Knowledge is a debt to be paid to oneself or the greatest electoral fraud of all time


Kurt Gostentschnigg

Knowledge is a debt to be paid to oneself or the greatest electoral fraud of all time

In the first months of 2019 I put some lectures on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), my book of poems "Pearls of Eternity" (germ. “Perlen der Ewigkeit”) and my novel "Agnan and Felesna" (germ. “Agnan und Felesna) on my YouTube channel. But I did not want to talk about the spiritual world without knowing about the human world. So from spring 2019 I started to inform myself about world politics. One thing led to another, a never ending story of researching and informing. The rabbit hole of the satanic cabal is so enormously deep and tortuous ... A German, very well informed in both worldly and spiritual matters, who had contacted me regarding my Sri Aurobindo lectures on YouTube, provided me with relevant literature on many so-called "conspiracy theories".

Like the QAnons, the digital soldiers of Q, the largest military intelligence operation to save the U.S. and the world, I wanted to do my part to save the world, humanity, my people, my loved ones, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances from ruin. So on December 25, 2019, about two months before Corona in Europe, I sent my first circular mail with the following text: "My dear friends, I am sending you information of the highest priority in the form of some links and attached files. I have decided to share them with you. Some of you may already be informed about these really serious topics. If only a part of this information is true, then we should all know about it in order to be able to prepare for the future and defend the freedom and life of ourselves and our families, especially our children. Everyone is free to ignore or deny this information. Those who have strong nerves and are willing to take responsibility for their lives are asked to spread this information in the social media. Thanks a lot. Love, Kurt Gostentschnigg."

Until mid-November 2020, I sent out several newsletters almost daily on all kinds of hot topics and regularly ran the "Kurtis Blog"[1], which started on July 31st, 2020, where I present my historical, Albanological and literary works in German, English and Albanian, introduce Sri Aurobindo's Integral and Supramental Yoga and inform about what is happening in the world. In the meantime, many of my "friends" and professional colleagues, including some relatives, have turned away from me, either attacking or ignoring me. The head of the Department of Southeastern European History at the University of Graz, whom I have known for decades and with whom I had conducted several joint research projects, supported by two or three of his "attitude policemen", even went so far as to throw me out because of my world view, which contradicts his atheistic left-green narrative.

Very few were willing to face the truth and the facts. I could not understand this at first, until I realized that most "sleep sheep" probably can't help it, because they have been brainwashed by the deep state system from the cradle on, just like I was until March 2019. Due to my decades of spiritual search, I was not as much in deep sleep as most of my fellow human beings surrounding me, so that even as a little awakened sleep sheep I felt that only some super rich people hold the threads of power in their hands. I called them "the super rich" or "the corporations. But I had absolutely no idea about the way they exercised power and the extent of the cabal and its protagonists. Knowledge is a debt you have to pay yourself. Knowledge is power.

But there are in fact people who cling to the lie until their last breath for whatever reason, especially intellectuals and educated people, who insist on their indoctrinated opinion all the more because, due to the loss of common sense, they do not check the brainwashing from the cradle to the grave, which takes place through institutional education, propagandistic mainstream media and other means. The statement that only education leads to real stupidity brings the whole problem wonderfully to the point, beyond all irony. Instead, we need an education of the heart based on truth, freedom, bliss and love, which brings out the best in man, his infinite potential.

We can only understand all this, if we pay our knowledge-debt and research with open mind and open heart according to the motto "Follow the trail of money" away from the mainstream media and mainstream science, which are both part of the centuries-old deep state system of control and management of mankind, until the end of the power pyramid. I say again and again: He who searches, finds. I know what I am talking about, because I have participated in this academic brainwashing university for decades. At some point, I felt inwardly that something was fundamentally wrong here, so I set out on my search. On the path of search I encountered all sorts of things that led to painful insights, things that I would never have believed and considered true if I had heard them from someone else. Just as many a reader of these lines does not believe me now because he has not yet searched for the truth in the right place. I have full understanding for his reaction.

When one day we will have overcome this diabolical haunting more or less intact, we will owe it above all to the warriors of the heart, who despite all the hostilities all around them - in the family, relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues - and despite all the sanctions imposed by the state authorities, have stood by their wives and husbands and stood by the truth. They are the heroines and heroes whose names will be in the history books of the future. But I am sure that they do not attach importance to such outward appearances, for they know their true inner value, which every man can find in himself, if he only wants to.

In the last few months I also made my first acquaintance with censorship. The video "Letters of a father to his son's school", which was viewed 5500 times in only three days, was probably censored or deleted due to one or the other comment from YouTube. In the meantime, it is available again on the YouTube channel "Politcafé" under the title "A father writes to the school management | Elementary School Graz"[2]. Scientific essays and journalistic articles, in which I speak of God and soul, people and nation, among other things, were rejected by various editorial offices.

However, there is a journal editorial office in the Christian Democratic tradition, which I would not have thought to publish all my scientific essays and journalistic articles without hesitation and discussion, because I write about the rebirth of the eternal many, meaning both individual and collective souls. All this contradicts the official teaching of the Catholic Church with its cold-hearted and illogical dogmas of the creation of the soul, eternal damnation, denial of rebirth and the infallibility of the Pope. Yes, the talk is of "Dielli Demokristian"[3]. The name of the magazine contains three essential terms: sun, democracy and Christianity. In all my writings I myself use the symbolic expression "Much-One Sun of Love" for the all-embracing divine. True democracy is the direct rule of the people by representatives of the people, directly elected by the people and personally accountable for their decisions and actions. The party system, which is still in place and opens the door to corruption, thus stands in the way of true popular rule. True Christianity is Original Christianity, for which rebirth was something quite natural and which concentrated solely on the central commandment of Jesus Christ to love God and neighbor as himself.

Corona is not about a deadly pandemic, but about the Great Reset[4] aimed at by the World Economic Forum for the introduction of a single digital world currency without gold cover and without cash and an unconditional basic income, ostensibly for the abolition of capitalism, in reality for the establishment of a worldwide socialism that leads to communism, the New World Order of the cabal. Corona is the conditioning phase, i.e. the accustoming of the population to the "New Normality" of homework, travel restrictions, social distance, basic income and tracking. The implementation phase is then the vaccination, chipping, concentration of the population in Smart Cities, etc. Those who do not obey will simply have their digital account blocked. In 2030 there should be no more private property, all people should live in large urban centers. The final goal is satanic soulless transhumanism, a dehumanized biorobot existence.

In order to push through the meanwhile no longer secret agenda of the Great Reset, a total economic crash is needed. But Donald Trump's countermeasures in the U.S.A. - bringing back manufacturers, lowering and abolishing taxes, raising wages, record low unemployment, no second lockdown, etc. - prevent the planned collapse of the global economy. The patriots around Q and Trump strive for an economic system by gradually implementing NESARA for the USA and GESARA for the whole world.[5] The new secure QUANTUM financial system will run via block chain and be backed by gold.[6] This will end the central banking system with its debt-based fiat money. The USA, Japan and BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are already on board. The wealth is to be gradually returned to the world population. In the end, there should be no more private central banks that can influence, corrupt and blackmail governments. The deep state, with Hillary Clinton as president, wanted the Third World War, whose destructive outcome was to serve as a pretext for the Great Reset. Since Trump intervened, the Deep-State is now betting on the Corona Fake to achieve the final enslavement of humanity after all.

Q has posted that you cannot tell people the truth. You have to show it to them. This is now to be done by exposing the "most colossal electoral fraud in history", as the former ambassador of the Vatican State to the United States (2011 - 2016), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, expressed it in an open letter[7] to the American Catholics and all Americans of good will.

Here is a brief summary of the ten categories of fraud in the US presidential election of 2020:

1.) Intentional acts or gross negligence by sworn election officials at state or district level or other public officials, such as members of the U.S. Postal Service

2.) Postal ballot papers in combination with the collection of ballot papers (especially quantities of ballot papers submitted before or after the close of voting on November 3, 2020)

3.) Illegal actions or gross errors through the Internet affecting the election results (stopping the count for deleting and moving votes by a certain algorithm; voting machines hackable by anyone)

4.) Unlawful registration of masses of unlawful participants

5.) Statistical anomalies, which suggest a strong improbability of bidding

6.) Deliberate attempts to deny equal access, transparency and protection

7.) cyber attack and denial of service in all attempts to investigate, identify and publish fraud

8.) Tyranny of the "fact-checkers" and "opponents

9.) Deliberate attempts to deny minorities equal access, equal protection and equal civil rights

10.) Lack of care and sloppy voter registration.[8]

The highly respected attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, the people's advocates, and Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, Trump's attorneys, are in the process of gathering evidence of the election fraud and formulating a legal case. Powell, by the way, is a military lawyer and the only one in the United States who is responsible for a court case for treason. The following individual and collective actors have already been publicly named in connection with the suit for election fraud: Dominion Voting Systems, a Canadian company for voting software and voting machines; Smartmatic, a multinational company specialized in the design and implementation of electronic voting systems; Scytl, a Spanish provider of electronic voting systems and voting technology; Mark Malloch Brown; George Soros; Bill Gates and Microsoft; Barack Obama; the Clinton Foundation; CIA; actors from China, Hong Kong, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Canada, Germany, Serbia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Dominion leads to Smartmatic, which is owned by two Venezuelans with close ties to former Venezuelan President Hugo Rafael Chávez. Mark Malloch-Brown, the Chairman of Smartmatic, is a member of the Global Board of the Open Society Foundation of George Soros, whose best friend he is. Soros is the largest donor to the US Democrats, Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

The counterfeit ballot papers produced in China and the Spanish server in Frankfurt also constitute an offence of foreign election interference. The U.S. Army has conducted a raid on the Frankfurt office of the Spanish election software company Scytl in order to seize servers that contain evidence of electoral irregularities in the November 3 elections in the U.S. So the votes cast were not counted in the USA, but in Germany! The Dominion voting software, developed by Bill Gates' Microsoft, and the Dominion voting machines have obviously been programmed for systematic electoral fraud to steal votes from voters held in the illusion of a free election of the people's representatives by the people. Many countries in the world use these software and machines for their elections. So the big question for us as readers of "Dielli Demokristian" is: what about the legitimacy of the elections of the last decades in the EU, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Albania, Kosova and Macedonia?

The great masses only believe it when they see it for themselves. That is why the patriots around Trump have trapped the deep state so that everyone can see what he is capable of and who his true actors are, who now come out victorious by congratulating Joe Biden, who was declared the new president by the mainstream media before the official announcement of the election results, and by showing him their willingness to cooperate for the Great Reset. The so-called "Trump Card" seems to be the exposure of the worldwide election fraud system, the systematic robbery of the people's vote. The means used by Trump for this purpose are probably: a secret digital, non-copyable watermark in the watermark of the ballot papers; parallel registration of the vote by non-manipulable block chain technology; total real-time satellite monitoring by the NSA; the deployment of the National Guard during the election.

Trump's legal team has now collected hundreds of affidavits from witnesses that are presented to the courts as evidence. Witnesses and judges have received death threats. The mainstream media (big media), led by CNN, is hiding this evidence, not reporting it or trying to make a mockery of it. The social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (Big Tech) censor the truth wherever they can. Big Media and Big Tech thus make themselves accomplices of election fraud. In the end, the Supreme Court will probably decide: either recount the valid votes or cancel the elections. It is no longer just about the legal re-election of Trump, it is about protecting the US Constitution, it is about guaranteeing the legality of all future US elections, it is about the USA, it is about the world.

Some have already seen through this at the first hard lockdown in spring. Now, during the second tough lockdown in autumn and winter 2020/2021, whose measures will hit the hearts of small and medium-sized businesses in particular, many newcomers will be added. You cannot tell people, you have to show them. Or to put it another way: If you don't want to hear, you have to feel. It will be very painful for some. But there will still be people afterwards who - for whatever reason - will not (want to) see what is being played or has been played until the end.

Germany, the key and keystone to world peace, is now being pinched by both sides as Merkel's regime: by the US side because of the Dominion election server in Frankfurt, by the Russian side because of the German nawalny intrigue. The last weeks or months of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) are numbered. The shutdown of the FRG's occupation administration by the allied U.S. and Russia and Germany's return to its 1871 sovereignty of the German Reich will also mean the end of the deep state organizations EU, UNO and NATO.

Trump has won a landslide victory and remains US President. We are dealing with the greatest electoral fraud of all time, the exposure of which will lead to a great awakening worldwide in the coming weeks and months, because in this context the deep state cabal against humanity, supported by Big Media and Big Tech, with all the forms of hybrid warfare[9] - information warfare, psychological warfare, mind control, etc. - and all the crimes against humanity - pedophilia, child abuse, satanic child sacrifice rituals, etc. - will come to light. Only the hardcore leftists and atheists will continue their brainwashing deep sleep. They cannot be helped. Without the USA, the Great Reset of the deep state central banks and globalism led by the Chinese Communist Party are doomed to failure for good.

The "Ten Days of Darkness" announced by Q will come when the Deep State will try to remove Trump from the White House by force. Either way, whether Trump or Biden is officially declared the winner of the election, there will be civil war in the United States because the Deep-State actors will fight for their lives and the patriots will finish the job. The background powers with their puppets in all countries will of course fight tooth and nail against their downfall, but against the patriotic military of Trump, Putin and Xi they ultimately have no chance. But it can still be a tough time for the people in some parts of the world before this diabolical cabal is ended once and for all by the forces of light.

General Michael Flynn is activated. The Kraken is released.[1]



[6] Als Einstieg in das Thema „Quantum-Finanzsystem“ siehe:


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