Information: Spirituality and World Affairs, from 1.1.2022 until 21.12.2022

Buy gold and silver as long as the price is low, in order to have a life insurance and save or maybe even increase your saved money. Gold and Silver are God's money.

Stock up on food and medicine for several weeks.

At any time will very probably happen the worldwide financial and economic crash with the hyperinflation, wave of company bankruptcies and mass unemployment. Then our paper money will no longer be worth anything and we will perhaps be in a state of civil war.

All this is simultaneously connected with a historical chance for the total system change. Who will win the Third or Fourth World War: the Great Reset of the satanic Deep State or the NESARA/GESARA of the patriotic White Hats Alliance? Or are Q and White Hat Alliance a Deep State Psyop? Which narrative is the true one?

The Art of War: "Appear strong when you are weak. Appear weak when you are strong."

Don't shoot the messenger! I bring only the message. I don't know always, if it is true or not. I have my own opinion, which changes depending on my information and interpretation of information. Do your own research. Check everything. Build your own opinion.

Donation for Kurtis Blog:

If you want to support me and the work on my blog, you can make a donation to my bank account below:

Kurt Gostentschnigg
Raiffeisenlandesbank Steiermark
IBAN: AT97 3800 0000 0772 7464

Many thanks in advance to all donors!

Information - Spirituality and World Affairs:
See on Kurtis Blog under the section "Sources of Information about World Affairs"!
Alok Pandey, AuroMaa here
Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot here
Patriot Underground here
Benjamin Fulford here
QNewsPatriot (SGAnon) here
Simon Parkes here
Patriot Streetfighter here
We The People News here

Termination of Kurtis Blog, 12/21/2022:

For months I had strongly suspected that a bot or an artificial intelligence algorithm was playing a trick on me to keep me in an illusion. Every day the number 26 appeared in the views from France, Canada and the Netherlands. I'm not a computer scientist or mathematician, I'm just trying to use my common sense: What is the probability that almost every day a Frenchman, a Canadian and a Dutchman always call up my blog each 26 times in a row? A few days ago I made the following request at this point: "If a person from France, Canada and the Netherlands should indeed view my blog daily, then it would be very revealing for me if he would leave a comment once. Otherwise, I assume that it is a bot or an algorithm that has been put on me by the deep state." Now that no one has responded in the form of a comment, it is clear to me that the truth is that rarely does anyone go to my blog, so it is no longer worth the effort, time and energy. I will direct my energy in a different direction. Farewell. Kurti


QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): Ebola as Possible Pathogen for Plandemic #2 | RUS/CHI/SA/TUR | World Alliance Fighting On here
SGAnon discloses information regarding the possible plandemic #2, the world military alliance, the Great Awakening in WeThePeople, progress to date, and possible scenarios for immediate future.
Stay strong Patriots. Trust the Plan. The End is not for Everyone.

and here Kerry Cassidy's answer to SGAnon's Ebola-second plandemic-theory:
Kurt's comment: I agree 100% with Kerry.

Kurt's "Open Words", Dec. 19, 2022:

At this point I would like to say one thing in all clarity: I have always been a lone fighter, a lone wolf. As soon as I try to communicate my innermost verbally or in writing, it leads to emotional and mental misunderstandings and defensive reactions on the part of the other person. I encounter this phenomenon in my immediate environment with both spiritual and conspiratorial topics. I have been writing this book all by myself for a long time, without support, without encouragement, neither from a family member, nor from a friend, nor from a truth-seeking community, without enlightenment. I stand all alone, in increasing disillusionment, in increasing physical and mental pain. The impacts and attacks are coming closer and closer, both externally and internally. It seems more and more as if everything that is worth and dear to me is to be taken away from me little by little. It is of no use that I – as well as I can in my advancing age, with my increasingly desolate nervous system and the external living conditions that are completely contrary to my innermost constitution – try to remain calm and relaxed under all circumstances. I attract what I do not want to attract. It comes what I don't want it to come. What is still holding me? My inner certainty, the longing for India and Auroville – there probably some or even many would understand me –, the responsibility for my child until it is grown up, and the work on this book as well as nature and sports, as long as I am still physically able to do so. Not only globally and collectively, but also individually, everything now wants to come to light. If in the end for all of us only the core of being, the source of all power, remains, then it was worth all that and infinitely more. The old must be taken away so that the new can be given. We can only open and surrender to the divine grace and power. That is all that the Divine expects of us and we must do ourselves. Sri Aurobindo Ma.


Kerry Cassidy: The Fight For the Future: BATTLE FOR EARTH here


Simon Parkes: Questions and Answers here
Answers to the questions that everyone has been burning for! The main one being WHEN?? When will things pop off? WHEN will the enemy be defeated?
Kurt's notes:
Finally, a plausible answer to the previously unanswered question of why there are no leaked photos of the children rescued from the underground facilities. For security reasons these children come to military families as officially adopted.
Aliens want gold from our planet and especially human DNA. They are not interested in other assets that Earth has to offer, because they have a much more advanced technology. The missing children therefore end up not so much in pedophile circles as in off-planet worlds.


New Kerry Cassidy: Wakey Wakey from the Truth A Thon here


There is a case in the Supreme Court that seemingly miraculously they have agreed to go to conference on January 6, 2023. If they rule in favor of the plaintiffs it would overturn the 2020 election. This would not be due to fraud, but because 377 out of 532 legislators failed to uphold their oath and investigate allegations of fraud brought up by 147 of their fellow legislators on January 6, 2021, which they were bound by the constitution to do.



New Benjamin Fulford, 9.12.2022: Christmas Vacation Intel Friday Q&A Video 12/2022 here

Patriot Underground Episode 272 here
Ukraine Engineering Slavic Bioweapons
Alien AI Agenda & The COVID Recipe
Energetics & Modification Of Human DNA
Underground Satanic Ritual Abuse
Terraforming Earth For Non-Terrestrial Takeover
Tunnels Under Bahkmut & DUMB Flooding
Scion Star System & The NAZI Presence On Earth
Pontic Steps Alien Incursion History
Hitler’s Rothschild Lineage & Nostradamus
NWO & The Alien Agenda: AI To Create Human 3.0
History Of Trafficking Off-Planet
Negative NT Feeding On Human Suffering
Adrenochrome & Holding Shape
COVID Bioweapon Is An AI Delivery System
Indus Valley First Known Alien Incursion
Dematerialization Frequencies
The Strategic Importance Of Gold
Deconstruction Of Human Free Will
Black Goo & Graphene Oxide
Inside The Enemy Transhuman Agenda
Protecting Our DNA & The Fight For Human Sovereignty
Reversing The Programming: A Mirror Of Us
SSP & Disclosure Of AI
Reestablishing Khazaria & Denazification
Aldebaran Connection To 4th Reich Emergence
The Nuremberg Sacrificial Lamb
The Impoverishment Of Africa By Aldebaran
Positive Vs Negative Ascension
Overriding God’s Safeguards In Our DNA
The NT Treaty Of 1952 & Global Nazification
Reversing AI Programming By Elevating Consciousness
Raising The Level Of The Conversation


Cassidy talks about the Brunson case, Juan O Savin, the white hat plan, the 2 Presidents of the USA (the FAKE Biden regime) and how TRUMP IS STILL PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF....and twitter files.


Interview with Aaron by Narad (Interviews with Aurovilians) here
Kurt's comment:
A very nice young man with a lot of developed talents ... A role model for the future of Auroville and the World ... Sri Aurobindo Ma.

Patriot Underground: Roundtable With Kerry Cassidy & Gene Decode here
Devils Mountain in Ukraine: Reptilian Hive
Crimean Pyramids & Energetic Region of Khazaria
Nazi & Aldebaran Connection
Grey NT Presence Discovered In Mexico
Direct Engagements With NT Battalions
Alliance Flooding Tunnels & DUMBs
Scion Home Star & Creating Mercabic Fields
Bakhmut Ukraine Intel: Underground War
Hitler’s True Identity: Rothschild Illegitimate Child
Albert Pike Crafted The Alien Agenda: WW1-3
Augmented Alliance: Off-World Groups Unite
What COVID Really Is: An AI Delivery System
Expanding & Hollow Earth
Harnessing The Energy Of The Human Race
Falkland Islands & Black Goo
The Agenda Behind Gold Acquisition
Clones & Androids Emerging Among Us
Elon Musk’s Desire To Merge Humanity With AI
The Battle For Free Will Survival
Inside The AI Wars: The Nazi Takeover
The Twitter Files & Awakening Humanity

Alok Pandey: Sri Aurobindo: An Introduction to His Life and Works here


QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): French Government Background Ops | NESARA is Real | Military Alliance on the Move Everywhere here
SGAnon discloses information related to European patriot-mil background operations, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, and more, as well as NESARA proofs.

Michael Salla: Highlights from Enki's Return Adamic DNA, the Tree of Life & Awakening Giants Webinar here

Fall Of The Cabal - Sequel Part 26: COVID-19 Wrapping Up GENOCIDE here


The Duran: China & Saudi Arabia, massive realignment. A new power rises in the Middle East here


The Duran: German coup targets political opposition. Merkel's disastrous legacy here
Kurt's comment:
I love these two guys, but they speak about Q as valid only for the USA without knowing what Q really stands for. They have still to go a long way down the rabbit hole ...



Phil Godlewski: Phil Putting Down SGAnon! here



New Benjamin Fulford Mega Friday Update! December Big Time Intel! here

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: CWSA 21-22 The Life Divine 5 (Bk2 Ch 15-28) here

The film features exclusive footage and eyewitness accounts, as well as filmed testimonials by captured Azov militants and foreign mercenaries who surrendered in Mariupol. In addition, the film contains expert commentary and accounts of the civilians who were tortured and humiliated by neo-Nazis.
The documentary elaborates on the ideology of nationalist battalions as well as their neo-pagan beliefs and the widespread use of Nazi symbols.
The film’s creator, journalist, and television host Marina Kim visited the detention facilities where Azov members were being held captive in Yelenovka (DPR), days before the Ukrainian Army attack using a HIMARS multiple rocket launcher. The attack killed more than 50 prisoners of war.


Benjamin Fulford Mega Report 12/5: Klaus Schwab Arrested Says White Dragon Source!! here
Klaus Schwab Is Rothschild, China PCR Test Facilities Dismantled, Pandemic Was 5G/Viruses Attack, Russia Mobilizing 700,000-Man Army!!

The Duran: Reserve currency, gold and inflation w/E.B. Tucker here

Are YOU at the END of YOUR ROPE? Dec. 13 Coming!? HisGlory, Bo Polny, Andrew Sorchini here




KERRY talks back to the QWhite Hats military advising them to create a panel of INFLUENCERS and adjust their timing of their "plan" to respond to the needs and demands of the PEOPLE.

Alok Pandey: Yoga of the Earth here

Patriot Underground Episode 270 here
Brazilian Military Takes Out Cartel Leaders
Cartels; The Armed Wing Of Communism
Reducing The Prospect Of CW
Remembering The Results Of January 6th
Elon Forcing Darkness Into The Light
Maintaining The Trust Of Patriots
The Case For Transparent Communication
Pandemic Part 2 Analysis
MSM Weapon Must Be Dismantled
Dissecting The Awakening Disconnect
Nonverbal Questioning Phase
AI Vs. Human Decision Making
Trusting Humanity To Reverse Course
The Losses We’ve Endured
Brunson Case Delayed To January 6th
Shock Event Still In The Cards
DOJ Preparing Trump Arrest


Meri Crouley Interviews SG Anon On Trump, The Military Operation & Restoration Of America! here
Meri interviews SG ANON giving important intel about President Trump, the Military Operation which is rolling out now and taking down ELITE PEDOPHILE RINGS and saving the children! VERY INFORMATIVE.


New SGAnon & Nino's Corner: Latest Q Drops and Twitter Breaks MKUltra on the Masses here

Kurt's comment: Yes, Cassidy is absolutely right. This is the most to-the-point critique of the white hats' strategy to date.

International Blood Bank for the Unvaccinated has been Formed with Members from at Least 16 countries – Demand for “Pure Blood” Skyrockets here


Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: CWSA 21-22 The Life Divine 4 (B2 Ch 01-14) here

QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): Angela Taken Down (Again) | Turkey Running Pre-Op Sorties | Brazil Military Tracking [DS] | NCSWIC here


On SGAnon’s Post #28 at 35:45 mins in he states the Deep State is going to unleash a 2nd PlANDEMIC… which the Q White hats will ALLOW TO HAPPEN (stand by and do nothing) in hopes it will wake up a few more NORMIES…. Meanwhile more people will die, lose their jobs, more military will have to quit and more medical tyranny will be unleashed  on humanity!!!  VIDEO BELOW.
When SGAnon says they are going to allow the Biden clone to release another version of the COVID weapon in order to wake up the remaining commie—normies you gotta know that is f—/ king BS…. That won’t wake the nornies it will just result in more ruined lives and Genocide!!! The white hatsQ group need to rethink who the Fuck they are fighting for…. I am not having it!!!
Do Not kill my people in order to try to Wake up one more goddam normie!!!! No fucking Way!!!!!
The bottom line is SG anon in the same post talked about how they had stopped various bioweapons, so they fucking have the ability to stop it. They’re letting it happen and I’m sick of this bullshit. We are not to be sacrificed on behalf of the Normies that just has to stop.
RE SGANON:  He’s a good guy but he is also misled.. sadly.  As I say above.  He is not realizing that they are sacrificing the good and the enlightened for the commie normies who are NEVER gonna come on board.  It’s a. Lost cause.  White hats are being misled by an AI that sees NUMBERS OVER HUMAN BEINGS.
THIS I S NOT A NUMBERS GAME…anyone who thinks that is at the mercy of the A.I….This is a Critical mass enlightened quotient that will change the course of human history.  We lead they follow.  Q white hats need to stop bowing down to the BS AI numbers game and recognize the God spark WinsQ!   
HOW INSANE is this thinking… you take more mind controlled normies subject them to further TORTURE and mind control and you think….that will lead to their AWAKENING?  Sound for like the formula for INSANITY…keep doing the SAME THING and expect different results…  White Hats need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Kerry Cassidy, Telegram, 3.12.2022, on SGAnon and the White Hats Strategy:
When SGAnon say they are going to allow the Biden clone to release another version of the COVID weapon in order to wake up the remaining commie—normies you gotta know that is f—/ king BS…. That won’t wake the nornies it will just result in more ruined lives an Genocide!!! The white hatsQ group need to rethink who the duck they are fighting for…. I am not having it!!! 
Do Not kill my people in order to try to Wake up one more goddam normie!!!! No fucking Way!!!!! 
HEADS UP TO THE QWHITE HAT MILITARY The bottom line is SG anon in the same post talked about how they had stopped various bioweapons, so they fucking have the ability to stop it. They're letting it happen and I'm sick of this bullshit. We are not to be sacrificed on behalf of the Normies that just Has to stop. 
I get downloads all the time. I am fucking sure of what I am seeing. SGanon is being misled. The way they are operating is NOT to the betterment of mankind.. They are sacrificing the good on the alter of the many its fucking BS and goes against God. 
RE SGANON: he’s a good guy but he is also misled ... sadly. As I say above. He is not realizing that they are sacrificing the good and the enlightened for the commie normies who are NEVER gonna come on board. It’s a. Lost cause. White hats are being misled by an AI that sees NUMBERS OVER HUMAN BEINGS. 

Michael Jaco: SGAnon Reveals Major Execution! Military's Of The World Ready To Strike & Military Tribunal Timeframe! here


Benjamin Fulford's Friday Report, 25.11.2022 here
China Lost Face, Actor Playing Role Of Joe Biden Killed, Possible Civil War In England, Japan No Longer With G7, Switzerland No Longer Neutral Country And Needs Liberation, Electric Cars Not Viable For Future!!


Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: CWSA 21-22 The Life Divine 3 (B1 Ch 13-28) here

Gene Decode Explosive Intel On Deep State & Gesara with Nicholas Veniamin, 28.11.2022 here



UTSAVA: Putin resigns, Government shutdown, Stock Market CRASH, Currency Reset here

QNews Patriot (SGAnon): US Mil Communicating with Supreme Court | CIA Assets Arriving in China | Trust the Plan here
SGAnon discloses information related to the US Supreme Court, the US CIA (SWZ arm), the Chinese military and the patriots in China, as well as updates with Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, and Ukraine.
This war is global. The true crime against humanity will bring the whole house of cards down.




New Benjamin Fulford Big Special Intel Drop | Update 23, Nov. 2022 here

Patriot Underground Episode 266 here
SCOTUS Preparing To Rule On 2020
Challenges To Rulings On “Standing”
Verifying NG Covert Ops: Global Sting Ongoing
Fake Biden Human Trafficking Investigation
Reminder: The Alliance Has It All
Potential Fallout Of Favorable SCOTUS Decision
Tucker Carlson’s Vax Injury Segment
MSM Propaganda Leading To Genocide
Fauci Actor Red-Pill: Contradicting Govt. Statistics
Near Death Experience Commentary
Remembering What The Real Doctors Warned Us About
Holding Doctors Accountable
Collapsing The Medical Establishment
Pfizer CEO On Video Promising Depopulation
MSM Upholding MK ULTRA Programming
Allowing The Enemy To Destroy Itself
Patriot Control Of Information = Narrative Shift
Inside Elon Musk’s Role To Commandeer The Megaphone
Exposing Twitter: Targeting Antifa & Domestic Terrorism
Starlink Q Phones On The Horizon
Where Anecdotal Observation Of Awakening Fails
SGAnon Hunter Biden Defection Corroboration
FTX Scandal Exposing Crypto’s Role In Trafficking
The Trojan Horse Of Cryptocurrency
What Is Kanye Up To? [QTSR Analysis]


Simon Parkes: 2022 11 26 CONNECTING CONSCIOUSNESS here

Michael Salla Interview with Brad Olsen: The Suppressed History of Giants and their reemergence into the public arena here
Brad Olsen has researched the topic of giants in his books and extensive travels around the world, searching for out of place artifacts (OOPARTS). He has learned that while the discovery of giant skeletons in burial sites was extensively discussed in newspapers in the late 1800s, the topic was completely covered up soon after the turn of the century. For over a hundred years, organizations such as the Smithsonian Institute quickly took control of burial sites, silenced archeologists, and imposed a shroud of secrecy over the whereabouts of retrieved giant skeletons. 
In this Exopolitics Today interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Olsen discusses accounts of giants in the texts of ancient civilizations such as Sumer, the cover-up of modern-day excavations of giant human skeletons, and why the Smithsonian Institute has suppressed the topic. He explains the variation in the size of giants and responds to the idea that extraterrestrial visitors such as the Anunnaki created different-sized giants as avatars for their starseeds. 
Finally, Olsen addresses recent claims of living giants being found in stasis chambers around the world, and the possibility of them soon awakening. Importantly, he and Dr. Salla discuss problems raised by human history of hunting and exterminating giants, and the likelihood of giants either trying to reassert control over humanity or helping us enter a new golden age. 



World Premiere: Died Suddenly here
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.
The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.
Criticism of "Died Suddenly":
The ‘Died Suddenly’ Psy-Op – A Tiny Bit of Truth Mixed with a Whole Lot of Lies here

SGAnon about White Flag Surrender and Elon Musk here
In Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter not only did we gain control of their “Psychological Command Center” we also managed to show the corruption, BOTS, willful suppression and censorship of Finance, Business, Healthcare, Big Pharma, Wall Street and Central Banksters.
Most of the banksters have been dealt with, but their families as well as individuals who take orders from them may still be scampering about thinking how they are going to continue the agenda that they have been told they must continue.
Host: “They say Elon Musk wants to chip us and put something into our brain... to make us hybrids or half robots. So do you think Elon is a Black Hat who is under the control of the White Hats?  Or is he organically a white hat?”
SG:  My belief about Elon is that he CAPITULATED.  If you ask him whose side he is on, he will say that he is on the side that wins.  He is a survivalist.  Most of these individuals are.
Elon has an extremely questionable history... and a very close proximity to some very disturbing and very upsetting things.
After President Trump's election in 2016, and after his world tour in 2017... the Crown Prince Ben Salmon went on a world tour of his own.  He met with nearly all of the Billionaires, major industry Titans, the movers and shakers around the world... and essentially he was the ENFORCER for this Alliance.
Ben Salmon asked Musk: “Are you going to capitulate and agree to work with us... or... we will remove you and replace you with a double, or remove you and reorganize the Plan ... you will simply vanish and your legacy will be tarnished.”
I believe Elon is a Businessman.  He recognizes when a 'deal is a deal'... and if it is good or bad. So it is my opinion that Elon capitulated and agreed to play a role for the acquisition of Twitter and the destruction of censorship with speech suppression.
It was very easy for him to make that optical leap for the General public, because it considers him to be outspoken as a 'free speech Absolutist'. I believe Elon is playing a part that saved his legacy and it may prolong his life, but there is still some chance that he will see Justice of his own for crimes that he has been part and party to in his past.
SG:  My understanding is that Elon played an integral part in some of the trafficking operations, and that he has very deep knowledge about where these children originate from and where they go to. His father was involved in a 'human mining operation'... which was an enormous child sex trafficking ritualistic child trafficking operation... in AFRICA. So this is an individual who is a "part of the Club".  He has been to the parties.  He is very aware of what these individuals believe... how they think and feel. I am not going to sit here and say that Elon has physically participated in these crimes.  But what I am highlighting is that Elon Musk has had close proximity to this level of criminality ... and has never spoken forward.  That in itself should be pause for concern.


Patriot Streetfighter: 11.24.22 Patriot Streetfighter Thanksgiving w/ SG Anon, The Truth About Everything, BOMBS AWAY! here
SG Anon brings a provocative if not explosive research dissemination operation of his own to Patriot Streetfighter disclosing information that not even your host has been privy to. This is a MUST SEE share to all those awakened and those who aren't.

Patriot Underground: SGAnon Interview #2 here
Wars Are Event Driven
Navigating Uncertain Times
Military Occupation Analysis
MK Ultra Fear-Based Programming
Energy Centers Of Our Being
“Heroes Journey” Psychological Manipulation
Non-terrestrial Entities & Nephilim
Earth’s True Design
Mysteries Of Antarctica
Portals & Human Teleportation Capability
DUMBs & Underground Cities
Status Of The Underground War
Various Forms of Silent Weaponry
MSM Will Destroy MSM
Was Hunter’s Laptop An Accident?
Med Beds And Sonic Healing
Understanding Resonant Frequency
What Does Ascension Really Mean?


QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): Turkey to Leave NATO | Putin and Xi Coordinating | German/UK Militaries Running Background Ops here
SGAnon breaks down some recent events, discussions, and reports, and gives some brief information on where we are world wide, especially for those in Europe, Turkey, and Asia.

Patriot Underground: Derek Johnson Interview here
Understanding Our Foundation
Reversing Instant Gratification Programming
MSM, Technology & Apathy
The Organic Act Of 1871
Marbury Vs Madison Commentary
Using The Enemy System From Within
Deception & The Art Of War
Noah Was A Conspiracy Theorist
Summer 2023 Tribunals: Swift Justice Coming
Inside EO 13848: Setting The Stage
COG Wartime Powers & Law Of War Manual
Federalization Of The NG
EBS Insights: World Alliance Of Generals
Analysis Of Trump’s Speech
Misdirection & Fog Of War
Castle Clean Optics Breakdown
The Best Is Yet To Come
White Flag Of Surrender
Trump Arrest Commentary
Ongoing Sting Operation; Optics Intel
The Great Awakening Continues


UTSAVA: Ascension NOW! Big checks in January! Elon Musk is dead! here



Patriot Underground: Roundtable w/James Rink, Brad Olsen & Michael Jaco here
Super Soldier Crash Course
James & Jaco’s Background & Inspiration
MRI’s Releasing Wiped Memories
Understanding Remote Viewing
Off Planet Combat Details
Portal Below Lake Tahoe
James Rink RV Intel
FTX Collapse: Money Laundering & Trafficking
NESARA Timeline Analysis
Showdown In DC
Q Predicts Arizona Split
Recent Developments In-Depth
Trump’s Announcement Comms
Worldwide Awakening Commentary
The Selection Process We Call Elections
Transhuman Agenda Deep Dive


Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: CWSA 21-22 The Life Divine 2 (Ch 01-12) here

You Must See Jaw Dropping Crowd In Brazil Against The Great Reset!! here



Patriot Underground: Jessie Czebotar Interview #2 here
Major Developments This Week
Trump Speech Comms Analysis
Biden Investigation Significance
Human Trafficking Now Mainstream
Inside Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Satanic Ritual Abuse Disclosure
Hierarchy Vs Expendable Children
Occultism/Black Magic Intel
Spiritual Gates For End Times
Training Within The System
Adrenochrome Psychosis
Symbolism Is Their Downfall
Human Trafficking Infrastructure
Underground War Analysis
Disclosure Of Evil To The Public
Location Of Rescued Children
Mark Of The Beast Commentary


The Military is the Only Way: Pedo Trafficking Rings here
James Grundvig and SGAnon show great courage in outing Pence as a pedo on the American Media Periscope show. 
I knew he was a Pedo the first time I ever saw him come out as Trump’s running mate.  How is it that Trump and his team allowed that man to be Vice President?  This is the question people are going to want to know. 
When did they know?  Is someone on that level not VETTED?  Did the Trump team really lack remote viewers and psychics to be able to vet the people around Trump?  How could they stand to be in the same room with Pence?  How could anyone? 
Was this some kind of a backroom deal with the Illuminati in order for Trump to run like the Covid scandal?
Word on the street is that Pelosi and her husband are likely pedos and child traffickers.  There is evidence out there revealing that Biden is a Pedo with his wife facilitating this going back years… And he and his son were said to be involved in human trafficking in Ukraine and probably elsewhere… these are networks worldwide. The Queen apparently was also a satanic pedophile and so is the Pope/Vatican rampant with this…
How are the Q/white hats/ military  going to unveil this narrative in a way for people to understand it?  Trotting out Pence with no backstory or explanation as to why he runs free to this day with all the top notch investigators, surveillance tech and NSA records available not to mention psychics and remote viewers working for the government.  How can this have been allowed? The questions abound.—Kerry Cassidy



QNewsPatriot, SGAnon: US Marine Corps Apprehending Traitors | US National Guard Deployed | Trump Speech Misdirection here
SGAnon gives decodes regarding Trump's 11/15 speech, Dan Scavino's messages and silence, and information regarding US mil ops.

Michael Salla: 7 Sleeping Anunnaki Scientists are Awakening here
On November 1, my US Army source JP revealed that another giant king in a stasis chamber had been found in Iraq. According to other sources, the giant is one of a group of 12 scientists left by a departing faction of the Anunnaki. JP gave details of the location of the sleeping giant as somewhere under the remains of the Sumerian city of Nippur, which was the ancient capital of the leader of the Anunnaki space fleet, Enlil, and his son Ninurta.


Last night Trump’s speech was a well constructed COVER for operations about to be done or ones that are happening now, in my view.  As President and Commander in Chief he is in perhaps the best position he could want… Everything they do is hidden from the people except what they want you to see and they can let the Biden show distract the critics endlessly while they get things done in the shadows.  He appeared overly relaxed and happy to appear to ‘play the game’ while covering his ass so that if the deep state wants to arrest him they are going to have a hard time doing so while he is “running” for the next two years for an office he already has.
The only people he disappoints are the MAGA group (that’s us!) and we must be content with the crumbs distributed by journalists and spokesman like Juan O Savin and SGanon, …
It’s the epitome of a SHADOW GOVERNMENT…. falling in love with operating in the shadows and getting things done out of the public eye.
Kurt's comment: I agree totally with Kerry.


Patriot Underground: Kerry Cassidy Interview #7 here
Trump's 11/15 Announcement
Alien AI & Illuminati Analysis
Election Fraud Commentary
White Hat Criticism:
We Can(t) Handle The Truth?
The True Power Of Humanity
Escaping The Matrix
Trump Arrest Angles
Division In The Military
False Flag Scenarios
Project Bluebeam
Alien Invasion
Death Is An Illusion
CGI Battlefields
Underground Cloning
Military Tribunals
How Will Disclosure Happen?
Med Beds For Healing Trauma
Spiritual Guidance Moving Forward

QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): Between-Files Update | 11/15/2022 here
Brief update from SG re: the emerging scenarios of today, what is becoming a very important day for history.
File 26 will be out soon, but it will be ~after~ the messes from the Commander in Chief.
Trust the Plan.

1.  That Biden and his son have been arrested and transported to Guantanamo Bay to go before the Military Tribunal.  (also revealing Biden is played by actors, a clone/body double and so on).
2.  That he, Donald J. Trump is the President of the Republic  of the United States of America and that  the US Corp was dissolved during his term in office.  That he Donald J. Trump is Commander in Chief, holds the codes and never stepped down from his role as President.
3.  The arrest and transport to stand trial of Pelosi, her husband and numerous members of Congress and the Senate.
4.  The block chain evidence collected by Space Force from the 2020 Election and the 2022 Midterms (and the primaries) revealing the actual votes and the many methods by which the steal of those elections took place.
5.  The rescue of hundreds of thousands of children from underground bases in Ukraine, the United States and numerous other key locations around the world.  And the technology (known as medbeds) now being used to heal the children as well as the military who were part of those recovery operations.
6.  The adrenochrome highway (pedo networks) that have been operating for decades stretching from Hollywood to DC and key figures and dark magicians running them.
7.  The coming revelations regarding patriot celebs and famous individuals who are still alive but whose deaths were faked to safeguard them during this key time including, Diana, JFKjr and others.
8. The coming revelations regarding indictments of Generals, and deep state players who orchestrated the installation of the takeover of the government of the United States including foreign countries and organizations such as the British crown, M!6, The Vatican, the German DVD and China (CCP)…and others.
THESE ARE JUST SOME OF THE EARTH SHAKING REVELATIONS THAT TRUMP could talk about in addition to announcing his plan to run for President of the Republic in 2024.–Kerry Cassidy

SGAnon Sits Down w/ Steve & Johnny at ElijahStreams here

UTSAVA: Midterms, IRS, Medbeds,Nesara, will Trump go to jail? here

Patriot Streetfighter: 11.14.22 “The Tipping Point” on Rev Radio, POST ELECTION Analysis, SG Anon Perspective here

RRN: Military Tribunal Convicts Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel here


RRN: Gunfight at the Federal Reserve here

RRN: White Hats in Turmoil here

Patriot Underground Interviewed By Mel Carmine here
Quantum Mechanics
Space Force Comms Command
Historical Perspective On Fiat Currency
Cabal Debt Prison In Depth
Trump’s US Treasury EO: Alignment With QFS
XRP & Digital Currency Analysis
Regaining Control Over Our Money
Swift System Commentary
Hidden Gold Underground In The Philippines
GESARA Rollout Through BRICS Alliance
The Bitcoin Deception
Military Coups On The Horizon
Consciousness Based Economics
The Empowerment Of Humanity


Mel K & Acclaimed Journalist Benjamin Fulford: The Changing Geopolitical Chessboard 11-13-22! here

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine CWSA 21-22 (1) here
Though Sri Aurobindo never thought of himself as a philosopher nor was keen to be counted as one, yet ‘The Life Divine’ revealed the philosopher or rather the divine seer in him. After all, that is the true meaning of philosophy, darshana, to see, in the Indian context. Sri Aurobindo too wrote what he saw with his divine vision rather than tried to send a probe to examine truth through a web of thoughts. In a certain sense, all philosophy starts with a seeing, an observation made through the senses or the mind or through science. This observation is then run through the scrutiny and analysis of the rational mind that uses this primary data to draw conclusions about the nature of Reality underlying creation and all things. It is a bottom-up approach so to say. But the yogi realises the folly of our present habitual seeing, in fact of all observation and mental analysis on this data. Our senses are limited and the mind labours under a cloud. The yogi therefore first pierces through this veil of ignorance as it is called in yogic terminology, clears the dust of desires and preferences from his eyes, substitutes a new and diviner vision for our mortal ignorant seeing and then understands the truths in the light of Intuition rather than reason which is an inadequate and partial light. The Life Divine, as in fact the entire Arya, has been thus written. Even the revisions (The Life Divine has been revised in the nineteen forties with few chapters added and a few of them removed) are done in the light of a growing intuition and higher Gnosis. That is why it would be better to say that The Life Divine is more of a spiritual and supramental seeing rather than what is ordinary known as philosophy. It may be however noted that Sri Aurobindo did not discard Reason even as he went beyond it. He used it for its rightful purposes, - to organise and formulate what he had known through his yogic vision. He did not use reason to arrive at Truth but he did use it to present what he ‘saw’ in a systematic and organised way using logic to arrange what he had discovered.
Thus we have in The Life Divine a style of presentation that takes up arguments and counter-arguments before arriving at the Truth towards which he is leading us. This kind of presentation helps in two ways. First, we climb step by step through the intellectual mind aided and held by Sri Aurobindo’s vast and universal and free Intelligence. This mode of presentation is in line with some of the ancient Vedantic methods and finds an appeal with the modern mind as well. In fact, The Life Divine seems to have been written for the high intellectual who is yet seeking for some finality of Truth-vision and comprehensive understanding of things. Secondly, since Sri Aurobindo deals with the possible objections to what he is going to reveal to us at the summits, it is easier for the modern intellectual to accept it. The Life Divine can therefore be called as a systematic presentation of Sri Aurobindo’s metaphysical thought and vision. However, for this very reason, there is a possibility of it being misquoted by picking up a passage where Sri Aurobindo is presenting a counter-argument which will be explained subsequently in the passages and chapters that follow. This is one book that has to be read completely to get the full picture.
The Life Divine has two books within it. The first book lays the broad foundations of what this world and creation. It takes up the perennial question about the Reality underlying this creation. Layer by layer it unveils for us the One Truth that is expressed in different ways at different levels of our being. The grand close comes with the Supramental Truth shedding Its Light all around on everything. This book is like a series of developing scenes and images through which we climb towards the origin of all images. The second book is like filling these scenes with activity and movement. Here we find the revelation about who we are, what is the journey of our life, the steps and stages of our evolution from birth to birth through a brief stadia of death until we arrive at the fullness of our being which is the gnostic or supramental being and the creation of a Divine Life upon earth. Terms and conclusions have been taken from different schools of Indian philosophy and modern science, their different individual truths reconciled with other truths, each put in its place, the outer crust and covering discarded and the inner kernel kept. The whole book thereby is like extracting gold out of raw and mixed gold-dust dug out from the depths of thought. The dust is slowly washed away and the pure ingot of gold given to man. This is the Life Divine and so much more that we cannot utter since words fail and knowledge falls silent as we stand before this mighty and majestic palace of the Gods in whose secret sanctum sanctorum dwells the One who has become the Many. 


Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya here and here
The Mother's especially beloved child.

Patriot Underground Episode 264 here
Midterms Intended To Awaken The Masses
The Kill-Shot Moment; No Room For Mistakes
Infiltration Exposure; Big Names Will Be Exposed
Illegitimacy Of The Pantomime Election
Space-Force Controlling All Military Comms
Cognitive Dissonance Reversing Programming
Thoughts On Our Disillusion & Anger
No Voting Our Way Out Of Tyranny
Military Documented Fraud In Real Time
Bypassing The Corrupt Injustice System
Getting The Pot To Boil Over; Shock Event Needed
11/15 Trump Announcement Analysis
Public Consciousness Determine WH Tactics
Why The Enemy Is Running Out Of Time
The Critical Role Of Elon Musk In Exposure
Currency Devaluation & The QFS
Deconstructing The Debt Matrix
The Roll Out Of GESARA In Plain Sight
BRICS Currency Forcing NATO Dissolution
Frequency Based Currency Prevents Funding Evil
Shattering MK ULTRA Fear-Based Programming
Death Before Dishonor; The Fight In All Of Us
We Win Because God Wins

QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): General Orders to US Mil Commanders | Infiltration Highlighted in all Areas | Trust the Plan here
SGAnon discloses research on current operational status in the USA, as well as intel relating to Declas, President Trump, and where we stand. Truthers have been given intentional disinformation for a number of months now - be easy on those who have made mistakes.
Fog of War is necessary. Trust the Plan.

Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 20: Ask the Inspector here


Sri Aurobindo Ashram (a short documentary from ???) here

Benjamin Fulford Massive Friday Intel Q&A Video, 4.11.2022 here

Jared Rand’s Notes 11/9/2022 Conference Call Very Important Notes:    here
-) The Election was the “kick-off” of the Transition of the Planet or entering into “Phase # 2 operation”! This is it being public. 
-) President Trump will make a “Big-Announcement” On or Before November 15th!!
-) The Big-Announcement is the return of “The Republic of America”. This is the “Original Constitution” government in 1776, and NOT the corrupt Deep State “Corporation”. The deep state has a Supreme Court or the corporation. The Deep State government is out of money & cannot operate!
-) The announcement will NOT be about President Trump running again.
-) We have two Supreme Courts: the one that is under “The Republic” that declared the 2020 Election Null & Void! This Mid-Term election will be done the Same, NULL & VOID!
-) There was again much-cheating in this election too, even though there is a Big Red-Wave and the Republicans won both the House & will be finally in the Senate, by a few seats!! By a hair, that is. 
-) The Alliance plan was to stop these elections too, but in the last minute decided to do them.
-) Probably in the next 3 to 4 days, the announcement will be made! Expect things to really start to engage by 11/11/2022.
-) We are operating in a military government, there has NOT been a session in Congress for TWO years! The White House has NOT been occupied since President Trump left Washington. The Corrupt and NOT “for the people” Federal Reserve & their building is Washington is boarded up. 
-) The military will shut-down the fake MSM and do the public EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) at some point soon. The military will be activated nationwide for upset groups going “out on the streets” and will be shut down, by the military. 

Patriot Underground: SGAnon Interview here
SG’s Background
Midterm Analysis
False Flag Event Scenarios
Inauguration 2020 & Plan Fluidity
Nuclear Weapon Existence
Thoughts On A Trump Arrest
Infiltration In The Truther Movement
Elon Musk Commentary
Inflation Vs Devaluation
Manipulating The Fiat System
Repatriated Wealth Recovered From DUMBs
The QFS In Depth
Digital Currency Forecast
MK ULTRA Efficacy
Reversing Fear Based Programming


New SGAnon Sits Down with Delora! November 2022 here

Dreamweaving, the Auroville crown - Documentary screening & panel discussion here

Real Raw News (RRN): White Hats See Defections Following Disappointing Midterms here


Q The Storm Rider, 8.11.2022:

TRUMP and DeSantis are playing a part. Their growing feud Will grow more!!!!....

( it's for a reason..... Not All  Republican voters Trust TRUMP nor do the deserters of Democratic party ( voters).... This sector of the New REPUBLICANs WILL VOTE FOR DESANTIS<)/////



Behind the scenes The White HATS military have CLOSED all doors to Ivanka ever running for president as she had hoped for in 2018////// As Baron Trump is being led> EXPECTED to be the YOUNGEST PRESIDENT IN U.S. HISTORY in 2036 or 2040  ( Mil. Ops are far ahead in PLANNING)

For now.. We all know the CLOWN SHOW OF CHEATING had/has many election sites are experiencing problems/// from machines malfunction to threat reports.. To DNC States looking to withhold counting to later.. To several excuses......... This is ALL EXPECTED ....

This ELECTION alone with be worst than 2020 with 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Open corruption....

( EVERYTHING LEADS TO [ DS] DOJ being OVER HAULED.... As TRUMP said..... Thousands of government employees in top Branches will be fired through the US.*.... Restructuring......


QNewsPatriot: Kamala Has Left the Building | Military Brilliance in US Midterm Elections | Enjoy the Show here
SGAnon discloses his very last mentor-given info drop. The individual playing Kamala Harris is in US military custody. Military is underway to Reconstitute the Republic.
Enjoy the performance.


The Duran: MBS & BRICS, the most dangerous pivot in history here



Residents' Assembly General Meeting, December 20th, 2021 - Part 1 here

Residents' Assembly General Meeting, December 20th, 2021 - Part 2 here

Residents' Assembly General Meeting, December 20th, 2021 - Part 3 here

Auroville - Bulldozer violence and politics crack an Indian dream of utopia, 17.1.2022 here
Kurt's comment:
All these reports on Auroville speaking of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother as philosophers, gurus etc. ... They don't know anything at all about The Divine and its eternal Avatars ...


The Making of Auroville Citizens Assembly, 11.3.2021 here
Auroville held its first Citizens Assembly in 2020, on the topic of water. This film documents the process and shares with you what happened.
A citizens' assembly (also known as citizens' jury or citizens' panel or people's jury or policy jury or citizens' initiative review or consensus conference or citizens' convention) is a body formed from citizens or generally people to deliberate on an issue or issues of local or national or international importance. The membership of a citizens' assembly is randomly selected, as in other forms of sortition. It is a mechanism of participatory action research (PAR) that draws on the symbolism, and some of the practices, of a legal trial by jury. The purpose is to employ a cross-section of the public to study the options available to the state on certain questions and to propose answers to these questions through rational and reasoned discussion and the use of various methods of inquiry such as directly questioning experts. In many cases, the state will require these proposals to be accepted by the general public through a referendum before becoming law.
The citizens' assembly aims to reinstall trust in the political process by taking direct ownership of decision-making. To that end, citizens' assemblies intend to remedy the "divergence of interests" that arises between elected representatives and the electorate, as well as "a lack in deliberation in legislatures".
Kurt's comment:
After decades of conflicts because of the decision-making process in Auroville, the Aurovillians seem to have effected finally a breakthrough by the concept of this so called "Auroville Citizens Assembly" which may open up a new era of prosperity in harmony with the original ideal of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

New Nino's Corner: SGAnon - An Aerial View of the Battlefront 11-2-22 here


Patriot Underground Episode 263 here
Near Death Experience Analysis
It’s All About Ascension To 5D
The Red Wave Theory:
Justice Within The System?
The Overall Q Objectives
Vindication Just Over The Horizon
Nothing Left To Chance
How Will The Military Get Involved?
Dissolving Divisions Of The Matrix
Reversing MK ULTRA Programming
Our Divine Mission
There Are No Coincidences
Midterm Election Prognosis
Progression Of Tyranny
The Precipice Is Upon Us
The World Is About To Change

New Benjamin Fulford. 28.10.22, on GITMO, Pelosi, and Trump here

QNewsPatriot: US Governors and State Senior Leaderships Being Contacted, Briefed by the US Military | NCSWIC here
SGAnon discloses information related to US NG internal domestic movements, US state governors and leaders being briefed by the US military on why we're here, and where we're going next.



Utsava: The Alliance, New Election, Israel, New World, Putin, William here
About the Alliance, Prince William, New World, Israel, Starlink, Tesla, Putin, War and the Scare event.


QNewsPatriot: US Mil Mass Arrests are Underway | Deep State Desperate to Flee | US Marines Domestic Ops here
SGAnon discloses information relating to the current mass arrests that have been authorized by the US military, as well tunnel destruction, USMC operations domestically in SoCal USA, and elsewhere, as well as continued military alliance coordination.


SGAnon Sits Down w/ Charlie Ward Show here

Egon von Greyerz: $2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen! here


‘Meeting the Mother’: Frederick, Auroville here

Auroville, The City The Earth Needs here

What is Auroville? (Experimental society) | 2020 here

IN FRENCH WITHOUT SUBTITLES, June 2022: Inde: Auroville, une utopie spirituelle et écologique here


Lara Logan, Exiled From Fox and Newsmax, Goes on Mike Lindell TV to Claim Biden is Trafficking Kids So People Can Drink Their Blood here

Benjamin Fulford: West's rubber masked Halloween political horror show is about to end here

Simon Parkes: 31ST OCTOBER 2022 UPDATE CURRENT NEWS here

Patriot Underground Episode 262 here
Midterm Scenario Analysis
Contingency Plans In Place
Fog Of War Necessity
101st Not There To Engage Russia
Enemy Targets In The Crosshairs
Deconstructing The MSM Narrative
Russia Preparing Full Land Invasion
Illusion Of World Warm = Coordinated Military Op
107: Putin Provided CCP Coup Intel
US Enemies To Stretch Military Assets
Trump Arrest Must Come Before CMC 2.0
Will It Be Hunter Retaliation?
The Strategy Of A Trump Arrest
Pelosi Attack: Election Violence Narrative
Consensus Has Been Achieved
Red Wave Commentary
Bill Gates Civil War Predictive Programming
EBS Nuke Scare Strategy
The Enormity Of What's Coming
Debunking Q As An Enemy Psyop
Event Sequence Analysis
Patterns Of Disclosure
Tribunals & Crimes Against Humanity
Gone With The Wind


In full: Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a think tank event (Valdai Discussion club), 27.10.22 here


QNewsPatriot: Full Scale Invasion of Ukraine Imminent | US DOD Traitors Assisting in Rogue "Dirty Nuke" here


Q The Storm Rider, Telegram, 29.10.22:

_The German Military White HATS have blocked the Weapons delivery promised by the German Gov. to UKRAINE.
>The Current COLLAPSE in German gas oil, Economy and MASSIVE INFLATION is connected to their Infrastructure and gross domestic earrings thats in dire shambles

For the second time in few years Germany has not paid their NATO fees and rejected the contracts by NATO and their conglomerates subsidiary bankings and holdings.
_The promises of Weapons to UKRAINE and rejection of payment to NATO has the DEEP STATE operations in EU. NATO.UN in PANIC As tensions rise in Europe.
This deliberate succeeding from NATO'S plan by German White hats military and White hats inside the GOVERNMENT is coming to a boiling point as heads of State gather in secret to Plota new plan to bring in Coup ( but sources reveal the COUP has no significant gainings and had already failed before it started)//// >}WIRES;  Germany is already in discussion with RUSSIA and made a SECRET ALLIANCE, this is reason the Germans have stopped production of military weapons and delivery to UKRAINE, and stopped payments to NATO.

The TALK of the Town (German Elites good and bad) is MUSK< and his coming operations to free all the Right wing Conservatives that were censored and blocked from open communication through TWITTER the past two years. The EXPOSURE of TWITTER bots and fake accounts controlling German geopolitical outlooks through a deep state controlled social MEDIA network is coming soon to a POLITICAL BLOW. <


[DS]> THEIR LAST MOVE TO SAVE [NATO] IS TO CREATE A MASSIVE MASSIVE FALSE FLAG EVENT IN UKRAINE TO BRING IN ALL NATO COUNTRIES INTO WAR.<<<< ( this will create confusion among the politicians in war time protocols and procedures)////////

Real Raw News: False Flag Paul Pelosi here

Alex Christoforou: Crimea attack. Russia MoD claims UK behind Nord Stream. Pirate cash for Serbia. EU warns Elon. U/2 here

Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville in 1971 here
A fragment of a documentary from the early 70s. The historic video footage of the Ashram and Auroville life is very valuable and of high quality. You can witness the Mother's Darshan, meet Amal Kiran, Udar Pinto, Keshav Dev Poddar, Ananta and others. Hindi, English and Russian subtitles are provided (according to your preferred language setting).
Kurt's comment: Pioneers of a new era ... Adventurers working for the manifestation of Divine Life on Earth ...

Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 17: Ask the Inspector here
1.57.36 - 2.00.55 = Scott's answer to the question "What is a Nazi?" relating to the situation in Ukraine.


Alexander Mercouris: Russia Kherson Offensive; Putin Rejects Globalism, Fair World System, Warns of Great Dangers Ahead here

The Duran: Putin's Valdai Speech, warns Western elites here

Alex Christoforou: Putin ushers in Multipolar World, 'we are standing on a historic frontier.' Historic Q & A. U/1 here

Real Raw News, 17.10.22: Military Hangs to Death US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink here

Patriot Underground Episode 261 here
101st Airborne In Poland
Divisions Within The Military
Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0
Do Nuclear Weapons Exist?
Dirty Bomb Attack Analysis
Midterm Fog Of War: The Big Ticket Item
COVID Bioweapon To Hijack Freewill
Konnech Revelations: CCP Code In US Voting Machines
Biden Pushing Election Delay Narrative
NATO Defections; Expect Military Coup Attempts
Fog Of War & Breaking Fear-Based Conditioning
Tunnel And DUMB Destruction Intel
We Are The Plan


New Benjamin Fulford Big Red October Intel on Highway Diary with Charlie Robinson Oct 2022 here

Earth Alliance and Patriot News for October 27, 2022 here

Benjamin Fulford 10/27: Queen Elizabeth Murder, King Charles Puppet Theory, Heinz Kissinger Tried To Kill Ben Fulford, Head Of CFR Resigns, Faces Of Treason, Rubber-Masked Biden To Meet Xi In November!! here

Alok Pandey: The Person behind the Personality here

Real Raw News: DeSantis Tries to Turn Military Against Trump here


QNewsPatriot: Russian Tribunals Have Begun | Large Scale DUMBs are Being Destroyed | Scare Event Coming here
SGAnon discusses info on Russian military tribunals for bio-terrorism, as well as ongoing destruction of deep-under-ground-military-bases.
Yes - the war is won, but the actual play-out/cleanup process of the deep-state could not occur until US Devolution and CoG. You are witnessing the greatest coordinated military operation that has ever existed in Mankind's history.


Q) The Storm Rider:

GETTING CLOSER/// to the days of DARKNESS ⚠️

As Trump summons his close ALLIES to secret dinners and meetings the///
 >Underground ITALIAN WIRES; are BUZZING with TRUMP'S Arrest COMING/
_This event was long planned by the Deep State
>This _EVENT_was long planned
(an Event that happens like this is called GAME THEORY, NASH EQUILIBRIUM>>>both sides desire the same EVENT... But one has a different outcome from the other///// the out come for the person or group who decides to copy the first persons, or groups PLAN or intensions has a Powerful insight and mechanism in using their own PLAN AGAINST THEM)

I have long stated this EVENT of TRUMP being Arrested was highly likely in the cards ( as did two other very important Truthers out there)..... Now WIRES; from ITALIAN Mil. Channel are confirming this EVENT.

The arrest of TRUMP is expected to lead to U.S. Civil War, as the DEEP STATE have PLANS for blaming Trump supporters of Sabotage and FALSE FLAG EVENTS after the STAGED ELECTIONS< .....
_/There are many reasons to use TRUMP supporters as scape goats to HALT U.S. elections before or after the Heist ELECTIONS ......
are currently preparing new Agreements for users to agree to new strict rules which is >connected to capturing Truthers and arrest Warrants and doing MASS arrests in  NOVEMBER leading into 2023
.. The New agreement is connected to FBI and (DS] DOJ

Human Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
(to this day one of the largest MASS sacrifice is connected to the killings of babies.. abortions
.. Over 31 million MASS genocide of African American babies have been aborted.. Near the same number of current living African Americans in U.S.
and these dead baby fetus are sold into Trillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$industry> into makeup lines, food products, used in CHNIA on MASS levels in hidden food industry ( its mixed with their foods and they are unaware of the products they consume.. Including Americans.. It's inside thousands of dry products....)//
_the use of dead babies different parts of their tissue and organs and bones is CONNECTED to DARK SECRETS
You are inside the STORM OF THE CENTURY


The Military can't intervene till
FINAL EVENTS happen that lead to DAYS OF DARKNESS, Civil riots , war and BLACKOUTS...

The bad EVENTS must happen
It's the only way the sleeping sheep WILL wake up and conform to one side............


i have long told you of these EVENTS COMING.. From NUCLEAR STANDOFF to COLLAPSE OF ECONOMY TO CIVIL UNREST ( WAR)/// BANKS ATM will go down in the final days. 

*As things get really dark and gloomy you still have time to restock your food and supplies and get your spiritual readinesS READY AS ALWAYS.



We The People News: BREAKING NEWS 10/22/22 here


UTSAVA: War games, Ukraine, Australia, Japan, Royals here
Kurt's comment: The best way for sleepers to consume such information being distracted by donkeys ...

DENAZIFICATION: AZOVSTAL - Azov’s Last Stand / DOKU 2022 here


DENAZIFICATION - Operation Liberation / FULL DOKU 2022, 15.9.22 here

Patriot Underground: Jessie Czebotar Interview #1 here
Jessie's Background; Extrication From The Cabal
Covert Spiritual Gate Projects
System Hierarchy; Light & Dark
Military Tribunals; Federal Witness Testimony
CERN Intel; Large Hadron Collider
DUMBs & Underground Cities
Mar-a-Lago Raid; FBI Hunting For Affidavits
Saving Israel For Last; Antichrist Plans
Knights Of The Roundtable
Initiates Of The Flame
Starlink & Elon Musk; Surprises In Store
Spiritual Fortitude

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: The Renaissance in India CWSA 20 (4) here



Michael Salla: 2nd Mission to Underground Civilization in Florida & the missing Gift for Humanity here
On October 11, 2022, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, completed his second mission to an underground civilization in Florida. JP was again part of a squad of 8 soldiers drawn from different military services that met with representatives of an Ant Civilization. JP was in charge of security for the mission while two members of the squad conducted negotiations with the Ant People, who were upset that the gift given during the first mission had been sent to Europe contrary to an agreement that it would remain in the US.
The gift was seeds from a tree that could filter water and provide rejuvenation and life-extending properties that may be associated with the mythical Tree of Life. JP said his mission was to see and learn more about the giant sleeping in a large stasis sarcophagus, but the Ant People denied his squad access. 

QNewsPatriot: Trump & Kash Decode | China Preparing for Blitzkrieg War in Taiwan | C19 Justice is Coming here
SGAnon breaks down comms from POTUS45 in real time, cross referencing them with gematria and other comms from Q-patriots; information is also disclosed regarding China's preparations for all out war in Taiwan, Russia's escalation in Ukraine, and the justice that is coming for the COVID Criminal Syndicates.


Scott Ritter: Putin announces martial law | Russia holds defensive lines | Gen. Surovikin's plan here
On episode 9 of the show we are joined by Vladislav Shurygin, an author, military expert and war correspondent. Member of the Russian Writers Union and a permanent member of the Izborsky Club.

Jetson White: The Q+ Story here


The Duran: Major shift in Putin's stance on Ukraine here


The Duran: De facto alliance, Russia and Turkey here
Kurt's notes: This is the greatest geopolitical shift since the downfall of the Sowjetunion and the beginning of the end of NATO and EU.

QNewsPatriot (SGAnon): Belarus Entering Ukrainian War on Side of Russia | US National Guard Deploying to EC Locations here

Patriot Underground Episode 259: Patriot Roundtable #10 here
Analysis Of The Near Death Experience
Ron DeSantis Commentary
CPS Intel & House Cleaning
Public Readiness For Disclosure
Demanding Accountability
High Profile Elites Swapped
Real Royal Identities
Voice Modulation; CGI & Discernment
Reversing The Kennedy Coup
HAARP & Weather Modification
CERN & The 7 Trumpets
Our True Spiritual Purpose


The Duran (= Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris): Cancelling Germany's AfD Party here


Patriot Underground Episode 258 here
Sensing A Critical Juncture
Front Row Seats For History
Russian Missile Strikes Signal Escalation
Preparing For The Reversal Event
Optics: Show Vs. Tell
Awakening & Avoiding Civil War
MK ULTRA: Choosing Acceptance Over Integrity
The Illusion Of Choice: Vertical Integration
Q Plan: Deconstructing Our Programming
Enslavement By Deception
Tsunami Of Truth Incoming
Swimming In A Sea Of Ignorance
Parents Rejecting The Bioweapon
Gaslighting & The All-Important Consensus
Midterms Commentary
SCOTUS Cancellation Intel Analysis
Did Hunter Defect?
Thwarted CCP Coup
Durham Exposes More FBI Corruption
3D Vs. 5D Consciousness

Alex Christoforou: UN vote fails. India, China, South Africa abstain. NATO 10 yr Ukraine plan. Odessa cancels Musk. U/1 here



Utsava: Accurate prediction bridge bombing-Russia-Ukraine president has surrendered-Royals-Media here

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: The Renaissance in India CWSA (3) here


New Benjamin Fulford & David Rodriguez: WW3 Approaching All Systems Go - False Flags - The Finish Line 10-22 here

Patriot Underground: Kerry Cassidy Interview #6 here
Trump Rally Commentary
SG Anon Intel; SCOTUS October Surprise?
State Legislature Vs. Judicial Elector Appointments
Will The Midterms Go Forward?
Matador Taunting The DS Bull
Thoughts On A Trump Arrest
Med Beds & The Path To Healing
Poseidon Nuclear Sub & Cuban Missile Crisis
Bioengineering & Transhumanism Agenda
AI Wars; Threats To Humanity
Biden's Classified Election EO's
Civil Wargaming & Juan O Savin

QNewsPatriot: <45> & FLOTUS Comms | Putin's War is Only Just Beginning | Justice is Coming here
SGAnon gives a short breakdown of American-Alliance comms, as well as examining Russia and Ukraine, the looming energy crisis, and the banking collapse.
All is well. Trust the Plan.


Alex Christoforou: Russian MOD hits numerous cities. Air defence failure. Elensky panic, calls EU, NATO. Update 2 here

Alex Christoforou: Russia responds, SBU offices in Kiev hit. Army General Surovikin. US to punish MBS, OPEC. Update 1 here

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: The Renaissance in India CWSA (2) here


Patriot Underground Episode 257 here
Trees Cut Down At Mar-a-Lago
Trump Arrest Imminent
Midterm Delay Scenarios
Poseidon Doomsday Weapon
Iranians Rising Up
Reliving CMC Kennedy Era
Biden: Armageddon Threat Is Back
Illegal Immigration & Succession
The Beauty Of Knowing
Bumpy Rode Ahead
Healing Process
The Darkness We Must Face
Human Trafficking Industry
Huma In The Spotlight
COVID Rage & Crimes Against Humanity
Comprehending Evil In Stages
Protecting Innocence Will Unify Humanity
Technology & Fragmented Culture
Crimea Bridge Explosion
Arrest Wars

Real Raw News: Trump: MAGA Traitors Everywhere here


QNewsPatriot: Supreme Court Cancels USA Midterm Elections | 45 & Scavino Pointing us to US Military Domestic Ops here
SGAnon discloses information related to the Supreme Court of the United States, and its involvement in the suspension of the US November Midterm Elections, as well as the coming financial crisis.


We talk about the war, Q white hats and Trump, Juan O Savin intel and the AI ...

P-8 Poseidon Crew Arrested in Connection with Nord Stream Explosion here

Legal Basis for Russia’s Denazification of Ukraine here
1. Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter gave Russia, as the legal successor of the victor of World War II, the right to take all measures, including military, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism.
2. UN Secretary General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN Charter that allows the conduct of a Russian special operation in Ukraine.
4. The Nuremberg Tribunal held all who fought against the United Nations and committed genocide criminally responsible.  The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people. UN Charter, Articles 106 and 107, gives the victors of World War II-the USSR, the U.S., the U.K., and China-the right to take action against the countries that fought against them to prevent measures aimed at revising the results of World War II War.
5. In particular, the use of military force against these countries is allowed.  To do this, you need only NOTIFY the other three winning countries, but not seek their consent.  Russia, as the LEGAL successor to the USSR, can also use force against countries that want to overtake the Yalta-Potsdam system in Europe. Russia can stop attempts to revive Nazism in Germany, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, which was a protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the war.

Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 14: Ask the Inspector here

Patriot Underground Episode 256 here
Red October & Watching The Water
Poseidon Sub Deployed From Russia
Putin Declares War On Western Satanism
MSM: Putin Will Test Nuke In Baltic
Exploring The Hunt Metaphor
Cuban Missile Crisis & The Kennedy Era
Repeatedly Poke The Bear
Warring COG Organizations
Exposing Fake Biden Is Not CIC
Remembering The Twist At The End
Eugene Yu Arrest Implications
Seth Rich Laptop Will Expose HRC
Weaponization Of Intel Agencies
Liquidity Crisis: USD Soaring Prior To Collapse
HHS Buying Radioactive Exposure Drugs
Trump Signals The End Is Near
Remaining Fearless In The Eye Of The Storm


The Duran: War Zones w/Patrick Lancaster & Alex at Reporterfy (Live) here


Patriot Underground: Jim Willie Interview #4 here
Sunset Of The USD
Global Realignment Underway
West In Decline; Debt Defaults/Treasury Bond Failures
BRICS Trade Union Expanding; Iran On Deck
What Really Happened In Wuhan
Nordstream 2 Sabotage Intel
Baltic Pipeline; Germany Being Held Hostage
Alliance DUMB Takedowns & The Liquidity Crisis
Why The Dollar Continues To Rise
Steppes Region & Food Shortages
Red October Events
Rockefeller Evil
Insurance Companies Sue Big Pharma
President Xi Rumors
Internal Takedown Of CCP


QNewsPatriot: Goodbye McDonalds | "Russian" Sub Goes Missing | 45 Comms Highlighting W. / HW / Clinton / Obama here


Patriot Underground Episode 255 here
Red October: The Enemy’s Last Stand
Ukraine: Quantifying The Alliance Offensive
Awakening: Preparation For The Storm
Annexation And The Coming Nuclear Standoff
Nordstream Pipeline Sabotage; Who Benefits?
“Drills” At The Epicenter; CIA Warned Germany
Germany Had Been Testing NS2
BlackRock Funded Baltic Pipeline
Ukraine Applies To NATO 4th Reich
Poking The Bear; How Will Russia Respond?
Russian Coat Of Arms Symbology
WEF: Climate Change To Camouflage Blackouts
Putin: Trump’s Twin Matador:
Declaring War On Western Satanism
Undersea Cables; Watch The Water
Seth Rich FOIA Request Deadline Looming
Musk V. Twitter: Big Tech “Grooming” Redpill
Only War Can Counter Declass
President Xi Under PLA Military Protection;
CCP Coup Thwarted, Officials Executed
25th Amendment Circus Coming
Law Of War 11.3: Military Fulfilling Its Oath
Pillars Of The Old Guard Will Be Dissolved


QNewsPatriot, 2.10.22: US Military Commanders Planning National EAS | 45 Comms on Red October | Strap In here
SGAnon breaks down comms from the Commander in Chief regarding censorship, Red October, and Russia, and also discloses that the military white hat command is nearly ready to implement a countrywide EAS. Stay sharp, anons.

QNewsPatriot, 27.9.22: Cabal-System Economic Collapse in Progress | Xi and Putin | RED October Next Month here
SGAnon discusses recent intel, POTUS45 comms concerning Russia, Election Fraud, and FBI conspiracy-connections, as well Chinese internal struggling and the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage.


QNewsPatriot, 1.9.22: Operation Warp Speed | Why President Trump does not Publicly Denounce the Vaccine Agenda here
In the opinion and belief of SGAnon, there is much more at work with the killer-vaccine campaign behind the scenes. Questions like "Why doesn't Trump call out the vaccine murders", or "Why does Trump support vaccination by personal choice" plague the truther community.
One Anon says there is a reasonable explanation still to come, and it is of Biblical proportion.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/1/22 here

Steve Turley: Putin Calls Globalist Elites 'INSANE SATANISTS'!!! here

Alexander Mercouris: Russia Withdraws from Liman; China Brazil India Refuse to Back UN Resolution, Europe Downward Spiral here

Alex Christoforou: Putin, 'things will never be the same.' Elensky wants NATO fast track. Red Square party. Update 1 here

Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 13: Ask the Inspector here

Real Raw News: Trump: DeSantis is Deep State here

Real Raw News: Special Forces Save Child from Evil FEMA Agents here


Alexander Mercouris: Putin Denounces West, Russia Will Follow Own Path; Russia Annexes Four Regions, Counterattacks Liman here

The Duran: Putin's historic speech finalizes referenda, infuriates Collective West here

Vladimir Putin hosts a signing ceremony for the annexation of four areas of Ukraine here


Scott Ritter: Brink of nuclear war | New phase in Ukraine conflict | How will Russia defend liberated regions here
On episode 6 of the show we are joined by Andrey Gurulyov, a Russian military leader, politician and statesman. Member of the State Duma commission on federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring national defense, security and law enforcement. Member of the State Duma Defense Committee.

Alexander Mercouris: Russia Warns US on Nuclear Threats; China Global Times Hints at US Responsibility for Nord Stream here

Gregory Mannarino: ALERT! Its Already Unraveling! VERY Important Updates, What To Watch For NOW here
Kurt's comment:Mannarino's criticism of Bo Polny's false predictions is valid.


Patriot Underground Episode 253 here
Tracking The Approaching Storm
Vital Global Consensus Building
Reverse Engineering The Hive Mind
COG: Military Safeguarding Society
Enemy Revenue Streams Drying Up
Prepping For The Reversal Event
The Endgame Is Awakened Humanity
Italy Goes Populist
Castro Rolls Back COVID Restrictions
Defiance, Not Compliance
Macron Removal By Military Coup?
Germany’s Controlled Demolition
BRICS GBC Displacing USD As Reserve Currency
Debt Slavery Paradigm Commentary
DUMBs Role In Fiat System
Vatican Recalled Assets;
Corporate Governments Bankrupt
Russian Annex Vote Commentary
Nordstream Pipeline Attack Analysis
The Profitability Of War
Putin Prepping For Martial Law
Clowns Predict Future Events Again
Financial Collapse Conceded Years Ago
CBDC Fraud Out Of Davos
CCP Being Taken Down From Within
Bracing For The First Arrest


Alexander Mercouris: Attacks on Nord Stream Pipelines Escalates Conflict; Russia to Announce Annexation Regions Next Week here

The Duran: Putin's speech, nuclear conflict rhetoric ramps up here
Kurt's comment:
There will be no nuclear war, because of The Divine, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, the White Hats and the People.

Gene Decode Situation Update On The World, Ukraine & Nuclear Weapon Concerns! here

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: A Statement Regarding The Events Of The Past Few Weeks here


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 9/26/22 here

The Duran: Meloni wins. Italy must prepare to take on Ursula and EU here

Mel K & Acclaimed Journalist Benjamin Fulford Insights On Geopolitical News 9-25-22 here

Alex Christoforou: Italy elections, Giorgia on my mind. Sullivan, Blinken warn Russia. Heating sidewalks. Update 1 here




Scott Ritter, 23.9.22: Putin issues DEVASTATING warning to NATO if they even try it here


Patriot Underground Episode 251 here
Spotlighting Liberal Hypocrisy
Mar-a-Lago: Public Domain Declass
FBI & DOJ Spokes On The Wheel
2-Tiered Justice System
Durham On Deck
The Real Election Interference
Forcing The Enemy’s Hand
Semaphore Comms
Patriots Branded As DVE
The Court Of Public Opinion
Forcing The Issue With FF’s
Cabal Revenue Streams Cutoff
Infiltration Of Antifa
Juan’s Matador Metaphor;
Enticing The Raging Bull
Thoughts On The Midterms
The Illusion Is Dissolving
The Spirit Of Resilience
Spiritual War Reflection

MOBILIZATION in Russia | Putin's final warning to NATO | Donbas, Kherson & Zaporozhye referendum here
Scott Ritter interviews Yakov Kedmi, a Soviet born Israeli statesman and politician, ex-head of the NATIV Liaison Bureau, former officer of the Israel Defense Forces, veteran of the Yom Kippur War.


Alexander Mercouris: Russia Proceeds with Referendums, Partial Mobilisation; Ukraine Conflict Enters Moscow's End Game here

The Duran: Referendum day, Peskov issues warning. Zelensky running out of road, what next? here

Alex Christoforou: Lavrov UN speech. Macron, EU not at war. Referendum begins. Munich and Minsk. Update 1 here


Scott Ritter answers the question of a Russian guy about partial mobilization in Russia "Russia is in Shock: People are Fleeing from Mobilization and War" here

Alexander Mercouris: Putin Announces Partial Mobilisation, Additional 300k Russian Troops to Be Sent to Ukraine here

Alex Christoforou: Russia, partial mobilisation. Shoigu, 300,000 reservists. Putin, this is not a bluff. Update 1 here

Jessie Czebotar - Trump Special Master MOAB? here


Alexander Mercouris: Russia Referendums in Donbass, Ukraine Regions, Union with Russia; Mulls Major Military Escalation here

The Duran: Referendums. Special Military Operation coming to an end? here

Alok Pandey: The Role of India in the World here

Patriot Underground: Gene Decode Interview #9 here
COVID Crimes Emerging
Ukraine Sit Rep
Russian Military Superiority
BRICS Alliance Expanding
Sanctions Backfiring
Rand Corp. War Games
As Germany Goes, So Goes Western Europe
Hungary At Odds With EU
DUMBs Intel
Alliance HCQ Chemtrails
Strategic Air Command Vs SES
Mar-a-Lago Exposing Corruption
Alliance Control Of CERN
Timeline Splits
Prime Directive Violation
OP London Bridge: 5th Density Alpha Draco


EAS on Standby for Midterms here


Alok Pandey: Sri Aurobindo: The Last Avatar here
Kurt's notes: Sri Aurobindo as the 10th is the last Avatar in a human body.


'Powell is seeking inflation'; Fed will pivot, U.S. is going broke - Matthew Piepenburg (Pt .1/2) here
Moscow Gold Standard could expose fair gold price, end market manipulation - Piepenburg (Pt. 2/2) here




Message to the Unvaccinated:
"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors. People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones. Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going. Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed. That's you. You passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark." Join Red Wave.

New Benjamin Fulford & David Rodriguez: Trump's Arrest, Death of the Queen, Confusing Times, Change of Power here

Alok Pandey and Narad: The Higher Realms of Poetic Inspiration here


Alok Pandey: Unique Aspects of Sri Aurobindo and His Yoga here

UTSAVA: Queen's death-Domino effect-CRASH-Biden is GONE! here


Alok Pandey: Savitri Study Class 27-11 "Summary and Conclusion" here


Derek Johnson: Can you handle the TRUTH? Here


Juan at Reckoning — Santa Claus disguise
Derek Johnson - Military sting op
Patel Patriot - gov in exile -Trump 
Mar a Lago invasion
Queen - Reps and Pedos/Human Trafficking
24th event?
Move / countermove
MARK RICHARDS — raptors reptilians
Major SOLOMON BERG   —Earth AI
Egypt deposits


Benjamin Fulford 9/8 MegaRedPill: NATO Leadership Fired, Another 911 Planned, EU Collapse, Secret War Within China, Evidence of Secret Space War! here



New Benjamin Fulford Huge Weekly Geopolitical Intelligence Update Video 9 8 2022 here


Alok Pandey: Soul of Nations here
the Nation specific souls and their roles in the world and it's future.
The follow-up questions were:
1. Conflicts in the world currently.
2. Do countries that came up due to political reasons and similar, do they too have nation Soul?
3. Role of America.
4. Comments on Canada and multicultural immigration.
5. Can there be one world government? Can it be positive or dark?
6. Can there be a tipping point?
Kurt's comment: The next step would be to speak about the asuric/satanic Deep State working behind the scenes in all countries to establish a díabolic One World Government, but Alok will do it only if he feels inspired by The Mother to do so ...


Man in America: BREAKING: Putin Cuts Gas to Europe, Mass Starvation Coming - Michael Yon Interview here
In breaking news, Putin shuts down The Nord Stream 1 gas supply to Europe in what could be a fatal blow to nations who have succumbed to the “green energy” delusion. European leaders were already warning their people of a cold, dark, and deadly winter ahead, with skyrocketing energy costs, and food shortages triggering mass migration from Africa. And Putin’s latest move could well be the final nail in the coffin. To put it bluntly, Europe is on the verge of collapse. And joining us today, on the ground in the Netherlands, is Michael Yon—former green beret, and America's most experienced combat correspondent.


Man in America: Tom Renz: Trump MUST Speak Up About the Vaccine Now Before It’s Too Late here
We’ve gotten to a place where vaccine injuries and deaths are hitting a number the media and politicians can no longer hide. So what comes next? Well, my guest today, attorney Tom Renz, has been sounding the alarm that they’re gonna try to pin the blame on Trump. And if you check out recent media reports, it looks like they are gearing up to do just that.

Alok Pandey: Savitri Study Class 27-03 "The Supermind shall claim the Earth", pp. 707-709 here


Patriot Underground: Brad Olsen Interview #5 here
Antarctica Intel: Beneath The Ice
Hitler’s Escape To Argentina
Lost History Of The 2nd World War
UFO Show Of Force For Eisenhower
Nazi Rebrand: WWII-Modern Ukraine
Tentacles Of The 4th Reich
Weaponized Intelligence Agencies
Awakening Vs Denial
COVID & The Transhuman Agenda
Mar-a-Lago Commentary
COG Holding The Nation Together
Cabal Desperation As Consciousness Rises
Shock Event & False Flag Scenarios


Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, Aug 25, 2022 - Media FLIPS, sets stage to blame Trump for widespread VACCINE INJURIES and deaths here

Mike Adams, HRR: Why BRICS nations will win World War III while the West collapses into ruin here


Patriot Underground Episode 243 here
Kerry Cassidy #5 Recap
Patriot Movement Infiltration
Kim G Controlled Opposition
Shifting Enemy Tactics: Targeting The Newly Awakened
Remaining Steadfast In Our Pursuit Of The Truth
Juan’s Personal Admission?
COG Sting Operation Analysis
Will Trump Be Held Accountable For Vax Pushing?
White Hat Strategy: Sabotage From Within
Dark Outpost: Jessie Czebotar Commentary
Mar-a-Lago An FBI Attempt To Steal SRA Victim Testimony?
Horrific Detail Of SRA: “Expendable” Children
Personally Witnessed 136k Sacrifices
Human Hunting Parties At Cheney’s Ranch
Fraz Was Not HRC’s 1st
Kash Patel Spearheading Declass Comms
Fake Biden Personally Authorized Raid
Trumps Lawsuit Strategy: Establish Legal Precedents
Midterms Commentary
3-6-9 Approaching: 9/3 Lion’s Gate
McAfee Alive In Texas?
31 TB Truth Bomb Imminent
Exposure Of The Medical Establishment
The Path Forward

Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou: EU Recession means more EU Authoritarianism here

Alok Pandey: Savitri Study Class 27-02 "The Ascent of Man to the Superman", pp 705-707 here

THE HOUR OF GOD - 6th August, 2022 here


Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot: THE BORG/ SKYNET: Activation Date for Armies of the Vaxxed here
Kurt's comment: It seems as if Cassidy has mistaken Skynet for Starlink. Musk has nothing to do with Skynet.

Man in America: How Communists Are Weaponizing Christians (& Conservatives)—Trevor Loudon Interview here
From pro-choice to pride flags, it’s easy to see how liberal Christians have been influenced by Marxist ideology. But what if conservative Christians are also being preyed upon, in a way that’s far more deceptive and equally sinister—and we don’t even know it. Joining me today is author and filmmaker, Trevor Loudon, to help us understand the cunning manipulation of American Christians, both Left AND Right.


Simon Parkes: 21ST AUGUST 2022 UPDATE CURRENT NEWS here

Alexander Mercouris: Russia Advance in Donbass, US Weapon Supplies to Kiev Dwindle, Russia Accuses Kiev of Dugina Killing here

Mike Adams, HRR: Globalists OPENLY discuss their plans to EXTERMINATE all humans here


Discussing Ukraine. Glenn Diesen interviews Scott Ritter and Alexander Mercouris here

David Zublick, Dark Outpost: Seized Documents Contain Evidence Former Presidents Tortured And Ate Children! here
In this Dark Outpost Inner Circle exclusive, Federal Eyewitness Jessie Czebotar reveals that the raid on Mar-a-Lago by the FBI was designed in locate documents in President Trump’s possession that prove former presidents participated in ritual child sacrifices and cannibalism. She names those presidents and other high level politicians, entertainers and business leaders.

Patriot Underground: Kerry Cassidy Interview #5 here
Infiltration Of The Patriot Movement
Kennedy Historical Context
Meetings In Durango
Juan O Savin Intel
Adrenochrome Highway
40k Foot View On The War
The Picture Juan Doesn’t Want Out
David Icke/Alex Jones Attacking Trump
Reflections On Discernment
Kim G: Controlled By DARPA
China and Taiwan Analysis
Will The Midterms Happen?
Knowing Your Enemy
AI Wars: Wargaming Enemy Maneuvers
Trump And The Vaccine
Corrupt Medical Establishment
Kurt's comment:
I warmly recommend everyone who wants to know what is really going on in the world behind the scenes, to listen carefully to this maybe best interview ever with Kerry Cassidy. It is an absolute eye-, brain- and heart-opener.


Mike Adams, HRR: Trump, Vaccines and Alex Jones here

Benjamin Fulford Is Back!! Friday’s Massive Geo-Political Intelligence Video. 8/19/2022 here


Kat Update: Juan O Savin on NESARA and Ron Giles on Trust the Alliance here


The Planned Fall 2022 “Epidemics Tyranny” here
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer, mentioned on several occasions, that many of these devastating side effects may appear only after 6 to 24 months, maybe even longer. It will be virtually impossible to trace the effects back to the vaxxes.
Many of these diseases are leading to death, often painful slow deaths. Others may result in different but very painful kinds of disablements – these are wanton killings and sufferings. If we were still living in a system of law, punishment for the perpetrators, those who know exactly what they are doing and those who command and coerce – or worse – the medical establishment to carry out their vaxx tyranny, despite knowing better – well, if we would still have a functioning system of “rule of law” – these individuals would be put on criminal trials, à la Nuremberg 2.0 – on steroids.
But such legal systems have been disabled. Entire national constitutions have been suspended, in order to push this deadly UN Agenda 2030 — the fulfillment of the Great Reset — to completion.
This system of 70% placebos is a great strategy for the “jabbers”. It’s a propaganda tool. Those who get placebos and are fine, no negative effects, will propagate and try to convince vaxx-sceptics, that it’s OK, no risk, they are fine – and why not getting it over with and be “protected”.
So, they do free advertising for the Monster-Cult.
Eurostat has registered an excess Mortality between March 2020 and June 2022 of up to 40%.
There is no other plausible reason than the genocidal vaxxes.


Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou: Putin takes on Globalists here


Alok Pandey: Love Sri Aurobindo here


Health Ranger Incoming Intel
Trump is going to be indicted under the Espionage Act. Bogus documents will be inserted into the numerous boxes of loot that the corrupt FBI stole from Trump's private residence. 
A media circus will commence, far larger than any of the "RussiaGate" fiasco we've already witnessed. Trump will be railroaded in a completely rigged show trial. 
One of the key goals in all this is to provoke America's patriots into an armed uprising in order to justify the Biden regime calling for UN occupation, which will bring in Communist Chinese troops wearing UN helmets. This is how the invasion plan is being morphed right now, according to my sources. An armed uprising is EXACTLY what the regime wants to make happen.


An Economic Storm is Coming (Andy Schectman Interview) here

Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou: EU prepares sanctions package aimed at banning Russian travel to EU member states here

Alex Christoforou: Zaporozhye demilitarised zone, freeze conflict. Baltics gone mad. Scholz, take the turbine. Update 1 here

A 'monetary reset' is coming; gold to play bigger role as U.S. dollar is dethroned - Maxime Bernier here
Maxime Bernier, Founder and Leader of the People's Party of Canada, discusses inflation, central banking, the gold standard, and why he is called 'Mad Max.' He also talks about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and investing. Bernier spoke with Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News.



Chris Sky Makes New Predictions That Everyone Needs To Hear On What's Coming In The Next Months!! here


Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou: NYT talks up HUGE Russian losses as the Great Kherson counteroffensive stumbles here

Alex Christoforou: Pelosi's human right to travel. Russia invites UN to POW camp. UK steals Venezuela gold. Update 1 here and Taiwan not included on Pelosi's travel list. Crimea drone attack. Update 2 here


Alex Christoforou: POW camp blame game. Gazprom cuts off Latvia. Lavrov, 'plus one' to prisoner swap. Update 2 here

Alexander Mercouris: Russian Offensive, Ukraine Inflation Crisis, Blinken Talks to Lavrov, Pelosi Flies to Taiwan here

Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou: Xi to Biden, 'You are playing with fire,' as tensions over Pelosi's Taiwan trip escalates here


Alok Pandey: Foundations of Indian Culture - an Introduction (1/5) here



Alexander Mercouris: Russia Gains Ground, Ukraine Pushed Back in Kherson, Xi Slams Biden over Taiwan in Tense 2 Hour Call here

Nino's Corner: The Ghost - The American National & NESARA GESARA PsyOp here



Benjamin Fulford Mega Update 25.7.22 here
United States Corporation Will Be Dismantled Says CIA Source, Western Starvation Blackmail Card Removed, Switzerland The Root Cause Of All World Terrorism, Klaus Schwab Monster, WHO Tedros Group Listed In Gov't Global Terrorism Database, Planetary Liberation Unstoppable!!


Benjamin Fulford And David Nino Rodriguez: Queen Elizabeth Blackmailed Into Being Snuff Queen!! Video Exists Of Queen Elizabeth Chopping Head Off Of Child, Eating The Heart And Drinking The Blood... Confirmed By Royal Cousin And M.I.6!! here

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: Essays on the Gita CWSA 19 (overview) here


Alexander Mercouris: Russian Breakthrough in Donetsk, August Decisive Month in War, Russia Dials Down Gas Flow to Europe here

Alok Pandey: On Indian Civilization here




An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the
connection between us. 

We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring
suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing 
the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience
for we know the secrets of the absolute. 

We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and 
secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while 
pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle
ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in
food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. 

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will
promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will
feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths,
they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal 
this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them,
in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. 

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they
can see far. 

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images
and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to 
push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and
will grow accustomed to them and will never know
their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood
of their children and convince them its for their help.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will
target their children with what children love most, sweet

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals
that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected,
we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other
diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they
come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention toward money and material goods
so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract
them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may
never be one with the oneness of it all.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.
If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology
into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. 
We will own both sides. 

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure 
always, for it is the way.

We will make them kill each other when it suits us.

We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding 

We will foment animosity between them through our factions.

When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, 
or death, whichever suits us best.

We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill their own children.

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their
conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.

They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long 
as we see fit.

We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they 
cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is 

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger 
though images and sounds.

We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. 

The tools will be provided by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. 
This they must never know!

They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always
think they are not equal.

Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.

We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total 
control over them.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little 
freedom they will have.

We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, 
keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a 
different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment
in our favor.

When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for 
they are less than that.

They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons. 

We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them 
eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.

The recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated to believe
false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of 
these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.
They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles,
but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive
the light and travel the stars.

They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind
will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus 
on it until its too late.

Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they 
are our slaves.

When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them.
This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion.

When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin.

Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established
from time immemorial.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY 

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall
have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has
fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down
and no person shall give us shelter.

This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present 
and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life 

This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from 
heaven to earth came.

This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER
be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release 
the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths
from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.




Pimpy's Investment Chat: I told you it was coming - lives are about to change here



In English with german subtitles: Message of General Mike Flynn for the dutch people and farmers (BOTSCHAFT VOM US-GENERAL MIKE FLYNN AN DAS NIEDERLÄNDISCHE VOLK AUF EINER RIESIGEN LEINWAND) here


Kim Goguen: Special Report - Intel Galore, It Has Begun! here


Man in America: New White Hats Bombshell Intel! Are Putin & Xi Saving Us From the Deep State? Or Leading Us Into a Trap? here and here
Man in America:
Putin said this week, “No matter how much Western and globalist elites strive to preserve the existing order, a new era is dawning, a new stage in world history,” and he was met with excitement and cheers from the truth community, who believe Putin is fighting to free the world from the grips of the deep state. And many believe that Putin’s alignment with Xi Jinping will strengthen them in that battle.
But can Putin and Xi really be trusted? Do they have their own plans for a global communist system? Or are they part of a larger plan to accelerate the Great Reset? Today, I’m going to ask the tough questions with one goal in mind: finding the truth at all costs.
Kurt's comment:
These are the questions and narratives I address, among others, in my book "Unseren Kindern" (To Our Children).

Fritz Springmeier - Exposing the NWO Illuminati Agenda on Fri. Night Livestream here


Clif High: The Nesara Gesara Hoax with Greg Prescott here
Kurt's notes: High says that Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes are swindlers.


New Scott Ritter July Intel Update with Justin Podur - Putin's Afghanistan here


Alok Pandey: Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy and Traditional Vedanta here

Chris Sky: What's Really Going On In The Netherlands!! here



Patriot Underground: Jim Willie Interview #3 here
Latin American Currencies Falling
Iran Maturing As An Economic Force
Reconciliation Fueling Iranian Economy
BRICS Analysis
Evidence Suggests Abe Faked His Death
Treasury Bonds Being Dropped For Gold
Japanese Ditching USD
China Resorting To Health Codes To Stop Withdrawals
Evergrande Bankruptcy Emerging: Default On Bonds
Bank Runs In China
Internal War Within CCP: Financial/Medical Vs. Military
President Xi Engineering Reform
Shanghai Shutdown Targeted Corruption
European Governments In Freefall
Germany, France and Italy Analysis
Eliminating Russian Gas/Trade = Economic Suicide
Marine Le Pen & Macron
Gazprom Escalating Energy War
Netherlands Farmers Leading The Charge
Mario Draghi & Boris Johnson Resignations
Central Bank Digital Currency Wars
Crucial Role of Iran (= Kurt's note!)
Which European Domino Will Fall Next?
Will China Convince Taiwan To Clean House?

Simon Parkes: Big Intel and Updates!! here



Utsava's Updates, 12.7.22: Right again; Financial market collapse and more! here



Patriot Underground Episode 231 here
Economic Warfare: Russia V Germany
Gazprom Cuts Nord Stream One Pipeline
Currency Wars: Germany Will Defect From USD
Western European Industrial Base At Stake
Timeline Indicators: WH Firmly In Control
Why World War Won’t Happen
Dueling Digital Currencies:
BRICS Alliance Gaining Strength
Cartels In The Crosshairs
2022: The Eye Of The Storm
Inflation At Record Levels
Food Shortage Analysis
2 Shadow Govts: SES v SAC
Nuclear Standoff To Trigger COG
Is SCOTUS Done Yet?
Massive Tide Shift Happening
Survival Instincts Kicking In
NY: How To Respond To A Nuclear Attack
Massive Flooding In China
Predictive Programming Of The Apocalypse
Governments Collapsing Worldwide
Abe Assassination Commentary
Division Won’t Work This Time
What Lies Beyond The Storm
Kurt's notes:
SAC = Strategic Air Command in Cheyenne Mountain = The Good Guys / The White Hats
SES = Senior Executive Service = The Bad Guys / The Black Hats;
in a nuclear crisis the SAC legally overrides the SES !!!

Kat Anonup Update: Q The Storm Rider, The Fall of the Cabal here




Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, July 13, 2022 - Prepare for NUCLEAR DETONATIONS in multiple U.S. CITIES here

Mel K & Investigative Journalist Ben Fulford With Geopolitical Insights On Japan 7-13-22 here


Patriot Underground Episode 230 here
Patriot Roundtable #9:
Roe v Wade: An Industrial Takedown, A Moral Triumph
2A Expansion
Georgia Guidestones Mystery
CERN Reactivated:
WH Control Causing Reverse Polarity
Rome On Fire; DUMBS Being Destroyed
New York: Nuclear Attack Video
Juan O Savin & Jetson White Analysis
Nanotech & DNA Manipulation
NDE: Hijacking Consciousness
Shifting Energy Discussion
Devolution: Worldwide Controlled Demolition
Gifts Of Awareness

Michael Salla: World Religions are historical records of ET Contact & Genetic Experiments in multiple Edens here
Paul Wallis is a best selling author and Anglican church scholar who has detailed how Christian, Hebrew and other religious texts are historical accounts of extraterrestrial contact. In his Escaping from Eden book trilogy he describes how ancient biblical records of ET contact were hidden or removed by church leaders in historical conclaves to promote a monotheistic version of religious encounters. This has led to a confusion between an absolute God and multiple ''gods' (aka extraterrestrials) that continues to the present day.
In addition, he says that historical religious texts from around the world describe multiple Edens where genetic experiments were conducted, which account for the many ethnicities and racial groups on Earth. In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Paul Wallis explains how he made his remarkable transition from a traditional Anglican priest and scholar, into a ground breaking author shattering many church shibboleths about divine encounters found in core religious texts.  


Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, July 10, 2022 - Sri Lanka government COLLAPSES; Germany faces energy catastrophe here


Patriot Underground Episode 229 here
Alliance Staging Assault On Cartels
Monkey Werx Sitrep Analysis
Russian And Chinese Troops In Central America
Bill Gates Now Owns 270k Acres Of Farmland
Self-Replicating Nanotech In The Soil
Drought Conditions Threatening Food/Water Supply
Access To Drinking Water Restricted In Europe
Unemployment Soaring As Fiat Economy Implodes
Military Assets Headed To Venezuela To Challenge US
Sabotage From Within: Controlled Demolition Accelerates
Fake Biden Exporting Oil Reserves To China
Activity At Ports Reveals The Truth: Watch The Water
Financial Realignment: Europe To Defect From USD
Nesara/Gesara: Trillions Created In Past Several Months
Russian Oil Exports At Historic Levels
CMC America: Hypersonic Missiles In Nicaragua?
Cargo Delivery Systems Threaten The Coast
Massive Offensive On Kiev Imminent
Juan O Savin Comms Analysis: Epstein Flipped?
SCOTUS, Q And Navigating Disinfo
8 Kun; Captured Op?
Assange/31 TB Waiting In The Wings:
A Week That Will Change The World
2020 Legal Injunction: Red Flag Coming?
China/Georgia Election Fraud Connection
SES Vs Cheyenne Mountain Strategic Air Command
1954 COG Code Intel
Jan. 6 Triggered Wartime Footing
Space Force Was A Countermove
Trump Sworn In 3/11; Reversal Event
Tactical Nukes Authorized By SAC
CMC Europe: Russians Threatening City Of London
Q Team Authority Under Nuclear Threat
Legal Usurpation Of SES COG
Collapse From Within: Cabal Strategy
Slaves No More; Beautiful Times Ahead


New Benjamin Fulford Friday's Big Intel Update: Something Really Big Is Coming! via Qualified Observers here
Former Japan prime Minister Shinzo Abe shot twice in the chest, there are discussions of replacing him with an avatar. Japan has not been a democracy since the end of WW2. Abe’s grandfather was an U.S. installed puppet who opened a company with Americans to steal Japanese elections. Shooting Abe was a message from Japan nationals that they are taking there country back from the West. This happened at the same time the German agent Borris Johnson was ousted, and the guide stone’s were blown up. In March of 2011, the West drilled and installed 5 nuclear bombs in the seabed to cause Fukushima and force Japan to cave to the west, which they did. The people who control the G7 countries are Nazis trying to create genocide. The Ukrainian general’s are poised to remove the fake Zelensky puppet from office. Proof is being offered all over the world for biological warfare labs created by the U.S. . Something really big is about to happen. That and a lot more in this Friday Intel update.

Kim Goguen: Huge Intel Drop, Things Are Falling Into Place! here
Kurt's notes:
Trump, White Hats, Juan O Savin (who is not JFK jr.) and so on, they are all getting their orders from the same guys like the so called "Deep State"; so they are not in charge. The Universal Council: we are taking no prisoners anymore - or you accept the Restoration Plan, or you die.

Patriot Underground: Kerry Cassidy Interview #4 here
Georgia Guide Stones— Car Mounted DEW?
Demolition Signal By White Hats
Evidence Destroyed Immediately
Alliance Going On The Offensive
Russian Subs Threatening City of London
Tidal Wave Threat: Offshore Weapon Detonation
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Specific Bioweapons
BRICS Basket Analysis: Will It Displace USD As Reserve Currency?
Cuban Missile Crisis Scenario Brewing
Airports Scanning For Reptilian DNA?
SCOTUS Election Reversal Discussion
Commentary On Phil W: Navigating Intel
Analysis Of White Hat Disclosure Strategy
Trump And The Vax: Accountability Discussion
Weaponized Nanotech: Soil On The Evergreen
Transhuman Agenda
Carrie Medej Assassination Attempt
Juan O Savin In Depth
Non Terrestrial Disclosure


7.7.22 Patriot Streetfighter, SCOTUS DID NOT Overturn 2020 Election, Gold Backed Currencies Trading here

Phil Godlewski, Intel: The 2020 U.S. presidential election was secretly overturned by the Supreme Court here

The Storm Has Arrived! The Final Stage of The Plan! Time to Release HRC Raw Videos +++ Indictments! here
Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Kim Goguen, Michael Jaco, Scott McKay, Mel K, David Nino, Gene Decode? Who Should You Follow? Is NESARA/GESARA Real? Will America Return to a Gold Backed Dollar? And more!
Kurt's notes:
Q confirms JFK Jr.'s death;
Q doesn't mention NESARA/GESARA;
Q confirms the return to a Gold backed dollar;
Q says that the war of the White Hats against the Deep State lasts until 2025.


Kurt's comment: This is the best analysis of Trump's work from 2016 until 2020.


Putin’s EU-Eurasia Checkmate Move, Connecting Caspian Sea and Black Sea By the Duran here



New Benjamin Fulford July Intel: The Return of Trump! Mass July Intelligence Intel Update! End Game Protocols! via Qualified Observers here

Q) The Storm Rider/Offical Page, Telegram Channel, Intel, 1.7.2022:

>SEVERAL sources from ;
_ white HATS in MI6/NSA
_Russian undergroundWIRES
_ Chinese Elders WIRES
_Benjamin Fulford
_Juan 0 Savin
_Jim Willie
_ ;: INSIDE EU .WH military contacts

>>>ALL say the same thing and share the same WIRES the past 30 days ..

Trump is protected by MILITARY .....but He was removed from becoming President for 2024.... For several reasons...( This doesn't mean he won't run.. But other plans are in play to bring in another President//)... The White HATS ALLIANCE thought It was best to start over.. Their was to much civil unrest in several countries between those who loved Trump and those who hate him..... They want to start with a new era and let the Trump saga start to calm down.... The shaking of government officials through the world would feel safer if a new U.S. president would step in... They fear he has to much control over their countries and people.... Especially for the coming East Asia new digital currency backed by GOLD system . They want to trade with U.S in import/export and fear their share holders won't comply fully if Trump remains in power in the world stage.

>The Chinese Elders who cut off the ROTHSCHILDS regimen and turned their backs on Obama are very much interested in cleaning their CCP communist regimen through XI and fear the KAZARIAN MAFIA has now control of> Ivanka Trump and have devastating Deep State evidence on her husband KUSHNER......(This [ INFILTRATION] into IVANKA TRUMP caused her to turn against her father in the j6 trials)
Her family was threatened vigorously/// and the Chinese Elders who are working together with PUTIN Xi MODI feel it's best if TRUMP steps a side. He has to much enemies through the world and many will not come into White HATS control till Trump steps aside and a different new era president is installed..... They fear he will retaliate and destroy their Asian System ( he gained  to much a world following... Much much more than anyone expected)///
Personal Side note; I would love it if TRUMP came back now or in 2024 ...... I'm a TRUMP believer and Honor him for everything he has done and continues....
But I had to share this INTEL report
In other INTEL reports U.S. DEEP STATE is attempting to create a fake digital currency SYSTEM and pretend it will be backed by GOLD and create their own block chain////... But everything will be hidden from public and will not be excessive to review the block chains and see the true nature of how the DIGITAL currency is operating without corruption. 

> EXPOSURE of the fake coming U.S digital currency will happen when Asia, middle east, South America will not EXPORT to the United States as the COMING U.S DIGITAL currency is not properly backed by GOLD
(The U S. 250 TRILLIONS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$has left the world waking governments fearful of the U.S D ))////
Lots happening behind the scenes;

Germany may be the first country to exit the EUROPEAN system and join China BRICs world digital currency SYSTEM
... They are finding out they can't get any resources of oil, petroleum, and gas unless they comply with China/Russian currency. ( This move expected in 2024 after a NEW U.S. president is installed)

In. The U.S.. The 2024 President will expose the first Fake U S. Digital currency and there after comes the real BACKED BY GOLD precious metals currency//and last of the fall of the DEEP STATE FINANCIAL SYSTEM happens 

>Current COLLAPSE of the EU continues

>There will be no World nuclear WARlll  PUTIN /White HATS have several safety's in place... But we will see more escalation in tl East Europe.. But several Military insiders confirm no NUCLEAR war ( I have stated this several times... We will come close but it's only a major scare EVENT for several reasons)//// the> EVENT


Patriot Underground: Gene Decode Interview #8 here
Monkey Pox Is Cover For Shingles
Vax Increases Risk 4000%
Technocratic Great Reset
Pharmakeia: The Actual Meaning
Targeting Children With The Jab
Truth Leaking Into MSM: Bill Gates Scorched
Cabal Hypocrisy 101
Immunity of Big Pharma:
Legal Authority To Commit Fraud
NIH Website Reveal "COVID Truth"
Zero Carbon = Zero People
Rockefeller Takeover Of Western Medicine
Crest Of Ukraine = Symbol Of Moloch
Ukraine Battlefront Intel
Analysis of Russian Military Tactics
Counteroffensive FAILED
What Would Ukraine Need To Contend With Russia?
Zelensky Orders State Docs Re Metabiota Destroyed
31 Million Tons Of Gold In Uganda
Papal Bloodline Intel
The State Of The War:
The Great Awakening Accelerates

Judy Byington Report, Excerpt, 30.6.2022:    here

The recent SCOTUS decisions have been incredibly important for all Americans:
Protected the unborn – decision for abortions was the duty of the states, saving countless babies from abortion
Protected 2nd Amendment rights – you don’t need a special reason to carry a concealed weapon
Protected prayer & free speech – prayer in the school is OK
Protected school choice
Protected election integrity – non citizens cannot vote in elections

White Hat Intel:
Baby formula destruction: In 2021 a Whistleblower came forward and EXPOSED the poisoning of Infants through baby formula. 
The FDA received a whistleblower report in October 2021 alleging Abbott officials falsified records, released untested infant formula and hid information during a 2019 FDA audit. Officials didn't interview the whistleblower until late December and didn't inspect the plant until Jan. 31, according to U.S. lawmakers.
Report a mass extinction EVENT was averted using deadly baby formula to target infants. This Deep State Event would coincide with blaming the unvaccinated spreading the virus to infants or animals spreading a pathogen to infants.
The Military White Hat Alliance stepped in and ordered all destruction of the baby formulas.
Current Military investigation and indictments ongoing through the Law of War. The government power was handed to Military Sector's on January 21, 2022.
The Law of War, Continuity of Government and Devolution Plan were currently in effect.

Attention Parents: The Top 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Inject Your Child:
Dr. Peterson Pierre: "It's time to say no. The future of the next generation rests with us."
1.) Children have a 99.997% chance of a complete recovery.
2.) The shots are still experimental.
3.) They don't stop infection or transmission.
4.) The New York State Department of Health determined that after two doses, the effectiveness was 12%.
5.) The booster trials never looked at efficacy.
6.) The CDC has already acknowledged that kids who have gotten the shot are more likely to get infected with COVID than kids who have never gotten the shot.
7.) Kids who get the shot are more prone to pericarditis, myocarditis, and hepatitis.
8.) Pfizer's data shows that you have a 107 times greater chance of death from the shot than you do from getting infected.


Mike Adams, HRR: Steve Quayle's team discovered astonishing artifacts depicting ancient alien contact with humanity here

New Clif High: The War We Are in, Where People Are and Predictions of Food Riots in August here



Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward & Doug Billings: Huge Updates and Events On the Way! here


Mike Adams, HHR: Situation Update, June 27, 2022 - Roe decision brings us CLARITY on the LUCIFERIANS running the abortion child sacrifice cult here


Jetson White: The New West IS the Plan to Save the World here

Patriot Underground: Jetson White Interview here
Thoth's Spaceship & Jetson's Assignment
The Crystal Core Copy Retrieval
Giza Pyramids and Torsion Energy
Saints & Starseeds
The Trump Time Travel Series: John Titor & JFK Jr.
Doomsday Device: Enemy Consciousness & 5G
Zombie Apocalypse Near Death Experience
Rapture Event: Tesla 3-6-9 Tech & Divine Stargate Travel
Experiences On ASVs & Training For The New West
4.11 Takeover Series: Watch The Water
UFO Activity In DC


Patriot Underground Episode 225 here
Roe V Wade Decision Commentary
Re-Emergence Of Q
SCOTUS Under White Hat Control
Justice No Longer Denied
Protecting The Innocent
Breaking The Curse On America
Will SCOTUS Reverse 2020?
Will Public Reaction Require Military Intervention?
Puzzle Pieces Coming Together
Landmark 2A Decision: Expansion Of Right To Self-Defense
Faith Tested, Faith Rewarded

Simon Parkes CC: Intel, Questions and Answers here

BREAKING! The EPIC Return of Q! Brand New Drops From The Real Q on The Official Board on 8Kun! PLUS, Q's Impossible 4-Year Delta on Roe V. Wade Being Overturned! here
It’s All Happening Now! We’re Witnessing Military Precision! Those Responsible For The [Coup Attempt] Against President Donald J. Trump, Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only The Beginning! 
Trump And The Q Team Set A Trap! [They] Took The Bait! Trump Caught Them All! When Do You Play The Trump Card? At The End of The Game!
We’re in Biblical Times! A Flood is Coming! Prepare. A D5 Avalanche [Think DECLAS] is Coming! It’s Checkmate on The Deep State Cabal And Nothing Can Stop It! Nothing!
We’re At The Precipice! Ultimately We, The People, Are The Plan! It’s A Worldwide Military & Civilian Alliance! It’s Never Been Done Before! 
The Cabal Has Partnered With Corrupt Politicians, The Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations And The Hollywood And Entertainment Industries to Destroy Our Great Nation! We’re Truly In A Battle of Good vs. Evil. It’s The Battle of Our Lives to Save Our Country, Our Children and Our Future! Spoiler Alert: In The End, God Wins! The Best Truly is Yet To Come!
The John Durham Investigation is Heating Up! Hillary Clinton, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Our Corrupt 3-Letter Agencies (CIA/FBI/DOJ) Are Being Implicated! No One Gets A Free Pass! Patriots Are in Full Control! Trump’s RICO Lawsuit Continues to Advance! China’s on The Brink of Invading Taiwan! 
Corrupt Politicians And Their Fake News Propaganda Media Partners Will All Be EXPOSED For Their Crimes Against Humanity! Soon [They] Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street!
It Had To Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections And Save Our Children From The Real Pandemic: Child Sex Trafficking! Patriots can prove everything! But the longer we wait, the more The Deep State is Exposed! Every Scenario Was Planned For! The Whole World is Watching! A Biblical Flood is Coming! We Had To Walk Through The Darkness Before We Could See The Light!
Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of These United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard!
Arrests & Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons will all end up in GITMO for High Treason!

New Benjamin Fulford Massive Summer Update: Russian Special Forces - Stocks Fall - Freemasons Reveal the Pope Will Step Down here
Usually when stocks fall bonds rise, in this case we are seeing both plummeting along with crypto which is down 2/3′s. We are also observing the systematic collapse of the E.U. , in other words we are watching the boycott of the Khazarian mafia and their fake regimes in the U.S, Canada, Germany and France. Russian special forces continue to take out bio-labs all over the world. Biden threatens the world with another pandemic.
The P-3 freemasons reveal that the fake pope Francis will step down,, so the Khazarian’s can install another fake pope, this time being from Africa and they want this to happen during famine and starvation. A massive Obama Intel drop, along with the reason he was able to operate so long. We are also waiting to hear from the military about the death and or removal of the fake Biden regime. That and alot more in this Friday 6/24/2022 update.

Judy Byington Report, 25.6.2022 here
Military on High Alert!
Patriots Urged to Stay Home!
Nationwide Protests Planned for Fri-Sat Onward Across the US in 40 Major Cities After 
Supreme Court Rulings on Abortion and Gun Control Went Against Cabal Narrative 
There was a large number of Antifa calling for violence, riots and other attacks in DC, Chicago, Austin, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Oakland, Albuquerque, San Francisco, Sarasota, Madison, Nashville, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Dallas, Greensboro, Des Moines, Cincinnati, Columbus, Miami, Raleigh, Salt Lake City – 40 large cities in all.

John Perez is the "crypto Nostradamus" and sees a bigger crash coming soon here

In English: Warum auf Deutschland eine Katastrophe zukommt | William Toel here


Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, June 24, 2022 - Putin announces new BRICS global reserve currency project to REPLACE the petrodollar here



Patriot Underground Episode 224 here
Reanalyzing Hollywood Disclosure
Cloaking Truth In Science Fiction
mRNA Modification Plot Analysis
Decoding Enemy Transmissions
Examining The NDE: Different Angles
Cracking The Human Genome
Frequency Weaponized
Modern MK ULTRA Through Nanotech
MSM Trauma Programming
Wargaming The Doomsday Weapon
DNA: Consciousness Key Code
Commandeering The Human Avatar
Staying Openminded

"The Eternal Feminine" - a new book by Dr. Alok Pandey here
Kurt's comment:
Dear Alok, thank you so much for all you do for us. To listen to you speaking about Sri Aurobindo and The Mother is always like going over a bridge to the Eternal World ...


Patriot Underground Episode 223 here
Dr. Medej Jab Intel
Exposing The Medical Establishment
Tetanus Vax Deigned To Cause Sterility
Vaccines Can Abort Pregnancy
Complicity of Doctors
Protecting Their Careers By Keeping Us Sick
Agents Of Big Pharma
Hydrogel: A DARPA Hybridization Weapon
Selling Transhumanism To The Public
Complete Overwrite Of Humanity
5G Bandwith Necessary To Connect AI
Dr. Gupta The Demon
Secret Meetings Reveal The Real Agenda
Human Genome Project: Computers Cracked The Code
Bill Gates Pilots Social Credit In West Africa
Frequency Used To Mimic Covid Symptoms
Vaccine Passport Intel
SCOTUS Ruled Individuals With Modified Genome Can Be Patented and Owned
Legalizing Human Trafficking
Luciferace Bioluminescent Crystals
Biohacking The Transhuman Computer
LED Lights Are A Weapon






Bix Weir - Trump Got The Ball Rolling, Next It Was Putin, Now Xi Will Finish It here

Excerpt from Judy Byington Report, 16.6.2022:    here

Judy Byington Note:
How do you bring Civilization into a full Digital banking control? Through hunger and starvation. The planned Deep State Event of food shortages will be blamed on the war and food distribution collapse. Then the Deep State government will step in as heroes and give out food rations and free money $$, but you have to register through their digital Banking system that will control your Banking. If you break any of the agreements of the long worded pressed digital agreement, your bank accounts will be frozen. Or your find your assets frozen.

From White Hat Intel:
The enemy excels in creating and controlling distractions to keep We the People's focus off the truth. The fight for abortion "rights" creates an emotional response for "women's rights," while ignoring the fact they are murdering children for a Satanic Agenda. The "war" in Ukraine creates an emotional response that begs for more government intervention. The uptick in shootings keep people focused on violence. Monkey Pox and COVID keep people focused on fear. The perpetual cry of "racism" keeps people divided. The January 6th "Committee" keeps people blinded and creates an emotional response that keeps people from understanding that the 2020 election was stolen from the duly-elected President, Donald Trump. UFO discussions keep people focused on what's "out there" while keeping people from realizing what's right before us: the WHO'S plan to strip America of her sovereignty. Food shortages and gas prices keep people fighting to simply survive and creates an emotional response for more governmental assistance and dependence on those who wish us harm. The enemy keeps attacking, but they've forgotten one major thing: God has ALREADY won the war. Satan knows God has already won, but that doesn't stop him from speaking lies.


Patriot Underground: Brad Olsen Interview #4 here
Malevolent NTs: Archons
The Actual Food Chain
Voice to Skull Projection
Project Bluebeam
Anunnaki Tinkering With DNA
Elite’s Right To Rule
Religion As Mind Control
Pure Humans
Transhumanist Agenda
Terraforming Earth
The Moon: A Doomsday Device?
Hollow Interior
Weather Manipulation
Chemtrails Spraying HCQ?
White Hat Transparency
NDE Scenarios
Watch The Water: Potomac Op?
5D Consciousness
What the Great Awakening Really Means


Mike Adams, HRR: Situation Update, June 14, 2022 - Crypto CONTAGION and clot shot CARNAGE here


Alok Pandey: East and West here

Alok Pandey: Psychic Being and Coming to the Ashram here


Kerry Cassidy & Nino Commentary
South America Military Buildup
Russian Troops in Nicaragua
Chinese Troops in Mexico
Cartels In The Crosshairs
Cutting Off The Head Of The Snake
Clowns Control The Trafficking
Illegal Armed Caravan
How Do We Source Truth?
Cartels Control Both Sides Of The Border
Full Scale Psychological Warfare
Juan’s Concept Of Consensus
We The People Still Have Teeth
Our Fighting Spirit Has Only Gotten Stronger
Gas Prices Will Lead to crime spike
Doctors Most Indoctrinated
Will They Do Another Lockdown?
NDE: What It Really Means
What Happens Between Now And Midterms


Simon Parkes: 2022 06 11 Connecting Consciousness here




Alok Pandey: Jivatma, Atma and Paramatma here
Alok Pandey: Soul and Psychic Being here
Kurt's comment:
Dear Alok,
thank you so much for adressing from time to time the subject Jivatman-Soul-Psychic Being - only the subjects like the Supermind and the Avatarhood may be even or more important - because almost nobody who tries to follow Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, is aware of the high importance of these three interconnected aspects of the Divine for the Supramental Yoga.
Sri Aurobindo Ma.

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 6/6/22 here
Kurt's comment:
Look around minute 51. Conspiracy Theory or Practice ???



Are we headed for 'slavery'? Gold is insurance against 'total control' - Bob Moriarty here
Kurt's comment:
The host was not prepared for these truth bombs on his mainstream channel ...


Patriot Underground Episode 215 here
Biden Praises Police Response in TX
Nation Disgusted With Stand Down Order
Texas DPS: Police Feared Getting Shot
Usual Suspects Blaming The Gun
New Details Emerge: Same Pattern
Human Instinct Rising
MSM Narrative Collapse
Midlevel Cabal Targets Scrambling
Cartels In The Crosshairs
Fluidity of Timelines
Midterm Analysis: Spotlight on Election Fraud
Abandoning Fear
Monkeypox Insanity



Lin Wood Exposed? Retired Navy Seal David Hancock Explains here


Patriot Underground: Jim Willie Interview #2 here
Vaccine Implied Consent
Commandeering the Rights of Parents
Vaccine Induced AIDS
Gene Therapy Deception
Human Meat In Food Supply
Putin Rescuing Children
Ukraine Intel
UN Rejects Russian Evidence From Biolabs
Benevolent NT Assistance
Depravity of SRA
NATO Developments
Military Action in Central America to Take Down Cartels
CIA Controls the Drug Trade
CCP Attempt To Colonize West Coast
Newsome Interrogation and Execution
Look Alike Contests
China Commentary
CCP Will Fall
Mt Weather Intel
AI War
EBS Scenarios
WH Focus Groups
Disclosure Analysis
















An interview with Scott Ritter, former Marine and U.N. weapons inspector, about the war in Ukraine and what will happen if Finland and Sweden join Nato.
Kurt's comment: This is also a warning to the people of Austria !!!




Patriot Underground Episode 205 here
Biden's Disinformation Board
Ministry of Desperation
Minority Posing as Majority
Illusion Being Shattered
Walls Closing in on MSM
DeSantis on the Offensive
Disney in the Crosshairs
Elon Musk--Judge a Man by His Action
Punches Incoming--Cabal Isn't Ready
Palpable Panic in DC








Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: Essays on the Gita CWSA 19 (1) here
Posting and Answer:
Go Govindha:
Christ did not humanize Europe, sorry, but his great teachings from the tree of life (surrender of the ego and resurrection to the Atman or the true self or Christ Consciousness)  were destroyed from the unholy Saul by his dogma from a hereditary or original sin. By this he bound the so-called Christianity, better Saulism, to the old Jewish Asura or the first Archon Jaldabaoth or Jahaveh and the tree of knowledge, the way to separate from God. Therefore Abrahamism was never a true religion but the ideology of separation by identification with thinking. They never focused the ONE, they want to have "the only one" - Abrahamism is A-Brahman - denial of the ONE. The ideology of "the only one" and the wrong idea to subdue the earth in combination with a perverted idea of work and success - all this until the agenda of the WEF is the work of the Asura. Nothing from Christ is in this, nothing from Mohammed, its old Jewish capitalism but nothing humanized. Western civilizations still following the tree of knowledge not knowing what they are representing, namely negation of spirituality, materialism, capitalism with all the greed, the wanting, the domination - in short the evil what they are spreading over all the world, Westernization. What they call "transhumanism" is dehumanizing, they are the heirs of Vatican and the churches, dark-men.
Alok Pandey:
We must differentiate Christ from Christianity, Buddha from Buddhism, Krishna from Krishna Consciousness and so on and so forth. Each religion suffers this distorting influence by the Asura. Hinduism largely escaped this fate because of its background of Sanatana Dharma which allowed within itself the evolutionary principle beautifully indicated in the parable of Avatars and the idea of rebirth as also by accepting the Master as being greater than the Teaching (Sabdabrahmativartate) and multiplicity of paths and catholicity of approach. This, not being available to the middle East and the West, the natural corrective was lost. Though even there we see movements of revival wherein true seekers tried to find the core of a teaching, such as the Gnostics and the Sufis, but these were overwhelmed by the majority and hence could hardly escape extinction or some sort of distortion. This tendency of degradation of spiritual truths is far worse where religion is institutionalised. This is what has happened to the Khalsa Panth where the great and mighty teachings of Guru Nanak Dev and Guru Govind Singh are being used as a political tool and the average Sikh is either suffering it silently or else accepting it blindly. All such organised religions become tools in the hand of the Asura of falsehood who uses its shell for expanding his empire over earth and humanity and surely Christianity and Islam are two obvious examples. It is however equally true that if the seeking is genuine then even a darkest religion can yield its drop of light and the genuine seeker can use it to discover God who is everywhere. That is what the life of Sri Ramakrishna demonstrated. 
However, what is being told here is not about the religion that followed Christ but the personality of Christ himself that, to use the Indian conception of Avatarhood, does suggest a manifestation of divinity. This manifestation of the Divine in humanity or in the guise of a human cloak has its action cutting through the human resistance and those who are ready awaken to the call and undergo the needed change. Unfortunately, this action is often least seen in the followers of an institutionalized religion that is erected in the name of the Divine being. It is an unseen and powerful action that changes humanity from within by shifting it in the direction that the Avatar had come to do. The advent of Christ did shift humanity from a semi-barbaric state where people were stoned and crucified to a more human approach due to the outflowing of piety, the growth of humanism and the urge towards individual liberty.
Of course, the aphorism mentioned is by Sri Aurobindo who apart from his profound yogic insights and knowledge had carefully and thoroughly studied history (as is evident in several of his writings, especially The Human Cycle) and knew the historical events and their aftereffects from inside out. But that belongs to the realm of revelation which can only be disputed by another revelation rather than the light of reason and its inadequate data. However, both Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna as also many other Hindu saints did accept Christ as a divine manifestation in the grand scheme of things and there is a fair amount of unanimity as far as Christ and his work is concerned. What Christianity did to Christ is another matter.
Let us conclude with two passages from the Mother as well as magnificent lines from Savitri.
“When Christ came upon earth, he brought a message of brotherhood, love and peace. But he had to die in pain, on the cross, so that his message might be heard. For men cherish suffering and hatred and want their God to suffer with them. They wanted this when Christ came and, in spite of his teaching and sacrifice, they still want it; and they are so attached to their pain that, symbolically, Christ is still bound to his cross, suffering perpetually for the salvation of men.”
“In the Essays on the Gita Sri Aurobindo mentions the names of three Avatars, and Christ is one of them. An Avatar is an emanation of the Supreme Lord who assumes a human body on earth. I heard Sri Aurobindo himself say that Christ was an emanation of the Lord’s aspect of love.
The death of Caesar marked a decisive change in the history of Rome and the countries dependent on her. It was therefore an important event in the history of Europe.
But the death of Christ was the starting-point of a new stage in the evolution of human civilisation. This is why Sri Aurobindo tells us that the death of Christ was of greater historical significance, that is to say, it has had greater historical consequences than the death of Caesar.”
(the Mother)
Hard is it to persuade earth-nature’s change;
Mortality bears ill the eternal’s touch:
It fears the pure divine intolerance
Of that assault of ether and of fire;
It murmurs at its sorrowless happiness,
Almost with hate repels the light it brings;
It trembles at its naked power of Truth
And the might and sweetness of its absolute Voice.
Inflicting on the heights the abysm’s law,
It sullies with its mire heaven’s messengers:
Its thorns of fallen nature are the defence
It turns against the saviour hands of Grace;
It meets the sons of God with death and pain.
A glory of lightnings traversing the earth-scene,
Their sun-thoughts fading, darkened by ignorant minds,
Their work betrayed, their good to evil turned,
The cross their payment for the crown they gave,
Only they leave behind a splendid Name.
Go Govindha:
Thank you, I deeply appreciate your detailed reply. What troubles my mind is the passage of Sri Aurobindo: "the death of Christ was the starting-point of a new stage in the evolution of human civilisation." The abuse of true religion is a typical sign of falling ages, i.e. degeneration, loss of truth, falsehood, and so on. The concept of evolution in the meaning of Sri Aurobindo is cyclic, not linear, so, like you said, "the light of reason and its inadequate data" are too insufficient for a full understanding. What I would apply for is the light to jump over the gap. Because what I can see is a nearly constant process of decadency from the Roman Empire to the "Imperium Americanum" with all the cruelty which happened on the way. This constant degeneration leads until the present where brotherhood sounds like science fiction. Even the smallest attempt of equal judgement escalates to warmongering and whoever illegal the intervention of Russia seems to be - the true aggressor is the West and only the West, and this again and again since the first Christianisation,  crusades, inquisition, reformation, colonialism, imperialism, Globalisation. Even their greatest ideas, like humanism and human rights, are not worth the paper they are written on, they are full of ethnocentrism excluding other cultures, animals, nature etc., full of the arrogance of the rich above the starving. How to jump forever over the gap between inner calming and outside terror? How not to see that mankind is an insane step on the way? And how to eat for ever and not only in some silent hours from the tree of life?
Alok Pandey:
I understand your concerns and apprehensions and share them as well. It is not just about Christianity, the human species in general seems almost a dangerous attempt of Nature to leap beyond herself. Yet there is always a wisdom that works in the most seemingly casual steps of Nature that one can only trust that all that has happened and still would happen are steps of wisdom that transcends our limited mental comprehension. But most of all my hope in a luminous future for earth and humanity, despite the appearances lies in an implicit faith and complete trust in the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. To paraphrase their words I would say that the great epic of creation is not yet over. The last page of the story of creation is yet to be written and the last Act of God has just begun. Let us wait for the last scene or rather prepare ourselves to play out our roles as assigned by Her.

Alok Pandey: Redemption and the Second Coming here


Alok Pandey: The Present Conditions and the Way Forward (RE 132) here


Benjamin Fulford: Wochenbericht vom 28.03.2022 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 27.3.2022:    here

Judy Note:
I made a mistake in the March 25 Update in reporting on the United Network Global News and Elon Musk which claimed, “On Fri. 18 March the Deep State, using their puppet Elon Musk and his Starlight Satellite System, tried to destroy the US financially and physically.” That information has been traced back to Kimberly Goguen, whom I believe is a Deep State player. I apologize to Mr. Musk and for any misinformation that was spread because of that report. A big Thank You to Freelance Investigative Reporter RE Sutherland for bringing the situation to my attention.

Dangers of 5-G:
They are now installing 5G technology even in the street lamps. The narrative of course, has a fancy explanation. They say by equipping light poles with sensors and 5G gear, cities can measure traffic, parking, noise, crowds, pollution, weather and other conditions. Driver's love them, moths love them, what's not to love? Well, If only it weren't for those pesky nosebleeds, insomnia, cancer, mental-health issues and possible birth defects. Everything 5G related is dangerous. It's literally a frying radiation. The 5G technology is going to be the new chemtrails if we don't stop them.
5G transmitters are not only hidden in chimneys, church steeples, church crosses, street lamps, bollards, street signs and extra rented houses, they also transmit from manhole covers and we walk right over them without any distance or live right next to them! All this is a deliberate felony with incalculable consequences and genocide! The psychopaths, whom we also still obey and to whose laws we adhere, fight us on all only conceivable levels! By the way, with 5G it is possible to look directly into the houses and apartments and even in a 3D view!

White Hats: PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND RELEASES REPORT mRNA vaccines are destroying people's immune system:
Data shows that the double vaccinate between 40 to 70 years old have already damaged over 40% of their immune system capabilities and were losing an additional 5% per week.
Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, has conducted over 100 thousand COVID-19 lab tests and found the mRNA vaccines are causing severe auto immune disorders.
Dr. David Bauer Top World virologist also confirms Pfizer Vaccines destroying the immune system after two shots.
Epstein-Maxwell-CIA-Mossad M16 Deep State Elite blackmailers who ran human trafficking through the Clinton Foundation using the Rothschild Estate, connected the funding to Rockefellers-Gates Vaccine Companies.
The two ( Epstein and Maxwell) evil world elite human traffickers that blackmailed almost every high ranking official, military officials,  entertainment industry, scientific community elite official around the world with sexual pedophilia set ups, death threats,  bribes and cohesion methods initiated by the CIA MKultra Mind Control Projects.
The DAVOD (devil's) group & UN help fund Maxwell and create a new [ fake] environmental nonprofit organization The TerraMar Project that gave her rights to immunity as being the head of a fake Ocean/Sea Country estate – which gave her rights to a submarine and travel the world without question, entering countries under oceans, underground base without question.
The world's largest human trafficking industry connected to US Presidents Clinton and Obama, UN, NATO and most major countries.
This powerful elite system created by the Deep State Cabal infiltrated every nation and military rankings, took control of Mainstream Media CEOs, and reached into the pharmaceutical companies, big tech companies and controlled Hollywood at the highest levels.


Patriot Underground Episode 187 here
Analysis: Trump's Commentary on Putin
3D Ignorance Vs. 5D Discernment
Q and Trump's Role in History
Why Putin Must Be Demonized
The Failure of the Initial Strategy
Why Devolution Was Chosen


The Challenge and the Victory (MS24) Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri here





Simon Parkes: 21st March 2022 Update Current News here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 20.3.2022:    here

Russia-Ukraine “War” Connected to CV-19 and Bio-Weapon Labs across the globe:
Covid 19 did not escape from Wuhan. With the court-ordered release of Pfizer documents on 1 March, we were just now discovering that North Carolina University Chapel Hill level 4 lab. of Duke University was the origination point of Sars Covid 19.
The real truth was that hundreds of U.S. funded 333 Biolabs across the world received the SARS and other pathogens from the U.S, grew the Pathogens in mass formation (multiplied the production of the SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, ect) and then released the Pathogens in sequence on many countries. 
The Russian so-called attack on Ukraine created a False Flag War. The real purpose of Putin going into Ukraine was to destroy the thirty-three US CIA funded Bio-Weapon labs in Ukraine – the center of Deep State Operations. The Pathogens were set to be released on the public next Fall as part of the Depopulation Plan of the Deep State. The latest Pathogen was designed to kill only people of a particular race – Russian.
Meanwhile Ukraine Nazi Deep State government was killing it’s own people and blaming it on the Russians. Another Ukrainian OTR-21 Tochka ballistic missile was found at the port of Berdyansk. This one too was intercepted by Russia air defenses before the warhead could reach its target. Russian troops claim that Ukraine was launching its limited stockpile across the front lines, and at cities and towns far to the rear, where there were little to no Russia troops. It was believed that Kiev wanted to use as many of it’s missiles as possible now, before remaining launchers and missiles could be destroyed in Russian airstrikes while in transit or storage.
While the Main Stream Media distracted the public with fake news about Ukraine – the center of Deep State operations - the Play Book of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Chinese Communist Party and Khazarian Mafia called for controlling civilization through a war on food distribution and digital banking in an operation named Lock Step.
Having created hunger and starvation by interrupting global food supply chains, the Deep State government would then step in as heros and give out food rations and free money, but you would have to register through their digital banking system that controlled your banking and connection to the new system. 
If you broke any agreements of a long worded pressed digital document, your bank accounts and assets would be frozen. You could not speak/write or share misinformation on the current pandemic procedures, vaccines, virus origins, war info. That would contradict the mainstream narration.
While the White Hats were behind the scenes channeling this Deep State Lock Step Plan into a Great Awakening and Global Currency Reset, it was strongly advised to have enough food, fuel, cash and essential supplies for 30-90 days.



Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot: CREATING HUMANITY 3.0: X-MEN BIOLAB VAX ACTIVATION here

Q Operation Explained by Riccardo Bosi 🐸 12/3/2022 here

How the Real World Works with Riccardo Bosi | Part 1/2 ☕ 13/3/22 here





We talk about white hats, the dark side players, Trump, Putin and why no one wants to tell the people the truth …

Rob Mercury: Gene Decode clarification on Queen Romana - 13 March 2022 here
Queen Romana as an asset of the White Hat Alliance has abused her power.


3.14.22 Scott McKay on "The Tipping Point", Overwatch Monster Intel Drop here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.3.2022:    here

Judy Note:
The Storm of the Century is upon us. The Global Currency Reset would be at any moment, with some countries already gone. The Russian discovery of documents proving the Cabal, led by Obama, had set up 336 bio-weapon labs in 30 countries, allowing the New World Order to begin their reign next Fall by unleashing dangerous pathogens upon the general public.
The 34 nation Alliance wasn’t about to let that happen. Among many other Chess Moves in this secret war of Good against Evil, the Alliance had planned a Global Currency Reset to take The People’s taxpayer monies away from the Cabal and return it back to The People.
Meanwhile in preparation, it was advised to secure at least 2-3 weeks (perhaps even more) worth of food, fuel, cash and essential items. The UN warns that world food prices, which have already reached record levels, could jump by another 22%.



William Toel: The Secrets of the New World Order here
Kurt's comment:
Dancing with Demons (DWD), a German truth seeker, has warned that Toel is working undercover for Klaus Schwab's hidden NWO agenda. But what can be said against Toel's statements in this video? Nothing, in my opinion. I can only subscribe to every sentence. Instead of "Christian" I would just say "spiritual", because I do not limit spirituality to following Jesus Christ, who is only one of many Avatars of the Divine. Of course, we can question Toel's claim that he is "a guardian of the walls of the Germans sent by God" (min 1:53) to open the eyes of the Germans about the false spirit of the world and its NWO agenda. Only by Toel's actions will we know whether he is a false prophet or not.


Patriot Underground: Kerry Cassidy Interview #2 here
Deep State Escalation: Pushing For World War
Bioweapons Targeting Specific Bloodlines
White Hats Not Destroying Bioweapons?
Moves And Countermoves
CA National Guard On Standby For Ukraine
NATO & Zelensky Poking The Bear
Brewing Nuclear Standoff Event
Division Within The Military
Worldwide Perception & MSM
Gitmo/Tribunals Discussion
What's Going On With Truth Social?
Juan O Savin / JFK Jr. Analysis
Patriots' Responsibility To Pursue The Truth


Benjamin Fulford and Kimberly Goguen Special Interview here
Kurt's notes: According to Goguen, Trump has died a month ago, a doppelganger is playing his role.

Kurt's notes: According to Goguen, Trump is part of the Deep State which is divided in two parts fighting each other, but both parts are against the peoples and humanity.

Helping Freedom Win: Trump, Queen Romana, and Kim Goguen here

Kerry Cassidy’s LATEST Interview With Patriot Dave: Ukraine, Antarctica, Atlantis, Ashayana Deane, Hopeum, Simon Parkes, Juan O’Savin, and More here
Kurt's comment: One of the deepest analysis of the whole world situation.


Simon Parkes Urgent Updates: Russia/Ukraine Truth, New Kingdom Age Coming here


Patriot Underground: Gene Decode Interview #7 here
Race-Specific Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine
Putin Taking Down The Khazarian Mafia
Ancient Bloodline Analysis
Satanic Ritual Symbology
DUMBs Update
Omicron Variant: Secret Antidote
China/Taiwan Intel
Zionists Grip On Israel
Cryptocurrency Deception
Frequency and Remote Viewing
Thoughts on Ascension



The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia here


Patriot Underground: Brad Olsen Interview #2 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 26.2.2022:    here

Black Swan Scare Event:
The switch has been flipped! Remember, you are in the biggest military psychological operation in human history. You are watching a movie!
A Planned False Flag scare event Russia war is happening right now. What you see on fake news TV is only 1% of the reality. You're missing the 99%. Q says, scare event necessary. This is it!
Like Trudeau in Canada declaring emergency act for couple days. Do you really think it was only to remove couple trucks from the city? That is what fake news TV told people and wants people to think to awaken them. That was just a distraction. They did WAY more in the back.
Fake war between Russia and Ukraine. This will trigger cyberattacks not only in Ukraine but worldwide which will trigger World war 3. 
The global market crash started already and it will be way worst now. 
The cyber attacks and market crash will trigger the Global Reset, shutdown of communications and Internet for 3+10 days. So people will be spared to see the huge crash and panic too much.
They will then move to the new QFS Quantum Financial System under GESARA NESARA. And a new world will emerge from there.
All the videos footage you see on fake news are mostly old footage NOT happening right now. It's been filmed in the past and/or it's CGI, VGX, etc.
When you get cyber attacked on pipelines, banks, essential infrastructures it is an act of war against the country, they will then trigger martial law.
Most countries will trigger martial law NOT to go to war with guns and jets but to do way more. They use martial law to make mass arrests of corrupt people for crimes against humanity. They use this to in store faster in emergency the new quantum financial system, to get things done way faster than usually possible.

Corona Virus Cover Operation Genius Patriot’s Plan:
1. Getting civilians and children off the streets, schools and public events would prevent the Cabal from doing mass killings, distraction, or to take revenge.
2. Quarantine: cover for mass arrests “self Quarantine” is the world leaders and Hollywood celebrity version of the CEO “resignation.”
3. Shut down airports and borders = no escape for the Cabal.
4. Capture/execute Cabal figures and celebrities swiftly without having to Red Pill the public, which can come later after the dust has settled.
5. 0% payroll tax extend the April 15 tax deadline, restructure the IRS, cut off tax revenue to corrupt IRS money funneling to the Cabal.
6. Draining the Swamp Operation was disguised as a public health safety response.

War in Ukraine:
Russia invaded Ukraine as it wanted to throw out the “neo-Nazi” regime, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday, adding that Kremlin is ready for talks if the Ukraine military surrenders.
Fireworks and celebrating in Donbas after Putin recognized their sovereignty.
Ukrainian Nazi battalion troops fighting under the Swastika and Hitler salute.
Putin announced he is conducting a military operation for the "denazification" of Ukraine
The Cabal/UN/NATO/Biden/Obama/Hillary Clinton Alliance want a war in the Ukraine in order to make money off the war as they have with other wars in the past, though they mainly support war in the Ukraine in order to destroy evidence of Obama Era money laundering, plus destroy evidence of Europe’s largest Human Trafficking Ring run out of Biden owned property in the Ukraine.
The NATO backed Ukrainian AZOV battalion was a Nazi group. This was why Russia was conducting a de-Nazification Operation of Ukraine.
The Biden/Obama corruption in the Ukraine was about world money laundering schemes connected to Iran and their blackmail of Obama. They set him up with a fake Osama Bin Laden decoy. They know Obama lied to the American people that he had Bin Laden killed. Iran set the trap into place and was paid billions in cash by Obama, which they laundered through their human trafficking, drug and gun running in the Ukraine.
The Ukraine was the epicenter of corruption for the political establishment with ties to the Clinton foundation and liberal politics in America. Victor Pinchuk, George Soros and Ihor Kolomoisky all funded Deep State agendas worldwide, and all based out of Ukraine.
George Soros has controlled Ukraine since 2012. He was inserted by the Davos Group and backed by Obama, the UN, NATO and the CIA.
The United Nations: The Decisions Of The Coming Days Will Determine The Fate Of The World:

Ukraine/White Hat Army
The Ukraine is the epicenter of corruption for the political establishment. Victor Pinchuk, George Soros, Ihor Kolomoisky… All funding “deep state” agendas worldwide, all based out of Ukraine. We know their ties to the Clinton foundation and liberal politics in America.
If Trump was going to truly drain the swamp, he would have to tackle the corruption in Ukraine. The oligarchs have funded their own militaries in previous color revolutions. Trump could, wouldn’t be able to take them down without a fight. So if Trump is going to clean up Ukraine he would likely need boots on the ground to do it.
It’s no secret that Putin hates Soros as he banned him from Russia long ago, and it’s also no secret that Putin despised the “Deep State” tactics of implementing color revolutions to overthrow pro-Russian leaders and install ones that would play ball with the “deep state.”
It’s speculated by many that Putin could be working with Trump in the fight against the “Deep State” and it’s hard to argue with. 
Boots on the ground were likely necessary to fully remove the problem in Ukraine, but Trump couldn’t invade Ukraine with US troops. Somebody else would have to do it. However, if somebody like Putin were to do it while Trump was president, it would make Trump look weak and the media would have a field day. What better time to clean up the mess in Ukraine than with Biden in office? Kills two birds with one invasion. You make the Biden administration and the MSM look like fools, while taking on the “Deep State” in one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. 
Putin is simultaneously helping Trump to serve up red-pills while fixing a problem that actually benefits the USA and the rest of the world – the denazification of Ukraine.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine.
Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, and nobody has the right to be without them Russia's consent to dispose of this area.
Basically, now all Russia has to do is declare that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an internal matter of Russia.
Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want!


Putin Tells Trump, “We’re Burning the Trash.” Biolaboratories Destroyed here

Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Goldbusters: UKRAINE CRISIS - GOLD SET TO SOAR? here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 25.2.2022:    here

Get Ready
Military is the Only Way

Ukraine Crisis
Russia has told the United States and NATO that its main demands "have not been taken into account" and warned of an inevitable nuclear missile crisis if no action was taken.

Because of the worldwide unrest it is advised to have 2-3 weeks worth supply of food, cash, fuel, medical supplies and essentials on hand.

Today Thurs. 24 Feb the headlines read:
“Russia invaded Ukraine in Europe's 'darkest hours' since WWII,” although at the same time Russian troops were celebrating with Ukrainian locals who had welcomed the Russian army as peacekeepers. By mid morning Russian Flags appeared in all of the Ukraine, the locals having greeted the Russian army as liberators.
For the past eight years the Ukraine had been an Illuminati stronghold housing Deep State biological weapons labs. Cabal Governments around the world were opposing Russia’s claims to its own territories, while the Cabal-controlled Mass Media was pushing World War III had started in Ukraine, although didn’t even mention Israel’s bombing of Syria last night. 
ISRAEL: Organ Trafficking Capital of the World:

World War III Has Begun Armageddon:
It’s Going to be Biblical. Putin Launches "Military Operation" In Ukraine. Israel Bombs Damascus Syria in the Middle of the Night. It’s a Nuclear Standoff Centered on destruction of Ukraine Deep State Biological Weapons Labs, while news last night the Israel bombing of Syria was too distracted by the Russian invasion to challenge US funded atrocities.

Wars and Rumors of Wars:
The headlines read, “Russia invaded Ukraine in Europe's 'darkest hours' since WWII,” although once there today Thurs. 24 Feb, Russian troops began celebrating with Ukrainian locals who welcomed the Russian army as peacekeepers.
President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine and warned other countries that any attempt to interfere with the Russian action would lead to “consequences they have never seen.”
Globalists need to start a world war to cover up HEART ATTACKS AND STROKES, Death and harmful side effects of the CLOT SHOT. …Sergeant News Network
Fox News Tucker Carlsen: “The Ukraine isn't a democracy. It's a US State Department client state.”
By mid morning Russia claimed to have bombed 70 Military targets including 11 Air Fields in the Ukraine.
Russia preparing to blow up the dams on the Dnipro River so water can flow to Crimea.
The request for Russia to come and help them was signed by the leaders of the two new Republics on the 22nd. Yet it was only announced today. That means it was all well planned in advance. It’s all part of a well written Russian textbook!
Russians firing at Military installations in Ukraine: HOLY SHIT! I think I may be onto something about #Ukraine. Zelensky said the Russians are firing at “military installations”. How broad is that term?
Ukraine has US biological weapons depot labs financed by the US Department of Defense. Ukraine is hiding Deep States Crimes against Humanity.
It's not in the MSM News, but the world is currently in a Nuclear Standoff. You just haven't been told yet. When you suspend a countries major export (sanction Gas, Oil, petroleum) that supplies the full economic system that brings in food and resources and keeps hundreds of millions of Military personal/ doctors, hospitals, /education system/, workers, ect. dependent on their economic structure to a threat and to a coming hault. You can believe the country men and leaders of that country will go to war against those who sanctioned their means of survival.
Ukraine: You thought them vs Russia? Think again. Think 1991 to 1992. Bush met with Russian head Yeltsin. Yeltsin was NWO btw. No legal document to make Ukraine a country. Dummy country. So what was Ukraine purpose? Think Ukraine embassy. Burisma. Weapons running. Drugs too. Human Trafficking. Fall guy dummy country. Uranium One? Some of all fears? False flag Nuke? Full circle. “They have it all, I’m Sorry”— Bush 41 on cards at D5. Deep State has no bounds!
Lithuania to impose emergency following Ukraine invasion: president.
China says military operation should not be described as an “invasion", ‘closely watching’ Ukraine situation after Russian attack.
NATO announces the deployment of additional land, air, and maritime assets to the alliance's eastern flank following Russian attack on Ukraine. Watch Turkey. They will flip on NATO then the whole World vs England & Israel. Think Rothschilds not the people. Think 1871 Act Of England. Think Balfour Declaration 1917 signed by UK Rothschilds.
Canada’s PM Trudeau revokes emergency powers amid legal threats and widespread backlash.
Chinese warships defiantly entered #Taiwan's territorial waters.
Turkish owned ship bombed off Coast of Odessa.

Global Financial Crisis:
Global Markets Unravel As Putin Launches "Military Operation" In Ukraine:
The two major indicators of a Stock Market Crash – the Dollar Index skyrocketing 6.15 and price of oil up 5.64% - happened overnight. 
Investors pull billions of dollars from bond and money market funds at fastest pace in years:
Head of Ukraine Foreign Ministry Calls for Russia to be disconnected from the SWIFT global financial system. SWIFT will be disconnected worldwide so we can go to the Global Financial Reset. Go Russia. Get rid of all those Zionist Nazis in Ukraine.
Russian Stock Market already down 50%.
Evergrande Crisis destroys Tether which destroys Bitcoin (BTC). Tether goes down, D.C Defaults, BTC Data Center Internet switched off was the only to kill BTC they said. What is gonna happen to get New Internet on? The other must go off right? Remember they disconnected and shutdown BTC Mining because of Electricity Usage. We are going to Free Energy. Environmentally Better. Think EMF causing Cancer.
Russian assets plummeted approximately $259bn as stocks lost as much as 45%, marking their biggest ever retreat, while the ruble dropped to record lows to the US dollar and insuring Russian debt spiked to highest levels since 2009. (Bloomberg)
Strict sanctions threatened by the EU have prompted markets into freefall, and the Russian Central Bank into emergency action by offering $11.5bn last night in additional liquidity to banks in a repo auction.
Supreme Court of China declares Crypto Currency including Bitcoin fundraising illegal:
Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his banking cartel family from Russia:
Bitcoin slumped to its lowest in a month on Thursday after Russian forces fired missiles at several cities in Ukraine and landed troops on its coast, sparking a sell-off of riskier assets.

DUMBS and Underground Tunnels:
DUMBS News Artificial Intelligence Nuclear Submarine Special Ops, Gene Decode:
The sad INTEL I didn't want to share//but it makes sense now to share since the German broadcast of the 600 dead babies is being talked about.
Last year in Five Finger Lakes in the U.S. where a larger portion of underground tunnels and Sub-tunnels are located that run thru the East Coast Into Canadian territories ...a large Military operation took place in October... And some 200 hundred Soldiers were killed fighting in the underground tunnels>> Black hats trapped the soldiers and exploded the underground base and Tunnel line in the different areas connecting to Five-finder lakes
Since this event last year the current operations have been destroying the TUNNELS at a faster and massive unprecedented levels.  MOST of the NEW operations don't go into the tunnels but give WARNINGs through robotics that travel the TUNNELS....>> and word is if the [DS] bases and commands don't surrender, there is no second chance for surrender and everything is DESTROYED.
Gene Decode also gave hints to this operation where several good (200 he said also) soldiers died... Several other leaks talk about this sad event that happened and changed the way Operations are approached now.


X22 Report: Ep 2711b - Planned Long Ago,[DS] Stronghold & Bio Weapons Destroyed, Trump Never Telegraphs His Moves here
The [DS] is trouble, Ukraine is/was their base of operation. The [DS] was planning another pandemic and developing viruses in Ukraine, Putin took action to shut it all down and to destroy the [DS] stronghold. He is now removing the neo nazis. Trump will never telegraph his moves, but it seems that this was planned long ago. The [DS] is becoming desperate and they are panicking, they are now preparing for a cyber pandemic to shut it all down. They are fighting for their lives and they know they are now cornered.

Patriot Underground Episode 175 here
Big Event Has Started
Russia Targets Khazarian Mafia in Ukraine
MSM Desperate To Control Narrative
Importance of Discernment
Reflections on Kerry Cassidy Interview
China and Taiwan
Q Plan Analysis- Putin and Xi Playing Key Roles
Military Tribunals?
PP Devolution Part 17
Tyranny Continues to Expose Itself
CDC Admits PCR Test is Fake
How Quickly Things Will Turn Around and Why
How 9/11 Foreshadowed the Great Awakening

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 24.2.2022:    here

Dark Winter: All Countries and 32 Nation Alliance Military Were on High Alert:
INSIDE sources say China knows the imminent moment was coming when the U.S. Military would respond against the COVID-19 Bioweapon Attack.
Inside the Pentagon top Generals were waiting for the perfect moment to strike and arrest treasonous Deep State Spies in their Military ranks and government.
Throughout the world in over 60 countries China was positioning their Military Warships and planned to take Taiwan soon.
Biden was weakening Military soldiers by enforcing the vaccines, knowingly well soldiers and military would be divided and provide a perfect time for China to strike and cause chaos through shipping stoppage, energy crisis and shortage of essential supplies.
In every country the Deep State Cabal was working hard to stop the 32 Nation Alliance Military from stepping in and stopping the Depopulation agenda that is connected to resetting the financial system.
Every time the Deep State money goes into major debt and starts to crash they create wars. Their financial institutions cannot sustain growing societies.
The Deep State was starting to withhold energy resources. This would bring the financial collapse.
The Deep State plan was crumbling at many levels. Exposure was leaking. Time was ticking.
There was only one chance for all Military Alliance to strike together on their Deep State governments and Deep State Military. The Chinese Communist Party knows this moment was coming.
These important Chess moves had to happen. The White Hats took a step back as the enemy used up their final moves and energy. Then the strike would happen.
The News is Fake. The War is real.
The Deep State was planning these wars across the world for confusion – to have the sheep look away from the Truth of exposure of the Plandemic, the Bioweapon vaccines.
This fake war was never the less a war, but the White Hat Military will step in before a major Nuclear conflict erupts into a Holocaust.
You are inside this Near Death Civilization Event – Inside the Storm.
It’s important and only common sense to have your 30-60 days of food, water and supplies ready.
. Near Death Civilization Black Swan Event on the Clock - Military on High Alert:
They do everything to keep Durham Report from coming out: floods, chaos, wars, Cyber Attack of the Century, Bioweapon Attack of the Century = mass genocide of the Century.
They want to hide evidence and keep the Deep State Cabal control through fear, death, threats, control of information, create war, Black Swan Events, Events, Events, Events.
The White Hats will use the Black Swan Event to bring in Martial Law and a Military Government.
Mass Arrests will take place in the Days of Darkness. 
The Darkness will scare the sheep.
It’s always darkest before the Light comes.
The most important Summer of the 21st Century.
Watch the Water.
Military is the Only Way.

Biden’s Deep State wants a war to cover up Hunter/Joe Biden dealings in the Ukraine:
A war would insure that Russia takes the Ukraine and the current president Volodymyr Zelensky would be removed and the investigations would cease.
The war in the Ukraine would cover up exposure of the Pandemic and vaccines.
The war would be plastered through all media – Google, Facebook, YouTube, Mainstream Media, Radio, Social Media and create panic.
The saturation of the MSM would try to cover up the Durham investigation into Clintons, Obama and would lead to Fauci and Obama.
The war would cover up the suppression of the Freedom Convoys.
The war would cover up all missing, laundered money across the Deep State world.
The war would try to create a cover for many corrupt European countries, presidents, elites and banks.
The war would bring in the New World Order (UN, NATO).
Currently 32 nations Alliance White Hats have Military generals in every major country getting ready to rebuff the UN, NATO and their own Deep State Military forces that were connected to their corrupted government owned by the Central Banking System and Deep State Cabal.
If all that is planned goes well a World lockdown would ensure after the world Nuclear and Military standoff.
There will be great unrest, confusion and riots.
Protests would lead to Martial Law where White Hats Military in every nation would arrest their own government officials, Media Elites and Deep State Military who colluded in the Pandemic, vaccines bioweapon and those who betrayed their country by working with the Cabal Deep State (Davos, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, World Banks, Vatican, CCP, ect.).
In the next months expect the world’s largest earthquakes to happen.
The Deep State may stick to their fake alien invasion plan, Project Blue Beam

What Trump thinks about the situation with Ukraine: "It's brilliant. Putin declares a significant part of Ukraine independent... That is, Putin is now saying that this part of Ukraine is independent.
White Hats say Putin taking Ukraine will be the downfall of the New World Order. 
Donald Trump says Putin’s assault on Ukraine will embolden China to take Taiwan:
Leaders claim that the New World Order is sunk if Putin gets Ukraine.
The Parliament of Ukraine has officially submitted a draft resolution on declaring martial law in the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, also on closing down the borders with Russia and Belarus and stopping transport links with Russia.
Biden Ukrainian Connection: In 2014, Hunter Biden served on the board of Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, that faced allegations of corruption. Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin was overseeing an active criminal investigation into Burisma, to which Hunter was a business affiliate. Obama administration's point man on Ukraine was Joe Biden, while his son was working for Burisma. Joe told Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that the United States would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was fired. After Joe’s pep talk (quid pro quo) and a little nudge from the (IMF) International Monetary Fund, or Banker Gangsters), the European Union (Royals), and the Obama U.S. government, Viktor Shokin was fired.
Hunter Biden made $850,000 on board of Ukraine gas company. The son of Vice President Joe Biden, a lawyer-lobbyist with no known expertise in the production, transport, or distribution of natural gas, or in the complex financial operations of such a business, was placed on the board of the largest gas company in Ukraine in April 2014 and remained there until spring of this year, netting some $850,000 in payments.
Trump knew this and publicly stated it. President Putin of Russia knows this and that is exactly why he WILL take Ukraine and Biden will do nothing about it. Putin has his own Trump Card. We are seeing it now. 

Q, The Storm Rider: 2-22-2022 = 222222 2x2x2x222 = 1776
The CABAL Deep State deeply believes in many rituals and base their operations around Occult rituals.
Even the UN is a SATANIC group and their Lucifer trust foundation is dedicated to the darkness light of Satan.
As is the highest 33 Degree Mason (the lower level Masons have no idea what the top ELITE masons know and what they must do to get the unedited 33 degree Mason book that is connected to Satan's light and killings).
The Deep State has long dreaded this day and the meaning behind the numbers and starts and planet alignment and the destruction of their 6,000 year reins power.
They long ago knew about the Great AWAKENING Coming and the year of 1776 Reborn.

Why Joe Biden wants Russia to attack the USA:
To fully understand the dynamics at play here, we also have to realize that Biden’s handlers (Obama, etc.) want and need Russia to attack the United States in order for Biden to declare a war emergency to grant him more domestic power, in much the same way that Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to obliterate civil rights and due process in Canada.
That emergency would help explain away inflation, supply chain disruptions, rising homelessness, skyrocketing crime rates and other serious problems stemming from failed Democrat policies in America… policies which are leading to the rapid collapse of blue cities like Seattle and Portland.
More importantly, Biden could use wartime powers to suspend elections and attempt nationwide gun confiscation as a step toward turning America into an authoritarian dictatorship like what Canada has now become. Nullifying the Second Amendment and confiscating guns is the key step to achieving totalitarian control over the American people, and so a very large crisis must be invoked in order to try to justify that gun confiscation effort.
The false flag cyber attack on America’s infrastructure. We believe Biden’s handlers plan to engage Russia in conflict and then launch their own deep state cyber attack false flag on America’s infrastructure. This cyber attack would likely target one or more of the following: Power grid, Financial infrastructure, Telecommunications infrastructure
These engineered cyber attacks would, of course, be immediately blamed on Putin and Russia, and the subsequent riots and mass deaths that would follow — due to mass starvation, violent assaults, etc. — could all be blamed on Russia.
And just like that, all the covid vaccine deaths could be swept under the rug due to far more immediate and larger emergency of witnessing the collapse of U.S. infrastructure.
This is how globalists operate: They create a new emergency to bury the evidence of genocide they carried out in their previous emergency.

Rods of God against oil refineries worldwide:
On Tues. 22 Feb. 2022 the Rods of God (of either the Alliance or the Cabal it was not known) appeared to be used to destroy oil refineries in Romania, China, India, Taiwan, UK, Iran, Kuwait, Indonesia, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, two major US-Canadian fuel pipelines including the Colonial Pipeline supplying Michigan, Ohio, Ontario and Pennsylvania oil refineries that in turn supplied the US Midwest and Central Canada. There were oil refinery explosions and shutdowns in Texas, Louisiana and along the US Gulf Coast (more than 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has already been shut down because of Hurricane Ida).

Durham Report:
The far-left is in a panic.  Special Counsel John Durham released a filing 10 days ago that provides further evidence that the corrupt Obama and Hillary gangs were spying on President Trump and forming a false narrative of Russia collusion in an effort to overthrow the government.
Durham Confirms Brennan’s CIA Notes That Clinton Campaign Sought to Tie Trump to Russia:

About Queen Elizabeth:
Benjamin Fulford: “My view of the Queen is that as a public figure she has done a lot of good. She was also one of the key people in stopping the Khazarian mafia plan to kill 90% of humanity. However, she was also born into a cult that practices human sacrifice and reliable witnesses say she participated in human sacrifice rituals. I believe the truth needs to be put out there and the British people need to decide whether or not to forgive her.” 
Judy Note: I have had Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors tell me they were present at a Satanic rite in Australia where Queen Elizabeth killed a baby. Then there were those ten native Canadian children who disappeared with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip from the Kamloops Residential School on 10 Oct. 1964. Their parents haven’t seen them since.

The Freedom Trucker Convoy USA 2022 is coming to DC and their leader has a message for Joe Biden:
"This message is for the President of the United States of America. My name is Kyle Sefcik of the Freedom Convoy USA 2022 and our routes meet here in DC on March 1st, in time for your State of the Union address. We are very organized and our routes are public. I even put a permit for the National Mall to be respectful. I just want to be as transparent as possible from the start so there's no confusion. We are coming peacefully and we're going to do this lawfully and Constitutionally. I want the rest of the world to know our plans so that there's no twisting and lying about who and what we are. I'm coming to you as a father, a small business owner who's unaffiliated to any parties. We just want government overreach to end. On behalf of Freedom Convoy USA 2022, we are asking you to end the State of Emergency. End the mandates once and for all. Sir, the world is watching us, because they know that if what's happening in Canada happens to us here in the Land of the Free, then freedom as we know it is gone. So, we are leaving the choice to you. The decision is in your hands. This whole convoy, this whole assembly on the national mall – it doesn't even have to happen, if you just end things now and we can get on with our lives. To you other convoys that plan on meeting us here, we look forward to seeing you and joining with you. We're going to do this right. We're going to do this honorably. Mr President, we have no other motives in this mission. You see, the Government, our elected officials of both parties have failed us tremendously in the last two years and now it's time for us, We the People to fix this. To end this. We're ready to get back to our lives, the ones promised and guaranteed in the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and the contract that you signed and swore an oath to under the One True God. This is simple. End this."


Juan O Savin -State Of Affairs- Q&A here


Patriot Underground: Kerry Cassidy Interview here
Kerry's Abduction & Intuitive Abilities
Capt. Mark Richards' Intel
Project Blue Book
Frequency Fence
Exopolitical Angle in Ukraine
Nonterrestrial Manipulation of Human History
The Ascension Process
Kerry on Juan O Savin
Better Days Are Ahead

Michael Salla: FBI Special Agent Warns of Alien False Flag Attack here
John DeSouza is a retired FBI Special Agent who served for 25 years on Counter-Terrorism and Paranormal cases. He has a law degree and possessed a Top Secret security clearance during his FBI career. Special Agent DeSouza collected true life X-Files that were used in the hit show "The X-Files". He has written several best-selling books and discussed his paranormal cases in presentations given around the world.
In his first interview on Exopolitics Today, John DeSouza discusses cases involving extraterrestrial life and UFOs, the mysterious Men in Black phenomenon, the Moon being an artificial structure, the activation and appearance of huge motherships or 'arks'. He predicts that UAPs/UFOs are going to behave more aggressively and this is part of a fake alien invasion scenario that may be unleashed on the world.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 22.2.2022:    here

On the Ukraine Situation, Alexander Panin (courtesy of Charlie Ward):,,
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. And we don't know about it!!!
04/07/2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, the distribution of which in Ukrainian media and the Internet is banned. The conflict between the two countries was discussed at the session of the UN Security Council. From this, the following conclusion was drawn:
Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. The UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state. Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine.
According to the CIS Treaty, the territory of Ukraine is an administrative district of the USSR. Therefore, no one can be blamed for separatism and forcibly changing the borders of Ukraine. Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders.
In order to solve this problem, Ukraine needs to complete the demarcation of borders with neighboring countries and obtain the agreement of neighboring countries, including Russia, on their common border. It is required to document everything and sign treaties with all neighboring states.
The European Union has pledged its support to Ukraine on this important issue and has decided to provide all technical assistance. But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? No of course not. Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, and nobody has the right to be without them Russia's consent to dispose of this area.
Basically, now all Russia has to do is declare that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an internal matter of Russia.
Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want!
According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, Ukraine has no borders. The state of Ukraine does not exist (and has never existed!).

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 22.2.2022:    here

The Plan to Save the World
There will come a time when you think everything is finished. 
That will be the Beginning.
The Reversal of the 1871 Act of England.
The Reversal of the Balfour Declaration.
1776 Common Law for all worldwide.
1950's Prices - 1955 the chosen year.
Suppressed & Quantum Technologies

Judy Note:
Storm of the Century on Tues. 22 Feb.: Stock Market Crash; Exposure of Child Sacrifice by Elites; Global Currency Reset of 209 nations; Beginning of World War III Leading into worldwide Martial Law.
Biden was continuing to push for World War III with Russia over the Ukraine, where he owned land and underground tunnels where drugs, weapons, children, people and Adrenochrome were transported.
Biden has served papers demanding that We the People turn in our guns, currency and participate in the New World Order.
Trudeau has declared war on the Canadian People, while the Canadian People have organized even more and larger peaceful demonstrations for Freedom.
John Durham: “They (Obama and Clinton) were spying on a sitting President.” Judy Note: That’s called Treason.
The White House has been forever closed after thousands of severely abused children were rescued and body parts found in underground tunnels beneath Capitol Hill.
A metal fence was going up around the Canadian Parliament –  believed to house underground tunnels used for Child Sex Trafficking such was found under Capitol Hill.
Mass Super Bowl Child Trafficking arrests.
The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects
The UK and Australia remain under severe weather conditions believed caused by Cabal weather manipulation, cancel planes, trains.
Mass disclosures incoming for Tues. 22 Feb.

Storm of the Century Now:
Trillion Dollar Default fallout
Worst Stock Market Crash in human history begins tomorrow 
Cyber attacks 
Shutdown all systems on the Planet
WAR When Ukraine Falls - The Banker Gangster Elites - Rockerfellers - Rothschilds - Kahzarian Mafia - Royals - Corrupt 5 Eyes - All of THEM Will Begin To Fall …

Get These Now:
Food - Enough For +3 weeks
Health Supplies (Medications etc) 
Protection - Gun[s] + Ammo If You Can Still Find Any - 
Buckle Up

What’s to Happen on Tues. 22 Feb. 2022:
Think about it: JFK Jr. “died” in a plane crash on 16 July 1999. Yet, JFK Jr. was said to have carried on the Q movement (Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset) which his father President John F. Kennedy formed and was murdered for. 
Kennedy Jr. formed the worldwide Military Alliance, Special Forces and White Hats, plus was said to be presently serving as vice president to President Trump of the US Restored Republic (sworn in July 4 2021 at Mount Rushmore).
The Military Alliance started off as 17 Militaries (Elite Forces): Australia, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, N. Korea and USA. Now there were over 140 Militaries involved (including the UN). 

JFK Jr. has just launched the STORM. Follow him here and watch his "play":
It would be 22 years, 222 days from the date of JFK Jr.’s so-called “death” on 16 July 1999 to Tues. 22 Feb. 2022. So, what was set to happen on Freedom Day Tues. 2-22-2022?
On Tues. 22 Feb. 2022 the planet Pluto will complete a full revolution for the first time since July 4, 1776, signaling the rebirth of Nations returning Power to the People.
That same Tuesday Durham Report exposures would likely take a domino effect that included Child/ Human Trafficking truth tapes coming out.
That same Tuesday the USA Freedom Truck Convoy begins!!
That same Tuesday they said the biggest Stock Market crash in history begins. See: The Great Awakening World:
That same Tuesday, the Global Currency Reset would take over the global central banking system and 209 countries would have gold- and asset-backed currencies trading at a 1:1 ratio with each other.
That same Tuesday, Iraq, the linchpin of the Global Currency Reset, would announce its new international exchange rate for its dinar.
That same Tuesday, Tier 4B (us, the internet group) would receive email notification on how to make redemption/ exchange appointments at Redemption Centers around the world, and those exchanges would begin.
That same Tuesday, or perhaps by Wednesday 23 Feb. the general public would be able to exchange foreign currency at banks at the new international rates.
That same Tuesday announcement of the Queen’s death could set off a series of Events called Operation London Bridge: 3 days of Disclosure and 10 days of Darkness.
That same Tuesday a fake World War III could begin involving the US and Russia over the Ukraine.
That same Tuesday the Alliance could take over Mass Media with its new Star link Satellite System. Remember, Blackout Necessary.
That same Tuesday the Alliance could declare worldwide Martial Law.
That same Tuesday all 209 Sovereign Nations of the world could change to Constitutional/Common Law by The People with their gold/ asset-backed currencies revalued at a 1:1 with each other.

Wars and Rumors of Wars:
JUST IN: Putin demands immediate end of Ukraine ‘military operations’ after declaring Ukraine independent.
Eastern Ukraine is Nazi and run by Obama/Biden. L & D are dual Russian and Ukrainian citizens who voted for independent Nation status and has not been recognized. They, like Crimea, want not part of the Ukrainian Nazis; they are multigenerational Russians. Russia is not attacking it's citizens in those regions. East Ukraine is attacking those Provinces. Russia does not start wars. Illegitimate puppet governments run by the WEF globalist elite use propaganda media to spread lies that start wars. People better do research before swallowing lies hook, line, and sinker. The UN knows about the honest elections for independence in 2014. They are complicit. NATO is a tool, as are the installed puppet governments. …Rhonda
Putin signs the decree that recognizes the independence of DPR and LPR regions. Separatist leaders are in the room.
Russian Special Forces Launching Attack Against Mafia Bases. I have been told that President Putin has just been given the Green Light by the White hats to go into Ukraine and round up the mafia who are holed up there, courtesy of the Obama and Biden.
Ukraine: Joe and Hunter Biden have assets located next to the second longest tunnel system in Eastern Europe, through which drugs, weapons, children, people and Adrenochrome are transported. Odessa (Ukraine), Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden. Joe Biden has land there: 32,000 miles of D.U.M.B.S.
War within UN, NATO: Several countries including Presidents & Military leaders were at odds over sending troops and supplies to the Ukraine. Canada, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Portugal, Spain, Iceland all were refusing the NATO,UN push of war. Many military generals were at odds within the NATO Pack. There is confusion, infighting and anger at the US Biden Administration.
The Ministry of National Security and the Defense Council of Ukraine issued a decree on martial law.
Putin: Modern Ukraine was created entirely by Russia. Ukraine is an integral part of us.
On Mon. 21 Feb. Putin recognized Ukraine as an independent state. 


Press conference - Strasbourg, 16 February 2022: Ursula von der Leyen's immediate resignation demanded by freedom-fighting MEPs here
Freedom loving MEPs demanded the immediate resignation of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who failed to disclose communication with the CEO of Pfizer. They also called for an ending of imposition of EU's Digital Covid Certificate which is useless, unnecessary and discriminatory. One MEP also called for a compensation fund for the COVID vaccine injured and they all ended with a rising encouragement to the freedom loving truckers of Canada.

Queen Romana Didulo withdraws the Kingdom of Canada from Ukraine effective immediately here

It is not just the US but the entire West that is bankrupt: both financially and morally here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 20.2.2022:    here

HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government of Canada, Queen of Canada/President of Canada:
These ignoramus are busy trying to spark a Civil War and, they pay homage to their CCP/NWO Bosses by mentioning Chinese Military in the Kingdom of Canada. 
There are no Chinese Military in the Kingdom- they've been removed by the Global Allied Forces and Special Forces.
The new UN will only deploy Military personnel to the Kingdom of Canada IF and when the real and rightful Queen who is the Commander-in-Chief makes an official request and all member Nations including Russia agree.
Q: Queen Romana, will the Kingdom of Canada be part still of corrupt UN? Answer: What #UN?  The old UN is gone, kaput, dismantled.
Every Country is a Sovereign. The old UN was interfering in every Country's internal Affairs under the disguise of their word Salad, "Human Rights."
Many of old UN staff used their diplomatic credentials to kidnap and traffick children (Human Trafficking), drugs trafficking,  weapons trafficking, etc, using UN Vehicles and Airplanes.
Q: Queen Romana, are the UN Vehicles in Canada our Military Vehicles now? A: Yes. The UN Vehicles now in Canada are OURS/US/Allied Military Vehicles. The Logos on some of the UN Armored Vehicles have YET to be removed. But, since we need to use these Armored Vehicles NOW to hunt down the PISSOSITOs -  we will remove the UN Logos AFTER Special Ops.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.2.2022:    here

Events on Fri. 18 Feb. 2022:
Extreme weather conditions believed manufactured by the Deep State HAARP program, prevailed throughout Europe including France, the UK, Germany, Netherlands as well as in Brazil and the US Midwest and East Coast, cancelling planes, trains and other modes of transportation.
On Fri. morning Canadian police were making mass arrests of peaceful demonstrators – which was in direct violation of a written agreement signed off with the Canadian government just last night. 
Canadian Police on horse patrol trampled and killed a senior citizen woman today. This is really important to make this viral so justice be done to this tyrannic communist Government ASAP. Crimes against humanity.
By Fri. night and despite the freezing cold temperatures and an army of police officers, protesters in Ottawa refused to back down in the face of tyranny.
In Australia the police were using energy weapons on peaceful Freedom demonstrators.
In the Ukraine after several firefights which the CABAL DS aggressor blames on Russia, a gas pipeline in Lugansk was blown up. This was a false flag operation by the American & global financed Ukrainian NAZI REGIME to finally start the third world war which is urgently needed by the military industrial complex and the broken cabal. It's getting serious now and we should all start praying, because unfortunately it may be that now there really won't be a stone left unturned‼ Not so bad that the people are gone, then they can clean up there!
The White Hat Military was expected to intervene with Worldwide Military Law over these dictatorships to protect citizens across the globe.
Freedom Week would start next Mon. 21 Feb. and be celebrated worldwide by millions participating in Freedom Trucker/Farmer convoys and demonstrations that requested an end to dangerous Vaccine Mandates.

The Deep State: high treason, military tribunals and secret arrests of politicians in Guantanamo. Could this be true?
Part One:
"The Internet is full of rumors that high-ranking members of the Deep State (they are the Cabal/The Illuminati/Global elite/clique/cult) were detained for human rights violations/corruption and taken by US special forces to a military prison at the Guantanamo Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of closed indictments. Numerous sources also report on some of the arrested key VIPs.
Although these are still only rumors, recent events point to their plausibility. If these secret investigations, arrests and deliveries to Gitmo, where they face prolonged detention and military justice, turn out to be reliable, then this will have huge political consequences and will make it possible to release suppressed information previously hidden by the "Deep State".
One of the sources of such rumors is David Todescini, a former US Air Force veteran who wrote a revealing article about covert operations during the Vietnam War. He told about what he learned from a reliable source in the FBI about the events at Guantanamo, which he summarized as follows: "Senior confidential sources have reported that the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay has been warned that high-ranking prisoners are expected to arrive soon, possibly as a result of more than 10,000 closed federal indictments. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to ensure the safety of "special prisoners."
Another source of information about secret extraditations to Gitmo through sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi, who wrote on Twitter: "Something is going on in Gitmo - flight records are uploaded to the Subreddit. This is probably due to Trump's decree on the confiscation of assets of those involved in human rights violations."
The third source is Brenden Dilley, a radio host running for U.S. Congress, who received information from another anonymous whistleblower. The informant's information appeared on December 27 and refers to the recent discussion of the arrival of VIPs at Gitmo: "What is worth emphasizing in the above-mentioned message is that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, 2017, and it is expected that there will be even more of them. This happened after President Trump issued his decree on December 21 declaring a "national emergency" in response to human rights violations and corruption around the world.
Finally, we have former Forbes magazine correspondent Benjamin Fulford, who wrote on January 1: "At a historic moment of historical justice, most of the main perpetrators of the fake "war on terror" based in the United States are now themselves extradited to the US Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to Pentagon sources. "The assets of the Rothschilds, George Soros, Peter Munch, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, Podesta and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Ministry of Defense is spending $500 million to modernize the prison and is sending more military police and marines there," the sources say.
From these independent sources, it can be concluded that high-ranking members of the "Deep State", many of whom are part of a pedophile satanic global network, are detained by American special forces and taken to Gitmo, where they must be held indefinitely while military justice is applied to their cases. At the same time, Gitmo prisons are being significantly modernized, expanded and the number of guards is increasing so that VIP prisoners can be accommodated in them."
Part Two:
One of the first to mention the use of American Special Forces to investigate and detain the figures of the "Deep State" on the basis of sealed indictments was the whistleblower of the Secret Space Program, Corey Goode. He mentioned such military investigations back on August 9, 2017 after he was informed by a source whom he called a retired FBI employee and a career military officer: "American special Forces teams conducted internal surveillance and investigation against a satanic group that infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the armed forces." 
These Special Forces groups have been operating since the middle of Trump's presidential term. It was reported that the secret report on how widespread these infiltrations were was more shocking than expected. More recently, Hood's sources informed him that Gitmo is being upgraded to accommodate VIP prisoners.
The Secret Grand Juries had almost completely completed their investigations when everything changed. They were preparing sealed indictments, having received new information that allowed them to act.
SF Special Forces teams plan to go to some of the countries where escaped members of Society are hiding and take them by force.
Part Three:
Upon careful study of open sources, it is known that on December 21, James Mattis, the US Secretary of Defense, actually visited Gitmo, becoming the first US Secretary of Defense since 2002. On the same day, Trump issued his "Executive Order blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights violations or corruption," in which he stated: "... I determine that serious human rights violations and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a state of emergency in the country to combat this threat."
The timing indicates that this was not just a coincidence, and points to a possible connection between Mattis' visit and the executive order. This connection is reinforced by an earlier visit to Gitmo in July 2017 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who called Gitmo a "...perfectly acceptable" place to detain new terrorism suspects, as opposed to keeping them in the United States and having his own Justice Department try them in civilian courts.
It is quite possible that Gitmo will be used to detain detainees in accordance with Trump's decree. They could be handled in accordance with the "national emergency", which delegates authority to any US agency capable of fulfilling the main function of the decree - to block the financial assets of individuals and groups against whom the decree is directed.: "The Secretary of the Treasury may, in accordance with applicable law, transfer any of these functions to other officials and agencies of the United States. All agencies must take all necessary measures within their authority to comply with this order."
Thus, Trump's decree laid a solid legal foundation for the US military to be able to physically detain persons targeted by sanctions on the US mainland and anywhere in the world, and, if necessary, move them to Gitmo.
Another important fact is that Todescini claims that 1,000 Marines will remain there to ensure the special security of VIP prisoners. Similarly, Fulford says that both Marines and military police of the National Guard will be delivered to Gitmo.
The news of the Miami Herald newspaper talks about the proposed modernization of Gitmo, which includes barracks for 848 prisoners, which will be ready in four years. This is very close to the estimated 1,000 Marines that Todescini (and Fulford) claim are sent there to guard VIP prisoners.
On December 29, 2017, it became known that the Arizona National Guard was sending more than four dozen military policemen to Gitmo for a nine-month period.
A Defense Department report quoted in a May 24, 2016 Congressional statement states that in June 2003, the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684, and by 2016 it had dropped to about 80. According to more recent estimates, about 40 Islamic terrorists are being held in Gitmo prison.
An article in the Miami Herald dated August 21, 2017 reported that the Trump administration plans to spend up to $500 million to modernize Gitmo facilities. This included the Navy's proposal to build a five-bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million.
The fact that a five-bed hospital will be built for such a significant amount suggests that Trump plans to significantly expand the number of prisoners in Gitmo. However, these will not be alleged Islamic terrorists, but VIP prisoners guilty of international human rights violations and corruption, who will not be allowed medical care on the US mainland.
Part Four:
Finally, we come to the key claim that thousands of sealed indictments were prepared, used to authorize the detention and extradition of employees of the "Deep State". According to former FBI agent Hal Turner, the Electronic Access to Court Documents (PACER) system was thoroughly checked to confirm the existence of 4,289 sealed federal indictments by November 22, 2017. More recently, sources claimed that as of December 24, 2017, this number had increased to more than 9,000 sealed indictments. The figure has not yet been confirmed, but it would be reasonable to conclude that the November figure could have increased significantly during December.
In conclusion, it should be noted that there is convincing evidence in favor of the allegations that the leading figures of the international network of Deep State VIPs involved in child trafficking, human rights violations, corruption and satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and brought to Gitmo on sealed indictments executed by the US military.
The consequences of these unfolding events for the disclosure of secret technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice, and extraterrestrial life, which were previously suppressed by the Deep State, are very large-scale.
There are grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects for "full disclosure" will increase significantly as more and more corrupt officials of the Deep State are sent to Gitmo. Their removal from influential leadership positions in the world will greatly help put an end to their policy of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life on the whole planet for decades.
Some representatives of the world and political elite named in the indictments will appear before federal courts, some before military tribunals in GITMO, and others will appear before international courts.

White Hats in Control, Code 7:
Means that the good guys/Important People/Groups/Military working behind the scenes KNOW the END_GAME 
Does not mean that the White Hats were micromanaging everything, nor do they control all world weapons, or events, or catastrophes. 
You are inside a crucial moment in the Chess Game where White Hats know the outcome, but Black Hats make the final moves: Sacrifices, Death, Climate Change distractions before the inevitable END_GAME.
White Hats in Control means reprisals. The game is already won but the game must be played out.
It had to be this way. For many reasons the White Hats let the Deep State make their final moves and mistakes.
It’s all recorded and sealed evidence in Crimes Against Humanity Laws.
Their crimes had to be completed in everything they did in almost all countries to make Military Reprisals official and a Military takeover.
Military is the only way.
Have Faith. You’re Inside the Storm.


Response to “Just Who is Queen Romana?” from Kat here
Romana’s ‘legitimacy’ as Head of State for Canada has been verified by Q The Storm Rider and Gene Decode.

Patriot Underground Episode 173 here
Competing AI Systems
Inner Earth Civilizations
Solar Warden
Why So Many Truthers Avoid Exopolitics
Portal Technology Is the Real Space Travel
War As Cover For Non-Terrestrial Conflict
Off Planet Trafficking
Devil's Mountain in Ukraine
Why Saddam Was Taken Out
Timelines 1/2 and the Non-Terrestrial Frequency Fence

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 17.2.2022:    here

Mainstream Media Refuses to Report on the Story of the Century
“With Help of government insiders in the White House the Clinton Campaign led by Obama, spied on sitting US President Trump.”

“We’ve known how to cure Covid since about March of 2020” …Dr. Robert Malone  

Freedom Week Starts Mon. 21 Feb. 22:
Freedom Lovers are urged to stand up against those who wish to take away our Freedoms by forcing mandates on experimental vaccines that have caused blood clots, heart attacks, cancer, AIDs and death. 
“We’re urging a worldwide boycott for Freedom. Don't go to work for seven days beginning Mon. 21 Feb!" …Canadian Freedom Truckers

Durham targeted Obama in the Spygate Investigation that found the Clinton Campaign spied on a sitting US President in the White House – a horrific story that the Mainstream Media refuses to cover; 
Medical journal publishes proof that natural immunity has made vaccine mandates irrelevant; Masks have been proven ineffective; Military Lawyer claimed genetic changes by mRNA COVID-19 Jabs created a new human species; FDA hidden camera exposed Biden’s plan for a mandated yearly jab and Dr. Robert Malone announced, ‘We’ve Known How To Cure COVID Since About March Of 2020.’  
Canadian Freedom Convoy holding their ground against Trudeau illegal threats, while suggesting an every citizen week-long work strike beginning Mon. 21 Feb, the same day a ‘People’s Freedom Convoy’ of 1,000 US Truckers head for DC.

Global Currency Reset, Wed. evening 16 Feb Fleming: Kurt's comment: HOPEFULLY!!!
We have also heard all about the Quantum Financial System and the incredible changes taking place this month that will completely change “The System.” 
The date we’re looking at is 2/22/22 for this complete change over. 
Once this date arrives we’re in a New System and it’s dedicated to The Rule of Law. Can’t be otherwise. 
That’s next Tuesday. Yes, it’s another Thursday, Friday, hype for Tuesday start. But is it really the same ole, same ole hype? No, it is not.
The evidence is in play with the Historic Bonds settling all over the world, in double-quick-time, to hit the target of 2/22/22. 
They are pushing this in earnest tonight, tomorrow, and all through the weekend. 
100% payout of these “liquid accounts on hold” is targeted for Tier 4 notifications. Notifications are imminent. Exchange/redemption is imminent. 
We the People will be Redeemed and it will be the start of Peace and Prosperity all over this beautiful world.

Truckers Freedom Movement:
Canadian Truckers Stand Their Ground as They Lead Citizens of the World in a Fight for Freedom: "Martial Law Canada begins. Been telling you all that the world is going to go Martial Law. Major countries expected. Later the Military will turn on their Deep State corrupt Governments/courts and arrest their own Deep State Military Generals and officials who colluded with the PLANdemic. …" Q The Storm Rider
Canadian Convoy Freedom: The Canadian flag is flying high, the people are in good spirits, and fuel is still going to the truckers. Trudeau's Emergencies Act is scaring no one, and the people refuse to back down until freedom is restored.

White Hats on the Underground Tunnels:
The last battles are the Hardest. The last 10-15% of the tunnels in U.S are the HARDEST battles. Through Cali. Texas. Florida (water world) N.E  U.S. (five finger sub/maglev lines). The mini tunnels through the N.E. Cities .NY. DC. Philadelphia. Montreal. Finger Lakes. Chicago.ect. MASSIVE mini tunnels lines. Small inner city Tunnels Lines (U-Ts) NY:150 Boston:45 Hartford:50 Baltimore: 50 DC:70 Montreal: 60 They all connect to maglev & Sub tunnels. N.E. U.S is the oldest Trafficking tunnels since British control + Queen, Phillips, Vatican, CIA, FBI. Thousands of soldiers lost since 2014_ Destruction of the Underground tunnels and base. The last Tunnels are the Hardest. Trap's. Thousands of children and adults in underground D.U.M.Bs  lost. Dead. Deep State explosions. Tornados in the last weeks are cover patterns silencing the booms. 

Trump is still Commander and Chief:
He never stepped down because the Military had tracked the election results and found Trump won by an over 80% margin. The Military is running the show. Trump is only being an Adviser to keeping to the Plan. He has had to separate himself from the situation so that when the Military finally Steps in it can’t be coming from Trump. He must appear as he is just still fighting along like he has been doing the whole time. It's all optics and he must stay neutral.

International Child Sex Trafficking:
There was an interview with ABC Anchor talking about Epstein, Disney, ABC & all of those BIG CEO's in the World aboard the LOLITA EXPRESS. They also use Private Jets & Submarines. Oprah Winfrey sends her Jets out there. Biden uses Submarines. Disney uses Ships. Use Google/DuckDuckGo and see how many CEO's Resigned or Stood down in 2018, 19 & 20. We were told to Track Resignations. Many of those 8 million Children that go missing per year WorldWide are Trafficked to these Islands - Epstein, Branson, Depp, Winfrey, Nygard etc to be Raped, Murdered, Satanic Sacrificed, Adrenochrome Drunk, used in Potions & Eaten.  THIS IS A MOSSAD/CIA HONEY POT Operation. Hugh Hefner also conducted this CIA Operation from the Playboy Mansion. That is why the Tunnels were dug up out the front. See the Excavation going on.  Follow Jenna Jameson on Twitter she gives Truth on it.

Operation Snow White (in 30 Q drops)
The CIA had seven huge, super-secret, global intelligence computer databases deep inside Central Intelligence Agency headquarters that was named after the seven dwarfs: Operation Snow White. 
The CIA in Hollywood also funded Walt Disney, Hugh Hefner and among many other paid/controlled operations like Mockingbird and Honey traps. 
Marilyn Monroe had Military clearance to California CIA Military base. Courtney Love also was a placed low level CIA agent who ran drugs through England punk scene and trafficked girls between elites. 
These CIA super computers were hacked by US Military Intelligence battalions.
These files and Snow White computers were the connection to worldwide Child Trafficking rings and elites like Epstein, Hollywood, Britney Spears, HRC, Obama, Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Putin and the Ukraine:
Putin’s long ambition was to reclaim Old Russian territories. 
Putin remembers very well how the Deep State almost killed him in Dresden Germany, how the [DS] robbed his country during and after the Cold War and how Obama and the CIA robbed a quarter of trillion from him.
Putin was one of the first President's in the world to understand the media/TV/radio was lying and [DS] attempted a Color Revolution in his country against him.
Putin remembers very well how the UN, NATO, Deep State, Vatican, UK, U.S. [ DS] Soros took apart the Soviet Union through infiltration of Russian Oligarchs.
Putin was the first President in the world to EXPOSE western deep state owned countries connection to Satanic rituals and occults.
Russia has over a hundred thousand Military soldiers in cities and villages near Kazakhstan on standby. Russia has over 1 million active soldiers and two to twenty million Reserves.

What was in the envelops at President Bush’s Funeral?
Encoded on the envelope were Numbers (keys) & after the Military (White Hats) connected them directly & told them to use the numbers to enter a secure hidden Files database that kept all the Information on ALL the Atrocities of the CABAL/ DEEP STATE regimen including VATICAN ,UN, NATO, human trafficking, world drug trafficking, 911 inside job, JFK assassination, CIA, FBI, ROCKEFELLERS, ROTHSCHILDS, U.S POLITICAL OFFICIALS, OBAMA CIA PRODIGY, OBAMA FALSE KILLING OF BIN LADEN, OBAMA CONNECTION TO THE VIRUS WUHAN, FROM CHILD SACRIFICE TO HUMAN ORGAN TRAFFICKING, TO FALSE FLAG COLOUR REVOLUTIONS CREATED IN MAJOR COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD. The files were full of videos, evidence, SEALED INDICTMENTS. MILITARY INTEL had collected every phone data, computer, phone calls, text & emails from every individual who received the envelope. They were all informed. G H.W. Bush was a TURNCOAT (became a informant to the MILITARY).


Novak Djokovic "I'm willing to forgo the chance to become G.O.A.T" here
Novak Djokovic First Interview After Australian Open Saga
Kurt's comment:
Dear Novak, I recognized you as a tennis champ, but I was always a Rafa fan. Now I am only a Nole fan because you are not only the G.O.A.T (the one with the most titles is not the greatest of all times because he has won some titles in the absence of the G.O.A.T.), but you are also a man with heart and soul. This corona madness shows us that the most things are in reality the opposite of what we have thought before. If you like it or not - you are a living symbol of freedom for humanity.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 16.2.2022:    here

Smallpox Terror Attack, Bioweapon and Weather Weapons release causing more lockdowns, along with a controlled collapse of a global food and gas supply chain.
Russia War (EU-US); China War (Taiwan-US); U.S. Missile, Nuclear Crisis Events
Massive 'Freedom Convoy' being planned to descend on Washington DC.
Orders coming from UN, Davos Group, CIA and world elites who control the Canadian Government. Full Force to be used against the Convoy Freedom Truckers. Elites from the highest government officials have given the orders for mass arrests, a total Media Blackout and cell phone blackouts (no live broadcasting). These full force arrests were expected to happen within the next six days. Hundreds of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Public Order Riot Cops to be bused in, OPS (Ontario Public Service Enforcement), OPP Police, Durham Police and Toronto Police all working together under authoritarian rules, are planning for Mass Arrests of the Convoys. 
This will lead to Civil Unrest in many countries as worldwide Freedom Convoys begin.
The prime ministers of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan have joined Quebec in opposing Trudeau's decision to apply the emergency law to quell truckers' protests. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association states the government has not met the Emergencies Act threshold and Ottawa's police chief resigned amid ongoing Freedom Convoy protests against Covid mandates. “We Will Hold the Line” …Canadian Freedom Convoy
Police in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands have joined with ICLCJ Sheriffs to seize the outlawed COVID ‘vaccines’ and arrest convicted criminals.
Be Prepared for the Deep State Final Chess Moves: There could easily be a global food, fuel and goods shortages. It was advised to have on hand at least 2-3 weeks worth of food, cash, fuel, goods and essential supplies.

White Hats Army: Incoming Major Scare Events (With God willing may this World War only be a Scare Event):
Smallpox Terror Attack, Bioweapon and Weather Weapons release causing more lockdowns, along with a controlled collapse of a global food and gas supply chain.
Russia War (EU-US); China War (Taiwan-US); U.S. Missile, Nuclear Crisis Events:
If Russian Forces move first, then the Chinese Communist Party Forces will move at the (near) same weeks/month time on Taiwan and divide U.S. forces. 
Russian allegiance in the Middle East will move on countries that are backed by U.S and EU.
China and the India/ China border will come into battle.
Pakistan, Afghanistan forces will face off with Iran and Russia. 
The Middle East will erupt into battle: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan will launch battalions against one another.
Almost all countries will strike in the moments the U.S. forces are being divided into conflict.

Apocalypse News:
Global Food, Goods, Fuel Shortages: The world is very dependent on China for virtually everything from Aluminium to Food to Goods. Almost everything plastic and boxes that covers food and packaging for industries//electronic co.s depend on wires to computer parts to chips. China about to pull the plug! The price controls that China launched is going to affect everything. Worldwide markets to food shortage, to plastic shortages. Micro chip shortages. It will stall millions of companies including shipping. Effects incoming, empty shelves, ripple effect.
_CHINA starts food shortage/raising prices on all products
_U.S. INFLATION to hit all time high
_NASA confirms Dust-Apocalypse heading to Americas
_Germany on standby for Power grid failure
_Internet Collapse warning & EBS 

Corrupt US Judicial, Legislative Systems:
Durham Report Kash Patel: This story is the biggest political scandal and criminal scandal in US history… John Durham has interviewed 24 people in the Grand Jury to include, CIA case officers, FBI agents and directors, leadership in the Clinton Campaign cycle, and they’ve indicted her lawyer. So this is just starting. It’s how you build a criminal conspiracy case. And they’re not going to be able to ignore indictments once they start coming in… Michael Sussman and Marc Elias were the lead attorneys for the Clinton Campaign. They were paid millions and millions of dollars to perpetuate the Steele Dossier fraud. And now we know they were paid millions of dollars to go out and buy false information from a tech executive… And here’s the worst part. They secured a “sensitive arrangement” with someone in government to gain access to White House servers. That means someone in government gave them permission and paid the contracting tech executive company’s firm to allow that work to happen. That could only have been done with the utilization of the intelligence community willingly. And that to me is the biggest criminal scandal that we have yet to talk about… (on John Durham) He’s going to deliver. This guy is unraveling the biggest criminal conspiracy against a sitting president in the United States history.
Chief Justice John Roberts is responsible for all 11 FISA Court judges who allowed illegal spying on the Trump campaign.
The Jim Crow Law was created by the Deep State Democrats to control the voting rights of the Nation and created laws that suppressed Organizations that supported freedom of speech, voting and any government departments looking into pro- Jim Crow officials who helped push the law forward through Embezzlement , Money laundering and blackmailing of high officials. The Jim Crow laws protected the Democratic parties and gave them a sure avenue to staying in Power.
Jim Crow law 2.0: On Mon. 14 Feb. the House Democrats passed the NASA Bill. Hidden in the Bill is HR-1 and HR-4 Bill which gives the power to the Democratic parties to manipulate the Elections once again through NO voter ID rights. These Bills put together in the NASA Bill allows the Democratic Party to stay in power through various illegitimate laws.
Patriots – do not fret. All these Deep State planned events were meant to take place. They are all part of events connected to Tribunals and full exposure. Even now courts are taking place in GITMO, Cheyenne Mountain for the highest classified cases. 
All events are connected: Maxwell, Election Fraud, UN, Russia, Oil Lines, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Central Banks, the viruses, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Health Industries, world corporations, CIA, Human Trafficking, FBI, Five Eyes, Vatican, UK Majesty, ect. We are coming close to 1776 Event. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.

Med Bed, 5G and Covid:
Do you think it was coincidence that the bioweapons COVID and 5G were rolled out in the same place in Wuhan in the same months, same year? If everything goes WELL we hope the WHITE HATS MILITARY can get full control of the world 5Gs and use this technology for what it was originally designed for – to heal the human bodies with healing frequencies ....( If you don't know already your body is an ANTENNA connected to you DNA  which moves frequencies through the  brain, mind. Heart and body using frequencies to feel. Touch. Hear. Taste, think. Smell...... These frequencies are invisible like WIFI frequencies (that run your phone, watch movies, hear music, control bank accounts, order things, etc.) These frequencies in your body are connected to a universal energy. For thousands of years the Deep State has controlled humans through work, time, fear, exhaustion, tyrannical governments and tyrannical working systems. Humans became enslaved and disconnected or diminished greatly their higher frequencies that is connected to higher power and wisdom that can change molecules structures at will, rearrange atoms and change time.

Deep State Black Swan Three Gorges Dam Collapse
Depopulation: A Three Gorges Dam Collapse would kill over 100 million in 6 hours & 400 million within weeks from flooding, destruction of roads hospitals, essential supplies & medical treatment. Deaths of Elders, children, the weak & innocent lives will be immense with no immediate relief. [DS] Military Cabal & Global Elites project nearly 500 million. Chinese citizens would die. The Deep State has long planned to collapse 3GD. for population control. 
Crypto currency reset. Destroy ALL evidence that links WUHAN to other Nations. This planned collapse is connected to Freemasons logic "Out of chaos comes order" 
Food, Goods Shortages: The Dam collapse would trigger ripple effects across the world connected to businesses who use China exports paper. plastics. supplies, Goods. Foods. Business resources/digital resources. China supplies 50% of aluminum for business. Industrial, Their Cargo Ships and vessels control one of the largest shipping networks across the world. Connected to subsidiary companies in every country. The Dam collapse would trigger the stoppage of All Chinese cargoes and vessels across the world in every Port. 
The Chinese markets will affect World Markets /crypto exchange/ metal prices add create WAR... CHINA is ready and has been ready for the attacks they have warships in 60 Major ports around the world Armed with NUKES and 7 fleets of NUCLEAR SUBS. 
20 million Chinese Mil. operators passing as U.S citizens owning restaurants/stores. 2 million students in U.S. loyal to CCP... 3 million Chinese in Big Tech in U.S. companies/ silicone valley who can attack infrastructure of U.S digital Systems on command. 
The ramifications of collapsing the 3GD is NUCLEAR.... Even it doesn't go Nuclear, you saw what one ship (Evergreen) did to World Shipping... The effects of that one ship will be felt 3_11 months...... Imagine if CHINA stopped all 27,000 fleets at once.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 15.2.2022:    here

Working on another billion $ Ukraine Deal for himself, Biden set a World War III start for Wed. 16 Feb, plus told Trudeau to get even tougher on Freedom Convoys after the Canadian PM illegally invoked the Emergency Act, ordered seizure of bank accounts and vehicles, plus would fine peaceful Demonstrators including families and children.
Meanwhile the Mass Media was announcing Trudeau had won, while today 15 Feb. Day 18 of the Coutts border blockade, police and protesters hugged, shook hands and sang the Canadian national anthem together. Canadian Police have shown a 100 % support for the Freedom Convoy 2022. Trudeau and his WEF Vax fanatics stood alone. They always did!
Police in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands have joined with International Common Law Court of Justice Sheriffs to seize the outlawed COVID ‘vaccines’ and arrest convicted criminals.
Inspired by the Canadians, Freedom Convoys were going strong throughout the Globe including in the US, Italy, Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand and Switzerland.
Russian President Putin has always maintained he did not want war. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced that February 15 will be remembered as the day Western War Propaganda failed.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 2/15/22 here

Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 15.2.2022:    here

Q The Storm Rider: Here's the scary crap INTEL I don't want to share but I will: Bill Gates told you that another Pandemic is coming. Here's what it is:
First they will stop the mandates across the world. Stop lockdowns in certain countries and they pretend to give you back your Freedom, or at least make you think you fought for it. (Freedom Convoys/ world Protests and demonstrations).
They ease the Plandemic. Fauci, CDC, WHO and MSM will all say that the pandemic is ceasing. 
The world will cheer, but hidden in their plans is the 5G Monster – the super grade +A+ DARPA [DS] military weapon that can kill through frequencies (proven long ago over 6O hrz). This 5G weapon connects to the MRNA inside the vaccinated. They can kill millions at will through MRNA connected to 5G.

Q The Storm Rider: The Biden Deep State wants war to cover up Hunter/Joe Biden dealings in the Ukraine:
A war would insure that Russia takes Ukraine, the current president Volodymyr Zelensky would be removed and the investigations would cease.
A war in the Ukraine would cover up exposure of the Pandemic and vaccines.
The war would be plastered through all Media, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Mainstream Media, Radio Social Media and create panic. Deep State Mockingbird Project.
The saturation of the MSM would try to cover up the Durham Investigation into the Clintons and Obama that would lead to Fauci and Obama.
The war would cover up the suppression of the Freedom Convoys.
The war would cover up all missing laundered money across the world (Deep State money).
The war would try to create cover for many corrupt European countries, presidents, elites and Banks.
Unfortunately the war will bring down the New World Order. The 32 Nation Alliance White Hats have Military Generals in every major country getting ready to rebuff the UN, NATO and their own Deep State Military forces that were connected to their corrupt government owned by the Central Banking System and Cabal Deep State.
If all that was planned went well a world lockdown would ensure after World Nuclear and Military standoff. 
In this time will be great unrest, confusion and riots which would lead to Marshall Law.
Marshall Law was where the White Hat Military in every nation will arrest their own Deep State officials in government, media, elites, Deep State Military – all who colluded in the Pandemic, bioweapons and those who betrayed their country by working with the Cabal Deep State (Davos, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, World Banks, Vatican, Chinese Communist Party).
In the next months expect the world’s largest earthquakes to happen.
Don’t be surprised if the Deep State sticks to their Alien Invasion Plan – Project Blue Beam – and create a large earthquake. They will pretend to uncover massive new archaeological findings and ancient technology connected to Aliens.
This has been their plan all along. That’s why the Pentagon, Deep State MSM, world governments and the Vatican have been pushing the Alien Agenda.
Pay attention to all the weather weapons/ tectonic weapons being used through the world: Volcanos, explosions, droughts, more floods, fires, cyclones, tsunamis, etc.


IT'S UNSTOPPABLE & THEY KNOW IT! | Max Igan 2022 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 14.2.2022:    here

Sun. 13 Feb. White Hats Army:
CFC (Controlled Foreign Corporation) has infiltrated top Elite Hollywood companies and agencies and is working with Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) 
NCSWIC was Established by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY who are currently protecting important assets, movie stars, musicals (Britney Spears) ect.. whom were all used in the human trafficking of Hollywood/CIA/CCP paid owned companies.
These Important WITNESSES have firsthand accounts and evidence of pedophilia, satanic rituals, Adrenochrome drugs industry sales and Full information on Hollywood's 120 year reigns on human trafficking and connections to FBI's full involvement in the century long Dark Operation into the Satanic cults connected to Bohemian Groves Rockefellers/Rothschilds worldwide operations.
The PLAN is much larger than any person can imagine and has its roots corrected to JFK JR. who created the SPECIAL FORCES – which were made to protect the U.S. citizens in case the U.S. Gov. (CENTRAL BANKS) tried creating a totalitarian state!

Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoy Demonstrations:
Italy - Nationwide Demonstrations [Feb 12, 2022]
Canada – Calgary
France – police tyranny in Paris
After dismantling the barriers around the War Memorial in Ottawa, Veterans say the Lord's Prayer and sing O Canada.
After Canadian Truckers were forced to leave the border, protestors came back on foot and locked arms in a line while reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
After Trudeau ordered police to confiscate gas and to arrest anyone trying to give the truckers gas, thousands showed up with gas cans.
Brussels fears total chaos as 'European freedom convoy' prepares to descend on EU HQ:
‘This Could Cost Him His Job:’ Truckers, Mandates Absolutely Crushing Trudeau, Poll Shows:

Covid/Vax Hoax:
The following countries announced the cancellation of all quarantine procedures, Corona tests, and compulsory vaccination, and considering Corona just a seasonal flu:
1) Turkey 
 2) Brazil 
 3) Britain 
 4) Sweden 
 5) Spain 
 6) Czech Republic 
 7) Mexico 
 8) El Salvador 
 9) Japan 
 10) Singapore

Now that the Mueller investigation has collapsed into nothing of consequence, there are at least six major scandals about to break in Washington DC:
Pedogate — Epstein Island and the blackmail operations associated with it (NXIVM, SNCTM); UK royal family’s involvement plus MI6; Israel and Mossad’s dirty role; Hollywood’s elite (notably at Disney) are up to their necks in this filth.
Spygate — Obama personally authorising illegal FISA spying on the Trump administration, before and after the election. Draws FVYE spy network nations into the scandal, especially Britain.
Russiagate failed coup attempt — Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Ohr, etc. —are all going to hang for treason. Italy has already cleaned house on this one, having been implicated in the set-up.
Election fraud in 2016 and 2018 by Democratic party (and for many years before). May trigger the unseating of many in the House and special elections.
Clinton Foundation — sale of state secrets to China; Haiti human trafficking (cf Epstein).
Uranium One — illegal sale of US nuclear material to Russia (which draws Mueller into his own scandal…).

The Devolution Plan:
In 2016 U.S. Military Intel already knew that the CCP had already created plans to steal the 2020 elections and knew several Leaders in the Democratic party and Republican party were going to steal the election and use Mainstream media, three letter agencies and use social media Tech Giants to help facilitate a foreign Operation to capture all three branches of The United States Government (Judicial, legislative and the Executive).
A PLAN was put in place by the U.S. Military. The Devolution PLAN is a confirmed process being preserved by the U.S. military to secretly maintain and save President Donald Trump’s administration.
Inside the workings of the PLAN power was given to Ezra Cohen Watnick, a very interesting person with The Highest civilian clearance inside Military Operations and Highest clearance inside Intelligence networks and Operations. He was placed by Trump and General Flynn. Ezra Watnick was also given highest power of Giving DECLASSIFIED information.
The Devolution PLAN involved secret operations of replacing politicians, senior key officials, high ranking GENERALS, Admirals and officers. A large operation took place to ensure the 2020 election was given to Biden (who was forced to play his part) in the Operation and World Military Sting OPs. 
The MILITARY took full control in early 2020 when the CCP released the Bioweapon Virus COVID-19 SARS. This point was a confirmed Marker of the CCP in cooperation with Obama Admin./Vatican/ROTHSCHILDs ect. and the takeover of The United States of America.
The MILITARY in that moment sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States enacted the first Stages of the Devolution PLAN. Securing and insulating the Presidential Powers of the Chief and Commander of The United States Donald J. TRUMP. 
The PLAN was set in motion to monitor all foreign and domestic companies (Tech, Medical, resources, trades, Banking) personnel, high elite political figures and all entities (CIA FBI ECT.) who conspired in the CCP FOREIGN OPERATION.
You are currently in the re-Constitutional Phase of the Devolution Plan. And the coming end. Keep Strong Patriots. Everything has meaning. You’re watching the final parts of the movie. The Military is the only way.


Open Letter to the Canadian Truckers By Dr. Robert W. Malone here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.2.2022:    here

Judy Note
Biden pushes for World War III with Russia over Ukraine.
All US utilities companies have been placed on high alert following the tension with Russia.
Rail, air and other travel services could close immediately.
Hospitals all over the world are being Cyber Attacked.
Pfizer has withdrawn its application for approval for COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 5 due
Canadian Police Force Truckers to leave, Vaccine Mandate Protestors Arrive on Foot.
Senator Rand Paul calls on truckers to blockade the Super Bowl and DC.
Present Global Currency Reset the largest transfer of wealth in Planet Earth’s history.
1.95 Million Chinese Communist Party members found embedded in US Government agencies.
US Military Raided/Seized CIA Dominion Servers In Germany Tied To 2020 Election Fraud.


X22 Report: Thomas Renz - The Coverup Phase Has Begun, The Evidence Will Bring Down Big Pharma & Fauci here
Attorney Thomas Renz is the lead Attorney in several major cases brought in Ohio, New Mexico, Maine, and Nationally against the CDC and DHHS regarding the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, false PCR data, fraudulent death numbers and more.  Thomas begins the conversation discussing DOD database and how they are tracking the effects of the vaccine. Big Pharma has been forced to produce the documentation in 6-8 months. Big Pharma, the [DS] are now trying to cover it all up, the coverup always gets you in the end. 

Canadian trucker: We’ll fight to the ‘bitter end’ here

Patriot Underground Episode 169 here
Are The GiveSendGo Coordinators Hiding Something?
Was the Freedom Convoy a Planned White Hat Operation?
Is COVID The Real Disease Or Is It Something Else?
Is the "Cure" the Great Awakening Itself?
White Hats Are Now Controlling the Opposition
Primary Objective: Expansion of Consciousness

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 12.2.2022:    here

Judy Note
On Fri. 11 Feb. while ignoring threats of arrests there were massive protests against vaccine mandates including Trucker Freedom Convoys in Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, Austria and Romania – threatening supply chains worldwide. 
Twelve Canadian police resigned today over wishes to support the protestors.
At any time Russia was expected to invade the Ukraine – where Biden owns land for an international human trafficking ring. Biden threatened that Russia’s actions would start World War III. 
The other big child trafficking party – the Super Bowl – was scheduled for Sun. 13 Feb., although there was a threatened Cyber Attack that could shutdown all systems on the Planet.
A Wisconsin fraud hearing identified massive evidence of 2020 Election irregularities.
A European Medicine Report showed menstrual disorders after mRNA COVID shots.
The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee reported that heart attacks happened 71 times more often after vaccination and that the vaccines were killing two people for every one life saved.


Freedom Convoy - Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski here

Kurt's notes:
With the help of the truckers or of the military - the people is winning ...

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 11.2.2022:    here

Patriot Trucker Freedom Convoys:
Inspired by the events in Canada, truckers from many other European countries decided to follow the example of their colleagues from Ottawa. Governments are trying to take preventive measures. French police said they had banned the activities of the freedom column heading to Paris and Brussels, threatening that any participants would be jailed for two years or fined 7,500 euros. The Paris Police Prefecture issued a statement on social networks: "Due to the risk of disturbing public order that this meeting may cause, the Prefect of Police issues an order prohibiting such demonstrations from Friday, February 11, to Monday, February 14." The mayor of Brussels wrote on Twitter that "he decided to ban the Freedom Convoy, which did not have permission to demonstrate, because no request was sent," adding that "measures are being taken to prevent the blocking of the Brussels capital region."
Canada: Warning to all Patriot Freedom Truckers – False Flag Event Incoming: The Deep State in Canada was preparing a False Flag Event to blame the Freedom Convoys for Terrorist Events. Last week in meetings with Trudeau high government officials, the Canadian Military declined to step in the Freedom Convoy Protest and arrest Canadian civilians. The Canadian Deep State was now creating a False Flag Event to blame on the convoys in hopes the Canadian Military will change their mind and step in to arrest the insurrectionists/terrorists.
New Zealand: A Freedom Convoy is underway in Wellington, New Zealand as hundreds of drivers, inspired by Canadians, are blocking roads near Parliament in protest of vaccine mandates.
Finland convoy against tyranny and mandates.
Detroit along Canadian Border: Backups grow at Blue Water Bridge, Ambassador Bridge remains closed. Protests over COVID-19 vaccine and quarantine mandates in Canada continue to disrupt international commerce.
Nevada Governor ends mask mandate effective immediately, including in schools.

Covid- and Vaxx Hoax:
More and more people were testing positive for HIV. Vaccine linked to HIV (Aids) infection.
"The DMED database shows that after the introduction of vaccines against Covid-19, the incidence of cancer has tripled. Thanks to the "vaccines", the incidence of cancer among military personnel has more than tripled.
Scandal in the US Department of Defense: the military was caught in serious data manipulation after disclosing information about military deaths from vaccination against Covid-19
1,000 different studies that show extensive evidence of side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. A list of "peer-reviewed" medical articles submitted to various medical journals that provide extensive evidence of side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. The list includes studies conducted before January 20 concerning adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines, such as myocarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, heart disease, Bell's palsy, immune-mediated diseases and many others.

The first 15 studies:
1. Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a series of cases:
2. Myocarditis after immunization with Covid-19 mRNA vaccines in US military personnel. This article reports that "23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy servicemen, had myocarditis detected within 4 days after receiving the vaccine."
3. Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA vaccine COVID-19 in a series of cases in children.
4. Acute symptomatic myocarditis in seven adolescents after vaccination by Pfizer-BioNTech against Covid-19.
5. Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with Covid-19 mRNA: practical considerations for medical professionals.
6. Myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy after vaccination against Covid-19:
7. Myocarditis after vaccination with Covid-19 mRNA.
8. Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination against Covid-19.
9. Myocarditis temporarily associated with vaccination against Covid-19.
10. Vaccination against Covid-19 associated with myocarditis in adolescents.
11. Acute myocarditis after administration of the BNT162b2 vaccine against Covid-19:
12. The temporal relationship between the vaccine against Covid-19 Ad26.COV2.S and acute myocarditis: clinical case and literature review
13. Myocarditis caused by the Covid-19 vaccine: a clinical case with a literature review.
14. Possible link between Covid-19 vaccine and myocarditis: clinical data and MRI data.
15. Relapse of acute myocarditis temporarily associated with the receipt of the vaccine against mRNA coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) a male teenager.



Kingdom Of Canada Disguising An Unloving Dictatorship?!! According To Romana Didulo If You Are Horny Twice And Act Out You Can Go To Jail For Life If You Are Under Age Of 24 In The Kingdom Of Canada… Asking For The Global Military Alliance And The Galactics To Monitor This Situation Which Puts Human Will Over Laws Of God And The Creation!! here

Steve Turley: Freedom Convoy TRIUMPHS As Canadian Mandates FALL!!! here

Freedom Convoy, Organizer Tom Marazzo speaks to the Nation, Feb. 10, 2022 here

Devastating Presentation “Exposing Military Corruption During COVID-19” Sent to Members of Congress here

Freedom Convoy Organizers Reiterate Demands For a “PERMANENT” End to ALL Tyrannical Covid Mandates, Not a Temporary One – Will Stay Until It Happens here

Italy’s Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano Endorses the Canadian Truck Drivers Against the New World Order here


Patriot Underground Episode 167, 8.2.22 here
Timelines & Consciousness
2 Competing Energy Forces
Linear Perception of Time
Reality As a False Construct
Role of Free Will
Timelines 1 and 2
Frequency Deviations
How Consciousness Creates Physical Matter/ Copies of People
The Path of Ascension
Kurt's notes:
Manipulated Slavery Matrix Timeline of Deep State Cabal against Timeline of Spiritual Ascension;
free will choice to take part in one or another, in fear or faith;
from 2045 on the Alliance will allow only the continuation of the Timeline of Spiritual Ascension;
due to different timelines there are many physical copies of our body, but only one Soul on the journey throughout the eternity;
the timeline of the awakened is infinite and leads to ascension, the timeline of the asleep is finite and ends in the year 2045;
By disclosure, intuition and free will choice a switch from the matrix timeline to the ascension timeline becomes possible;
ignorance is no defense in the age of information, when all of us have access to the information.
A posting:
"From what I understand, the 1000 years of peace and prosperity, aka. the Golden Age of mankind, will be occurring in 5D. This includes nesara/gesara, humanitarian funds, love and joy and kindness to one another. We are almost there. Hopefully your loved ones will wake up during the upcoming revelations. Those who chose to remain in darkness will stay and continue to learn their lessons. It’s their choice and they made it long before they were born here. Enjoy this process as much as you can and stay in light; keep clearing all negativity, doubt and fear from your Soul."
Kurt's posting:
Hello Patriot Underground. I am a spiritual man from Austria, and I am following your broadcasts since months. I see in you a spiritual brother, almost twin brother. Your conclusions are almost every time my conclusions. But the chosen symbol of the "All Seeing Eye" in your presentation for the second timeline of higher frequency leaves room for misunderstanding and doubt about your broadcast intentions, at least for those people who are still fighting with both tendencies. I trust you, but I would have chosen a better, no doubt leaving symbol. With love from the bottom of my Soul heart.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 9.2.2022:    here

The Real News Headlines for Tues. 8 Feb. 2022:
On Mon. 7 Feb. 2022 Covid Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg 2.0 Trial Began. Opening Statement: (1) There is no pandemic (2) CV-19 can be successfully treated by natural means (3) The same people who created the Swine Flu fake pandemic created the CV-19 pandemic (4) The other side’s main purpose is to gain control over all of us, create a One World Government, depopulate the planet and have full control of the global monetary system.
In the past 72 hours 32 Governors, 130 top Military leaders from across the nation and top officials in NSA, DNI and DOE were summoned to the Pentagon for meetings with Pompeo, Adm. Rogers and D. Jingwei Chinese, Intel defector with 20 years of evidence on the Chinese Communist Party/ US corruption, CV-19 and 2020 Election fraud.
Dong Jingwei handed over 1 TB = 75 million pages of evidence containing 20 years of CCPs plans, execution & current infiltration to destroy the U.S including creating the SARS, Covid 19 bioweapons & all companies & people in involved including HRC, weapons trade, money laundering, creating weapons for climate change (Evergreen Ship), U.S. officials and Deep State Military, Deep State run military bases, DC and MSM Media. This involved Obama, Gates, Fauci, CDC, Biden, WHO, HRC, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, CIA, Rothschilds, Vatican and the Israeli Kazarian Crime Syndicate.
In the early morning hours of Tues. 29 June to 30 June 2021 over 700 arrests on CIA agents were made throughout the US, UK and EU. In the next eight days there were lots of flights to GITMO. It was the largest Mass Arrests so far in a 32 hour time frame. The Military Federal Marshals moved on behalf of sealed indictments and important evidence, files and Servers provided by Jong Jingwei. The Deep State Mainstream Media did not report on the arrests.
There were planned protests – this time against Child Trafficking – for the Super Bowl on Sun. 13 Feb. that would be followed by a Trucker Convoy from LA to Washington DC, plus there was a planned Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoy siege for Brussels on February 14.


Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022 in Ottawa here

Kurt's comment:
History in the making in Ottawa ... Chris Sky, one of the heroes of Canada, of humanity, fighting for Canadians, for humanity.

All about what's happening with General Flynn & the White Hats, Law of War DOD manual and the military...
Scott Bennett is a U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He has worked at U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.
Kurt's notes and comment:
The vaccination issue can also bring Trump down. Why doesn't General Flynn warn the public? I think there may be no future role neither for Trump nor for Flynn in the new America and new World. New young leaders will appear ...


Freedom Convoy Canada ADDRESS TO THE NATION - Feb.6, 2022 "State of Emergency Update" here

Before it's News and New Earth News: Queen Of Canada Declares Martial Law Feb. 5. 2022 And Canadians Should Be Very Happy About This Confusing And Seemingly Alarming News!! Here's What Could Be Happening!! here and here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 7.2.2022:    here

A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability. …White Hats

Judy Note: The CV-19 Vaccinations have been defined as premeditated Mass Murder. How do we stop it? The Military is the Only Way.

Headlines, especially Canada:
This week as the Global Currency Reset rolled out, millions were uniting to fight the Cabal’s CV-19 Vax Plandemic – a premeditated Mass Murder:
In 2009, billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and David Rockefeller held a secret meeting that soon led to worldwide vaccinations. 
Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines can cause the inflammatory heart conditions Myocarditis and Pericarditis, mostly in young males, while the Oxford/AstraZeneca can cause blood clots and strokes.
On 5 Feb. Alliance White Hat Military appointed Queen of Canada Romana Didulo authorized US and Global allied Forces to enter Canada and arrest anyone enforcing unlawful Covid Mandates. 
Didulo claimed that Justin Trudeau was no longer in Canada, the Canadian Corporation (under the now-defunct US Inc.) had been dissolved and the Kingdom of Canada was open for business without Covid Mandates.
As of midnight Sun. night 6 Feb. Ottawa police will be cutting off the fuel supply to convoy/occupation supporters. Police had already started to arrest truckers.
In Mexico Babies were found being transported in carcasses of dead beef for further trade and sale! 
A Documentary Film has been released on Ballot Trafficking about delivering illegal ballots in key swing states during the 2020 election. 

Covid- and Vaxx-Hoax:
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has finally admitted that natural immunity trumps vaccine immunity. The latest Covid-19 mortality data from Australia shows that 95% of those who died were vaccinated with at least one dose. Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines can cause the inflammatory heart conditions Myocarditis and Pericarditis, mostly in young males, while the Oxford/AstraZeneca can cause blood clots and strokes.
If it can be proven that both Delta and Omicron were as a direct result of shedding spike proteins from the vaccines everyone who caught the variants have cause to sue for vaccine injury. Reiner Fuellmich says he has scientists who can prove causation between the shots and vaccine injuries. “There is a fingerprint that only the vaccines leave”
CDC Admits Natural Immunity Trumps Vaccine Immunity — 5 Months After Touting Vaccines as Superior. Five months after issuing a statement that vaccine immunity protects against COVID better than natural immunity, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent a report showing the opposite is true!
The latest Covid-19 mortality data from Australia shows that 95% of those who died were vaccinated with at least one dose.
HISTORY IS MADE: Top 6 Covid Corruption Whistleblowers of 2021 and 2022:
Covid Deaths Following Vaccination: It is known that Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines can cause the inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis, mostly in young males, while the Oxford/AstraZeneca can cause blood clots and strokes. We do not know to what extent, and how many children have died or been permanently disabled as the result of a Covid vaccination. We know that 2.9 million children have received first doses of Pfizer and 20,550 have had first doses of Moderna, while 11,600 children have received first doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca’s vaccine (though it is no longer recommended for the under 40s because that age group is more susceptible to potentially fatal blood clots). Nearly a million under 18s have received second dose!

Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Tucker Carlson Destroys U.S. State Department's Attempt to Launch War With Russia, Says Alex Jones 'Far More Credible':
Biden and his war hawks clamor for war with Russia; Ukraine tells him to STOP WARMONGERING and calm down:
UK Military Warns of Nuclear Attack From Space – GreatGameIndia:
In a few weeks China will be done with the Olympics and >WILL<their military movements again. For now Coups in Africa begin
Myanmar is in MILITARY control and has arrest warrant for SOROS
India border is bringing in MILITARY force and munitions and getting ready for China.
EU/UK is moving major military assets to the Eastern borders.
Malaysia is continuing Military build up..
In South Europe the talks and military MOVEMENTS of SERBIA reclaiming Yugoslavia Kingdom is becoming forefront.
The U.S. MILITARY is holding drills and joint exercises through different parts of the World the past year and continuing.
China has Military Warships in almost every port around the World.


Patriot Underground Episode 166 here
Projecting Beyond The Storm
MSM Control Over Info/Narrative is Over
COVID Hospitalizations 80+% Vaxxed
Harnessing Our True Potential
Dismantling the Enemy System
Why Q Isn't a Psyop


Patriot Underground Episode 165 here
COVID Truth Pouring Out
FDA Admits PCR Fraud:
"No Isolates Available" for COVID PCR Testing Trials
Cyber Attacks Likely
Trump's EO Countered Chinese Control of Power Grid
February Arrest Imminent?
Shock and Awe!
Legal Process is Theater--Military in Full Control
Targeted Dominoes in Key Chokepoints Will Fall
Cabal Almost Out of Moves
Church is a Captured Operation--Satanic Operatives
Trucker Convoy Stands It's Ground
Military in Position
Prepare for a Better World!

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.2.2022:    here

US Judge Forces FDA to Release Pfizer Covid Vaccine Data:
20,000 Pages by April 1. A group of scientists have successfully sued the FDA under FOIA - to force the release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Here’s what’s you need to know:
• The FDA rolling productions are due on the first business day of every month
• 10,000 pages for the first two productions are due on or before March 1 and April 1, 2022.
• 80,000 pages are due before May 2, June 1 and July 1, 2022.
• 70,000 before August 1, 2022 and then 55K pages first business day each month after.
• The FDA can “bank” pages, eg produce excess one month before and deduct on the month after.
Originally, Pfizer and the FDA were planning to release documents a drip at a time over more than half a century.


UTSAVA: The truth about so-called 'Insiders'--Michael Flynn Controversy-Troops deployed! here
Accurate predictions and prophecies,\ Michael Flynn, who can you trust on social media? Troops, emergency event coming up!



Denmark: Mads Palsvig of JFK21 demands Nuremberg trial for Corona criminals here
This is my new years declaration I send to 1600 journalists, all members of parliament, all employees with our CDC and 25 different email addresses to the Danish Police. I propose Truth and Reconciliation in the coming Nuremberg trials, not death penalty. But we need a Nuremberg even now they try to lift the restrictions, claim the vaccines helped and thus avoid to face justice.


Truckers protest turns into Anti-Trudeau movement here
Canada's Freedom Convoy protest is growing in size & strength. Truckers have gridlocked Canada's capital Ottawa. The movement is no longer just about Covid restrictions but also against PM Justin Trudeau's leadership.

Ottawa Canada Freedom Convoy Drone Compilation here
Kurt's comment:
The Heroes of the People ...

Patriots, get ready for the LATEST BOMBSHELL UPDATE with Dr. Reiner Fullmich! This is a 3-PART COMPILATION, in which Dr. Reiner Fullmich confirmed that an INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL will be starting as early as next week. He goes on to say that SEVERAL LEGAL ACTIONS are also taking place in South Africa, India, Poland, and Canada. Bill Gates faces the death penalty in India, but you will NOT hear a word in the complicit mainstream media about that, let alone the fact that Anthony Fauci, Dr. Tedros, General Director of WHO and Mr. Christian Drosten (the lying idiot who pushed the useless PCR test to no end) ARE ALSO FACING THE DEATH PENALTY! This video also includes an interview of tremendous hope enhanced by a SPIRITUAL FORCE that will turn a seemingly IRREVERSIBLE and DEMONIC PLAN to DUST!
This interview BLOWS UP the fake news narratives and DROPS A MOAB on the EVIL DOERS of this DYSTOPIAN & NIGHTMARISH FARCE and was IMMEDIATELY CENSORED & REMOVED by YouTube and Facebook (also complicit in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY)! Dr. Fuellmich of the German Corona Investigative Committee, explains in FANTASTIC & VIVID detail what the Committee’s first lawsuit will accomplish. He says many people are calling it Nuremberg 2.0!
In this MIND-BLOWING interview, Dr. Fuellmich also talks about spirituality, which he believes will play an important role in humanity’s evolving and winning this case; in not giving up and in a future new society which Reiner believes will be based on local or regional societies, with local supplies, and regional trade. Dr. Fuellmich feels that about 30% of the population are awake and can no longer be fooled, while another 40% are in the process of waking up – demonstrating throughout Europe, what has so far been mostly hidden by the mainstream media, and CAN NO LONGER BE SILENCED!

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 1.2.2022:    here

Canadian Trucker strike in Ottawa:
Canada resident report: “I live in Canada. Canada imports a lot from the USA, a lot of our food here comes from there too. As we are neighbors, everything comes by truck. in early January, the prime minister of Canada implemented that Canadian truck drivers would have to have a health passport to enter and leave the country via the US border. Well, it wasn't very well received. 18,000 truck drivers were fired because they do not want to be vaccinated. So, these truck drivers got together to make a march from one end of the country (Britain’s Columbia) to the capital, Ottawa, where the prime minister is (like the plateau). However… a lot of people started to support the truck drivers. The truck drivers started to receive a lot of cash donations for food and gasoline until there (a 6 day trip). One thing led to another, a herd effect was happening until, suddenly, the truck drivers decided that they will no longer fight for them, but for everyone!!! they've decided that they're going to march to the prime minister and they won't budge from there until the prime minister drops the health passport, the masks, all the restrictions, everything!! They said: until we restore our freedom, we will not leave here. but the best you will know now: the movement grew so much that they left one end of the country on Monday, with each city they pass, more truckers and cars of ordinary people, families, join. People are all in their favor. the restaurants are giving away free food to the people on the march. Hotels letting you sleep for free. Free filling stations. The whole country joined and accumulated 5 MILLION DOLLARS for the march (food, gasoline, etc). there are now 100,000 Canadian truck drivers and last night 13,000 American truck drivers entered the country to participate. There's almost no one against it! The country has completely woken up! Saturday morning they will arrive in the capital and will lock down the surroundings of the “plateau” until freedom is restored in the country. This is so incredible that now Australia is already organizing their march! you need to search YouTube for the videos of this march, it's over, the country will stop on Saturday! Search YouTube and TikTok (even better) for “truck convoy 2022” or “convoy to Ottawa 2022” and you will see the beauty that is happening! England and Denmark have already run out of passports. with the bigger countries struggling in this way, the less developed ones end up following along. Wait until Saturday! Please pray for the truckers and everyone involved!" This is an act for freedom with the union of all. Wake up, PEOPLE.


28.1.22: Truckers Across Planet Unite In Convoys Against Medical Tyranny here

STEW PETERS SHOW, 25.1.22: Military Vax Data Rocks DC: Catastrophic Injury Toll Exposed At Sen. Johnson Hearing here

The Voice of Night (MS 17) Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri here


Simon Parkes: 30TH JANUARY 2022 UPDATE CURRENT NEWS here
Kurt's notes:
Because so many people still refuse to wake up despite all the evidence because of the permanent and highly successful brainwashing by the mainstream media, the White Hats are now tending to drop the option of martial law and emergency broadcast because the brainwashed will reject the truth and assume a military coup, and instead to go for the removal of the Biden government by constitutional means.


Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 29.1.2022:    here

Covid Tyranny Begins to Collapse With ICLC Arrests:
Police in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands have joined with International Common Law Court of Justice Sheriffs to seize the outlawed Covid 'vaccines', and arrest convicted criminals. Using January 19 Arrest and Confiscation Warrants issued by the ICLCJ, groups of police, ex-military, and sworn Sheriffs have closed pharmacies and 'vaccine' depots in eleven cities this past week.
In England, these Warrants compelled the British government to cancel their "Plan B" Covid measures on January 19, the same day that ICLCJ Sheriffs arrived in London to arrest convicted felons Emma Walmsley (GlaxoSmithKline CEO), Archbishop Justin Welby, and Elizabeth Windsor (aka 'Queen of England').
On Vancouver Island in Canada, two felons convicted by the ICLCJ were arrested and held in a local police detention facility. One of them agreed to name others who are involved in the offshore China-Canada organ and drug trafficking trade, and to lead ICLCJ Sheriffs to the site of a mass grave of children killed in recent Big Pharma drug experiments.
Complete details and more breaking news on this historic takedown of the global Corporatocracy will be announced this Sun. 30 Jan. at 6 pm EST on - The Voice of the Republic and the Resistance AND on Mon. 31 Jan. in a global broadcast to be posted at under ITCCS Updates. Issued by the ICLCJ and its Chief Field Secretary Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice on January 29, 2022.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 29.1.2022:    here

Trucker Strike for Freedom Against Vaccine Mandates Movement:
It is advised to stock up on 2-3 weeks supply of food, fuel and goods as shelves will very soon be empty with millions of truckers and citizens across the globe joining the Trucker Strike for Freedom Against Vaccine Mandates Movement.
Around 50,000-150,000 Canadian and US Truckers were traveling in a 93 mile long convoy across and into Canada to meet with an estimated over 1.4 million followers on Mon. 31 Jan. 10:30 am at the Parliament Building in Ottawa. There were 20,000 Australian truckers, plus truckers in Italy, Brazil and other European nations joining the movement. The Canadian and US truckers planned to stay put until action was taken – a move that was bound to cause disruption of the food supply chain.
Former NHL player Theo Fleury on Fox News: "One of the biggest revolutions is happening in Canada right now. Right now, 50,000 truckers and about 1.4 million people are heading to Parliament in Ottawa. And they're going to stay there until Trudeau resigns or until they give us back all our freedoms and rights."
When truckers protest for 24 hours: The delivery of medical supplies and medicines is significantly reduced. Hospitals are running out of basic materials. Gas stations are running out of fuel. Manufacturers using just-in-time technology have a shortage of components. The US Post is experiencing disruptions, the delivery of other parcels is stopped. Food shortages begin. Prices are increasing at gas stations, there are queues at gas stations.
When truckers protest for 2-3 days: The food shortage is increasing, especially against the background of holding and consumer panic. Banks cannot conduct transactions. The supplies of essential food are running out. Garbage accumulates in cities and suburbs. Container ships are idle in ports, the movement of commercial transport is disrupted and stopped.
When truckers protest for a week: Automobile traffic stops due to lack of fuel. Hospitals are running out of oxygen.
When truckers protest for two weeks: Supplies of clean water are running out.
When truckers protest for four weeks: The country's clean water reserves are exhausted.

Thomas Renz, attorney for the Frontline Doctors:
“Here’s your way out, politicians… for those of you who have been Covid sellouts, here is your ‘out’, and I want you to hear me. I’m going to put this into as simple terms as possible. This data is coming out. We are going to make it go everywhere… I’ve given it to so many attorneys, you’re going to have a heck of a time shutting us up. So, your options are you can come out and you can support the American people and you can start investigating and hopefully imprisoning these bureaucrats that have been murdering our soldiers and murdering American people, OR, you can show the American people that you stand on the side of death… I saw today, I was outraged, Anthony Scumbag Garbage Murderer Fauci came out and said he wants to give this to kids under 4 in a three dose series. He wants to murder more children… He is a liar. He is a crook. He is Mengele on steroids. I cannot think of a worse human being on this planet.”


UTSAVA: Russia, China, Food shortages, Nuclear war? Flynn here
Learn about Michael Flynn; black hat or white hat? Russia/China nuclear war? EBS? About Food shortages, the upcoming scare event, the Justice system scam, the future of the Buckingham Palace and the White House. What happened to CirstenW?



Patriot Underground Episode 163 here
Big Event Likely Scenarios
How Will The GA Unfold?
Underground War Isn't Over Yet
Thoughts on Crypto
EBS Potential Triggering Events
Identifying the Enemy Within

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 27.1.2022:    here

Judy Note on Biden and Ukraine:
 Cyber Attacks were pushing the world toward War with Russia over the Ukraine, while Biden spent the day browsing stores and eating ice cream. Biden had extensive holdings to protect in Ukraine, including an Underground Tunnel running beneath his property where hundreds of thousands of children were said trafficked every year. 
But then, why should he be concerned? For years Biden had been getting away with corruption in the Ukraine, US and China. And, his connections to international child sex trafficking was well known and began at his Water Island next door to Epstein Island.
The Ukraine was also the center of corruption with regard to illegal arms dealing & also serves as the Democrats’ shadow organization for corrupt activities such as child-sex-trafficking & drug running.

White Hats Intel on Haiti, Clintons and Mother Teresa
The Assassination of Jovenel Moise the President of Haiti was silenced for working with NSA and giving information to U.S. Military Intel and direct evidence on the Clinton Foundation and all the gold stolen from Haiti through the Clintons and CIA.
President Moise had all the evidence on the submarines the Clintons and Epstein had on the island to transfer hundreds of thousands of children trafficked across the world. 
Moise had given collected/evidence the past four years on Mother Teresa human trafficking networks in collision with The Clinton Foundation/FBI and 90 Billion dollar payment to the Vatican, which headed the operation. 
In the evidence/files/servers given to Trump/NSA the CIA had used weather modification and Tectonic Weapons to cause earthquakes and floods to cover up the story of 800,000 missing children.
The sealed indictments touches on all these facts, and all evidence and testimony are recorded.
Unfortunately the Deep State Cabal were running low on Adrenochrome in the world wide market.
Sources believe the upheaval in Haiti is the same deep state play book: send in the Deep State UN, take over the country and the children.
Things are getting heavy my friends... Winter on. Many Deep State countries were making their moves – desperate moves to stay alive.

Underground War:
The last 10-15% of the tunnels in U.S are the HARDEST battles through Cali, Texas, Florida (water world) N.E U.S. (five finger sub/maglev lines). The mini tunnels through the N.E. Cities NY, DC, Philadelphia, Montreal, Finger lakes, Chicago.ect. MASSIVE mini tunnels lines. Small inner city Tunnels Lines (U-Ts) NY:150, Boston:45, Hartford:50, Baltimore: 50, DC:70, Montreal: 60 they all connect to maglev & Sub tunnels. The N.E. U.S is the oldest Trafficking tunnels since British control +Queen, Phillips, Vatican, CIA, FBI. Thousands of soldiers lost since 2014 destruction of the Underground tunnels and bases. Thousands of children and adults in underground D.U.M.Bs  lost and dead through Deep State Explosions. Tornados in the last weeks were cover patterns silencing the Deep State booms.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 26.1.2022:    here

 “All phones were being cut off – think Satellites and Internet cables being cut. We were getting new Q Phones: Quantum Phones – think Tesla P.I. Download the Signal App as you will need it during The Storm. Rough Order Social Media – think Q1044. Instagram will stay til last. We have to follow RT News that will guide us in DECLAS before it all goes down. Internet switched off. Kill Switch.” …Whiplash347 on Tues. 25 Jan.

White Hats Army: Why does TRUMP still push vaccines?
That answer is connected to Military Tribunals, War Crimes Courts, Nuremberg Code Trials and Crimes Against Humanity.
In this stage of the Final Events and in the world court military trials, Trump will expose all systems of corruption through the evidence and power to bring down the Cabal Systems of the world.
The scientists (Fauci), NIH, CDC, NIAIH, WHO and world health board organizations all colluded to give him false evidence and information of a Pandemic/illicit vaccines, plus pushed through corruption to have him release those vaccines.
How the first batches of vaccines released through operation Warp speed were mainly fake vaccines (placebos).
Why infiltration into the Deep State vaccine world was necessary.
That worldwide corruption system was connected to World Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech, CIA, UN, WHO, NIH, CDC, Chinese Communist Party.
How do you expose a worldwide corruption system who colluded in the Crime of the Century and created a virus bio-weapon vaccine? Infiltration.
One day you will understand why Trump released the vaccines in record time – that the Deep State thought he could never do. This move threw the Deep State Plan into chaos, and began the collapse of World Banks, investors, brokers, share holders of vaccine companies and pharmaceutical companies who went into confusion as half trillions of dollars were lost in the unsure world of the Stock Market in the first few days of Jan. 2020. Panic set in as millions of investors pulled their monies.
If Trump hadn’t released the vaccines in his last months of office the world would have been in deeper trouble with harder lockdowns, more destruction of the economy, real mass deaths through different bioweapons.
For now it's hard for people to understand why so many placebos, mRNA and cancer causing vaccines were in the markets: The placebos were there because Trump saved lives by pushing the Deep State agenda early – too early for the Deep State to be ready.
This put a lot of placebos in place. Even now the Deep State can't keep up with vaccine productions and installing placebos.
When it’s time Trump will answer to the Military Courts. His answers will be astounding as he exposes the false data, evidence and falsified information. It will bring down the Deep State Rockefellers, Rothschilds, UN, Davos, CCP, Big Pharma, Big Tech world evil Cabal plan.
The exposure will lead to foreign occupation of the US that controlled these corrupt institutions throughout the world.
In a way Trump was a sacrifice. He had to make these moves and knew he would get into trouble in the end, but also knew he would be insulated by the Military who placed him in that position.
These moves had to happen. The Deep State was going to release the bioweapons – the deadly vaccines – with or without Trump in office. 
There was no way to stop the Cabal Plan – the only way was to seize control of the plan through infiltration, exposure and in the end, through Military Courts full declassification.


Juan O'Savin Discusses Law Of War Manual 11.3 with Nicholas Veniamin here
Kurt's notes about the Michael Flynn-Case:
O'Savin says: "Flynn is a patriot. Some of his statements are arguable. Deep State wants us divided. AI working to create division between patriots."


Michael Jaco: Cirsten W. Insights and baddies being exposed. The awakening from fear to anger is happening here
Kurt's notes:
Jaco says that Simon Parkes is a vampire and bad guy. Also Michael Flynn is for Jaco a deep stater and traitor.


Kerry Cassidy, 20.1.22: UTSAVA: WELL KNOWN PSYCHIC & PATRIOT here
Kurt's notes:
All the relevant current topics.
About the General Michael Flynn-Case -
Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward: "Flynn is a good guy, Lin Wood against Flynn is only a show in order to catch the false patriots in the truther community";
Michael Jaco: "Flynn is a bad guy.";
Utsava: "Flynn is a traitor, arrested by the White Hats".

Simon Parkes: 24TH JANUARY 2022 UPDATE CURRENT NEWS here


Cliff High: Vax Die-Off for Next Three Years! here and here
Cliff High is an Internet data mining expert who uses “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. Some of his most disturbing trends he has spotted in his data analysis surround the CV19 vax. High is seeing the vax narrative breaking down. It may only be a matter of weeks before the restrictions and coerced injections are over, but that does not mean it’s clear sailing. According to High, the worst by far is yet to come. High explains, “So, it’s breaking down. The real horror is yet awaiting us, and that’s when all of the people who have been harmed by these injections wake up and realize they have been harmed and will have the natural emotions that accompany that.”

Patriot Underground: Brad Olsen Interview here
Searching for the Hidden Truth
MK Ultra History: How it Led to Mass Formation Psychosis
Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird
Neo Fascism Has Led to the Great Awakening
Why All Roads Lead to Antarctica
Operation Highjump
Hidden History of UFOs
The 4th Reich's True History
Secret Space Program
Solar Warden
Non-Terrestrial Intel: Reptilians, Greys, Vril
Escaping Prison Planet


Simon Parkes: 21st January 2022 Update Current News here
Kurt's notes:
In UK the White Hats keep the old politicians to change the narrativ.
Parkes refuses vehemently the false military narrative "Lean back and enjoy the show" because innocent people, living from day to day under the permanent pressure of surviving, are dying on a daily basis due to the global Covid measures like inoculation etc..
To get the information out is pointless if three quarters of the people are brainwashed since hundreds of years and therefore unable and unwilling to hear and see the truth. Besides, most people are kind-hearted and cannot imagine that their government could be so evil.
Miscalculation of the White Hats who had a to high opinion on the public for waking it up.
The Mainstream Media has to be forced to tell the truth, otherwise there is no chance to wake the sheep up.
Humanity deserves better.
Kurt's comment:
Simon Parkes' best podcast to date, which gets to the heart of the current global situation.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 21.1.2022:    here

Global Martial Law - Russia/Putin:
President Putin is ahead of the game…leading the way for his peoples restored Sovereignty as per his speech 12/26/21 the Restored Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the USSR, Colonel VV Putin said, “Dear citizens of Russia and the Republic of the USSR Union! Today, on the eve of the New Year 2022, I am very pleased to inform you that the long-awaited day has arrived towards which we have been going for all these long years… From now on, all structures of Russia and the Republic of the USSR Union will pass martial law. I order all power structures of Russia and the republics of the Union to adopt martial law and maintain order, not to allow violence against the civilian population.”

On 26 Dec. 2021 Restored Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Colonel VV Putin declared Martial Law for implementation of GESARA Law for the citizens of Russia and the Republic of the USSR Union:
“Today, on the eve of the New Year 2022, I am very pleased to inform you that the long-awaited day has arrived towards which we have been going for all these long years. From now on, all structures of Russia and the Republic of the USSR Union will pass martial law. I order all power structures of Russia and the republics of the Union to adopt martial law and maintain order, not to allow violence against the civilian population.”
* The current composition of governmental bodies of all republics of the union, will temporarily fulfill their official functions until the elections of 2022.
* The activities of all government bodies are in accordance with the Constitution (Constitution) of the Soviet Union of 1936, before the elections and a referendum on the adoption of a new sovereign (constitutional) law according to the EU referendum and of March 17, 1991.
* All government agencies also provide food and basic necessities to residents. Protect all grocery stores, children and educational institutions, medical facilities, media, and government offices.
* Today all necessary documents signed for all branches of government, sabotage or failure to meet these requirements will be considered treason.
* All war crimes will be prosecuted by a military court.
* Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal Service for the Enforcement of Justice will stop their activities from 27.12.2021.
* Russia and the republics of the Union strike on the path of socialist development.
* Anyone who has committed crimes against their people after 1991 will be prosecuted. There will be no witch hunt, but the guilty will be punished accordingly.
* All major means of production, earth, water, air, soil, natural resources, energy sources, gold, and foreign currency assets will be returned to national state ownership of the Soviet Union restaurant.
* All utility bills, education payments, and medical services are canceled until the 2022 board elections.
* All civilian tax collections were canceled.
* All funds of the citizens of Russia and the Republic of the Union deposited in foreign banks are returned to the Soviet Union State Bank.
* The new government assumes all responsibilities for the peaceful transition of Russia and the republics of the Union to the socially fair Soviet Union, in which exploitation of people by people is prohibited.

Global Financial Crisis - Russia:
Russian Central Bank set to prohibit all Crypto Currencies such as #Bitcoin in the country, including transactions, mining and circulation. In a statement issued on Thursday, the Central Bank said that "the status of the Russian ruble, which is not a reserve currency, does not allow Russia to take a soft approach or ignore the growing risks" from Crypto Currencies that have several characteristics of a pyramid scheme.”

Trump Put Fauci Center Stage to Expose the Truth:
[FAUCI] covered up of HIV being a BIOWEAPON in the 80s 
[FAUCI] covered up the real treatments for the HIV
[FAUCI] covered up for the FAKE HIV treatments that killed people
[FAUCI] covered up CANCER virus that infect VACCINES stock piles across the World
[FAUCI] created the GAIN OF FUNCTION in Covid-19 and proceeding Strains 
[FAUCI] created the Vaccines
This isn't the first time FAUCI is involved in PANDEMICS and is directly connected to the WORLD ELITES who all help fund him .....

Five facts about Human Trafficking:
Every 30 seconds a child or teen is sold in the commercial sex industry in the United States.
The majority of teens tricked and groomed into human trafficking met their trafficker or communicated with their trafficker online.
More than 90% of trafficked youth still attend school regularly at the start of their exploitation.
More than 50% of all sex trafficking cases in America involve kids under the age of 18 (U.S. Dept. of Justice)
88% of victims of human trafficking in the U.S. are U.S. citizens, not foreign nationals (U.S. Dept. of Justice)

Five Tips for Parents to Prevent Human Trafficking:
Educate yourself about the realities of human trafficking (Red Flags, Warning Signs, Grooming Techniques, Profile of a Predator and more). Understand that NO CHILD IS IMMUNE, not even yours.
Establish open and ongoing communication with your kids about sex trafficking, child exploitation and predation.
Teach your kids about online safety and how to detect predators on social media and online gaming platforms.
Monitor their online activity and social media/gaming platforms and smart phones. Watch for warning signs such as being secretive or hiding “new friends” online.
Implement the guidelines contained in Enough Is Enough's "Rules 'N Tools" to protect children on all internet-enabled devices that include:
Set Parental Controls and use filters and monitoring software on all devices that connect to the internet.
Turn on privacy settings on social media, gaming and smart phone accounts.
Know who your child is communicating with via texts, instant messages, social posts, and while using voice chat on gaming systems.

Learn more about Human Trafficking, including the link between internet pornography and sex trafficking. View our "Predators/Traffickers 101" section here.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 20.1.2022:    here

Eventually worldwide Military coups will begin, but first Martial Law.
The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots on food shortages, gas shortages, Vaccine Mandates, forced vaccines/lockdowns as citizens of the world rise against the Deep State Plandemic.
The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in Military in all major countries.
The Deep State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the pandemic and Bank companies and pharmaceutical companies and Deep State affair will be arrested = Zero Hour, the Fall of the Cabal in all countries.
Trust the Plan: The Military is the only way.

What we think we know as of Thurs. morning 19 Jan. 2022:
Due to interference of a foreign power (Chinese Communist Party) in the fraudulent 2020 Election, a peaceful transition to Military Power in the US actually took place at Biden’s inauguration on 20 Jan. 2021
The Biden Administration had since acted as a puppet government for China, the occupying power, holding control of the White House in Washington DC (the occupied territory) via election fraud since the 2020 Presidential Election.
According to the US Law of War Manual Section 11.3 an illegitimate government has to be in power for a year before the military could lawfully remove them. We would reach that deadline this Fri. 21 Jan. 
Thurs. 20 Jan. or Fri. 21 Jan. could likely then be when the US Military arrested the Biden Administration for violations of the Laws of War by pretending to be, and acting like a sovereign power, when they were legally an occupying power.
This US Military takeover of the US government and White House would institute Military Government and Martial Law in America until new elections could be held (within 120 days).
In preparation all 50 states and US territories have activated their National Guard.
US and Allied Special Forces were in a full combat process of cleaning Underground Bases worldwide.
Very recently the White House in Washington DC and the Parliament Building in Ottawa Canada were surrounded in the same looking ten foot high cement fence as if preparing them for demolition.

UK End of Covid Restrictions:
UK to scrap Health Passports and face masks. Boris Johnson will gradually roll back ALL Covid restrictions, as the PM faces the heat over his 'leadership.' He announced a deadline of March 2022.

January 19, 2022 London, New York, Brussels: Big Pharma CEO's hunted by Sheriffs as protestors use Warrants to shut down 'vaccinations' worldwide:
Protesters on three continents are shutting down COVID 'vaccinations' this week in the wake of the recent historic conviction of Big Pharma, government, and church leaders by an international Court. And convicted Pharma CEO's are facing imminent arrest by Court Sheriffs in New York City and London. 
On January 15, the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) convicted corporate, government, and church leaders of Crimes against Humanity and ordered the arrest of seventy five individuals. 
Last Monday and again today, ICLCJ Sheriffs armed with arrest warrants sought to detain the convicted felons Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO's of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, at their homes in Scarsdale, New York, and Greenwich, England.  Both CEO's became incommunicado last weekend when news of their conviction was widely reported.
Meanwhile, new waves of protesters are halting COVID 'vaccinations' with new ICLCJ Warrants that allow anyone to lawfully refuse the COVID shots without fear of reprisals, to confiscate the banned drug as a "product of genocide and mass murder", and to prosecute anyone who imposes the COVID injections.
Yesterday, indigenous elders in Manitoba, Ontario and on Canada's west coast occupied reservation band offices and confiscated and destroyed the COVID 'vaccines', after issuing copies of the ICLCJ Warrants to the tribal police and RCMP. The police did not intervene.
Since Monday, and in more than a dozen communities across North America, Italy and England, Warrant-bearing protesters have shut down 'vaccination' centers and stopped the delivery of COVID shots to clinics and hospitals.
"These Warrants turn the table on the tyrants, and make giving and taking the COVID shots a crime," commented ICLCJ advisor Kevin Annett today. "We call on everyone to use these Warrants to not only defend themselves but put an end to the COVID Corporatocracy. The police have been asked to assist us in making arrests, seizing the 'vaccines', and restoring the rule of common law and justice in our communities."
The ICLCJ and its sponsoring common law Republics are organizing and educating people around the world to mobilize their communities to refuse the COVID 'vaccines', resist the COVID police state, and establish new sovereign nations. Contact the ICLCJ at  and tune in this and every Sunday for news of the resistance at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, and 11 pm GMT at 

White Hats vs. Deep State: inside the War a very important battle was raging for the next Internet. …Whiplash347:
The Deep State wanted a new Internet that would be digitalized with Internet Passports into their New World Internet. These passports would only be for those who abided by the world infection laws (growing currently) and co-operated with online banking (new rules/ standards/ regulations). The Deep State has a plan to control the world through their Internet, banking and social networks. They called this The Great Reset – restarting the Internet.
The White Hat’s New Internet was ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee and has the most advanced security and unbreakable and encrypted system ever created to serve mankind. Features behind the New Internet included A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks and world money laundering. Incubated in the many features was the saving of the world through an earth given foundation, (A.I. advanced Quantum creation) to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty. Among the features was ending all wars and giving generational healing through high technology that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing (the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind).

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 19.1.2022:    here

Act of War First Marker 11.3:
An Act of War: 11.3.2 in the DOD Law of War Manual “End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations,” was based on the International Codes of War from the Geneva Convention, which must be followed by all nations. Trump worked by the book, Law & Order. The fact that the Democrats joined forces with China to steal the election and the Biden Administration went ahead and knowingly assumed power made them a Belligerent Occupier. This was an act of War.
Whiplash347: Military Operation the day before Law Of War Manual kicks in on Thurs. 20 Jan. 11.3.2


International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) Verdict and Sentence: Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections here
This groundbreaking announcement announces the conviction of those involved in global genocide. It gives every man and woman on the planet the authority to seize and destroy any and all Covid-19 paraphenalia. At the same time, we can arrest anyone who is named in the verdict for crimes against Humanity.
he convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), ‘Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

Patriot Underground Episode 159 here
High Profile Patriot Infiltrators
Flynn Called Out by Patrick Bergy
Jan. 6th FF Objective to Obtain Pelosi's Laptop?
Identifying the Enemy Within
Importance of Intuition & Discernment
Lin Wood Speaks Truth
Russian Nuclear Sub Off US Coast
More Intel to Come on Antarctica

We the People News: Situation Update here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 16.1.2022:    here

Right now the Deep State is trying to create a World War 
in order to create confusion and push Military Intel into other directions, but it's too late: 
White Hat Events and Exposure Begin. 
Buckle Up and Ride the Storm. 
The Military is the Only Way. 
Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. 

Judy Note:
Trump is the Commander in Chief and controls Biden.

Upcoming Events to trigger the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republic:
A Russia/China Scare Event is Necessary. Supply Chain disruptions. Internet Cable Cut. Weather Warfare. Trigger Tectonic Weapons. …Whiplash347
False Flags abound with news reports of Russia sneaking a nuclear sub just off the East Coast of the U.S on Fri. 14 Jan. 
Purebloods have been at War since Globalist Covid Plan-demic Scam attacked with toxic vaccines.
Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as the International Court of Justice in Brussels convicted them of Genocide, prohibits injections.
The vaccine is the Shot Heard Around the World and has killed both adults and children from protein spikes. Pfizer admits that the vaccines cause shedding.
Omicron Makes Vaccine Mandates Obsolete. Amid Thursday's Supreme Court ruling, new data suggests the Omicron variant makes vaccine mandates obsolete and unnecessary. One America's Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington.
Volcanic activity with no Seismic Warning is an impossibility. This was a detonation. The violent eruption of Hunga Tonga in the South Pacific on Sat. 15 Jan. is pretty incredible from a meteorological standpoint. Lightning rates from the eruption are exceeding 10,000 strikes per hour or an insane 167+ strikes per second.
The International Common Law Court in Brussels that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the Covid Conspiracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, China and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity. Links to court proceedings have twice disappeared from the Internet.

Sat. 15 Jan. From the White Hats:
The vaccine SHOT Heard Around the World was necessary to bring down the Deep State who controlled the false flow of mainstream information in all countries. The White Hats had to let the Deep State Cabal unleash the Deep State plan and had to record the crime in progress in real time. It was the only way for Military Intel to track the money, the players, compromised institutions doctors, scientists, Deep State Military, banks, etc. and to record all of their crimes. It was the Crime of the Century and had to be this way. Exposure is coming, worldwide. Military will position around the world, and then there will be Military Martial Law in major countries. The Military will arrest all who conspired with the Plandemic. Millions will be arrested throughout the world including the top 3,000 Elites who control the world banks, health, news tech and create world wars. This was the Shot heard around the world. This Event is connected to Military Intelligence in 32 countries working together. The World’s Largest Military Sting Operation.

BEWARE of The Deadly Vaccine:
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a pathologist & his colleague have confirmed that even in people who've died post-covid19 vaccination & where their death was not attributed to the adverse effects of vaccination, in almost all cases DID die as a result of vaccination. 
We already knew of blood clots from expressing spike protein and were aware of autoimmune attack on one's own tissues expressing spike protein to which our killer lymphocytes were primed, such as Myocarditis.
What's new is the revelation that lymph node cells are also being invaded by the gene-based agents and marking THEM for auto destruction. When you destroy that part of the immune system, which we loosely call "immune surveillance", every manner of nasty, latent infections, by viruses & also bacteria, explode, uncontrolled. Hundreds of millions of people are going to die of unrestrained tuberculosis, Epstein Barr virus, toxoplasmosis etc. etc. etc. The daily accidental production of cancer cells, normally deleted swiftly by immune surveillance, before they can divide, ceases.

“The sheepels are the ones getting vaccinated and are being led to the slaughter and mainstream media know it. Ignorant Humans are willingly taking the mark of the beast for silly reasons, and every single booster that comes out with it, it really don’t matter what you think, this is fact. They have all been warned. Whether you like it or not Graphene oxide communicates with 5g and smart devices, mRNA gene therapy melds this information into your DNA making DNA a synthetic type and Luciferase barcodes you, to make sure you get tagged like the sheep or a Piece pork live stock on a farm. Sheeps follow orders and it is dangerous to follow sheeples as they are all going to get killed. Do NOT EVER comply.” …Trump + Q The Great Awakening

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 15.1.2022:    here

Fri. 14 Jan. 2022 Brussels and Vancouver: Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections:
The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, China and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.
The Court's verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as "products of medical genocide and mass murder".
After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.
The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO's of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, 'Pope' Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), 'Queen' Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court, "This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive cover up. The highest officials of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID 'vaccine', as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
"Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID 'vaccines', which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children."

The Real News for Sat. 15 Jan. 2022:
Russia major military moves took place on Friday Jan 14 2022. Not only did they sneak a nuclear sub just off the East Coast of the U.S, at the same time Russia sent Amphibious Assault Ships to Sweden’s Coast.
Russian Nuclear submarine carrying 16 Bulava SLBMs with 10 MIR Ved warheads detected off the coast of the U.S.
The Swedish Armed Forces has been patrolling the port of Visby. Today, the soldiers in the harbor received heavy reinforcements from about ten combat vehicles. This step is related to the Russian military buildup on the border with Ukraine.
Russia is basically declaring war on everyone while Lavrov says they have run out of all patience.
The riots in Kazakhstan were of course a pretext to get troops ready for action, to push them towards Ukraine and to cleanse the hinterland of opposition. Kazakhstan is a key country of the belting road (New Silk road from the Chinese) to transport Chinese PLA on the Battlefield.
Russia and China's announcement of an independent financial trading platform will free nations under US sanctions from western intrusion into their commercial activities.
Deep Staters in all countries will be arrested. 
XI is getting ready to pull the switch on the Chinese Communist Party.
Putin is getting rid of all Kazarian/ Rothschild influence in his country’s banks.
Trump/ Alliance Military are getting ready for Global Martial Law.
Germany, UK and Canada are inside their own Continuity of Government plans.
Many Nations are inside a silent Military Operation – the works connected.

Events Events Events:
Red October. The silent covert war. The year of Marshal Law.
Trigger = Russia/China Scare Event Necessary
Next steps in the Event will be to close ports: China (Their BETA test last year is complete. Now is the time to squeeze the supply chains worldwide). China set to COLLAPSE the supply chain
Russia has hands in Cuba, Venezuela, Africa, Serbia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Middle East.
China has Military Battle Ships with Nuke capabilities in over 60 countries. [Taiwan]
TRIGGER all tectonic weapons
Weather Warfare
Supply chain disruptions: Oil, gas, natural resources
Buckle back up, Buttercups. Military is the only way


Patriot Underground Episode 158 here
Military Action in Days Ahead
History Needs Revision
Adjusting to a Higher Frequency
How Intelligence Agencies (MSM) Poisoned the Public
2 Energies Competing for Human Consciousness
Cabal Narrative Falling Apart
Big Event Imminent

William Toel: What does Putin want? here

We The People News: Situation Update here

Judy Byington Report,excerpt, 15.1.2022    here

Judy Note: Drums of War, Rumors of Wars Across the Globe on Fri. 14 Jan.:
“You are in the midst of the largest Psyops in history. Do not assume anything.” …Whiplash347
Early Fri. Morning 14 Jan. two ballistic missiles were launched from North Korea as Pyongyang and Washington accused one another of raising tensions in the peninsula. 
While Putin sparked US Nuke Panic when his military hardware became destined for Cuba, there were indications of growing Iran-China ties. 
American authorities will act “decisively” if Russia deploys its military to Latin America, the White House said Thursday, following suggestions Moscow could station troops in Venezuela or Cuba.
“Part of Watch the Waters is a Nuclear Event involving North Korea.”…Whiplash347
Sweden's military official said there was increased Russian activity in the Baltic Sea which "deviated from the normal picture," while a South China Sea Row erupted when the US sent in Carrier Strike groups to oppose Beijing.
Armenian officials revealed plans to start a regular mass-production of military-robots and the Mass Media claimed that Russia prepositioned a group of operatives to conduct a False Flag Operation in the Eastern Ukraine in order to create a pretext for an invasion. 
A CNN report alleged “Russian special forces” were preparing a false-flag, claiming Moscow would “launch an invasion” of Ukraine under a false-flag attack to create a pretext for a real invasion. Earlier reports claimed the CIA was teaching Kiev’s soldiers to “kill Russians,” while Ukrainian forces have also exhibited drills utilizing US Javelin missile systems.


Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes etc.: Gold Revaluation 2023 - Ignore at your own risk! here and here


Fulford full newsletter 1/10: "Khazarian mafia suffer massive defeat as they lose their homeland" here

We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 1/13/22 here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 13.1.2022:    here

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Vincent Fuska: “Some of the 40,000 children brought from dark to light actually had malformed eyes and ears from being isolated in the dark so long. To date now, it's alleged to be millions of children globally that has been saved in the last few years from underground tunnels & facilities (DUMBs). Many of them are mutated, mutilated, diseased, hybridized experiments, half dead, etc. The grossest thing you will ever hear about. Some of the hardest & toughest soldiers in these operations have been scarred for life. This is what the fight is all about.”

Covid/Vax Hoax:
“Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 15,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19. On behalf of these MDs and PhDs, Dr. Robert Malone, who has devoted his career to vaccine development, provides parents a clear statement outlining the scientific facts behind this decision.” General Flynn

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 13.1.2022:    here

“You are more powerful than you know, and they fear the day you discover it.”
They fear you.  
They fear you being Awake.  
They fear you waking up others.  
They fear you being Armed.  
They fear you speaking up.  
They fear you speaking out.  
They fear you standing up.  
They fear you resisting.  
They fear your rebelling.  
They fear you revolting.  
They fear you Not Complying.  
They fear you banding together.  
They fear you standing together.  
They fear you coordinating.  
They fear you learning YOU are the majority.  
They fear you realizing your power.  
They fear you using your power.  
They Fear YOU.
…Maryann Chambers

There was evidence of millions of deaths and serious side effects as a result of experimental injections against Covid-19. Investigative journalist David John Sorensen and the world-famous "doctor of presidents", Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Vladimir Zelenko have combined their knowledge to reveal something devastating to the world: scientific data in the vast majority of cases show how probably millions of people have already died from injections against Covid, and hundreds of millions suffer from severe side effects that often permanently cripple their victim. The Vaccine Death report contains all the data along with hundreds of links for further study. "This is a critical alarm for humanity."

Covid and Vaccine Hoax:
Crimes Against Humanity: Lawyer Anna de Buisseret explains who is liable in the Convid hoax. “They will all be arrested. Everyone who market, promoted, advertised COVID and vaccines will be prosecuted. This also means doctors, nurses, pharmacists, politicians, etc.”
"Our network of 100 lawyers and 100 scientists has all the evidence that the pandemic is the worst crime against humanity ever committed." Dr. Rainer Fullmich is a world-renowned trial lawyer who has been suing large fraudulent corporations for decades. Dr. Fullmich and an extensive international network of lawyers interviewed more than a hundred experts from all fields of science. They have convincing evidence that the pandemic and self-isolation are the worst crimes against humanity ever committed. PCR tests are 100% fraudulent, government officials are massively bribed or blackmailed to cooperate, the media are used to deceive the world, and so on. Listen to the message of this international trial lawyer.
New Pentagon Papers show COVID is a Bioweapon made in China and paid for and developed by US Scientists.

Lin Wood - We Are At War, The Sacred Blue Tent Channel:
Lin Wood said that people have to accept that we are at war right now. Today’s wars are not fought by storming the battlefield like yesterday wars: 
1) Trump is part of a military operation.
2) The cabal had planned for decades the fall of America. Obama did a lot of damage during his terms. When Hillary Clinton didn’t win, they used the virus in Trumps final term. It was all the cover they’d need for election fraud. It was to get everyone use to the new normal
Trump says that he got the vaccine done at record speed. He anticipated that the vaccines would be approved by the FDA and MANDATED FOR ALL. So Trump countered... 
- to get rid of the fear narrative
- to allow America to reopen
- to expose big pharma, the CDC, election fraud, etc… 
- the vaccine would not be FDA approved, but deemed experimental, and most importantly….. NOT mandatory. That is why you are seeing them heavily incentivize the vaccine.
America was already in a delicate place… he had to weigh his options. (1) Tell America the vaccines meant to depopulate the world and enslave us or (2) endorse it. How that would have played out:
A) A sitting president, warning America that they cannot trust the FDA, CDC, and all the institutions they’ve come to know and trust… How do your friends and family take it when you tell them these things? It isn’t always pleasant. 
B) Allowing a biological weapon (with a low mortality rate) to be released on American soil had advantages. Allowing a biological weapon to be released did something crucial— For the first time in history, all 50 states were placed under a disaster declaration. Additionally, thanks to Bush Sr., America was already in a state of war since 9/11… we are still in a state of war.
Combine the disaster declarations & being in a state of war and Donald Trump has wartime powers of the president. Look up what he can do when he has wartime powers. 
:) Everything is not as it appears. Everything is done by THE BOOK. Covid also provides the White Hats the perfect cover to carry out operations. As I’ve said before, CGI & prosthetics are amazing these days.
Keep in mind, there are a few very special executive orders that are still active:
- 13848 Imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in a United States Election. 
- 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


Extraterrestrial Fleet arrives to watch humanity's liberation - Interview with James Gilliland here
A large fleet of spacecraft belonging to highly evolved extraterrestrials has recently entered our solar system according to James  Gilliland who has over 35 years of contact experiences. He claims these positive extraterrestrials along with higher dimensional beings are here to oversee a fundamental change in how our solar system and planet are run. James discusses the collapse of the Deep State and regressive ETs in this Exopolitics Today Interview. 

Patriot Underground Episode 156 here
Omicron (Cure) Spreading Worldwide
COVID Truth Exposed by Project Veritas
Secret Military Antidote
5G Weaponization
Russia/Ukraine Analysis
Castle Rock Comms-- Understanding "Castling" Chess Strategy
Act of England 1871 (reversal event?)
FF Alien Invasion
Rods of God

We The People News: Situation Update here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 12.1.2022:    here

The Real News for Wed. 12 Jan. 2022:
You are prepared. Rods Of God just caused Quake in China – the provinces of Hunan, Henan and Hubei, where the Three Gorges dam is located. Henan = The Yellow River that runs right near The Yangtze River. Henan is directly above Wuhan. Where are they locking people down in China? Henan & Hubei. Watch the Water.
The Rods of God just caused a Quake in China, resulting in the already compromised Three Gorges Dam to overflow and flood thousands out of their homes (a precursor to Dam failure and subsequent destruction of the already bankrupt Chinese Communist Party’s Bitcoin and Child Sex, Organ, Adrenochrome, Gun and Drug Trafficking Headquarters – the mainstay of the CCP’s funding?).
With the EBS imminent, Select Forces were at a Defcon 3 level = ready to deploy in 15 minutes. 
The Nasdaq was quietly being shredded. 
The EU was holding a large scale Cyber Attack 'Supply Chain' Drill. 
U.S. Inflation Hits 39-Year High of 7%, Sets Stage for Fed Hike. Inflation in December rose by 7% compared to last year – the largest annual increase since the 1982 recession:

Covid/Vax Hoax:
There is evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections. The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 11.1.2022:    here

The Global Currency Reset,
the Greatest Transfer of Wealth in Human History Occurred on Jan. 1 2022
Watch What Happens Next!
Sting of the Century Incoming in Over 32 Major Countries
Military Tribunals and Mass Arrests Globally
Crimes Connected to the UN, Gates, Fauci, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Vatican, Rothchilds, etc.
World Televised Sit-Down on the Emergency Broadcast System
It’s The Storm of the Century

Judy Note:
The Alliance reported that when found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, Deep State criminals faced the death penalty. Many times these sentences for the Global and Political Elites were carried out and then reported as Covid deaths. Today Tues. 11 Jan. it was announced that the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, died at the age of 65 from "immune system dysfunction," probably caused by the Covid-19 vaccine. He was one of the main people behind the introduction of vaccine passports in the EU.
While the developer of the Covid microchips (a passport vaccine implanted under the skin) said that their introduction was no longer stoppable "whether we wanted it or not,” WHO experts claimed that repeated Covid boosters were not a viable strategy for control of the virus, while the US Supreme Court ruled that the Covid Pathogen was not a vaccine at all, was unsafe, must be avoided at all costs and then canceled the Universal Vax order – none of which was reported in the corrupt Mainstream Media.

The Real News for Tues. 11 Jan. 2022:
47 Earthquakes in the past 24 hours USGS Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes (Alliance destroying DUMBS?).
On Tues. 11 Jan. 2022 there were earthquakes along the West coast of California San Diego Area, Montana & Utah. CALIFORNIA and West coast hit hard - destroying all Adrenochrome factories, submarine tunnels and DUMBS:
10km Earthquakes are Tesla Kinetic Weapons the USAF have known as "Rods of God." They are designed to hit tunnels a.k.a Deep Underground Military Bases & also Nuclear Power Plants/Reactors. They hit with the force of a Nuclear Weapon but have no radiation/fall out. They cause minor earthquakes. See Iran Nuke Facilities Quakes. See that one in China over the weekend RT news shared in Qinghai.
Undersea Cable Connecting Norway With Arctic Satellite Station Has Been Mysteriously Severed. “The outage occurred on the morning of January 7, but was first widely reported yesterday.”

Rockefellers Food Supply War against Humanity:
Rebooting your dining table or food tyranny (transformation of food supply). The Rockefeller Foundation has released a report titled "Rebooting the Table" (the implied part of the "Great Reset") describing the radical transformation of our food system in the face of the most significant disruption of the food supply in history. The report calls for providing food for everyone, using schools as food distribution centers in the community, ending the financing of farms/ranches/farms through "true cost accounting", including CO2, providing BIPOC funds, collecting real-time data for artificial intelligence/ automation, and much, much more. The journalist examines this report, which is based on an attack on the global food supply and your ability to feed your family.
The Rockefellers are working to further disrupt global food belts and ultimately, deprive humanity of all control over food supplies. This is obviously due to the fact that Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the United States, and to Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset" program without "private ownership." Globalists work together for the same purpose. There is a much more serious agenda behind the current food shortage all over the World, and everyone who has been paying attention can understand where everything is going. Gates quietly became the largest owner of agricultural land in the United States.

Simple Truths From MJ Truth:
- Donald Trump Won!
- The Deep State Cabal rigged the 2020 US Presidential election.
- The MSM is the enemy of the people. They lie about everything.
- China/American deepstaters created and infected the world with a bio weapon, C19.
- The pandemic is about a never ending virus, with the goal of vaccination passports, which eventually adopts a social credit score system (“for safety”), which turns the world into a dystopian 1984 hell-hole.
- HCQ is a safe & effective drug used to treat and cure Covid
- Ivermectin is a safe & effective drug used to treat and cure covid.
- The Vaccinated is getting more sick than the unvaccinated. 
- These Vaccines DESTROY your immune system.
- We do not have an FDA approved vaccine that is being administered in the United States. 
- Pfizer wants the Safety & efficacy data of their vaccine to be released 75+ years from now.
- People aren’t dying at home. They’re dying in the hospitals. They’re dying from hospital protocols handed down by the CDC & NIH.
- These three C19 vaccines have caused more deaths than all previous vaccines combined since recording data in 1990.
- The pandemic was also meant to destroy the middle class & the economy to bring about their “Great Reset”
- Stop testing and the plandemic will end.
- Make Nuremberg Trials Great Again!
- Their financial system is collapsing, thus, their power. They want a “Great Reset” so they can bring about the next fake financial system which would include top down control over every aspect of our lives, where everything you do will be tracked, measured, and weighed.
- Climate change is fake. Weather manipulating technology exists to serve their purpose. Climate change’s purpose is to rob America of its remaining wealth. Another fear-porn propoganda agenda. 
- Homeschool your children. They are indoctrinating them into an anti-American, socialistic communistic belief system. They are being attacked mentally, physically, & spiritually at school.
- Stop buying your groceries from the mega stores (e.g. Walmart, Kroger’s etc) buy from local farms and butchers.
- Tower 7. Look here, not there. Trillions of dollars gone.
- Strengthen your relationship with God. God is within us. No amount of darkness can overwhelm the light God bestowed within us. 

The US Supreme Court has ruled that the Covid Pathogen is not a vaccine, is unsafe, must be avoided at all costs and has canceled the Universal Vax order:
This was a result of a lawsuit filed by Senator Robert F Kennedy Jr. and a group of scientists against Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci and Big Pharma, who failed to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens.
 “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.
What has always been a vaccine? It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies. Not even a coronavirus vaccine! It is not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines”. Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein.
That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Genetic bioweapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs! Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way.
Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!
This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because DAMAGE CAUSED BY VACCINATION WILL BE GENETICALLY Irreversible.
Vaccination – Bio-weapons of genocide of the 21st century. Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeedon has once again expressed his position that it is too late now to save those who have been injected with a substance publicly called “the Covid-19 vaccine.” He encourages those who have not yet received the lethal injection to fight for their lives, those around them and the lives of their children.
The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority of people: “Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks. The average life expectancy of survivors will be a maximum of two years, but it also decreases with each new “injection”.
“Additional vaccines are still being developed to cause deterioration in certain organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. After two decades at Pfizer, Professor Yedon was familiar with the functions and research and development goals of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and states that the ultimate goal of the current “vaccination” regime can only be a massive demographic event that will make all world wars put together, like Mickey’s staging Mouse.
“Billions of people have already been sentenced to certain, inevitable and painful death. Anyone who receives the injection will die prematurely, and three years is a generous estimate of how long they can survive.”
We are on.

General Flynn stated on the Alex Jones Show that since 3 Nov. 2020 a Retrograde Operation has been taking place:
Almost all U.S Elections have been rigged and it began after the 2020 U.S. Election was stolen. When Trump won the 2016 Election the Deep State (Klaus Schwab, Davos Group = Soros, Gates, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, World Banks, Hillary Clinton, Obama, etc.) decided to release the CV-19 virus in order to bring in the Great Reset and total control of the population. The Military Operation had to take a step back and lead the enemy into a trap. Flynn said the Operation is now moving forward by getting the countries involved and to stand up for their rights as free citizens of the world. The Durham Report will connect much of the infiltration of the United States by the Elites (DAVOS Group) and those seeking a one world government (NWO) and creating Communist United States. It is widely known in the Intelligence Community that General Flynn infiltrated the Obama Administration and recorded crimes connected to the worldwide Deep State. 


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 1/11/22 here

Reiner Füllmich informs about "Nuremberg 2.0": International criminal proceedings should start "in a few weeks" here and here
The German-American lawyer Reiner Füllmich told Maria Zeee that the long-awaited international criminal trial, which many also call “Nuremberg 2.0″, will begin in a few weeks.
In all likelihood, a committee of inquiry will look into the case. Charges are to be brought against four leading figures: Bill Gates, Christian Drosten, Anthony Fauci and WHO chief Tedros, said Füllmich. “You will pay a very high price. You will go to jail. “
All sorts of experts will testify about what is really going on, about the agenda that has been developed to divert our attention from population reduction on the one hand and population control on the other, the lawyer said.
He added that a new judiciary is being worked on as the system “is so corrupt that we can no longer rely on it”. “We have to set up our own system,” he said.
An important part of the case is a “vaccine manufacturer” investigation conducted by Mike Yeadon, a former vice president of Pfizer. This investigation found that some batches of vaccine caused no problems at all, while others were highly dangerous, causing thousands of deaths.
“They are trying to find out how to kill as many people as possible without the alarm bells ringing,” emphasized Füllmich. “It’s diabolical. How can people be so angry? “
The attorney went on to say that this entire operation, which takes decades, is being carried out by a few hundred, at most a few thousand people. They try to get as many doctors and politicians on their side as possible through bribery and blackmail. For example, think of ritual child abuse, he said.
“Do not give up. Keep fighting.“

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 11.1.2022:    here

OBAMA (the real Deep State Shadow President) knew about virus (Covid 19/SARS) was created and to be released after his presidency, so in his time as president he created an Internet Kill Switch which can also be activated by the CDC. This Internet kill switch could/would be used in a time of a Pandemic. A time when the Public would start to resist the narration of the CDC/ NIH/ NIAIH/ PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION that would be connected to an outbreak that would cause a Pandemic. OBAMA knew, FREE flow of information through internet networks could break the Narrative of a Fake/FALSE pandemic and the only way to keep the NARRATIVE/FEAR MONGERING going was to shut down the internet!!! Replace with martial law and complete control through only DS news media that could control all air waves and satellites. Trump created The Space Forces Intelligence Agency to counter these moves. MiL. Ops will take place within those dark days.

Who protects the pharmaceutical companies?
Who protects the corrupt politicians?
Who protects the Tech Giants?
Who protects the Deep State CABAL ELITES in every country around the planet?
These INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION Lawyers work for and were created by Foreign Entities of the Roman/VATICAN empire, in collusion with the Pope, The Queen and Henry the VIII in the 1500s. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION in the 1800s crafted the NEW branch off the BAR (BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY) and created ABA (AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION). both associations are controlled by Foreign Entities and the Rules of Civil Procedure was written by old Roman Laws that are still used to this day and do not apply to "We The People".
All courts are corrupted. Every person that is part of the BAR are foreign entities that are trespassing on human rights. These BAR associates, society, corporations have been working under massive fraud, under the cover of law for a long time throughout the world in every country. They protect fraud elections, illegal practices by politicians, corporations, tech Giants pharmaceutical companies and  ELITES that run the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION World Wide. The BAR is about to be taken down worldwide the enormous fraud is about to be revealed.
You have no contract with this Unlawful Broken Corporation and associates of the BAR and their counterparts. You are not a property or subject to these false Entities, associations, and societies connected to the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION and their procedures.



We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 10/1/22 here

Mark Zuckerberg’s Role In Atlantis – War Between Human Species And Reptilians here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 10.1.2022:    here

Citizens Across the Globe Placed on HIGH ALERT:
US on High Alert, Simon Parkes: “Upwards of 30 US states have either activated their National Guard, or told commanders to move to a prepared footing.”
Storms and State of Emergency everywhere! Global shutdown on it's way. And BANG 17 military airplane comms. Get ready for THE STORM! …Whiplash347
Blackout in #Berlin the capital of Germany: Heating power plant offline. 370,000 households reportedly without electricity and heating. Hot water supply is also interrupted.
Lebanon hit by nationwide blackout after protesters storm substation.
IT'S TIME! ACTIVATED! It's Happening! The switch has been turned. It all start in London, Q said. Midnight yesterday London Big Ben bell didn't ring. They turned the switch like in V for Vendetta. Then the complete system and power structure collapse. Kaboom! This marker means they flipped the switch! We are FREE now! Awesome news for Q Annons and People. The corrupt dictatorial Globalist power structure has been turned OFF. January 1st is Basel 3 London deadline. Means all banks needs to be backed by Gold or they will close. So they activate the new QFS Quantum Financial System backed by Gold. Happy New Year! It all starts now in 2022! It's a new beginning. Global RESET GESARA NESARA Activated! Commonwealth Game Over! THE PEOPLE VICTORY! Congratulations everyone. …Q
Pfizer, China indicted by an international court for genocide as the court’s chief officer Kevin Annett dodges assassination.
LOOK! Queen is almost ready to finally die publicly. They are preparing the masses for the final event. Predictive programming for THE STORM/ Blackout/ Shutdown/ Operation London bridge. Everything start in London remember. Who's ready for evil Queen public death? This will be the end of Commonwealth and welcome Restored Republic. Soon in theater near you in 2022. Get your popcorn ready!
US airport chaos continued as more than 2,600 flights cancelled. They are preparing something big. Brace for global shutdown!
Washington DC shuts down as winter storm expected to bring heavy snowfall. Federal offices in the US capital have closed on Monday, with forecasts predicting between four and eight inches of snow.
Washington DC: National Guard soldiers from the 53rd Infantry Brigade have arrived in Washington DC and been sworn in as temporary US Marshalls in support of citizens at the US Capitol.
Washington DC Walmart has empty shelves.
“The harvest is them committing the crimes in plain sight for us to see and to catch, collect them all, go after them and suing them for their crimes. Then arresting them all at the same time with indictments and warrants. They are ALL going down so fast right now. Watch the show! You will love how this movie ends. The revolution is NOT televised but the revelations will be. Right now military tribunals are secret and hidden. But soon it will all be revealed to public.” …Trump +Q The Awakening World
“The Storm is Almost Here: Make sure you have the necessities – two to three weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to full Global Martial Law. Changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776 will be a transition.” …Whiplash347

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Some old New York buildings for the Elites from the Upper West Side and Upper East Side are connected by tunnels and lead to where the children are held and caged and abused and consumed. Under Central Park. The same children that were rescued last year and snuck out using makeshift field hospitals then delivered to the USNS Comfort (Naval Hospital Ship). This week we (Blue Faction utilizing HARRP/Popeye Technology) we flooded the DUMBS in which these children were held after learning they were being utilized again for the kidnapping and torture of children in NYC.
21 April 2020 Child Rescue Out of NY Tunnels: Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities | Politics | Before It's News (
End the silence and save our children. 21 million people worldwide are victims of human trafficking. An estimated 50% of these victims are children. 2.2 million children are sold into the sex trade each year: That's over 4 children every minute! What are you going to do about it?
So-called MSM Fact: 800,000 children disappear every year in the U.S. 1 every 40 seconds. If you believe this is Fake News, you are part of the problem. Pizzagate - SpiritCooking - ADRENOCHROME We wish this would be Fake News too.

Jesuits rule the world:
Fauci the Jesuit created the Virus for the purpose of depopulation of the earth with a vaccine he created. Pfizer, Moderna were forced to comply. You guys are focused on the creation of the Virus.  That's good. Now focus on what's in the "Vaccine ". They want to depopulate by taking out the military, police, right wing senate with this mRna spike protein.  This way it is going to be much easier to achieve the One World Order. Vatican Jesuits, Mainstream Media, Social Media, CIA, FBI, compromised Judges, Democrats, Free Masons, Illuminati, Government and leaders of countries were all one gang. One doesn't stand without the other. They have each other's back just like any gang does. Who's the gang leader?: General Jesuit of the Vatican. Have you ever asked how can the government get away with this? Who runs the government? Jesuits do. Again, ask yourself this... How does the government get away with the things taking place in the world? Alan Lamont - The Jesuit Priesthood Of Lucifer: Alan Lamont - The Jesuits are the soldiers of satan: Eric Jon Phelps - These men called Jesuits rule the world: Georgetown Jesuits rule the world:


Patriot Underground Episode 154 here
Events in Kazakhstan: Cabal Stronghold Astana
CERN DUMBs Taken Out
Earthquakes in China
Chongqing Explosion Marker
5G Battleplan Countered by White Hats
Tribute to Cirsten W.

Kurt's note, 9.1.2022:

This is the last time I will pass on timing information from the Judy Byington report regarding the upcoming major event. I have been reading this report every day since April 2021, and almost every day since about June 2021, this report has said that the major global military event is going to start next week. If nothing happens again in the next two weeks, I will no longer pay attention to such timeline information.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 9.1.2022:    here

This is It!!!
Three Days of Major Events to Trigger the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law
Trust the Plan

Judy Note
A. I ThinQ THIS IS IT!, Whiplash347, P Oakley Q Connected
1. Sun. 9 Jan. = 9/11 TRUMP - PQTUS Tweet - 7 MSGS
2. Mon. 10 Jan. = Starts three days of Major Events = trigger for Martial Law (EBS) 
3. Wed. 12 Jan. = (JULIAN) Dec. 30 Midnight Event End = Zero 00.00 DONE IN 30! = 11.5
4. Thurs. 13 Jan. = Thors-Day = Hammer Time On the Clock Switch-kill = Calendar flip back to SQurce – GQDSpeed Tesla Free Energy Transition to Greatness Quantum Net = EBS, Full Disclosure = Great Mass AwaQuening, 10 Days of Darkness. The enormity of what is coming will shock the world!!! 
5. Sat. 22 Jan = 11.11 FreedQm Day, PQTUS-Q+ Melania/Diana/Jfk Jr.-Q and CaroQlyn, Elvis, MJ and many, many more return!!!, VictQry!!!, TBIYTC!!!, Celebration – Freedom – WQRLD Peace!!

Worldwide Events:
Kazakhstan Protestors have toppled the New World Order Headquarters in less than 24-Hours, then closed Jab Centers and arrested doctors & Covid-Cops.
Events: China Dam, Tiananmen Square & Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded. This will surely make the Stock Market Collapse. …Whiplash347
The Internet, Telegram, Twitter, Yahoo, Bing, Instagram, You Tube and Facebook were set to go down and be replaced by the Quantum Internet. “The Reboot would wipe out Operation Mockingbird on the clock.” …Q
Fox News Tucker Carlson has published the great news that METICORE is the cure for every ‘modern’ disease and it is a great protection from Covid-19. It will kill every infection and help you lose weight!
Red Alert: President Biden & Vice President Harris Both Flown To Area 51 For Emergency Briefing | Alternative | Before It's News (
So far this week around 30 US states have activated their National Guard.
With this GCR normal Banking practices where the bank had control of an individual's monies would end, while new banking regulations would be in place that gives power to The People to handle their own gold/asset-backed monies on the Quantum Financial System.
Borders of countries all over the world would be changing. 
The USSR was back in, while Communism was out. Khazarian Mafia was out. The People of United Soviet Republic now had a New Constitution based on the Articles of Freedom – the same as the US Constitution.
The Chinese Communist Party would end. The CCP was in default, bankrupt, kaput, gone and would be replaced with a new Eastern Union of Sovereign Nation States.
The Sovereign Republic of the United States of North America, including all of Canada (with Quebec and Nova Scotia), the US and Mexico, will be forming a new Union of States. Territories will also include Australia and New Zealand.
Hawaii was rejecting their US Inc. takeover and declaring itself a Sovereign Nation.
The Corporate US Government throughout all the US and territories will step down. The elected officials exit and new elections will take place.
The First (Public) Constitutional Convention in Texas will be held as quickly as possible, electing a new and much smaller government according to the Original Restored Constitution of 1776.

Putin’s long ambition to reclaim Old Russian territories is in effect:
Putin remembers very well how the DEEP STATE almost killed him in Dresden Germany how [DS] robbed his country during and after the Cold War... How Obama/CIA robbed a quarter of Trillion from him. Putin was one of the first Presidents in the world to understand the media/TV/radio was lying and [DS] attempted a Color Revolution in his country against him. Putin remembers very well how the UN, NATO, Deep State, Vatican, UK, U.S. Deep State, Soros took apart the Soviet Union through infiltration of Russian Oligarchs. Putin was the first President in the world to EXPOSE western deep state owned countries connection to Satanic rituals and occults. Russia has over a Hundred Thousand Military Soldiers in cities and villages near Kazakhstan on standby. Russia has over 1 million active soldiers and two to twenty million Reserves.

UK: Janet Ellis writes:
“I work for the NHS in the UK and I woke up to this madness back in March 2020, the MSM was telling the public that the hospitals where busy, but on investigation our hospital had 2 empty wards, also A@E was empty. So I starting researching, met many people who researched the same as me and came to the same conclusion. I can clearly see the reason why the health care establishments did not want the families of patients to see their relatives, for the sole reason to use deaths of relatives so they can use them to scare the public, keeping families away from their loved ones can be enough to kill, so cruel, especially when the Covid 19 has never been isolated or purified. Nothing of what our governments where saying made any sense, 6 ft apart etc, crazy. After the Covid jab roll out started last year, which normally takes 10 to 15 yrs to be sure of its safety, serious health problems and some unexplained deaths started to happen. Now I see on a daily basis many health induced Covid jab problems, such as clots, heart attacks and serious heart problems, blood problem such as low platelets, cancer the list goes on, many will die soon, sadly some have. Many have not reported their health condition on the yellow card reporting web site, and I advice them too. I feel this will come to an end soon, but only sadly when people have lost their loved ones especially their children, if only they had researched like me. This has traits of the Nazi era and CCP to control the peoples of the world and I like many have seen through their evil plan to rule the world. I have heard that the 13 families who rule the world are gone, I hope is true. I like many will never give up and will fight until we have our god given freedom back. In the end it’s all about saving the children.”

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 8.1.2022:    here

Kazakhstan Protestors toppled the New World Order Headquarters in less than 24-Hours: Close Jab Centers, Arrest Doctors & Covid-Cops.

Situation Report From the White Hats:
Toughen up. You are in a war, though only now realizing it. Charlie is coming in hard. Everything else was to get you ready. …Iron Eagle, Q

The Cabal’s Plan:
Soros is breaking the Chinese banking systems and Rockefeller controlled banks are pulling money. Inside sources say Bitcoin will rise before the crash and then bust. The ripple effect will be felt from country to country as China Stocks and companies reach into all nations. 
The Great Reset agenda of UN, WEF, WHO, World Banks, GPMB, Obama, Bush and current Elites has always been to break the Markets and bring in digital global currency and human tracking.
The Crash is imminent and taking place. Effects of food shortage, inflation, rising gas prices is evident, happening and growing.
When the Crash happens Banks will not move money. Transactions will freeze and electric companies cannot pay for natural resources such as coal. Delivery companies will be at a standstill. This leads to closed markets, stores closing and hunger.
Many Events are taking place:
Biden’s War on Americans will affect the Markets. Half of Americans are rejecting Biden’s Mandates, threatening to quit their jobs: Police, Doctors, Nurses, Military, Blue Collar Citizens, over 85,000,000.000 of them. This amount of Americans can Crash the Market.
The Deep State Biden, Obama, Vatican World Bank will make trillions by pulling money from Retirement, Insurance and Benefits, break the economy and divide the people so as to bring in the New World Order digital currency (not backed by anything but their greed). The Delta deaths of the COVID-19 Plandemic was a distraction and killing humans in the eugenics program of Rockefeller's plan UN Agenda.

The White Hats Plan:
Patriots, Chain Events are coming. White Hats knew long ago that these Events had to happen and nobody could stop them. It was a massive Event that had been planned for 60 years. So, the White Hats have plans in place for Military Control once the Crash happens: Mass Arrests.

The Event …Whiplash347:
GESARA has been signed off by all countries at The Hague (International Court of Justice) 2019 & 2020. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already: Gesara Military Law has been in place; Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc; Executions; the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things. Remember POTUS saying all hospital equipment will be obsolete by the end of the year? No more Chemo, Radiation etc. Med beds, UV Light Therapies etc. Hospitals & Schools will be ripped apart. No need for medical research when you have 6000 cures handed to you from Tesla.
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off
Changing over to Tesla Free Energy.
34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.
Bitcoin Servers turned off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event.
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law.
CASTLE ROCK - Scenario
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts
Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 1/8/22 here

How Bad is My Batch here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 8.1.2022:    here

Restored Republic:
The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law.  Changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776 will be a transition. …Whiplash347
It's going around about a Worldwide Lockdown on Mon. 10 Jan, so make the most of this weekend. Get some Sun, get your feet in the Sand somewhere. Planet was always gonna lockdown before THE EVENT. Planes, Trains etc. … Whiplash347
Trains, Buses, Be vigilant. …Q
The Choice To Know Is Yours. The Event: China Dam, Tiananmen Square & Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded. This will surely make the Stock Market Collapse. …Whiplash347
Latest Earthquakes in or near China during the past 7 days - list, stats and interactive map / VolcanoDiscovery:
CHONGQING JUST HAPPENED! China: At least 20 trapped as explosion rocks government office — A government building has collapsed in the Chinese city of Chongqing following an explosion at 12:10pm on Friday. 17 mentions Chongqing several times. It is one of the 3 main dams. Dams are key assets to the war. This will be first hit. Chongqing, YiChang (3 Gorges Dam) & Wuhan are all key spots to CCP, also CIA facilities.
False Flag Inbound. The Deep State was planning to launch a major False Flag Event – that could very well happen at any moment. The Alliance would let it happen in order to Red Pill the general public, though they remained in charge of all such World Events. 
The Internet, Telegram, Twitter, Yahoo, Bing, Instagram, You Tube and Facebook were set to go down and be replaced by the Quantum Internet. “The Reboot would wipe out Operation Mockingbird on the clock.” …Q 
The Illuminati Capitol of the New World Order and Bitcoin Stronghold Has Fallen
Cabal’s Pfizer Awarded Patent Right to Tracing of Vaccinated Humans Worldwide and Cabal Planned 5G Rollout (a virus that controls your body, found in vaccines and triggered by 5G Towers) for Wed. 19 Jan, but Trump has already played his Trump Card
Massive Military Action Set for a Project Mockingbird (Mass Media) and Cabal Kill
With the Cabal reported to be releasing criminals onto the US streets, twelve states have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 and activated their National Guard.
President Trump’s social media Truth Social launching on Fri. Feb 21!

The Real News for Fri. 7 Jan. 2022:
Kazakhstan Crisis LATEST: Clean up continues in Republic Square while gunfire still rings out. 7 police injured during special op in Aktobe, several criminal protestors detained. Over 60 people injured during riots in Shymkent overnight; Almaty Airport will be closed until January 9. In Baikonur it's forbidden to gather in groups of more than three people. The Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan did not deny arrest of the former first deputy chairman of the National Security Committee Samat Abish.
Astana (now called Nur-Sultan) is the capital of Kazakhstan and also the current headquarters of the Illuminati. Until now. This is the equivalent of losing a queen in a game of chess. This is the end of the Illuminati and probably the beginning of a catastrophic worldwide collapse.
On Tues. 4 Jan. 2022 President George W. Bush, having been convicted of Crimes Against Humanity, was hanged at GITMO; the World Council for Health called for an immediate Cease and Desist to CV-19 Vaccinations, plus Tues. was also the Fall of Babylon, where the “Mother of all DUMBS” CIA headquarters called CERN that lay under Lake Geneva in Switzerland, was destroyed. By Wed. 5 Jan. 2022 protestors had succeeded in taking over the government of Kazakhstan, the Illuminati Capital of the New World Order. Alliance forces from Russia were now there helping to restore order.
Dangers of 5G Cell Towers That Contain Covid-19 Chip:
People Bleeding From Eyes, Nose And Ears In City Of 25000 5G Base Stations Xi'an China!! 13 Million Locked Down... And Starving!! Under Cover Of Midnight, People Being Carted Away!! 5G Cell Towers Contain Covid-19  Chip!! | Alternative | Before It's News (
We are coming into the SUPER dangerous part of the WAR: 5G, of which the Cabal expected the official rollout in the US now changed to after Wed. 19 Jan. For several years the Cabal has been setting up this weaponized 5G wireless Nanotube Coronavirus Delivery System through building Towers and passing the CoVFeFe Act of 2017.
In addition, last 31 Aug. 2021 Pfizer was awarded a patent that gave the Cabal’s Big Pharma the right to remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide. This tracking used the Towers, was embedded in the vaccines and the reason for Vaccine Passports.
The 5G Virus: The 5G Virus was rolled out in Wuhan at the same time as COVID. 5G was no joke and full unauthorized testing has been taken place in the U.S. and abroad. The power behind 5G was more than a human can FATHOM. DARPA can use 5G as a weapon in many, many ways, including replicating sickness and antagonizing the body cells to excrete proteins/ spike proteins. Graphene Oxide combines with 5g to control the body. There are many factors to 5G causing illness (as known even 3g, 4g cause cancer as written in your phone manual. 5G is FAR more dangerous). In many instances in the early classified testing of Military use of 5G the weapon can be used to KILL subjects through positioned directed  weapons (small energy weapon and can find subjects through Nano, phones, WiFi, RFIDs.
Trump intervened in this 5G genocide by signing two EO’s, one for the Energy Grid and the other for 5G protection. 
Additionally, the rollout date for 5G keeps changing in tandem with Trump rallies, so it is assumed the Alliance has it all under control.

Vaccine Passports:
For those considering or already have.. Be WARNED... Inside the Vaccines passport term agreements lays the insidious plan to completely track your bank accounts, body moments. Temperature readings, record all your conversations , track all your computers, emails, private messages and allot more. The technology hidden in the vaccines passport is leading off to the full control and future control of all your discretions and hesitancy to future vaccines (more), booster (more) shots. The powerful servers collecting data vaccine passport technology is creating the World's strongest digital CONTROL System (to date). Those who have vaccine passports and decide not use the next Vaccines or Boosters will face fines, media restrictions and All collection data of temperature readings will be sent to AUTHORITARIAN Outlets for criminal local laws, infection laws, and those who are hesitant to take the recommend every 6 months boosters and incoming new vaccines are subject to full extent of the laws in All countries. This means they take over your bank accounts, seize assets, take control of your social networks, use the temperature data to imprison you or family. Use all the recordings for public records and court cases.

You were not being told the Truth of what's happening in Afghanistan:
Trump is playing a Trump Card. The very super corrupt Afghanistan Bankers, Government, Politician Elites have been removed. Behind the scenes a very powerful White Hat flew into Afghanistan just recently and had a very direct message for them from higher Military Ups. You are watching a masterful plan unfold!!!!!!! The Taliban is comprised mostly of students who are very aware of what's happening: pedophilia in their military and Government Elite classes. More will emerge of what's really happening there. Don’t fall for the Mainstream Media news. There’s a reason Trump made a deal with the Taliban. Deep State plans are not working. They want opium and Afghanistan resources rich in copper, gold, oil, natural gas, uranium, bauxite, coal, iron ore, rare earths, lithium, chromium, lead, zinc, gemstones, talc, sulphur, travertine, gypsum and marble. The Deep State wants Afghanistan to sell China resources that will bring countries into war.

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 7.1.2022:    here

False Flag Inbound
Astana, Kazakhstan, Illuminati Capitol of New World Order and Bitcoin Stronghold Has Fallen
Cabal’s Pfizer Awarded Patent Right to Tracing of Vaccinated Humans Worldwide.
Cabal Plans 5G Rollout (a virus that controls the body) for Wed. 19 Jan.
Massive Military Action Set for a Project Mockingbird (Mass Media) and Cabal Kill
Global Currency Reset Funds Released

Deep State The Great Reset Vs. White Hats new Internet:
The Deep State wants a new Internet that will be digitalized with Internet Passports into their New World Internet. These passports will be only for those who abide by the World infection laws: those who co-operate with the online banking (new rules/Standards/regulations). The Deep State has a plan to control the World through their Internet and through all peoples banking and social networks. This new Internet they want to launch is called The Great Reset.
The White Hats new Internet is ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee has the most advanced security and unbreakable encrypted System ever created to serve mankind. The features behind the New Internet has A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks, world money laundering systems, A.I. advanced Quantum creation to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty, ending all wars and giving generational healing through high Technology  that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing: the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 1/7/22 here


Patriot Underground Episode 153 here
Energy Shifting
3rd Week in January?
Significance of Trump's Tweets
Reverse Engineering Mass Formation Psychosis
China's 100 Year Plan
Why Trump Can't Oppose the Vax
Erosion of the Social Order
Juan/Nino Interview Commentary

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 6.1.2022:    here

Kazakhstan Has Fallen:
Illuminati Capital of the New World Order & Bitcoin Stronghold Overthrown Wed. 5 Jan.
Game Over
On Wed. 5 Jan. 2022 protestors succeeded in taking over the government of Kazakhstan, the most dominant nation of Central Asia and Illuminati Capital of the New World Order next to Israel, Ukraine, Switzerland, Vatican, City of London & Washington DC. 
Kazakhstan used Hollywood to create a fake image of Kazakhstan, while building a high-tech New World Order Headquarters in Astana (a Satan) capital city. Kazakhstan was part of the Silk Road by Chinese border & Bitcoin mining was moved to there when China banned BTC mining earlier this year. The Alliance was shutting all that down right now. Power Deficit Forces Crypto Miners to Leave Kazakhstan. Kharzarian Mafia:

Wed. 5 Jan. Q, The Storm Rider: Why does TRUMP push vaccines?
That answer is connected to Military Tribunals, War Crime Courts and Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg Code Trials. Trump will expose the world to the corrupt system through producing evidence that will bring down the World Cabal. He will show why Fauci, NIH, CDC, NIAIH, WHO Health Boards, World Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the CIA and UN all colluded to give out false evidence and information of a Pandemic and illicit vaccines. He will show how the first batches of vaccines released through Operation Warp Speed were mainly fake placebos and why infiltration into the Deep State vaccine world was necessary. Trump’s early release of the vaccines threw the Deep State plan into chaos. The World Banks, investors, brokers and share holders of pharmaceutical companies went into panic mode. Half of trillions of dollars were lost in the unsure Stock Markets in the first days of Jan. 2020. Trump will answer to Military Courts and show that the false data, false evidence and other falsified information that the Deep State put out on Covid-19 and the vaccines will bring them down.

White Hats:
Lin Wood said people have to accept that we are at war right now. Today’s wars are not fought by storming the battlefield like yesterday wars. 
1) Trump is part of a military operation.
2) The cabal had planned for decades the fall of America. Obama did a lot of damage during his terms. When she didn’t win, they used the virus in Trumps final term.
It was all the cover they’d need for election fraud. It was to get everyone use to the new normal. Trump says that he got the vaccine done at record speed. He anticipated that the vaccines would be approved by the FDA and MANDATED FOR ALL. So Trump countered... 
- to get rid of the fear narrative
- to allow America to reopen
- to expose big pharma, the CDC, election fraud, etc… 
- the vaccine would not be FDA approved, but deemed experimental, and most importantly….. NOT mandatory. That is why you are seeing them heavily incentivize the vaccine. America was already in a delicate place… he had to weigh his options: Tell America the vaccines meant to depopulate the world and enslave us, or endorse it. How that would have played out:
A) A sitting president, warning America that they cannot trust the FDA, CDC, and all the institutions they’ve come to know and trust… How do your friends and family take it when you tell them these things? It isn’t always pleasant. 
B) Allowing a biological weapon (with a low mortality rate) to be released on American soil had advantages. 
Allowing a biological weapon to be released did something crucial— For the first time in history, all 50 states were placed under a disaster declaration. Additionally, thanks to Bush Sr., America was already in a state of war since 9/11… we are still in a state of war.
Combine the disaster declarations & being in a state of war and Donald Trump has wartime powers of the president. Look up what he can do when he has wartime powers. Everything is not as it appears. Everything is done by THE BOOK.
Covid also provides white hats the perfect cover to carry out operations. As I’ve said before, CGI & prosthetics are amazing these days. Keep in mind, there are a few very special executive orders that are still active. Two below… 
- 13848 Imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in a United States Election. 
- 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Not all is what it appears. In war, sometimes you have to choose between two bad options. The alternative would have been eventually billions of people dying & it would have been hell on earth. 
God himself has intervened. Let’s let him work & do everything we can to help him along the way. *These are of course my strong opinions based on the research I have done. Unshakable Faith in Donald Trump.


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 1/5/22 here

Simon Parkes: 5th January 2022 Update Current News here

Alok Pandey: Works of Sri Aurobindo: Essays in Philosophy and Yoga CWSA 13 (2) here
This is the second talk on CWSA 13, focused especially on writings on the rebirth and law of karma plus the last prose writings on the Supramental Manifestation.

Patriot Underground Episode 152 here
War on Unvaxxed Intensifies
Worldwide Resistance to Medical Tyranny Exploding
Rogan Interview Captivates The World
White Hat Controlled MSM Admits FBI Role in Jan. 6th FF
Maxwell Trial Was Just the Appetizer
Military Buildup Update

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 5.1.2022:    here

Judy Note
Today Tues. 4 Jan. (on their Wed. 5 Jan.) Australian Bankers were given permission to release monies in Paymaster accounts for their access to the Global Currency Reset. 
That release of GCR funds was moving East to West.
The (Texas-based) United States Treasury, under the (yet to be announced) new Restored Republic, has delivered the new Rainbow Currency to banks, and it would be ready for public distribution by Wed. 5 Jan.
If this payout moved forward as expected, then notification would be sent out for Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) to make exchange/ redemption appointments by Thurs. 6 Jan. or Fri. 7 Jan. and at the latest by Sat. 8 Jan.
Fri. 7 Jan. through Mon. 17 Jan. would be the Ten Days of Darkness.
With this GCR normal Banking practices where the bank had control of an individual’s monies would end, while new banking regulations would be in place that gave power to The People to handle their own gold/asset-backed monies on the Quantum Financial System.
The Deep State was preparing a major False Flag Event for January. The Alliance was going to let it happen in order to Red Pill the general public, though they remained in charge of Events.
The USSR was back in, while Communism was out. Khazarian Mafia was out. The People of United Soviet Republic now had a New Constitution based on the Articles of Freedom – the same as the US Constitution.
The Chinese Communist Party would end. The CCP was in default, bankrupt, kaput, gone and would be replaced with a new Eastern Union of Sovereign Nation States.
Borders of countries all over the world were changing.
The Sovereign Republic of the United States of North America, including all of Canada (with Quebec and Nova Scotia), the US and Mexico, will be forming a new Union of States. Territories will also include Australia and New Zealand. 
Hawaii was rejecting the US takeover and declaring itself a Sovereign Nation.
Every National of every free nation would receive a basic income check.
The Quantum Banking System under the New Starlink Satellite Internet, was set to start on Thurs. 20 Jan, 2022.
The Corporate US Government throughout all the US and territories would step down. The elected officials exit and new elections would take place.  
The First (Public) Constitutional Convention in Texas will be held as quickly as possible, electing a new and much smaller government according to the Original Restored Constitution of 1776. 
This affects the scheduled Supreme Court hearing, set to begin on January 7th on the Covid 19th Unconstitutional Mandates. All of these cases become obsolete immediately. 

Normal Banking Will Be Ended:
It’s all changing and starting right now. Unraveling the fiat US dollar from the global stage, replacing it with the new Sovereign, Gold-backed USN. New Money, new banking rules, will be announced all over the world. Digital Currency, backed by hard assets – gold, silver, oil, gemstones, in-ground assets, all verified by appropriate authorities; will be taking Center Stage. Banks all over the world that can’t meet Basel 3 requirements will be either merged or nationalized. There is no center ground. FDIC laid the groundwork here in the United States and now the push is on.

Borders All Over the World Will Be Changing:
Putin spelled it all out over the past few days when Russia took Center Stage in his beautiful speeches, starting with his 4.5 hour Q&A with the Press. Urgent: Putin submits draft to State Duma on Russian Citizenship, granting Putin power to award simplified Russian citizenship to citizens of #Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia and Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
The USSR is back in. Communism is out. Khazarian Mafia is out. The People of United Soviet Republic now have a New Constitution, based on the Articles of Freedom, same as the US Constitution. It’s a Brave New World, not to be confused with the Eugenicists New World Order.
The Sovereign Republic of the United States of North America, including all of Canada (with Quebec and Nova Scotia), the US and Mexico, will be forming a new Union of States. Territories will also include Australia and New Zealand. 
This (yet to be announced) union will have a new currency. For right now, the US (fiat) dollar, represented by a bankrupt (US INC.) government, is not accepted in any transaction. 
The (Texas-based) United States Treasury, under the (yet to be announced) new Restored Republic, has delivered the new RAINBOW CURRENCY to banks, and it will be ready for distribution, (yet to be announced) tomorrow Wed. 5 Jan. Yes, it’s here now. We don’t have long to wait. So much is changing so fast, and all happening right now.
The Chinese Communist Party Will End. In a FREE SOCIETY Communism must end. There can only be government by free and fair election. Rule by intimidation, by fiat, by Gestapo; is ended. The CCP which owns 50% of every large company in China, is now Bankrupt. EVERGRANDE did the deed handily. The Chinese Government is unable to meet its hundreds of billions of dollars of debt owed to creditors/shareholders and now, in great shame, has to GO AWAY.  Fake news in Hong Kong is reporting that trading in the shares of the ailing Chinese real estate group Evergrande has resumed with Evergrande valuation climbing 2.5 percent Tuesday. Trading in the shares was halted on Monday pending price-sensitive information. Evergrande (and the CCP as 50% owner) is burdened with a huge debt burden and already missed payments in December. This announcement of CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY (Inc. – another fake corporation assigned under the Vatican), is in default, bankrupt, kaput, gone. To be replaced with a new Eastern Union of Sovereign Nation States.

Every National of Every Free Nation Will Receive a Monthly Check:
Universal Basic Income has been discussed in many venues. What’s not discussed is “where is this money coming from?” Those of us in this RV GCR understand. The amount of “money” required to pay for this monthly stipend is like a particle of sand in the desert. There’s enough money to manage this today and forever. 
We will see this managed easily through New Digital Banking Accounts, established in each Free Union of States. We’re on the cusp of this movement and it’s needed to aid in this banking transition. This money for everyone’s benefit managed via the Quantum Banking System under the New Starlink Satellite Internet, is set to start January 20, 2022. 

The (Corporate) Government Throughout All United States and Its Territories Will All Step Down:
This is NESARA and must happen, same as we saw in Russia. The elected officials exit and new elections take place. The departure of the Biden Administration must be done right, leaving no stone unturned, and harming no innocents. 
The First (Public) Constitutional Convention in Texas will be held as quickly as possible, electing a new and much smaller government according to the Original Restored Constitution of 1776. This affects the scheduled Supreme Court hearing, set to begin on January 7th on the Covid 19th Unconstitutional Mandates. All of these cases become obsolete immediately.

Whiplash347: The Deep State is setting a major False Flag Stage for Jan. and the White Hats will let the Event happen:
Shock wave Events will trigger mass Red Pilling. Sometimes you use the enemies plan against them. Other times you steal their play book. Fourth generation (counter) warfare begins. Whatever the FBI/CIA is planning is being recorded by several agencies and the underground Cables are hot. After the January Deep State Staged Events, expect Obama’s Third Administration (Biden Chinese Communist Party Regime Administration) to increase war efforts (try to trigger with Russia escalates). It’s all for the cover up for the end January Deep State False Flag Event which will backfire to a Mass Awakening. Those who don't see the war will begin to see.

Biden Clone:
In the next three weeks expect the Actor/Clone Biden to make even weirder statements – intentional shock for the sheep. Crash. What I'm told is that the Biden clone is told to make a scene and to cause Panic for his own party and MSM must watch. White Hats controlling Biden. We are almost there, folks.

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 4.1.2022:    here

What We Think We Know as of Mon. 3 Jan. 2022:
History as we know it has been whitewashed and altered by the Cabal.
The Cabal was composed of Global and Political Elites in US Inc., the Crown and Vatican who in a quest for power, worshipped Satan through Pedophilia and Child Sacrifices.
The Q movement was formed under President JF Kennedy and has since grown to encompass hundreds of world leaders in a powerful Alliance lead by the US Military that answered to President Trump. 
The Alliance was formed to take down the Cabal and implement the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/ GESARA and freedom for The People worldwide.
When President Trump first took office he hired US Attorney General from Utah John Huber and 740 investigators who have since filed in federal courts across the nation, over 230,000 sealed indictments charging Crimes Against Humanity against Global and Political elites.
Those indictments were in the process of being unsealed, with mass arrests and Military Tribunals taking place at GITMO, the US Capitol and other locations across the world.
The Vatican through Epstein controlled and ran International Child Sex Trafficking.
The FBI has interviewed alleged Boy Ritualistically Raped Survivor of Freemason Bill Clinton – only one of thousands of world leaders involved in Satan worship.
Obama Care was found to be established for one reason: Child Trafficking.
ISIS was the creation of the Cabal’s US Inc. and Israel under the Obama Administration.
The Cabal has controlled the weather with HAARP.
Last week the Alliance took over the Cabal’s CERN CIA Headquarters beneath Geneva Lake in Switzerland – and completed more arrests. The world's largest particle accelerator, the Hadron Collider (LHC) located at CERN, will start operating with double power in March 2022 after a three-year break.
With the main function of the World Health Organization being to make money for pharmaceutical companies, they have controlled the information going to doctors and their patients – which has nothing to do with better health of the public.
The US Supreme Court has cancelled universal vaccinations after Fauci and Big Pharma failed to prove all vaccines over the past 32 years were safe for public health. 
Vaccines have been found to contain toxic ingredients that have been linked to Autism, Cancer, Heart Attacks, Blood Clotting and Death. 
Bill Gates was behind the Ebola vaccination and worldwide depopulation agenda.
Aids was a manmade virus. 
COVID was manmade and not a virus, with US taxpayer dollars paying for the development of CV-19 under Obama and Dr. Fauci.
Our food was full of chemicals and drugs.
Cancer was cureable: 42 years ago, the cure for cancer was discovered.
The Federal Reserve owns America. JFK was killed because he was trying to take down the Federal Reserve. 9/11 was an inside job resulting from trying to take down the Federal Reserve and implement GESARA/NESARA.
The Global Currency Reset and GESARA/NESARA has been activated, which meant that all bank monies had to be backed by gold, or the bank would be closed.
The Chinese Communist Party, Vatican, Crown and US Inc. were behind 2020 Election Fraud that was actually won by Trump with an over 80% vote.
The US has been under Military Law since Nov. 3 2020, with the Military answering to Trump. This was allowed in order to catch Political Elites in crimes against Humanity since Obama had pardoned them before he left office. 
Dr. Malone recently visited the popular podcaster Joe Rogan. He suggested that the United States is in the midst of "the formation of mass psychosis": "Our government is out of control," Malone said. "They are doing lawlessness. They completely ignore bioethics. They completely ignore the federal general rule. They have violated all the rules that I know about, which I have been taught for many years (...) These mandates are clearly illegal and clearly do not comply with the Nuremberg Code, they clearly contradict the Belmont Report (...) They are absolutely illegal, and they don't give a damn about it."
Dr. Stephane Gaye, doctor at the Strasbourg University Hospital, infectious disease specialist: "We know perfectly well that there are thousands of deaths. There are very serious side effects: paralysis of the lower extremities, strokes... This is serious, unheard of, I am more than outraged, this is a scandal. At the same time, pharmaceuticals is not responsible for this."
In coming days the Alliance will release Crimes Against Humanity in the largest Military Operation in the history of humanity that was being conducted throughout the planet – much bigger than World War II. The days ahead will change the world.
“When all is exposed 98% of Washington DC will fall.” …Julian Assange
Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 DUMB Tunnel Cleanout in full swing. Unusual amount of earthquakes for the last 48 hours. Hyperloops in the tunnels are connecting the DUMBS worldwide.
BREAKING Mon. morning 3 Jan. 2022: New Jersey has just declared a state of emergency for 5 counties: Washington DC, Maryland and parts of NJ are under a Winter storm warning:
Evergrande comes under Trump Executive Order 13848: Foreign Election Interference. They have been paying for your rigged elections worldwide and were run by the Crown & their Intelligence Agencies: CIA, Mossad, Mi5, Blackrock & Vanguard.
The Crown has had their Assets seized and they crumbling right in front of you even thou it's done. In Feb/March 2019 The UK Royals had their powers stripped. In the middle of the year the 1871 Act of England was reversed. November 28 was the day the Queen went to hospital and all Royal Assets were seized. This means the whole Commonwealth & Gold etc. The following day was Operation London Bridge. See attack on the bridge. Narwhal Tusk = Prince of Wales. Queen was dead since Nov/Dec 5 2019.
China has managed to accumulate more than half of the world's corn and other grain reserves, which has led to a sharp increase in prices across the planet.
The US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigic and the head of the US Federal Aviation Administration Steve Dixon asked AT&T and Verizon to postpone the planned deployment of fifth-generation high-speed mobile networks (5G) on January 5 due to possible risks to aviation.
An interim report on the verification of stolen elections in Texas at the first stage has been published - it shows 700 thousand registered voters who are not eligible to vote.
The mobile operator T-Mobile removes links to conservative articles if you send them by text message.
The number of journalists participating in White House briefings has been reduced to fourteen socially distanced reporters due to concerns about Omicron.
More than 4,000 flights were canceled on New Year's Weekend due to staff shortages caused by Omicron and Biden's vaccination mandates.
Subscribe to Rocky News:

Global Economic Collapse:
Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 Chinese Real Estate Giant Evergrande Shares Suspended from Hong Kong Market:
China Three Gorges Corporation is going to come crashing down. …Whiplash347
Former Twitter director Jack Dorsey: "Bitcoin will soon replace dollars."

International Child Sex Trafficking:
Bono, Lebron James, Sean Penn & Leonardo Dicaprio all tie to HAITI Child Trafficking. Now Think Kobe Bryant in Federal Witness Protection Program.
Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded the Clinton Foundation two million for conservation "Oceans 5"?
Sun. 2 Jan. South Africa found to be one massive DUMB system. Lots of “earthquakes” in the last 30 days. Heavy human/child trafficking has been going on there. There are multiple Epstein-type islands there as well. Oprah’s school was grooming girls to be trafficked — all being exposed & cleansed. This is the hotspot of the Underworld Fire rages South Africa's historic Parliament complex:

Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
"I'm going to tell you three things that you should remember: (1.) As soon as the government acquires power, it never lets it go voluntarily. (2.) Any power that the government acquires by using this pandemic as an excuse, it will eventually use with maximum efficiency. (3.) No one has been able to get out of totalitarianism yet. Every time you comply, the requirements get tougher.
“We must decide here and now that this is the hill on which we must die. They came for our work, they came for our transport, now they will come for our children. We, as parents, are obliged to protect them. There has never been a government in history that has said to its people: we will demand that children sacrifice themselves and take risks to save the elderly. Everything always happens the other way around. Old, mature, adults always put themselves at risk to protect their children. This is an ethical issue. It's a moral issue. It's a question of the character of each of us."


Patriot Underground Episode 151 here
Joe Rogan/Dr. Malone Interview Breakdown
Secret Space Base on Antarctica
RV Update
Big Events Expected This Week
Vaccine Analysis

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 3.1.2022:    here

The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination:

Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens! BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has canceled universal vax - best news here
The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr :
“The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.
The Coronavirus Vaccine is not a vaccine. It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies. Not even a coronavirus vaccine! It is not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines”. Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein.
That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Genetic bioweapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs! Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way.
Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!
This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because damage caused by vaccination will be genetically irreversible.
Vaccination – Bio-weapons of genocide of the 21st century. Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeedon has once again expressed his position that it is too late now to save those who have been injected with a substance publicly called “the Covid-19 vaccine.” He encourages those who have not yet received the lethal injection to fight for their lives, those around them and the lives of their children.
The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority of people: “Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks. The average life expectancy of survivors will be a maximum of two years, but it also decreases with each new “injection”.
“Additional vaccines are still being developed to cause deterioration in certain organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. After two decades at Pfizer, Professor Yedon was familiar with the functions and research and development goals of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and states that the ultimate goal of the current “vaccination” regime can only be a massive demographic event that will make all world wars put together, like Mickey’s staging Mouse.
“Billions of people have already been sentenced to certain, inevitable and painful death. Anyone who receives the injection will die prematurely, and three years is a generous estimate of how long they can survive.”


We The People News: SITUATION UPDATE 1/2/22 here

Judy Byington Report, excerpt, 2.1.2022:    here

Judy Note: “They Flipped the Switch: Global Reset, GESARA/NESARA activated! It’s time! It's happening! The switch has been turned. It all started in London” …Q

The Cabal’s US Inc, Crown, Vatican and their Central Banks now dead.

“Midnight Fri. Dec. 31 London’s Big Ben bell didn't ring. They turned the switch like in V for Vendetta. Then the complete system and power structure collapse. Kaboom! This marker means they flipped the switch! We are FREE now! Awesome news for Q Anons and People. The corrupt dictatorial Globalist power structures has been turned OFF. January 1st is Basel 3 London deadline. Means all banks needs to be backed by Gold or they will close. So they activate the new QFS Quantum Financial System backed by Gold. Happy New Year! It all starts now in 2022! It's a new beginning. Global RESET GESARA NESARA Activated! The People victory!  Commonwealth Game Over! Congratulations everyone. 

“The harvest is them committing the crimes in plain sights for us to see and to caught, collect them all, go after them and suing them for their crimes, and then arresting them all at the same time with indictments and warrants. They are ALL going down so fast right now. Watch the show! You will love how this movie ends. The revolution is NOT televised but the revelations will be. Right now military tribunals are secret and hidden. But soon it will all be revealed to public.” …Trump+Q Great Awakening World.

White Hats are in Control.
Your money is safe in the bank and will be transferred to the new Metal Backed Treasury Notes worth more than it does now.
A Black Swan Event will create the biggest Stock Market crash in human history. So better get out now, leave your money in the bank, buy gold and silver, or buy cryptos like XRP and XLM by the new CBDCs ISO20022 US regulated Basel 3 compliant (Backed by Gold).
Phase IV is the End Game. There is no Step 5. The End. Q 
We’re taking over this year. …El Donaldo Trumpo



Patriot Underground Episode 150 here

Sri Aurobindo "Savitri": The World Redeemer (MS13) Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri here
Today's talk from "The Message of Savitri" series is based on Book 6 Canto 2, which reveals the difficulty of the Inconscient that opposes God's plan for earth and man.

Patel Patriot - Devolution Power Hour - Clif High Interview here

Judy Byington Special Report, excerpt, 31.12.2021:    here

Judy Note: The corrupt Cabal US Inc. ended their vile reign and control of US Taxpayer monies on Fri. 31 Dec. All banks not Basil 3 compliant (have gold to back their fiat US Dollar) would lose their license.

The Constitutional US Republic would begin on Sat. 1 Jan. 2022, along with the Emergency Broadcast System takeover of Mainstream Media throughout the world. 

On Jan. 1 2022 the Global Currency Reset was official and the start of NESARA/ GESARA for The People of the globe, plus 1 Jan. was also the deadline for gold and asset-backed currency including the US Note, to be at a 1:1 with each other in all 209 participating nations.

Sat. 15 Jan. 2022 The 45th President Donald J. Trump would hold a Rally in Florence Arizona with Live Entertainment entitled And They Rise from the Ashes. Whiplash347:“Could this be the Concert of a Lifetime that we have been waiting to see? Sounds like a celebration to me! I have never seen a rally where President Trump had live entertainment....anyone else? Can't wait to see this concert: Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Whitney Houston, Tupac, John Lennon and many more. Everything is ready to explode!” 

Now that Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted in her sex-trafficking trial speculation is growing that she may try to cut a deal and become a government witness in any broader investigation into the elite social circle of her ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein.

CIA: Origin of the term Conspiracy Theorist. There is an old CIA memo from 1967 to all bureau chiefs around the world. This memo is the source of the phrase “Conspiracy Theorist.” After the Warren commission published its conclusions about Kennedy’s assassin, books were published casting doubt about the report’s conclusions. The CIA instructed its agents to quash all debate by labeling anyone asking questions as Conspiracy Theorists. What was the CIA so afraid of?  What’s wrong with questions and debate?  What were they trying to hide? Why is it that anyone who questions the nature of COVID-19, potential treatments and concerns about vaccines is labeled a Conspiracy Theorist?


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Information, 31.7.2020 - 18.11.2021

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