Information, from 19.11.2021 until 28.11.2021

Urgend Call for donations

Since I started my blog on July 31, 2020, I have not received a single donation. I run this blog out of idealism. Due to the compulsory vaccination announced for Austria as of February 1, 2022, I am now threatened in my existence because I will certainly not get vaccinated and thus lose my job, will not find a job and will not be entitled to unemployment benefits. Therefore, as of now, I am more dependent than ever on donations. This situation will only change for the better when enough Austrians rise up against this fascist tyranny and build a real democracy in the country.

Whoever wants to support me and the work on my blog can transfer a donation to my bank account below:

Kurt Gostentschnigg
Raiffeisenlandesbank Steiermark
IBAN: AT97 3800 0000 0772 7464

Many thanks in advance to all donors!
Your Kurti

Buy gold and silver as long as the price is low, in order to have a life insurance and save or maybe even increase your saved money. Gold and Silver are God's money.

Stock up on food and medicine for several weeks.

At any time will very probably happen the worldwide financial and economic crash with the hyperinflation, wave of company bankruptcies and mass unemployment. Then our paper money will no longer be worth anything and we will perhaps be in a state of civil war.
All this is simultaneously connected with a historical chance for the total system change. Who will win the Third or Fourth World War: the Great Reset of the satanic Deep State or the NESARA/GESARA of the patriotic White Hats Alliance?

The Art of War: "Appear strong when you are weak. Appear weak when you are strong."

Don't shoot the messenger! I bring only the message. I don't know always, if it is true or not. I have my own opinion, which changes depending on my information and interpretation of information. Do your own research. Check everything. Build your own opinion.

Daily Information:
See on Kurtis Blog under the section "Sources of Information about World Affairs"!
Intel Dinar Chronicles: Judy Byington Report, Restored Republic via a GCR here
We The People News here

Alok Pandey: The Avatar: The Divine Advent here


“GESARA-NESARA-TRUMPSARA was coming within days. Get ready for the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and QFS. ALL Banks worldwide were moving to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs) right now.”…Trump + Q Great Awakening World

“Never touch the children, or we'll come for you! You can run, but can't hide. We are everywhere!”…Trump + Q Great Awakening World

“The Future does not belong to the Globalists. The Future belongs to Patriots – We the People.” … Donald J. Trump

Patriots Message to the Cabal:
Your first mistake was thinking we would blindly allow you to kill our children through untested blood-clotting vaccinations they didn’t need.
The second was thinking we would run from a fight.
Your third, believing that you had us outnumbered.

“What imprint will you leave in the Sands of History? What will future Americans say we did in our brief time here on earth?”
“Nothing worth doing never, ever, ever came easy. Following your convictions means you must face criticism from those who lack the same courage to do what is right. And, they know what is right, but they don’t have the courage, or the guts, or the stamina to take it and to do it. It’s called the Road Less Traveled.”
“My administration is 100% committed to eradicating human trafficking from the earth – a form of modern day human slavery here in the United States and all around the world. We are dismantling the large organizations that make human trafficking possible. We will not rest until we have stopped every last human trafficker and liberated every last survivor.” 
…Donald Trump

Kurt's open letter to all Covid-vaccinated supporters of mandatory vaccination, 28.11.2021:

Question to vaccinated and unvaccinated: what difference is there between an assassination attempt carried out at close range in seconds by an evildoer with a knife, and an assassination attempt carried out by an evildoer still many miles away and approaching the victim at a snail's pace with a vaccine needle? Answer: none. Assassination is assassination. Perhaps there is a difference in perception: the murder attack with the knife, which is carried out extremely fast at close range, can perhaps still be warded off with a reflexive movement, but the murder attack with the vaccination needle, which is started from the greatest distance and carried out extremely slowly, is almost not noticed at all, if one believes through governmental brainwashing that vaccination is the only salvation from a supposedly deadly pandemic. Think of the frog in the slowly boiling water that gets used to the steadily rising temperature, or the illusion of the turkey that trusts its master one hundred percent on the hundredth day of feeding, even though it is being slaughtered by him on that very day. So it is with the voluntarily vaccinated, who still do not realize that they are in the same boat with the unvaccinated and involuntarily vaccinated, because in the end nobody will be spared from the cabal of the satanic deep state, not even the collaborators, stooges, henchmen and fellow travelers of the genocide carried out by the wolf in sheep's clothing. What is the chance that one of the eight billion people will belong to the half billion who will be allowed to live a biorobot existence in the end? But who wants to become a biorobot if he still has a heart and a soul and is not already a half one? Don't the voluntarily vaccinated think about the fact that there will be nobody left to bury them when they are all put into concentration camps, vaccinated and dead? Who will take care of the voluntarily and involuntarily vaccinated, who sooner or later will have to endure indescribable agonies of vaccination side effects, if not the unvaccinated healthy people? Only the unvaccinated will survive the genocide and be able to care for the still living sick vaccinated and develop cures to save their lives. Don't the voluntarily vaccinated realize that they are digging their own graves by participating in the drive to kill their only saviors? Do the voluntarily vaccinated not see that the unvaccinated are also fighting for the survival and future of the vaccinated? We all depend on each other, vaccinated or unvaccinated, because we are one human family. So those who turn away from their own brother and sister because he and she do not want to be vaccinated, are turning away from themselves, losing themselves, selling their souls to the devil. God does not force us to love. God has given us free will so that we may love truly and of our own free will. Everyone must make this free decision for himself. No one can take this responsibility away from you. This silent war of the satanic deep state against all mankind, which is now becoming louder and louder and thus more and more perceptible, is first and foremost a psychological and a spiritual war. The battlefield lies within each one of us. If we win this battle within us, we win it for all humanity and especially for the future of our innocent children. Therefore inoculated ones, stand up, rise, find your immortal soul within you and fight like gods at our side against the fascist-communist pharmaceutical tyranny and for the freedom of all of us in eternal love. An unimaginable New World of bliss on earth is waiting for all of us. But it is not given to us, we have to fight for it. Let us jump together over the shadow of lies and fear into the light of freedom and love. Man is not man's enemy. We are different only in expression, but in essence all one. We, the unvaccinated, hold this evidence of evil and good before the eyes of you, the vaccinated, as a bitter warning and as a sweet promise, but you contemptuously avert your gaze from it or, despite looking, cannot recognize the truth because of the systematic brainwashing from the cradle to the grave. In your delusion, you are throwing out the baby with the bathwater by not believing us and sending your own children to the slaughter because the cunning cabal is ridiculing the proclaimers of truth or wrapping them in the veil of demonization. How many more conspiracy theories must come true before you finally wake up? We, the unvaccinated, never dreamed that it would be so difficult to bring you, the vaccinated, out of your deep sleep. But we do not give up our efforts to open your eyes, although it would be so much easier for us to go into the divine light without this burden and without you. We do not want to leave you behind, because in truth you are our spiritual brothers and sisters. We want to go into the light together with you on this earth. Be that as it may, at the end of the day we have to respect your free decision that you have made on the soul level, even if it means that you go against God and soul and negate our essential unity. Those who still feel something of their eternal soul spark within them will respond to my open letter and go within themselves.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 28.11.2021: here

Black Swan Event: Crypto and Stock Market Crash Blood Bath Fri. 26 Nov.

“The Global Reset is imminent!”

The Earth is now under Military Law – the biggest military operation in history – with troops of 17 Nations under leadership of General Flynn fighting for the liberation of Humanity.

The Military counted watermarked ballots of the 2020 Election and found that Trump won by an over 80%. A scripted movie by the Alliance has been playing out ever since for the purpose of liberating The People of the earth from the Cabal.

Biden was arrested and an actor took his place to be inaugurated President of the Cabal’s US Corporation on a fake White House movie set in Hollywood. “Stolen elections have consequences. Everyone involved will get what they deserve. The Biden Administration was on their final legs. This was the beginning of the end.” …JFK Jr.

On 24 Jan. 2021 at 2:00 am EST Donald Trump was inaugurated President of the Republic of the US, not the US Corp. The Military answered to Trump and the actor Biden was not permitted in the Pentagon.

Now an earth-shattering change was about to take place. Today Sat. 27 Nov. moving vans were seen at the White House, which was lit green last night Fri. 26 Nov. 
Green means go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Global Currency Reset actually began in earnest last Sunday 21 Nov. when the Kingpin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – went international. By Mon. the Dinar was officially trading on world markets. On Tuesday the rest of the world currencies in the first basket were being exchanged at their new values in Zurich and Asia. By Thursday the GCR had reached the US, and Colombia, Brazil and Mexico exchanged on Fri. 26 Nov. Whales were in position through Thanksgiving weekend to prepare for Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) exchanges and redemptions.

The changeover of countries across the globe from Cabal rule to independency would happen with a Military takeover of the Mass Media through the newly installed Starlink Satellite System. The Military could then broadcast Real News to the world population and oversee new and transparent elections – the trigger for which was said dependent on a worldwide Event, suspected to be a global markets crash – which appeared to happen on Fri. 26 Nov.

By Black Friday 26 Nov. the Stock Market had tanked, this time not likely to recover as the bankrupt Chinese Evergrande Real Estate company pulled down the rest of the market. The Dow suffered it’s worse trading day of 2021 and three major US Stock Indexes experienced their worst Black Friday losses on record.

The Global Currency Reset was said to take place at the same time as Republics across the globe were restored to concepts of the original US Constitution. Mass arrests on over 500,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation had been going on since June 2021 when CIA echelon were taken into custody to face charges in Military Tribunals that included colluding with foreign governments to interfere with the 2020 Election.
It was said that GITMO was full and prisoners were being taken to Iceland and an island off the coast of California.

Anon observations from the Port of Long Beach, Ca. 27 Nov: "For over six months, I have personally witnessed dozens of daily helicopter fights in & out Long Beach harbor. My conservative estimate would place the numbers between 50 to 60 flights per day, around the clock, 7 days a week! This is no exaggeration. Aircraft activities included Ospreys, large tandem rotorcraft as well as other identified military helicopters. Most, however, were unmarked. As of yesterday (Friday, 26 Nov.), for the first time in months all activities have ended abruptly, completely. There was an eerily atmosphere of silence. Perhaps something big was coming?"




We The People News: Situation Update here

David Rodriguez: Clif High IS BACK! "THE WAR" Up for a limited time only. Find it on here

Patriot Underground Episode 133 here

Mike Adams, HRR: Covid "Nu" (Omicron) variant a COVER STORY for accelerating wave of vaccine deaths here

World Council for Health here
The World Council for Health is a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. We are entirely publicly funded which enables us to continue to make the best health decisions for the people, free from conflicts of interest and pharmaceutical industry ties.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 27.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:

Remember, Q said that Israel would be last. Today Black Friday 26 Nov. Israel was on the ‘verge of state of emergency’ after detecting the country’s first case of a new faster mutating Covid variant discovered in Africa. While the new Variant was out just in time to take the news off the Maxwell trial, Pfizer's stock was up 6% and Moderna was up 26%. Meanwhile, the rest of the market was in deep red and pushing Global Markets to crash. 

Although that Global Market has been artificially held up for years, the downfall officially began today Fri. 26 Nov.: Stock Market Data - Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500 - CNNMoney

Last Sunday 21 Nov. the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar – went international. By Monday the Dinar was officially trading on world markets and on Tuesday the rest of the world currencies in the first basket were being exchanged at their new values in Zurich and Asia. On Thursday the GCR had reached the US, with Colombia, Brazil and Mexico exchanging today Fri. 26 Nov.

The changeover of countries across the globe from Cabal rule to independency would happen with a Military takeover of the Mass Media through the newly installed Starlink Satellite System. The Military could then broadcast Real News to the world population and oversee new and transparent elections – the trigger for which was said dependent on a worldwide Event, suspected to be a global markets crash.

Global Financial Crisis, Black Friday Event:

Global Markets Crash over 'NEW' Covid Strain. A new, faster mutating Covid variant discovered in Africa has ravaged prospects in travel and oil stocks, as the South African rand also dropped to its lowest value against the dollar in a year. Front-month oil futures dropped 3.4% to $75.75, while shares in Japan Air, ANA and Qantas all fell between 4.5 and 6.5% as fears grow of potential renewed travel restrictions. Markets in Asia have declined too as they watch Europe's Coronavirus cases spiral into new lockdowns. ING's Asia-Pacific head of research Rob Carell admitted "everybody seems to be panicking" about the new strain emerging... but added the market moves might be accentuated by low trading volume.


Belgium: Stocks tumble on Black Friday as Belgium confirms the first case of the "new variant" in the European Union.

Bitcoin tumbled almost 8% on Friday after the discovery of a new, potentially vaccine-resistant coronavirus variant saw investors dump riskier assets for the perceived safety of bonds, the yen and the dollar. - Reuters

The Real News for Fri. 26 Nov. 2021:
The fire rises for the 4th night in Martinique (A French Island). People are rebelling against vaccine passport. The government has issued a state of emergency and curfew but it doesn't appear to be effective.
Israel bans travel from South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, and Eswatini amid new variant.
UK bans flights from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Eswatini, and Zimbabwe from midday on Friday amid new variant.
U.S. bans travel from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi amid #Omicron variant starting Monday.
Russia is 'plotting a coup in Ukraine on December first': Ukranian president holds dramatic news conference to accuse Putin of plan to seize country amid concern at military build-up. Ukrainian intelligence has information about a possible attempt to stage a coup d'etat in December.
UK to Deploy More Tanks to Germany Amid Reported Worries Over Russian 'Activities' on Ukraine Border - 26.11.2021, Sputnik International:
Epstein Victim: New Mexico Ranch Where Clintons Stayed "Had Computer Rooms the Size of Houses" to Spy on Guests:
NEW EVIDENCE: Epstein Did NOT Kill Himself!
Bill Clinton? Prince Andrew? Epstein's 'Guests' Getting Nervous? Victim Says Property Had Computer Rooms To Spy On Elites:
Gateway Pundit: There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19:
DavidNinoRodriguez: Many distractions will be coming to steal the news cycle such as a new variant! Keep your eyes on Ghislane Maxwell!
Pepe Lives Matter: The drama and infighting is designed to drain you of your mental and spiritual energy. Keep your eyes on God.
The True Defender: Latest Update On Durham’s Probe: Hillary and the FBI are BOILING:

Lin Wood against Michael Flynn?:

Lin Wood: In a recent conversation with Mike Flynn, he disclosed to me that he was involved in teaching the CIA how to create and run psy-ops (psychological operations). Mike could probably provide/some insight and information on Q. Many in the Patriot movement want to know more about Q. As a leader, I am sure Mike would be willing to discuss whether Q is, in his opinion, a psychological operation. Just sayin.’

General Flynn: Wake up America. We are in a war, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Don’t believe all the mis and dis-information being perpetrated by the leftists.


Vaccine Scandal in Slovenia - Bottles have Codes for Placebo, Vax, or KILL SHOT here

We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/26/21 here

Father Alexis Bugnolo makes a statement that everyone who has been vaccinated with the potent poison injection will be dead within the next 4-12 months, 2022.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 26.11.2021:    here

The New World Order (NWO) Cabal had a plan to enslave humanity through a world government controlled by a select few – moving the world from under the rule and Worship of God, to Satan being worshipped as god and in control of all under his doctrine and values. The goal was to essentially turn humans into robots where they are unable to think for themselves and must depend upon the NWO for their sustenance. God Bless America

Operation Pogo has been playing. This is the ability to show them still alive when they are not. For example other than the Queen. Tom Hanks goes to Greece. False it was a hologram technology. It is all fake to keep them alive until they are ready to out them. You have seen Prosthetic Mask Resident. How many Photoshop/CGI Queens do we need to see? How many Fat & Skinny Prince Charles do we need to see?

Michael Flynn says that Covid was intentionally released on the world by “Global Elites,” but “their little plan with Covid didn’t work” because “digital warriors” exposed the truth. Now he says the “elites” are about to unleash another virus to control the population.

Kurt's meditative reflection, 25.11.2021:

The New Multipolar World Order, part one:

As soon as The Great Event will have taken place, the New Multipolar World Order, which is already forming in the background, will become visible to the still unawakened public. Globally, nation states will experience a renewal, economically, states will focus on a regional and local self-sufficient economy enabled by the New Technology, and internationally, the peaceful coexistence of all nations and peoples of the world will be central. This New World Order will be led by Trump, Putin, Xi and Modi, or the USA, Russia, China and India. However, the Multipolar World Order will have several power blocs: Europe, South America, North America, Africa, Asia, and so on.
People are already talking about the "7 New Kingdoms" in this context. Russia has announced that it will deploy additional Airborne Regiment troops in occupied Crimea. Russia is taking back all the Soviet states. Turkey will become Turan, which are states such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, etc.. Australia and the Pacific islands will go to the USA. Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and France will no longer have control because of the Rothschild, Bilderberg, 13 Families, etc. history. The Crown will dissolve. Seven new kingdoms will come.
Free Energy, New Medicine, Med Beds, etc. will completely change the life of humanity in the coming years and decades. There will be an open presence of both the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Intergalactic Federation on Earth, as well as an involvement of humanity in the same. Nothing will be the same as it was. The development is infinite. When all people and peoples will live in the soul-spiritual consciousness of the Many-Unity, there will be no need for a government anymore, because all will have direct contact to the Divine, to the Source. Only when this collective state of consciousness is achieved, the True New World Order will prevail.


Egon von Greyerz - Misery Or Fortune - The Choice Is Yours here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/25/21 here


Kurt’s notes:
The Ghislaine Maxwell Case is the last line of defense between the 13 bloodline families and their minions. The White Hats have it all, therefore this show is only for the unawakened public.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 25.11.2021:    here

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine:
 “There are more than half a million deaths from this Corona virus in the United States, which is completely unnecessary because the federal government is very actively blocking the ability of doctors to provide vital medicines in the early stages of infection. They have established a policy according to which doctors should not treat on an outpatient basis, they should only treat in a hospital. And you are allowed only when your body is quite effectively destroyed by the virus. And that's why we have such a high mortality rate."

Judy Note:

On Mon. 22 Nov. 2021 the UN, along with their International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization and World Bank were all dissolved; with their authority and privileges removed and all Orders and Directive ever given by the United Nations officially revoked. This communication was sent out and received by all official Channels used for Government communications worldwide. The changes to these records have been officially entered into the Hall of Records which will have an immediate impact on funding and operations as the U.N. Agenda continued to dissolve.” (Reader: REALIST) The End of the UN | Operation Disclosure Official

Also on Mon. 22 Nov. the Global Currency Reset became official worldwide as currencies of 209 nations began revaluing to be gold/asset backed at a 1:1 with each other. That same Mon. 22 Nov. all Tier 3 were paid out and currency sellers were required to turn in their unsold currency to the US Treasury.

On Tues. 23 Nov. the inauguration of the worldwide GCR began in Zurich and Asia – the greatest holders of bonds and assets. In Reno Whales began processing their funds around 3-4pm Reno time. Also on Tues. some internet was down, it was believed, due to a switch over from Mass Media Satellites to the Star link Satellite System. 

Wed. 24 Nov. was the end of a 72 hour waiting period for the Global Currency Reset (after the Kingpin of the GCR, the Iraqi Dinar, went international early Sun. morning 21 Nov. and was now trading internationally).

On Thurs. 25 Nov. the US would begin exchanges beginning in Miami. The whales in Reno were told to remain there over Thanksgiving. At some point on Thurs. 25 Nov. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) should begin scheduling redemption/ exchange appointments at special Redemption Centers:

On Fri. 26 Nov. Colombia, Brazil and Mexico would begin exchanging currencies.

Currencies in the First Basket:
US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling, Kuwaiti Dinar, Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Russian Ruble, Chinese Yuan, Venezuelan Bolívar Fuertes, Iranian Rial, Iraqi Dinar, Indonesia Rupiah, Malaysian Ringgit, Vietnamese Dong, Brazilian Real, Saudi Riyal, Qatari Rial, United Arab Emirates Dirham, Turkish Lira, Indian Rupee, Libyan Dinar, Japanese Yen and possibly the Afghan Afghani. The Zimbabwe Bond will be redeemed, but the new Zimbabwe Zim currency having recently been placed on the market, will remain at it’s current value.

Mass Arrests have been ongoing since at least June 2021 when Military forces across the globe began arresting higher echelons of the CIA and corrupt world leaders. 

The date for a worldwide Military takeover of Mass Media and ten plus three Days of Darkness has yet to be determined and dependent on worldwide Events: New Charlie Ward: Big Intel! The Last Military Events Leading the Way | Prophecy | Before It's News (

When everything goes down, Telegram is last. We have to follow RT News they are part of DECLAS etc that will guide us too. Zero Day = Mass Cyber Attacks to shut everything down before DECLAS. 11.4 could be 11.22 the day before Supreme Court. 2moro's Delta talks about a reminder Unclassified Setting Monitored & Analyzed in RT. Then 2nd drop on Zero Day [ZERO-Day] Countermeasures in place. [Example] Think Emergency Alert System. Think WH controlled *new* RT 'news' website. Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform. Think Here. Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control). Why do we make things public? Q

That Supreme Court Filing:
They are asking the SCOTUS to vacate the certification from Jan. 6 so the Court can order a new vote for President and VP in the House and Senate. Making the case that if they prove through the evidence in their exhibits that these 5 states did indeed engage in enough serious election fraud to disenfranchise the states that signed on to this complaint [if there are any], there is no real remedy to the election theft because the people who benefited from that theft now control the other two branches of the government - the executive and legislative. Therefore asking the Court to set aside the certification enacted on January 6 that was based on fraud is the only remedy. Unless we have a system where if you successfully steal it and it got certified, there is no remedy.

Some facts on Ghislaine Maxwell Case:
Who is Ghislaine Maxwell? The daughter of British publishing magnate Robert Maxwell started out as a British socialite and the mistress of Jeffrey Epstein. Using logic, most can assume that she was Epstein's handler.
What charges have she been charged? Maxwell was charged with child molestation, child sex trafficking and perjury. She was refused bail due to the fact that she could flee the country 
When will the trial take place? Jury selection began last Tuesday, and opening arguments in the case will begin on November 29. Federal courts do not allow trials to be broadcast on television. However, a telephone line will be organized on which it will be possible to listen to the process. 
This case is of great importance, there are a lot of conversations and discussions in the media around it, so fresh news will constantly appear throughout the trial. During the process, the names of many "influential" people who flew to Epstein's Island to engage in pedophilia and satanic rituals there may be heard.
Ghislaine Maxwell Had UN Authorized Control Over the World's Oceans. The TerraMar Project was a UN NGO micronation with diplomatic immunity and its own passports.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghisliane Maxwell owned and operated a mysterious company called TerraMar. TerraMar listed a Manhattan property owned by the Rothschilds as a base, was funded by the Clinton Foundation, and was considered a micronation with UN issued passports for the ocean which offered its citizens diplomatic immunity until the collapse of the project.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell attend de Grisogono Sponsors The 2005 Wall Street Concert Series Benefitting Wall Street Rising.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project:
In 2012, Ghislaine Maxwell founded the TerraMar Project. At a UN conference, Ghislaine presented and said through TerraMar that she was actually representing the interests of Jeffrey Epstein and the Clinton Foundation, which seeded her project with millions of dollars in funding. Ghislaine Maxwell has already turned in financial records revealing the funding she and Epstein received from the Clinton Foundation.
TerraMar was positioned as an NGO dedicated to saving the oceans from humanity. It seems much more likely that TerraMar, which owned its own submarine, was a front for human trafficking.
According to The New York Times, the TerraMar Project was an “opaque organization that had no offices, gave no grants to other organizations.” However, within a week of the human trafficker Epstein’s arrest, Maxwell closed down her United Nations-sponsored NGO. Was TerraMar part of a vast ocean child trafficking network?
Associates and financiers of the TerraMar Project included many of those who we now recognize as being linked with child sex trafficking, including the Clinton Foundation, Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis, John Podesta, and Tamera Luzzatto, along with many others. Luzzatto was Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff. She is now Senior Vice President of Government Relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts. Luzzatto published a disturbing website called Evie’s Crib. She wrote the infamous email to John Podesta published by WikiLeaks that seemed as though she had been pimping her infant grandchildren to the political elite.
After the death of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father, in 1991, she moved to a Manhattan property owned by Lynn Foreseter de Rothschild, whose husband is British banker Evelyn Robert de Rothschild. The property was also listed as the base for Terramar.

Maurene Comey: Jeffrey Epstein Case Co-Led by James Comey's Daughter: James Comey's daughter is a lead prosecutor on Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking case. Here's what we know about her. Maurene Comey, the daughter of former FBI chief James Comey, has brought her family back into the day's top story. James Comey HRC /Obama stooge ex fbi director who helped set up Crossfire hurricane Operation to crucify Trump in the fake Russian collusion scandal, has a daughter named Maureen Comey who is connected to the lost video of Epstein's first suicide attempt, she was also a lead prosecutor on the Epstein case. NOW she is part of the prosecution team on the Ghislaine Maxwell case. It's BEYOND fair to say the DEEP STATE CABAL has highly [infiltrated] the GHISLAINE MAXWELL CASE or perhaps the WHITE HATS have placed all the actors where they need to be and EXPOSE COMEY/HRC/DEEP STATE ATTORNEY MAUREEN COMEY. Very very interesting how GHISLAINE has asked [DS] UN to get her out of jail. As now known the UN/Clintons funded her child trafficking organization and gave her passports for micronation with immunity by the UN... And her TerraMarrl org. Is connected directly to ROTHSCHILDs who owned the property for the TerraMarrl base.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 24.11.2021:    here

Situation in Australia:
What the Military is telling the depressed people of Melbourne, Australia who have been in lockdown for weeks: "All this will stop when we ourselves decide that it's time to end all this, when we deprive them of their tools. If this continues, it will kill us all. It's not about health or illness. They want to destroy human existence, you know? Starting today, stop your (work) activities. It doesn't matter what excuse you find - depression, unused vacation, overtime. Just don't work until Christmas. Block the whole country before Christmas, take it out of control. And it will all end, and you will win!"

The Supreme Court Filing on 2020 Election Fraud:
Tues. 23 Nov. was the Supreme Court date to hear a 2020 Election Fraud Suit filed by multiple State Attorney Generals. However some Attorney General signatures promised for the petition were yet to be obtained. Lindell promised to publish the petition if the AGs didn’t come through by some time Wed. 24 Nov:
Praying Medic: I'm doubtful that SCOTUS will give a favorable ruling on the case presented yesterday. Not because the suit lacks merit, but because the court lacks moral courage. I hope I'm wrong. I'm also doubtful that states will decertify the election. Again, I hope I am wrong. My view is that the military will ultimately fix the problem, but other entities must first be given a chance to do the right thing.

Covid and Vax Hoax:
Africa is only vaccinated by 6%, but Covid has practically disappeared. Scientists are "puzzled." The only regions of the world where mass diseases and mortality are observed are those that promote "vaccination."

Global Peace and Restoration Has Begun, Your Realist Europe:
(Reader: REALIST) The End of the UN | Operation Disclosure Official
The Global Peace and Restoration Consortium of Member States has been officially ratified in the Hall of Records effective immediately as the replacement body to assume the authority formerly held under the Charter for the United Nations. When previous international organizations failed to bring about peace on Earth a similar process had to take place.  The predecessor to the United Nations was the League of Nations, established in 1919, after World War I, under the Treaty of Versailles. Their primary objective was “to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security.” The League of Nations was not able to prevent World War II and was consequently disbanded in April of of 1946. 
The United Nations was an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War to replace the League of Nations by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. Since their inception they have grown to include virtually every Country in the World. Their initial objectives were and still are essential to all life on Earth. The U.N. Charter was authorized within the World Hall of Records in 1947.
The failures of the United Nations are highlighted by the Hundreds of Trillions of dollars that have been donated for Humanitarian Projects. Approximately 1.7% of this project money ever went to the actual project owner. In addition, the world has been in a perpetual state of conflict, poverty, and division since the United Nations was established. For this reason, all Orders and Directive ever given by the United Nations were officially revoked on November 22, 2021. This communication was sent out and received by all official Channels used for Government communications worldwide. The changes to these records have been officially entered into the Hall of Records which will have an immediate impact on funding and operations as the U.N. Agenda continues to dissolve.
The Hall of Records holds the official records of any lawfully established organization, treaty, or major historical event. The recorded history registered into the Hall of Records gives credibility to any legal action, and allows it to be funded by the Global Repository. These records are supposed to be made public and reflect in the National Archives of every Country as new orders are ratified. The United Nations along with the organizations formed as a part of their Globalist structure including the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, and the World Bank were also dissolved and their authority, and privileges were removed and recorded in the Hall of Records.
For the first time in human history we have an ally at the top of the power structure in the Global Finance System.


Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic here


We The People News:SITUATION UPDATE 11/24/21 here

Doug Billings: Simon Parkes - Bidens dementia so bad democrats can't control him plus vp Hillary or vp kamala here

Team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 Medical Experts Start Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity here
A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 23.11.2021:    here

Judy Note: Received from a High Up Contact
On Mon. 22 Nov. at 3 pm EST the RV was made official worldwide, after which all countries and banks stayed online and it was not reversed.
On Tues. 23 Nov. the inauguration began with Zurich and Asia, which the Whales know were the greatest holders of bonds and assets. 
On Thurs. 25 Nov. the US would begin exchanges beginning in Miami.
On Fri. 26 Nov. Colombia, Brazil and Mexico would begin.
This Global Currency Reset was vital for global change. All was set and ready to go.
Wed. 24 Nov. was the end of a 72 hour waiting period for the GCR (The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the Iraqi Dinar, was believed to have gone international early Sun. morning 21 Nov.). 
On that Wed. 24 Nov. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) was said set to begin scheduling redemption/ exchange appointments at special Redemption Centers:
Mark Z on Tues. 23 Nov: Word was that Whales would begin processing their funds around 3-4pm Reno time today Tues. 23 Nov, meaning Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could obtain numbers to set appointments this evening, although it could go into Thanksgiving Thurs. 25 Nov.
In Reno Paymasters have been told to stay in place throughout this week including Thanksgiving as they were expecting to be paid out imminently.
Coach Wes Bastie: The GCR was likely this week of Wed. 24 Nov. according to my sources who included a 30 year Pentagon veteran, Contact on the top floor of the US Treasury, a General, an Admiral, plus a Contact at the Rodriguez Trust.
Currencies in the First Basket: US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling, Kuwaiti Dinar, Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Russian Ruble, Chinese Yuan, Venezuelan Bolívar Fuertes, Iranian Rial, Iraqi Dinar, Indonesia Rupiah, Malaysian Ringgit, Vietnamese Dong, Brazilian Real, Saudi Riyal, Qatari Rial, United Arab Emirates Dirham, Turkish Lira, Indian Rupee, Libyan Dinar, Japanese Yen and possibly the Afghan Afghani. The Zimbabwe Bond will be redeemed, but the new Zimbabwe Zim currency having recently been placed on the market, will remain at it’s current value.

Restored Republic:
Nuremburg 2.0 trials have already been initiated: A team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have started the Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity – including their mandates of deadly Covid vaccines.
Tues. 23 Nov. was the Supreme Court date to hear a 2020 Election Fraud Suit filed by multiple State Attorney Generals:
Tues. 23 Nov. COVID vaccinations for children aged 5-11 to start for Israel.
Wed. 24 Nov, (Julian Calendar 11/11) Jab doses for US 5-11 year olds were set to begin.
Wed. 24 Nov. was the default date for the Chinese Real Estate giant Evergrande that could cause massive global financial chaos.
A Sunspot was said to likely knock out the Internet on Wed. 24 Nov.
Mon. 29 Nov. was the start of litigation on the Ghislaine Maxwell Case – that had connections to major global, Hollywood and political elite blackmail, Child Sex Trafficking using the Satanic Child Sacrifice Epstein Island frequented by global and political elites. Ghislaine Maxwell Little Black Book Revealed - Co-Conspirators Named!! Court Doc Included! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (

The Fake News MSM:
[They] were hoping the Rittenhouse trial verdict would incite violence and riots. Also the reason Kyle is slating known White Hats such as the lovely Lin Wood in newspapers and saying he supports BLM and giving scripted interviews on Tucker Carlson… They are attempting to get into the minds of Patriots to cast doubt and divide… That’s what the Israeli Mossad media machine does. Israel is last so MSM will be one of the last of their weapons they have against We The People. MSM is all one big PSYOP.

Med Beds:
Med Beds use a technology to transform your body to its optimum health by using the original codes in your DNA.  This technology has been tested.  With this technology, our society will move to focus on wellness rather than illness in the medical field.  There will be no reason for any industry to profit from illnesses.  With the Med Beds, every human being will be able to freely restore health and live a healthy life into older ages than we’ve recently been able to experience. This technology has been available for 50 years and is perfectly safe.  The Secret Space Program has successfully used it over the last 50 years.
Funding. Med Beds are being set up in specialized healing centers.  Initially they will be available away from the current health care system. When the med bed technology is disclosed, hospitals and Big Pharma will be phased out.  This is because our medical system will no longer be based on illness, but on wellness.
The technology will be completely funded by the White Hats/Military. There will be no cost to use the Med Beds. They will be available to the public free of charge.  The cost of the Med Beds will be paid by the Military and White Hats.
Rollout. Each country will have a central center for people to book an appointment.  The first appointment will be a consultation which will involve a medical history and full body exam.  Then the patient’s information will be entered into a quantum computer in which the computer will decide the urgency of the patients’ medical needs.  A nearby center will be scheduled based on that assessment.
Launch. It is anticipated that appointments will start mid-January 2022. That date may change due to military activity. Initially, the Med Beds will be heavily controlled by the military for a time period, so the technology does not get abused.  There will not be any preferential treatment because of status in society.  All people will be treated fairly and beds will be available first for the people who are in critical need.
When the Med Beds are released, a national call-in line will be set up for people to book appointments. See more:


12-Page Document on the Rollout of Med-beds here

Corona Foundation Committee:Secure Whistleblower here and here
We are committed to independent, transparent and evidence-based analysis.
Report grievances
Information from the public is often very helpful for our work. Our system records and processes anonymous reports.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/23/21 here

Michael Salla: US Army Soldier Blows Whistle on Secret Missions to Ganymede & the Moon here
JP has served for almost two years in the US Army and has come forward to give his first interview discussing secret military missions by an international space coalition to the Moon, Ganymede and other locations in the solar system. In this exclusive Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to Earth's Moon and Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. He says that a group of recently arrived highly evolved extraterrestrials are having life changing effects with soldiers and others with whom they come into contact. 
JP is keeping his name and physical appearance confidential to preserve his career, but is encouraging other former or serving US military personnel to come forward to share their own extraterrestrial related experiences. In this video interview, I've only included the audio to protect his identity. 
I have known JP since 2008, and believe he is very sincere and a credible witness. I have written an extensive number of articles on his UFO photos, ET Contact and secret space program experiences which are available here: 
At the end of our interview, I have included a short 3.5 minute video created by JP where he personally discusses the impact of the Ganymede missions on him and other soldiers. 
If anyone else currently serving in the US military would like to contact me regarding their own knowledge and/or experiences regarding recent Moon, Ganymede or other solar system missions, I can be reached at  
Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 23.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
Tues. 23 Nov. was the Supreme Court date to hear 2020 Election Fraud. By then we should be well into the Illuminati campaign to decrease the world population. Meanwhile the Alliance was fighting back with Nuremburg 2.0 trials that have already been initiated: A team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have started the Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity – including their mandates of deadly Covid vaccines.
Plus, the Ghislaine Maxwell Case – with connections to major global, Hollywood and political elite blackmail, Child Sex Trafficking using the Satanic Child Sacrifice Epstein Island frequented by global and political elites – was set to start on Mon. 29 Nov.
The Nuremberg 2 Trial and Maxwell Case were expected to have zero coverage by the Mass Media, and the news had long been blocking any mention of vaccine dangers, let alone vaccination consequences for innocent children. 
Wed. 24 Nov. was also the date Biden’s CV-19 dangerous blood-clotting vaccination mandate for children aged 5-11 was set to begin. There was certainly terrorists threats all around, a need to protect the children from the blood clotting and heart problem vaccine, Vaccine Mandate Protests across the globe, and all with little mention in the Media about the International Child Sex Trafficking Maxwell Case that involved blackmail of global and political elites. There was little hope the Mass Media would cover the huge Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity. 
So, did this make Tues. 23 Nov. a good time for a Military takeover of the Mass Media and changeover to global Martial Law? 
A Military takeover on Tues. may also be timely because the next day of Wed. 24 Nov. was the default date of the Chinese Real Estate giant Evergrande that could cause a lot of global unrest through a predicted financial crash across the world.

On the Shutdowns:
We don’t expect all systems to be down. We don’t expect power to be down. We are told that if any shutdowns it would be a “rolling process” depending on the areas they need to shut down. Example: Say if cleaning up and arrests in Baltimore Maryland … you may see outages for a couple hours or so until they clean up what they need to ….. So rolling areas based on need as they clean up nefarious folks.

Trump +Q The Great Awakening on Mon. 22 Nov.:
Queen Final Farewell. Royals are going down! Get ready for global shutdown. Project London Bridge is activated. 3 days global complete blackout + 10 days revelations. During these 10 days we'll go back to Julian calendar and we'll go back to Gold backed CBDCs QFS. Black Swan event coming now at the same time. Everything will hit at the same time. They kept everything for the end. It will be an EPIC explosive ending. 

There is NOTHING BIGGER & MORE IMPORTANT than Ghislaine Maxwell:
Why? "Buffers." The last line of defense between the 13-bloodline families & their global minions. They need agents in place they know & trust that will help them control their minions & that’s the role of Maxwell. Maxwell flies helicopters back & forth from all these islands & is also taking submarines from island to island & these submarines are loaded with children. Her company ‘Terramar’ on Biden’s Water Island, designed to encourage CHILDREN awareness that we need to protect the ocean. She encourages CHILDREN to visit & have experiences in a submarine & with her power & clout they got Disney cruises to stop there. Can you imagine? It goes so deep. Disney is bringing children right to the source. That’s why Hollywood is shitting their pants. They were able to decrypt her Blackberry. THEY HAVE IT ALL. Colleen & Charlie Freak 7-9-2020.

"Death of Journalism":
Psst, what about the Ghislaine Maxwell trial? ... not that MSM wants you to know. While the MSM has pushed the world’s eyes onto Kyle Rittenhouse, what could spiral into one of the biggest sex trafficking cases in history is slipping curiously under the radar - as Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial begins. An explosive list of alleged co-conspirators that includes Sony, the NYPD, Beyoncé and Walt Disney corporation has circulated online while victims demand that other groomers stand trial alongside Maxwell. Rose McGowan - who sparked the #MeToo movement with rape allegations against Harvey Weinstein (another apparent co-conspirator listed) - retweeted an image claiming the “media pushing more division.” Civil rights lawyer Peter Pattakos claimed it was “hard to think of a more telling demonstration of the death of journalism (and corresponding decline of civilization)” than the imbalanced coverage.

"Vaccines" against Covid-19 are programmed to self-destruct the human body: In this article, Dr. Christian Fiala, founder and medical director of the Gymned Clinic in Vienna, clearly describes how mRNA "vaccines" work and the risks associated with them. "First of all, our immune system is very complex. The identification of a pathogen or a foreign cell on its cell surface and the destruction of the cell carrying these antigens - this is the basis of vaccination. To do this, the pathogen is usually inactivated so that it can no longer cause infection. The most important feature of the immune system is the strict differentiation between the body's own and foreign cells. This is the only way to live in good health. It is this essential difference and the basis of life that is being questioned by the injection that we are currently experiencing and which is being distributed under the name "vaccination" against Covid-19. The spike proteins that have become famous are a characteristic that allows you to recognize the corona virus, an antigen.
A war against one's own side. When the Covid-19 virus enters the body, the immune system recognizes the invader by the spike protein antigen and destroys the invader or already infected cells. With mRNA "vaccination" against Covid-19, for the first time in history, the body's cells are intentionally programmed genetically through mRNA to produce a spike protein as an antigen (foreign) on their surface, even if they are absolutely healthy and not infected with the virus. The mechanism of action of the "vaccination" against Covid-19 is to label healthy cells as foreign. As a result, the immune system reacts immediately; it recognizes the antigen as foreign, produces antibodies to fight it and destroys the spike protein by destroying the cell that carries it. This means that the "vaccination" tricks our immune system into attacking and destroying our own healthy cells. In the army, this is called "shooting at your own". This poses a radical danger not only to our health, but also to our survival. We know this phenomenon from autoimmune diseases. They are rare, but usually serious and can be fatal.


William Toel explains how the Germans have been re-educated and how they will liberate themselves. He answers critical and sensitive questions: How does he feel about the Freemasons? Is he part of the Q team? What does he think about the law on freedom of speech?

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/22/21 here

Benjamin Fulford Report: Western world revolts against Satanic ruling class here
There is a massive attack taking place against the Satanic ruling cabal in most Western countries. This is being seen in mass demonstrations, military moves and criminal prosecutions.
Take a look at these huge demonstrations in Italy, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, Brussels, etc. It looks a lot like what happened just before the fall of the Berlin Wall in Eastern Europe.
The pattern is the same, the ruling class -facing bankruptcy and popular revolt- increases repression of the population. This creates a negative feedback loop by causing ever more popular discontent until the military and police join the people and overthrow the ruling class.
After Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg decided to confine unvaccinated people, the police and the military announced they would refuse to control the “health passes” in the name of “freedom and human dignity.”

COVID-19 - 'Austria will not stop protesting' against national lockdown & mandatory vaccine here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 22.11.2021:    here

Judy Note: The news of the day which would never make the headlines was the Ghislaine Maxwell trial to begin on Mon. 29 Nov. Maxwell was the procurer of children for the International Child Sex Abuse Ring run by the Vatican, located at Epstein Island, with ties to the Crown, US Inc. and most every global and political elite in the Cabal. Already leaks in the case showed Walt Disney Corp.'s connection with the CIA, pedophilia, human trafficking, New York Police Dept. and Satanic rituals aimed at children
The other earth-shaking news that didn’t make front page: Early Sun. morning 21 Nov. the kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the Iraqi Dinar, went gold/ asset-backed and international, with 209 nations to soon follow. 
GLOBAL financial crash fears continued to remain high over the uncertain future of a giant Chinese Real Estate company that was going bankrupt, the Evergrande Group, and was due to default on Wed. 24 Nov. 

Kurt's brief analysis of the current world situation, 21.11.2021:

We are approaching the climax of the Third World War of the Deep State against humanity. I think the upcoming winter will bring the decision. According to insider information, the Alliance of the White Hats should have already won the war for humanity. Nevertheless, the peoples, humanity and each individual must rise up so that the New World can dawn. With the Corona vaccine requirement and the vaccination of children with the experimental mRNA vaccines, the Deep State has crossed two red lines, so the sleeping giant is now awakening. The threefold advice of medical experts, who stand on the side of humanity, is: 1.)  the unvaccinated should not be vaccinated under any circumstances; 2.) the vaccinated should not undergo a booster vaccination; 3.) the children must not be vaccinated under any circumstances! Insiders like Michael Jaco and others claim that only in 2025 normality will return for those who have not been vaccinated and have survived.


We Te People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/21/21 here

Michael Salla: Alex Collier on the Andromeda Council and Human Liberation here
In this Exopolitics Today interview, Alex Collier discusses the Andromedan Council and their multifaceted approach to freeing humanity and preventing a galactic tyranny from emerging 350 years in the future. Alex discussed how the Andromedans instigated a broad alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations to intervene on humanity's behalf against negative groups, and how this alliance has led to a global awakening and liberation of our solar system. Alex pointed out that negative extraterrestrial groups have been largely eliminated as a threat in our solar system, and that we are on a positive timeline where humanity will soon eliminate the last vestiges of negative human control groups. He also comments on the accuracy of Elena Danaan's information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and its relationship with the Andromeda Council. Alex has spent 30 years discussing the roles of positive and negative extraterrestrial influences on Earth, and his information has taken on greater relevance today with the unprecedented growth in awareness of humanity's true situation with off-planet visitors and their human minions.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 21.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
According to Trump +Q and Whiplash347, on Sun./Mon. 21, 22 Nov. a Global Currency Reset (GCR) would occur. The Black Swan Event of a Global Market Crash would implement GESARA/ NESARA/ TRUMPSARA and the new Quantum Financial System (QFS). Banks worldwide were moving to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs). All would require release of the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law that would be here within days.

Anna Maria Riezinge:
“This entire mess, the corruption of the banks, the lawlessness of the corporations, the lies that have infested every corner of the globe, and the misery of the people on this planet, can be traced to the efforts of HSBC, which is the British-Chinese investment bank, deceit and interference by the CIA, unlawful impersonation by the UNITED STATES, INC., and self-serving dishonesty on the part of the major Tier 1 banks worldwide.”

The 1871 Act of England reversal changeover from Crown Maritime Law to 1776 Law as outlined in the original Constitution would change all that.

According to Whiplash347:
“My fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us,” POTUS would tweet Sunday/Monday, “and then we will go into full Martial Law.” 
“Trump will most likely be on AF1 when he sends seven presidential messages to everyone’s phones and TV sets worldwide on the Emergency Broadcast System.
“We need 100% of The People indoors to see what the Military is going to broadcast on everyone’s TV sets worldwide. It is going to be very painful, but we can no longer have people divided. All Global Militaries via the US Military will shut down all Media, Internet, phones and TV programming (Emergency Services will have theirs) so that the US Military can broadcast ten days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the STORM article.
“While this is happening, they will be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests (500,000 indictments have been filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016, with up to 99 defendants named on each indictment).
“GESARA/NESARA will be activated, which will be a full rewiring of Planet Earth.”
The Storm is Almost Here. Make sure you have the necessities – two to three weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. 
We are going to Full Global Martial Law – changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776. It will be a Transition of CASTLE ROCK and it’s just about go time.
1871 Act Of England Reversal: Queen must be announced dead on or before this Supreme Court date of Tues. 23 Nov. 
Tues. 23 Nov. Supreme Court to hear 2020 Election Fraud Case. Mike Lindell announced that multiple state Attorney Generals were filing an Election Fraud Lawsuit:
Tues. 23 Nov. COVID vaccinations for children aged 5-11 to start.
Tues. 23 Nov. Emergency Broadcast System: 5 to 11 yr olds. D.O.D LAW OF WAR Effective Advanced Warning Also known as EBS Why do you think they used 5 to 11 yr olds? Remember, Remember The Fifth Of November. #V for Vendetta You are being woken up.

Judy Note on the Global Currency Reset:
On Fri. 19 Nov. a meeting for heads of state and world financial leaders was held in Reno, home of the new US Treasury.  Steven Manuchin from the US, representatives from Spain, North Korea, South Korea, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela and at least 20 other countries met with the Chinese Elders Royals to complete scheduling of  money release for all the tiers, F&Ps, Adjudicated Settlements, CMKX, Ranch and Farm Claims.  

The Cabal Agenda:
To depopulate the planet by 2024 in order to establish a New World Order and have complete control over The People. The Cabal was right on schedule by putting poisonous fluoride in the water, releasing manmade viruses and spitting out poisonous Chem Trails in the air. In 1986 they began developing Project Skybeam where in 2024, holograms would play out an “Alien Invasion” in order to panic what was left of The People and therefore be able to take over the planet.

Situation in Austria:
Austria introduces 20-day isolation for the entire population from Monday and makes vaccination mandatory from February 2022. Lockdown tensions explode in EU: Austria faces riots TODAY after Dutch police open fire:

Situation in Australia:
"We're not gonna take it" played at the  Melbourne protest. There's a reason that this song was Q's last post: We the people have the power and we're learning how to fight back. 

Worldwide demonstrations against vaccine passports and Covid Tyranny:
France: Paris in flames – panic as blaze erupts by historic building – 100 firefighters scrambled. Running street battles on the streets of Paris:
Rome Italy: Anti-'Green Pass' demonstrators gather in Rome for new round of protests. Protest against vaccine passports in Genova Italy.
Croatians have surrounded a Fake News Station.
Switzerland rising up against Covid Tyranny.
Lithuania rising up against Covid Tyranny.
Japan rising up against Covid Tyranny.
Belfast Northern Ireland rising up against Covid Tyranny.
Vancouver and Toronto Canada protests against Vaccine Mandate.
Netherlands rebel against Vaccine Passports.
Oslo, Norway was rising up against Covid tyranny.
New York: Protests against Covid Tyranny and BLM on the streets of New York: “Every city, every town burn the precinct to the ground.”

Global Financial Crisis:
The Chinese Evergrande Group to be removed from Stock Index as meltdown looms:

Food, Goods and Fuel Shortages:
Panic in China. The Chinese are feverishly buying up food and basic necessities. Huge queues are forming in supermarkets. People are sweeping everything they can reach off the shelves and even fighting for food. Prices for many products have risen sharply. Compared to last month, they jumped by 50 - 70%. The Chinese are resolutely stocking up on canned meat, army rations and cereals. One of the most popular queries on the Internet in China was the phrase "list of products in case of emergency."


Kurt's comment on the biggest Anti-Corona Measures Demonstration in Vienna on 20th November 2021:
A historic day for Austria, Europe and the world - all hopes focused on Vienna and fulfilled. Around 200,000 participants from Vienna, Austria and abroad, 35 buses from Berlin alone. The MSM report 30,000 demonstrators and do the usual framing. For the first time the powerful slogan and refrain "Resistance!" resounded among the masses of the awakened and awakening. In the run-up to the large-scale demonstration, there were expressions of solidarity in front of the Austrian embassies in Paris and London: "We stand with Austria!" Australia is the test run of the Deep State for the world, Austria that for Europe. When we Austrians rise up, we do it not only for ourselves, but also for Europe and the world.

X22 Report: Bix Weir - The Good Guys Already Won,We Are Witnessing The Clean Up,The Old Guard Is Being Exposed here
Bix begins the conversation with gold, silver and crypto. The bad guys are pushing their agenda by trying to move the old system into their new system. The old system needs to crash to destroy the [CB]. The good guys already won, this is just the clean up. They bad guys are being exposed so the people understand who and what they are.

The World Is Watching – We Are Not Gonna Take It! here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 20.11.2021:    here

“Mass non compliance is the way forward.” …Mel Gibson

Philip Tilton Facebook Fri. 19 Nov:
“Reno is a major hub of activity right now. This afternoon Fri. 19 Nov. at 2 pm Pacific Time, there was a big meeting scheduled between heads of state and financial leaders from many countries. Steven Manuchin was there, Spain rep there, Zim rep there, NK, SK, Iraq, Iran, Venzeuela reps there – other countries also. At least 20 countries were there.  Chinese Elders Royals were there to complete scheduling of everything coming out (F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, CMKX, Ranch and Farm Claims). Church Groups were on tap and were told they were being paid out today Fri. 19 Nov.  We are to go on heels of the bondholders and above groups.”

If you didn't know why 3+10 days of darkness were coming:
We need to switch back from Gregorian to Julian calendar. Coincidence you think that project London Bridge when the Queen is dying? There's a three day blackout + 10 days of mourning. Can't make this up. Revelations are coming real soon. We all can't wait. …Trump + Q Great Awakening World.

Judy Note: Definiton of terms in this Report:

 Some have asked for a definition of terms commonly used in this report. The below are definitions made in my opinion only, although like my Updates, they may not be exactly correct. I’m only human:

Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4:
the payout of the bonds and currency is done in order of different tiers. Tier One is the Chinese Royals, then comes Bond Holders, Paymasters, Church Groups, CMKX, F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims and other groups, while Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest and composed of the general public: people who have bought currency and/or bonds and keep up with the reset by way of information on the Internet.  

The site of the new US Treasury where meetings take place that decide on the GCR rollout.

Iraq is considered the cornerstone of the RV. When Iraq goes, everyone will follow and Iraq is said to have gone, with their international rate to be on the Forex by Mon. 22 Nov.

Church Group:
There are several people organized in their local Church Group who are putting their currency and Zim together to sponsor humanitarian projects, plus one very large Church which has purchased a lot of Zim and currency and have worldwide applications for its use in humanitarian aid. It was said these Church Groups would be paid out before the rest of us and that they were paid last Thursday 18 Nov.

People who have bought Zim Bonds and wish to use the money to do a specific humanitarian project write up a 2-3 page “Business Plan” about what they wish to do and present that plan at their redemption appointment.

News Highlights for Fri. 19 Nov. 2021:
* Pope Francis has postponed his visit to Canada because of an arrest warrant against him from the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Sworn affidavits implicated Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio in the ritual harming of children and in the death of witnesses to his involvement in the trafficking of children for the Argentine military junta during their "dirty wars" of the 1980's.
* The White House Refuses to Change Biden’s Mandate Policy Even After a Court Orders OSHA To Halt Implementation of the Vaccine Mandate. 
* Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum claimed that the Corona PCR "test" was not a test at all, but was implanting a microchip in peoples of the globe as part of the New World Order Agenda. 
* Antifa was on standby in cities across the US to cause chaos and distraction away from the Durham Report, Fauci, Border, Plandemic exposures, Biden incompentcy, vaccine deaths, food, goods and fuel shortages, inflation, ect. 
* Meanwhile, the Global Currency Reset was rolling out, taking tax payer dollars away from the Cabal and returning them back to The People as it changed currencies of the world to gold/asset-backed at a fair and transparent 1:1 with each other.

In 1994, 160 governments secretly agreed to reduce the world's population to 800 million people by 2030. "The man-made flu of 2018 will reduce the population to 800 million." "Fake UFO invasion in 2024." But the plan is not working and this is clearly seen by the way they are panicking and trying to speed up processes that are going completely wrong as planned.
The Alliance was working very, very hard to take out DUMB’s worldwide. The latest were in Iran. Afghanistan, Myanmar and Italy.

Nov. 15 2021 Benjamin Fulford:
“Washington DC has already been taken by the White Dragon Society (the Alliance or Department of Defense) and its allies. Here is what an NSA official is saying about Washington these days: DC is EMPTY after dark. No nightlife. Empty trains. Empty buildings. And a strong stench is perceived throughout the city (from underground tunnels that have been flooded and are empty). What’s left of the federal government will be out of money in 18 days or Dec. 3, NSA says.” 

DUMBS Update, Gene Decode:
“Massive take-down underneath Iran. Afghanistan, there are still tunnels taking out, for the Deep State rats still want to control the farming, for drug production are being taken care of. They are taking out Deeper areas in and around Myanmar. There are a lot of negative explosions in the air in U.S. and Canada, for this is the stealth anti-gravity blown up in the air trying to leave Earth. Washington State ships being taken out. Taking things down in Italy. The Alliance is working very, very hard to take out DUMB’s worldwide.” 

Looking Behind the Curtain, Donadagohvi, Golden Wolf:
The latest evidence and research are proving Covid 19, “Spike Proteins” are bioweapons created in labs funded by billionaire eugenicists designed for depopulation. Much of this was done using taxpayer’s money funding gain of function research through the N.I.H. directed by Dr. Fauci and friends who have made billions at humanity’s expense. The clot or kill shot putting those who receive it on a timer is the second, of a two-part system. The end goal of the global elite and the CCP is to remove 13 out of 14 people, over 90% from the planet. They have made this undeniable clear in their manifestos, masonic publications and it is written in stone, Georgia Guidestones.
Lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates are all part of a global plan to force compliance, test resistance to giving up freedoms, destroy economies, small businesses, enslave and create abject poverty and dependence. These are all unlawful acts going against the constitution and Nuremberg codes along with other laws and global agreements. Universities and Labs participating in the gain of function, bioweapon research and those who funded them have already broken a law that results in life imprisonment. Forcing the military, first responders, police, firefighters, doctors and nurses to be vaccinated with an experimental gene therapy, a witch’s brew of toxins and carcinogens, “Read the ingredients” are tactics directly responsible for destroying the economic, physical health, safety and well-being of society.

Nov. 17 2021 The Storm Rider on Retrograde Operation History:
General Flynn stated that since November 3, 2020 a Retrograde Operation has been taking place. It began after the U.S. Election was stolen and is connected to the INFILTRATION of the U.S. Governments, branches and sectors, which was INFILTRATED long ago through WORLD ELITES and mentions DAVOS GROUP "this is not conspiracy theory" said the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Flynn... (Whom served as the 25th National Security Advisor to the President and was also a key figure in shaping U.S Counterterrorism  strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in Wars, and he was given numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operations senior intelligence assignments) In his online interview GENERAL FLYNN clearly states that almost all U.S Elections were rigged and when TRUMP WON the 2016 Elections the Davos GROUP (aka World Economic Forum, aka WHO aka Gavi . World Banks CDC connections, Tech Giants, MSM decided to released the COVID virus!!! To change the Elections and bring in the GREAT RESET and TOTAL CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.
The Military OPERATION had to take a step back (RETROGRADE OPERATION)>lead the enemy into a trap> let the enemy make mistakes before the STRIKE. Flynn said the Operation is now moving "FORWARD" in the next step of the OPs by getting the communities of the country involved and to STAND UP.
In the hour long interview on ALEX JONES show General Flynn talked about the RETROGRADE OPERATION > DURHAM REPORT that will connect much of the INFILTRATION of the United States by the ELITES (DAVOS ) and those seeking a one world government (NWO) and creating Communist United States. 
Flynn acknowledges that he has been watching ALEX JONES for more than ten years and that JONES had been right about everything. That means as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. General Flynn has been following Alex Jones for over 10 years, What’s more likely is that Flynn as the Dictator was SILENTLY feeding Jones Info through back channels and JONES has never been aware of this and was fed info through his own MiL. intel contacts (he never knew Jones that WHITE HATS were molding him?


Patriot Underground Episode 127 here
Rittenhouse Acquittal
Biden Crumbling
Will Kamala Be Replaced
Gut-Punch Scenarios
David Wilcock/Mike Adams Intel
Does A Jab Antidote Exist?
Near-Death Experiences

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 11/19/21 here

Mike Adams, Natural News: Top 10 signs that Covid vaccines are BIOWEAPONS and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself here



HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity from the Totalitarian Regime (VIDEO) here
Archbishop Viganò shared this moving text and video with us on Wednesday.  The video and text are an international call for the creation of an anti-globalist alliance to defeat the evil elites who wish to enslave free men and women and promote a “Religion of Humanity that cancels Faith in Christ.”
From Archbishop Viganò:
"The whole pandemic issue is instrumental to the Great Reset, and it is the latter that we must fight. I think that, at this moment, it is most appropriate to create a movement of the people that calls together, in an Anti-globalist Alliance, Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill.  This is the first appeal I make to that effect. …If the attack is global.  The defense must also be global."
“This Anti-Globalist Alliance will have to bring together the Nations that intend to escape the infernal yoke of tyranny and affirm their own sovereignty, forming agreements of mutual collaboration with Nations and peoples who share their principles and the common yearning for freedom, justice, and goodness. It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence. It will have to prevent the action of the lobbies, above all by fighting against the corruption of state officials and those who work in the information industry, and by freezing the capital used to destabilize the social order.”

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.11.2021:    here

Judy Note:
Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip. Covid vaccines were considered Bio-weapons and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction against Biden’s vaccine mandate on Tues. 16 Nov. On Saturday Nov. 13 at a summit in Florida leading experts warned that young children would be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from COVID-19. “The real risk for healthy kids is about zero—it does appear to be lower than the flu,” said Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent mRNA vaccine technology on which the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is based when he was at the Salk Institute in the late 1980s. “Vaccinating 28 million children ages 5 to 11, Malone said, could lead to “a thousand or more excess deaths."

Corona PCR “test” implants a microchip:
Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. 
The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are. It's at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe they are knocking out people's senses with these Bioweapons and killing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us. They're knocking out our senses and targeting the brain with Nanites that carry a payload. Decline the “tests.” Refuse the masks. Don’t let them implant the microchip. 

They’re Killing Our Children:
Covid vaccines were considered Bio-weapons and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction against Biden’s vaccine mandate on Tues. 16 Nov.
Doctors and health professionals have labeled the shots as “Death Jabs” because of the high amount of heart problems found in children that appeared related to the untested vaccination.
On Wed. 17 Nov. OSHA suspended implementation and enforcement of the Biden mandate – a story that the Mainstream Media has refused to publish including information on heart problems, radiation in the vax and court injunction. 
There were 13,000 Scientists and Physicians who had signed a declaration saying “Do not vaccinate healthy children; do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune and stop blocking physicians from treating patients,” yet the White House was still pushing kids’ vaccination, claiming 2.6 million aged 5 to 11 had been given the shots to date and on Thurs. 18 Nov. the White House Press Secretary said that "nothing has changed... businesses should go forward" despite two court orders to stop the OSHA federal vaccine mandate.
Urgent Message From Doctors’ Summit in Florida: “Don't Inject Young Kids With COVID-19 Vaccines.”:
On Saturday Nov. 13 at a summit in Florida leading experts issued an urgent warning: Young children will be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from COVID-19. “The real risk for healthy kids is about zero—it does appear to be lower than the flu,” said Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent mRNA vaccine technology on which the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is based when he was at the Salk Institute in the late 1980s.
Vaccinating 28 million children ages 5 to 11, Malone said, could lead to “a thousand or more excess deaths," he told the audience of 800 doctors, nurses and advocates. Though harshly criticized for keeping schools open, “Sweden had not a single death of a child from COVID,” said Dr. Richard Urso, a Texas ophthalmologist citing published data.
“Children don’t get severely ill. Children don’t die from this infection,” said Dr. Paul Alexander, a clinical epidemiologist and former senior advisor on pandemic policy in U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "We’ve been fed a lot of misleading information.”

Situation in Canada:
In every City / Towns across Canada there are connecting Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) / Tunnels. When those DUMBs /Tunnels gets Flooded (for cleaning and sealing them up) you can expect to see scenarios of the likes in the Cities of Abbotsford, Merritt,  Princeton, etc, etc in British Columbia. You may think you know... As your Queen, I am telling you don't. Remember, to store all of your reserved water, foods, animal feeds, and electronics on the Top Floor of your Homes not basements. IF you are living in areas where it is Flat Land, (ie..Saskatchewan) move your food, animal feeds and valuable to the top floor of your House or Barn.  8 to 12 feet above ground. And, build a shelter for your live stock 8 to 12 feet above ground. IF you are in a Flat land areas, the lakes and rivers will fill up with water first and the spill over will rise up to the Farm lands and residential areas. So 8 feet to 12 feet above ground will be a safe bet to safeguard yourselves,  your animals and food supply. IF you're walking around your town/cities - stay away from the man holes. It could be connected to the Tunnels/Dumbs underground and the Allied Troops are blowing them up. Sometimes, you will see smoke or fire coming out of these holes. Or you will see sink holes in the middle of the streets.  So be aware and steer clear. The cleanup is being done everywhere in Canada (large cities,  small cities, small towns) wherever there are DUMBs and Tunnels.

Declaration of War against Khazarian Mafia:
Five Eyes Group Declaration of War, Benjamin Fulford: A formal declaration of war by the Anglo Saxon Five Eyes Group has been made. The Declaration was sent by Queen Elizabeth II. As for rumors that her majesty was no longer with us, MI6 had the following to say: “Dead or alive the legacy lives on. Enough said.” 
The Khazarian Mafia Elite have retreated to bunkers around Lake Geneva, Switzerland and Palo Alto, California. The Swiss group controls the fiat money being issued by the central banks they own. The Palo Alto group is using control of major internet companies to convey a false reality to the worlds’ people. Both of these centers are now going to be targeted with bunker-busting nuclear weapons, Pentagon sources promised.

Khazarian mafia hide in bunkers as war is declared, Benjamin Fulford Nov. 15, 2021:
A formal declaration of war by the Anglo Saxon five eyes group has now been made against the Khazarian mafia, otherwise known as the Nazi Fourth Reich. A Declaration of War was sent by Queen Elizabeth II. As for rumors that her majesty is no longer with us, MI6 had the following to say: “Dead or alive the legacy lives on. Enough said.” 
With war declared the Khazarian mafia elite have retreated to bunkers around Lake Geneva, Switzerland and Palo Alto, California, according to multiple intelligence sources. The Swiss group controls the fiat money being issued by the central banks they own. The Palo Alto group is using control of major internet companies to convey a false reality to the worlds’ people. Both of these centers are now going to be targeted with bunker-busting nuclear weapons, Pentagon sources promise.
The KM meanwhile have been exposed by Mossad as using green screen computer graphics to make it look as if people like Pope Francis, President “Fuck” Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Traitor General Mark Milley are still with us and still in charge. This video below, sent to us by Mossad, shows some of the actual green screen performance taking place: Click to VIEW VIDEO
The KM is also desperately seeking actors and body doubles to replace their public leaders who are being systematically killed and arrested as a part of this declaration of war against the KM. Here, for example, we see multiple ads seeking look-alikes for the arrested California Governor Gavin Newsom. IMAGE
More fake “leaders” can be seen at the links below:
The KM is also still desperately trying to create a “get out of jail free card” for themselves by starting World War III. The following propaganda illustrates this:
“US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that the United States is ‘concerned by reports of unusual Russian military activity’ and the possibility that Russia may be “attempting to rehash” its 2014 invasion of Ukraine.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin responded by saying “I want everyone to know, We have absolutely nothing to do with any of this.”
“All this tension being seen with Belorussia and Ukraine is all CIA meddling and propaganda. It is the Biden administration running a money-laundering operation out of Ukraine. It is going via Biden’s son to finance the campaign to capture Trump,” was how MI6 described the situation.
We are also seeing CIA noise such as the following:“Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton said Saturday that it would be ‘inconceivable’ for Australia not to join the US if it takes action to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.”
Asian secret society sources confirm that attempts to provoke a war with China by using Taiwan have nothing to do with either the governments or people of China or Taiwan. It is more KM meddling, they say.
In any case, now that war has been formally declared the following disciples of KM Honcho Klaus Schwab Rothschild have been or will be removed: Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair. Jacinda Ardern (the Prime Minister of New Zealand), Emmanuel Macron, Sebastian Kurz (who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria), Viktor Orbán (Prime Minister of Hungary), Jean-Claude Juncker (former President of the EU), Annalena Baerbock (the leader of the German Greens), California Governor Gavin Newsom, US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Virgin’s Richard Branson, Chelsea Clinton. Christine Lagarde and Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock the corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually. national governments).
What these people all have in common is they are among the 1300 graduates of Schwabs’ Global Leaders for Tomorrow slave leader academy.
Schwab and the KM hiding out in Switzerland have pumped over $20 trillion into the global economy in less than two years as part of their vaccine and fake pandemic totalitarian power grab. The removal of these fifth columnists is “pure counter state capture military intelligence” MI6 says. 
Already Washington DC has been captured by the white dragon society and their allies. Here is what an NSA official says about Washington these days:
“DC is EMPTY after dark. No nightlife. Empty trains. Empty buildings. And, a powerful stench odor is reported throughout the city (from underground tunnels that were flooded and empty). What’s left of the federal government will run out of money in 18 days or on December 3rd, the NSA says.
The other place that is a ghost town is Hollywood. Here is what Mossad had to report about the situation there: Hollywood is dying a slow death. The adrenochrome drip has stopped & so have the production budgets. Chinese Communist Party & fake fiat Fed money are cut off too. The only ones cutting checks are the tech streamers (Apple, Amazon, Netflix & a few of the major studios). The rest are working with crumbs.This is a result of US President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
We are witnessing the death of the Pedo Elites and their twisted lifestyles. The false idols of the world are falling. It’s finally happening. Many of the celebs have been compromised. It is not known if everyone in the list below is compromised, but many of them are. It is Judgement Day for The Guilty. As confirmation, almost all of the usual “celebrities” were absent from the latest Oscar awards show.  
Needless to say, all the pharmacidical executives involved in the fake pandemic and vaccine campaign are also being removed. Since we talked extensively about how the pandemic is being wound down last week we will only add this bit today:
This is partial confirmation that mass murder was taking place in hospitals by using “false positive,” test results to force people into death wards.
There is also a disinfection process taking place in Asia. In Japan, the removal of Rothschild agent Aso Taro and all his cronies from both power and control of finance has taken place. Also, vaccine pushing Governor Koike Yuriko of Tokyo has not been seen in public since November 2nd. Many other politicians, gangsters, “Japan handlers,” financiers etc. have also vanished.
In China too, some sort of purge is taking place. When the Chinese communist party issued a document celebrating 100 years since its founding, Chairman Mao is mentioned seven times and Xi Jinping 17 times while Deng Xiaoping is only mentioned 5 times. You can be sure the forces behind Deng are taking action.
While we are not privy to the details of the power struggle in China, we note 10 major explosions took place there last week.


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Information, 31.7.2020 - 18.11.2021

Informationen, 31.7.2020 - 18.11.2021