own operation. Each operation had to be successful, no head was allowed to escape, because the revenge of the cabal would have been terrible. Cue underground technology.
With Nine Eleven, the cabal went too far and exposed itself. The Patriot Act they created in the aftermath is the legal basis for their own elimination, which is how they scored an own goal. They were too sure of themselves and became careless and arrogant. They never imagined that Hillary Clinton would lose the election.
Probable speech by Trump to team leaders: "You cannot fail, because if you do, humanity will be wiped out." If the mission failed, the Guidestone protocols would have been activated immediately. Hence the order to "shoot first, ask questions later". Only the guards were quietly taken out, the heads were all arrested and interrogated. 2 important questions: Where is the super technology? Where are the children? Switzerland and CERN = adrenochrome farms.
After the 13 houses were taken out, the cabal's henchmen panicked because they did not receive orders, so they made calls. Worldwide mass arrests between late December 2016 and March 2017.
The military started the process on 24 Dec 2016 and will finish it on 20 Jan 2021.
It has to be done this way after it has been shown that even the Supreme Court and all the states are corrupt.
The case must and will start with the USA. The other nations will follow like dominoes.
Q posts with coded messages.
Big tech or mainstream media = entertainment = enter and tain the mind / invade and hold the mind / mind control. The cabal's most powerful weapon.
Fake Corona and the election fraud are the cabal's Plan B to achieve their goal of the ultimate enslavement of humanity in a rush, which is allowed to be played out by the Q-Team to awaken humanity from the matrix to the truth, with of course regrettable collateral damage. To prevent the cabal from repeating itself again in 20 or 30 years, the whole swamp has to be drained, which takes time.
Trump's Twitter account to counter Fake News.
You can't tell people, you have to show them.
Leaked FEMA camp plans in Canada; release from it only if vaccinated and chipped and relinquishment of private property; in exchange freedom to travel and basic income for life.
Canada with its underground facilities was intended by the cabal as a base for the Chinese invasion of the USA. Obama armed and funded all the world's terrorist organisations and Antifa.
China was to be made the centre of child farming and adrenochrome industry, with the Silk Road all the way to Venice. Walmart and China = child trafficking!
Big Tech, Big Media and the Democratic Party are controlled by China and China is controlled by the cabal.
Highly dangerous practitioners of black magic, therefore executed on the spot. E.g. Prince Philip and Tom Hanks. VIPs with left black eye.
Bribery and blackmail (videotaping children); declarations of loyalty to China and hiring Chinese agents in their companies.
All already settled and done by the patriotic forces around Q and Trump in the background; all just more of a show, a theatre that had started on 8.11.2016 with the election of Trump, an illusion for humanity to wake up to. The main actors of the cabal have long since been executed and replaced by doubles, clones or biorobots; only a few have accepted a deal and are allowed to continue playing their role until the end of the play.
NESARA/GESARA is already being implemented. Inflation is a thing of the past along with usury. No more middlemen. Everyone is entitled to their natural wealth from birth.
Trump's ticket is Nancy Pelosi. She has accepted Trump's deal not to be executed and only sentenced to life in prison if she plays the game. Pelosi will reveal the truth to her supporters when the time comes so that they will accept it and there will be no riots.

Interview with Charlie Freak: Der Sieg des Lichts über die tausendköpfige Hydra - Teil 1 hier

Der Sieg des Lichts über die tausendköpfige Hydra - Teil 2 hier

Der Sieg des Lichts über die tausendköpfige Hydra - Teil 3 hier


Kurt's notes:
1776 is the first and true constitution.
1871 is the second and false constitution putting the USA as a Vatican corporation under the rule of the Vatican and the Rothschilds of London.

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 1/8/2021 - TRUMPSARA IS HAPPENING! POTUS Worldwide role! Many Big Twitter accounts suspended! here
Kurt's notes:
No second term of Trump, because he will take over a leading role in the worldwide unfolding of GESARA?

Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward here
Kurt's notes:
During Capitol Storm Under Cover Marines unit in Pelosi's office seized 12 laptops and copied data.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update Jan 8th - Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede here
Kurt's notes:
Trump is in a safe place, in a military base in Texas, surrounded by patriotic military. Deep state threatens him with "dirty bombs" in all those states whose representatives in Congress supported Trump. Rumour: the leaders of the coup, together with Vice President Pence, want to arrest Trump and his team by activating the 25th Amendment of the Constitution. But Pence, who as vice-president is needed for this, seems to oppose it so far. Big Media portrays Trump supporters as domestic terrorists.
Obama, Conti, Vatican, Leonardo satellite system, election fraud in Real Time.
2 possible outcomes: Loss of the Republic or greatest victory over the Deep State.

Press Release: Votes Switched throughout U.S. Presidential Race – Institute for Good Governance here

Woke Societies: Italy and Color Revolutions here
Kurt's notes:
If Trump now applies the insurrection act or declares martial law and starts mass arrests, no one can accuse him of acting like a military dictator and not having exhausted all other options like the Supreme Court and Congress.
What happened the day before yesterday at the Capitol in Washington D.C. was a colour revolution orchestrated by the Deep State.
In Italy, the person who carried out the electoral fraud using the Leonardo satellite system - changing the algorithm and the number of votes - and confessed everything under oath, is under house arrest. Obama and the Italien Prime Minister are involved in this coup against Trump. Maria Zack, founder of "Nations in Action". Termed Italy Gate, the claim highlights the role of one Stefan Serafini, an Foreign Service officer, for transferring the votes from Donald Trump to Biden using Italian military satellites.
In the Second World War, the Americans saved the Italians from fascism. Now the Italians are returning the favour by saving the Americans from fascism in the Fourth World War.

Nations in Action here


The Art of War: "Appear strong when you are weak. Appear weak when you are strong."

X22 Report: Ep. 2372b-Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed here

Jeffrey Prather: CURAHEE! here
Kurt's notes:
Trump is in an unrestricted warfare surrounded by enemies (Obama's shadow government) and we are in enemy territory. Trump has only a short window to activate the executive order on foreign interference in elections. The enemies of the US are China, Iran, super rich families (= deep state) and to a lesser extent Russia. Italy (Leonardo), terror groups in Germany. Q's "trust the plan" is useless. We the patriots, the people, are God's plan. Fifth generation warfare (cyber and drones). The Third World War was against international terrorism. The Fourth World War is in full swing. BLAntifa = BLM + Antifa. The Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution addresses issues that may arise in connection with the early termination of a presidency. The Deep State is so scared that it now wants to play this card against Trump.

Simon Parkes: 7th January Update Current News here
Kurt's notes:
While all eyes were on the Deep State Black Hats' False Flag action at the Capitol in Washington D.C., the patriotic White Hats were conducting secret operations in 7 other U.S. cities. Italian government and military, Canadian company Dominion and Vatican: Italy gave satellites to the Vatican, which the Vatican named "Leonardo da Vinci". A small puzzle had been missing from the white hats until now, now supplied by the allowed manipulation of the runoff election in Georgia. The Vatican is at the forefront of U.S. presidential election fraud that has been coordinated through Leonardo. This realization has completely changed the game. The problem is that Italy is a member of NATO and the EU. That is one of the reasons Trump did not declare martial law last night. The time until January 20 is probably the "10 days of darkness" announced several times, when the good guys seem to have lost the fight. But as long as the people are behind Trump, he will get a second term.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 7th, 2021 - False flag attack STAGED to complete the steal here
Kurt's notes:
Using the false flag action of storming the Capitol as a pretext, preceded by a secret agreement between Capitol Police and Antifa leaders, Congress by Pence's betrayal declared Biden President despite the proven massive election fraud and foreign interference in the election, thus completing the coup d'état, which means that almost all options have now failed - the legal process all the way to the Supreme Court, Congress, the Pence card.  The only option left is the military option. Trump has a window of only a few days to do this. If he does not play this last card, he will go down in history not as a hero but as a zero, and only the patriotic option will remain to save in a bloody civil war the United States from communist dictatorship and population reduction.

Dr. Steve Turley: Is It Time To Start a THIRD PARTY? here

BREAKING: Trump Announces 'Orderly Transition' on Jan. 20th; 'it's over...' here



BREAKING: Ant*fa Members Identified And CAUGHT! BIG WIN!! here

BREAKING: Lin Wood Addresses The Nation: 'WE WILL STILL WIN 4 MORE YEARS!' here



Antifa JUST CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C. here

Ted Cruz Stands to OBJECT Election Results | Statement here

Jeffrey Prather: BREAKING here
Kurt's notes:
Patriots at the Capitol during election debate, after Pence has acted as a coward - false flag operation from Antifa-members by order of the Deep State.

Steve Bannon's War Room: Pandemic Ep 636 here

RSBN LIVE: U.S. Capitol on Lockdown, Senate and House in Recess here

Right Side Broadcasting Network: LIVE: Electoral College Vote Count- Vice President Pence Presides Over Joint Session of Congress here

Right Side Broadcasting Network: TRUMP RALLY LIVE IN DC: President Donald Trump at Save America Rally at The Ellipse 1/6/21 here


Woke Societies: Information World War here

Jeffrey Prather: The Longest Day here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 5, 2021 - Congress will betray; patriots will need to RESCUE the President here
Kurt's notes:
Tomorrow in Congress - playing the Epstein card?
No trust in Q's "trust the plan"; freedom is not given to you, freedom must be earned. It's not Trump who needs to save the people more, the people now need to save Trump! No trust in Vice President Pence. Pence and Congress will betray the people tomorrow, leaving only 2 options: martial law declared by Trump or uprising of patriots. Praying for divine intervention.

Right Side Broadcasting Network: LIVE: STOP THE STEAL Coalition Pre-Rally at Freedom Plaza Ahead of Tomorrow's Big Events in DC here

AuroMaa, Alok Pandey: The Moment of Transition (TE 293) here

Mike Maloney: Why Buy Gold If the System Will Be Crypto & Digital Fedcoin Dollars? here
Kurt's notes:
As long as there is inflation - with fiat paper dollar or fiat digital dollar -, gold and silver price will rise.


Kurt's short analysis on world events:
According to X22 Report, 4/1/2021:
Tweets from Lin Wood, 4.1.2021: 10 biggest intelligence agencies in the world (Chinese Intelligence, CIA, FBI, Mossad, MI6 etc.) blackmail videos of all influential politicians etc. raping and shooting children !!!! Hacked by group "Lizard Squad" who handed a copy of it to actor Isaac Kappy, who later allegedly committed suicide; Wood had the key to the folders with the videos and shared this information with others, so that his murder would only speed up the release of the same; mention of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts; does Wood release information and documents????

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 4th, 2021 - Election theater is cover for the global extermination agenda here
Kurt's notes:
With corona mRNA vaccination, the implementation of the long-term planned agenda of mass extinction of the world population has begun. The vaccination leads to infertility and death within 5 years. Vaccination also introduces updateable software, an operating system, into the cells so that the vaccinated person becomes the intellectual property, the slave of Bill Gates. The deep state actors know that their hour is about to strike, so they are rushing to implement their agenda. When masses of people die from vaccination, they will spread the narrative that everyone died from Corona, so more vaccination is necessary. The motive of the globalists is their mistaken belief that at a certain point of overpopulation the planet will no longer be habitable. Surviving will be the globalist elite and the anti-vaccinationists. The globalist elite already has a plan to eliminate the anti-vaccinationists: use drones and armored vehicles with automatic weapons. Securing Trump's election victory is just the opening chapter of an apocalyptic war between humanity and the satanic power elite.
10-day emergency investigation of election fraud - to stall patriots gathered in Washington DC, to put them in a wait-and-see mode until Biden has been brought to the White House on Jan. 20? According to the constitution, Inauguration Day on Jan. 20 is not fixed; if the election is contested, it can be delayed until March 4. The Deep State appears to be relying on delaying tactics to prevent the spontaneous mobilization of armed patriots and Trump's military option.


Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 1/3/2021 - TRUMPSARA is coming! here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan. 3rd - Senators announce 10-day emergency investigation here
Kurt's notes:
12 U.S. Senators call for 10-day audit of presidential election on Jan. 6.
Commission of 5 Senators, 5 Representatives of the House and 5 Supreme Court Justices.
The question is: what will be the ratio of patriots to traitors on this commission? How will its members be selected? Of the chief justices, we can only trust Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Do we want the swamp to investigate the swamp?
The military option doesn't mean tanks in the streets, because Trump doesn't want to further strain the population after the lockdowns; it means Special Forces and Rapid Response troops to arrest and eliminate Antifa and BLM leaders in far-left cities. If local Democratic mayors and governors oppose this, they will be arrested right along with them.


Jeffrey Prather, 31.12.2020: Traitors! here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Jan 1st - Trump vs. the globalist genocide machine here
Kurt's notes:
Supreme Court has failed, so Congress is the last hope for Trump to get justice through civil means.
3 possible outcomes from Congress 6/1/2021 =
1.) Election of Biden
2.) Election of Trump
3.) Neither Biden nor Trump - postponing the decision until 3/4/2021.
Trump's Epstein card?
Trump's legal team may present all the evidence of election fraud and foreign interference, which the Supreme Court has dismissed.
A write-in vote / floor vote in Congress would provide Trump with the final list of traitors.

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 12/31/2020 - Trump leaves FL Abruptly - Happy New Year! The Best is Yet to Come!! here


Kurt's short analysis on world events:
In Georgia, there is now live public proof that Dominion voting machines can be hacked without an internet connection or wifi to manipulate the vote.
The patriots only trust Trump, Flynn, Powell, Giuliani, Wood and Ellis anymore. They have finally lost their trust in government institutions and representatives of the people. They also do not believe that Pence will help Trump to a second presidency on January 6. Q supporters, on the other hand, are still betting on the Pence card.
Trump has announced he will present information to Congress on Jan. 6 that has not yet been disclosed in any court. This information could be beyond the scope of proving election fraud and could also relate to foreign election interference, crimes against humanity, release of all documents, etc.
If Congress still decides against Trump on Jan. 6, the list of traitors to the people and the country will be complete and Trump will still have these two final options:
1.) The Insurrection Act
2.) Military: confiscate all voting machines and ballots and recount legal votes under military supervision.


Kurt's short analysis on world events:
Trump signed the Congressional stimulus bill and Corona aid package with the stipulation that Congress meet 3 conditions:
1.) Increase Corona aid for every U.S. citizen from $600 to $2000
2.) Elimination of payments to NGOs and to foreign countries (= prevention of money laundering!)
3.) Investigate election fraud

Eric Clapton  -My father`s eyes Lyrics here

Eric Clapton - Stand & Deliver (Van Morrison protest song 2020) here

No More Lockdown by Van Morrison - Music from The state51 Conspiracy here


Attorney Sidney Powell Releases 270 Page Document on Massive 2020 Election Fraud Involving Foreign Interference here and the link to the download here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 26th - Treasonous Army generals fear Trump's "militia option" here
Kurt's notes:
Trump's economic war against China is very successful so far; the disintegration of the Chinese communist empire by 2025 under Trump's second term is therefore very likely.
Left-wing extremist army coup attempt: at the highest level, the generals still appointed by Obama are against Trump; at the middle and lowest levels, the officers and soldiers are for Trump. The generals are afraid of the 500,000-strong Patriot Militia units that could protect Trump and the White House from an Army coup on Jan. 6.


Woke Societies: Bombs Away Christmas Special here
Kurt's notes:
Supreme Court postpones Trump's Pennsylvania lawsuit until Jan. 22 !!! Further proof that the legal system is betraying the people.
Trump has vetoed the Covid 19 aid program crafted by Congress, which provides tens of millions of dollars for foreign countries and only $600 for each American. Trump is calling for at least $2,000 for every American. Has this to do with Trumpsara?

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update Dec. 25th - Americans prepare for January WAR here
Kurt's notes:
Adams considers Pence a traitor who will flee the country after Jan. 6 and has no confidence that the Supreme Court will save the country. In the meantime, he said, it has been proven that the GOP (Republican Party) has betrayed Trump and is the enemy of the people.
The mood among U.S. patriots = "We must fight now while we are strong, while Trump is still president."
If Congress votes for Biden on Jan. 6, armed patriots in swing states could arrest and publicly execute governors, mayors and congressmen responsible for election fraud on Jan. 8-9. Democratic-ruled cities would be besieged by armed patriots. Big Media would then urge Trump to apply the Insurrection Act, which Trump would then use to arrest all deep state actors after the armed patriots had retreated.
If Congress votes for Trump on Jan. 6, the armed Antifa and BLM, backed by the Chinese sleepers, would rise up against Trump and the Patriots.
Ergo: either way - civil war is coming, unless Biden withdraws his candidacy to prevent the release of all documents about him and his family.

The Epoch Times: Sidney Powell Says White House Aides Are Blocking Her Efforts to Help Trump here
Attorney Sidney Powell said in a Dec. 23 interview with Zenger News that senior White House aides are preventing her from communicating with President Donald Trump and are blocking her efforts to assume a formal coordinating role in pursuing contest-of-election challenges on the president’s behalf.
The interview followed what has been widely reported as a tense meeting at the Oval Office on Friday, first reported by The New York Times, with the participation of Trump, Powell, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and White House counsel Pat Cipollone. National security adviser Robert O’Brien and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani reportedly participated by phone.
Powell told Zenger News that she was verbally offered the position of “special White House counsel” by Trump during Friday’s meeting, but that she has been unable to present the president with paperwork that would make it official and that her appointment has effectively been blocked.
“I’ve been blocked from speaking to or communicating with the president since I left the Oval Office on Friday night,” Powell said, “by apparently everyone around” the president.
Powell clarified that the role she was offered was “not a Robert Mueller-style special counsel,” but that “there was a discussion about me being a special White House counsel.” A special counsel is appointed by the Attorney General, while a special White House counsel can be appointed by the president.
Trump, in a tweet on Wednesday, doubled down on his calls for the appointment of a special counsel to probe election fraud. “I disagree with anyone that thinks a strong, fast, and fair Special Counsel is not needed, IMMEDIATELY. This was the most corrupt election in the history of our Country, and it must be closely examined!” Trump wrote.


X22 Report: Ep. 2362b - Truth Belongs To The People,Public Awakening,Treason,Fraud,[Knowingly],Down She Goes here
Kurt' notes:
The Pence Card will be played out on Jan. 6th. After it Trump will appoint Sidney Powell as a Special Counsel.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 24th - Pence fails, options collapsing, DECLASS priority here
Kurt's notes:
Start of declass only around Jan. 8th or 9th, if situation doesn't get resolved first.
Jeffrey Adam Rosen, the new attorney general, member of globalist CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) will not appoint Sidney Powell as a special counsel!
This is totally against Trump's will, who is surrounded by traitors in his administration.
Also Pence did not invoke the Pence-Raiklin maneuver! Trump's comment on it: "Pence is not fighting hard enough."
Barr, Roberts, Pence and Co - bribed, blackmailed etc..
For we the people, they are all traitors, with very few exceptions.
Congress wants with a two-thirds majority override Trump's veto, in order to disact the Insurrection Act, because the Deep State Swamp Creatures are afraid of invoking it by Trump.
Sidney Powell, the best civil side solution of this problem, is defamed by Big Media as a conspiracy theorist and is totally cut out, no special counsel, not allowed to meet with Trump, who is cut off his ressources. Trump is under siege in the White House!
If election theft is still happening, the patriots will go active on Jan. 8th. to defend their nation against tyrants, traitors and foreign occupation. They will have nothing left to lose, because they will be all dead, if Biden becomes president.
A rumour is around: the Deep State has installed a nuclear device inside the White House or Washington D.C. to put pressure on Trump to leave the White House. The killing of Trump they would blame it on Russia! Pretext for Biden to declare ware against Russia.
Russia just wants to survive as a nationstate.
China wants to destroy the USA in order to dominate the world.
Between Jan. 6th and Jan. 20th the final remaining option for Trump may be we the people !!!


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 23rd - Trump chooses DECLASS option; readies epic doc dump here
Wikipedia: Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick (born May 18, 1986) is the current Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. He previously served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, national security adviser to the United States Attorney General and as a former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs for the United States National Security Council (NSC).
Wikipedia: The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) is an advisory committee established by the United States Congress with the official mandate of promoting the fullest possible public access to a thorough, accurate, and reliable documentary record of significant U.S. national security decisions and activities. The Board is composed of nine individuals: five appointed by the President of the United States and one each appointed by the Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, and Senate Minority Leader. Appointees must be U.S. citizens preeminent in the fields of history, national security, foreign policy, intelligence policy, social science, law, or archives.
Kurt's notes:
0n 22th Dec., Trump appointed Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ezra Cohen-Watnick to chair the Public Interest Declassification Board.
Cohen-Watnick was brought into the United States National Security Council by Michael T. Flynn, the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and President Donald Trump's first National Security Advisor.
Cohen-Watnick, the protegé of Flynn, is said to be the leader of the Q-Team !!!
In case of Trump victory, knowing that a second Trump term would destroy the CCP, China could try to invade the USA and to activate its sleepers inside the USA. 4000 chinese cruise missiles, smuggled in by container ships, allowed by democratic governors, targeting military objects, could be all over the USA.
So, the US patriots will have to fight not only Antifa and BLM, but also chinese troops landing in California, at the west coast, penetrating also from Canada and Mexico. The patriots have to defeat the deep state and the CCP and to take their country back.


Woke Societies: Trump Is Preparing For Full Out Declass And Grand Juries - Get Ready! here
Kurt's notes:
White House advisers are blocking Trump and Powell!
Pence Card 6th Jan.!
Trump's order to the new General Attorney - Declass of all documents and Grand Jury related to 2016 elections!

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 22nd - TEN feasible pathways to a Trump VICTORY here
Kurt's notes:
Mike Adams gives still 5 days for Trump to act; later on he will no more trust the president.
Deep State Agenda = social credit system, surveillance, censorship, expropriaton, depopulation.
10 feassible pathways to a Trump victory =
1.) DECLASS option: Release of all secret documents and exposing of Biden as a criminal, traitor and CPC puppet.
2.) Removal of electoral votes from states involved in rebellion against the U.S., by invoking the 14th Amendment of the Constitution
3.) Appointment of Sidney Powell as Special Prosecutor/Counsel by the Attorney General with the right to subpoena, seize evidence, indict, and make arrests
4.) Activation of the Insurrection Act to militarily seize ballots and voting machines and conduct a recount of legal votes using voting machines without internet connectivity under military supervision
5.) Operation Pence Card / Pence-Raiklin maneuver: rejecting the swing states' electoral votes because of voter fraud and counting only the remaining states' electoral votes at the direction of Senate President Mike Pence on Jan. 6 in Congress, so Trump wins 232 to 227 votes
6.) Application of the 12/9/2018 executive order on foreign interference in U.S. elections to eliminate Big Tech and Big Media and release the evidence of election fraud and Chinese infiltration
7.) Recommendation of "We the People Convention": announcement of the evidence of the cyber war against the US started by China, announcement of new elections under military supervision, arrest and try in military tribunals of all domestic accomplices and traitors to the country
8.) Deploying the national emergency broadcasting system and controlling Big Media to publicize the evidence, as well as publicly pressuring members of Congress in the swing states to vote for the alternative electoral votes
9.) Convincing swing state legislators to revoke their certification of electoral votes for Biden, publicize the election fraud, and certify new electoral votes for Trump
10.) Victory in the Supreme Court regarding the Pennsylvania lawsuit and thus invalidating the election results in all swing states.

X22 Report: Ep. 2360b - We The People Are About To Take Back The Country, THE CURE Will Spread Worldwide here
Kurt's notes:
Trump surrounded by Deep State advisers who try to convince him to concede.
Pence Card, the constitutional way.

Steve Bannon's War Room: Pandemic Ep 602 here
Wikipedia on Peter Navarro:
Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He serves in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. He previously served as a Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the White House National Trade Council, a newly created entity in the White House Office, until it was folded into the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, a new role established by executive order in April 2017. He is also a professor emeritus of economics and public policy at the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine, and the author of "Death by China".
Kurt's notes:
Dr. Peter Navarro's Report on election fraud.


Health Ranger Report: Stewart Rhodes warns Jan. 6th will be DISASTER for Trump if Insurrection Act is not invoked here
Kurt's notes:
The patriotic militia movement, led by the Oathkeepers, considers Barr a deep state operative, doesn't believe in a Q master plan, and warns Trump not to rely on Pence and GOP representatives in Congress or on Jan. 6. Trump, he says, must bring the insurrection act to bear before Dec. 31 and make public all sealed indictments so that the military has enough time to carry out whatever is necessary (seizures, arrests, etc.) and the public is informed of all the acts of deep-state actors. After Jan. 6, he said, it would be too late because Trump's actions would then no longer be covered by the constitution. That would be Trump's biggest mistake. In an open letter, Stewart Rhodes, the head of the Oathkeepers, suggests to Trump that the mjlitia groups secure the country from internal enemies (Antifa, BLM) while the army takes care of securing the borders against external enemies (China). If Trump does not act accordingly before Dec. 31, the patriotic militia groups would take over arresting traitors on their own initiative.
It could be that Trump wants to do just that: drive up the boiling point until the patriotic population is willing to take the knife in its own hands. Then he could "save face" before the mainstream public by activating the insurrection act within the constitution or - in abrogation of the constitution - by declaring martial law, both to avoid a civil war.

'This Is The Only Fight That Matters'—Exclusive Interview with Steve Bannon | Crossroads here
Kurt's notes:
Disappointed in Durham and Barr.
CCP = the greatest existential threat USA ever faced; infiltration of the whole US society since decades; elite capture; unrestricted warfare.
Globalist project versus nationalist project.
The globalist elites support the slave labour model of CCP, they admire the combination of state capitalism and dictatorship.
Globalism = communist international.
Assistance for the chinese people to free themselves from the CCP dictatorship.
A global war between freedom and slavery.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 21st - The Pence-Raiklin Maneuver here
Kurt's notes:
Trump is surrounded in the White House by deep state advisers urging him to quit.
The Pence-Raiklin maneuver: Vice President Mike Pence, as Senate leader, can reject the electoral votes of both sides of the swing states and have only the electoral votes of the remaining states counted, so Trump would win by 232 votes to 227.
If, contrary to expectations, Congress decides in favor of Biden on Jan. 6, Trump cannot hand over the White House to the high traitor and CCP puppet Biden, but must use the Insurrection Act to protect the Constitution and the people.
There is a war between the USA and China: bio-war, psycho-war, info-war, cyber-war.


X22 Report: Ep. 2358a - Trump Sends Message, The Central Bank Is The Target here
Kurt's notes:
Arresting the puppets Clinton, Obama, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and Co would not solve the problem. The string pullers are hiding behind the curtain. They are the Invisible Enemy. The root cause of all evil is the central banking system based on debt and therefore enslaving the people and nations. Trump's fight against the central bank is the battle of all battles.

X22 Report: Ep. 2358b - Message Received, Rule Of Law, Insurrection, A New Birth Of Freedom here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 20th - The Misdirection Ploy - How to seize everything without using the military here
Kurt's notes:
The military option = the Michael Flynn option
The Special Counsel  option = the Sidney Powell option
New option for Trump without using the military: the nomination of a Special Counsel  Sidney Powell for seizing the ballots and voting  machines without bloodshed. The Special Counsel has the right to make arrests.


Woke Societies: Murmurs of Military Intervention Are Increasing, Sidney Powell Special Counsel? here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 19th - China engineering WAR between USA and Russia here
Kurt's notes:
Chinese cyber attack for 9 months through backdoors at SolarWinds against US critical infrastructure, including Pentagon, CIA, nuclear weapons infrastructure, etc., of which election fraud is only a small part !!!! The Chinese may now be able to manipulate or thwart US retaliatory strikes in the event of a nuclear first strike on their part. This means that there is already war between China and the USA. The Deep State and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with the help of Big Media and Big Tech, are trying to blame the cyberattack on the Russians to trigger a war between the U.S. and Russia, from which China would emerge as the laughing third, finishing off a devastated America and taking over the country in the end.
Therefore, Trump will soon bring the Insurrection Act to bear, at least in the swing states, to have all ballots and voting machines seized by the military. He will use the overwhelming evidence to expose Joe Biden as an accomplice of the CCP and an enemy of the state so that Biden can no longer be president. The great wave of arrests can then begin.
Satanismus, Dämonen, Kommunisten, Demokraten

X22 Report: Bix Weir - The Great Reset Will Not Happen, Silver Is The Bank Killer here

MO, the 21.12.2020 - the beginning of the cosmic-spiritual turn on earth:
Kurti's comment:
The day after tomorrow, Monday, December 21, is the beginning of a decisive turning point from a cosmic-spiritual point of view.
All spiritual seekers, awakeners and awakened people all over the world agree on this.
Whoever wants to tune in to this new energy only needs to open his heart to the Divine Love and surrender himself completely.
The new age of freedom, peace, bliss and love is now dawning.
In some hearts it has already begun. Now it will also manifest itself in an accelerating way on the outside.
Everyone is free to accept or reject it.
Everyone creates his own reality.
We have free will as immortal Souls and eternal children of the Divine.
So: the wheat is separating from the chaff ...
It is therefore no coincidence that probably just in this time window - end of December/beginning of January - the decisive, destroying world-wide blow of the patriots against the deep state will take place. And if it does not, it will happen later. But it is as certain as the Amen in prayer.
With love, Kurt


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 18th - Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL WAR here
Kurt's notes:
Big Pharma vaccine crimes against mankind = death industry = depopulation agenda of Bill Gates !!!
The 305th Military Intelligence Battalion (= "Kraken") is part of the United States Army's 111th Military Intelligence Brigade located at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. It consists of three companies: A-Alpha Company, B-Bravo Company, and C-Charlie Company. The battalion's mission is primarily to train Initial Entry Training Soldiers for Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) 35F - All Source Intelligence Analyst, and 35G - Geospatial Imagery Intelligence Analyst.
Chinese cyberattack against US is prelude to war against China.
3 Trump cards Trump holds = martial law, wartime president, and release of all classified documents.
To win, Trump doesn't need the Army, which is infiltrated by deep state actors. He only needs the Marines, Air Force, Space Force, Special Forces, and Cyber Command (305th Battalion), all of which are loyal to him.
He must first use the military to eliminate the Deep State in the U.S. before he can destroy the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during his second term.
Only when the CCP is finally destroyed, will there be peace and tranquility on our planet.

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 12/17/2020 - Bombs dropping! Trump's Big Decision! Chief Roberts is dirty! here


Woke Societies: Nuclear Infrastructure Hacked here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 17th - Ratcliffe confirmation of foreign interference hands Trump justification to SEIZE ballots, voting machines here
Kurt's notes:
SolarWinds Inc, an American company that develops software for businesses to help them manage their networks, systems and information technology infrastructures, has been the talk of the town for a few days. Connections to Obama, Clinton, Dominion, CCP (Chinese Communist Party), etc.. Hacked by black hats or white hats?
Deep state actors within the Directorate of National Intelligence are trying to delay John Ratcliffe's report as long as possible so that Trump does not have an excuse to activate the Insurrection Act. If Trump uses the Insurrection Act or declares martial law, the CCP could mobilize its troops in Canada and Mexico, as well as its sleepers inside the U.S., because it knows that a Trump who remains in power can and will destroy it.

X22 Report: Ep. 2356b - Marker, Nobody Playing The Game Gets A Free Pass, The 'CURE' Will Spread WORLDWIDE here
Kurt's notes:
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, has voted against the Texas-Lawsuit; is he the "John Roberts" on Epstein's flight list and is therefore blackmailed?

GoldSilver with Mike Maloney: Why Gold & Silver Are Set To CRUSH Stock Returns..& The End of Freedom? here

The Epoch Times: DNI John Ratcliffe Says There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: Report here

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 12/16/2020 Trump did something big! Assange recording! Zuck dark money! here


X22 Report: Ep. 2355a - Central Banks To Handle The Pandemic Vaccine, People Must See It To Believe It here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 16th - Epic counterattack readied against "Cyber Pearl Harbor" here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 15th - Parallel electors chosen by 7 states as Trump accelerates ops to seize evidence here
Kurt's notes:
Following the resignation of William Barr as Attorney General, Health Ranger Report considers it proven that Barr is a Deep State traitor.

X22 Report: Ep. 2354b - The Case Is Being Built, Crime Of The Century, The Eagle Has Landed here
Kurt's notes:
William Barr did a good job as attorney general. Trump has replaced him and now brought two other very important people to the Justice Department: an expert on foreign influence in elections and a military prosecutor. The eagle has landed.
Those electors who cast their votes for Biden on December 14, despite the evidence of massive voter fraud, thus broke the law and can be arrested and tried for it. The fact that the swing states set up competing Electoral Colleges / dueling or parallel electors - one Electoral College voted for Biden, the other for Trump - is tantamount to upholding legal means for Trump. The crucial date then is Jan. 6, when Congress will determine who the future president and vice president will be. Vice President Mike Pence may invalidate the Electoral College votes cast for 2 reasons: 1.) because evidence of massive voter fraud; 2.) because uncertainty as to which Electoral College is the legitimate one. In such a case, the House (of Representatives) must choose the President and the Senate the Vice President. Q didn't post for nothing: "In the end the Constitution will destroy the Deep State."
The presidential election will ultimately be decided by the US Supreme Court, which will invalidate it for nationwide voter fraud. There are 2 possible decisions for this:
1.) elimination of all invalid ballots and hand counting of all valid ballots.
2.) designation of the President by the House (of Representatives) and the Vice President by the Senate.
In the House, each state has one vote. Republicans have a majority of 31 to 19. In both cases - recount of valid ballots or election by the House - Trump can only win. The only way he can lose is to concede. That's why Q has told us from the beginning, "Trust the plan."

Pimpy's Investment Chat: Gold, Silver talk with Lynette Zang, RICE TVx & Pimpy's Investment Channel here

Mike Maloney: What's Behind the Coming Flood to Gold & Silver? here



Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 14th - Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th - 24th here
Kurt's notes:
2 conditions must be met for Trump to use the military option:
1.) Failure of the entire civilian legal system
2.) Demand from the people.
Both conditions have now been met: the Democrat electoral college cast their votes for Biden yesterday despite the massive voter fraud that has been proven. Thus, the elements of the crime have finally been met; the patriots - including Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood - have begun to publicly call on Trump to apply the insurrection act or to declare martial law.
The patriots have likewise publicly stated their will, if Trump does not act soon, to arrest and judge themselves the actors involved in the crime - Rockefeller, Gates, CEOs of Big Tech and Big Media, governors, mayors, congressmen, electors, judges, etc..
The "10 days of darkness" are said to be imminent, reportedly not only in the USA but also worldwide.
The 1807 Insurrection Act gives Trump the right to mobilize not only the Army and National Guard, but also the militia movement.
Insurrection Act = not Martial Law !!!
When the Insurrection Act is applied, the Constitution remains in force.
Canadian MP Justin Trudeau, a globalist and communist traitor to the people, has allowed Chinese troops to train on the Canada-US border for the invasion of the United States. The Chinese plan to heckle the Americans from Canada and Mexico. There were unconfirmed reports of fighting in the border state of Maine a few days ago: The Chinese shot down a US fighter jet, after which the Yanks bombed and killed 50,000 Chinese soldiers in a bunker.

Health Ranger Report: We the People Convention Founder calls for martial law, NEW elections here
Kurt's notes:
3 options: 1.) the judicial / legal option; 2.) the military option; 3.) the patriotic option.
Trump must declare martial law to arrest all deep state members and to hold new elections under military supervision with voter ID and paper ballots counted by hand.
If Trump does not declare martial law, the patriots will start the fight for their freedom and country and for the world. There is no longer any possibility for coexistence with the brainwashed and demon-possessed left-wing extremists.

US: Republicans demand in-person re-vote of 2020 race here und here
A political organization in the US state of Ohio is running an online campaign demanding US President Donald Trump invoke martial law and hold a national re-vote.
"At least half of all Americans do not and will not accept this fraudulent election because of the eyewitness testimony, and the material, statistical and mathematical evidence of OVERWHELMING fraud," claims the We The People Convention, Tea Party movement.
"The other half will not accept the outcome if the courts see the evidence of fraud and rightfully overturn the election!" the Republican group said. "Therefore, We the People MUST demand a NEW and fair national vote, a vote that all Americans can trust and live by regardless of the winner! Without a fair vote, we fear, with good reason, the threat of a shooting civil war is imminent."
''Gun sales are at an all-time high and 40% are first time gun owners looking to defend themselves, their property, and their rights. Therefore, Mr. President you must act now before there is no peaceful way left to preserve our Union,'' petition further demanded.
It claimed legislators, courts and Congress failed to do their duty during the 2020 presidential elections and urged Trump to immediately declare a limited form of martial law "for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote."
The group said a fair election can be held under circumstances such as paper ballots, no computers, hand-counted with both parties watching every vote and only registered voters.

Exclusive: Sidney Powell on 2020 Election Lawsuits, Supreme Court Decision & Gen. Michael Flynn Case here


X22 Report: Ep. 2352b - Art Of The Deal, SC Just Gave Trump The Answer, 2018 EO (= Executive Order) On Deck, Blackout Coming here
Kurt's notes:
Supreme Court's dismissal of the Texas-lawsuit is in favour of Trump's legal team, which now knows what is required. Trump is creating the illusion of being disappointed in Barr, so that the mainstreammedia is starting to like Barr.
Trump is exposing the Chinese infiltration.

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 13th - Gen. Perna announces "vaccine D-Day... the beginning of the end" here
Kurt's notes:
CIA is sending killer commandos to murder whistleblowers and witnesses.
The Black Hats (= Deep State) inside the Army around General Gustave F. Perna wants to weaken and kill the soldiers by the vaccination agenda. First they want to give the vaccine to the Cyper department, which is in the hands of the White Hats (= Patriots).
Canada allows chinese troops to train at the American-Canadian border. Danger of chinese invasion.

Kurt's notes:
Trump's Tweet after Supreme Court Dismissal of Texas-lawsuit: "No wisdom. No courage."
Sidney Powell: "Electoral fraud is a 2020 Cyber Pearl Harbour."
Q: "Military is the only way."

Health Ranger Report: NC Scout: Patriots across America are gearing up for the FINAL BATTLE for the republic here
Kurt's notes:
This interview with NC (= North Carolina) Scout conducted by Mike Adams was recorded on 9/12/2020. Many members of the GOP (= Republican Party) belong to the opposition controlled by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). NC Scout believes the Patriots will win even a protracted Civil War against the left under President Biden. In such an event, the Patriots anticipate a Chinese invasion.


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 12th - SCOTUS betrayal allows Trump to invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment here
Kurt's notes:
The Supreme Court's rejection of the Texas lawsuit against the swing states is seen either as a betrayal of the Constitution and the people and a final declaration of bankruptcy of the judicial system, or as a blessing and free pass for Trump to finally declare martial law. The deep state actors can now only be brought down by the military.

Watch LIVE: March for Trump/Million MAGA March Rally in Washington, DC 12/12/20 here
Speech of GEneral Michael Flynn: "Crucial moment of our history"; "people = individuals, therefore  constition protects our individual rights"; Trumps helicopter flights over the crowd.


Health Ranger Report: Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for TOTAL WAR here
Kurt's notes:
If Trump does not release the sealed indictments and secret documents in US agencies like the NSA, FBI and CIA and does not invoke the Insurrection Act before Jan. 20, and Biden does move into the White House, there will be a much worse civil war than if Trump gets a second term, because the militia movement - led by the nationwide Oath Keepers - will never bow to a Democrat communist regime controlled by China. Under President Biden, in a long civil war, Deep State Military, Antifa and BLM would fight Patriot Military and Militia. Under President Trump, in a short civil war, Patriot Military and Milita would fight Deep State Military, Antifa and BLM. It is now up to Trump in which role he will go down in the history of the USA and mankind.

Woke Societies: THE LAWSUIT TO RULE THEM ALL! here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 10th - Texas lawsuit reveals path to instant victory for Trump here
Kurt's notes:
2 subjects: Texas lawsuit, joined by 19 states; vaccination agenda.
The lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court by the state of Texas against the four swing states, which has now been joined by about 20 other states,106 house members and Trump himself, could lead to a quick electoral victory for Trump, because the Supreme Court will rule in accordance with the Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers to protect the people, if the Supreme Court justices are not intimidated by threats against them and their families. The Deep State will then activate Antifa and BLM for an uprising against Trump that will be quickly put down by the military.
Depopulation agenda or genocide of the Deep State against mankind; by permanent brainwashing by Fake Media, Fake Social Media and Fake Science people made to go voluntarily to the slaughter of vaccination. Who is committing this voluntary collective suicide? People who are willing to give up their fundamental freedoms for so-called privileges and who are against Trump, individualism, patriotism, nation, soul and God. All freedom-loving people, on the other hand, now have only one goal to pursue: to survive. In this way, natural selection is taking place.


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 9th - Humanity's breakthrough moment: We REFUSE to be enslaved! here
Kurt's notes:
Georgia Guidestones: depopulation program - Corona-fake, vaccination as a rescue, sterilisation of the people; Galactic Federation; satanic elites; CCP communism; war against mankind.


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 8th - All ballots after Nov. 3rd are NULL AND VOID here
Kurt's notes:
The last option remained as it seems so far, is the military option or civil war, because the Deep State and its brainwashed  followers - Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the nazi soldiers of our days - will not let us free, will fight until the end, leave us no other choice.
Only votes given on election day are legal. This is what the constitution says.
5 crucial data =
9th December: Texas lawsuit against 4 swing states, submitted to the Supreme Court.
14th December: electors cast their electoral votes; date can be postponed.
18th December: John Ratcliffe, the director of National Intelligence, report on the election.
6th January: Congress counts and certifies the electoral votes in a joint session of the House (of Representatives) and the Senate; if massive voter fraud is detected, then the House appoints the president by each state casting one vote, with Republicans holding a 31 to 19 majority over Democrats; and the Senate appoints the vice president.
20th January: Inauguration Day.

X22 Report: Ep. 2348b - Countermeasures Initiated, The Constitution Will Destroy The Deep State here
Kurt's notes:
The US-Constitution protects the people against the corruption etc. of the Deep State.

Supreme Court, Barr and Durham - secret actors of the deep state or not?
Kurt's short notes:
X22 Report continues to rely on Supreme Court,Attorney General Bill Barr and Special Counsel John Durham, by referring to the so far last posting of Q "Durham";
Health Ranger Report and Veikko Stölzer now consider Barr and Durham to be actors of the deep state; Health Ranger Report no longer counts on the Supreme Court's help and relies only on the military option;
Who will be right in the end?


Pimpy's The Hidden Things In Front of Your Eyes: They ALL walked right into the trap - Martial law here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 7th - DNI John Ratcliffe holds the future of the republic in his hands here
Kurt's notes:
Best case scenario =
Report on December 18, 2020 by the head of military intelligence John Ratcliffe exposes the election fraud directed by the Chinese Communist Party - Joe Biden accepts the deal not to be tried for treason and to keep his assets if he resigns from his candidacy - the far left has no excuse left to stage an uprising against Trump.
Worst case scenario =
Supreme Court rules against Trump against expectations and despite the overwhelming evidence - Trump does not withdraw from his candidacy - Big Media's narrative that Trump stole the elections - extreme left uprising - civil war - military option.


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 6th - China owns DOMINION, and all the officials who run the machines here
Kurt's notes:
Trump's victory in the Supreme Court is not yet the final solution, because the Chinese Communist Party has deeply infiltrated the US society, and thus the fundamental problem and danger to the people remain. Trump must drain the Deep State swamp completely. But this is only possible with the military option. As president, he has taken an oath to protect the US constitution and the people. He is therefore obliged to declare martial law and to establish a military government.


Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 12/5/2020 - EO 13848 and NESARA! GITMO Flights are constant! here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 5th - The CCP gambit: Mass vaccinations of U.S. military to weaken national security here
Kurt's notes:
The main enemy of the USA and of all mankind is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It has infiltrated all sectors of US society and has compiled a list of all US governors regarding their stance on China. Its means of infiltration are: bribery, threat and extortion/blackmail (list of all US-governors exploiting the sexual inclinations of top officials in politics, business and finance; video recordings of compromising sexual acts, especially with minors). Its means of warfare are: Cyber war (CCP owns Dominion!), biological warfare, psychological warfare, information warfare. It has bribed the major U.S. vaccine companies, most notably Pfizer. The corona vaccination of the US military, which is to begin in three weeks' time as part of Operation Warpspeed, is intended to decisively weaken the US defence capability. The vaccination is a biological weapon.
A large wave of arrests of all deep state actors in key positions is imminent. Trump has time until 19 January 2021. The patriotic forces in the military, Department of Defense, special forces and NSA are behind Trump.

Right Side Broadcasting Network: LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Valdosta, GA here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Dec. 4th - Offensive cyber warfare mechanisms all ACTIVATED here
Kurt's comment:
Trump, Q and the patriots have everything in hand; if the legal option fails, the military option still remains. The success of the legal option is questionable, despite the amount of evidence, testimony and affidavits collected, because all state institutions are corrupt through and through: Congress, the courts, the authorities, etc. For example, it is not yet clear whether the Department of Justice is really behind Trump. The military option is therefore becoming increasingly likely. Generals Michael Flynn and Thomas McInerney and lawyer Lin Wood have already spoken out in favor of it. The organized, systematic electoral fraud in the US presidential election is a cyber-attack and coup d'état supported by big tech and big media by corrupt Democrats, the CIA, the FBI and foreign powers - most notably the Communist Party of China! - against the Trump administration. It is therefore a matter of high treason. Military tribunals are responsible for this. Then there are the crimes against humanity. A large wave of arrests is imminent. Trump has time until 19 January 2021. The patriotic forces in the military, Department of Defense, special forces and NSA are behind Trump, who can only lose if he gives up. If he fights against the Deep State to the end, he can only win. If Trump wins, the USA and the Americans win; if the USA and the Americans win, all nations and people on earth win.


Donald J. Trump: This may be the most important speech I've ever made.... here

Right Side Broadcasting Network: LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20 here


Obama arrested ???
Former President Barack Obama arrested for ESPIONAGE here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Nov. 30th - Is Biden preparing to CONCEDE? here
Kurt's notes:
Biden allegedly sprained his ankle while walking his dog. Could already be under house arrest. In truth, possible deal: If he resigns as a presidential candidate so he doesn't have to spend the rest of his life in Gitmo, a civil war started by the Democrats could be avoided, because the Democrats could then no longer claim that Trump does not want to leave the White House. There would no longer be a pretext for a color revolution to eliminate U.S. institutions and the Constitution and install totalitarian socialism.


X22 Report: Ep. 2340b - Durham On Deck, Done In 30, Darkness Gives Way To Light, Think Article II here

Health Ranger Report: Situation Update, Nov. 29th - 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is "Kraken" here


Health Ranger Report: Situation Update - Nov. 27th - DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war RAGES here



Right Side Broadcasting Network: LIVE: Pennsylvania State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election here


X22 Report: Ep. 2337b - Trump Dangles The Bait,GSA,[DS] Takes The Bait,Truth Transparency The Only Way Forward here


Watch LIVE: #WalkAway FAKE NEWS Takedown at CNN HQ in Atlanta here


Narad on Hostile Forces (from Sri Aurobindo and The Mother) here


Right Side Broadcasting Network: LIVE: Trump Campaign Legal Team Holds Press Conference in DC 11/19/20here
Kurt's notes:
Trump's legal team = Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis
Sidney Powell is on her own
Announcement of a biblical lawsuit because of gigantic election fraud
Massive attack against MSM fake news, which, as predicted by Ellis, does not report any facts about the press conference.


Pimpy's Investment Chat: 10 days of Darkness here
Kurt's notes:
The "Ten Days of Darkness" will come when the Deep State will attempt to remove Trump from the White House by force. Either way, whether Trump or Biden is officially declared the winner of the election, it will come to Civil War, because only Trump stands in the way of the Great Reset. And without the USA, the last superpower of the world, the world-wide Great Reset cannot be accomplished.


Smoking Gun!!! Sidney Powell at Fox News here


Tina Forte, a very brave and strong patriotic Influencer from Bronx, New York here

Trump 2020 Prophecy - Kim Clement, made on 22 February 2014 here
Kurt's comment:
I hope with all my heart that Clement was right. However, the manifestation of Divine Life on Earth is certain, just a matter of time.
About Kim Clement here
"Many have asked, or may be asking, who is Kim Clement?" says Clement's website, and describes him thus: "He is not really an evangelist, or a pastor, or even a missionary, although he has worked in all of these areas. … Many have called him prophet, but to simply call him a prophet is not even enough because of the unfortunate stigma attached to that title. Part of the journey to understanding Kim Clement is a lesson in understanding the uniqueness of his destiny. He is not a doom and gloom prophet with an apocalyptic forecast every three years; instead, he is a voice of hope to those who need it the most. He is able to paint a picture of destiny that inspires instead of frightens those who catch a glimpse. He has found a way to define again what it is to be a true prophet."


German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus here
Patrick Bet-David has a virtual sit down with consumer protection trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich to talk about the Coronavirus and his work on the German Corona investigation committee. 
About the guest: Dr Reiner Fuellmich is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee, which since July 10, 2020, has been listening to large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimonies, to find answers to questions about the pandemic, being asked by people worldwide.
About Patrick Bet-David: CEO, author and Founder of Valuetainment Media. Patrick has interviewed athletes, notorious individuals, politicians, authors and entrepreneurs from all walks of life. 

X22 Report: Ep. 2327b - Rig For Red, Patriots Begin Operation, Attempted To Alter Our Election & Got Caught here
Kurt's comment: Very calming. Gives certainty ...

X22 Report: Ep. 2327a - The Central Banks Around The World Begin The Reset, Trump Stands In Their Way here


Kurt's short analysis of the world events:
Trump is the election winner or remains US president because we are dealing with the biggest election fraud of all times, which will lead to a great awakening worldwide in the next weeks and months, after the conspiracy of the deep state cabal against humanity, supported by the mainstream media and big tech (Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter), with all the crimes against humanity (pedophilia, child abuse, satanic child sacrifice rituals, etc.) was uncovered. Only the hardcore leftists and atheists will continue their brainwashing deep sleep. They cannot be helped. Without the Trump-USA the Great Reset of the deep state central banks is doomed to failure and globalism led by the Chinese Communist Party finally history. Germany, the key and keystone to world peace, is now being pinched by both sides as Merkel-BRD (Federal Republic of Germany, FRG): by the US side because of the US-election server for Dominion in Frankfurt, by the Russian side because of the German Nawalny intrigue. The last days or weeks of the FRG are numbered. The shutdown of the FRG occupation administration and the return of Germany to its sovereignty also means the end of the deep state EU, the deep state UN and the deep state NATO. The deep state actors at all levels and in all countries will of course fight tooth and nail against this, but they have no chance against the patriotic military of Trump, Putin and Xi. However, it may still become violent for the population in some parts of the world, before this diabolical spook is finally eliminated by the forces of light.

10 categories of election fraud during the US presidential election 2020:    here
1. intentional acts or gross negligence by sworn election officials at state or district level or other public officials, such as members of the U.S. Postal Service
2. postal ballot papers in combination with the collection of ballot papers (in particular quantities of ballot papers submitted before or after the close of voting on November 3, 2020)
3. illegal actions or gross errors through the Internet that influence the election results
4. unlawful registration of masses of unlawful participants
5. statistical anomalies that suggest a gross improbability of bidding
6. deliberate attempts to deny equal access, transparency and protection
7. cyber attack and denial of service in all attempts to investigate, identify and publish fraud
8. tyranny of the "fact-checkers" and "opponents
9. deliberate attempts to deny minorities equal access, equal protection and equal civil rights
10. lack of care and sloppy voter registration


X22 Report: Ep. 2326b - The [DS]/MSM Start To Shift Their Narrative, Dark Winter, The World Is Watching here

X22 Report: Ep. 2326a - Dark Winter Is The Cover Story For The Economic Reset here


Giuliani presents evidence for Trump's legal battle here

X22 Report: Ep 2324b - Joe Biden Sends The Message, GSA Destroys The MSM Election Call, Trump Counterpunch Coming here

Real Clear Politics Elections 2020 Map here

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: WTF just happened here

CNN Elections 2020 Map here



Woke Societies: We Carry On 11-7-20 here

X22 Report: The Election Is The Battle For The Country, The Next Battle Is The Central Banks: Lior Gantz here

X22 Report: Ep 2322a - The Economic Battle Is Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better here
Kurt's notes:
Trump knows the game of the central banks and fights their system with the same weapons.
The swamp of the political establishment is very deep; but the central banking system, with the Rothschilds and other unknown players, is a hundred times deeper. The central bankers control nations, states and people through the debt and bribery system. Only when the central bankers are defeated, is a true system change possible.
Kurt's comment:
The central bankers are the invisible enemy. But behind this invisible enemy there is another invisible enemy who pulls all the strings. Here we are entering the realm of aliens and demons.


LIVE: Trump Campaign Holds Press Conference in Philadelphia, PA here

X22 Report: Ep. 2322b - Deep State Is A System, That System Is Our Enemy, Nobody Can Be Told What It Is, They Must See It here


RSBN LIVE: Protests Outside Philadelphia Convention Center here

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: If not now... when? here

Pimpy's The Hidden Things in Front of Your Eyes: The future of this great nation here

Groundbreaking Claim! Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Sting Operation – Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed here

X22 Report: Episode 2321b - The Sting Operation Has Begun, Trump Knew, Be Ready, EAS On Deck here


X22 Report: Episode 2320b - Coup d’etat, Trump Sets Trap To Expose It All, Patriots Know The Playbook here

X22 Report: Episode 2320a - The Markets Have Already Predicted The Winner, Central Banks Have Failed here



Pimpy’s Investment Chat: What happened here

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: The Trap was set! 104% votes for NC - How is that possible? here

Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million 'ghost voters' in 29 states, warns of 'dirty elections' here

Trump campaign to immediately request recount in Wisconsin, citing 'reports of irregularities' – statement here

'The people have spoken' and they've sided with President Trump here


Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Pimpy Rant 10/30/20 - (Q&A) Civil War in USA after elections? here
Current and former members of the government are planning a coup.
Civil war after the presidential elections in the USA is as good as certain.
If Trump wins, it will be short; if Trump loses, it will be long, but the patriots will win.


Trump Has A Secret Weapon, It Will Be Used To Take Down The [DS] here


Pimpy’s Investment Chat: NESARA / GESARA - Open letter from Vigano (a must watch and share) here


Opinions on the second Lockdown in Germany starting November 2:
Traugott Ickeroth, Liveticker "The storm is here":
"Is the lockdown controlled by the White Hats or the Black Hats? By the Black Hats. But the White Hats allow it. Because both need the reset, the complete collapse of the economic and financial system to rebuild. And who will take over after the collapse? The White Hats, of course. How can we be so sure? Quite simply. Because humanity recognizes who has curtailed its rights, who is responsible for the collapse and the resulting chaos. These people will be disempowered and held accountable. Then the way will be clear for the bright side!"
"There are two narratives about the Corona crisis in general and the lockdown in particular:
first: a staging of the deep state to establish the New World Order and the Great Reset;
second: the toleration and use of this staging of the deep state by the patriots for the worldwide destruction of the deep state."

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: 10/26/2020 - GESARA / NESARA - Greatness is Unveiling here (video) and here (blog article)






Woke Societies: THE LAPTOP FROM HELL here



Pimpy’s Investment Chat: The Plan to End it ALL - Part 1 (Q&A) here and Part 2 (Q&A) here

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: Please Watch this one too! More info and Pepe Post! here

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Nesara / Gesara Playlist here


Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: Brainless (= Joe Biden) fam is in so deep! here

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: The Plan that will End it ALL here and Part 2 here





Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Big Bang - the reset is this weekend here

Sky News Australia: ‘The Great Reset’: World leaders to harness COVID and pursue 'sinister' climate agenda here


X22 Report: Message Sent During Town-hall Interviews, Patriots Ready The Second Wave, Buckle Up – Episode 2304 here

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: Brainless (= Joe Biden) and CCP (= Chinese Communist Party)? Laptop (of Hunter Biden) is unfathomable! here




Woke Societies: Dead Men Tell No Tales | Benghazi Bombshell here


BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof here and here


Woke Societies: Trump Supporter Killed by Anti-Trump Leftist | Obama Admin Cover Up Seal Team 6 Deaths? here


Great Barrington Declaration here
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection ...


X22 Report: The [CB]/[DS]/D’s Were Just Exposed To Their True Economic Agenda - Episode 2296a here

Hannity: Kamala Harris' 'cringeworthy' debate was packed with lies here

X22 Report: Total Declassification Without Redactions, Red October, Patriots On The Hunt - Episode 2296b here


Trump Election Win and a New Monetary System? Defeat the Fed with Gold! here
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Does Trump's next move involve Gold?? here

Woke Societies: Trump's Triumphant Return | Incoming Smoking Gun Declass here
Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: Q -"Let's See what Happens" Bombs - Trump Orders Unredacted Declass! here
Kurt's notes:
Trump changes the Corona narrative of the MSM (mainstream media) because he has now experienced and successfully overcome the COVID 19 infection at first hand in record time and can say that he knows what he is talking about.
Here we go: on Trump's order, the first unredacted declassification / release of all previously classified CIA and FBI documents has begun. It concerns Russia-Gate, Hillary Clinton E-mail Scandal and Spy-Gate / Obama-Gate.


Kurt's blog entry:
    If you type "Kurtis Blog" into Google, nothing comes. You would have to enter my name and "blog" to get to my blog. But who knows my last name? Because that's the way it is, I always send a roundmail with the subject "Kurtis Blog Recommendation" when there are links to interesting, highly exciting and brand new articles and videos, so that my blog doesn't remain a one-man show.
    Everything which I publish on my Blog at articles and videos, I read and listen to myself before. This is time consuming. Of course, I don't have the possibilities of an investigative journalist to check the truth of all the information I pass on on my blog. Therefore it is also useless to accuse me of spreading "false reports" that would be deliberately launched by Q(Anon). First of all it has to be stated that Q is most likely high-ranking US military personnel, who of course know that the enemy is reading and listening in, so they certainly don't disclose any exact data. It must also be remembered that the situation is constantly changing by action and reaction. Furthermore, Q has been publicly attacked and discredited for several weeks now, including so-called false flag actions. One such false report was, for example, that Hillary Clinton's arrest was imminent or that one or the other celebrity from politics and show business was no longer alive. I really don't remember ever having personally claimed such a thing. I don't deny that such reports may be contained in articles and videos that I have posted and am posting on my blog. But I am not the author of these articles and videos. If I pass on such information and opinions, it is not because I know or believe that they are true, but because I think they are possible in principle. As with all information, news and analysis that you receive and consume, it is up to the reader and listener to check it for themselves, to do their own research, to make their own thoughts and form their own opinion.
    Knowledge is a debt to be collected. No sincere seeker of truth can get past it. You cannot blame others for your own ignorance. Especially not in the age of the Internet. I can only remind you again and again - even if many people can no longer hear it - that he who searches finds; he who wants to hear hears; he who wants to see he sees. As far as being informed about current world affairs is concerned, I have just about scraped the bottom line. In March 2019, I began to inform myself about the hot topics of our time outside the mainstream media in alternative media, on a daily basis, tirelessly, by reading, listening, seeing, taking notes, reflecting, discussing with better informed people, and writing and publishing my own articles. So I woke up just in time before the corona madness started in Europe in March 2020. Already one or two weeks later I recognized the secret agenda behind Corona through my information stand.
    I learned an important personal lesson since March: you can't wake up someone who doesn't want to wake up. You can send as many articles and videos as you want, they just bounce off like off a wall. Then the next saying comes to my mind, which most people can't and don't want to hear anymore: if you don't want to hear, you have to feel. This phase has now begun with the autumn and its local lockdowns and lockdown threats, as well as the impending wave of bankruptcies with the associated mass unemployment and hyperinflation, which are still being artificially postponed by the central banks and politics, which are in cahoots, through endless money printing etc., as well as the announced arrests of high-ranking politicians in the USA and the US presidential election on November 3 and the possibly accompanying unrest. Many, when they literally have nothing left to "eat" and will collapse inwardly in the face of the unspeakable crimes against humanity made public, will finally wake up. But I suspect that there will still be some left who, through life-long brainwashing, will think that all this is fake and will remain in their preconceived opinion and world view.
    The "October surprise", Red October, Rig for Red, announced by Q for October 2nd (see Mickey Mouse watch) seems to have been Trump's positive Covid 19 test. The 10 days quarantine would also correspond to the 10 days of "darkness" that was also announced long ago. The hottest phase of the fight of the patriots against the deep state has probably begun.




Pimpy’s Investment Chat: NESARA / GESARA - Debt forgiveness is real here
Kurt's comment:
It's not officially announced under this name, but it's already happening, at least in the USA, probably also in other countries !!!


Melbourne To Start Arresting COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ And Throwing Them In Concentration Camps here
Kurt's comment: Australia shows in which direction it goes when the people do not resist.

Pimpy Rant about the first Presidential Debate here
Kurt's comment:
Generally I agree with Pimpy Rant's critical analysis. Trump was too gentle and unprepared, especially at the beginning of the debate. He had two opponents: Biden and the Fox News moderator. This will be even worse next time when the CNN moderator will be. Trump should have focused more on his fight against the deep state, because it's a matter of being or not being for the USA and therefore for the whole world. After all, he brought up some topics that the MSM are continually concealing. But other analysts see a clear victory for Trump in the debate. There is strong evidence that Biden had a prompter.


X22 Report: Trump Economics Strikes Again, Central Banks Trapped In Their Own Illusion - Episode 2288a here


Short but violent: Congress hearing about the content of the Vienna laptop here

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Gold and Silver - hurry before it's to late here


Woke Societies: Trump Knew, Anons Knew | Judgement Is Coming here

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Here we go - Oct 12th is the day we find out here

X22 Report: Operators Are Standing By, Some Will Exit Early, Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 2286b here

X22 Report: IMF & The Global Elite Just Fell Into The Trap, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 2286a here


Woke Societies: Durham Sets His Sights On Clinton Foundation | October Surprise Incoming? here

The Financial Crash and the Price of Gold and Silver:
The price of gold and silver has fallen sharply in recent days.
The price is being manipulated by the super-rich through maneuvers on the stock exchanges so that the anxious small investors sell their gold and silver.
The super-rich can then buy this gold and silver cheaply.
This is the last chance to buy cheap gold and silver before the inevitable financial crash comes.
After that the price of gold and silver will rise to new record highs.
Gold is the only financial security when paper money is worth nothing.


Ginsburg's demise as green light for Trump:
Woke Societies: The Fallout of RBG's Death | This Changes Everything here
With the death of Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg on September 18, 2020, the balance of power in the United States Supreme Court has finally turned in Trump's favor. 


Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: Deep State already dealt with...Let's dance like Sammy!!! here



Turley: Gun sales are skyrocketing as a mass exodus from Democrat ruined cities may be forging a new conservative force that will dominate politics like never before! In this video, we’re going to look at the implosion of leftwing cities throughout our nation as more and more residents flee, and how the surge in gun sales, especially among first-time buyers, suggests that a new conservative coalition is forming that may dominate politics as far as the eye can see!

Woke Societies: Brace Yourselves Patriots, A Coup Is A Brewing here
Before or after the election - a military coup against Trump, supported by the social media giants?
At the end of WWII - operation paperclip; the Nazis didn't lose the war; their infiltration in CIA (MKUltra etc.), military industrial complex, universities, culture, society and Hollywood.
MSM information war against QAnon / digital soldiers / patriots.
The riots, BLM, Antifa are not going to stop.
The QAnons / Patriots have to be prepared.


Pimpy’s Investment Chat: NESARA / GESARA - debt forgiveness but first buy back our debt here
China owns a lot of US-debts; Trump is buying it back to the USA by Blackstone Group, in order to get rid of China.

Trump - a perfidious trap of the Satanic power elite for the awakening humanity?:
Playlist Donald Trump here
Donald Trump & The ILLUMINATi Knights Templar Crusaders here
Donald Trump & The ILLUMNATi Zio-FREEMASONS here
Who is Donald Trump? (4) here
Donald Trump The Red Dragon Knights of The Round Table
Donald Trump belongs to the "kingdom" of the RED DRAGON and is part of the BEAST SYSTEM that fights against the woman and her child, Jesus Christ (Rev. 12:1-6). 
Emblem of the Knights of the Round Table : A cross with a red dragon, a Jesuit order.
My comment: He who searches finds. Every human being, because as incarnation in space and time a hermaphrodite of good and evil, has skeletons in his cupboard.
In this respect we are all under general suspicion.
But every human being, because an immortal Soul and an eternal child of the Divine, also carries the potential of change and development within him. Therefore, for me it is still valid: "Hope the best and reckon with the worst" and "By their deeds you will recognize them".


The Rich Dad Channel: The Real Crash: What is Warren Buffett Trying to Tell Us? - Robert Kiyosaki & Peter Schiff here


Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Here is the Quantum Banking System here
It already exists!!!

Steve Turley: Killer of Trump Supporter SHOT DEAD by Police as Antifa THUGS ARRESTED Throughout Nation!!! here


Woke Societies: Send In The Troops | 63 Days Till Freedom here
Antifa and BLM-People chanting "Death to America" in the streets of America. Thanks God we have Donald Trump in the office. More than three months of riots all over the country in order to turn the country into a communist system, you have to have leadership, organisation and funds to do this.

Steve Turley: Armed Militias are SURGING Like NEVER BEFORE as Trump DEFENDS Kyle Rittenhouse!!! here


Woke Societies: The Silenced Majority Is Rising Up here

Portland - Murder of a patriot by a BLM rioter, 29 or 30 August 2020:
3 months of unrest in Portland by violent left-wing extremist Antifa and BLM insurgents who attack the local police. It has been an execution. The Antifa and BLM insurgents were publicly shouting and dancing in joy at the murder of a "Nazi".
'Rest in peace Jay': Donald Trump pays tribute to Patriot Prayer supporter who was shot dead in Portland during violent clashes between MAGA fans and BLM protesters on the 95th night of unrest here
Trump Supporter Executed Walking Down The Street In Portland, BLM Celebrates And Cheers The Killing here 
With this murder a dangerous border has been crossed to a civil war in the USA. For more than three months, antifa and BLM insurgents have been causing riots in Democrat-ruled states and cities by attacking police, burning down public institutions and looting businesses. They demand the abolition of police and prison. Trump has offered federal police and National Guard assistance to Democratic governors and mayors from the beginning, but most of them still reject his offer and blame him for the riots in their cities and states.


Demo in Berlin against the Satanic Deep State Elite:
Speech of  Robert F. Kennedy Jr: "Ich bin ein Berliner! here

Define Treason, Define Subversion, Enemy Combatants, Operators Standing By - Episode 2262b here


Robert F Kennedy Jr in Berlin 28. August 2020 here
One of the most impressive, if not the most impressive speech I have ever heard in my life. It is about freedom and about life and death for all of us, all of humanity. For those who are not yet awake: Wake up! It is one second before twelve!

Children’s Health Defense here


Amazing Polly: Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking here

Gold and Silver Q&A - Royals moving to gold here


Mark Moss: Deep State Battle Cause Danger In the Markets | Get Prepared Now here


5 Qs with Sacha Stone & Charlie Freak Episode 47 here

Proof of Submission to Trump here
Relax. Trump already won. He forced the globe to submit to MAGA under fear of DECLASS. Everything we are witnessing now is the dead cat bounce of Satanic Socialists. And it will wake up BILLIONS.

The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. Michelle chose lethal injection. Others were just executed.
The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deepstate now work for Trump. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers and to reveal the hidden players!


LIVE: Portland Antifa BLM & Proud Boys Patriots Counter Rallies Live Now here

Gold and Silver are JUST GETTING STARTED - Chris Vermeulen The Technical Traders Interview here

X22 Report: Time To End The Petrodollar Agreement With The Middle East,Transition Moving Forward - Episode 2256a here

X22 Report: Brennan On Deck, See Something Say Something, Panic In DC - Episode 2256b here


X22 Report: Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b here

Robert Kiyosaki: "It's The END... Are You PREPARED!" (Financial Education) here

NESARA / GESARA VS The Great Reset - Part 2 here


Woke Societies: Enter The Postal Justice Warriors | Democrat Convention Dumpster Fire here


NESARA / GESARA VS The Great Reset here


Riding Warren Buffett's Gold Rollercoaster here


Hollywood Protest - What the media didn't show you! Save The Children, wwg1wga here


Durham Drops First Indictment | Trump's October Surprise? here


Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People? hier


White House announces historic Israel-UAE Peace Deal - just amazing !!! Thank you Mr. President Donald J. Trump !!! here


Russia Announces CORONAVIRUS VACCINE Just in Time for Trump’s REELECTION!!! here
It is a voluntary vaccination.

Operation Warp Speed:
is a public–private partnership, initiated by the federal government of the United States, to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. It was introduced by the Trump administration in early April 2020. Operation Warp Speed will promote mass production of multiple vaccines based on preliminary evidence allowing for faster distribution if clinical trials confirm one of the vaccines is safe and effective. The plan anticipates that some of these vaccines will not prove safe or effective, making the program more costly than typical vaccine development, but potentially leading to the availability of a viable vaccine several months earlier than typical timelines.


I wish I wasn't right. But, unfortunately, I was right. "The frog in the boiling water, or when conspiracy theories become true..."
J.P Rice on His Film “A Childs Voice” here


Call to all patriots of Austria: unite against a possible second lockdown !!!
If not already done, the following Austrian patriotic movements known to me so far should unite as soon as possible to mobilize the population and to demonstrate with united forces for as long as possible in front of the parliament in Vienna against a possible second lockdown, which should last 3-6 months and be in effect already at the end of August 2020, until it is prevented or lifted or - if the government does not give in - the government resigns so that the people form a government which represents the will of the people:
Bewegung 2020 here
Retten wir Österreich here
Die Österreicher here

Gold broke $2000 - Banks are freaking out! Butterfly effect! here

I can only recommend it warmly, but it is not for the faint-hearted: Amazing Polly here


Q: "Gold will destroy the FED"

If the people, the sovereign, want to regain their lost freedom, they must gather before parliament and remain there until they have regained their freedom.

The second historical chance for the German people on Saturday, August 15, 2020 from 11:00 am directly in front of the Reichstag (German Bundestag) - main portal "Dem deutschen Volke" in Berlin!
August 15th is the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. All who know who Sri Aurobindo is will understand what this means. If it is his will, the German nation will liberate itself on August 15, 2020.

August 1, 2020 is a historic day for the Germans, the Europeans and humanity because it has radiated into the whole world and has given all people on earth the hope of self-liberation from the collective enslavement by a satanic power elite. But it has not yet brought freedom to the German people. Why not? What has gone wrong? Why didn't everyone join forces and concentrate on the mass rally in front of the Reichstag Berlin, where alone a decision could have been brought about? So a second, even more glorious historic day in German millions will be necessary to finally clear the way to freedom and peace. Once the German people have freed themselves, all other peoples of the world will free themselves. The Russian nation and a few other nations have already made progress on the path to freedom and self-determination. The American nation is still in the midst of the Civil War, which is nothing more than a part of the Hybrid World War between the patriots and the global deep state. If the peoples of Europe allow a second, much longer fake corona lockdown to take place in late summer or early autumn 2020 to establish a left-wing fascist EU dictatorship, the civil war will come to Europe as well. Now all peoples must rise up against their deep-state puppet governments, following the German example, and fight for their freedom and lives. If each of us is now a Rüdiger Hoffmann, then the deep state spook will be over from one moment to the next once and for all and the way will be clear for a radical change of system away from the corrupt irresponsible party system to a direct rule of the people with responsible representatives of the people.

The FRG (= BRD) is not a state, it is a corporate construct of the Allied Powers USA, Russia and Great Britain for the trust administration of the German Reich. The Basic Law (= Grundgesetz) is not a constitution. The German Reich is still at war with dozens of states. Only a peace treaty between the restored German Empire and the Allies will bring peace to Europe and the world.

X22 Reoprt, 3.8.20: Storm Right Behind Trump, It’s Coming, Get Ready, Batten Down The Hatches - Episode 2240b here

X22 Report, 3.8.20, Action Taken, Taxes Are Now Targeted, Pushing The [CB] To Insolvency - Episode 2240a here


The second lockdown has been planned for a long time and will start at the end of August / beginning of September 2020 and this time it will last 3 until 6 months! At the municipal level, mayors and municipal councils should know this and not open their mouths. If that were to be the case, it would be the real scandal, because they would be complicit in the crime against humanity. Short length in German here

The same video in full length here in German on YouTube:
EXCLUSIVE: Next LOCKDOWN - Already DECIDED? | The Sensational Interview! 
It seems incredible: Another lockdown. No reason. And in the middle of summer. And yet that's exactly what the government not only plans, but apparently has already decided. Even the date is already set.
See for yourself in the exclusive interview - only at ET Video & Content. here
CONTENT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 Intro
0:37 The guest introduces himself
1:42 What it is about
2:32 From where comes the information?
4:02 Detailed sequence of events
4:47 Recapitulation: What do we know?
6:20 Who knows all things?
7:54 Why we decided to do the interview...
8:58 Since when exactly the information is known
9:56 The test results have NEVER played a role
10:47 Trust a lying state?
11:37 How shall we interpret the information?
12:58 Example of state-run media
14:05 What should people do now?
15:02 Tip: So prepare yourselves.
15:44 Role of the media #2
17:31 What media can be trusted?
18:48 So you can resist.
19:15 No opposition?
20:11 Share this video!
20:47 Farewell & Outro

X22 Report: Message Received, Something Big Is About To Drop, The Enemy Is Being Exposed - Episode 2239b here

X22 Report: Here It Comes, Trump Just Kicked It Off, Tax Holiday? - Episode 2239a here


Gold and Silver: I told you it was coming - also watch what they do and not what they say here

Woke Societies Report: New Bombshell Revelations From Epstein Documents | Why Did FBI Ignore Victims? here

X22 Report: Do You See How It’s All Coming Together, Drip,Crimes Against Humanity, Drip,Treason - Episode 2238b here

Berlin, large-scale demonstration against corona fraud:
The German nation (re-)awakens to its Soul ...
Even if the Deep State puppet government of Merkel has not been overthrown, it was indeed a historic day for Germany, because for about 50 years never before have so many Germans demonstrated against their government on one day and in one place. There were probably about 800,000 to 1.3 million people present. The police declared the demonstration to be over, but the demonstrators stayed because the policemen could not carry away one million people. Nevertheless, there were again completely pointless arrests on the fringes of the large crowd. The organizers had called for peace and non-violent resistance, which everyone adhered to. Never before have so many people gathered on German soil in the name of love, freedom, peace and truth. This strong message will go around the world, completely. regardless of the fact that the MSM (mainstream media) speak of only "17 thousand" demonstrators.
It is interesting to note that in connection with the major demonstration in Berlin, the number 17 once again appears several times:
1.) according to MSM only 17 thousand participants
2.) Venue = Straße des 17. Juni
3.) Dissolution of the demo by the police at 17h.
At the 17th place of the alphabet is Q.
Non-violent resistance according to Gandhi - is it possible to bring about a change of system? Perhaps only if at least one million demonstrators are mobilised several weekends in a row. But wouldn't it be better to finally formulate a common goal and demonstrate not against but for something? In order to overthrow a government, you have to have a new government up your sleeve, with the police and military on your side. Moreover, the organizers neither attacked the ruling power system nor did they address the need for a peace treaty between the German Empire to be restored and the Allies.


Berlin, large-scale demonstration against corona fraud:
up to 500,000 participants are expected. Live here
It could be a historic day for the Germans and maybe for all Europeans or even all people on earth, because there are enough people at the demonstration, half a million to a million. We are still in the middle of it. Let's see whether today already or maybe tomorrow it will tip over into the absolute positive ...

July 2020: Civil war in the USA. Do we want that for us too? Who are these people? Who pays them? What interests do their financiers have?

Let's save our children! Germans lead the way.


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Informationen, 31.7.2020 - 18.11.2021